Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1888, p. 7

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Isaiah V. Williamson, who has given one-sixth of his fortune of $15,000.- 000 to establish the Free School cf Mechani- cal Trades, and intends to double his gift if the money shall be needed, has been one of Philadelphia’s most energetic capitalists and philanthropists for years. He has remained a bachelor all his life, and now in his eighty- fiith year he has founded an institution which, like Girard College, will always re- main an enduring monument to his princely liberality and the high purpose for which it was founded. Mr. Williamson is of Quaker origin and was born in Bucks County in 1803. His father was a hard-working farmer in that section, and the son in early life became imbued with those economical principles that in later years enabled him to roll up his im- mense fortune It is said or him that the guiding principle in his money-making ven- tures has been not to do a thing to-day that can just as well be done to-morrow. To this he attributes his success in the commercial world. He used to be fond of rational amuse- ments, and for twenty years spent every sum- mer at Sarato%a. Thongh an old man, he was passionate v fond of dancing, and was always on the floor at the fashionable balls and hops at that famous watering place. He was never at a loss for a partner, for he was known to everybody at Ssratoga as “ the rich bachelor from Philadelphia." In personal appearance Mr. Williamson is rather a small man, weighingI about 139 pounds. He has a very pleasant face. and some people say his features are somewhat of a feminine cost. He has a bright eye and his whole countenance is suggestive of firm- ness and diciaive character. “ The Duchess" is a Mrs. Hungerford, who iives in one of the most beautiful homes in all Ireland. She has earned a handsome competency With her pen, and anything she chooses to write is sure to bring her a oom- fortahle sum in return. Her Erin home is one of singular taste and richness. for the teller of so many stories is also a careful housekeeper and manager. She has an in- teresting family, who help to make her home a cheerful and a desirable place. As to the reading public she is simply “ The Duchess,” so to her neighbors she is simply Mrs. Hung- erford, and it is said that many of them do not know to-day that the pleasant visitor at their homes is the author of the stories which are on their tables and on the shelves of their bookcases. She is strangely sensitive on this point and never assumintes her nom de plume with her identity where it can be avoided. Personally the author is a most charming woman and her company is sought on all oc~ casions by a large circle of friends. She is fond of young people and courts their society whenever possible. In various parts of China there is a belief that the souls of very atrocious criminals' who have either been executed or died in prison. are sent back from Hsdes by Yenlo, the judge there. to undergo a further term of imprisonment, one death not being enough to expiste their crimes. When the second term of imprisonment is judged to have ex- pired the district magistrate beseeches the tutelsry deity of the city to accompany him to the prison in order to acquaint the ghost with his release. The order is supposed to reach the imprisoned by burning it, a cere- mony which is solemnly carried out in the gsol. On August 19 last the district magis- trate of the city of Soochow had placards posted up inviting subscriptions of imitation money ‘or the ghosts then in the city gnol. This was all duly burned and thus converted into currency which would be useful to the ghosts on the long Jonrney before them, The most illustrious victim of the mass- acre of St. Bartholemew is soon to have a and monument near the Louvre. Admiral ‘ ligny will stand on a cenotaph, with his right hand clasped and held to his breast, his left on the pummel of his sword Symboli- cal female figures oi Patriotism and Bell- gion are seated at the foot of the cenota h, with a large open Bible between them. be three statues are by Cranck. On the oeno- taph is the sentence from Montesqniesâ€" " Admiral Coligny was assassinated with nothing but the glory of the State in his heart.” A plaque setting forth that Coliany once lived there has been affixed to 144 Rue de Rivoli. a aufl'erer =,from rheumatism, and began to write as a solace in enforced solitude. She rewrote her famous novel six times. and such persistent painstaken is worth considering u a factor in her success, and is a rebuke to the average hurried, slipshod method. There is one reform at the White House that Mrs. Harrison, it is said, is determined to cfi‘ectâ€"the exclusion of decollete toilets. There will be no more displays of bare arms and bosoms at the Executive Mansion, and if the Goddess of Liberty expects to be on good terms with the Harrison family she must assume a. more modest garment than her present split skirt. Mrs. Margaret Dslsnd, author of “ John Ward, Preacher,” lives in Boston. She is, however, a native of Pennsylvania. She is about thirty, has a. fair, round face, full of: fine intelligence and bonholmig She has been The case of M. Cheufl'et, a Frenchman, is attracting medical attention in London. On one occasion last year. he slept contin- uously for thirteen days and a half, andI at the latest advices from England, he was lying asleep at the Alexandra Palace, hav- ing fallen into a sort of trance six days be- fore. His appearanceia generally normal, but at times his limbs are set; in uncommon rigidity, No respiration is peroegtible, and {page I! a constant twitching o the eye- 1 There iunow not much room for doubt that Germany will shortly be driven to adopt vigorous measures against the natives of East Africa who have been mak- ing such short work of the German Colonize. tdon Company. The martin! spirt of Bis- marck and the Reichsmg in being aroused. The old angryz ao_fsmili'n‘r in the history of English colonization, m, it: is not unliEely, be repeated. The enterprise begun by private individuals for commercial pur- poses will develop into anstional expeditinn with conquest and daminetion as its results. The blunders of the Company and the in. Innection thereby provoked hsvs paved the way for military occupation and appropria- tion. Present indications seem to point to the Sultan of Zanzibar as the first victim. Imprisoned Ghosts. MEN AND WOMEN. A Great Sleeper. The soldier has the rush and excitement of battle to spur him on to brave deeds ; the spy has before him the possibility of an ignominious death. He must meet peril alone, and in cold blood. The soldier’s brave service may be the result of a sort of physi‘ cal courage, while that of the spy must: be the result; of moral courage. As America has honored a spy in the per- son of Nathan Hale, it is distinguished as the first nation to institute a. full trial by court-martial of the spies of an enemy. Pre- vious to this, it. had bePn customary to send spies to the gallows, as Nathan Hale was sent: merely upon the order of a commander-in- chief. When he had seen nndftaken note of every- thing, hedisappeared, and returned to N apol- eon’s headquarters. Hia'information proved of great service to his country, and it: was proposed to the Emperor to decorate the man with the cross of the Legion of Honor. with the cross of the Le ion of Honor. “no, indeed, " said apoleon. “ I did not establish the Legion of Honor to reward services of that kind.” In opposition to the doctrine laid down by Vettel and Napoleon, it me) be urged that the very possibility of dishonorable death, and the knowledge that a. spy'a sexvice may be regarded as “ beneath a. man of honor, “ may render the voluntary performance of this duty more an act of bravery than the mtgt daring service on the battlefield. A generous supply of good pure water is an absolute necesalty in profitable dairying. Putter tohave surplus of hay than not enough. You cannot foretell how severe. the winter may be. He cMFied out his plan so skillfully that no one suspected that he was not a genuine English officer ; and as the English were in alliance with the Germans, he was taken through all the fortifications, and given every item of information that he wanted. But he gave the spy five thousand dollars in_money. _ _ Whpn the horse shies at some object, stumbles, do not whip him. Help nim stand, and show him the folly of his fear. When he arrived at that city, he found the German garrison expecting the arrival of an English general. The spy was able to speak the English language perfectly well, and it occurred to him that it would be an excellent plan for him to impersonate this English general. Following this idea, the French have always had a certain repugnance b0 spies, even their own. The story is told that, at the time of Napoleon I., a French spy was charged with making 3 plan of the fortificw sions of Mayence. Burnb corn is a. most excellent: thing to feed to poultry, and is far superior to wood charcoal, which, however, has wonderful effect: in promoting the health of the fowls. “ Drainage,” says a communication in the American Cultivator, “marks the lines be- tween swamp and grain field, between swale and grassy meadows, between mosquito lanmtioneand pleasant orchards and groves, tween unprofitable 3nd profitable agricul- ture." The duck should have a. dry floor in win- ter. Some persons are under the summat- tion that water is jus'. what the duck re quires, and that: dampness is no injury. but; the fact is when it is compelled to remain durin the night on damp ground, it becomes ohilleg and gets out of condition. More diseases among fowle than many im- agine are directly due to the presence of lice, which, by sapping the vitality of the fowl, and by causing irritation and uneasi- ness, render the By stem easily susceptible to the germs of disease. Good health is the .beat preventive of disease, and good health la 1313er dependent upon freedom from vex-mm. Vattael, the author of the “Law of Nations," says that “ a man of honor, who would not expose himself to die by the hand of the common executioner, ever declines serving as a spy ; he considers it beneath him. as it seldom can be done without some kind of treachery. A sovereign, therefore, cannot lawfully require such a service of subjects, except, perhaps, in some singular case, and_that of the last importance.” Hale crossed to the maifiiand in safety, obtained full knowledge of the situation, and set out to return to Washington's camp. He was discovered by the enemy, and banged in New York by the order of Sir William Howe without trial. His last words were, “ I only regret that I have but one life to losifor my country]: But there is no doubt thsf the duty of a spy is commonly re arded as in some sense dishonorable, even y those who take sd- vagtage of it. Spies. Is the serwce of a spy in war honourable? It certainly Cannot be set down as always dishouourable, since some men who have performed it have been regarded as in the highest degree worthy of honor. Nathan Hale, of Connecticut, an American patriot of the highest character, volunteered, after Washington‘s defeat on Long Island, to go to the mainland and seek information of the strength, plans and situation of the enemy. Hale was a brave young officer, and had dis. hingnished himself by dashing and brilliant service. Probably he had no liking for the work of a spy; but it was enough for him that his commander desired a brave and prudent man for the service. He volunteered, and was accepted. A '23,: ‘ ' The virtues ana bravery of Hale alone would have invested the service of the spy with a. considerable degree of honor, even if there had not been many other spies whose wolk bed been almost. if not quite as brave. Where Polaon’a Nerviline is used. Com- posed of the most: powerful pain subduing remedies known. Nerviline cannot fail to give prompt relief in rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps, pain in the back and side, and the host of painful afiecttions, internal or exter- nal, arising from inflammatory action. A 10 cent sample bottle of Nerviline will give suflicient proof cf its euperiority over every known remedy. Try Nerviline. Large bottles 25 cents ; trial bottles only 10 cents. A laundry in Cambridgeport, a suburb of Boston, is the In est in the world, and proudly claims to cop 50,000 dudes in dean nhim. Few persons are aware that the canary is not an original singer, but borrows its notes from the tith and the nightingale. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. Pain Cannot Stay BEST VA]. UE IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXON &OO ,MAKERS. 70 KINO ST. E. TORONTO Steamshlps, sailing weekly between Montreai; and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liver ch 840, $50, and 860. Return tickets, $80, $90. and 110 according to steamer and accommodation. Inter mediate. 830; Round trip tickets, $60. Steerege. 820, Round trip tickets. 840. For further particulars and to secure births, ap 1y to H. E. MURRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom gouge Square, Montreal, or :0 the Local Azente in the difl'erant Twons and Cities. Leather-Belting Allan Lina Royal mil Steamsyips IRON AND STEEL BOILERS ANY SIZE. TORONTO ENGINE WORKS, PRINCESS AND FRONT STS J. Perkins 8o Go. - Toronto. Salllng during wlnter from Port ana ever Thurs day and Halifax every Saturday to leerpoo , and 1: summer from Quebec eve Saturday to Liverpool calling at Londonderry to and malls and passenger: lor Suotlnnd and Ireland; also from Baltimore, v1: Halifax and St. John’s. N. F . to Liverpool fortnightly durl summer months. The steamers ol the GI» ow lnes sail during winter to and Iron: Bantu orflud. Boston and Philadelphia: and durlng sum war between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glesgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Pbflndelphla fortnightly. Brown Engines Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto. .-. “.1...â€" ,. For freight, passage, or other lulormatlon apply A.Scbumacher 8100.. Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co. Ballmx; Shea 61 Co., St. John’s, N. 1",; Wm. Thomp son a 00., St. John, N. 13.; Allan A; 00., Chicago; Love & Alden. New York, 11- BOurller, Toronto; Allans, Rae 6: Cm, Quebec: Wm. Brookle, Philadel- phla;H.A U‘ '. Portland Boston Monoreal. Farm Loans CREDIT FDNGIERIFBANBU'GANADIEN. CAPITAL, - - $5,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, - momma. OFFICE ONTARIO DIVISION: WELLINGTON STREET - TORONTO. This Company lends on good farm property at low est current rate of interest and on tmonbla terms For informzflongppjyfig [neglageuta or t_o Send for Price L’sts and Discounts fiCflfiT’S EMULSION OF GOD LIVER 011. mm HYPOPHosm-HTES. It is Palatable as Milk. It is three times as eficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a. perfect Emulsion, cloes not separate or change. it is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all Druggisx‘s, 500. and $1.00. Cure All Diseasiés of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver. Kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervousness. Sleeplessness, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS. w! ,000 Reward paid fpr a case :hey will notezre. Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored Garments Renewed CENTS. A Child can use them! Brilliant ! Durable ! _ Economlcal! WELLS, RICHARDSON & 00.. DELICIOUS AND NOURISHING AN AIDA SHIPPING 00. â€"fieaver Line a! WHY YOU SHOULD USE A: Druggisu and Merchants. Dye Book free. itie Bloody, Livefi Kidngy, _UAri‘nary Organs, Ngrvousne: re All Diseases of the Stomach, BOW¢!§!H ROYAL Dandelion COFFEE, Manufactured cn'ly by W. 1-1.. 1-01“; méhaa'er, Torrnlo. Montreal, P. Q. Tm: LEADING CAN x: DIAN COLLEGE FOR YOUNG W031 EN. ,St. Thomas. - 0nt. IV! V I I h I (73mm “mum FRANK) - CANADIEN. CAPITAL. 85,000.000. Ham 017nm, Mom-nun 0171mm Ounmo DIVISION. Wellington Sh. Toronto. This Company his prep: red to make advances rn the eecuriw of Gron FARM Panner at lowest Current rate of Interest, and on favgrable terms, MORTGAGES PUR- CHASED. For information apply to me Local Agcnts of the Company, or to HE'ILAND AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS, 80 per 02.: Saxony Wool. all 0 101's. 100 per skeln; Ice Wooll best quality. 100 per ball; Embroidery Silk, every shade, 100 do; skews; Arraaene, all colors, 30: dozen ekeins ; Fllosella, heat qualltv. 48c and 830 dozen skeina ; Macrame Cord. 15 colors, 10c bal; Felt, extra quallty, 2 yards wide, 81.00 per yard; Woolen Java Canvas. all colors, 45c yard, Always on hand the newest materlals (or fancy work, at lowest prlces. Letter Orders have promp‘. and careful attenmon. Goods can be 855m to any part of Canada, by post Write for pnee list. A trial solicited. HENRY DAVIS. .Importer, 232 Yonge Street, Toronto. Please mention zhle paper. Seventeen gmduates and ccnmcah d teachers in the Paid Up Cnpl nculty. Nearly 200 akudents lav-t year. Graduating ' Total Aliels. courses in Literature, Musxc. Fina Arts, Commercia Science and Elocuh’on. Low rates good board The en)“ ed thovough work. MCIJUR’hlah Hall, coating $20,000, may. toga 9, now opgn. Megan: Donmijofles {or 00 morestude'glo. I recently u.qu CANCEREEE LADIES, LOOK: BERLIN WOOLS, all colors, 80 per oz. MON EV ngflfifi Just send your name and address, and 10c. for Roam”, and receive by Mail a HANDSOME .‘ILK HANDKERCHEI]: .and TheMagic Needle! Astouishescveryoue ! Address.Whiton Novelty 00‘, Toronto. Ont. YOU MAY HAVE ONEH W. E. LONG; manager, Toronto. Ont. Address WANTED. 1. Low rates 900d bon I The eninr ed capital and resources of this Corr- nuqhian Hell, co°YinlI 820.000. puny. toget er wiih the increased facilities it his vmitoriee {or 00 morestudenlo. ' recently ecqmrcd tor supplying land owners with PR'NCH‘AL AUSTIN B-D- lcheap money, enable the Directors to meet will: â€" I promptnesa and “the iowelt current rate or interte and TumorsCURED; noknifc; all requirements 'or loans upon satisfactory. book free. Dag McMICHAEL. estate security. Application may be made to either Noâ€" 63 Nifizafl Sh. Buffalo. N- Y- I of the CompsLny’e local Appraisers _or N; A Beautiful Christmas Card Sending 3 ONE CENT STAMP and naming this paper. Address ¢han any other house in the trade. Manufactur- ‘ers of Band Instruments and Dealers in all kinds cf Musical Merchanfise. WHALEY RDYGE & 004. WE SELL CHEAPER lqua‘Ezids to station- Our SPECIAL CATALOGUES cf Sheet Music and Music Books. EVERY MUSIC TEACHER TORONTO. DELAYS ARE Don’t wait until you are burnt out or robbed Buy a Sale now and sleep easy, and be sure and get prices, 930.. of the NewChnmpiouSafe S. S. KIMBALL, 677 Craig SL, P.0. Boi 945. Montreal. P Q. Tho Johnston Fluid Beef (‘o., ‘27 St Peter St, Montreal 283 Yonge St.. Every Boy and Girl DANGEROUS g Rephced mree iron grinders last week. We have 9â€" ‘hem [or sale cheap, Subscrlhrd Capital, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.500 Paid Up l‘npltal. . . . . . ... Total Aucls. . , . . . . . . . . . . . L0an&8avingsflumpany INCORPORATED 1855. Head Ofl‘ioo: Toronto 813., Toronto. Are you Bald. Is your flair Gray or Falllng out. Try llr. Doronwoml's Price SI per bottle, or 8 bottles for 85. Try it. It will make your hair grow thick and stron . For sale by all druggiscs everywhere, or send d rect to the manufacturer enclosing the amount. M’GAUSLAND & SON, It is the finest ’4‘ in the ’ A. DORENWENI), Paris llair Works, SUFFERING from the eflects of early evil imbibe, the result of ignorance and lolly, who find themselves weak. nervous and exhausted ; also Mnmbn-Aonn and OLD Man who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced llle feel the consequences of youthlul excess, send {or and read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will he sent sealed to any address 0 receipt of two 30. at: m Address Stained Glass ’Cause liar bread is Me 71M And we sat all J/ItpancaL-es BUY THE BREADMAKER'S Y EAST. PRICE We are cfiildrefl 'w/m Mewfulbljoin in tile W/tm Breadmaker's Yeast is Me 51417ch b filamma triada/I 1/1: rcu’, 50 5/1: knows it‘s the bat, 7 grinder, and I have a good deal of grinding just now. afford to keep buying plates for this iron I received your letter saying you would accept my order for 20 inch Standard Chopper. W. E. W. 00., FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A life long stud . I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the wors oases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receivin a cure. Send at once for a. treatise and a. FREE OTTLE of m INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give. Ex ress and 051: Office. It costs you nothmg or a. trial. and it will cure you. Address H. G. BOOT, M.c., 164 West Adelaide st. TORONTO. ONT. When I say CqRE I do not mean merelyto stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of J. HERB” R'i MASON'Mamw'V Direct-1:! oronho. 103 and 1023 Yonge Street. Toronto, Can. GREAT anmNH/e‘ GERMAN FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Please ship immediately, as I cannot M. v. LU‘BON Weuin ton sm E. Toronto 76 Kim: St. W.. Toronto. CANADA PERJIANENT Y oung Men FREELTON, Ont, Dec. lTLh, 1888. Yours truly, Brnntford, :I BURE HTS! JOSHUA WHEELER. .d Vln‘text; Imr 51m Hair Tonic world. chorus «for: Its- 5 GENTS. [IQ/1135f, 3 gr: III:- forum.

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