After the Village Council had met as a Court of Revision, we gave a true report or their proceedings, as copied from the minute book of the Village Clerk. That the account was correct in every particular can he testiï¬ed to by the large number at people, of both sides of politics, who attended the court. Why The Herald did not even hint at the pro- ceedings we are at a loss to know, except it thought in this particular case the truth had better be with- held. l\.o further comment was necessary to show that the assessor had failed in the proper discharge ofhis duties, and having stated this fairly we made up our mind to leave the verdict with the people. But as The Herald, in its last two issues, shows a disposition to clear him of all blame, by upbraiding us, we feel it our duty to again refer to the sub- ject. Did We think the editor of that paper was writing the articles on his own responsibility We would not again bring the assessor’s name before the pubhc,but as this famous duet frequently happened to be in each other's company about the time those articles were written we naturally inter that they understood each other. “A week or two ago our Village As- sessor was assailed in the enlnmns of a. paper in this village because he did not. Iullow the behests of its edimr, urged on by others who kept in the back ground.†.- The only time we had ever referr- ed to the assessor‘s duties was on the 2nd of May, and we ask our readers to turn back: to that date, and read the editorial of which he complains. “'13 also ask The Herald to be honest for once in its life, and quote a single sentence from that article which could possibly be con- strued into one of hostility. It to ask tor justice and the rights of our citizens is to assail the assessor, we must plead guiltyptherwise we deny the charge, and again call upon The Herald to quote even a line in sub- stantiation of its statement. If it cannot do this how can it ever ex- pect the public to have confidence in any of its utterances. And baseless as was the article referred to above, that of last week, in which it accuses us of heaping abuse on "a worthy and respected citizen," was even more contempt- ible. Ofthe assessor‘s respectabi- hty and worth as a Citizen we have had nothing to say, but will repeat here that had his roll been taken as a guide tor the voters’ list, man} ot our villagers would have been de- prived ot the right of the franchise at the next Provmcial election, whereas many more who had no right whatever could have claimed the privxlege of voting. We ask the pardon of our readers for the lengthy quotations which we are almost compelled to make. The following is a sample. Two weeks ago the following ap- peared in its editorial. lucnmmn HILL. Thursday, June )3. 'Si Yes, Mr. Herald, you were in. formed corxectly. If the assessor had taken the names that were hand- ed him‘ and had been guided by the advice given, in a Iriendlv spirit, by several responsible parties he would have saved me Council a lot 0t un- necessary work, and would not have made himself the laughing-stock and butt of Sport for the surrounding country. But he chose to do the “ We have been informed that if the Assessor had just put such names on the R011, and been altogether guided by the young man and his coterle, all wouid have been smooth sailing, and (metaphor- ically speaking) no bones would been broken, but on the contrary he was guid- ed by the instructions laid down by his Assessment book. He marked the pres- ent residences of those whom he suppos- ed were entitled to vote, and if objections were to be made the Court of Revision was instituted for the purpose of hearing those objections. it was not for him to take the (me dill-it of the editor of THE LIBERAL or any other man in the dia- ohame of duties.†@111; Egibtml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS M'AKING BAD IVURSE. \‘Ve only Wish to refer to the latter part as nothng could be more ma. licious ifthe editor of the Herald has not been incorrectly informed, \Ve feel conï¬dent that the Reeve will bear out the statement that in the conversation referred to, no dispute whatever occurred relative to the additional names struck at; In fact such could not have been the case as many of them were not detected till the meeting held afterwards in the evening. To bring, however, other people‘s names into a contro- versy is an old trick of The Herald‘s, but we candidly believe that the Reeve leels himsell quite competent to deal With his own private aflairs, and is not at all proud of his would- he champion. Concluding The Herald says “And now we wind up this painful subject by copying the following article from the Markham Sim, which our rend- ers can mark, learn and inwardly digest. at their convenience and leisure†Poor Herald What pain you are made to sufler, because citizens will not allow themselves to be trodden upon with dirty boots,and be cheated out of their right to vote. Here is a part of the precious document from the Sun, which lo: meanness and silly trash stands on a par wuh the sheet which we are reluctant to re- fer lo so olten. “We see that appeals in East York to strike Conservatives ()3 the Voters’ List are being, made by M r. Lawrence, the Divisiuu Court Clerk of Richmond Hill. and we suppose the information is work- ed by other ofï¬cials of Mr. anaz, while. when an election comes on, the bailiffs can have the executions against the poor debtor ready in their hands. It dues seem rather a shameful thing that these ofliciais of the Government should be used as tools by their poliiical masters while paid by the penple. This sort of thing should be put a. stop to.†d‘c.,&c. is ever ready to make a tool of itself when a mean action is to be per- formed. We would very much like to see the book of "Instructions" spoken of. \Ve have been shown the guides given to other assessors this year and ï¬nd they are copied word for word from the statutes,and expect Mr. Elliott's must be a simi- lar book. Again The Herald says that the letters “N. K." were entered against the names of D. Pugsley, jolly, G. \Viley, \V. Bricknell and some twenty others, “ At the suggestion of the Reeve, who insisted upon going into the question fully and not to limit the enquiries of the Court to suit the eunvoniencu and taste of the young man and his friends, and for doing which he afterwards was inform- ed by the said young man that he had bro- ken his obligation uf ofï¬ce by his partiality in the chair.“ \Vho will dare to say the above is not a tissue 0t base insinlaations against one of our resoected lellow- citizens. Can either of the stupid twins show where Mr. Lawrence has exceeded his duty as a citizen? No, we defv them to do so. And we defy The Herald to show an in- stance relative to what it calls the "paintul subject," where THE LiB- ERAL’S statements have not been in accordance with truth and justice. \Ve must remind our contemporary in a friendly way that while we do not object to see its editor and the assessor walking arm in arm on the street, we cannot allow false state- ments to go unnoticad. and will also inform him that in the end, his so- called friends will despise him, as they do already. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertise in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100,000 Fermers’ homes every week, and your advertistr men: should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this Class are inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word fnr ï¬ve insertions. Address THE MAIL, 'Iforonto, Uganda, ‘ ' ‘ We are glad to see that a move has been made with a view of hav- ing lamps erected on the main street in the village. Mr. W. R. Proctor having taken a petition a- .round to those living along Yonge St. was successful in receiving the promise at between fitty and sixty dollars. The proposal is to erect the lamps at intervals between Wright's shop on the north to the English Church at the south. The petition being presented to the Council on Monday evening, that body agreed to the terms embodied in the same,which is that said Coun Cll will guarantee to furnish oil and attend to the lamps after they are erected. The same offer will also be extended to private individuals who may feel disposed to erect lamps on the side streets between Elizabeth and Church. opposite. and,as might be expected, is backed up by The Herald, §v_hich_ STREET LAMPS. you BETTER VALUEVfor yogr mgney in the city or‘out. All Offered at 75 cents on the $500.00 WORTH ___0 F_.__ Rants - and - Shoes DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY IN QUEBEC, Even in stock, in make and ï¬nish the most perfect we have ever seen, made on the newest LASTS and fully 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER than any Toronto made goods of the same superior quality and ï¬nish. We Wlll take great pleasure in showing these goods to all, and you will see at once that there has never been such perfect goods oftered at these low prices. Men’s Fine Lace Bals,$2.oo, Waukenphausts, Shell Cor. dovan Bals.(ï¬nest make)B0ys ï¬ne Lace Boots, hand rivet- ed, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Button and Lace Boots in Oil Goat, Pol. Calf. French Kld, Glace Buff foxed, India Kid, &c. Ladies‘ ï¬ne toe Slippers at 75c., worth $I.oo. As we buy and sell at the Closest Possible Price, Ex- clusively for CASH, we be- lieve no one can possibly give RICHMOND HILL. February arst, 1889. WHOLESALE BANK- RU PT STOCK, Satisfacfion guaratiteed or money refunded. R. W. NEVILLE, $2,090 WORTH Dry floudsMweeds F ROM THE â€"THEâ€" cheap Bash House. SPEBIAL NflTIcE ! NEW STOCK Finest Quality. R E M E M B E R , J. W. GALE Only 75 cents on the _.op__ 5:3HUI0E SPHINGï¬ DOLLAR. All Clean OF THE Impure Blood, Indigestion. Dyspepsia and constipation positively cured by the use of Birketts Liver Pellets, 50 doses for 25 con“. Sold only at Dilworth’s Drug Ste", 170 King St. East, Toronto. v Apply WERE, Barrie, oi- at THE Lmsm (JPI'IOI.. A Cottago Booted House, 42:36 it. containing 7 rooms. is for sale on Church st. Richmond Hill, adio‘mmg the Parsonage The lot; contains one acre of land. more or less. in a good state of cul- tivation. Small orchard and a newr-Iuiling well of water. (ioqd cellar and gtone foundation. For ï¬ne Groceries. And be remembered of the invitation to call our goods in the And come and buy anything you require and you will get full value your money. ; Return one dozen paper bags, bearing the words “Model Store," . receive free of charge at 5C. trial package 0t our chotce Confections. Fruits of all kinds. The place to buy at is HOUSE FOR SALE I FRESH CAKES AND BISCUITS F. K I R K B Y ’ S , THE MODEL STORE. All the Latest Novelties in British and Foreign Dress Goofls in new Material and Coloring. PLAIN, STRIPED, CHECKED BROCHE, COMBINATION, 86:0. DRESS LININGS, BUTTONS. TRIMMINGS, SPRING AND SUMMER HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR IN EVERY SIZE. TEXTURE AND QUALITY. Seersuckers, Prints, Chambrays, Zephyrs in large variety, Is on hand again with the second stock of the season 01 Wall Papers, Ceiling, Styles, Borderings and Corners of the latest patterns, at lower psices than ever, as the stock ~ is large, and must be sold. Mixed Paints in all colors, Paint & Kalsomine Brushes,in all sizes, Boiled & Raw Oils, Varmshes and all painters’ materials Large stock of Furniture, cheap for cash. Glass out all sizes. Usual stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed. Noted for Lowest Prices in all First-Class Dry Goods Gro- ceries and Crockery. Magniï¬cent Lines of Millinery Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satins Plumes, Feathers, &c., &c. v Our prices for First-class Goods are Lower than those of small houses; for Inferior Goods. CONCRETE HOUSE. NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. Of all kinds, our own manufacture. Come and see the display and buy and eat ; also remember our GROCERY DEPARTMENT THE DELF I)EPARTDIENT In great variety, always fresh and choice ; also choice DIRECT IMPORTER. YOU CAN BUY 1 PEOPLE S’ STORE 'FECTIONS Richmond Hill, I have been auï¬â€˜ering with a. bad stomv ach for a number oi years and neglech ing myself very much. 1 have no pity for you because you no right well that a dose of Birkett Pellets will cure you. Birkem Live: Pellets, are a positive cure for sicx head ache, 50 doses for 25 cents, sent by mail to any address. Dilwortb's. Drug Store, 170 King St. East, Toronto. “T125†Llï¬ï¬‚flï¬Ã©o ' $1.08 IN ADVANGE. P. G. SAVAGE see for