Temperance Ponic. Do not miss the Temperance Pio-Nic to be given hv the Band of Hope. in the Masonic Hall, under the auspices of the Methodist Sabbath SchouL tomorrow (Good Friday) evening. When this programme “88 last presented every one present was well pleased. Heavy shirtlEg I Concrete, 6, 7, 8, 9. and IOCentS per yard. Cash Sale. Auctioneer Stokes was not long in dispos- ing of the articles gold at the Grand Central Hotel, under the authority of a chattel mnrtgage. on Monday last. A bay horse went at an even lUO. its mate. a black mare, fell under the hammer at 250, a tanning mill at 10 cents and other articles at pro~ portionate prices. Altogether the sale a- mounted to seVeml dollars. Good Tea at The Concrete. 76. I5c, 25c, and 30:: per lb. Messrs. A. Shank and P. Bassingthwaibe have secured the sexvioes of Mr. 2. Watson. as manager of their imported Clydesdale Stallion "Knight of the Thistle? (or the coming season. Headquarters will be at. Richardson‘s Hottl, Maple. the Fir: Proof Saturdaslrévegfgg‘s. A lovely lot of new muslins. Terry‘s and Challies at the Fire Proof this week. \Vill D. Atkinson. On another page will be7;1;37he card of Miss Fanny WiIey. Fashionable Dress-Maker. corner 0! Arnold and Elizabeth Sm. Rich- mond Hill. Grey Cotton 31,-, 4;, 5‘. 6, 7, 8.and 9 cents a yard at The Concrete. A warm horse when coming out thorn d: Robinson‘s “very stable on last took a notion to ie down. t! being that. he roiled olf the bridge tuter no damage Manetâ€"lamb] 3 inch Nalls$2.90 per keg cash at‘C. Masons. Have your collars and cuffs done up by the star steam laundry. 25cts. 3 dogs; aPeaugiful ï¬nish. Send to Best hosnia Drunes 4 lbs for cts. at The Concrete. Over 8100 WE“ be nivéu in prizes at Mae 9:!) Annual Spring Fair to be held at Klein- bnrg on Tuesday next, the 23rd inst. Peas corn and tomatoes, 3 cans each, or all for 25 cts. at the Fire- Proof. Will D. Atkinson. Christopher Schell. well known as n luna- tic wuh a mania for home-stealing. was ur- rested on Saturday for his old trick and «wt to gaol over Sundayâ€"quil. The village schools close this afternoon, to I'e-opeu on Tuesday morning. House for sale on Church St. See another page. Horse Nails $3.00 perigcg, at C. Mason‘s. On another page will be Ionnd a ï¬st of “no Auctioneers and Pedlnrs for the county of thk for the present quarter. Hemp carpets ex S. S. State of Nebraska to hand this week at the Fire Proof from (o cts up- Tm: [AT-MIA]. [mm now to January lat. 1890. (or 50 cents. putil further noï¬rn “mils «in be dosed as the Itchlnond Hill Test. Mm vault-ems:â€" Bonxmo zâ€"Goiuz Non“. mm E‘lst nnd West. including Wmhin, Mame, Toronto, Mum-1|me RV- ï¬vnxmc :â€"Gninu southEnsc stud West (as nhovel 530 N. B.--Re:iswrml Lethe" must!» handed in lit least ï¬fteen Minutes earlier than the nbow mm hours {or closing. Rummyâ€) HILL, Thursday, Apï¬â€˜i 18 Connects with a! mains. leaving the humor meo ninhmon ‘lï¬lfl. as Wt": Uni J: Ex1lmss.2\m\l & sma- .. Amnmmndatinu “ “ Inn & Express North 42 South, .. 7.5 n In. ‘1!!!) 5 is p. m. Navmarket... Anrnm.... Kin: Rn'mxmm KILL I'hnrnhill .. .. Weston... I'Onvauport . . Pnrktlnln ., ,.. TORf‘NTfl. Tmum'm. City BM! 'U'Iï¬m ‘ Brock Shoot Dorm-Jew" ,. B‘vnnpm ï¬es!0n_'f l'hnrnhill ulcnluyu KILL Kin: ..,.......‘...._H gum-n .. . V ugmmsi “(Mn flibcmlj PRDCTDR’S STAGE LINE. Good brooms for to cts. at the ioncrete. Look out for Hot X Bum. “nick étm‘ Union City mu†POST OFFICE NOTICE . R. TIME TABLE. Krcinburg Fair. New Manager. GOING “93TH ï¬ll ya down. m; an M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Ie budge. Fortu- .â€"Jnnct:'on Comet. Mom. In“. “La G!!! mm 1116 [v.9 6.35 mm 648 :23: «~57 ll 5 1 L4"! [143 11.13 [3‘ L53 of Min- Monday GB". 6.41 615 7.†7:13 7:22 (1V1 We no grieved to have to record this week the dcaih of Mr. Jesse Nuun, merchant, Spriughill. which took place on Monday a. bout-noon. He was in bed only about a week, and his death was quite unexpected until A short time before the ï¬nal summons. Some years ago he was forced to undergo an operation, from the eï¬ects 0! which he never I entirst recovered. Deceased possessed many sterling qualities, was strictly honest and honorable. and was greatly respected by all 1 who knew him. Tus LIBERAL has reason to remember him fir his kind and obligiug ' manners, and (or contributions supplied us I mm and again for our pnpet. The last piece which appeared in print was a short poem dedicated to his daughter Minnie. it con- I tnine'i Some very happy lines. am] no doubt ; is higny prized by her. His remains were interred in the King City cemetery yeste'dey, and were followed to the crave by a “was concourse of sorrowiug friends sud relatives. Large consignments of thy goods and crockery, ex 5. S. State 0! Pennsylvania and Helvetia reported at New York, now en route for The Concrete. “1. Atkinson, Importer. Curtain poles with ï¬xtures, dado window blinds thh rollers and ï¬x- tures complete very cheap at the Fire Proot. \Vill D. Atkinson. Having sold out my basins-ea to Mr. 0. J. Brown. who cakes possession on the ihh inst", up to that date groceries MI. will be sold at cost. Come along and get bargains. To the many friends who ‘hnve given me their patronage since I have been in the business I wish to hinder my sincere thanks and lnope the same liberal patronage will be continued to Mr. Brown, my successor. As I an: about leaving Richmond Hill to start. business in East Toronto, parliea who have accounts will take note and kindly settle the same at the earliest opportunity and oblige. Geo. Trench. Mesrrs. J. Palmer and W‘ B. Proctor as. sisted by the Village Inspector. commenced working on Arnold St.‘ between Yonge and Elixuhetthet Friday and by Salurdey night they could boast of a good read. L’v the use of a plow and scraper they lurnpiked the mud and rounded it well up in the centre. We understand the expense to Ihe village will be only about 3150 which was given to a laborer [or a day and a hall’s work. Messrs. Palmer and Proctor purpose gravell- ing the street. and planting ireea on either side. alter which it will be one of the nines: avenues in the village. Curtain materials, chiutzes, cre- tonnes, and upholstex‘ing goods at The Concrete. onto and also at Richmond Hill, where the family still reside. His many friends in Toronto, and especially thone of Irish des- cent, will be pleased to hear of Mr. Teefy’s success in the fnrlhcomiug coutest.â€"World. A regatta shirt at +0 cts. and a white shirt at 45 cts. all sizes, at The Fire Proor. [n [882 Mr. Armand F. Tee-{y graduated in Arts at the University of Toronto and left soon after for Chicago to enter upon the siudy and practice at law. He identiï¬ed himseif with me Democratic party which bat, nnw rvcngnizewl his capacity and services by [waiting him uu their ticket for prosecuting nttomey, an important ofliee iu the gill. ol the citizens. Mr Teelv and his brothers me well known and highly respected in Tor- cans corn, cans eas, cans 3 beans, 3 cans tomatoes or ( can (2 lbs.) curred becftor 15 cents at The Concrete. An Old Tomato Boy In Chicago Polxï¬cs. Trotting on Yonge St. has been a favorite pastime among some of our horsemen latetv. On Friday ensuing a keen contest tnuk place between a black amnion and a cult which has already am enviable rrCurd. 0n Sunr- day night. uuutlwr rut-a nlï¬n created quite an interest. on Ilm Quwu'a Highway. [L i; 3 il the honors were awarded to Yucl-oriu Square. Were it not “MN. 119» drivo-rs themselves, by their lusty voices, give pmktruiwï¬ u timely I'Mnl'ng to kwp out n! time Wuv, We wuuld feel Inclined to urge upon lb. m the necessity at more cuuunn for {mu- of accidents. Gentlemen's hats, son and stift, all shapes styles and sizes are spec- ialties at The Fire Proof. Sec 1?»; yourselves. Some time ago Mr. B. Blimnger of “x Dominion. Hotel. purchased (mm Menus. Snage & Kiubo Is the right. to make and sell Shérmu (k Tuckeu‘u Pun-m Autumn!†Lever Gala in two loWnShipK He was so wall pleuned with his venture the“ a (cw days ago be secured (our extra townships. He now has the sol» right [or York. Ewbicoke. Whitman-11, the two (-willuubuys Hui Gequwa. 10.18“ 001?. “Richmond Hill & Viciniiy" Mr. [Mm Arksev would have but: Mr. George' “my. “'ill D. Atkinson has just receiv- ed a magniï¬cent line 0! English Drill prints and sat-terms in elegant de- signs, a direct importation. New Cashmeres in black, mahog- any, ruddigore‘ leSIda, nav , seal, lerra coma, and other new and lead~ ing shades at :5 to 50 ms. at The Fine Proof, just imported. ngh School. The High Scbuul closes lu-«Iny (“r ‘he Emu-r Iboiidayu. Lleul'ulll tepuru of Ex- uuimlioom held during lho :prm m" be giv- «u to the pupilu (or "he iuï¬lrlunduu 0! pr mm: orqu-dmm. Mr. Hudmn, H. S. lmpecmr, inspected the sclmol on Tuesday lust making a thorough ennu'unuon of the “buy and equipmruta. [I i- i'l’poscted Hunt his report lo Nu» Baud of h‘dIcuLmn will be of ‘u lutavmnx character. Death in Spï¬nghili. Road Making. Fax Driving. Patent Gate. Nance. Patterson’s (Aurora) Cough Balsam fur Coughs and Colds. Satisfaction guaram Dr. Wart El Ward, of Jerusalemfulestine, will prench iu the Presbyterian Church, morning and owning, next. Lord's Day. No one should fail to hear this distinguished linguist. and traveller. On Monday evening he will lecture on "I‘ll? Bealilies of Oriental Life." Dr. nuu Mrs. Ward will appear m Palestine dress and sing in various languages. Admission 15 cents ; children 10 cents. Ncsxâ€"On Monday.tbe 15c April. at his resi~ deuce. Springhill. Jesse mm. men-113nm wed 53 Years 5 months. Mr. J. W. Schram. representing me Cana- diuu Live Stock Journal 00.. Humi'tou, was in the village last night. . M1. Hickey, Primnpal of the Separm School, Newmarket. was in the village on. Saturday endeavoriug to secure a few fancy lacrosse players for ths club 0‘ that. town for the senson 01'1889. No doubt Newmurket can gel. players it their treasury will admit of “travelling expenees.†Mr. W. Trencu is servmg as a grand jury. man. at the CrimFBal Assizea now going on in Toronto. The Dominion Government have raised the postage on drop leuera from one to two cents. Post ends will be good enough for us in future. Mr. [1. Kelly. who has been clerk in Neville‘a atom tor the last year, left. this mowing {or his home in Marmara, where he purposes remuning a few days. previous to going to Dakota, where he has secured a position. Don't forget that the Cheap Cash House has a most complete stock of Dry Goods, Tweeds, Men's and Boy‘s clothing, Hats. Boots, Shoes. and Groceries. Most of these goods are new and choice and have been bought lrom factories direct, from bankrupt stocks, from jobbers press- ed lor money and wherever ready cash will command a bargain. If you examine carefully these goods you Will ï¬nd them from 25 per cent. to 60 per cent. cheaper than other merchants can sell. We are always glad to show our goods and quote prices but we urge no one to buy. feeling conï¬dent that our goods are cheaper than the best City houses can offer and will recommend them» selves to your judgment. Our trade is steadily growing, come and see our goods. it will pay you well. R. W. Nevnlle. Mr. Porter. of London. England, and Mrs. Porter, 01 Milton, spent a lew days in the village last week, the guests 0! Mrs. W. 1:. Proctor and other relatives. Markham Toï¬uship. . . . . . . J. _Slate£. Sud » Deputy Reeve \‘C. Brnnnkill. Bruuskill Hotel . . . D. B. Birrell, York Mills Hotel. . . . . . Thosâ€" Hughea. Thnrnhill Hotel. . . . . . P. 00:10, Collins Hotel . . . . . . . . . ... J. A. Simmers. Toronto, ( Seeds) . . . . G. 9. Dixon Mr Dunn Steele Bros.&00........ . . . . . N.C.Waflnce. M.P..... . . . . . . . . . .. Vaughan Council .... A. Farsi-Jr. Reeve 0! Markham 'l‘p. . . . H B. - _Seh§dt. 1_a_t Deputy Reeve ham Township '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Scott, Councillor Markham Tp Dr. R. B. Orr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheol Barrow .......... E. M. Murphy Son and Co. lewellry ltyria 8.4;. Cruot ........ Tuos. liereditb a 0.). Plekie Dish . . .. R. lemon. Hotel Keeper. Yorkvisle .. J. J. Coulter, City Arms Hotel . . . . . . M. O'Hnlleruu, Deer Park Hotel . .. . ' The lolIr-:€a.g :‘udidonal contributions [are hccr sue-in by Cue col!ecting can» rvicrm of 1M: Richmond Hill and Yonge St. Agricultura' hasty. (or the Fair to he held an .ne 24'?- of May. 0. Rude-d Co. Tomato............8 5 00 Mark Bros». Toronto .... 6 00 Robert Damak, 'l.‘-:-rom.o . . . . . . . . 5 00 R. Lemn" Davlsville Hotel ... . .. . 5 00 Ontario I ewiug & MalzingCo.Turonto 6 00 Wflkiusquhl’low Cm. Aurora. Gurdon \ée ~-:'.~e a icw of those elegant hon cc dresses in lengths only one 0" a pattern an'.‘ can't be repeated, at The File Prfx "Will 1‘. . Atkinson. p. m., to: tho 1;. .‘pdse of issuing licensee to who» Racy “ . ‘c ~een granted. The Board of Licanls Cummilsiunerl for the East Riding of rho County 0! York met a! ‘he Clyde Hotel. Toronto, on Fridayï¬pril 12m. 1889, M [0.30, Presem, Mum. \ViL eon (chairman). Richardson, Elliott, and nllO me lulpeeior, James Ecknrdi. Minute. 0! last meeting read and approved. The In. epector pro-cubed his annual report, which was read and discussed. Then the Board granted the following tavern licenses : York Township - Richard Lemon, In BntuDavid B. Birrell. George Empriugham. Mn. Sarah Hackeu. W. G. Woodrull. Michael O'Sulli- van. John VnuHorue. Mu. Teresa: Wall. Markham 'l‘owuahipâ€"â€"Mra.Calhnrine Burton. Mrs. Annie Milloy. John Webhor, Redmond Joyce, Francis Barry. Wm. Perry. Thoma- Hughes. Scarburo Towmhipâ€" Mrs. Char- lotte Benny. Norman Burton, Henry A. Burrows. Robert Clark (hear and wine. nix menu's). Markham Village-19. G. Percy, John Kennedy. John Jerman. Village of East Torontoâ€"~Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Owen, Joceph Trehileock. The (allowing relused: Township of York, Isaac \Vallon. The fol. lowing held our [or further consideration : York ’l‘owmhip, Andrew Bell ; Markham Township, R. B. Pophum. O. Hemingway ; Searboro Township. Wm. Keeler. David Beldam. John Maxwell ; Village ol East 'l‘u~ mum. R. H. Crew : Richmond Hill, John Palmer, Beuj. Brilliuger. The Board than mlicnruml lo meet at the aame place on Fri~ day. \~_l.il 5.6m, at. 10.30 a. m. James Ecluwut, Lino T .mector, will be at. the Clyde Hotel, Tom: «0, .ay 1 l. from 10 a. m. till 3 EERSONALS. “.Ib-l ‘4iurb I.Ill|.‘.|.. edit!) a 0.). Pickle Dish . . .. Hotel Keeper. Yorkvitle .. er. City Arms [Intel . . . . . . lruu, Deer Park Hotel . .. . ill. Bruuskill Hotel . . . . . . ll, York Mills Hotel. . . . . . has. 'l‘hnrnhill Hotel. . . . . . )ollim Hotel . . . . . . . . . ... IBIS. Toronto, ( Seeds) . . . . I) .-..............-n... ...-...-.. :.&Go........ we. M.P................ onncil.......... .... Reeve of Markhnnl.'l.‘;.l. . . . . . . .u... run- OIï¬ISâ€""HF‘F‘V-‘NNIO 0 Lu 2 50 2 00 2 00 ()0 00 00 50 50 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 East York Licences. DEATHS Con! ibdtions. Mark - 500 500 250 200 ST()"1CS of ’I‘I I11] 131C. "1‘ 3" Geo. McDonald, â€" Richmond Hill. Home Clothing, \Vhips, and other supplies always on hand. Patronage solicited All I ask is a fair trial. RICHMOND HILL HARD\VARE STORE I CARPENTERS TOOLS, NAILS, BARBED 8: PLAIN FENCE W’ ALL GRADES OF HARNESS From Mr. Juseph Devlin, in the Lorne Block, Richmond Hill, I am now prepared to manufacture and nail Sewing Machine Supplies and Needles of all kinds constant~ ly in stock. \Ve give quality and sell at rightJZriAcesgr EAGLE STEAM WASHERS & WRINGERS. For Groceries, Canned Goods, Confectionery, Nuts,Tobacco and Cigars, Bulk Pickles, Spices, Teas, &c. Agent for the celebrated HARNESS SHOP. WILL D. ATKINSON W400" EVERYTHING NEw, EVERYTHING NEAT, EVERYTHING CLEAN, EVERYTHING CHEAP, EVERYTHING GOOD. FIRE PROOF STORE Greatest Sensation MAGNIFICENT LINE Jesuits’ Estate Act Richmond Hill has had for along time is the opening up of a. EAVETROUGHING A SPF ALSOâ€"â€" RAYMOND SE\VING MACHINE- TO THE LORNE STORE At lowest prices. HARNESS BUSINESS FIRE PROOF STORE G‘ruarantee Satisfaction. Agitation 13h connection'ï¬h e Lately occupied by Mr Isaac Crosby. Cheaper than city prices. Tinware of all kinr' Repairing of all kinds promptly altev Fur sale at Invest. prices for cash. Also ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. HAVING PURCHASED THE I use nothing but the heat of stock. and will GEO. TRENCH