Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 May 1889, p. 4

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The Conservatives of West York met in convention last Saturday and nominated a candidate to oppose Dr. Gllmour for the Local House. As we predicted several months ago, Dr. Orr 15 not to be the standard- bearer, Mr. Frank Turner having been chosen in his place. Several others were nominated. Mr. Alfred Boultbee and Mr. James L. Hughes being among the number. Dr. ()rr evidently had many friends present who were anxious that he should re- ceive the nomination, but as he felt there was a strong opposition feeling in the southern part or the Riding, he withdrew his name before the ballots were distributed. The aflair is none or ours, but the fact cannot be denied that no other person in \Vest York is as much entitled to the nomination as Dr. Orr, who has spent much time and money in en- deavoring to secure his election. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad» tertise in the Toronto \VEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this Class are inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Gents a word for five insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. Simâ€"Rev. Mr. Percival’s last letter reminus me of Rob lngeisoll’s Lecture on Sculls, and l-ke that lecture has 9. ten- dency, even though not intended by Mr. Percival, to propagate infidelity. There is nothing more painful to me than to be obliged to give a. direct contradiction to a gentleman of the clerical profession, but I sincerely wish for the sake of the cloth, that he would pay more attention to the truth of his statements. He should in- quire more into facts before he makes such statements as, “In France they have four heads of Jullll the‘ Baptist.” then speaks of eight arms of St. Matthew and three of St. Luke" Again the wing of the Archangel Gabriel, the steps of Jacob’s ladder, the rays of a star, &c.,cfl'c. To the Editor at THE LIBERAL: Imp oundedâ€"Jas. Browulee. Savant Wantedâ€"F. Kirkby These are the yarns of French and Italian Cicerouies, who poke fun at their dupes, whom they know by experience will swallow any story, no matter how improbable, about the Catholic religion, and In return pay a few franks for the entrrtainment. is there any one, except Mr. Percival himself, Could belleve In the presence in France, or anywhere else, of what. cannot pUSMbly have any ma terial exrsteuce, such as an angel‘s wmg, a. step of Jacob’s ladder, or the rays of a Mo giheral. star 7‘ He may entertain the Sunday School children With such narratiVes. though it is no food spiritually or intel- lectually even for them, but when he seriously pens such nonsense for the reading public, the thing is too silly for refutation. The rev gentleman seems to t have acted upon it as a principle, that in all which relates to the Catholic Church, a thing is more or less true in proportion to its iuiprobability, and that these things alone are absoluwa certain 01 which it can be demonstrated that they could not by any possibility have happened. This principle has so far ielieved him of all responsibility in regard to the rules of Logic and Theology-umtters which evi- dently never gaVo him much trouble. And now when we find skulls and bones. and all such trunipery, duncang in such fsutastic confusion through his brain, the conviction forces itself upon us that in- stead of being afilicted With biliousncss, which deprived him of his natural cuavny. he must have been laboring under the horrors ofa nightmare when he wrung his last letter. At all eventfl it is clear that his zeal has run away with his dis- cretion, and that his hatred against the Catholic Church is more intense than his love for the truth. XIV-Harm”) HILL. Thursday, May 23 \Vho ihis Keating is, from whom ha prufesseu to quote. 1 no not know. I lmve never heard or read of him, either as a good Catholic or as an author. I have read of an iulpostur of that. name, who went around fuulinu Pratestants,giv- ing Nu Popery lectures, Cullucting money to evangelize Catholics, and laughing in his sleeves at. his dupes. lhe last I read of him was that he was sent to the Pene- luntiary for embezzlement. Rev. Mr. Percival says he could occu- py many columns of your paper in des. cribing the multitude of lying wonders. Of course he could, and probably will, from the same or some similar source, fur the business has paid well in the past,but I think it will be at a discount in the fu- lure. Once more. what is the cause of (he Controversy, what. is the manor under discussion and how does the controversy stnnd now I Suune weeks ago Rev. Mr. Percival was drawing great crowds to his church] and WEST YORK CONSER VA TIVES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Father Egan’s Letter. ‘85} 3. He any: the Bible is sure to make Christians. [ have asked him how 1 Nu answer; but I fancy he has a lurklug sus- picion than it. could receive mnterid as- sistance trom the \Vestmllmmr Confession and the Rev. Mr.Percival in (he clan-lasin- izing prucess. 4. He saysit matters nut what ds nomination of Christians cmues of Bible reudinu (except Catholics), of c:-nrse),pm- vided they are christians. I have asked him to reconcile with this statement the numerous contiadictury ductriws which involve, according to philnm-phy, error on the part of some. To say [lint true and false creeds have a rg t [n equal defernnce, is to destroy all d s'inclion be- “tween the true and the false. and to put truth and error on equal te ms. Sane intellects can never do thix. “’8 may honor, it is true, the hones'y of a man who happens to be in eirur, but we can- not on this account respect the errar itsclf on his account. To these matters he answers by assuring us thvy are minor points, and thus lie despatc ies the.” With silent cmnfiempt. 8‘ He has Rated that the Cnthnlic Church is opposed to the ut Bible in thu vulgar tungue. L dunied tlmt,asked for proufumd “Hex-ed to dismiss amicably the Bible question with him; and as he would say himself. he is "us silent as the grave." 5. He says the Pope cu it‘d th . Jesu- its with book, bell and candle. I asked for proof. No proof, but i I quoting the Brief of the suppression, Which was i ever denied; be altered it, and by do ug so placed himself hors dc comhufm U: course, like nnny others of his clan, he thinks there is no need of pr-mf fu' charges made against Catholics. In fact to ex- pect any such proofs Would lyo to cramp the human intellect, and militate against liberty of thought. Instead of keeping these matters and discussing them as though in the interests of truth, he gives us in his last letter a. lecture on skulls and bones, part of which l»c ure carries its own contradiction on the face of it. acquiring gloat reputation fur evangelical wit, learninr' and piety, hy elegantly slandering the Jesuits and the Ir teathiuus and by setting forth In his sermons, with all their harrowuig details Ilm astound ing abominations of the Church of Rome, powerfully illustrating her superstitions, and warning his flock of the dangers which threatened the.u through her ag- gressions. Things were gnlhg nll serenely for him, when I drnpped on the scene, and spoiled all his fun by culling on him to prove statements by which he was cre- ating unjust prejudice alllulil st ueiuhburs From that day to this his ulury has been gradually fading away, and it louks lNIW as if it were predestined to Income. a vanishing quantity. 1. Rev. Mr. Percival has stated that the Catholic Church hnldu the doctrine that “the end justifies Ihe means,” and not only that, but that “in-never she found it convenient has acted upon that principle. I denied tli It charge, and called upon him to prove It, or retr.Ict.â€"â€" No proof. As he has so far offered no proofs of his assertions, I might have opposed my assertions to his, but no, 1 preferred to . draw him out and give him 1)}! nty of tin" rope, he so facetiunsly referred to in his last letter. I am perfectly satisfied with the experiment. and I think it ought to show our Protestant friends the species of warfare that is carried on against the Catholic Church. It ought to snow them that no statement is considered too ini- probable against her and her doctrines, and that the accusations of even men calling themselves ministers of the gospel, are not, in her regard, to be relied upon With implicit confidence. What. now, will the people of Richâ€" mond Hill think of the champion of Pres- byterianisni in that vicniity, who a, few Wt‘eks ago denounced the teachings of the Catholic Chi-itch, and Called loudly on the people to unite against the aggressions of ltninaiiisui 'l \Vhat of his sincerity when he cannot sustain a single cherge which he has made, and the only time he at- tempted to do so is detected in a fraud I Is not his insincerity apparent to all I And insincerity in a public teacher is an offence which honest men cannot tolerate; he who is guilty of it is unworthy of the slightest consideraiion. and should, like any other fraud be exposed, that the credulous and unwary may not be deceiv- ed. An honest man, even when in error, is at par in the estimation of his__ fellow- men, but one who is not is always at a heavy discount, even when he happens to tell the truth. What, I would ask, have rrlicu to do with the question under discussion '1 Who would think that. Mr. Percival’s last let- ter was written, or copied from some tourist?» note book, by the gentleman wlm told the black steer yarn, and accus~ ed me so often of kecpmg from the sub- Ject. ' Of late the Presbyterian clergy have devoted themselves to the preaching of religion and political hatred among citi- zens in this country where the rights of all are equal. They are trying also to get the other Protesmnc denominations to join them in a crusade against Catholics. I believe that a great. many sober-minded Presbyterian h'ave beheâ€"ld wnh regret and mortification the proceedings of the rev. aglt‘AU-PS of their sect “The" Westminster Confes ion of Faith is I understand. the standard of Presby- teiiun doctrine. It is claimed by Pres» byteriuus that. every doctrine taught in it. is revealed by God in the scriptures. In the National Covenant, page 286, it is declared that. Presbyteriauism "is 11w only uua faith and religion pleasing to Gud and bringing salvation to man.” 1y all Pupiafry in geuéral, ind 'purticnlar heads. even as they are new damned, and cunfuted by God’s word and the Kuk 'of “And (it. continues) therefore we abhor and detest all cantrary religiupflmt cnief- (Continued rm Eighth Page. )1 â€"THEâ€"â€" Cheap cash Hausa. SPEGIAL MORE I $2,090 WORTH IryGnadsMweeds All Offered at 75 cents on the J. W. GALE WHOLESALE BANK- RU PT STOCK, $500.00 WORTH NEW STOCK â€"â€"OFâ€"â€" Ms - and - Sines OF THE Finest Quality. R E M E M B E R , Even in stock, in make and finish the most perfect we have ever seen, made on the newest LASTS and fully 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER than any Toronto made goods of the same superior quality and finish. We Wlll take great pleasure in showing these goods to all, and you will see at once that there has never been such perfect goods offered at these low prices. Men’s Fine Lace Bals,$2.oo, VVaukenphausts, Shell Cor- dovan Bals.(finest make)B0ys fine Lace Boots, hand rivet- ed, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Button and Lace Boots in Oil Goat, Pol. Calf, French Kld, Glace Buff foxed, India Kid, &c. Ladies’ fine toe Slippers at 750., worth $51.00. As we buy and sell at the Closest Possible Price, Ex- clusively for CASH, we be- lieve no one can possibly give DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY IN QUEBEC, you BETTER _VA_LU'E.'for 'yogr mqney in the city or’_out. Satisfacfion guarafiteed or money refunded. R. W. NEVILLE, RICHMOND HILL. Feâ€"bnuary- 2151:, 1889. Only 75 cents on the HGHUEGE SPfiENGfi FROM THE DMLAR. All Clean OFâ€" Noted for Lowest Prices in 3.11 Flrst-Cleuss iffy Goods Grr0* oerles and Crockery. CONCRETE HOUSE All the Latest Novelties in British and Fareign Brass Goods in new Material and Coloring. Seersuckers, Prints, Chambrays. Zephyrs in large variety. PLAIN, STRIPE DRESS LININGS, PUTIONS TRIMVIING S SPRING AND SUMMER HOSIEIxY \ND U\DER\V’ EAR IN EVERY SIZE. TEXTURE AND QUALITY. Magnificent Lines of Millinery Goodz, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satins Plumes, Feathers, &c., &c. Our prices for First-class Goods are Lower than those of small houses for Inferior Goods. NEW 8PRING DRESS GOGDS. Is on hand again with the second stock of the season of Wall Papers, Ceiling, Styles, Borderings and Corners of the latest patterns, at lower prices than ever, as the stock is large, and must be sold. Mixed Paints in all colors, Paint & Kalsomine Brushes,in all sizes, Boiled & Raw Oils, Varmshes and all painters’ materials, Large stock of Furniture. cheap for cash. Glass cut all sizes. Usual stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed. Choice Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Seasonings, Baking Powders, New Era Baking Powder, with present, ior only 25 cents. Soaps, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Vinegar, Syrup, Pickles in. bulk, &c. You will find all kinds in season. Canned Goods. Cal(es,.Blscuits, Dates, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pine Apples, BannanaS, Nuts and Candies of every description, Iresh made ewery day; A Cottage Rooted House. 42x36 ft containing 7 rooms. is (or sale on Church 5%. Richmond Hill, adjoining the Parsonage TheJot contains one acre of land. more or less. In avgood state of cul- tivation. Small orchard and a newt-{ailing well of water. Guo_d cellar and gtone foundation. I‘mpure Blood, Indigestion. DysDoDsia and cunatipatinn positively cured by- the use of Buketta Liver Pellets, 50 doses fur 25 cents. Sold. only at Dzlworth‘a Drug Store, 170 King-St. East, Toronto., WA . $511: to B Janna, Barrie, or at. I‘m»: LIBERAL HOUSE FUR SALE I an be had a good Selection of Tea, Dlnner and Toilet Sets, of all sizes, styles and prices. Rochinghamware, Glassware, Lamps, Lantern and Lamp Chimneys, Fancy Ware. Also, Brooms, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Mop Holders, Whisks, Paper Pails, &c. IN THE CONFECTIONERY &'FRUIT DEPT. THE PEOPLE S’ STORE IN THE CROCKERY DEPARTMENT DIRECT IMPORTER. WILL BE FOUND THIS MONTH AT COME AGAIN Réchmnnd Hm, ECKED BROCHE, COMBINATION I have been suffering with a bad vtnm-, ach for a number nf years and uegiecf- in: myself verv lunch. 1 have no pity for you because yun no right. well that a dose of Birkett, Pellets will cure you. BirketLa leel Pellets, are n'positive cure for sick head ache, 50 doses for 25 cents, sent by mail to any address. Dilwnrth'a Drug Store, 170‘King St. East, Toronto.. ‘Z‘flE Llfiflfifléo.‘ $130 IN ADVANGL P. G. SAVAGE N, 860.

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