Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1888, p. 5

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Newmmket .\ H mm .. K i n-.' . ‘3 rrmrnxn Elm... runmnm Wanton . . . . Davenport. Pnrkdnle. TORONTO ORONTG. Citv Hall I'Mnn .......... H k'Sneet Farm 10 ..... Davun] rt 'oVauM-) I‘hnrnh‘ll. mrmrmm «HILL Kim: ..... .. Aul'nrun. Newmarket. Connects with all mum. leaving H :Ilso Richmon ‘Hill. M follows: MM’ Q Ex uress.horth & South ..... Annnmmm Mien “ “ Mall & Express North & South... PROCTOR’sâ€"sfiea LINE. Until im'ther notice Mnigwm be closed M. the Richmond Hill Font Office as followuâ€" Monsmo :â€"Gnina North. acnth East and West». includinu Thnmbill, Maple. Toronto, Markham , kc. 7.45 Ivnxma :â€"Going southnst and West. (as almve\ . N. Bm-Benistered Letters must he handed in M has}, Ffigeen Minnng gin-“er than the (move mentioned 1101755 for cinsillg. fixermmm HILL, Thursday. Dec. 27. '88 Victoria Square correspondence not insert- ed, as no signature was attached. Christmas is coming 1 Get your varier of candies at Mrs. Harrison's. Do nofiorVget Mason sells cheap stoves. All kind ofl' hardware and tmware, cheap, at C. Mason‘s. New Year‘s is at hand ! Suppiy your- selves with beautiful cards at Mrs. Harrison‘s Eire (flihcml. Platform scales and tarmers’ agri- cultural Furances at lowest prlces at C. Mason's. Mrs. Har‘ri; (opposite the Masonic Hall) has a complete stock of the newth cards. the finest toys and the newast candies. In a” yuur geniuns don’t. forget. to call at Mun Harrison's, where Santa Claus has a lame asuurcmeut. of Christmas stockings ready filled with gmd things {or the little 008a. The Fire Brigade Band gave several selpcl- Inns outside the hull prior to {he entertain- meul on Tuesday evening. The band is greatly lmpruviua 0! late, which is proved luv the difficult music they render in such good stylm Best selected holénna Raisins 10c. ver 1b.. and best vostxzza Currants we. per 1b.. at the Concrete. Dedication. The new Presbyterian church. 7th conces- sion of Vaughan. will be opened on the 13th and 14th 0! January. Sermons on Sunday by eminnut ministers. :-'ol|nw~ d by a bot din- ner on Monday. Full particulars next. wevk. Men’s, Youth‘s and Boys Overâ€" coats and suits in great variety at the Concrete. selling now at a dis- count of x2 per cent. Fin: Brigatlc. 'A special meeting of the Fire Brigade Will be held on Friday evening when all com- mittees wiil be expected to report. Arrange- mems will be nnmpleted for the entertain- ment on New Year's night. r‘ninu City Hall Rrhck Street The Concrete has had numerous "\‘SY days but last Monday fat ex- ceeded any iorzuer day in the history 0f the house in the number of cus- Iomers and the amount of busmess dene. ........uu.u.wu , , he Exprens North & Snuth......‘..‘.‘545 p. In. POST DfiiEEâ€"NOTIEE New Year's Arch. The Richmond Hill Presl‘ywfism S. S- in" Null lwlding their Annual Entertainment and New Yeur‘s Arch on Monday evening. Dec. Mat. The mterminment will consist of uddrpsses. recitations. dinlnszues. chnruses. solos. &n. Doors npnn In 7.30 : programme U commence at 8. Admission 15 cents. snue vflice. and shunlu :1 an elevtiou will be held Monday. Nowis your time if vou want vllsh slippers, Ladies and Gems uhber m‘ed ‘G‘O'ix'd'soc'm. , Ex. I 1: Boots, Overshoes and of every description just t R. Siva-‘5. overhvo thou- ars worth to choose from, and cheapest in- town. Sim 8.05 .. 8,15 9.40 Band. M. 'fEEFY. Post/muster. Accom “.45 [L53 11.05 12. w 'Accqm. mg l l .47 12.8! 12518 1‘2. :3 :Lu l .35 l .55 $3 the Palmer the following 7.45 a m x. F. 5:35 0.02 6.08 6. l l 6 .32 6.4 l 7‘45 (L03 6.16 6.35 GAR 0.57 7 .30 7 37 Please bear in mind the supper and enter tainmen! to be given by thv- Fire Brigade on New Years‘ night. Supper will lug served from 5:30 p. m. A grand lurch-ligbtpmcess- ion. hendedhv the Fine brigade Bipd. will marcbwthrough the town and a grandeisplay offireworka will be presented ul-mg thezroute. Alter lhé supper an Interenling prugrumme will be wandered. You can buy at the Concrete House this week lor $5.00 more first class Dry Goods and Crockery than can be procured any place,and get a present worth 625» cents or 60 cents OH in cash, an equal reduction on all purchases. .878. Ex-neighbor Gilmour. lormer proprietor of the Grand Central Hotel, but. now 0! Klein- burg. purposes expanding the capacity of his lungs by taking um a license as auctioneer {or the county of York. Gilbert has already quite a local reputation (or after-supper speeches. and no doubt in his new role be null be able to cope with the western auction- This week at the Concrete House. 17 lbs New Raisins, for $1.00, 22 yds. Grey Cotten. yrd. Wide, for $1, 28 lbs Tllson's Rolled Oats. for $x, 18 lbs. extra good Sugar, for $1.00 40 lbs. Gold Dust Cornmeal, for $1, 35 Boxes good Matches, ior $x.oo, Io Cans (3 lbs.) best Tomatoes, for $1.00. Bought and Sold. One day last. week Mr. Matthew Manir purchased ten ncres of land, belonging to Mr. Andrew Mordeu, about. a quarter 0! a. mile south of this village. Mr. McNair only had the property a few days when be dis- posed of it to Mr. Morgessnn. ol Parkdale Who will dare to say that business in real estate is not. booming in this part of the country I The following oflicers were elected for the ensuing six months to represent Court Rich- mond No. 704G, A. 0. F. :â€"â€"P. C. B.. W. E. Wiley; 0. 1L. 0. Brown; S. C. R.. Thos. Lud- fnrd; treasurer. H. A. Nicholls; secretaryfl. E. Sheppard; S. W., J. Brydon; J. W.. A. Faust, S. 8.; Time. HicksI J. 8.; G. E. Crow, trusteesâ€"A. J. Rupert. J. Blydorrand W. E. Wiley; auditorsâ€"H. F. Hopper, A. J. Hume and W. E. Wiley; medical ofilcer, Dr. W. J. Wilson; endowment. agent. 0. E. Sheppard. Last week a correspfipdent in the Markham Sun devotes about two columns of spaceI in which he refers. in a very vague and indirect manner, to some of the blunders of the present council. As a remedy for the various ills of the township he proposes the name of Mr. Robert Goodyear, of Victoria Square. as a councillor for next year. We do not doubt his ability as a "road-maker." to which the writer alludes, but believe that Mr. Goodyear is too modest to seek for honor in the way pointed out by his eloquent pleudel . Hope Church. On New Year‘s Buy the friends M. Hope purpose holding their nnnuul Dinner and Entm-luinmem. DinnPl' will he served from 4 m 7 p. m. Rev. W. F. Wilson, at formula, will deliver a lecture, taking fur his snhjvcl. “Snags.” Ur. Gilumnr, M.I’.P.. Wlii nec"py the clmir. Music will he furnidned by guod local Lnleul. Tickets 30 cents: lecture alone 20 cents. On the prevmua Snbhatli. Dec. 350th, REV. \V. A. V. E. Puttysun. of Daven- Inconsistent. The York Herald in Its lust issue evident- ly imiuuules that the truslees are moving L'im last for the times. pniming out that the public school taxes next year will be iucreus- ed by three-(«myths of a mill on the dollar, owmg In an increase in the salaries of the teachers. The salaries have oulv been raised $125 altogether, wlwreus a few months aao the Herald recnmmended that. His princinnl's salary nluue be increased from $400 [.0 8600, Some men won't be satisfied. sey gim r u goin’ skaydin‘ tew-dey7 Kuuw i um cuiu‘ tew sea Ku'kby‘s seuhlew. few.g|rIs-IIJHL Hoes got thee dundry mill, fiellebmyted rollrnnu mashveus, gal-ding sicy peur'Lfires and aye hull pyle uf uther nue muslleens. Mu. red i mit-e go flu- she fled she wanted me tew Rea :umtbiug, and thie hill i7. tew amqu fur me tew sen luey Innsheenery and she sed i wuz mew order aye hanul uf Kirkby's 'nngemn flour fur she snis its lhei best. \\'e1l.ilnustuo i in” Iew kut. would fur sund'y w'eu i gilbu'k.--A«1VI. JULIANâ€"GHEâ€"Un Dec. 2am. 1&8. at the res) deuce of the bride's father, bv the Rev. J. 31. SimpsonJohn G Julian E5q.. of Toronto Gore. $0 Miss Elizabeth Gee. of Murkhnm. LANAUâ€" Lm:x»â€"On Dec ‘Jl'utb. [588. at cue M tho. dist. Pmmmge. Richmond Hill. by the EB“. J: M. Sunuson. Mr. Chas. .-L Luunu. to Miss Lulr'emia Lgek. both of Markham. A ‘_ 1“. .k.. at!“ hch at Jnmes Hnmiltnn. whose death was an- nounced in the LIBERAL of last week. was a l native and for many years a resident of‘. Elgin Mills. Mr. Hamilton comnwnced'his [ mercantile career with Mr. Hr-nry Newton. 0! l the ulmVe-nnme'l village. subsequently en- gaging in bu-iness {or bimst at Paisle and l L'xhridue. In the latter place he took u wry neliVS iucerest iu the Presbyterian Church. of which he \vus an elder. He also labored iu the Salllmih scunol. his command to young and old bring "Ra ye nlxu ready," 9 Never of a W-ry rolmfl constitutiunjlr. Hum- iltun srttled in Culifnrnin, with [he hopes of improving hi< hm‘lthnvhen he \vns again en. gum-d in mel work up In ille time of lieull), which louk place (III the lSlh nf Deg, in we thirtysixlh yvar of his Eganâ€"‘90“. ‘ J.).a' 1C: 35. A Lunnu. to Miss' Eulf'vellxlfin-Tglgigothlot Markham. . l Cuugh 3 CI'Uuh 1 Cough : Callgh 1 amp I'E-I'EhBMANâ€"ML‘Gv-‘Ijgmgft;)u tlxlet‘ftb 111513;.“ “mt umgh 3 1 can)! get any m“ at ML .tew'l one r.8'i (1181‘. y e 7;. .‘ Revfgf‘cesggonJlr. Hen‘y “'eclev l‘eper-i Are Y‘m “film’Pv D""d I 1““; Mme": Ina-n.0fVaugbBu.tOMiss Sarab'C.acllrrlne.t bring me annther c-vld Laue anoe :fllaeféfihzughoiréltglgéohn McGl'lIVm)‘. of i Cullgh Cure “I” certainly cure any furm ‘ On“, a g ' “f cull} Nu hvuse shunuld be withnnv it. DBA'I‘IIS | Suld at Dilerth'a D'nu Store, next Nip- Flsmmâ€"A: her maideucefiaucord. on S‘mdsYN 'Nm... Hate! Kin" St E'tat Toronto (I. ~51 t . ‘ ch beloved wile or ' F - ‘ " ' ‘ ’ ' i‘iPhii, “lube ' Only 20 cents. wili deliver Sermons at 2 and 6.30 13.111. MiChuel Fisher. “ Licensed ko Sell. " Death of James Hamilton. N ew Year's’ N I’ght. The Boys“ Christmas. Court Rxchmond. A Suggestion. MAHRI AGES The concert given Christmas night by the Band of Hope was a decided success, and the Committee of Management deserve are-t praise forgiving to the public such an inter- esting entertainment. Everyone was Well satisfied and were greatly surprised that the committee in such a short time should bring to .a successful Issue a programme of this kind. The first part of programme was taken up by recitations. choruses. tableaux. etc.; the second Was the hit of the evening. "The Temperance Picnic," and truly the children seemed to enjoy themselves as thoroughly r'as if they were verily in the woods under the blue canopy of heavan. The scenery was painted by the master- hand of \V.-A. Sanderson, and showed that this gentleman possesses great skill in this art. The parts executed were done so well by all that it is ditiicult to particularize and for us to do justice to all the performers space will not permit. so we will content our- selves by mentioning Only a few. Miss Sadie Morgan recited the opening ode and displa ed good elocntionary powers. Miss Edith TreVethan greeted the audience on be- half of the band. and delighted the hearers by the composure and easy manner of ran- deriug the;piece, Several other choruses and recitations were given and the scenery was changed for the picnic. The second part was opened by Miss May Simpson, who represented'Old Mother Merry Heart, or the Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe, and she displayed a truly motherly feeling to all her adopted children, feeding them with sweet- meats and other daiuties, and appearing to devote as much time to one as the other. She deplored the loss of her wandering b N. and sang very efiectivelv “Where is My Wandering Boy To-night." Afterwards her boy returns. and very touching was the scene between them. Master Reuben Glass repre- sented the Wandering Boy. and did his prrt excellently. Mother Merry-Hearts' adopwd children included all nations and races, such as negroesI Chinameu. Germans, etc. Mas. ter Percy Powell, as a negro, rendered a song in true negro style, and was loudly encored; he nohly sustained his part throughout. Master Will 'l'rencb, as Chinaman. could not be beaten. and if at any time Will gets lost he can easily assume the role of Chinaman and derive the benefits therefrom. Master Her- bert Sanderson and Joe Keefler did well 7.) their respective parts. as a German and an Irishman. We must not forget to make mention of the water spirits and wood nixas. who were respectively led by Miss Eva Jewel and Miss Susie Trench, who had each five followers dressed in suitable costumes and carrying wreaths of flowers for head move- ments with great precision, time with feet avd voice being well kept by all. King A'. ohol was hanged and Old Nick 0' Time was buried Master Alfred Wiley, acting as haugman, and six boys of the band acting as grave-diggers. Miss Wiley acted as accom- panist on the organ in her usually good style. W. D. Atkinson and J. H. Sanderson sc‘ed as stage-managers. with Messrs. Wm. 'l‘reuch and W. Atkinson, senior. ushers. Proceeds nearly $60- Oh ! my cams are the plague of my life. I don‘t intend to put. in such anâ€" other week, if I know it. Thos. Johnsnn says he got a. box of Chinese Corn Salve and it. took them out in three applicatiuus without pain. he says n. can be got at Dilxvnlth’s Drug Sture. 170 King St. E . 'l'urnntu, fur ten cents a box, and he \viH send it, to you bv mail without extra: 'l'urnntn, for ten send it. to you ' charge. Mrs. Dvsmond, of New York. is the of Mrs. J. PJImer. Mr. T. H. Reddiu, hmui‘mm-ter of the Aurora High School, is spending part of his holidays with his sisters here. l DANGEROUS CUUNTERFEITS. ~Cmmter- I felts are always annual-nus, more so that. l they always clnsely ImTATu THE: ORIGINAL I IN APPEARANCE AND NAME The remark- } able Succesa achievul by Nasal Balm us a ' positive cure fur Cuturrh and Culd in lhu l Hand has induced unprincipled parties tn ‘ immue it. The public are cautinned not tn be deceived by nostmms imitating Nasal Bulm in name and appearance, hearing such names us Nasal GreasyNusal Balsam, «to. Ask fur Nasal Balm and 9 do nut tnku imitation denlurs may urge “pun ym'l, For sale by all drxxguists or sent Dust-paid on receipt vf price (50c. or Sl) hy addressing h‘ulfurd & Cm, Brock- ‘ Mrs. J. Rupert and Mrs. Dr. Rupert, Toronto, are spending the week with Mrs. J. Rupert. ' {\Iesers. R. Langstafi'. J. SkPele and F. and H. McCouughy, students, TOlOIJIO, spent Christmas. in the village. Mr. E. E. Law, School tenchpr, Gibson, cnunty of Simcoa. is spending his vacatinu with his parents here. Mr. Sylvpster Savage and wife were the guests of their son P. G. Savage on Christ.- mas. Mrs. F. Lawrence with her son is spend- ing a few days in the vlllnge and is the guest of her mother-in-luw. Mrs. J. Lawxeuce. A. Coulter. J. D. Coulter, Marshal Brown, G. Snvuge from Toronto spent. Christmas in the village. A. Kirkland. M. Grain. and W. Me. Lnughlan of Woodstock paid a short visit. to friends here. Mr. Geo. Derry. of and child returnml y‘ Chrisnnns with Mr. ‘ Ville. Unt SATURDAY. Den. fluxâ€"Cash sale of household furniture, curpenbers cools. M3,. nlsn a. house and lot on But ‘2}. 5th Con, West Yin-k. the properly of the late Wm. lluymou. 511.18 at 1 o'clock. Alex. “luck. Auctioneer. Larval-Lies gamut: the“ bills printed at this onice will receive a. notice similar to the above mm: as CHARGE PERSONALS. Band of Hope. Dorry.of Woodstock with w}! aturuml ynsh‘rday after spend“. vith Mr. G. Wiley. Sale Register guest flaming FROM Business iHaVing resolved to retire from bus- {iness, takes this means of showing (his gratitude to his numerous friends i and patrons by offering his 1large and. iattraotive stool: of Dry Goods and. iCrookery at cost, 00 mmenoing on CLEARING SALE DEGEE-‘E IST, 1888, And continuing for Thirty J. His stock of GROCEBIES Will be kept Well assorted during that time, and Will be sold at the Closest cash price. TO THE Electors of the T0. of Markham A. FORSTER, NOMINATION, MONDAY. DEC. 3m. 1888. ELECTION, MONDAY, JAN. 7th, 1889. H. B. SCHMIDT, NOMINATIUN, MONDAY. DEC. 31m, 1888. ELECTION, MONDAY, JAN. 7th, 1889. J. E. GOULD, NOMINATION. MONDAY. DEC. 313:, 1888. ELEC'FLON, MONDAY, JAN. 7th, 188‘.) YOUR VOTE 8; INFLUENCE YOUR VOTE & INFLUENCE YOUR VOTE & INFLUENCE For the Township of Markhamior 1889. AS 2ND DEPUTY-REEVE For the Township of Markham for 1889 For the Township of Markham for 1889. AS 151: DEPUTY REEVE 1901?, RIC 1‘3 X'IC ISAAC CROSBY, ARE RESPEQVTI’ULLY SOLICITED FOR ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOB. ARE RESPE1‘TFULLY SOLICITED FOR GREAT 7T‘T1T‘LT'.

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