THE LIBERAL PRINTING &. PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" - ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING flhanktul for the favors of may still 1) ,onsulted in an: onion asf lows: ‘nrnru 13!: 8:11, 16m. and 2 Richmond Hill... .. .9th and: (“we PalmerRouse) an: n.» . .. \ y dtouï¬vme .. .18“: 10. Markham ..2Uth 10. Victoria. Squn. .. 2lst do l‘lxoruhill. Wal e. 23rd do Woudbridge .. 28th do. Hamburg ,. 2% do Nobletonu... . th 0 Vitalized Air always on hand at aynpoilxtmeuts Works like a. charm Free from vain. DB. J . LANGSTAFF, Toronto Oï¬iceeNo. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No. x5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. Toronto oriï¬ce-~31). no iii-u; St. \Vvsl. Markham Ofï¬ceâ€"Town "all. (up-stairs.) ' Fullerton. Cook & Wa!lm:e. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS 81c OFFICE: 18 KING s'mnwr EAST. Tonox'ro Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J S Fullarmn. W Cook, â€"â€"Wu.11ace L? PRIVATE FUNDS To mus. EQLJZES 4% Eggggmi, Mr Gragm'y or Mr Holmes Wil be at the Mark- ham omee evsry Saturday from 9 a m m 4 3-) p. m.; and m. Wehhar's Hotel, Uniouville, every Saturday from 5 p4 LLL. to s p. m. $I per annum, in advance.] VOL. XI. JJILLEE d} yawcmm Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"Court Chambers, corner Church and Adelaide Stream. Thornhxll Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Oï¬ï¬ce every Wed- nesday from [O to 12 a. m. Richmond Hxll Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every Wednesday from x to 4 p. m. Collections in City and Couutrv prompfly attended to. Money to loan. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aumm Ont night calls at front Barristers, Solicitors, Gonveyancers, &c.. BARRISTERS_ SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. 81C. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. 'rivabe Funds to Loan nn Movtcage at Lowest Rates of Inberesz Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand ‘6 PNRQOV ‘ W D GREGORY BUSINESS CARDS. elephon e 311 Barristers, Solicitors, Convnyancers, 6m Und or! a k er s & Embalmors. T. E. McMAEON, DARR!ST"33, SOLICITORS AND NOTARKES AX‘DRRW DODS. mum. VIZ‘eï¬LJZEiJ £13 J. n. :txmm BENTON & DODS, EDITOR and PROPRSE’I‘OR. @111: giheml †IS PUBLISHED EVERY RICHMOND HILL, ONT 'ezxcncr WRIGHT BROS. Money to loan at lowest rates. the favors of the past 20 years onsultedin any branch 05 the pro- USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. 10?,» Adelaide street East Mich. and 223d of 611011 month .9th and-34th ï¬n Wtdiml. SURGEON DENTIF’V‘ Erma. H; donr 10 a m AT ink Oil Painting. RICHMOND HILL be“. Ofï¬ce 110111~ FRANK B BENTON, B C L E. J. B. DUNCAN G W Humnzs mmmm TORONTO :u. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIQ HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Veterinary Surgeon, Gold Medalist of the Ontario Vetvermnry College Toronto. Will visit Kichmr‘nd Hill Wednesday and Satur- day afternoon of each week. Day or night calls m-omptlv attended to. A full supply of medicmes constantlv on hand 11-4-3mos Licensed Auctioneer for the Countxes of York Uumrlo and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. Generalsales of stock, etc" promptly attsnded to at. reasonable rates. P. 0. address UNIONVILLE. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice and at i'eusonabe races. P. O. uduress, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! York Sales attended on the shortest notice.and at, ran.- abe races. Address Smuï¬vdle 1". O M21? @QE’ PUMP W’QEES. All kinds of Wood, Iron. Galvanized Pipe.[ron. Brass and Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds (‘1‘ Water Runs, Well-Digging Curbs, Curb Rings and Cistem Tanks made to order. Repairing done on shortest. notice. @155 gm ï¬mrpsuu LESSONS IN VOICE CULTURE. H55 galtnubridgcâ€™ï¬ Ã©} DRESS MAKING Dress Maker. opposite Iggï¬ouic Hull Bmhmond l Every accommodation tor fmvellars. Fiat-class enabling and an attentive hustler. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Ben]. Brullinger. Proprietor. WM. JACKSON, Proprietorl Tgezmflmg Haï¬z, THOS. HUGHE S. Prop. Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rstâ€"class style. I um prepared 90 give the public the best 0‘ accommodmmn. Excellent scublinn and ntteutive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- uectiuu. Terms $1 Der dav. Issuer of Marnage Licenses for the County of Yor CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR _ SENIOR 5: JUNIOR PUPILS IN Every accommodation to guestll. Board. $1.00 per day MISS HARRISON. THORNHILL, ONT-. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Temperagge House. Good accommodation for the travelling public. Choice Tempemnce “rinks. Bess brands of Ciznrvz. Commudious rooms for commercial mvellers A. LBUPERT. Prop. Bast Liquors and Ci am. Good enabling and an attentive hosskn‘. vary mmmmodation to travellers and bollnlel'l. Wxshebjto infcrm the public that she is prepared to give E-‘euud’s 33:11:: fï¬utrl. Methndlst Parsonage Rxchmond Hill RESIDENCE. ine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. E. Limaâ€, MMWE EQQ‘EE» 158 use STRBKT EAST. TORONTO :41. Gallauuugh. C; Leeds Richardson. Eniï¬ulmutuus. MUSIC COMMISSIONER m cum Salem Eokm‘dl James (7. Stokes. NJ. Armstrong. First~cl ass testimonials IKE-OPENED AS A RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1889. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in ail things, Charity." $VNI. BE]. L. Prop MAPLE ONT MAPLE T. EATflN & 80.. A stock ofMantles that will give you a start. Take either the Yonge 0r Queen street elevators and get off at ï¬rst flat, and you will be shown to this department, which mon-l opolizes a large portion of the flat. Counters and tables piled up with Mantles. The goods are fresh stock, only in the house for this season’s trade. But we are busy building back and soon the end of the store will be knocked out and these lgoods will have to be moved. We prefer that you should mOVe them, and we will pay you liberally in this wise:â€" MANTLEs.â€"â€"It is Mantles and jackets we are talking about. Go to the counters where are the Children’s Mantles. Now to your job.j There is an $8 mantle, pretty goods,larest shape,best make. It is marked as is our Custom, in plain ï¬gures, $8. Pay us $4, and we will allow you the other $4, to carry it off. ll it is $6 goodsâ€"then 21153 is the allowance, Pretty good pay is it not ? Perhaps the chil- dren are ï¬tted out, but you want a jacket. There a stock of Ladies’ coloured cloth jac- kets, check and plaid jackets, ‘Braided jackets, fancy Vest, front jackets, fancy braid Dolmans,plain cloth Dolmans Ladies’ fancy stripedjackcts. All are marked in plain ï¬gures and these ï¬gures are close enough for anything. But somebody must move them. Give us one-half the marked price, and accept the other half as payment for moving. Who would not contract for :o soit a snap? 190 to 196 Yonge St, ex- tending through to 10 & 12% Queen St., ash And One Price Only. RIBBONs.â€"â€"As you enter the Yonge street door,directly in front of you is the ribbon counter. You notice several striking pyramids of Brocaded ribbons, new and lashlonable, selling for 9 cents a yd. The price in the regular way would be 15 cents. Mail Order Department.â€" As far as convenient you will of course always do your shop ping in person, but we want to say when this can't be done you can write for anything you wish, and get it jusr as wellas ifyou came to the store any thing. We have a little army of people who do nothing but buy for those who write forl things. i Address, T. EATON & CO, Mail Order Department. 190 YONGE ST, Toronto. - Ont. FRIDAY 13 BARGAIN DAY. A moiher in Israel has passed on Debra. Is safe home at last on the bright golden shore. Free from earth's changes, its cares and itw Leann. From the bllght mm on (allows the increhe 01 years. Where the surges of sorrow that deluge the sou‘ No power oxen-b, nor Wanaering no more. vainly searching for lmme. hheltered with friends. no desu‘e to roam. Scattered the clouds that. enveloped her mind, Leavmg forever :ue-r traces behind ; Nothing to mar or eclipse her delight, Resti 13 eternally. faith lost. in sight. Her lire-work comn'efled her burden laid down. Her Victory cenam. pussessmg h_er crow_n. Swelling the chorus lu wo.§hipp}l}_g pnzaase, flat. bar Redeemer. for guiding her days ; Her hopes in a glorious human she reaps, As through the bright arches of heaven she sweeps. Meetin her kindred long parted from here. The clnldren she mourned for, unspeakably dent, in glad exulmniou hur loved ones embrace. As She Inuks witu delight on each restored face ; Her n~iumphu£ praises m soul-Lhrillingstmius, Diflusiug tueix echoes o'er Eden’s domains, Were mortals permitted to follow with sight, Her sph-in pursuing its raplurous flight, To watch tue rapt transport as u pward she soared As nearer she drew where her n'eusuk'es were scored, With angelic escort heaven's threshold she pa: 'red Ju ecstucy shouting,"1'u1 safe home at last! Half a. century's years in their circles have fled, With hisbuties teeming of livmg and dead. Since ï¬rst, she uppeu-reu 12) our village to dwell, WM; pioneer smut, u. strengm to our Hill, A fnend to be hunted, u. nelghuor most kmd. Ubligmg and cuurwuus with truth-lovmg mind Soon after, her lot with God’s people she cast, Preserving her I'mtmumess unto the mat, 1 huugh \\ any with mining, Lue piouuera‘ shm e, She seldom was absunu Hum uuu's house or pmyer, Her joy was His sex vice, her home a. retreat, Wuere cbnsmuns 9.5mm: bled their b'uvwn'? to meet Her passwn for flowers that bloom but to die, W111 not be destroyed in he: mansion on high. These are but. the shadows, the beauty revealed, The promise o‘f‘apleuuur heaven‘s flowers wilt 7" V ‘ yield. - Love's legauv left, preserved In God's plan. lteunudmg uthduu,1u mercy to man. Her must in the Saviom- robbed death of its sting The vule was uluLuiueu by Jasus her K113, The gmve lost. its terrors. no triumph cov ml bout As may feet touched the strand of We ghnenug coast. ; Her soul Was 1ejoiced with the prnspect to come. Triumphausly shouting, "1'11 soon be at home I " OVilI Inscribedvto the Memory Of g MIS. Munshaw. Her memory embalmed in our hearts will remain 'Unl nee frth tins mm £211 Wu mesh her again. Wm; k‘udred and xneuds join the saucufled “Am 1912111611 and xneuds join the saucufl‘ throng, And a. pulifleu fuendship forever prolong, Iu uumsLLu-beu pleasure new scenes to explore Auu bask m the lulu of Gun“ slune evenyuire‘ Richmond Hm, May 27th, 1°89 If you want to buy or Se“ 3. Farm, ad- vemuu in the Toronto \VELKLY JMAJL. That paper reaches 100,000 Farumrs’ homes awry week, and your advertise- mum. sllouId meet the eye of Some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this CIass are inserted in the Toronto \VEEKLY MAIL fur Fivu Cents a. word each insertion, or Twwny Cents a. word for ï¬ve insernons. Address THE MAIL. Toronto, Canada. To the Editor of Ten LIBERAL: SIR,-â€"My attention has been called to an article in your last issue or '11â€: LIB ERAL over the signature of Mr. Edward Uraliauough, in which he tries to mislead the public by stating that he was treated unlairly by the demsion given on a speed ing race which took place on the 24th oi May. He says “Although squarely gain- ing two out of three heats l. was not awarded any second prize.†I think be- fore 1 get through I Can show your read ers that Mr. Gullunough did not display that same amount of squarencss either belore or in the race which he In‘lds forth to the public throuin the columns of THE LIBERAL. The facts regarding the ar- rangements for said race are as follows. l‘here Was a. purse offered and divtded in- ‘ to two prizes, 1st and 2nd for speeding in the ring, lol' which there was no horses entered. The directors were anxious to haw a race to pass the time and entertain the visitors. Acciirdiugly four men aâ€" greed to drive their horses and make the nice as interesting as possible and diride the purse equally. Thiee entered on those conditions, but on account of other business the fourth man could not do so. Mr. Thompson was asked to ï¬ll the vacancy and was in the Secretary’s Uï¬ce lul‘ the purpose of euteriukI his horse, when in stepped Mr. Gallunnugh who had been also asked. to drive and share with those who had entered; he agreed to do so, Mr. Thompson withdrew and let llilll enter his horse. But what do you think, when he got outsiie the ofï¬ce he positively retused to divide With the others in case he Well after he had agreed to do so, I am uniformed by a responsible and trustWorthy gentleman. He says, "I was induced and entreated to enter my horse etc.†Judging lrom the sour paratiyely few seconds which elapsed [ruin the time that he was approached and the time he arrived in the Secretary’s ofï¬ce he did not stand a. Very strong siege. Place a few dollars ahead and you need no further inducement for Ed. He for~ got to mention that he was willing to enter another horse after he had entered his own. He wanted all the money going. Now to come to the nice "1- the Home at Last. 'i'hat Protest, the spirit control ï¬rst heat he was given second place al- though I iinderstund there was 11. stron;,r doubt in the mind of the Judges as to whether he deserved it. The second heat needs no comment because it is not claimed by the square man (A wonder indeed.) The third heat he was far bu- nind the more wlnch was placed second. He did not try to overtake her by trottâ€" ing. but deliberately put on the whip and ran his horse up to the xnare’s wheel. l‘here he started shouting and cracking his whip until he got the mare off her feet. He then trotted past her, but in doing so used the whip so that there was no chance of settling her until he got fully two length of a lead. When she settled the gap was being closed between the two, when tne square man again threw out his whip and cracked it twu or three times not towards his horse but sideways trom his rig which caused tho more to again quit trotting. More than one voice called out from the crowd “keep that whip quiet.†This he cannot truth- fully contradict. I can refer him to plenty who saw it. He was promptly and justly set back for his unfair actions and deserved to he ruled out of the race. Belore the square man rushed into print he should have read the rules and regih lations of the fair and marked in particu- lar that line which reads "The decision of the Judges shall be ï¬nal.†He says he knows the reason why he did not get the priZe. No doubt he does. But he does not give a correct explanation when he says it was because he would not com- promise the. Now act the square man and say it was because you did not (le- serve it Edward. Do not try to make the public believe that the Judges decid- ed against you on account of an arrange. ‘ ment about which previous to the award- ing of the prizes they knew nothing what- ever. You were judged upon your mere its by competent men, Major Elliott and John Sutherland. both of whom stand high in the estimation of their fellow citizens. Mr. Thomas Cook was referee, a genileman whose integrity has gained for him a reputation second to none,and I have it from a reliable source it was a. unanimous decision} understand Mr Gallunough has already been cha - longed to trot again if he is not satisï¬et .- The summit will be made to suit proud- ing it is not less then $50, other condhâ€" tions to suit both parties. Hoping you: will excuse me Mr. Editor for occupying. so much of your valuable space. I remain yours respectfully, FAlR PLAY. Paltersnn’s ( Aurora) Cnngh Balsam for Coughs and Culds. Satisfaction guaran- rnnd Tins powaer never vanes A marvel of purisy, strenmh and wholesomeueas. Mare Fronumicpl than the ordinary kinds. and cannotbe sold In competition with the multitude 01 10v magenta-x welght alum ur phnsphate powders. Sold oulv in mm “HAL Emma Pownzn C0,. 106 Wail stree N. Y tn cannon fur thu nula n‘ Nursery Stock 0)! S\LABY AND EXPENSES or COMMISâ€" SION. Steudv nnpluyment. Apply at once, stating age. mm to this paper. J. B. NELLIS (t CO.. Rucbester. N. Y. l6 Gmml anu Runes. n 1):" gmst Wurth twu dollar “(av-Lure, null a. lame lL‘O' bunk. \hdt will surely put the mud to ahnmlsmno fortune. Wu and send 5c s11ve{tr3'lxplxu 1:51): ' -' Save a part of yunr fair hy cailing at. Dilworth’s Drug Store next. S‘Lturday when yun Visit the city. Yuu Will ï¬nd Mr Dilvmrth nbllglng and attentive Lu your wants. The best-and purest drugs in the city will be found at WU King Sc. East, TJYUITtO. ï¬â€œLLW ale/#7- ROAYCA Absoiutely Pure. [Single copies, 3 cts Wanted X W} Kmx No. 49. man- ctnre lick,