Tho MunicipalCouncil of the Town- I'bi of Vaughan met in the Town “all, on ueldav, the 9th of April. The Reeve in me chnir. Membeh present: Menu. Bunsen, High, Amok! lad Watson. Minutes of last meeting read and s- IVK ‘A-unnu‘ .mu. ... uh"..- Moved by Mr. High, aeconéed by Mr. Watson that the Treasurer be and in here- by Authorized to pay tho following Road Accounts-:4 rand 43 other. Mining new road division for the vill of Khinburg. From T. H. Robin-on And '43 otl fox: gnvglï¬ngjoa‘d a! Kleinbnm. ,:,_1 l... domed. o“The {Waving petitions Were present- é‘rom M‘chael Ream-n MN! ['0 other- nEhnngiBg bolqgi’ï¬efl of S. S. No. 13. ,.L_-_ M. 1V Dist. No. I. John J. 000k for 2294 loads. Rm- ia'l'e' 5? had. gravel ekh'iok 4!, days drawing gravel -. ... Henry While. g'lvel . . n Bernick Weldrick 44} day: draw- {21g unwinnm...†. . .mm... Dlvid Boyle '4} days drawing gravel "mum"“nun-“nu... Rice Peck 4,} days ï¬lling gravel Geo. Waldrick BO loads gravel... Dist. No. 2. Thos.,Jarreu for work at Cuck- burn'a hill ... . . u- . . m... . J. J. Couk 3510ads ngel ...... Walter Turner 194 feet sqnaw timber ............................. Dist. No. 3. E‘LI-hu Farr for 2 stringers, 2 pieces square timber and mim- bar for support. of 'l'homback’s bridge ............ ................. bridge ............ .........u...... 22 05 ' â€"Oarried. Maud by Mr. Russell. seconded by Mr. High that the.Anditors’ Report, of the Treasurer’s accounts fur 1888 be re- ceived and adopted by this Council and that the Clerk is hereby authorized to hue 800 copies of the name printed in the usual manner m be divided among the several councillors for disxnbuuoum~ Carricd. Moved by Mr. Russell. seconded by Mr. Arnold that. the trensnwr be and is hereby authorIZed tn pay to the treasurer of the Richmond Hill and Yuugo Street Agricultural Soc ely the sum of $15 in Ii of said suciely.â€"Carrled. Moved by Mr. Anmld, seconded by Mr. High that the sum nf N5 be granted to Kleiuburg Agricultural Society, and that the treasurer be and is hereby autho- rized to pay the same to the treasurer of mid suciecyâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr.l{ussel'.socnnded by Mr. High that. the peliunn of Thus. \Vhite and 43 others in forming new road divi- aim} for the Village of Kleinburg be re- ferred to cmuu-Iasiunem of Diet. N0. 3.»â€" Gnrrlcd. V and by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr llighthut the petition of ’1‘. H. Robinsounnd 4:5 others we gruelling road at. Kleinburg be referred to com- missioners of Disc. No. Iiiâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Watson that the sum of $90 be paid James Cherry for deviation of read on rear of Lot 22 in the 9m Caucasian.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. High that after huvmg examined the bonds of the treasurer we do hereby ap- prove of theuI.-w-Carried. _,,.L Ne. 552 appointing master: for the present. year fol‘owezâ€" l ‘1 :r-NI-I 'uar-o-acsapo:pu 14 27 18 19 20 2! 2‘3 B Alfred Gordon. Richard Banger, David Boyle. J uhn McBride, Jos Powell. .Wm Nichol, Nelson Playter. Geo Dean. John Witty. Thomas Cook, James RumbleI P Bassingfhwaxte. Fllllerwn Gibson, John Hunt. Edwr. 'd Charlton, Thames 8 Cook, Lnï¬hony Keller. John Coombs. Walter McMahon, John Folumsrd, \Vm Breedon, George J ackson. 1‘ 'clmeiliusmr j". path. \\ as 88 46 Edward Jarrett, 47 Alex Cemerun. 4d Dnvrd Lewrie. 49 David \hnhelel . )n. 50 Amhv MeMunzuv, 5-1 John Bennets, 52 John Cousins. 53 Michael O'Rourke. M James Brown, 5431 George Bell. 55 David Elder. 56 Donald Beaten, 57 John Keir. 58 Duncan Benton. 58a Johnston Egan. 59 James Sloan, w Wm Muchesun. 61 Henry Peters, 62 Wm Benton, 63 Ed Fleb' her, 04 Daniel Lu: gm we, 6."- Jnhn Smith, 00 Jyhn Atk‘nsun, 33 u '37 3:3 humus \V‘ttv. m (,hasA Holmes. 39 John McK unon. 5; R. ‘ver‘. \lusou. 40 Edwan‘l Nx‘ 3r. 6:! Jim Cutcbeon. {I D J Abbey. (9-! S I.“ .L ejuuu, u \Vesley rum Hon. 85 W1“ A‘bxx. 43 A F Ortb. 80 Thus I ddel‘ H Henry Sutton. 6? You (. Min... 45 Henry Akum, («5- Wm (1; ‘e. The Council then adjourned will Tues- day, the 28th of May next, to meet as a Court of Revision. Who 1- Weak. Nervous. Deblmated. wholnhis Folly and Ignorance has Tri- nednway his Vigor 0! Body. Mind and Manhood. cnusmg exlnnuscmg dnuul upon the Fountains <3! Llfe. Headache, ‘aokacne' Dmndtul Drunms, weakness ox Memory. Ba_shtulneaa in Society. leples won me Face and all 1h“ Eï¬ec‘s -‘ ""w to Early Decay. Consumption .fldq‘unlty' \nll nud 11: our Spunkc 5â€. 2‘3 I mnlva Cure. R imparts Youthful q "toms the vnal Power 11: old and .mumhons .and iuvigorates the Bfaln ï¬nes. builds up the muscular syslem “on into action ma whole physics! &ao human frame. With our speciï¬c most ohstixmto case can be Cured 1n . and meant ones in Rs: than thirty “$2 poc'mxgn contains two “eke heap .3. ‘t'xtgeg Quunugeed. Our apoo Q whores xh ~lï¬â€™omï¬hon: niches M m ï¬ne no hum “can: Kefler. \'o.‘eu".ne ."-h. Fete!- chnughtnq, “'11: Mason. A sch McQuarne, jr, Geo WI:.-,la.r9, Juhu Bone. Thoma eenwfe't, Jacob Lahmer, Jasse Richard: Adam Dicemuu. Wm Malloy. Jame' Steveuscu, Wm bur-1b, Vaughan Coun'cu i21- lm'nnible Cure for all P Ivate ‘ an: muuxl‘m how long a and- !ul- our Written Guaramee u H mm as Terence lanolin J. M. LAWRENCE. Clerk. 8] 7.5 Edward Jarrett, Alex Cameron, Duvnd Lawrie, David “when; ; )n. Amhv McMumuv, John Benuem, John Cousins. Michael O'Rourke. James Brown, ‘ George Bell. David Elder. Donald Benton, John Keir, Duncan Benton. . Johnst Egan. James Sloan. Wm Mathesun. Henry Peters, Wm Benton, Ed Flat" her. Daniel Luv gm uni, Jnhll Smith, John Atk‘nsun, Michael Lellis, Edwun. Dlukcus. 1/25 Wet ‘cmu. Jn Maxwell, Joni: ncDonuugh, Wm 'Vaod, Helm Creighton, John K'cnz, Deuj Kmear, Wm Vance. ’l‘uulnus Hoover, Joseph Mltcllt‘ll. ’l‘l‘cun-s Sun'be. John hm ll. (has A Holmes. ll. ‘ver‘. ‘llusou. L14 229 59 on re village other: 1-9 40 4 675 675 him with la‘m others. The R“. Mr. Egan «F‘n in question my statement flutthe Jen-its ever cnnm under the bane ol the Pope, and dam-und- pfoof. We 0‘13‘1 certainly gmti‘y him. 0:. Mosheim. it] if: Cnunc'h um» y, .p‘ge 710, annau'The Jesuits names! 1 to be"ave (and probably many of them 1hought) that Clement would nut dare to luppreas tho". Order. But In the ï¬fth year of his pontiï¬crte, he lesolwd, in da- liance of I“ clamour nnd monster of the wn‘ots to dinembody the fruternity, and amnlgalnate in members with the unnriv- "aged man of society. He declnred it to be his opimon that the order had ceased ‘ ' ‘ " ' “Aw-L â€" .....I vu nus Vrllllvul ....-. “.7 to inlwer the ends of its institution, and i that the members by the improprier of ‘ their conduct, their loose or snisty and , their mischievous arts had forieited all claim to further encouragement. A bull ‘ for the annihilation of the society was therefoh promulgated, its colieges were seized and its revenues conï¬scated. Loremo Ricci, the refractory general of the order, was sent to the Castle of St. Angelo, and died in conï¬nement." Is this satisfactory .9 The hull of Pope Cleâ€" ment XIV was dated July 21st. 1773. I ‘ Would like to give to you in full for Rev. Mr. Egan’s beneï¬t, but it is too long for your space. I will give an ex- tract or tw0. The Pope says: â€"-â€We‘ have omitted no care, no pains. to arrive at a thorough knowledge of the origin, the progress, the state of that regular or- dercommonly known as the company of Jesuits.†He than goes on to accuse them of having adopted, in certain places, cer» ta’i'ri ldolatrous ceremonies in contempt of those approved of by the Catholic Church and with teaching certain d :iriiies which the Holy See had prescribed as scanda- ‘lous and contrary to good murals. He then calls attention to the fact that his "dearly beloved sons in Christ, the kings of France, Spain, Portugal and Sicily, found themselves bound to the necessity of expelling and driving from then slates, kingdoms and provinces these very cum- panioiis of Jesus, persuaded that there remained no other remedy to so great evils, and that this step was [necessary to preVent the christions from rising against one another, and from iuassacrinu one another in the bosom of our common Mother, the Holy Church.†He unn- cludes as follows:â€"â€\Ve do out of our certain knowledge. and in the [illness of‘ our Apostolical power, suppress and :ibol- ‘ isn the said company, and that the name, of the company shall be, and is forever extinguished and supplessed Our will and pleasure is, that these our letters shall forever to all eternity be valid, nur- manerd and eï¬icacious. †\Ve shall see what the Rev. Mr. Egan has to say to this well established historic fact. I warn him, however, not to f-Ifluw in the footsteps of the Rev. Mr. Hand, and say that "this was only a piece of diplomacy demanded by the peculiar exâ€" igencies of the times †That s altogether too thin. He will have to manufacture something better than that. Perhaps, with his characteristic efl'rontery, he will deny the existence of the document. We shall see. These are the gentlemen who, having been deliberately kicked out of all Catholic countries again and again, by Popes, Princes and Kings. are now an“ ing over to America, like thy. third plague of Egypt (your Bible reader: mil remem- ber what that was), again to repeat. the peculiar tactics for wlnch they are justly condemned by the impntial testilnuny of history. â€" . n 5‘,,A‘_A L__ derived a great amount of cunsolstion from the recent Vote in Parliament. on the question of disallowance (in fact 1 know of nothing that could give him greater pleasure. unless it be the repeal of the Scott Act), but its a long ruad that has no turn in it. This vote has not been an unmixed evil by any means. It has opened the eyes of the Protestants of this Duminion. and given them 10 under- stand clearly by whom they are actually rulrd. It’s Wurth paying a round sum for the possession uf this kn‘nwledge. r 7" 7 This vote hen.I not been lm ked upon as an unmixed good by many 0! the more intelligem Ralnuniats, by any means. Le Canadian. the leadlng Dominion Govern- ment urgan at, Quebec, and which is unp- pused to reflect to a large extent the View: of Cnrdinul 'I‘aachoreau. in a recent issue concludes an article on the subject as ful- lows: â€"“The papal diplomacy in this inâ€" stance has been changing. illugicnl and incmxseqnent. These vacillutinna. Incun- sequences, cuntradicliuns, have created a bad «that in this cmnmy, and We pray God that such a spectacle may never again ‘ be seen here.†The rev. gentlemdn cnnclndes his letter with the following pruulaumtiunzâ€"“Il lien to my knowledge statements are dee Will‘lnthe limits of thls parish, mthur frou the pulpit. or thrungh the prus. in which the ductrines of the Church are misreprcae med, 1 shall be alâ€" Wnyn ready in my humble way to take my place, shall [say for the defence of the truth." It is to be earnestly honed that. all Protestant ministers residing within the bounds of the parish stureauid will take due notice and govern themâ€" selves accmdingly. Perhaps in his next. the Rev. Mr. Egan Will kindly deï¬ne the limit “1- extent of his [mialn w thnt those l|"il|g unlside it. may breathe freely. Fol the: present, The Manse, Richmnnd Hill, Apnl 17th, 1889. Don’t forget. to call M. Dilw-u-th’a Drug Store, ITO Kill! St. East, Turolltu, and tell ynur friends to call. jigghev. Father Egan qvidently has (Miï¬ued from Fourth Page.) THE LIBERAL $1.00 ner Year. 'Yuurn 1h defenc~ of truth, \V. W. Pucxvn. ï¬ikéjï¬iï¬g mug; RICHMOND HILL. hlhkoncblo Dim-Md". Sm: ‘1 (Mun at \‘or renir‘cH-J, n -e! of I .nM and 1-1 «Inn 8. .,or who! up . m :e(;' a 1'1" ’0' . '( en. HOUS‘E‘FDH‘S'ALE ! A Cottagr Roufot‘l Home, I" ' fl. rm' "W" 7 rooms. is for male an Church at. Ricr'nor " H " mlju‘ “'2': the Panonnm The lot. 00' "m n . a" ‘o 01]n.!‘d.l1‘0!0 or] "3. ’ u a good. 3 n! c‘ -3 vamm. 8mm“ nrnhlml and n new. 'v'! we‘ of walev. Good en‘sv and qtouo {‘t. «.u. 7 Amv'y U R. Jo] mt, Ba '9, or MT; 3' ' Gold Modnl‘st o! theTOnta' Io Vol-enhnry Co‘lego mouuc. W)" \ Tsi! Richmond Hill Wednewa and Satr ~- day aflernoon of each Week. Day or D‘s-1t callï¬ matuptlv attended :0. A lr‘l V §I'p]»ly of med‘c'uca consraqtlv on hand No'iice to creditors of Jas. M. Dm is. late of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, in the Couuay of York, Gentleman, deceased. Pu'sunnt w the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1? 7. chapter 110 section .36. nomice is herebv given taut nu creditors 3rd persons having cmimn up- on or against the estate of Lats of the Village of Richmond Hill. in the County of York. Gentleman, who disd on or about the 95m day «1 .lunuary. A. DJSS'J. Me on or before the 1st Day of June, 1889. To sepd 13}: goat pr‘e-‘ggi‘d or deliver to Mm . ;_:._:...-..»_:- n Aubuuu uy yum. luv In"... ..... _. . H, , Currier. Richmond Hill, Admimstmtrix of the estate and effects of the said Jim. M. Davis. da- ceased, a statement of their names. addresses and descriptions and full particulars and pmuf of their claims or demands 11 pan the said estate and of the securities Iii any) held by them : nnd that after the said ï¬rst day 01 June next the uni-I adm'mstrntrix will umceud to administer the estate and distribute the assets of the stud de- ceased among the parties entit thereto hiwileg . n... Md, cmumu uluuus nun, p... u-†mun" v", , _ regard only to the claims of which the said all- ministmtrix shall then have noLice, and the said mlministmtrix will not be liable for the said assets or any pan thereot to an) persdn or per- sons of whose claim or claims «he shall not have received notice at. the time of such distribution. OLIVE D. CURRIEB. Administmm-ix. inhmnml 1141‘, Anril 3rd.1889‘ 38-4 Richmond H4“, Avril $11,188!“ TENDERS ! 01’ the Township Lf Vaughan. in ‘be Covuty York. Imolveut. Notice is hereby gihu that Lenders “f†be re- ceLved by me up to the First Day of May Next Fur the Hlucksmith Shop. Pni Hume and Lot, with the stock named Iusg‘lvent. namen lubclvuuu. l‘l‘e Blacksmxtn shop is concreue, 60 feet long. mm good Paint. shop above; the stable is new. tne dwelling house, thh kitchen attached is in good rape"; and there is plenty of excellent well water. - Tender) to De accumpanxed by a. de osit of ï¬fty dollars No bender Will be accepte unless satlsmctory. The purchaser will be requi“ed to pay one half on“ hurl-hunk mnnav at the time of sale. The “rifle pï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬aser will be requimd the purchase monev at the time balance may rema‘n on mm 4:331 80-3 ises. Dated this 6th April. A. D. XSSQ. A LEX ANDEB CAMERON, Assignee. 9" " Testou P 0 Tonou'rn Tnursdnv. April 18,1539 W neat ml] per bushel ... . Wueat spring du Barley do outs do Peas do Bye do Clover Seed do Dressed hogs per 103 lbs Beef lore qum nets Beet bind gunmen. Chickens, per pair .. .. Ducks J0 Geese each Turkeys ewh Butter pouuu to n Butter tub duh‘y Eggs heal: ppcdoz. -3nids 1 This Valuable Farm with Brick Dwelling and ‘ convenient. outbuildings. and about 125 acre: of ‘ land. more or less. situated one mile north of ‘ Richmond W". is [or sale on easy menus. rApplyjio M. TEEEY. Potaboes per bag. Apn‘eb "e: bbl onionv J ee . per h Cubbu.‘ e do Cum-Mower (‘0 Celery 00 ’l'uru‘psmer bag .. Carma“, do. . Hay,perton ... atmw,per ton . THORNHILL. ONT-. The land. which is clavloum, is in excellent condition (or gardening. There is a. youuq 0r. chard. 3m curmut bushes (bltwk. red and Wllitel. 1‘2 “are vines and a quantity of raspbe". y bush- es (rm and black) Plenty of hard and 501;; water and a good woodshed. For vumculnw apply to \V. S. SNIDER, 26-6 Richmond Hill P. O RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL THE BERNARD FARM For Sale. Liv-Jr complaint. cured bv Iising Bir- ke'ts Little Liver Pellets. 50 duses for 25 cents. No family ahuuld be without them, sent. by mail to any address on re- ceipt nf price. Dihvurth’s Druu Store, 170 King St. East. Toronto. J AS. M. DAVIS. A comfortable nous}; and Lot, containing 9 acres of lnnd, is for sale on 11m aimniï¬mmts. Richmond Hill. Mnrch 95th21389‘ Velorinnl‘)’ Slum-on, BIBHARD N. LUND, FOR SALE. IN THE MATTER OF Eh: 3113mm. )éu)‘ bag Gallzmnugh. Pnint Shop, Stable, uck. 650., of the above- $101 to 105 ,.ll': 107 16 (‘0 .10 01) 37-“ 50 18 f) 1] £3 725 520 875 13 40 1 75 LIST 0% LICENSED AUCTIONEERS mm FED-LABS FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK.,£â€"- 26 John Smith . . . . N. J, Armsnong Allen McFarlnno l’anl Lopper . . . . James C. Stokes David Beldam .. J. D. Evans James O'Brien Albert Travis-l Edward Fox Giiben Gilmour Alexander Black John 'l‘humlon Jmner Knvmmgh u. L. V-num Nelnon E. Smith John Fleming J. B. Clubine SnIem Eckardt Joe. Boga“ Henty Russell E Draper A. 0. Andrew: Jan. Coukwen Thou. Puncher William Slnipley Benjamin Rolling George Teuntlnle llotlnmy E. Hnylmll John T. Grange Samuel Joseph Henry Prnnvy William Bye Jnsuph Cadulen Benjamin Cullen George Uihburd John Mnlnney ann Ellrtuu W. Smilh Hurry Munsell B. G. Buldersun David Togauhufl. Jonas Sanders : Otto Bnmberv Caleb King Benj. 'l'ogendhafl 'l‘bou' Nawall Treawrrr‘s Ojicr, County of Ym It, Toronio, Apr'l Bill. 1889 1889 BEAUTIFUL SPRING TVVEEDS, FINE CASHMERE, AND New Prmts 6 cts. up, Chambrays IO cts, up. Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS iON HAND. Flour and Feed Delivered. Farm Produce in Exchange. A. “\[()ODIE. @DRHODDER‘SA gunman; we \, l ' Liver Compluint, - Dyepepsiu, ,. I Biliumnoss Mix/4, ,jfiifil. ; - ; Sick Headache, ’ / k Kidney Troubles Skin Diseases and all _ > Impurities 01 ï¬ne \ . \ ,/ \ sonver culme n, ml“! [L7 \_ Fannie Weakne 08“ __ _ __ v anugenm ‘11aeh€1",’ ‘ . v Puxely V woe A1113 Higulv Concentrated. 'Plensant. Eï¬ecmul, Sufe Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price '15 cem- per bottle. DR. HODDER’S cough & Lung dure '1 mgmmp HILL. Sold oveg'wbere. Price 25 ceuts and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and )nauufuctlv‘ers, THE UNION MEDICINE 00.. Tcronto. Can In the Village of Maple a. ï¬rstâ€"class )3 acres of land. tumblers, driving-sheds “a other out-buildings. A ply to 27.“ WEJLIAM WOOD. Aurora. NINE BOOMED BBIGK HOUSE, Published by authority of the County Council J. K. MACDONALD, W000 F00 SALE ! At 64-00 a cord. Also a lot of secoudoclugs woud. which will 1 wk! cheap. . ‘ ‘18-“ \\ - 8. PKOCTOR. Richmond Hull FIRST-GLASS MAPLE WOOD ASK FOR DR. HODDER’S COMPOUND. Having nurchased two acres of bush tram F. Gibson. I Mn now prepared xo deliver FOR SALE NAME. NAME. all and see our Spring Stock, consisting of AUCTIONEERS CURES PEDLARS SPRING 'l'ovonio Laskay Laskuy Toronto Nupunee Toronto Toronto Scarboro '1 oronto Torunlu York I nmnm Thombill 'l'oronlo Toronto Buttonville Toronto Markham Toronto York Toronto ‘ Markham RESIDENCE I nmpton touflville We»! Toronto Maia. lAmora King Mulveru Inlinglon ‘Slouflville Nevmukot Toronto ‘Kleinburg n uudbnugo Port. ()rvdll. Newmarket S‘uun'illfl liingwoud Toromo Aurora Unionville Rewnmrko: Weston Belbuwn Toronto Markham Brougham ï¬ESIDENUE. Situated in the 2nd Concession of the Town- ship of Vaughan, 110 acres; brick house and good bums. For particulars apply to Lawrence,Mil!iâ€" mm A‘ Macuee, Barristers, 15 Toronto streo; 1‘0â€" routo, ur Richmond HJ‘L FARM FOR SALE. DON'T YOU HEAR 'EM HUM ! He would beg to nnnm‘uw the Winter stock of l‘weeds, 640., hr. be will be pleased to fluow than! customers. He can show you vs.) Zew. qualiflv Inc; cueagncm consists us Xullnw BEE-HIVE In all the latest Fleuch \Vurstedé Tweeds etc. In Beavers. Meltons. Raps, Pilots, Friezes, aw. in all alludes. I use nothing but ï¬rsbclass trimtmr'as. and I unutee apuflect ï¬t and rehable wcrkumnsbip Elnne to me aul 5.). ve voursel! money and vex- Minn. 'Z'AIE LIBECEJQL.’ $1.00 IN ABVANBE. SI} ITINGS In Scotch Tweeas. Canadians, Worstnds. ml Blue" Niggex-heads. etc. Fm, In Black Ind Fancy tc. Fooï¬ One Horse One Home One Hume 'l‘wu Horse Foot. One Hone One Horse F001. F001, One Hrnrse Funt 'l'wo Home One Horse Fuot iFoot Font One Home One Horse One Home Foot l‘wn Horse Are swarming to Hm we“ 11) on them Descripï¬on of License. THE BUSY BEES 03' C. TREVETHAN'S TAILUF ING ESTABLISHMENT. N UN’S VEILING. (DVERCIDA'I‘INGS (fon‘INGS PAN'I‘INGS stripm and checks, in ï¬ne West of Englands. Scotch 71):: 2 van: turns: April 9, Dec. :Murcb 2! Worstedsï¬ 3]).Wid 0 Wales M my Dec. 13, Jun. Mur. 3' 19, 13, ‘28, u u Date when Lucem expnes. [iv-nus. 28, 12. 12, 26, )8. k that is pouring 12 22: 14, 1’, 18. 30. 12. 14, 28, 31. 13, 22, 12. 13, 2o, (a 6 1889 Frll and , 9.,1ved, and x in: numerous I jprucmienï¬ed mm the sxuck 188’ of the Town: 1890