Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1889, p. 4

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funds, &c., &c. Mr. Smith argued that the Crook's Act was a good one, and had done much to iurther the cause 01 temperance. As an evidence of the poor case of the \Vorld, he stated that out of the I50 hotel-keepersfin Toronto, 143 had signed a statement deriving that anv as it is a matter between Quebec and the Dominion Government. The Orange body had been instru- mental in placing the present Gov- ernment in power, and should now exert their influence against a meas- ure which they maintain is infant: ous. Mr. Lane’s remarks on Trade Rectrictionswere also to the point.. He spoke of the injustice 0t allow- ing the distillers a rebate on corn imported tor the manufacture of, whiskey, while-this privilege was denied the tarmers who desired to import corn for feeding purposes. Mr. G. B. Smith was the next speaker. On rising to address the meeting he was loudly cheered, which plainly showed his popular- ity among his constituents. After explaining the reasons for the abâ€" sence of Mr. N. Awry, M. P. 1).. and Mr. Preston, be dealt with the question of the license system, wmch had been attacked by Mr, Meredith nnd his followers in the Local House. Charges had been Mr. Lane, after complimenting East York on the energy and faith- fulness of Mr. G. B. Smith, referred briefly to the Jesuit Act. - He con- tended that while Ontario might disapprove, it was beyond her powe to deal with the measure effectively, The president in his opening re- marks referred to the object of the meeting, said he wee-pleased to see. so many young faces. as well as the older members, and' was gratified to have present Mr. G. B. Smith, the Local member. He referred to the Jesuit Bill, and said that althouSh the Conservatives in the country were endeavoring to make capital out oi it for political purposes, he felt anxwus that Reformers should place this bill in its true light. He spoke in high terms of Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, whom he regret- ted was unablsto be at the meeting, and concluded by calling7 to the platform Mr. John Lane, ex-M. P. bcott, Wm. Lundy. W. G. Wood- ruff, G. E. Reesor, H. P. Crosby, ex-M.P.P., H. R. Corson, F. Eck- ardt. H. Wilson, A. Quantz, Dr. Crulckshank, Jonathan Guuld, A. Forster, and hundreds of others, representative men. at For suleow S Snider New- Arlâ€"W. D. Atkinson @3112 @32th IRHMONDHILL. Thursday, Mar. 21. ‘89 rid ers ,ea In HIV") w u NEW ADVERTISEMENTS that hots similar to newspape a D63 EAST YORK m Toronto, 1+3 had ncnt denying that any had used his influ- Ill one way or ar those made by the r some weeks ago, keepers had been money ior election \Ir. Smith argued on the the Ho rlher DC SMOKING TOBACCO Miss Lave and Miss Alberts, of Toron- to, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Love. have returned home. Mr. R. Frishy, of Aurora. has been visiting frimids here‘ Mr and Mrs. Gen. Brown, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. Geo. Forester. \Ve are expecting a few weddings this week. I perhaps will be able to give you fqu uccuunt next, issue. '1) ess Mr. H. Sanderson and family are going to move to Aurora, and Mr. Harland is coming in his place. \Ve are happy to say that Mrs. James Crussiswenovering from her severe ill- cuurses Mr. Wm. Luwson has remed the resi deuce of Bi". Thus. Read. Mr. Read in tends moving w Turuntu. Mr. F. BUâ€"wmzm huh started for Mani- tnba to better his fnrtuue. “’0 wish him every success In his new enterprisw. Mr.r\Vm. Murtson has redeemed his horse which was bought under false pre- lences. The several I will communicate to yuu a. few items ‘0 let. you know that this plaée is still in a prosperous condition. The congregatiuu at chumh nu Sunday ‘was not so large as usual, on account. of the state of the reads. The liev. Mr. Simpson preached an earnest, sermon on “Temptation.” Quite a large aumber of the sporting men left here on Friday last to amend the Bond’s Lake races. Their principal object was to see huw “Grey Juhu” would succeed, this being the first time he ever contested for a. prize. Ht- had the hum-:- of carrying ofl'fiecund nmuey iulhis class._ Mr. J’ames McCugue has been purchas- ing a Lruttiug horse, which no doubt will be of good servwe to him in the future. The fannem are engaging their help for the present. summer, and wages are ranging niudei'ate. The fall wheat is Coming out looking green, and the prospects are favorable. Mr. «K; M rs. Jam. \Vilsuu were taken to the [Industrial Hume lust week. A véry interesting debate tank place in the lodge room of the I (J. G. '1‘., among the members, on Suturday evening last. Subjectâ€"“Which has been and is the most. benefit. to mankind. the an or the horse.” The chair was uccupiul by sisters '1‘ Mackenzie, I. Brumull and M. Mc- Cague. They chidcd 1n fzu'ur of the cow. The third page at the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted fur “Want” advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a. sitlmtinn, a mechanic. a. busi- ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have lost or fuund anything. ur if yell want to find out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the nd~ vertisements on the Third page nf that paper. 'The charge is Two Cents a Word each insertion. Address TEE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. Reciprocity, he felt satisfied that tee trade would be good tor all classes of people, With the excep- tion of those manufacturers who were protected by combines. Con- servatives showed an anxiety to ex- tend our trade with islands and countries thousands of miles away, whereas they would reject an offer to trade with a country lying along side our own. He quoted from the Trade and Navigation Returns, is- sued by the Dominion Government. showing, that notwithstanding the High 'I'arifl wall, between this coun- try and the United States, the im- ports and exports were larger With the latter country than with Great Britain. Before concluding his re- marks he paid a high tribute to the‘ true worth ot Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, who, he said, was now representing East York at Ottawa, having gone there at the opening of the session. Messrs. \V. D. Gregory, R. Bruce and H. P. Crosby followed, but owing to the train’s leaving for Toronto at an early hour, the meet- ing was brought to a close, and the remarks of the last-named gentle- men were necessarily short. The large audience appeared to have a. thorough knowledge of the questions ' discussed, and their earnestness and spirits indicated that Victory would be theirs as soon as the elections- would be brought about. In urénze on (each Fluf.r and Package. FIR E5! THAN EVER. Muyor of our town has ordered of the men out tu clear the water- Victoria Square (‘l'T :uui' PLI'G 'I‘IIES YEAR‘S ' y‘ r r» ‘ ' W11 >011 BETTER \ALUE forl I E ARE THE your money in the city or out, ‘ FULL Dascummm, ILLU Satisfaction guaranteed or: money refunded. ’ R. W. NEWLLE, RICHMOND HILL February,11889. than any Toronto made goods of the same superior quality and finish. We- w111 take great pleasure in showing these-goods to all, and you will see at once tliatlthere has never been such perfect goods oflered at these lbw prices. Men’s Fine Lace Bals,$2.oo, \Naukenphausts, Shell Cor- dovan Bals.(finest make) Boys fine Lace Boots, hand rivet- ed, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Button and Lace Boots in Oil Goat, Po.l Calf. French Kid, Glace Buff foxed, India Kid, &c. Ladies’ fine toe Slippers at 750, worth $1.00. As we buy and sell at the Closest Possible Price, Ex- clusively for CASH, we be- lieve no one can posmblv give Even in stock, in make and finish the most perfect we have ever seen, made on the newest LASTS and fully 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY IN QUEBEC, $500.00 WGRTH All Offered at 75 cents on the ‘cheap Gash Hausa. WHOLESALE BANK- RUPT STUCK, NEW STOCK OF THE Finest Quality. R E M E M E R , ryGnudsMweeds $2,090 WORTH SPEQIAL NMEGE E J. W. GALE Only 75 cents on the. HSHUEG’: SPfiINGfi FROM THE WEAR. All Clean TH Eâ€"â€"â€" A Large an Glassware, Fancy Ware, Lamp ' Goods, (330.; in sets or Pieces. COB/IE ALONG EMTEWZL PMEEMEN GPAQEEE Whiie mm am mm Ware; SEEE QRAEESu E} It is the handgomest Catalogue publishe‘ purchasers on application. Every Farmer a SEEDS for the coming Season. Farmers the most complete in Tarantc, WiUWfi And see the nice lot of Printed \Vare in the Delf Line, which has just been received, which he will sell at lowest prices He desires a call when you require anything in his line, and he intends to make this department complete, and He requires a share of your valuable patronage to do it. Our stock is now complete, and comprises all the latest pat- terns that can be bought in \Vall Papers. Ceiling Bord- ’ erings & Decorations in all shades & styles at bottom prices. Ready mixed Paints in all colors, Boiled and Raw Oils,Véu‘nishe3,Brushes,all sizes, and all paint- ing materials. Glass, all sizes. The stock of Furniture can’t be beat at the price. Usual stock 01 Groceries, as cheap as :my other house, if not cheaper. ROOM PAPERS I 1889 SPRENG GQQDS ! 1889 ®9®®®®§3€1£9 , CALL 8: THEM. DIRECT IMPORTER. NEW ARREVALS OF Grocer (30}le SPRENG SPRENG Complete Assortment. I ALONG TO (mi-actions- MTG, @NT. #‘rults. For Catalogue, address P. G. SAVAGE JAR‘HS srs. 1889 1889*

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