Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Mar 1889, p. 1

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Shoun'ville Markham . . Victoria Square .......... .. P‘xoruhill. Walker House. . Wouzibridge‘..,. .. ‘. . Kleinburg .. . Noumea... .. .....30th Vlmlized Air always on hand at Works like a charm Freei Address A ROBINFON L.D.S i‘lmnkl’ul for the favors of the past 20 years may stillbeconsultedin any branch of the pr0~ ession nstollows: \urora lst Shh. 16th, and 22nd of elm“ mn'ntb Richmond [{ilL .. 9th and‘utb "n mt the Fauna-House) THE LIBERAL PRINTING dz I’UBLISHING RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" (INT T. F. MeiMHON, EDITOR 2.3:". PMPRIETOR. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _o._ A. G. F. LAWRENCE. 'l‘. C. MILLIGAN. Fullerton. Cook & \Vallnce. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS 6‘10 .‘IFFICE: 18 KING s'mnn'r EAST, TORONTO Richmond Hill P.0. Everv Sntnrdnv THURSDAY MORNING Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, «Ea:u "K‘oromo Ofiiceâ€"No. I4 Buflding 8: Loan Chambers. N3. :5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. TOIOIHO orificeâ€"No \Veu. Markham omceâ€"' (up-Hairs.) deflections in City and Cuuntrv promptly attended to. Money to loan. 8.54} Private Funds to Lofin on Mo'tgage at 1 Rates of Interest Mr Gregory or Mr Holmes Wil be at the ham Ofliae every Saturday from 9 a. m to 111.; and M Wehber‘s Hotel, Unionville‘ Saturday from 5 p. 111.. to s p. m. Toronto Officeâ€"Court Chambers, corner Church and Adelaide Streets. Thornhill Officeâ€"Post Office every Wed- nesday from IO to 12 a. m. Richmond Hxll Officeâ€"~Post Office every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p. m. 'hvo Home; west and Elm dwelling ntmr‘ north of the F‘ Gillitiei. HQLMES é? EEEGsz MJELEE 4': gawagy, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES_&C. Una erlaken's & E mbalmcl's. Funeral Furnishings ‘Uways on “and DR. J. LA‘NGSTAFF, “mm FOR SALE OR TU LET. elephone 311 LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN nightcnlls at from: (1001' bell. Office hour '10 n. m J SFuIlm-ton W 1) GREGORY $1 per annum, in advance.) VOL. XI. ANDRE W D ODS Barristers. Solicitors, C BENTON & DDDS, BARBIET"RS, SOLICITORS J. R. MILLER ‘6 BUSINESS CARDS. Vifl‘cflfl [£57 £1 l3" PRIVATE P17th 1‘!) anx WRIGHT BROS Money to loan at lowest rates E119 fiihcml RICHMU ND HILL, ONT IS F UBLISHED EVERY 10; Adelaide street East Dr. A. Rebilmou. mull tw SURGEON DENTIST liceâ€"No. 10 King St. Omenâ€"Town “a”. Hitcdimi. USED BY 3.7mm. 11mm P. 0. Every Saturday. W Cook, â€"Wa.lla.ce AT FRANK B DBSTON, B C L ud at appointments Free from main. ‘onveyuncers, 4m E. J. B. DUNCAN FUBUSHING HOUSE _ â€" ONTARIO D NOTARIES G W HuLmzs wage at Lowest an ii: TORONTO m: a. Ont good 10 E.L\W 430 13‘ every Markâ€" door £1.23 @LE $594!!" W'QfiE‘S. Licensed spectfull chen sed Sales attc abe re LicenSm. Aux Ontanu and I General sales to at £08.50qu influence and at re HIGH COURT OFJUSTICE, &c‘, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 26-44)! All kinds of Wood, Iron, Galvanized Pipe,Irou Brass and Porcelain C finders. Allkinds nr Water Itims’,’ We i-‘Diggi-ng"0nrbs Curb Rings and Cisteru Tanks made to order. Repairing done on shortest notice. Teacuer of Music & Oil Painting. PARSONAGE, ~ BIUHMOND HILL Sewrul‘ Farm 3 NOTARY PUBLIC, DRE SS MAKING Dress Maker. oppnsite Masonic Hall Ritfhinond Hi Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed 1!; in first-class style. I am yrepared to give the public She bes‘. o‘ accommodation. Excellent stahling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con. uectiun. Terms 31 Bar duv. ‘ ‘ Every accommodation for travellers. Firm-class stablmg and an attentive butler. travellers Best Ligum's and Cigars. Good smhiinrz and an auentxve hustler. Every accommodation to truvellers am! bum-Gen. MONEY T0 LEND Address Wigs THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bcuj. Bl‘lllinger. Proprietor. Every accommodation to guestl. Board, $1.00 per day Goo‘ Choict 1t [1, (J i a. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Temggerme House. Tgazmgmg E02329, THOSHUGHES. Prop. WM. J ACKSON, Proprietor MISS HARRISON, CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR 5: JUNIOR PUPILS IN Issuer Fine Vv'ines, Liquofs and Cigars RICIHJOND HILL POST OFFICE. E. éEMam Mfi’gfl Emma, imam? 158 KIXG STREET EAST. TORONTO Auctioneer for the County of ank ended on the shortest uoticegmd at reu‘ ates. Address Stuufifvxlle P. 0 of Marnage Licenses for the County of Yor . sales uttem usonabc rates Leeds Richardson. AT \‘Eu’s: LOW PRICES. Auctidneer for 'oulmodatio for the mvelling public. mpemnce finks. Best brands Aof ‘ommodious rooms for commercqu Sniem ‘iieimlinntnns. COMMISSIONER [N THE N . J. A rnlstrona IKE-OPENED AS A RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. MARCH ‘28, 1889 :n (‘5 1:. Stokes. 1'8. hes Busing. E. F. LANGS'PAFF. Per Cent “' M n B E LL. P"? P “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Sule in this Vicinity Erkardi >1' the Counth of York LIS sold on cunsignmenb. etc" promptly attended 1"» 0. address. the County of York. re- patroumge and friendly n] on the sLortest notice P. 0. address. King. A. J. RUPERT, P'mp Richmond Hill MAPLE ONT U NIONVILLE MAPLE '1‘()RON'1‘(). In again drawing attention to our ever increasing busi-- ness in the Carpet Dept, we would intimate that the great demand from those who pat- ronize us that we should in- crease our stock of best goods has induced us to make heavy purchases for tl is spring’s trade from manufacturers who have a world-wide reputation for producing best goods only. Among other goods purchas- ed for this season We have se- cured a splendld selection of best Brussel Carpet, manu- factured by Messrs: H. 6‘: M. Southwell, Brigdew'orth, and Iohn Crosby Rt Sons, Halifax, England. We shall always be prepared with full ranges of low and medium grade goods,- as well as the best goods above referred to. Fame; Dress Dept.â€" Cash And One Price Only. T. EATN & 38., In the new wing of our store good light and a large variety otgoods to choose from: with. a large staff of agreeable youn,‘or men who think it no trouble to show goods. A beautiful range of suit lengths of all the newest designs im- ported direct to our own ord- er. Not more that two dress- es ol any shade to a pattern to insure variety and select designs, the prices range from $2.75 to 31518.50 per suit. A magnificent range to select from all-Wool Delanes and Challies, fast colors and new est designs, 32 inches wide,at 30c. and 50c. per yard. Milliner Dept.â€" The show in the Millinery is probably the biggest effort we have ever made. The manager has brightened his stock lrom all the new founts, and now Claims to lead among Canadian Millinery display. The feather catchings and reachings overtop previous doings in the same. Ostrich Mounts, 5oc., 65c., 85c. to $2.25. Ostrich Tips, 75c. to $3.00 a bunch. Flowers in profusion brighten the pros- pect with tints and colorings beautiful as nature. Violets, roses,wreaths,poppies,daisies, lilac and snowballs. Almost any flower you want is here. Ribbons & 'Lace Dept.â€" Spring Ribbons in new shades, IOC. to 250. per yard. New Sash Robbons,7 in.wide with satin stripe, 55c. per yd. Black Flouncing Lace, 40 to 63 in. wide, 75c. to $4.oo,with narrow to match all patterns, IOC. to 50c. per yard. Address, T. EATON & CO, Toronto. 190 to 196 Yonge St., ex- tending through to 10 8c 12% Queen St., Mail Order Department. 190 YONGE 5:11, The first settler in Richmond Hill was a dead Indian. This may not appear Very solemn. just as we are approaching a grave subject, yet if is none the less a fact. Within the memory (If some liv~- ing, behure the pl..t was enclosed for burial purposes, there stood on the line of the present fence near the gate the rutten remains uf an Indian tomb. It oniisisted of a number of round cedar logs all of one size, notched at the ends and leliell tugether like a. log house, those forming the runf nearing each other until [he une in the centre made the ridge. He may have been one of the the Mississxguus, who once owned all this territory, and sold this part, the Before taking leave of our readém We will visit one more place of local interest to us allâ€"Hhe village graveyard. An old fashionedflnuk, which we all have, and I trust, a. book we all prize, tells us that there is but A step between us and death, and it might. be said but two or three more between us and our place of burial, for in five minutes we can walk from Richmond Hill living zu Richmond Hill dead. Richmond Hill and Vicinity No. 34.. the Mississagnus, who once owned all this lerrimry, and sold this part, the ‘Hume DieriCL.” €348,000 nores to the whites fur $40,000, the price of a. good farm. Perhaps on his Way to the old fort at, Toruntu for his share nf the Gov- ernment presents, he had been struck by the hand nf death, and his comrades buried him by the tl‘llll which passed tlii'uiigh tue site of Ulll‘ village. These Indians buried their dead warriors in huiiriny dress, with arms for battle or the chasm, 3;) that he would be fully equipped when he reached the happy hunting grounds. We can get an idea. of the years that, have iiiterVened since that Indian started for ihe spirit land, when we think that sixty years 2120 those ced- ars placed green npun his grave were de- cayed uiirl-epuiuhling to dust. We will now enter thu sacred spot. Spring that \VnkdB to life everything but the dead. has just been lifting Winters slil‘ulld nf firecy whiteness from off the surrounding graves, but. the lingering trust. still h-nids in its icy grasp all that lends attractiveness to an evening sin-ml, yet hllllluJb'l‘ evening thoughts may be nun» the less acceptable when read in winter evening‘s lsauure hour, and so in faiicv we Will take our usual walk, 'und like Hervey, We will "meditate among the Lombs." and talk about those, whn, though dead, yet speak to us as we recall the memories of the past. How our thoughts go back on the days gone hv as we wander aiming the many wounds that cover “1088, who, years age, have gone on before, and of thOse we knew and loved in later days. 50 near our feet yet so far from sight. How touch~ ing the sight of these evergreens and im murtelles so frequently ienewed bv the hand of affection and lnve. which has survived the first burst of grief fur the departed one. Those nmrtnary records (in marble slab and granite monument, how short they seem “WNWâ€"“died,” the dates so near tugetherâ€"un one the history of a single day ; on another the histnry of a century, to them a. lifetime of stern realities. tu as a. perfect blank. To the living the dead never gruw older. The babe buried twenty years ago in our minds is a baby still, nur dead children ever remain to us the same as when they left us, their forms never alter their faces never change. Who can write the bio- grapliies of the silent sleepers in our little “0in of the Dead,” their joys and sur- I‘UWS, their lights and Sllaufls-â€"Llluir stif- ferings when llf‘: was present with them, and their hnpes of the future. on which they have entered. Nut one on earth be- low, and but (me above who will read it all when the Bonks are opened. If all those who have been carried l through that gate were permitted to re- turn amongst us and take their parts in the activities uf life as in the past, him thronged our streets \vuuld bv, how many wnllld be added to every faluilvâ€"wlmt joyful recognitions and happy greetings if we again could grasp our dep‘uted luv< ed ones by the hand, and yet, I The time draws on When not a single spot of burial ecu-Lb, Whether on laud or in the spacious sea, But. must give back its long committed dust Iuviolateâ€"and faithfully shall these Make up the full account, uoi the least atom Embezzlcxlâ€"uone misluid of the wholz tale, Each shall have a body randy tarnished. And each shall have its own. Tb the Editor of THE LIBEiMI Like all its surroundings, the gram yard has undergone improvements. “’6 had first lhe em of whud in mmbsmnes, when the lines i3 memorinm were painted black on slabs of two-inch cedar, and the footstonea were {om by fuur scamling. To this succeeded the milng era, when all who could ‘afl‘nrd it. enclnnm'?‘ their plots uitll bars 'and pickcts. Shim; of these were of the rudeat construflSnll, Jud othe‘f‘s Hm! Hisplayed the inge'nhny Our Cemetery. ' A worthy deacon in his rounds of Christian duty called one evening on a neighbor. There was a. cheerful blaze upon the hearth, illuminating the kitchen to its farthest corner, causing the polish- ad furnitltre to glow with extra brilliancy. The deacon was received with a cordial welcmne and requested to be seated, but standing in the middle of the room, he kept staring into the fireplace. The good lady somewhat confused, commenced an: apology, in which her husband and pick- evs got mixed up: The good old dencon’s indignation boiled over, and rushing from the house he exclaimed. “Mun ! Mon} rob-hing the dead to warm the li\- This powder nevur varies. A {11ng strength and whuiesumeness. Mona than the ordinary kinds, and cannot competition with the multitude of 10 weight alum nr phosphate powders. in cans. Roux. BAKING Pownxn Co stree N.Y of the skilled nrtizun. Within the writer’s recollection the whole yard was studded with these small enclosures, in which the June rose flourished. and the sweet brlar spread itself until it peeped over the my. Some of these were [mint- nd and neaLly cared for, others were de- lapidated and some began to mysterious- ly disappear altngebher. Soon after this there came a. mandate from the authorities 0f the church for the expulsion of the remainder, and these enclosures which gave a. labyrinthine ap- pearance to the cemetery, all disappeared excepting that around the family plot ot the Fetgusnns. lug The marble era set in early, the first headstone markng the burial phsCe of Raymond, erected in 18‘28, now aho'we the spate and wrinkles of age. All the original ones were simple slabs of marble with the record that the sleeper beneath was burn on one day and died on another. to him the history of a. thousand viaissi- tndes, to us but a. pulsing glance. Others of later date are more elaborate in design and taste, and the same in pwse and poetry. ln recnmmending the m‘erhs‘ of the departed ones some Come far short of the reality and .nthers rather extrava- gant 1n the other extreme, reminding us of a couplea once writzen on a churchyard gate. I have been suffering with a bat? stom- ach for a. number of years and neglect- ing myself ‘verv much. I have no pity for you because ymi no right well that a dose of Birkert Pellets will cure yon. Birketts Live: Pellets, are a positive cure for siCK head ache, 50 dnses for 25 cents, sent by mail to any address. Dilworlh's Drug Store, 170 King St. East. Torunw. One 21m tfmt stone, Frencfi Em, Cm‘bod and 3:11 complete. Also a quantity of belting and a. umber of pulleys. Will be sold cheap. tpply I0 sold HOUSE to LE FIR‘ST‘GLASS fiRFLE WEED WW3 FEB SM I 017E Ha Vin: Absaiuteiy iichmx chmond Street,Richmond Hi Apply to JOS‘ HALL. Rxcbmn‘ (11 to D. REAMAN C Here lie the (land, And here the living-â€"lie. nurchased two Jason. I am now [Single copies, 3 cts (TO BE CONTINUED 'nbmi‘a'swh vur vurles. A mprvel orpuriry, ‘lesumeness. More economical rkimls. and cannot be sold in the multitude of low tosLshnrt Imsphucg powders. Soldi only PHOCTOR. Richmond H W. J. IRWIN 3 "of bush from spared l0 deliver Pine. No. 37. imme' P 106 “'1”

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