Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1889, p. 8

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NEWflEMS. Sir Charles Tupper sails for Canada to~ day. The "Lemon Cup,” representing the curling championship oi York County Clubs, was won on Saturday by Scar- hero'. The New York Herald Is now publish- ed simultaneoust every morning in New York, London and Paris. The House of Commons came to s rote on Wednesday of last Week on Mr. Mulock’s motion to remove the duty on fertilizers. The Government's majority was 30. Sir John Mncdonald has decided to re- consider the matter regarding kit all'rw- ance to the York-gluicoo battalion, dur- he the North-west rebellion. Sir Richard Cnrtwright’s motion in favor of Canada having power to make her own commercial treaties, was debated in the House of Commons on Monday, and Voted down by 94 to 66. Madame Albani at the close of the entertainment on Monday evening, was presented by Hon. John Beverley Robin- son, on behalf of Toronto ladies, with a stand of flowers. and a flattering address. Madame Albuni, who sings in Ottawa this week, will be the guest of the Gover- nor General. 0h .' my cams are the plague of my life. I don’t intend to put. in such an- other week, if I know it. Thus Johnson says he got a box of Chinese Corn Salve and it took them out In three applications without pain, he says it can be got at Dilworth‘s Drug Store. 170 King St. E., Toronto, for ten cents a box, and he will loud it to you by mail without extra charge. I 7835 1 18361 Purely a. Home Company. Farmers, protect your buildings from fire and lightning by insuring iii the Gore Mend Mutual Fire Insurance Coni- y {the oldest and strongest Cash and Mel in Canada). This Company was ostsHished in the year 1836. Hunt“; , done business in Ontario for over half 1 FIRE! FIRE1_FIREII century. During this time numbers of Stockand Mutusls have failed. but. to- dsy the Gore has at its back assets as mmtingto$266,280.07, wherewith to Many losses that may occur. The Gore is noted for its equity in adjust- merit of its losses. It is the cheapest Cub and Mutual Fire Insurance Com- £sny doiniz business in Ontario for non- surdeus farm property. Send for the 49th Annual Report of this Company before insuring elsewhere. Farmers be Alivet'oyour interests. Why pay such exhorbitsnt rates, when the Gore will in euro third class farm property for i pei cent, and first class for 1} per cent. In case of contents being destroyed by fire the Gore pays full value, the London agent to the contrary notwithstanding. Total assets to pay losses, $256,280.07, and carries an insurance of only $7,245,- 377.01. Compare this with anv Mutqu or Stock Company and see where the Gore stands. All calls promptly attend- ed to by mail or telephone. Head Oflice, Galt, Ontario. J. T. SAIGEON, _ Agent. King P. 0.. residence Spring Hill. Ont. TH IS YEA R’s MYRTLE CUT and PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO, FINE” THAN EVER. 1:3; It: nrouze on each and Package. FARM TOT Plug RENT! The iron; donates ot Lot.3:l,tnr€on. Hurkhum. (Yondu street) is to rent for u norm in' vears. (in l the place an» a. n od house, coniniouions out buildingseimd goon orchard. ’I'he iniqii-ietoi- also Wishes wi'unt frontal“ uci'os, Lot til «opposite side of Yum»: strectJ The lad plowing in nu done (In ' both planed. 1".)z-paI-qulsrs apply ~01) the prom- isos to: THOMAS NIIRZ‘SOK. ti Judaism: P 0. >.L_k_, , , , A- _ _‘_,‘ I *â€" i an: ; {‘3 if me; PIL'“:A Who is Week. Nervous, Dentiitmod, Wllolnhi oily nui‘ Innorence Ins "ii-i- fled livid? it 3 V‘ ', Mind .i. : manhgorj' v. :.'Iis;II;;.' tll'lellS “poi {3 ' fies-swans ‘e. Feadache. Mack..- Jo, Du v' “nus. \Venlinoe: .‘lii'lli‘olv Jlneos m Socie’ti ‘ 'FacomidallthEffaif ‘ ‘ coy, Conrummloi . uni 1:1 our sin-«2' ‘ - l: Ilf‘“l‘.!'iS ‘t 3111‘ ' “Vail Power 3-‘1 g‘f’l i .l.‘.'L'.itith-s I! v are] 5):.3 “Ia-mill.‘ . we t3“: ‘9. i l w Milli. ~_\ ~i . l t.;o \i’ do ‘ - "uric. Willi 01' (use cunl v ciiriu ii» ‘ no.5 in l€:. :‘ " “ins ;.~o \V51 33‘ Ll‘x‘fl'. ll -.-, ‘\1‘..LY"Z'.{1-"I Oi'v .mei- I ' (“ *r'N'-~'1:-‘ri\rtc '-‘ ' v long and- E unranloe fit ‘ ammo Iomcim Sale Register __+._ Tureen”, March nthâ€"Credit sale of form stock. implements, household furniture. &c, on Int 2'1.2t1d(,'on West Iork, the pro iertv of Mr F It James. Sale at 10 a. In. Belem l-Ickurdt, Auctioneer FRII)AY.Feb. Hullâ€"Credit sole of Form stock, Implements. ‘10., on west hull of I. it. 1:, 7th 0:11., King, the propertv 01.1.6; M .\I".\Illl" cliie. Sale at 1 o'clock, N. J. Armstrong. Auctioneer. TI?i-:simr,Foh.filthâ€"Credit sale of farm stock. iinpliuiicnts, 810.. on Lot 31, 1st (‘oii, Mark- liiiin, the property of Andrew Miller. Sale at 121i'clock, Sn em Eclinrdt. Auctioneer. \VBI).\'IJRDAY, Mur 1:5â€"(Iredit sole of {arm stock. implements, household furniture, 620., on lot, 68, Ist Con oi King, the property of Imvid Flntt. Sale at 1a o'clock. Salem Ecuardt, Auctioneer mev. March Bthâ€"(Jush sale of household for iiiture. on "entre street. Richmond Hill, tin- propertv IIII‘S,-Il1lll(’h' Lenless. Sale at one o'clock. b'alem I'lckal‘dt.Auctioneer THURSDAY, March hipâ€"Auction aisle of n \'nlll~ nbleiarunavillnne lot. and fl, quantity of tanning: implements rind household furni- ture, iieor t in village of Maple, the pi'opeity of tho Into John McDonald. Sole at one o'clock. Salem I‘:(‘kllT-Ill. Auctioneer TUESDAY, March 19111.77 (‘i‘eilit- (Mlle. of Farm Stuck, Implements. 650., on Lots ti itiid ll ruin of end Con. Mitrklimii. the property o! (ho. Di'ury, Sulentllo‘clock. Salem I‘ll-,kiii'dt, Auctioneer. lsl’orties pettiiii: their bills printed at this nifice will receive a notice similar to the above Flu-3F. OF CHARGE . some: FUR SRLRRR TO LET. Two Houses and two Vacant Lot; on Centre west and Elizabeth streets ; also n. shop with dwelling attached on Yonge street. 2nd door north of the Fire Proof store. All in good in- call‘ities. rt 1 l ‘or in icu are app y to 32-tf l R. E. L \W Two Hou[s_ with Grip MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL ._-0N__ Thursday Ev’g‘, Feb. 26th. MR. J. W._HENGOUGH In his new and successful sketching enter- tainment, entitled “ ALL-SPICE.” An evening of Mirth, Mimicry and Music, inter- spersed With Crayon sketches of people you know. Mr. Bengough will be assisted by MISS EVA SIDDALL, The accomplished young pianist. Admission 2-3 cents : reserved seats 35 cents. Cliildicn,iiii.1er 12.1.3cents. Reserved sent may be secured at Skeele's jewelry store. 8 I R AW R U N. The undersigned is prepared to take in a numâ€" ber of cattle to run at straw stitch at :sicts n week. F W JACKES. 31-3 Lot 14,2nd Con. Min-Idiom WWIâ€"WINTER A good general Pervant wanted in a smell fam- ily one who can take charge of a barren Refer- ences required. f WM. VANDERBURGH. 30 t wnun iii“””§ii‘é"i Having nurchssed two acres of bush from Mr, F. Gibson, I am now prepared to deliver FIRST-GLASS MAPLE WOOD At $4.00 a cord. Also a lot of second-class wood. which will be sold cheap. 28-“ W. R. PMOCTDB. Richmond Hill. $50 PEP MONTH { . b J. . And all expenses paid. girls and boys in every in Canada. to take hold of u, light, unreesble and perfectly honorable employment It will cost you nothing to give it a trial. Addres s, \Ve wont men. women. W. H. ROBERTSON. Peterborouc’h. Out. In the Village of Maiple a. firstâ€"class NINE ROOMEO BRICK HOUSE, 1% acres of loud. stiibles. other outbuildings. 27-'.l driving-sheds and .‘lpply to \VILLIAM \VUOD. Aurora T " FORfiALE.‘ Oiie‘iun 4 foot stone. French Burr, (‘iirborlnnd all complete. Alsn a quantity of bolting and a. numbered pullevs. \\ ill be sold cheap. Apply [1) _ \V. J. IRWIN. lot 1’ King I’. O. PUMP-MAKER A flood Piuu -Mnkcl' is hunted to purchase a full set of Mutt iincry rind Tools and curry on the busmoss Ii RICHMOND HILL. the tools are in good condition. and there is no uppo mun Ill the place. There is a fish '1 ss Iitll'ltli: .‘IRi‘Lll g. “‘ltll Angers. Shell unii L; 1-. Redillcl's,l'1‘t‘lll.l to 5 inches, all turned and fi'tcd i to stool short; 1 Lathe. (,‘uiie Pulleys. (‘ounter Shall. race l’lntes Chisels. Gnu.e.~. Ill'llIS. It’c. Also all siiiullkools required tor the '1 here IS also u lull set of Pipe Tools for fitting up Iron l’unips. The whole can he had cheap, he the pi’opi-retor is forced to give up business owm: to ill-health. a term of years. ADply [u H. MILLER. Richmond Hill, ‘32.“ or THE LIHL‘RAL OFFICE town. Village and Hamlet Send for c irculnr business. i Shop can also be leased tor | on: will... ' Tonox'rn Toursder-‘eb 21, less I Wheat tall pcr bushel 51 M to 1 05 Wheat spring do .. 1 on 1 on Barley do , :10 or. cats do , 37 Re I I’eiis (lo . 00 (in Rye do . .. (‘Iovchced do .. .. Dressed hogs per 100 lbs . G 75 7 Boot lore quarters . 4 on 5 Beef hind qulti‘terti . . ’i' .30 8 (llilckeus, per pair . , 55 on Ducks do . 06 Mi (lease each . . . . . . . , no so Turkeys ouch , 1 5” 5H llutter pound mils. . 23 2t Mutter tub dairy no (lo Eons fresh portion. 18 ‘20 Potatoes per brim... 30 4o Apples per btil .. .. , 1 no 1 '15 onions green per bag . 75 so I hilibnue do '45 no ('riiditlower do . no (‘vlcrv do 75 50 'l‘uriiips. per bug .. :15 30 Ciirrnts, do. _. 54) l Hay, per ton .. l7 (‘0 21 (I0 strow.por ton ........ . . . . . . . ll (m 11 00 nit-Haloso HILI. Tlim-suuv Fcli‘u. 1889 oats, per bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .é'o 3:: 5!: I Pout-l. do. ,, . O I” (It) Dressz Tummpel‘lflfl lbs. 7 on 7 2:. Beetioroomirter... . 4 H0 4 .30 Beef. lilndqnarter .. i; no (a 5n I('.Iiickelis. per pair . .. 0 :{5 40 bucks, do .. o 50 no Geese, each .. 0 '30 no ’l‘urkevs, peril» . . . . . 0 a )0 Butter, pound rolls . ,. 0 l7 1!) Butter. large rolls .. .. 0 ‘20 '14 Enos. freeli, per dozen " in :50 Potatoes, per bag ......... 50 or. Apples,per lib] ...... . . 1 00 25 onions. per bush. 1 50 . .. Cltllllllqe, per doz 0 30 0 (10 Celei-v, do . . . anm‘ps, per bag . . (l ‘20 n no Carrots. do , , an o no Means, per peck... . .. 0 20 2 3O Flour, spring. per hhl .. . Flounfall, per bbl . (3 00 t‘» In Hny.pcr ton . I7 21 no straw. per ton " 10 00 11 50 _._ “g... . er .fl" A’â€" .-,. . «tiling: girtriurii. Churches. ‘ I ST. MARY s Episcomi. Smittenâ€"Service at 3 p m.,except the third Sunday of every month when the service and sacrament. are held at 11 mm. Sunday Schoolar' p.m Rev. W. Bares Rector IIIETHODIST Crimsonâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p.iii.,and Sunday school, 31.230 p. m Young people‘spreyer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursdiiyeveninu in the Lecture Room Rev. J. 1“. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledne. Assistant. 1 Pnnsnrrnmas Chum-n or CANAi:A.â€"Services at 11 o'clock n.1n..nnd 6:30 pm. Prayer meeting Inn \Veducsilnv evening at 7:30. Rev. W. W. Perc-val. Pastor, ROMAN ou‘uomr cannonâ€"Services In order a follow 'l‘liornliill at 9 e..m.. and Richmond H at 10:30 min; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill nt9 sun. and Thor-nliill at 1030 a. In. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor Societies. RienMoNo LODGE. A. F. k A. M.. No.23. G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room.Mnsonic Hulld’m the Monday on or before full mooii. at 8 o'clock [Lin J Elliott. W M. R I“. Law..~'m:returv ANCIENT ORDER or Fox "rims-Court Rich- mond. No. 7046 A. 0.17.. meets in the Temperance Hell every alternate Frith at 7.30 p. ni.â€"Oscar Biown. C. R. The Methodist sabbath fichool'l‘empemnce As sociation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired, Wmflerrison snpt MECHANICS' lvs'I'ITU'I‘R.â€" Library oi over 1000 volumes,open every Tuesday evening. in the Mo.- sonic Hallt‘roni 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Lew, Libra.- I'IILI]. G Trench, Secretary Ricnsioxn HILL FIRE Bnieimn BAND meets for p noticeevery Wedesduy dz Saturday evening at flo‘clock W. Sheppard, Leader. W E Wiley, Secretary Wilmer. Cocxmâ€" rte vc. Wm. Phasley. Conn- cilluru. Messrs. I’ G. Sui-uric. Wm A Suutlersondv Atkinson. Dr Wilson. trieik. M. leetv FIRE BRIGADIEr'ReL'Illnl' meeting first Friday of every month, held in the tYouncil Chamber. at 7p. 11). Membership tree. (‘ertificntesissued to members entitling them to certiiin piivilogesuml exemptions. Wm H. Pugsley, Captain. h. A. I Nicholle, Secretory. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 1-11, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock pm. Beneâ€" rlcnry certificate given for $2.000 in case of death J. Brown, Master Workman R E L-iw. rec R. '1‘.of Temperance, RichmondHill Council No. 4:3, Meets in Temperance Hall,ench alter- native Tuesday evening eteo’clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to nude or female members for $1,000 or in case oi death $2,000, one halt payable in case ofdisubi'lity. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer.flecordisg Secretnrv T RENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- RICIIMOND HILL. __)..(_ In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )lmge during the past twenty-five years. I be}: to re. inind them and the geti..'al public, thin having erecte:I enthely new and coin-- modious promises. I 8111 enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING; WAGUNS. ; Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give sntisfaction as thei I I i i I I work is under my U\\'ll siipei‘visr i, I mu alsii Prepared to do all kinds of black« SIIIIIIIIIILI .i repairing in the most Wui‘k« lllllllllkP iiiuiiner, UnTthP shortest notice, , mi on the most rt‘iiSUllilhlt' terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. \I’M 'I‘RENCII , If you want good crops cultivate the ground th troughly, and yet another mat- ti-l' of :is much Illlptlllilllcr' is to cultivate the memory siitlint it will direct you l with a certainty to the place where you I A can not 'he beer and cheapest (‘Ufll oil for the. least owner. '10 ensure that let the f minis Dilwuirilih Drug Store be firmly I ‘lllllll‘r'S-‘t‘ll on vnur mind and don't you i forget it, 170 King St. Etist. Toronto. in RENTUR RRRGAiRsi BARGAIN __; . Si AT A. MUUDIE" \Ve will Neil at cost all Woollen Goods for cash consisting of Blankets. Shins, Drawers & Woollen Sax Also good scosonable ])l'(’.S‘S Goods. 1' n. II’HHH’T' Brown, Striped (5' Plain. A large stock of Hardware, which we will sell cheap to reduce the stock. CHRISTMAS GOODS, Consisting of Raisins, Curmiih. [‘09]: and Spices. For Tess and Coffees there is nothing to equal ours in quality and price. Flour and Feed always in stock. ROLLER â€"â€"â€"CENTRIFUGAL~â€"â€" A. uoomE MILLS. â€"â€"â€"_ These Mills have recently been changed to the Hungarian System, Using,r the celebrated GREEY ROLLS, . ‘ HERCULES WHEAT CLEANERS, GARDEN CITY PURIFIERS, NEW BOLTS, 500., And are now doimc,7 FIRST - CLASS WORK. Remember the place Ki,” Rumble’s old stand. J. G. KI RILEY AUCTION SALE I OFA VALUABLEFARMI AND OTHER PROPERTY There will be offered for sale by public auction on Thursday, March 7th,1889,l At the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon, :sy Salem Ecknrdt. AIIcIiom-cr. I The following lands, namely: About 32 acres oti of the south-west corner of Ion nineteen in the third coiicession‘fl the Townv ship of Vaughan, and about 4‘! acres ofi the west end of lot eighteen in the third concession of said tcwmhitp. The premises are about one mile from Rich- mond Hill station on the Northern Builwnv. and um connected with the stution by ii. good road. 'I‘liereure oii suid pieuiises a. good one storey and a half brick dwelling. good Imme barn and driving-house, sheds and suitable out-boildihge, 10 acres of {all wheat und about 20 acres of fall plowing These premises are furnished with two Wells, and a. good hearing orchard. Soil good clay loam. Possession can: be given on the first day of April next. At the some time and plucethsre will be offer- ed {or Site itisuu lo‘. near the tillage 01' Maple. containing one acre and 1‘ bolt. upon which is situated a brick-clud dwelling: house. about 24x35, with kitchen, and drivingbcuse n.n.d stable ut- tached. Possession of this property can be given on the first day of August next Also at the same time and place there will be offered [or sale the fa 1‘11)ng implements and household furniture. lately the property oil John Mncdonold, deceased. Terms and conditions of sale made known on the date of solo or by reference to J.C.I\1cQ1msie, Mantel). 0., 01‘ to MARGARET MCDONALD Maple 190.. Executi-ix ol' the late John McDonald. Illaplefifith January, 1889, 29â€"5 LE l FARR min Containing 1‘25 acres,’20 ncres cleared, being compcsul' of ports of Lots o7 and 68 in the first concession of the TOWNSHIP OF KING, Fronting on Yonge Street. Buildings ffldl‘; good orchard, and well water- ed Any one desiring ii first-close lnrni cannot do better. Terms Liberal. Further particulars can be him] by applying to. I Diii’id Flutt,on tho prcunses, or by letter to the proprietor, WM. (7.1’A’I‘TI‘ZIISON, I’urkdnle Doc 13-13111- i‘IRRI fifii SALE OR TO BEN T. In the County of Oxford, containing 100 acres. Good bruise and barns, young orchard, well watered. One mile from School,Post Ofiice and Railway Station, Further particulars can be obtained by applying personally or by letter to HOLMES dz GREGORY, Barristers IO King St. W. Toronto. ELI. The Form which is composed or lots :54 and 29_ in the 3rd Con. of Vaughan. and containing 1135 acres. is to rent or to sell. The place is well watered. has a good orchard and isn very desirable form. For particulars aple‘ %« t1 to RS. “‘31. ELISE Y, akin-Bond Hill P .0 ' ORHODIIE’R’SGI CU RES unnng‘; twill/ll s. ‘I/fli\“ l‘ / ‘ ' 312/ Female Weaknesses Liver Complaint, Dyspepsiu, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney ’I‘roubies, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all the I .und izenernl dehillty '1 Purely Vegetable. Highlv Concentrated, Pleasant, Efiectnel, Solo ASK FOR DR. HODDER’S COMPOUND. Toke no other. per bottle. DR. HODDER’S tough it lung Cure Sold everywhere. Price‘l5cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE G0,. Tcronto. Can Sold everywhere. Price 75 can to DON’T YOU HEAR ’EM HUM I THE BUEY‘EEES OF C. TREVETHAN’S BEE-HIVE TAILURING ESTABLISHMENT. RICHMOND HILL. Are swarming to the work thiiTt is pouring in on them. He would bet: tounnonnce that his Full flll'I Winter stock of l‘weeds. 620.. have arrived. and he will be pleased to show them to his nuinci‘oim customers. He can show you unprecedented vurietv. oiialitv aiul chenpnesa, and the stock consists us lollows r SUITINGS In Scotch'Tweeds, Canadians, Weastsdsl‘u HCY nd Black bigger-heads, etc. COATINGS In lilack and Fancy ll‘urstetls,Nup.l‘v‘.ile Wales to. PAN'I‘INGS Iiiollthclatest stripws rind chm-it's, in tin:- Fit‘lii‘ll \Vot'storls, West of Englmnli. heuccb ’I‘wccds etc. "VERJ‘IVATINGS Iii Rem-om, Moltoiis. Naps, Pilot“. P310103 Etc-- in all slindm. Illhr‘lllttlllllfllllltIII‘\I1‘I{I>F :i-iniiimvl‘x'. and I guiirniiteo itpeflect in mid i'cliulilcih iiiliiiiiis‘hip Come to too and HLLYU }'(illl'>uli lji'Ul‘j' uiivl vex- atiun. The undersigned 1st now on hand at RIOHMONO HILL STATION A large quantity of first-class stove. Nut and Bluckmut 1-. (will. how is the tinieioliux when we price 1:4 IUW. (foal delivered (in shone“ q. or Illll‘t'h8"€TS may 10ml. their Waggon: .2. lion. the cnr_ _ mic pIUUI'lL'UIl‘ has also tor sale at Richmond Hill Village e. lot of oustâ€"CLASS MAPLE WOOD. PROCTOR. 'w. It.

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