Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1889, p. 1

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AT THE UBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. -â€" - ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING a to 10 n.m..5t081' essinn asfollows: \‘u‘oru lst Sth.1Chh.m;d 22nd Richmond Eillmn 9th and 24th 1M the Palmer House) 6'70“ {Tville . .. .18th Min-khan“ . .20th 0 icborin. Squme. 219t- F'lornhill. Walker House. 23rd Wnndbridge . "28th Kloinhurs; . ,2ch l‘obleton... goth thankful mnv still Medalist Torontc Physicians & Suggt Vituli MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES DR. J. LANGSTA FF, Toronto Officeâ€"No. :4 Building & Loan Chambers. N3. [5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Oflice open any Saturday. a. G. F. LAWRENCE Address A RUBINE‘ON L.D.S.. Ann-ma Ont u Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers. &c. Tonmm (Maireâ€"No. 10 King St \Veq. HQQHES (gs @EEGQEX, Mr Gm hum on fllnl‘hh 371“ (ll p-stu 111.; nu Sutum Privnt Toronto QFJILL J FFIC] Thomhill Ofii Colleetior Richmond H \Vednes: BARRIST Fillll‘l' Barristers, Solici' Fnlh'rso night on] $1 per VOL. XI. LAWRENCE & MILLiGAN. WU (in (l ASDRF BUSINESS CARDS. RABBI \V BENTON & DUDS, I!“ HEW/L EDITOR anti PROPRIETOR. {331w fiihsml RICHMOND HILL, ONT WRIGHT BROS IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. ‘W. J. “'Hgon. lilv V‘lfih‘NUE. RS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, &C. B r HUI OFficcâ€"Post Office every esday from x to 4 p. m. MW M. front gm 4;. mem DRY . MeMAHUR annum, in advance; :eâ€"Court Chambers, corner and Adelaide Streets. fleeâ€"Post Office every Wed. 'nun :0 to 12 a. m. Illl Office-Post Office everv 3, Cook & \Valluc'o. FEES, SOLICITORS 4h: City and Téfifitdirul. (“lireâ€"Town “all fm' In A. Rabbinson. Mum. RGEON DENTIST IZJEZB gm tars, Gcnveyancers, 336.. d in any hr LICX‘IORS AND NOTARIE rm ha. {H'DL mat. \V ( door bar a. m [ma ivewitv M Onchute of md Hill. 0 Je hi Countrv promptly Money to loan. ‘5 TO LOAN oak FRANK )3 DE Movbcnge ;wil be at the MM}: from 9:. m to 430 1 el, Uniouville, ever E. I. B. DUNCAN m EAST, TORONTO very Saturday. 1th appointments ‘ ee from vain. Embalmo e. ’. C. MILLIGAN. G W Humans of max-1 Member Co of Stomfville Office Hours â€"Wnllace Office hour E 11’ a TORONTO at Lowe mon tb do do 5'50“ pro Several mes for Sale in this Vicinity Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. LicenSeu Auctioneer for the Counties of Ym‘k Ontarm and Peal. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at- reasomwle rams. P. 0. address. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Lmeused Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the Rhnrtest not ice,nud at ten.- aha rates. Address Stoufivxlle P. O NI; 3714313193”. NOTARY PUBLIC, MONEY TO LEND 48-“ £1.22 EQUIP WQEKS. Addre Teacher of Music dz Oil Painting. PARSONAGE, - RICHMOND HILL DRE SS MAKINGr DressMnker.oppositegfifionic Hull Rlchmond 1 26-4-1y THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Beuj. [Brl llingor, Proprietor. Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed it. in firschst style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0‘ accommodation. Excellent stumbling and attentive hostlers. Sa._1_np]e Booms for cmumercinl travellers. A good liv‘ery in cm uectiuu. Terms $1 net dav. Every accommodation to guests per day was GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL travellers "Eemgsemm Magi WM. J ACKSON, Proprietor $30111? 32- ff an Mten FOR SALE OR TU LET. CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR 5;: JUNIOR PUPILS IN MISS HARRISON. Issucr of Man‘mge Licenses for the County of Yor ' RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE égflam @Efifflvfi QWEEJ‘EW Rmsmnxcn 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO v.41 AT VERY LOW PRICES. Leeds Richardson. MUSIC ESE}; Comn' ‘12; ifircllzmtmt Salom Erhard! Jn m vs (I; {626k (‘8. Cozmrssxoxx IN Tm: N. .7. Armstrong. it RE-OPENED AS A RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1889. nndCi Human. iation for the travellir uce “rinks. Best b: iious rooms for co: E. F. LANGSTAFF, afimnhrifigs’g Per Cell 1‘. “In. Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essantials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” “’Nl. BELL. Prop guts. Good stahlin: Every accommodati‘ ah: 243nm. A. J.RUPERT, Pro; Richmond Hill MAPLE Ox’r UNIONVILLP Board R.E.LAW MAPLE 81.0C a1 T. EMN 8:. '11 (1’ IR () N '1‘ () . Cash And One Price Only. Get samples and prices of the Spring goods free. A glance at the Silverware. A qiiadruple plated Pickle Cruet with lork at$1.oo,quad- ruple plated knives, $1.80 to :55 00 per doz.,l'"orks in nickle, silver-metal and Engllsh and quadruple plates, $1.40 to $154.50 per doz., table and des- sert Spoons $1.40 to $6.00. No matter What any person else may be doing in these you may be certain the value we offer is the best possible. Three new stylesiof Corsets light, medium and heavy, at 50 cts., under anything you’ve ever heard of f<r the same quality. ~Not a shred of an excuse for you if you don’t take this hint in time. Colored Dress Goods in the new wing north. The purest light to show them. Ofcourse all the new styles and fabrics in the best weaves that Eng- lish and Continental marKets afford. A few lines here as price suggestions,checkeil and plain De Beige, 8, 10, and 12% per yard, all-wool Llama cloth 12%, 15, 20 and 25 cents, per yard, the handsomest lot of printed Challis at 30 and 50c. per yard we’ve ever seen. Combination Suits full lengths $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 to $18, the suit choice and beautiful. Tlirty-five leadingr shades in the Felt Cloth for fancy work, table and piano covers, etc., heavy weight and gener- ous,72 inch width, at 85 cts. per yard. The clear light of our top floor to aid you in the choice. We don’t know of such an- other gathering of lace cur- tains under an) one root any where. All with scalloped and taped edges, in white, coffee, and cream, at 50, 65, 75, and $r..oo to $12.00 per pair. Prices are so httle be- cause there are no buying costs between the makers the best in England and Scotland and the store. In Men’s Spring Footwear we were never in a better po- sition to serve and save your money. Lace and Congress as low as $1.25, solid leather, sewed and pegged boots $1 and $1.25, finer and hand- made, $1.75, hand-sewed seamless sides at $2,finer Calf 2.50, shell cordovan, hand- sewed, $3 and 3.50â€"narrow, 190 to 196 Yonge St., ex- tending through to 10 & 12% Queen St., sewed, $3 and 3.50â€" medium or wide toe. T01 Address, 1 0rd 90 YONGE S EAT (EN & CO, )nt. Richmond Hill and Vicinity No. 33. To the Editor'o'f Tm: ermu. Forty years ago there stood at the south end of our village,just north of the Dnncmnb estate, a. painted building known as the old red store. In this building. long before Yonge St. was macadamized, Mr. John Brunskillâ€" who afterwards went to Thnrnhillâ€"com- menced and did a large business. keeping several clerks. Among these clerks was an English lad. seventeen years of Age, one of seven suns of a. father who subse- quently heczmne a millionaire of Toronto. This lad, with money more than sufficient. supplied by his indulgent parents, with a. lively and energetic temperament, was in to be found \\ herever life and excitement could be enjoyed. Having a pleasant manner, Well known and popular among the villages, the boy was welcome in all sorts of cmnpauy, and “ent, from the site of t are houses door. The sent out, as pices of the ulispv-seii tmvnrds Methodism, and drew flmn the father an indignant protest and a threat of «lenunncement unless he at oncu retracted. The young man carefully con~idered his pusitiun, tried to take in the whale situation, and returned for an answer, “that, having given his heart to the service of Christ, he had given his hand to the Methodist peaple, and had chusen their God to be his God‘” The result was that as far as his family were cuncerned his financial prospects were blasted. From Richmond Hill he Went to a. city in the United States, and was told 1200'!“ upon a certain merchant. He did Sn,anu requesteda. position as clerk. The first thing he was asked for was a. “character.” Pulling a. Bible out of his pncket and handing it to the merchant, he mid he thought his character might be fnnnd in thatâ€"he was trying to be like the Lord Jesus. The merchant- accepted the rec onimendation With a. quizzical glance at the young man’s face, which seemed tn show honesty of purpose, gave him the. situation, and 5mm found that he had se~ cured the serv1ces of n valuable assistant A r901" The Young Man‘s Choice. n‘eve years Ill assu- WI) of i{11- sanne line lit at new line. ‘ Some one blundered." An accident occurred, and an unfortunate Victim of the catastrophe was our young manâ€"Mr. James Gouda-ham, the Prea- ident of the Credit Valley Railway Com - pauy. â€"â€"-l I have been qufl'ering with a bad stom- ach for a number of years and neglect- ing myself verv much. I have no pity for you because you no right well that n. rinse of Birkert Pellets will cure you. Birketts Live: Pellets, are a positive curo for sick head ache, 50 doses for 25 cents, sent by mail to any address. Dilworth's Drug Store, 170 King St. East, Toronto. The Annual W'inter Races were held on the ice, Bond‘s Lake, on Friday last. As on former occasions there was a good attendance, and everything passed off smnuthly, though the ice, owing to the warmth of the sun, was rather soft in places. Every class was well filled, and some good trotting was done. The judges were, R. Lemon, Davisville ; M. U'Hulleran, Deer Park, and W. Meek, Victoria. Square. Their decisiuns were final. and in all cases satisfactory. The trotting was generally square, but. in the FIth heat in the gentleman’s race, Muss Rose and Toboggnu were set: back fur runnng and the heat given to John L. Sullivan. In the named race the horses and their peeitions were as follows :- J. VVaic's,Fisher ......... 1 2 1 1 W. V. Palmer’s. ‘lslack Bird ..... 5 4 5dr (J. Palmer's, Sully ................ 6 6 (2d: The second race was for gentlemen’s mad horses, that. had never beaten 2.40. In this there were seven entries. The race pruveil very interesting, Moss Ruse Carrying off first h'nnm‘s. Their places at the close were as follows 2â€"- J Luwrie's, Moss Rose... 3 2 1 1 4 1 Owen’s Toboggnn.... . . . 1 J :4 :3 5 ‘.. Ed. Gailuuough's,J.L.sullivuu .. 4 4 4 4 l :1 S. J. Dixon's. Little Heto,,. 2 3 2 2 2dr J. Dixon's. Jimmy 1).... 5 5 :3 5 31!)- H. G. Churleswoi'th‘s. Lutie (i 6 6 6 (s (1! J. Palmer‘s. Black Male .. 7 7 (11' The third and last. race was for 2-year- old colts, in which much interest was alsn centred. Mr N. Playter's black colt was an easy winner, and showed some Wunderfiil bursts of speed. This young trutter is bred by Oriole, and in all pro- babilitv will show a good record in future races. The cults’ race was best two in three, the result being as follows :- â€"- N. Playter's, Black Colt .............. 1 1 1 W. Munshaw's, Imperial Queen 2 2 2 Jackson‘s, Buy Colt" .. 4 3 a J. Thompsuu's Frank Hough 3 q 4 J. Palmer‘s. Grey John \V. Vince's. Liverv Girl A. J. Collin’s. Hopeful . W. V-. Palmer‘s, Black C. Palmer's, Sally.... . Save a part of your fair by calling at Dilwurth’s Drug Store next Saturday when you visit the city. You will find Mr Dilworth ubligmg and attentive to your wants. The best and purest drugs in the city wili be found at 170 King St. East, Toronto. T1 ‘ \IL“ 149.515”. _ ROYAL 99mg Rn. . mm Absoiufieiy Farm Bond‘s Lake Races. FOB S [Single copies, 3 cts (TO BE cuNTINUED.) No. v.6

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