Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1889, p. 5

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Newmarket.” _... Aurora. ..... Kim: ...... 'thaumm mu. l‘hornhill Woman...“ 'Davenport” Parkdnle.. TORONTO. Brook Street Union .......... City Hall eannecta with all truius‘ waving the Palmer House Bichmnn ‘Hill. as follows: Hail & Ex raHstorch 6: South .......... 7.45 a. m. Accommo ation " " , Mm Mail dz Express North & South... 5 45 F- 111- City Hall Union .......... Brock Street Pnrkdalu ..... Duveupom, Neaton.,.. I'hornhill mommy!) BILL King ..... ” Aurom,.... ‘ Newman-lies pntil further notice Mails will be closed at the Bxchmond Hill Post Oflico as followu- Monnma :â€"Goinr.z North. scum East and West. including Thoruhill, Mqfle, Tm‘ontn. Markham,&c. 7.45 Emmazâ€"Gniug southEastand West (as nbove') 5.80 N. B.--Reai8tered Letters must be handed in at least Fxfteeu Minutes earlier chem the above mentmuua hours for clusi PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Great. bargains at Crosh‘s. See change of ad. Full returns fur Markham Township election will be given next week. RICHMOND HlLL, Thursdav, Jan. 10. '89 We must insist upon our advertising mer- chants sending in their changes earlier in the wee‘k. Our citizpns made good use of “The Beautiful” which awaited their appearance mu Monday morning. Correction. In last. week's letter in the THE LIBERAL 1e Richmond Hill and Vivinity, Mayor Allan should have been Major kllun. Court. Dirismn Court in being held in the village to-day. Lawyer Bonlthee jr.. will preside in the absence of Hi: Honour Judge Morgan. A.F.&A.M. The next regular communication of Rich- mond Lodge, No. 23, G. R. 0., will be held In the Manonic Hall on Monday evening next, the 14111 inst, commencing at 8 o’clock. To Let. A furnished room, wilh or without board. High Sa-hnnl schniurs preferred. Enquire at THE mem, Oflice. “(731w Egibrmi. The following candidates recommended by the local examining Born-d have been ad- mitted by the departmpnt :â€"Jonnie Gale, Robt. Craig. M. B. Cogswell, Geo. W. Nixon. J. C. Steele. Harald (before the electinn).â€"It will he noticed that two of the Councillors are like- wise School Trustees. LIBERAL (after the elec\ion].â€"It will be noticed that two of the Councillors are School Trustens still. ORONTO Mr. Geo. McDmmld, of Shelburue, former- ly 01 this place. has purchased the barnnss business from MLJ. Devlin, in the Lorne Block, and will commence work in about a week. We wish Gaol-ye success. Every month finds F. Kirkby with a nuw mi, and every month finds his stock of glass- ware, mockery, woodeuware, groceries, cou- dectious &c., enlarged and improved. He in- vites a continuanon of patronage. and will endeavor to please those who favor him with a call. Campbell Bros.. Bond‘s Lake. are now prepared 10 grind all kinds of grain, at the barn of Mr. T. Johmmu. Lot 59, Vaughan (Yunge Streel), on Tuesdays and Fridays 0f each week. They cluim to have an excellent. machine. The High School opened this week with a good attendance, Already there are about 50 puplls enrolled. The teachers expect. to have own 60 in a woo-k or two. EVE" PUP“ who purposes attending dniing the ‘erm should endeavor to commence at once. as it is often dimcult to make up for a few weeks last at the beginning. Mr. C. Snuderson has returned home and you may judge by his countenance that the ‘rip has been a grea‘ benefit to him... . .. . . Municipal matters have caused a deal 0! ex- oitemen: throughout our neighborhood. . . . . The Lodge is still pmapering . . . . . .. . .A. Mc- Cagne gave quite an excellant discourse Saturday last about his traxels {bung}: U. gvr-COA, Mr. W. Mager. wishes to inform the farm- ers of the surrounding neighborhoods that his urniu crusher will be at work, at Boyle’s will. on Tuesdays, Thursdays au‘l Saturdays up to the end of next week. Junuaty 19lh. Alter that date no more crushing will be .done till further notice. Atkinson's clearing snle still goes on. POST OFFICE NOTICE IJ(’)(7 A1123?“ Change of Business. The Kirkby Concern Entrance Exams. GOING 80mm. Ex. 1 GOING NORTH Mail A Victona Square. High School. 9.9.5 Grinding 9.03 8.11 '8? l 9.30 8.37 8.46 9.05 9.11 ‘ 9.16 9.25 Notice. MT'VIV‘VEEFY. Postmaster Accom 11.45 11.53 12.05 12.13 Accom. Mail. 11.47 (L03 12.03 6-16 12.28 (3.35 12.55 1.45 .55 5 .40 7.12 7.23 7.45 7.30 '1 37 The annual meeting of the Central Far- mer’s Institute of Ontario will be held in the York Chambers I‘orunto, on the 5th, 6th and ‘ 7th of Feb. 1889. Every Institute is entitled to send two delegates. Among the order 01 business will be the lulluwiup: - Reading minutes ol’ lest meetingfipuointment of com- mittees. the President‘s address, reports of Secretary. treasurer rte. A number of papers will be read and diucussed hy the leading agriculturista of the country. School Trusxcc Election. Qnite an interest was shown in the village km. Monday in the election of three Public School Trustees (or this section. Nearly one hundred votes were pelted during the day. A! 5 o‘clock when the ballots were counted the statement of the poll was as follows;â€" Dr. lenuu 76. D.Lynet 62, R. Marsh 6‘2, J. Buyle 31. 1'. Pnlmer 15. M. H. Keefler 14. The llm-e first-named will merelore be true- leea for the next two years. The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill & Yonge St. agricultural society will be held in the Lorne Hall, on Wednesday, the 16!!) inst... at 2 p. 11:. Among other business the election of officer for the current year will take place. A good attendance is desirable. and the meeting will be open to everybody. Every farmer in the surrounding neighbor- hoods should endeavor to be present and aa- sist in lbe arrangements for the next fair. On Christmas Day Maple Sugar was made near Acton from sup run [he day before. On the same day churches in Brilin Columbia were decorated with natural flowers oollncbed in the gaxdeus. On New Year‘s Day an excursion steumer carried a p .rlv of pleasure seekers among the Thousands Islands. There have been extraordinary winters before. but the plebrill um- UtuL-y We will yet pny up [or to be seen. Convemxon Ca‘l. The Annual Gunvuunuu for 1889. of the Outuriu Urnuch uf the Dominion Allinucv. fur the Suppression of (he Liquur-trnflic.will he held in \Lu»: 'l'empn-rnlme Hull, l'emperuuce bureet, on Tuesday uml Wednesday, January 22nd null 23rd, 1569, commencing on Tues- dn) at 1011.. in. There will be three sessmns of lhe CUDW-llliul'l each (lay, ull 0! which will be upuu In the public. Lin, only members nmi delegutos will he expected (.0 Luke part in the dlbcussiuns and voliug. The public are cordially iuvized to attend. N azy a Drink. For the first time in the history of Toronto on election uighlfihen the police telephoned to the difl‘ei‘eut. divisions, it was ascertained that not u single solilary drunk had been ar- lestvd all duy. This speaks volumes for the efficiency of thn election law in having the hotel: cluseil. and is rather a substantial ar- gumcnt. in quOr if lvulul pruhibiiimn. For a (-ify the size of Torunto, with » stnfi of active policnmeu uud a perfect patrol sgatem that makes “in locking up of a drunk a. mere pau- time. such an event as an election day pass. ing over without any person being arrested for drunkenness might almost. be considered an impossibilityâ€"Mail. Is ofiering a great. inducement to ins subscri- bms for the Daily and Weekly Witnrss for NBS), by giving; Ibelu a cupy of £114 3120.000 picture, “Ulnist before l’nlule." the most. not- uh‘m pin Lure th-r hruught lu Alupricu. fur only Iwenly flw. crnls. Thn different de- partments of the Noddy um attaching much ntxenuou, and are I“ be {nund lull of Vuln- ahle information to the furmer,merchaut and house-wife. The Witness is un- quulled as a family paper. The Nortlwru Meoseuger. the pioneer puper,in greatlv improved and should ha in the hands of every buy and girl, who will find most. instructive reading there. The great Montreal Carnival is attractiufl visitors from all parts ot the world. The interest taken in England is widespread. The secretary is inundated with letters of en- quiry. The preparations for the event are on :1 Scale of snrpns-mg magnificence. The presence of the Governor-General. State Governors, Lieutenant-Governors and the meat prominent Americans will give tremen. dons eclat to the occasion. We hear the Montreal Star is geztimz out a wonderful Carnival Kumhrr, something that will as- loniah the world. showing the great rveuts to the wry life in all their glittering grandeur. The new Presbyterian Church. 7th con , Vaughan. will be opened on Sunday, Jan. 13:11 inst. 011 that day Rev. Dr. McTuvish. of Tornnto, will preach nt 11 a. m. and at 6.30 p. 111‘ On the Mondav following a hot dinner will be given from 3 to 7 p. 111., after which a musirnl and literary concert will be held. Plot. W. J. Grant. of Toronto. and his excellent choir mll have charge of the milsmnl part of the entertainment, and rousing speeches may be expected lrnm Rev. Dr. Parsors, D. J. )Iacdonnell. 0! Toronto, and others. The Committee of Management will. no doubt, meet with the reward they deem-we (or their eflorts. All are invited. Every farmer should read the lending and only independent publlcalion devoted to his business. Thousands say there In none equal to it. and no dollar expended lrom the farm returns so much good. It treats on all branches connected with the farm, and in hxghly prized by the ladies and child- reu ; it has saved many a farmer from the 1039 of his farm ; it has saved the farmer millions of dollars by checking the introduct. Oh ! my corns are the piuzue of my life. I don't intend to put in such an- other week, if I know it. Thou Johnson says he got a box of Chinese Corn Salve and it took them out in three saplications without pain. he says It can be got at Dilwnrt-h's Drug Store. 170 King St. E.. Toronto, fur ten cents a box, and he will send it to you bv mail wibhm extra charge. lon and spread of contagious stock diseases ; it has increased tho receipts lrom our cereals by millions of dollars. Commended bv city and county councils and aanoulluml so- cieties. Agents wanted. Sample copies {309- Pl'ictA 31 par annum. Address Farm- er‘s Advocate Office, London. Canada. 25-2 An Extraordinary Winter. Agricultural Mccnng. The Montreal Vixtness Farmers‘ institute. Farmer's Advoc ate. The Carnival. Dedication. ll“: h'CUrd. \\ llelber the mild spell nmains The annual anniversary services of the Maple Methodist church will be held on Sabbath. January 20th. when sermona will be preached by the Rev. W. W. Percival, of Richmond Hill, at. 10.30 a. m. and 6.80 p. m. The ovuter supper will be held on Tues- day, the 22nd inst. when a bonnteons repast will be in readiness to satisfy the inner man. Supper served lrom 4 to 7, after which the Rev. Manly Benson, of Toronto. will deliVl‘l' his celebrated lecture. Subject :-â€"“London. the World's Metropolis." The Rev. M. Benson and Mrs. Benson will sing several duets. Music by the CbOH'. Tickets, adults 30 cents ; children under 12. 15 cents. Pro- ceedl in aid 0! Church Fund and Sabbath School. Headford. Tue members and friends of the Methodist Church. Headford. purpose holding ‘heir Anniversary Ssrvwes and Dinner on Sunday and Monday, Jan. 27th and 28th, 1889. On Sunday. Jan. 27th. sermona_will_be preached an followstâ€"At 10.30 a, m.. by Rev. J. M. Simpson. and at 2.30 and 7 p. m.. by Rev.J. Cnrts, Ex-President of Bay Quinta Confer- ence. On the Monday evening following, a Dinner consisting of Roast Fowl, (he, will he served. after which addresses will he deliver- ed by Revs. W. W. Percival, 0. Babe: and J. Carts, interspersed with choice music by the Misses Simpson. of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. A. Teesdnll. of West Toronto Junction. and the choir. Dinner served from 4 to 7 p. in. Tickets 30 cents; Children under 12, 20 cents. FnAthsâ€"Lvmonoâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s father.’l‘hornhill. on Thursday, Jan. 3rd.1889,bythe Rev‘ 'l‘hns. Camvball, J. H. Francis, of Lindsay. Francis 6: 00.,Thor1-hill, to Phoebe. second daughter of C. Ludford. Mr John Morgan, the champion plowman, was elected 1M. deputy-reeve of Yotk Town- ship on Monday. Mr. R. McDonald returnpd to Toronto on Saturduy last, after having spent a week with friends here. Mi<s Flora Powell of this village, accom- panied her hister. Mrs. C. H. Whittakel to her home in L‘rantfurd a few days ago,where she purposes visniug for a cunple of months. Members of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade met in Council Chamber on the evening of Friday, Jan. 4th. 7 Secretary, 0n abobunt of not having re- ceived all funds from concert, was unable to send in n repurt. Fireman C. Wright handed in $3: Fire- Snndereun, 500.; Fnrelnan McLean, $4; Fireman Trench, $1.25; making n Nntal of $7.75. These amuuMs mrs ml eJ‘ed by them in aid of entertainment. Capt; Pugley'in the chair. Auditor Atkinson secretary pro ten? Muses Ransome was proposed by And- itor Atkinson. Frank Sims and Fulton Sonles were propused by'Fireman ’l‘re» vethau. These names paappeur in. min- utes and'to be bulk-ted fur at next. "regu- lar meeting. Lieut. Savage moved, seconded by Fireman Gaby, that a vote of thanks be tendered In those committees who work ed 50 well and faithfully in Cunnectiun with entertaiuumm ml New Yemu’ night. Curried. Caplain, in a neat speech, specially commended the Provision and Ladies’ connnibtees, and waxed eloquent. when speaking of the noble work done by the latter cummittee. Engineer Brownlee passed the ballot. for the candidate Mr. W. H. Bandy, the steward being absenv. Ballot. was passed in due form and found favorable. f The members were then pald their annual salaries, less deducted fpr fings._ The captain hereupon vacated the chair. and Fireman C. Trevethan was unani- mously uiectea chairmau. and stated to meeting that the next order of business was election of ntficers for ensuing year. He called for nmniuatiuna fur the position in order, and election resulted as follnws : Captainâ€"W. H. Pugsley Lieutenantâ€"P. G. Savage Secretaryâ€"H. A. Nichulls Treasurerâ€"~P. G. Savage Stewardâ€"G. Trench Fureumn of Hoseâ€"B, Redditt Fureman of Hook and Ladderâ€"C. E. Sheppard. Speeches from the newly-elected officers present was then the order uf the day. Each in turn thanked the members for the honor conferred and wished the brigade every success. (inmmitteé on Revision of By-laws handed in a report And a copy of by-luws reyiged wag! regd by tfuem. Moved by Lieuz. Savage, secnndcd by Fireman J. Innes, that by-laws be adopt- ed as amended. Carried. Steward Trench moved, seconded by Fireman Reddm, that Fireman Mc- Mahon. Atkinson and Jay Sanderson form the Finance Committee. Carried. Secretary gave a detailed report of en- tertninment, showing total remain” to be 88410; expenditure, $26.10; lea-mg a balance of $59.00. Meeting adjourned wtill Monday, to meet in drill room. Mgéday everlilyngan. 1th. "Malice; arffilrggtimeeting road and ap- prtived. .I‘ . p Moved by Auditor Atkinson, seennded by Fireman A. “high, that. report, of Entertainment Ckunmittee be received and adopted. Carried. ‘u-‘. u Moved by Fireman J. Sanderson, seconded by Fireman C. McLean. that the captain, Foreman C. E. Sheppard. And. Atkinson. Fireman \V. E. Wiley and 0. Rowan form n cummiltegto revise band by-lawa. Carried. heting ndiburned._ Mo'etri by Fireman A. Wright, secnnd- ed by Fireman C. Trevethan, that smok- ing be prohibited during business meet.- ings. Carried. Fire Brigade Meeting. Spgcial n\ee_sting_held in drill room on PERSONALS. MARRIAG- Oyster Supper. [TIES VAL’GHA1r.â€"Reeve, J35. McNeil; lst deputy-reeve, Andrew Russell (accla- nmtinn); 2nd deputy-reeve, Geo. High; Councillors, Robert Watson, Samuel J. Arnold. neighboriug Miinicxpalities for the year 18897-â€" MARKHAM TOWNSHIP. â€" Reeve, A. Forster; lat deputy. H. B. Schmidt; 2nd deputy, J. B. Gould; 3rd deputy, J. Slater; Councillor, \V. Scott. KIvc..â€"~Reeve, J.C.Stokee; lat deputy, J. H Ross (acclamation); 2nd deputy. A. Campbell; 3rd deputy, S. W. Anni tage; Councillor, A. Armstrong. A1'xoRA.-â€"Maynr, H. D. Lundy (accla- matinn); Reeve, H. W. Fleury; deputy- reeve. I). McLoud; Councillors, H. H. Reid, G. Russell, W. B. Richardson; G. R. Baldwin, G. D. Patterson, W. C. Clift, W. G. Lloyd, J. C. Quenie, D. E. Rogers. WooDBRInGE.â€"Reeve. T. F. \Vallnce (Reclamation); Councillors. D. McKenZIe. J. Eeedwell, Brown, Wm. Farr. MAnxnui V1LLmE.â€"'â€"Reeve, W. H. Hall; Councillors, F. Ash, J. Thomas, J. Wiles, W. Fleming. YoRK. â€"Reeve, A. L. Willson: ‘lst deputy, John Morgan; 2nd deputy. S. T. Humberstone; 3rd deputy, 0. Peter- man; 4th deputy, Wm. Clark. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “Want” advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a situation, a mechanic, 3. busi- ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have lost. or found anything. or if you Want to I'md out where anyone is. advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the ad- vertisements on the Third page of that paper. The charge is Two Cents a word each insertion. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. \VEDVESDAY.J1D 23â€"Cx-edit sale of {arm stock anvl implements. on lot 5, 6th Con. Vaughan. cm property of hicholas Snider. to be sold mthnuc reserve to commence at. 1 o'clock. H Rugsen, Auctioneer lavarties getting then- hills printed at this amt-u will receive 0. notice similar to the above } Also a quantity of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND BOYS’ SHIRTS 8a DRAWERS. FREE OF CHARGE ' ; Pellets “Innkeeper, Wan-run” "and. En y Solid Gold I. Both Indies' Ind can of eqnul value. One Person in ucl lo- caltiy an Iecure one free. mime: with our large and ul- n. lo line of Household Samples. These umplel. .- well u the watch. we send ' Free. Ind mu yuu lane kept them In your home (at 8 month. Ind shown them to than who may In" “Had, manual-no your own pmpun . Thou who mm I once cu: Inn of roe-Mug the atoll Wc‘gty I“ “pun, (Yunnan. Addnu __ -4- 13...“..-3 “-1..- n1 Sqmp 'I"?ui'.‘3'£"$'iioil' éihi‘fii‘hmu""’"iTu‘m"? GREAT BARGAINS Th9 fofllnqug aye Municipal Officers in LOTS OF Dress Goods DRY G008 Shirtings Our Grocery stock is: well-assorted, and. sold at the lowest cash prices, ISAAC, CBOSBY,, Municipal Elections Cleared out: at less than cost. Sale Register ire mof ! 385 So Id Gold wnch. ! 109, unfil luck CROCKERY -â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"-â€" EFBEE and Tweeds. AT THE and Prints, MYRTLE SMOKING TOBACCO St. , Montreal. DEAFNESS CURED.â€"A very inter- esting 132 page Illustrated Book on Deaf nexs. Nuises in the head. Huw they may be cured at your home. Post free 3d.â€"Addreaa Dr. NICHoLsoN, 30 StJohn A large quantitv of first-class Stove, Nut and Blacksmith's Coul. Now is the timetobuv when the price is low. Coal delivered on shortest notice or Durnbnvem may 10ml their waggons right from the car, The pronrietnr has also for sale at Richmond M Hill Village 3.10% of COAL! DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS. â€"Counter- feits me always auiigernus, more so that they always closely mmm THE ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE AND NAME The remark- able success achievad by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head has induced nnprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream,Naaal Balsam, etc. Ask fur Nasal Balm and do nut take imimtiun dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggistu or sent post-paid on receipt of price (50c. or 3]) by addressing Fulfurd d: Um, Brock- 1000 Bushels of Oats wanted. Highest cash price paid. Also a. quantity of Balenl Hrw for sale. W. R. EROCTUR. Richmond Hill vil’le,70nt. FIRST~CLASS MAPLE woon. W. R. PROCTOR. OATS WANTED RIGHMDND HILL STATION In Bronze on each Plug y and Package. The undersigned has now on hand at FINE“ THAN EVER. ClT'l‘ and PLUG 'l‘llIS YEAR‘S

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