Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 May 1889, p. 5

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Connects with «Uh-Mus. leaving the Pmmer A‘Iouso Rinhmon mm. as Inflows: \Mmi‘ K'Ex ress.1\arth & Sunth..... Acoommn ntion “ “ M31162 Express North & South... WTAS a m. 12.00 .5 45 p. m. Union .. . BrnnkStreet I’m-Mala... . Dwenpon, Weston”. J‘homhx‘n RICHMOND Km King ...... ,. Aurora. ‘ Newmurket. Newmarket,.. Aaron... King ...... . . RICHMOND HILL fhornhill Weston”. Dnvenporh. Parka-113 ..... TORONTO. Bronk Street Union Clty Hall. TORONTO. Citv Hall RICHMOND HILL, Thnrsd ay, May 30‘ ’89 PROCTOR‘S STACE LiNE. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hi1} Post Office as follows:â€" MonNmG :~Goimz Northsoulh East and . West. includinu Thoru‘mll, anla.’l‘oronbo,Mm‘kbumfim. 7.45 EVENING :â€"Gw'n;z south East and West (as above) 5.80 N. B.--Rogiatm‘ed Letters must be handed in M7 least Flftecn Minutes earlier than the above menhioued hours for closing N. R. R. TIME TABLE Creamers 3'5: each at Mason‘s Hardware Store. Minutes of Vaughan Council will be 'given next week. Nice braided and blouse shirts for boys at the Concrete,trom $1.50. A meezing ol the ‘Directnm of tbe‘Agl-icul- turn] Society will be held on Tuesday even- ing. New stock of Boots and fihoes at R. Sivers', Choice Maple Syrup at the Conâ€" crete, 30¢. per qt. There will be a meeting in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening, to consider the Jesuit Estates Bill, and to appoint delegates to the couventian which meets in Toronto in June. The young people of the Methodist Church congregation are already making nrepnration for their annual strawberry festival which they purpose holding on the 351. of July. Division Court will be held here on Tues- day, the 11th of June. If you want cheap Hardware and Tinware go to Mason’s Hardware Store. You can get the largest parcel of goods for 25c. at Brown’s. A nice line of bedroom sets at the Fire Proof this week. We have been asked to say that the party who took by mistake a town from a crock of butner on the 24th will do a favor bv return- it. to the owner, as he does not want to have the trouble of asking for it. If you want a good job of Eave- ztrpughmg done get C. Mason to do it. Cupxd‘s Spcret, For the TOILET, for keeping the skin soft and white. Removes Sun Burn, Frecklea. &0. Preparation mailed free on receipt. of 10c. Box 190, Thornhill. Ont. The shave play which has been acted thou sands of times iv: Canada and the United States, but which always remains popular, will be given under a mammoth canvas in the Park Grounds here on Wednesday even- ing, the 5th of Jane. The proprietors, Messrs. Burtoh & Burnip, claim to here with their ‘troupeZEM performere,lB horses and 4 gen nine imported Siberian blood hounds. The press ,epenk in the highest terms of this company. end from the play lessons of charity and morality may be learned. The scenery is said to be beantifu1,end the songs and music enchanting. Admission 25 cents; Children M cents; reserved seats 10 cents extra. The York Roads Commiseioners mat a short time ago and rented the Yonge Street Toll Gates to the following partiesâ€"4‘10. 1, Joseph Moat; No. 3, Wm. Richie; No 5. H B. Mackenzie; No. 6, Susan Bell. The rentals are about the same as paid last year. 30 lbs Tilson‘s Rolled Oats for $1. 44 lbs Gold Dust Cornmeal for $1, at the Concrete. Cream fringed opaque blinds at the Fire Proof this week, extremely mce. School Board meetivg mxt Mnndny. Fire Brigade meeting next Monday even- POST OFFICE NOTICE it c Strawberry Festival "Uncle Tom's Cabm“ GOING NORTH Mail 1‘ Toll Gates Leased. Gomfisoma A Request. 9.30 94-52 8.37 9.05 911 9.16 M.7fEEFY. I" Accom 12.55 118 11.47 .13 45 50 20 35 ostmaster Mail. 6.03 616 5.40 mm 71 83 .H ,30 5M The Redemplurist Full!ch will cwmmence a mission in the Culhofic Church, ’l'hornbill m-xt Sunday. June 2nd. at 11 o‘clock a m. A similar mission will cmumeuca in Richmond Hill the Sunday following Gent's Felt and Straw Hats. Ties and Scarfs at the Concrete, the. nobhiwt to be fouvd. Mr. Salem Eckardt will Fell by Public Auction the houxehuld furniture, blacksmith toolsI waggnn-makerb’ Lools,buggies,waggons, paints, oila, vunlsh'as. &c. (in: , of Mr. James Johnson. Newton Brook, on Thursday. June 6th, 1889. Sale without reserve as the pro- prietor is moving to the North West. Sale at 1 o'clock ma‘p. The Concrete will sell you Tea 25 percent. cheaper than Tea pedlars. and ‘will sell you sugar at cost. Springbill A shoot'ng accident occurred to Allie Hall, of this place, on the 24th of Mav. 1n company .vith one of his companions he went to the Everrlev pond to fish, and carri- ed a revolver in his pocket. The fishes not being in “biting” humor. the boys thought they might have better luck by shooting the finny swimmers. The revolver not working properly, the boys endeavored to adjust the cartridge with a. chip, when it exploded, the ball entering the calf of Allie’s leg. Ellie as- sistance of Dr. Norman was called, and the bullet was extracted wrth condidemble diffi- culty. The patient is now making satisfact- ory progress to recovery. Dinner and 'l‘en in both the Methodistaud Presbyterian churches ware well patronized on the 24th of May At the {or-mar, includ- ing the previous Sunday collection. the amount was about $100,:md at the latter the exact sum. including the proceda of a social held the following evaninp,was 8122.65 FIUIt, Confectionery, and Gro- ceries of every description at Lorne Store. The correct place to bring your Butter. Eggs, Bacon and all farm produca is the Fire Proof, highest market prices paid. A Tea-Meeting will be held in the MethO' dist Church, 'I‘eston. on Tuesday evening, the 11th of June. Tea will be served from 5 to 7, after Which a choice programme will be rendered. The Nellore uCornet. Band will en- liven the proceedings at intervals with ap- propriate music, and the Teston Chair will furnish the singing. Mr. E J Davis, M P P North York is expected to occupy the chair. Tickets 25 cents; Uhl’dren 15 cents. Pro- ceeds in aid of church funds. See bills. _ Elegant lace parasols at much less than wholesale prices at the Fire Proot. ‘ Last. Snndav morning a service was held in the Methodist church in memory of that late Mrs Munslmw, a notice of whose death appeared in last issue. Rv-v. J. H. Starr. a lormerpastor here, made «omn very feeling remarks relative to the life and habits of the chrimiwn sister. He was fol lowed by Mr \V. Her-risen and Rev J. M. Simpson. The latter in referring to her christian example stated that though her memory of late years had failed her so that she could scarcely ever remember her min- ieters’ names, she never forgot. the name of God, of whom she ever loved lo talk. The choir sang pieces suitable for the occasion. and the entire service was very enjoyable. Get a Washing Machine. You can do your work in quarter of the time, you can save money by buy- ing one, 504d everywhere. Lorne Store. We have made arrangements with Dr B J Kendall Co.. publishers of “A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,” which will en~ able all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their ad- dress (enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) to D3 B J KENDALL £30., Emelian FALLS, VT. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the home, as ins phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years. a sale never before reached by any publicetion in the snme period of time. We feel confident thin. our patrons will appreciate the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of ob- taining a valuable book. It. is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "'.l.‘ieatise.H This ofler will remain open for only a short. time. 52 Ladies, if you want the newest style and neatest things in Flowers, Feathers, Plumes, Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Mantles and Coats, order at the Concrete. The bright anticipations of the celebration held at Vellore on the Queen’s Birth-day. under the auspices of the Cornet Band, were more then realized. Everything passed off pleasantly. and the committee after paying all expenses will have netted fully 8140. The weather being cool the dancing was all the more enjoyable, and upWards of seventy couples glided at once in graceful move- the sweet strains of music furnish- ed by the string band. On behalf of the Vellore bend. Messrs J. J. Cameron, A. Carley and Arch Cameron. have asked us to convey through Tan LXDEML, their sincere thanks to the many friends who rendered them valuable assistance in preparing and carrying out the programme oi the day ; also to the public for their pntrunage and good behavior. The following is a list of the prize~wiuners in the sports gâ€"Fermer's race â€"1st, Eb Smith ; 2nd. Sam Hilliard. Foot race. 100 yardsâ€"let, Joe Smith ; 2nd, Ab McBride. Hop, step and jumpâ€"Lt, John MoEeohei-n, 39 it. 11 in.; 52nd, Andrew Mc- Clure, 38 it. 5 in. Struggling jumpulst, Jerome Campbell, 12 11.5 2nd, Jgp Mc- anhem, 11 it. Ll in. ' Special Announcement lnabc R C Gnurches Memorial Serme Vgliore CelEratEm. The Churches Cmdit Sale Tea Meeting The concert given in the Masonic Hall on the evening of the 24th of May, under the auspices of the Agricultural Society, was a success in every particular. Before the time for commending the programme had arrived. the hall was packed to its utmost capacity, every foot of the aisle and platform was tak- en up, and scores, probably hundreds, Were forced to leave, not being able to gain ad- mission. Were it not that we are crowded with matter such as the prize list and several lengthy communications this week, we would feel justified in referring to each perfurmer's selections, as not a single piece was given which is not worthy of praise. Mr. Ubas Munro and his bag-pipes were in their best form, and many a heart beat faster as the natioual airs of “Auld Seotia" were struck up. The step-dancing of Maudie Saunder son and Jamie Burry proved ‘a treat, and the sword dance of the former and the sailor's hornpipe of the latter could not fail in re. ceiving encores. Miss Ida Simpson's songs, as usual. were well received. Her selections were good, and her sweet and well cultiVated voice drew forth those tones which are al- ways pleasing to the admirers of Gottchalk, Beschofi and Arditi. The readings of Mr J. H. Shepard, of Willowdale, were equaly good in both humor and pathos, but. as might be exp-acted from an enthusiastic Queen‘s Birthday audience. the humorous were more in demand. His rendition of "Saunders McGlashan’s Courtship," “The Old Maid,” &c., brought down the house,and he was vloudly applauded. But the appear- ance of Mr. W. E. Ramsay in his various costumes was an indication that a rich treat was in store for the excited crowd. He ap- peared nine times and each performance was received. if poesible, with more favor than the preceding one. Mr W. Trench discharg- ed the duties of chairman with his accustom- ed ability, and Miss Simpson and Miss Fowler, as accompanists on the piano, left nothing to be desired_ About 8110 was taken at the door, and with the exception of some inconvenience caused by overcrowding. a pleasanter evening could not well be spent. We have a few of those beautiml Embroidery Flouncings at the Fire Proof, selling rapidly notwithstand- ing the extremely cold Weather of the past week. Will D. Atkinson. Rev. J H Starr and wife, were the guests. of Mr. & Mrs. J W Elliott over Sunday lus'. Miss Kirpatrick. of Richmond Hill. spent 1:. couple of days in town last. weekâ€"Newâ€" market Era. Mrs G. Soules. of Toronto, spent a few days last week with her daughtu, Mrs W. E. Wiley. Mr. @- Wiley, of Woodsto:k. spent a few days with his family here last. week. return- ing on Monday. Mr. G B Smith, M P P for East York was in the village on Monday and attended the Court. of Revxsinn. Miss Boynton returned to Toronto on Monday aner visitiug a few days with her mother here. \4 (I; Mr. J McCanaghy let: on Monday to tnkfl dgovernmem position in Ottawa. He will pi’ay in :he Ottawa lacrosse club. Co]. Geo. T. Dvnison, Police Magistratl- for Toronto, and Col. Fret Denisnn. M. P. \Vuat. Toronto. were In the village on Sutur~ dav. Hr. Armand Teefy, barrister, Chmngo,ban been In Toronto on business during the week. He paid 3 313011; visit. to his parents here on Monday. Rev G. N. Rutledge will deliver a lecture at Headford next Tuesday evemng. Subject, “The Indispensable Man." A collection will be taken. Mr. Alfred Redditt, of Aurora, spent last Sunday with his family. who have been making a. visit. at the residence of his brother, Mr. Geo Redditt. Mr. Geo Savage, of Toronto, paid a short Viuit to his relatlvss and friends here last week. He apparently enjoyed the festivities of the Queen‘s Birth-day. Mr. M Wilson, of Toronto. formerly field- captaiu of the once vnctonous Young Cana- dmu Lacrosse Club. spent the 24th and following day with old friends here. BoiLEâ€"At “Bmesidex' Richmond Hill, on Tuesâ€" day, May 7Qh,th6 wife of J N Bovle, of a daughter Ladies’ and Children’s summer gloves and mltts, a beautiful assort- ment ofcoJorings at the Flre Proof. STEPKENSONâ€"HAMILTON-Ofl Wednesday, May 22nd, b the Rev. J. '1‘. Caldwell, M. A., B. D., Metho iatfiinister.“ the residence of the bride's mo er. Frank Stephenson, Esq.. of Stephenson Bros.. Luskay. Flour Mills, to MiaPLlewella, daughter of the late Juhn Hamilton, Esq. all of Laskay. LAWSONâ€"Foamswnnâ€"At the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev G. N. Rutledge, on Wednesday,Mav 29th, Charles Lawson. to Mugaret Forester, all 0! Markham, plasgéécept this futimdtion‘ SEAGERâ€"At “tsicknor Place," Richmond Hill. on Monday, May 27th, Edmund Seager, aged 80 years. ‘ Funeral on Rnday. may_3lst. at 2 p.m. Friends You can buy a bill of general Dry Goods and Groceries at the Con- crete for less money than a similar bill of the same quality 01 goods will cost you in Toronto. Give us a tair trial and we will prove it. Don’t fm-get to call at Dilwurth’s Drug Star-9,170 King St. East, Toronto, and tell your friends to call. to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock ON SALARY AND EXPENSES or COMMISâ€" SION. Steady employment. Apply at once, stating age. Refer to this paper. J. EELLIS d (30., Rochester. N. 1:, PERSONALS. MARRIAGES Th: Caucen. Bl RT “$5. DEATHS The Agitation inh connection With t e Jesuits’ Estate Act Greatest Sensation FIRE PROOF STORE EVERYTHING NEW, EVERYTHING NEAT, EVERYTHING CLEAN, EVERYTHING CHEAP, EVERYTHING GOOD. MAGNIFICENT LINE WILL D. ATKINSON, From Mr. Joseph Devlin, in the Lorne Block, Richmnnd Hill, I am now prepared to manufacture and sell ALL GRADES OF HARNESS Horse Clothing, Whips, and other supplies always on hand. Patronage solicited. All I ask is a fair trial. Geo.McDona.1d, â€" Richmond Hill. HARNESS SHOP. HARDWARE STORE I STOV’ES of TIIE BISSCF DIAKE, BEAUTIFUL SPRING TVVEEDS, FINE CASHMERE, AND CARPENTERS TOOLS, NAILS, BARBED & PLAIN FENCE WIRE ' / NUN’S VEILING‘ New Prmts 6 cts, up,_ Chambrays IO cts, up. Ladies“ and‘ Gents' Furnishings. Fleur and Feed Delivered. Farm Produce in Exchangefi A. DIOODIE, 1889 FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS “ON HAND, Richmond Hill has had for a. long time is the opening up of a Of New Dry Goods, Groceries, ‘ Wall Papers, Woodenware, 860,111 the Has no doubt been very great, but the EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY. At lowest prices. I use nothing but the best of stock. and will eâ€"Guarantee Satisfaction.â€" FIRE PROOF STORE. HARNESS BUSINESS Lately occupied by Mr, Isaac Crosby. all and see our Spring Stock, consisting of RICHMOND HILL Cheaper that; city prices. Tinware of all kinds. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Ful‘ sale at lowest prices for cash. Also ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. HAVING PURCHASED THE SPRING C. MASON. 1889

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