Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1889, p. 1

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Siolmville lo. Mmrkham in. Victoria Square.“ .. do Choruhill. Walker House. 23rd do Woudbridge "28(1) do. Kleinburg u 29th do Nohluton ..... .30“: o Vitalized Air always on hand at appotutmeuts Works like a. charm Free from vain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.. Anrcun Ont. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _o_. a. G. I". LAWRENCE. '1‘. C. MILLIGAN. fl‘xnnkful for the favors of the past 20 years muv still be consulted in any branch 01’ the pro- ession as follows: \zlroru lat 8th, lath, and 22ml 0! and“ month Richmond Hill... .. 9th and 24th 4n mtgflxe Palmer House) LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, kc" Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. N3. [5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. THE LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. - - ()NTARIO Medalist Toronto ['nivemitv Member Co Physicians & Surgeons, Ont... flute of Stoutfville Ynnqe Street. Richmond Hill. Office Hours R to 10&.m..5t08p.m THURSDAY MORNING Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyancers. &c. Tovonlo omcc‘No. 10 King 5!. “'(‘GL Markham (“Tineâ€"Town llall. (up-smirs.) Private Funds {9 Lnnn nn Mo*tcune at Lowest nntés' of '23u'é'r‘éé? Mr Grnany or Mr Holmes wit I lmm Office overv Saturfinv from m.: and at Wehber's Hum], I: Saturday from 5 p. n\.. to S p. In. JIJLLEE a:- gawch Toronto Officeâ€"Court Chambers. corner Church and Adelaide Streets. Thomhill Of'fiecâ€" Pos: Office every Wed. nesdav from [o to 12 a. me Richmond H1” Ot‘ficeâ€" Post Office every Wednesday from I to 4 p. m. Collections in City and Countrv promptly amended to. Money to loan. DR. J. LANGSTAFF, HOLMES @ Eggwar, Talephone 3n THE LIBERAfi Fullerton. Cook & Wallace. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS &c ‘JFFICE: ls limo s'llil-tE'l‘ EMT. Tomm'ro Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. I S Fullarton, \V Cook, â€"Walla,ce l3- muvu‘E FUNDS To LOAN. BARRISTERSl SOLICITORS. NOTARIES_ 81C. Unil1‘l‘lflki‘lԤ «\â€" E mbn IIIN‘I'S- qu-ral Put an Asking; Aiways on Hand RICHMOND HILL. ONT ntghtcalls at front door bell. Omce hour 10 a m W D (immoxw SI per annum, in advance; VOL. XI. BABRIST“RS. SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES ANDBRW nous. BENTON & DODS, J. n. MILLER “ @111: élBERAL. K BUSINESS CARDS. vzmzazzgfl gm? T. F. MeM‘AHON, WRIGHT BROS EDITOR and PBOPRIETOR. Monev @111: @11ch IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. \V. J. “’llson. 105 Adelaide street East USED BY Dr. A. ltnluinson. SURGEON DESTIS'V‘ to loan at lowest rates 311mm. Inna. 11mm]. FRANK B BENTON, B 0 L Movycuge at Lowest fyofyfin. m to 4 J. B. DUNCAN G W Humms he at the Mark- 931 m to 430 p. uxouville, every Mag @éE £031? W’QEES. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly infiuczxr‘e. sales attended on the 1-11.01'Wst notice and at reusmmbe rates. 1’. 0. aduress, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest notice,nnd at rea- abe rates. Address Stuufivxlle l". 0 26-4-lv Dress Maker. opposite Mnfionic Hull Rxchmond Hi Teacner of Music & Oil Painting. PABSONAGE, - RICHMOND HILL Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0' accommodation. Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- uectiun. Terms SI net (luv. Licenseu Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontarmund Peel. Goods suldun consignment. Generalsules of stock. om, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0.:1ddress, All kinds of Wood, Iron. Galvanized Pipe. Iron Brass and Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds (‘1 Water Runs. Well-Digging Curbs Curb Rings and cistern Tanks made to order. Repairing done on shortest, notice. DRESS MAKING HIGH COURT OFJUSTICE, &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillingor. Proprietor. Address 48-“ @ififi gnlruubridgt’s Every accommodation to :uestfl. Board, 5100 perday Several Farms for Sale in this Vicinity NOTARY PUBLIC, Cough ‘. Uo'uuh ‘! Cnugh ! C \Igh ! smp that cough ! I can’t. get any rest. at all. Are you asleep. David ? Yes, father ! brim: me another cu)d tame Quince Conuh Cure will certainly cure any form uf'oo'd. Nu house should be within! it. Sold at Dilwnrth’a Drug Store, next Nip- issing Hotel. King St. Rm, Toronto. Only '25 60111.5. MONEY TO LEND GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Good accommodation for the travelling Public. Cpoice Tempemuce “rinks. Best» brands 709' 9331?; Commodious rooms for commercxal Cigars. 1 travellers Temperamm House. Be“ “flaws and Cigair; Good stahling and an attentive hosfier. Every accommodatxnn to traveuers'aud boarders. iguana? inks mmfimn {kc aye; WM. JACKSON, Proprietnr‘ MISS HARRISON. CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR sv JUNIOR PUPILS IN Issuer of Murrmge Licenses for ‘ba County of Y0:- E; Lmzam M'Qgfifi E‘W‘Efln Rasmnxcm 158 KING STREET fl! 5% Per Cem‘. lmcds [Helm MUSIC AT VERY LOW PRICES. E. F. LANGSTAFF, Ja mos (7. Stokes. Salt-III EI-knl'dl ‘1}; isrtllnnrmw. NJ. Armstrong. ConmxssmNEn IN um Eli-OPENED AS A Weary. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY “’IVI . B E L I“ Prop [1: Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity-n A. J.RUPEBT,Pmp E AST. TORCNTO Richmond Hill MAPLE ONT UNIONVILLE ‘Zfintrl. MAPLE Cash And One Price Only. Somebody has said that lace is the poetry ofdress. No misapplication to the meta- phor. Like poetry, there is no form of beautyâ€"soft, mod- est, bold, prand or proudâ€" but lace enhances. Hence the tendency to improve in the fabrics. New kinds are watched for, new and fresh beauty produced with each season. Perhaps there isn’t one that shows more real beauty than the soft ccbwebby,black drapr ing laces that are just out. Finished on both ends, 1% yards wide, at $3.75 peryard. If you’re on the search for novelty and elegance, here’s your chance. ' There’s a collection of new designs and new goods in the Linens worth your inspection. Unbleached Tablings, 18c. to 70¢. per yard, Bleached, 43c. to $I.5o per yard. Take the Damask at 40c. and 50c. per yard to sample prices. You’ll find these qualities tar before what the prices usually bring. FLAN N ELS.â€"â€"All wool '1‘ 0 It 0 N T 0 . In the Silverware twenty- eight different patterns in Napkin Rings that have a showing 01 true art in the de- signs far in advance of the common. Prices range from 75c. to $1.90 each. l grey Flannels 17c., 20c., 25c., 28c.and 3oc.per yard,all-wool Navy Flannels 20c.,25c.,30c., 35c. and 40¢. per yard, white... Saxony 20c., 25c, 300., 35c. and 40C. to $1.00, unshrink- able Shirting Flannel 3oc.,i 35c., and 40c. per yard, Flan- nelette plain and stripes IOC. per3ard, Opera Flannel all shades 35c., 40c. and 50c. As wise a thing as you can do is to get samples of these and judge the quality. T. EATON 86 80.. A placc that keeps every- thing new in laces won’t be found behind in the old fav- orites. Set samples and prices. Mail Order Department. 190 YONGE ST., Toronto; '- Ont. New TWeeds at 25c., 40c., 50c. and $1.00 per yard. A large assortment. Clean goods as strongly suggestive 01 bar- gains as an] you’ve ever taken a hint of. T. EATON & CO, New Prints,new Cretonnes. Prints at 8c and 9c. per yard â€"fast colors. Cretonnes at 12%c., 15c. and zoo. The new Repp at 25C. Delaine Patterns at I5c., and Cham brays at 10c. and 12%c. per yard. \Vith an eye for com- ing wants it mayApay you to get a sample of these. 190 to 196 Yonge St., e: tending through to 10 & 12; Queen St., Address . FEB. 21, 1889. h“ retanml the instruments belonging to Richmond Hill‘s first brass band, for the Hun of four dollars unpaid. In the war of words which sometimes ensued in these meetings, the d! ctor once denounc- ed Mr. DiXon. who was an ardent advo- cate for incorporation, with being brazen- fuced, drawing forth an immediate retort, from his pngnscious opponent that it ill became one who had swallowed a. whole set of brass instruments to twit anyone else of being brazen‘faced. {All our ef- forts to obtain inco poratiou in 1857 fail-- ed, because severa of the adVocatvs for it, lead on by Mr. G. A. Bernard, insist- ed in having its northern boundary limit. no‘h of Elgin Mills, thus taking in more terrttory than the law would allow. The next attempt waninade in 1872. when a petition almost unanimously signed by the ratepayers, was brought before the county council hy Mr. Ern‘stus Jackson, of Newmarket, on Julie 18th, 1872, pas- sed through its several stages without going into committee, and granted. Our first election was in Jun. 1873. which resulted in A. Law, Esq, J. P. being Our village ateiidily grew in population until its ratepayers became ambitions of obtaining mllliurily to manage its own internal affairs, with power to levy rates, 6130. The first agitation towards securing iucUrnnratimi was made in 1853, but tlin act govu‘ning such matters required 1,000 inhabitants, which put a sudden stop to further pruCeedings. Conditions subse- quently became more fawumble, and a large gathering of the villagers was uinde in 1857 in the old court house. This meeting was presided over by Amos \Viighl, M. P., and M. Teefy, J. R, acted as secretary. It was moved by G. P. Dim-n. Esq , seennded by Col. David Bridgfurd. That, “Whereas the lllllflbil: ants of Richmond Hill are contributing annually In the IuwIiRliips without receiv- Hiu :ldwlume ben- tit, and conceiving that. the village Would be the better for incor- lrurulinn. Le it, Resnit‘cd that the neces- sary steps be lake“, 61c. Moved by Mr. J. K. Fulconhridge, seconded by Mr. J. R. Arnold. That a notice be inserted in the ‘York Rulinga'anette' for one month with it view to the incorporation of the village as directed by Statute. The Com- mittee to carry nu: the above were Messrs. Dixon, \Vriglit. Law, Warren and Tech. seeietiiry. At. a subsequent. meeting it “as moi'vd liy Mr Dixon. seconded by Mr.. n: . Paliiier,sr.,That for electoral purposes We belong to the East. Riding of Yolk In mnenduient it was moved hv Cnl. Bridgford. seconded by M r. E. Sheppard. That we belong to the \Vest Riding, The amendment carried, but. our time hnd not. yet come. . chosen were, and Messrs. \Varren, Pow~ e”, anklns and Brillinger. cnuncillnrs. A: napecivl meeting. held April 30(1), 1874. on Inotinn 0f Councillor Brown, seconded hy Uuuncillur Atkinsuu, a. po- tiliun lo the House of Cnmumns was duwn up asking fur an Act to place us in the West Riding of York. but. by a redia tribunal: a few years my: our franchise for the Ontario Legisinllira Was irausfur- red to the East Riding. F Our efforts :1: nblain incorpumtinn at that. Hire were not. without a good share of nppusiliun, tlm must prominentleadera nf which were rm; nf our most wealthy I'utvpaverfl, Dr. Duncumb and Mr. Richardsun. wutchumker. Rut, the in- fluem'e u-f tlwse gentlemen was not in prupmti-m to their wealth, the doctor es- pecmlly. just at. that time being some- what Ilnlmpll'flr among the boys, became To the Editor of THE LIBERAL [.2 Lnfi Fund, frum the Ontario Guy- eknment; . Richmond Hill and Vicinity No. 30. Perhaps one of the best hits we made when we set up municipal helm-keeping for ourselves, was in the selection «f an excellent clerk‘ All other members of a council pass in and pass out annuallyan many an efficient representative is elected tn btny at lmme. The clerk and the la cw are about the only two permanent institutii-ne in Municipal Government As long as a clerk does his duty and be- haves himself he is in to stay. Mr. Teefy was one of the earliest prmnulel‘a 0f the incurpurntion of the villageâ€"the must diligent in searching for informa tion thereun, and the most active in mak- ing its preliminaries a success. Well- rcad in municipal lawâ€"having access to other sunrces of information, and chtain- ing knowledge by subsequent years of experience our clerk has been able and. willing: tn give vuluable advice tn mnnv a. tyro in municipal mntters, when doubtful questiouahave Come up in the Council chamber, advice. which has emu-vi for no money, which other umnieipalil-ivs have had to pay fur legal npmmnn. The most i-npormnt business “mumbled in the sec- and year of out inaifpnraeinn was in‘ref- e‘ence to the amount falling to us nf the a'eeta of the townships, from which we seeded, and our share of the Munici- Our lurorpornlion. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, adâ€" vertise in the Turunto \VBEKLY MAIL. Tth paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes every week, and Your advertise- ment should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Adveltlsements of this Class arc-v inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY Munfnr Five Cents a word each msurtiuu, or Twenty Cents a word for five insertiunst Address THE MAIL, Toronto. Canada 1n Hon. Oliver Mowat’s settlement of the Municipal Loan question, all newly formed municipalities came in lorashare. Our share was based on the census that formed us into a. municipality, as taken by Coumiissioner Trench in 1872, 785 in- habitants at $2 per head, amounting to a sum of $1,570, with accrued interest. Following the excellent example set us by the Township of Vaughan, we invest- ed this money in securities, for educa- iional purposes, part of the interest of which lessened our school rate animally, and part was used for village purposes. As the Statute governing our High schools demanded that high Heliool ac. commodatinu which includes buildings, etc, should be supplied by the munici- pality in which such school may be situ- uled, our reeve and council of that year thought that we should be so unfortun- ate as to lose nurs by fire, the principal and the insurance would replace it with but little pressure on the ratepayers.Sub- sequent councils however have thought it more advisable to spend the money a. We go, and the most of the amount now lies in an excellent set of appliances for fire protection, and in a. beautiful lot for park purposes, both good investments, but the time may yet come when we will feel the pinch. The first was a portion of the Clergy REuECIC‘i allotted in yean put to the municipalities. Markham had spent. theirsiu roads, &c.. but Vaughan had wisely invested theirs, so that it yieldrd an mmqu interest, which was divided amnng the public schools in the Town- ship. In the settlement we received the sum of $l,450. which was paid in deben- tures, and cash to our treasury. That we, as a. village, did not make a mistake when we set up for ourselves, and undertook to manage our own Municipal househo‘d affairs, is evident from the many improvements which have been prnposed and adopted since our iii- Corporation. Uur condition today with our excellent sidewalks, Well organized tire company and vigilant caretaker of perambulating nuisances is vastly super- ior tn the old style, when as part of two municipalities we contributed largely to each and received comparatively nothing in return. Since the incorporation much of our taxes have been so utilized, that they have much improved the appearance of our streets, contributed a. great deal towards making our sidewalks passable at all seasons of the year, so that a general. neauiess pervades the village. making it more pleasant tor ourselves. and attract- ive to outsiders, a very satisfactory proof of which is the settling amongst us of those who retiring from the activities of business life Were desirous of locating within easy access to our many institu- tions, churches, High and Public schools. (TO BE CONTINUED.) This powder never vanes A marvel of purity, strength and \vhulusouwness. More economictl than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com etition with the multitude of low muslin”; Welg talum nryhnxphutre powders. Sold onl'v in onus. not“. BAKING Pownm Co.. 106 Wall. Etree N. Y Ruck Spring Cual oil at Dllworth’s Drug Storn, we seil at same price that other stnren charge fun common Canadian Oil. Dilwnrth’s Drna Store. next. to Nipiasiuu Hu-Oel. annmn. ‘Z'HLL‘ Llfigfieflé. ’ $1.00 IN ADVANBE. Absoiuteiy Pure. [Single copies, 3 cts

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