Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Apr 1889, p. 3

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There can be only one opinion about the bill which Mr. Reed introduced in Parlia- ment to restrict the right of carrying con. The Cuban is more afraid of the moon- light) than the sun. He will live in a fetid atmosphere that would stifle a savage, hilt surrender a year’s income rather than ex- pose himself to the rays of the moon. Every deformity, every distemper, every fever or billions attack he attributes to the efl'ect of the moonlight, which he believes is the direct cause of most of the ills man us heir to. The drainage of the city is a trivial matter compared With exposure to the moon. The House of Lords (Discontinuance of Writs) Bill, introduced by Lord Garnervon, provides that if it shsll uppeur to the House that any peer has been guilty of discredit- able conduct inconsistent with his position as a peer' and if the House presents an ad- dress to the Queen praying that the writ of summons issued to such peer may be can- celled, it shall be lawful for her Majesty by warrant to cancel such writ, and the peer shall cease to be entitled to sit in the House of Lords. Ifnny Canadians feel that nof'nirg can satisfy their aspiration but emigraucn t4) Dakota, 181.7 them by all means do no, but they will do well in the first place to weigh well the chances of cyclones, blizzards and prairie tires which many the monotony of farm life in theaejegiona from time to time. The Minister of Militia has refused the request made by the volunteer battalions of Toronto, Hamilton and Brantford, to go into camp for four days to study the new drill movement. There is force in the ground he takes that if he granted the request, he would have no excuse to do otherwnse in the case of similar requests coming from other city battalions, but that the estimates for the year having already been settled, such liberality was out of the question. The experience of the Scottish companies which are engaged in the cattle-ranching business in the Western States and Territor- ies has been :1 end one. judging from statio- tics published by the London “Economist.” Of the ten companies, not one paid a divi- dend in 1887, while lest year only three were able to do so. the amounts paid, moreover, being wretchedly small. The other seven companies increased their indebtedness, and several of them, the “ Economist" says, are in very low water. The New York “ Sun " complains of the success of the Canadian railways in securing a large portion of the carrying trade to which the United States railways think they have a right. It wants Congress to interfere. The inconvenient success of our raHWays is one of the chief causes why our neighbors desire to absorb Canada. The French government has been guilty of a gross piece of stupidity in determining to prosecute Boulanger. Unless they mean to guillotine the man they ought to know that such a course will only make the people idolize him all the more, and if they were to guillotine him then, alas for them. The Parisian mob would be likely to introduce them toLe Lanterne. Germany is afflicted with an epidemic of trade strikes. The masons, plumbers and carpenters an out in Hamburg ; the manu- facturing wost at Elberfeld and Barman are clotej; the carvers and toymakers at Nuremberg are out; and 3 general strike of the building trades in Berlin is said to have been determined on. Lady Dufl'erin’s interest in obtaining wo- man doctors for India has led her to accept the presidency of the Royal Free Hospital in London. The authorities of this institu- tion intend to permit the students of the medical school for women to use the hospital for instruction. Lady Dufl'erin emulates her husband in a life of public usefulness. Mr. Clifford Lloyd had a letter over two columns in length in Monday’s “ Times” on the Irish question. He holds that to settle the Irish question will require all the talent and concord of both parties in the State, and any practical attempt to settle it by one party in the face of the opposition of the other will at least end in failure, if not in a great national disaster. There is a bitter struggle going on in St. Louis for the control of the municipal gov- ernment. The Democratic nominee for mayor is a sort of a judge or magistrate who is alleged to have been not long ago in such a state of intoxication while on the bench as to be quite unfit for duty. The Republicans are straining every nerve to keep this man and his “ gang" away from the city’s .trea- snry. There is still a considerable exodus from this side to the United States. Explain it as you like, a certain amount of than sort of thing ls inevitable. It would happen if there wasn’t scqstom house between the two oceans. There will always be an attrac- tion in the wealthier and more populated country to draw enterprising, ambitious emigrants from poorer and less developed neighbours. What a lovely spot Dakota is ! What a peaceful and happy land for the repose of the superannuated members of a bear garden, with its blizzards, its cloud bursts, its cy~ clones, and that new and original feature of Western life the “ sand blizzard." The new article of torture is evidently the summer recreation of the Dakota hurricane, and is designed to prove to the satisfaction of a scientific generation how much the human constitution can stand. Nye’s on Joseph 0.5: so shortly before that distinguished contra ersialist's appearance here. There w e molt more truth than poetry in the huaiufist's description. One doesn’t he nearly as much abouo Annexation or even Commercial Union these days. The Jesuite' question seems to have absorbed all other interests. The agitation on that matter keeps up wonder. fully. Is it being too sanguine to‘ give it a six months longer lease of life? Mr. Joseph Chamberlain arpears to have almost made a fool of himself by the speech he made on John Bright. If it was intend. ed as a eulogy it was an abject failure, and Mr. Joseph would have done wisely, had he remembered to keep his muuth abut when he had nothing to any. The Cleveland Leader considers that if Canada increases the duty on United States lard on account: of the udulteretions of that article the action will be “ justifiable dia- erimination.” Says the Leader: “ The adulterution of food is one of the bezetting sins of this country, and ought to be rebuked and punished wherever possible." It was a on" Toronto Globe t MISCELLANEIIUS. thing surely for the Tbflnb that skit of Bill ‘I so shortly before that Is an exclamation heard every hour in the dsy. Toothache is the most common ail- ment of young and old, and in the aggregate inflicts more sufl‘erlog than perhaps any other single complaint. A one minute cure is just when every person desires to possess. Nervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"acts almost: in- stantly in relieving the agony, and as a sample bottle hfl‘ords a quantity sufficient for 100 applications, 10 cents fills the bill. Polson’s Nerviline is the only positive rem- edy for toothache sndsll nerve psins. Sold by Ill dealers in medicine. A good example of how sorely appearan- ces may sometimes testify against even the meet deserving of men was afforded in Peru- guay recently. A number of men landed from acanoe at Asuncion in that country and made their way to a street car. They were barefoot, ravged, dirty, and generally unkempt in their appearance. They had no money and told the car conductor so, but also assured him that if he would take them to a certain hotel they would be identified there, and he would get his money. The conductor ,however, did not see hie way clear to be so trustnt and told the beggarly looking crew that they must either pay in advance or walk to their destination. They were forced to accep. the latter alternative and when they reached the hotel they were given a cordial welcome as the members of an exploring party sent out by government, and who had distinguished themselves by a remarkable trip on the Pilcomayo river. cealed weapons, and to punish those who disobey. Sncha law is necessary. Many pex sons carry revolvers and other dangerous weapons out: of sheer bravado, and edged tools in the hands of such fools are too for- midable playthings altogether. If anyone really needs to carry weapons forhis defence he can easily secure the necessary dispen- sation on fulfilment of certain conditions. The Republic of France deals leniently with forgetful ( ffi :ials sometimes. as appears from one report: about: an ex Governor of Senegal having been fined $100 for having left: [our negroes on a desert island to pro- tect: thq‘French flag, and then forgetting then until they died of starvation. Perhaps an indignant contemporary goes too far in say- ing that the $100 should have been spent: on a rope and gallows for a man whose short- ness of memory proved him fib for the asylum or for hanging, but certainly it: was a gross perversion of justice to let; him get: off so easily. A Montreal Judge recently allowed a young man, convicted of indecent assault on a young girl, to get off with something like a day’s imprisonment, and a small fine, on the ground that before his crime he had borne a good character. That perhaps was some excuse for not subjecting him to the full severity of the law, but we fail to see that it was an adequate reason for such limi- ted treatment. The "cat" might be dis- pensed with, but if there was to be imprison- ment and fine both should have been more calculated to act as salutary warning against such an offence. It is to be hoped that the crininal in this case will profit by the judge’s leniency. In the great majority of such cases we still cling to the belief that an (iii cient castigation is the most salutary cure and the surest preventative. The unworthy policy of letting prisoners spend their time in absolute idleness which has been inaugurated in the State of New York at the dictation of short sighted dema- gogues acting on behalf of alleged labour in- uereets, is said to be bearing fruit: in increase of insanity among the victims. No wonder. If anything is calculated (:0 drive a man with any brains insane it is the thought: of having to spend five, or ten or twenty years, or perhaps the rest of his life in confinement without anything to do. The policy is bar- barous. ‘ The timeis drawing nigh when another instalment of young people will be launched upon the world with the hall mark of some educational institution upon them. Heavey bless them, they won’t think half as much of their B. A. or M. B., or B. S. C , or whatever else it may be, in ten years‘ time as they do now. At anyrate, they won’t think of it in the same way. But if they will not be quite as conceited about it, they will be better able to appreciate the training of which such things ought to be the signs. It is a comparativelg trifling circumsbsnce but it: shows how completely the tide of English feeling has turned in Psrnell‘s fav- our since Times fauzr pas. His friends are getbing up s. banquet in his honour. but are puzzled to find a place large enough. Most of the big halls are owned by rich Tories who hate Pernell so much that they won’t let: him be banquebted there. It is though: that: Crystal Palace will have to be resorted to. And what a triumph it: will be to be sure if even that; immense area should prove to be not a whit too large. H It is one of the unsolved curiosities of nature how it is that animals can exist, and for long periods of time, embedded in solid rock. That this is the case does not admit of doubt, there being too many well anthem tlcated cases to the contrary. Recently a live hat was dug out by men who were quarrying rook near Romney, in West Vir- ginia. ‘l‘he hole in the stone was only large enough for the bet's body. Another case is reported from Barton. M0, in which a live hat was found embedded in stone 3 mile frcm the mouth of the mine and 200 feet from the surface above. It must have become embedded before the surrounding matter had solidified into rock. and that fact gives a glimpse of the bewildering vita- lity the beast must have had. From a recent cable despatch to s New York plaerr it sppenrs that a Csnadisn girl named inhsrvie, who has theatrical ambi- tions, has been having s hard time of it at the bends of London critics. She appeared as Young Mrs. Winthrop, and her acting is send to have been week and stupid. The London newspspers referred to her as 8.51 American, but seeigg she is a failure, the Yankees try to saddle her on Cmsds. Who is Miss Klnhsrvie if she is e Censdisn, and did anybody ever hear of her before! The very positive assertion was made a few weeks ago that peach buds were seri- ously injured by the winter but is now as positively contradic‘ed, and by alsrge num- ber of growers. Of course, this has been the usual thing for years, except very rarely when the later reports made about the be- ginning of April have in part confirmed the tears expressed in March. It certainly must be satisfactory to both growers and consumers of this very important product of Ontario to find that the peach prospect is so good: MY Toothache In Bnbadoe, when obtainable, film (1 ssh o the hnmpbacked (Megaptera Americana) is eaten by 31‘. chews, beinipreferred to beef, which!!! there tough. A i ouch Sea‘barpocn- er will tell you that. excepting the delicacy of a draught of the yellow, creamy milk taken from a freshly-spewed she whale, whale fine properly cooked are the greatest ol conceivable dainties. If you don’t want to disgust: everybody with your ofl'ensive breath. cure your Car tan-h upon which it depends. $500 reward is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Oman-h Remedy for a case of Catarrh which they cannot cure. In is sold by drug- glsts ; 50 cents. The few brocaded ailku that are seen this spring have very small figures arranged in atripe‘e. Alas, how_changed ! The rosy cheek is pallid as the 0m- Whnlc Quint-lent Food for a Man's W'hole Lifetime. There are obvious difficulties in the way of selling a. whale over the counter in 5 fish- monger’s shop. Nevertheless, wevmey yet see bits of whales being thus purchased and carried SWsy. There ween time in Merrie England when whole with green peas was considered a delicacy. History, it is said, repeats itself, and some of us who now strut the stage of life may, ere we die, indulge in the same feast. A single catacean, it is calculated, will supply 500 pounds of extract, and a pmnd of extract makes 100 pints of nourishing soup. Thus it can easily be seen that one whale is capable of satisfying the hunger of 50,000 persons, if they were content to have a meal of whale soup alone. An average whale converted into extract would suffice for she daily dinner of a man all through his life, even if he lived to the age of 140. As he would not: be likely to accomplish that: feat, there would be plenty of whale over for breakfast: and supper. whenâ€"as he might be expected to tire of soupâ€"the cetacean might appear on his table in the form of cutlets, or mince, or even riesoles. ' dead, And from the eyes thet were so bright the happy light has fled. Life has _no joy [or her to-dny ; grown old before her nme, She wt?“ in hopelesa euflering for that swift coming lure When death shall set her free From poor, sick woman's misery. But if she knew what wonderful cures Dr. Pieroe'e Favorite Prescription has effected in worse cases than here, she would clnt 211 at the chance of recovering lost health as drowning men catch at straws, and she might be saved. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy forthe above named disuse. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send t-wo bottles of my remedy ms]: to any of your readers who have consump- tion if they will send me their Express and P. 0. address. Resp’y, T. A. SLrOCUM, M.C., 164 West Adelaide St. Toronto. Ont. According to Harper’s Bazar girls of 14 or 15 wear their skirts almost: to their shoe tops. is an expression almost every lad has heard his father use as a basis for bombastic self- adulation. But the boy of the last quarter of the ninteenth century may retort, "when you were a. boy, and had an attack of green- apple stomach-ache,:you had to take calomel and jalap, but I am treated to Dr. Pierge’a Pleasant Purgative Pellets, sugar coated, and just as nice as chocolate caramels ; no blue mass and castor oil for meâ€"I'd rather fight it out with the pain" I Russet leathe’ harness is the correct- thing for a yellow dog cart, village cart, or backboard. It is very doubtful about) long lace circle cloaks becoming popular or fashionable in New York. Consumption Surely Cured. Tojhe Editor,â€" Gnd’s Enhthc Residence of the English Novelist. Again for Sale. The numerous admirers of Charles Dick- ens will be interested to know that the novel- ist’s favorite Kentish home at God's Hill. the house in which he died, is again offared for sale. Besides the substantially built house, containing fourteen rooms and the usual oflims, the Gad’s Hill property of eleven acres includes a gardener's cottage, greenhouses, stables, conchhouses, farmyard, kitchen garden, rosary, lawn tennis ground, etc. The house and grounds were subjected to considerable improvement during the novel- lst's residence there, such as the construction of a large conservatory adjoining the dining- room and a tunnel under the public highway connecting the front lawn with a charming retreat called “The Wilderness," with its two magnificent cedars, Here stood the pretty Swiss chalet presented to Dickens by his friend Fechter. but which now finds a resting place in Cobham Park, close by. In the chalet the famous writer was wont to work, free from interruption, during the Summer months, and here he pen ned we last lines he ever wrote. The Winter after the great fire In Chicago I contracted Bronchial affections, and since then have been obliged to spend nearly every Winter South. Last Novemberwae advised to try Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites and to my surprise was relieved at once, and by continuing its use three months was entirely cured, gained flesh and strength and was able to stand even the Bliz- zard and attend t_o business every day. 0. T. CHURCHILL; Sold by all M9913”; 509. and SI 00. After spending Ten Winters South, was Cured by Scott’s Emulsion. HNfiHITIS WEED. WEALE WITH GREEN PElS. THE HOME OF DICKENS. “When I Was a Boy” 2 146 Centre St. New York, June 2511:. 1888. A. P 446. Have all the latest improvement! and are unequalled for durability. style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR. THEM AND BUY NO OTHER. I l Mnnulmturers and Denlersln Roofing Mater- ial, Buildinz Papars. etc‘ OPPIC! : 4 Adelaide I“. my, [op-0pm. 7"»nprietors of Willinma‘ MM. Slate BESS AND DIAN'I‘LE DIAKERS.â€"The Mc- Dnu ell Garment Dmmng Machine. is the mcsu Sty! sh, Simpte, Complete, Artistic, Rapid and Dur- nhle Method ever invented. Write for cixcular with full nnrticularfl. Sole Acvnts. TORONTO CUTIle SCHOOL, 4 Adehide Sr.\Vest. Toronto. Ont, Root, Teleplioxie 511. AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS D‘ UHICAL INSTRUMENTS.â€"â€"Send [or our Large Illustrated Catalogue 0! Band Instru manta, Violins, Guitars F‘ucea. etc.' 5111 all kinds 0! Trimmlnm. Areas for Frenche's and DaWiWu Plays. ‘BUI‘LAND'S MUSIC STORE, 37 King gt. Cinidiiuf Elzvitoâ€"r WksrPeTelraTfl Qfien'utiéefi. We'al, Toronto, Ont. LE..IT_CH SATURN BULL LeatherBelting BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.‘E.O|XON &.OO .MAKERSJO KING ST. E. TORONTO CANOES The Kiminio. or Japanese robe, is the foundation or initial idea of the tee gown of 1889 GENTSâ€"Susanna iron. was Hons, to Illuminate ‘ the athway of life. Giving the heat thought; of all lan s in cheering words, to comfort, encour ge and inspire the fathers. mothers, son:I and dauvhgers of our land. Edited by Walter Scott Vail. with an introduction by Ben John Hall. D.D. A volume of 275 selected Gems in Prose and Poetry, from the wrin- imrs of the ablest authors of all lands. Team; liberal. WM. BRIGGS, Publisher. Toronto. A few good 'gents to supply every fami!y in this bcnliw. “Va furnish {ull instmctions with outfit. No NEED or Pass, the stronger the wind the firmer the clothes adnere. Galvanized spring wire. No rusting, freezing or dismloring. Economizes space. time and money. 11 ustrated circular to those of ex- perience who mean huaiue FARMS -- M I. I fill-I'nfl Scottish. Manitoba and North-West. REAL ESTATE 00., LIM. w c Akin. Mgr. 357Main St, Winnipeg '1 Lands In all parts of the Province. Low Prices. Easy Terms. Lists Sam and Fullesh Information Fur- nished on Application. Send us your name and we will mail you our descriptive catalogu“. Comet Safetv, $85 ; Comet No.1. 8110 : Comet No. 2, sm , Swift Safety, 8125 ; New Rapid,81‘20. T. walls .4 51m. (‘ONBQY’S UARRIAGEV TOPS 00“ our FDR BUBGIAIKS 2 $7000.00 Stolen lrom the Bank at Hull 1 Protect your Stores, Houses. Stables, as well as Goods hung on the outside by using the Champion Burgl-r Alannl No one can get. low a. room or building withoun alarming the whole neizhborhood. Uan be put up in a mlnute. Commercial Men can attach one to any door by simply closing it. Does not mar the door in the least This is no toy, but a. well-made article, Made. patented and sold by a well-known House. Ask your hardware dealer for one, am he sure my name Is on it, or send 81 and receive one has Good Agents wanted in every place. 3. 5. KIMBALL. P.0. Box 945, Salaaroom 677 Craig St" Momnu. IRflN AND STEEL BOILERS ANY SIZE. TORONTO ENGINE WORKS J. Perkins & fin. Allan Line Royal mail 35931118111119 Sailing during winter from Porn and everv Thun- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool. and 1; summer from Quebec eve Saturday to Liverpool, calling m Londonder to and malls and assengert for Scotland and lre and; also from Ba] more, via Halifax and St. John's, N. F . 30 Liverpool lortnlghfl} during summer months. The steamers of the Glns ow lnes sell clurln winter '10 and from Halllu omlend. Boston an Phllndelphle' and durln sum mer betrween Glasgow and Montreal weekly; G ssgov and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Pbflndelphlr fortnightly. Brown Engines For heights, passage, or other Information apply to k. Sohumacber&00., Baltimore; 8. Cunard & Co. Halifax; Shea 3:00., 86. John's. N. 1",: Wm. Thump sum it 00., Sh. John, N. 13.; Allan & 00.. Chicago. Love a Alden, New York. H» Bourller, Toronto: Allana, Rae & 00., Quebec: Wm. - Brookle, Phllmel plain: H. A. Allen. Portland Bos$on Monnrnal. Send for Price Lists and Diroounts. WHEN LOGS ARE HELD UP FOR WANT 0F SNOW 15m; hygiéullcfidudigfid an”; gain}; “ COMET.” WILLIAMS & 00., SLATERS 84. FELT' ROOFERS TABBOX 31:05.. Toronto. Ont. Sand for I'll. Catalogue WM. ENGLISH. Pelerboro 0n: HAMILTON. ONT. EN MANITOBA 33 Adelaide étveet west, Toronto PRINCESS AND FRONT 8119 o. - Toronto. The Patent l’lnless WANTED. Clothes Line. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN All PARTS OF BEATTY, gHAnme, BLADKSIUGK & am. ' Barristers 'and Solicitors. Wallington SL. cor. Church. (over Bunk of Torch”) Parties wiahlug to purchase Improved Manlfiobn Farms. trom 80 acres upwards, with lmmodluo possession. call or write to G. l. MAllhioN. Mo- Arhhur’s Block. Main an, Winnipeg. Information furnished tree of charge, and secular-s assisted In mAklng selection. MONEY TO LOAN MANITOBA MONEY GANGER‘EEQ Ranux-cu grscum. SnCO-D-HAND “fungus. An Work Gmranc ed. in!” tor Undo: 1e 22 Church Street. Ellis 35 Keighley, - Toronto H. G. ROOT, MAL, 164 West Adelaide St. TORONTO. ONT. A life long stud . I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the wors oases. Because others nave failed Is no reason {or not nowreceivin acute. Send at once for a. treatise and a. FREE OTTLE of m INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give. Ex ress and ’ost .omce. It costs you nothmg or a trial. and It will cure you. Address FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS When I say CUBE I do not mean merelytn stop them for a. time, and then have them ['9 turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CORE. 1 have made the disease or RUDGE AND CDlUMBIA BIGYGLES A la 0 amount or TRUST NE FU DS to loan at a very low rate of Interest on unfl- â€" class security. Apply to 1 “64 Queen urn-,1 East. Toronto EMPIRE. BLEND COFFEE; Ar Cnnm Run; or [mum H.7P. DAVIES & 00., TORONTO. ONT. TRY THE CEEEBRA rm) IOS‘ Guaranteed Pure . §\\“R s'nres Grey Hair. Shops - ‘ Hull 2 out 0! the Hiir. Rev \ll moms Dnndrufl; in Bald- ' re s wh-ra the mutants not :rnnn. Marlo will produce a fine groltn. Ir. Ia unlulling.. ‘Try It. AH druggists everyâ€" ,wh le. B‘ nt- in the world, Eight Yea ra' Guar mu: . send afar lnu~urazed C Analogue §aud testimoni \la. Whaley,Ruyce&Uu Agents hr the BESSON and HIGHAM Band 111- strumeuns. (of SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC EOOKS. Manutazturers Benders In all kinds of MUSICAL 'NSTRUMENIS, 283 Yong? St. TOR C3N'I'O. “IMPERIAL ” BAND IKSI RUV ENTS. book free. D35 McMICHAEL; No. 63 Niagara St.. Butmo. N. Y. Ind 'hunozs CURED; no knlfa : Engine Works. Send for Circulars. WATE ROUS BRANTFORD WIN NIPEG. S fin Mnnu'nctnrer, norm. 02m. CANADA DORENWEND COM PANY. 'l orohto, Ont. m-a an, QU-

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