Prices cut low now on ï¬ve dress- goods at the Cheap Cash House. The Schools. The junior pupils of the High School will be dismissed lu-morrow. (Fridav) for the summer holidays, but. the senior clnSses. or those preparing for the coming examinations .will continue their studies at school till \Vednesdnv. the 3rd of Julv. The Entrance Exams. will begin oaths 4th of July and will last lures dnvs. The Public Schools will close the ï¬rst week in July. and the 2nd and Std nomprofessional examinations will begin on Tuesday, the 9th of July. The inilowiugoflicers were installed by P. Master. Bro. I. Crosby a: the regular com- munication of Richmond Lodge No. 23, G.R. C. on the evening of St. John‘s:â€"W. M.. T. Newton; S. W.. T. F. McMahon; J. W.. J. E. Clubine; Secretary, R. E. Law; Treasurer.W. Tlench: S. D., I. Crosly; J. D., 1‘. G. Savage; I. G.. H. A. Nicholle; Tvler, F. Padget. The W.M. was appointed a delegate to the Grand Lodge which meetsin Owen Sound in July next. Until further notice Mails will be dosed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" Monxme 1~Gwina Northsouth East and West, including Thornbil], anle,’l‘nrouto,Mm-khmn,&c. 7.45 EVENING zâ€"Gning south East and West (as above) 530 N. B.-â€"Re:istm~ed Letters must be handed in It least Fllteau Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours {or 01953!) TORONTO. Brock Street Union Clty Hal A meeting of the young people of the Methodist Church congregation will be held in the Vestry at 7 o‘clock this evening. to complete arrangements for Monday‘s ceie- I'lmmou. A full attendance is requested. At a bargain, :mother lot of Boats and Shoes 01 the best makers. cial prices for small women's and children‘s sizes at Neville's. Read Oscar J. Brown's change of ad. on another page. Strawberriee and other seas- «mable goods in stock. Newmarkletu. Aurora. . Kim: ...... ï¬remxmm HILL Ehomhill W‘eatnn ..... 'Imvenport l?n.rkdrllo,. Connects with alltmina. leaving the Palmer House Rinhmon ‘Hill. as follows: Mni‘ & En»rens.1\orï¬h & South“ Accommmmtion " “ Maï¬a: Express North & South“ ..7.45 a m. .1100 ‘5 45 p. m. The Concrete glves the best value in Black ‘Cashmeres. See them. Bargains in Dres: Goods at the -'Fire Proof. Fine Hosiery all sizes from the Gale Stock. very cheap,at Neville‘s. For Sale. ‘ Mr. Leeds Richardson. of Maple, is when tising by bills the saw-mill and stable. for- merly the propnrty of Mr. J. W. Hardy, of that village. The timbers are sound and good, and will be sold as to. whole or in part. to suit purchasers. Offers are to be made 'hy noon on Saturday, the 29th of June. This is a good chance for parties wishing to build a stable or small barn. For the neatest and newest things in Millinery go to the Concrete. An nnti-jesuit meexing w‘ll be held in lb? Masonic Hall on Friday evening, the 5th of July. Revs. Messrs. Percival and Rutledge, delegates to the Toronto Convention, rwill give a report of the work done,and addresses will be given by Mr. Douclus Armour and .'Rev. A. C. Courlit-e. Chair to be taken a! 8 o'clock. A collection will be taken up to defray expenses. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, June 27. '89 A few more of those popular white Embrmdery Flouncings at the Fire Proof. TORONTO. City Hall Unmn ........... Brock Street 'Parkduu ..... Dmvenpon Weston†I‘hornhm. mcnuoxv HILL King ..... Aurora“. Newmarkvt PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. “Haying"has commenced on Centre St. East. The following are among the changes made by the Stutioning Committee of the Methodist Conference for the year 1889-90â€" Rov. John Lock to be sent, to Thornbill in place of Rev. Geo. Leech; Rev. Herbert. Lea ‘to Maple in place of Rev. Chas. R. Sing, who goes to Gore Buy, Algomn; Rev. J. A. Run- kiu to Unlonvilla; Rev. W. A. V. E. to Pen- atnuguishane instead of to Beetou accordmx to ï¬rst draft. Full range or Corsets to hand at the Fire Prbof. We ï¬Ã©hmï¬. POST OFFICE NOTICE 1.1 f) (3 A] Installauon of Ofï¬cers. Minisxeflal Changea Ann-Jesuit Meetmg‘ GOING NORTH Mail ‘ 8.05 . 8.16 GODIG SOUTH Ex. ....... 8,00 “8.11 9.03 $.13 9,42 {no .837 8.46 9.05 9.11 . 9.16 ‘M. fEEFY. Poétmaster Accom bosom. Mail. 11.47 8-01 12.03 6.16 12.23 6.35 $2.43 6.48 12.55 6-57 11.45 11.53 12.05 J .50 1.35 1.45 1.58 Ex. 5.50 7.17 7.22 32 “C†Troop. Last Monday morning military movemenls made quite a stir around the Vlllage. Ser- geant-Major Soules had command of the men' who were got into line in the Funk 'l'here Were twenty-three mounted, many of them on good horses. and looked well. With other troops, which constitute the Governor- General's Body Guards, the full complement of whlch is 180 men, they will spend the week drilling on the Garrison Commons. They are expecting L1eut.-Col. Otter on Saturday to make the oï¬icial inspection. and will be dismissed on Monday. St. John‘s Church Pic-Nic. The annual pic-nic in connection with St. John’schurch, Oak Ridges, was held at Bond’s Lake yesterday. The crowd was not so large as on former occasions from the fact perhaps mat. it had not been sufliciently advertised. The Tea was excellent, in fact much better than the very modest bills would suggest, such delicacies as straw- berries nud ice-cream being served in the bestsn'le. During the afternoon the con- We understand that arrangements are all complete for the great Reform Demon- stration and Picnic to be held on the Exhi- bition Grounds, Toronto, on Saturday next, the 29th inst. Berides speeches by promi- nent men of the party, sports and athletic games will he provided, tor which prizes to the amount of $750 will be given. The tug- of- war for 6 gold medals, valued at $120 will no doubt prove an interesting cantest, the teams to be chosen from the stalwart Re- formers of East, West, and North York and Peel, 6 from each Riding. Return tickets, good for four days, W1“ be issued at single [are by the C. P. It. and G. T. R. The only butter refrigerator in town is at Neville’s.l and the only place where choice fresh butter (ice hard) can always be had. Splendid stock of’ Sugar at the Concrete for the fruit season. qregaziou of the church presented Mrs.Harry Legge with a large and very handsome bible as a small token of appreciation for her sen vices as organist. The presenlanon was made by Rev. H. E. Mussen, rector of the church. The ladies of the Methodist church, Ma~ ple, purpose holding their Annual Straw. berry Festival on the Grounds of J. C. Mc~ Quarrie, Esq., on Dominion Day, Monday, July let. Ice cream, lemonade and other seenonable delicacies will be provided. Ad- dresses will be given by prominent ministers, and the Aurora Silver Cornet Band will sup- nly music. Various kinds of games will be furnished, and the grounds will be tastefully decorated and illuminated with Chinese lan- terns. Ten to be served from 5 to 8 p. m. Chair taken at 8 o’cloak. Proceeds in aid of Parsonage Fund. The ladies extend a cordial welcome to all. ‘ Special Announcement We have made arrangements with Dr B J Kendall Co.. publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will en- able all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their ad. dress (enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) to DB B J KENDALL Co.. Exosaunon FALLS. VT. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four mil.i01 copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We feel conï¬dent that our patrons will appreciate the work. and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of ob training a Valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This oï¬er will remain open for only a short time. 52 A large stock of all shades of Em- broidery Sllks, Rope Silks, Arras- seue. Ribbosene and Chenille Cord at the Fire Prom. A lu‘rge number drove through this vill- age last. Saturday afternoon lrom Maple. Thornhxll, Concord, Weston and other places, bound {or Bonds Lake. and spent a very enjoyable afternoon, although the re- cent rains and cold winds put a damper on the ardor of some. especially the ladies. However, all seemed satisï¬ed, and pugsed through here homeward hetwmn 9 and 10 o’clock. Many of the picnickers called at, our village ice cream parlors, and enlarged considerably the vendors' sales of the week. \Vhite China Silk Handkerchiefs, hem stitched, at the Fire Proof. Covered stonewrae Butler Crooks at the Concrete, cheap. At the regular mpeting of Court Richmond. No. 7046, held on Friday evening,the (allow- ing were elected ofï¬cer- for the ensuing Vennâ€"C. Rn. Bra. 0. J. Brown; P. C. R, J. H. Brydon; Sub-C. B.. T. Lndlord; S. W.. T. F. McMahon; J. W., W. Hewiaon; Secretary, W. E. Wiley; Treasurer. H. A. Nicholle; S. B.. T. Hicks; J. B.. W. H. Bandy. Bro. T. Newton was added to the Trustee Board,and T. F. McMahon an auditor and correspondent to The Ancient. Forester. Dinner Sets.’1‘ea Sets,’1‘oilet Sets, great value at the Concrete. Some new Frillings at the Fire Proof. James D. McKay, 3 Markham school teacher. appeared before Justices Wingï¬old, Wales and D. G. Stevenson on Friday last, charged with having: aesuulted one ul his pn- pila named Wilber Hall, aged 1‘ years. It is alleged that the teacher on the 14th of June took the child out of the school room sud beat him brutally with a cut-o'-nine tails. which was produced. The child was conï¬ned to bed for several davs afterwards. After hearing all the evidence the magis- trates dismissed the case. You can buy the most Rolled Oats. Gold Dust Cornmeal and Oat- meal for $1 at the Concrete. The School Masrer Triumphant Strawberry Festival. Picmc at the Lake. Reform Picnic. Rev. J. '1‘. Morris Theological Student at McGill's College. Montreal, preached in the Methodist Church last Sunday morning; He gave an excellent discourse, and is evidently a young man of more than ordinary ability. Mt. Morris will take Rev. Mr. Simpson's ap- pointments on Sunday. the 7:11 of July as follows:â€"In (he morning at Richmond Hill, afternoon at Victoria Square,_znd at. Head- ford in the evening, The young people of the Methodist church congregation always give their patrons a treat on the lat of July, and each succeeding celebration proves more interesting than its predecessor. This year they purpose hold- ings brilliant Kirmess and Strawberry Fes- tival on the Park on a magniï¬cent scale. The Park will be beautilully illuminated by Chinese lanterns and camp-ï¬res. and will present a a pleasing sight. The graceful movements of the Indian Club-swingers, to- gether with the fancy tripping oi the Water Sprites will be on exhibition in itself. A good Band has been secured, and the com- mittee feel conï¬dent that they Will give an entertainment which will he unrivalled in its uniqueness, and which for enjoyment has never been surpassed. Ice-cream, Straw- berries, and every variety of choice fruits will he served at the booths on different parts of the grounds. Tickets to grounds and supper 25 cts.; children 15 cts.; carriages 25 ots extra. Every eflortshonld be made to attend as no person should miss the nav- elty of the Kirmess and other attractions. 0n the Sunday previous, June 30th, the Rev. C. O. Johnston will deliver in the Meth- odist church two of his popular sermons. Morning sermon at 10.30: “How to choose a Husband;" Evening sermon: “How to choose a. Wife." Full musical service by the choir on each occasion. For full particulars rela- tive to Dominion Day see large hills. Last Thursday being a. ï¬ne day, a large crowd of people assembled on the grounds of Mr. S. Ritter to witness the contest for the valuable ioobball given by the committee of management to the wiuuiug team. Four teams. Richmond Hill, Markham, the Fourth Rangers and Buttonvrlle entered as competi- tora for the ball. The draw being made, the High School team faced their old opponents. Markham. Altai playing forty minutes the result was a draw. The Ringers end But- tonville then took the ï¬eld, the former de- feating the latter by one gonl. The High School and Markham again took the ï¬eld. end during thirty minutes play each scored one goal. Time was called, and the decision was made by a. toss, which the Hill won. The two winning teams, Richmond Hill and the Rangers, then played of}. and when time was called the Hill boys were Winners bv two goals Throughout the whole tournament excellent play was shown by all teams. although it is thought that one good reliable captain would be a great improve- ment to the Markham team. The following played in the High School team Zâ€"Goal, F Harris; Backs, E Hitchcock, T Mortson ; Half-backs, G Nixonl S Robson ; Right wing. \V Trench, W McDonald ; Left Wing, E Forester, H Brown ; Centre. E Frishy, E Vunderburg (Captain); Umpire, S Byers ; Referee, 1t Frisby. the Hill team are to be congratulated on their success. Mr. John Palmer was one of the judges at. the Woodbine races, Toronto, held on Sutur- day and Monday. Rev. W. W. Percival will preach a. sermon in the Presbyterian Church, Thomhlllmuder the amnion of L. 0. L. No. 91. on Sunday next. commencing at 3 p. m. A collecuou will be taken up in aid of the Protestant Orphans‘ Home. Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Sanderson and family spent the ï¬ne part of the week with relatives in Holland Landing. Mrs_ Glbbnrdson, of Toronto, is spending a week at the residence of Rev. J. M. Simp- son. Mr. Gibbardson also spent last Sunday here. Mr. Smith, Editor and Proprietor of the Shelbume Economist was in the village on Saturday and favored Tm: LIBERAL with a friendly can. All numbers in Crochet and Knit- tmg Cotton at the Fire Proof. Messrs. A. Couller. S. S. Searle, and two of weir city friends spent Sunday in bus vill- age. Mr. A. B. Davidson. P. S. 1., commenced an ofï¬cial inspection of the Public School yesterday. He will ï¬nish this afternoon. st. Crandall, of Lindsay, formerly Miss H. Hopper, is making a visit with her father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. R. Hopper. Mr. David James, Thoruhill, ex-reeve of Markham townshlp, has been appointed a Notary Public by the Ontario Government. XXX White Wine Vinegar, extra Cider Vinegar, Malt Vinegar, and French Vinegar at the Concrete. Mr. Alex. MacKenzie, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his brother and sister here. A and accident occurred at the Orian sta- tion on Wednesday morning of last week. The victim was brakesman Wm. High. bro- ther of Mr. Geo. High, 2nd Deputy-Reeve ol Vaughan. He had a short time before gone into the yard on a freight train. and was in the act of coupling care when the ac- cidenl happened. The engine with several cure attached backed up to attach another flat car. and High went between the care to ï¬x the liuk. The engineer atOpped the train inst before coupling on the flat car, and realizing that he had not backed far on- ough he backed suddenly without giving any warning. The unfortunate man was making the coupling when the cars were jammed to- gether, and his right hip and part of his body were caught by the drew heads. He was carried into the baggage room, Dr. Shaw the Railway surgeon wee summoned, but no. lhing could be done for him. He lived about an hour and was able to tell how the acci- dent occurred. The body was taken to the residence of his brother, at Maple. Irom which place the funeral took place on Friday afternoon. Deceased was about 40 years of age and was unmarried. Mrs. P. Crosby is visiting friends in Barrie Domimon Day m Richmond Hill. PERSONALS. Fatally Cmuhcd. Headford. Barbed Wire. Galvanized Wire. Oiled and Annealed 'Wire, Spades, Shovels. & Nails, Carpenter’s 'L'ools. Building Paper, Flour and Feed Delivered. Farm Produce in Exchange. A. DIOOD-IE. BEAUTIFUL SPRING TWEEDS, FINE CASHMERE, AND New Prmts.6 cts. up, Chambrays IO cts, up. Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings. EVERYTHING NEW, EVERYTHING NEAT, EVERYTHING CLEAN, EVERYTHING CHEAP, EVERYTHING GOOD. From Mr. Joseph Devlin, in the Lorne Block, Richmond Hill to manufacture and sell FIRE PROOF STORE ALL GRADES OF HARNESS Horse Clubbing, Whips, and other supplies always on hand. Patronage solicited All I ask is a fair trial. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS 0N "HAND. GeaMcDonald, - Richmond Hill. 1889 WILL D. ATKINSON, The Agitation 11131h connection With e HARD‘WARE STORE I Jesuits’ Estate Act MAGNIFICENT LINE HARNESS 8H0? Greatest Sensation Richmond Hill has had for along time is the opening up of a, Best Churn made. Repairing promptly attended to C. MASON Of New Dry Goods, Groceries, Wall Papers, Woodenware, 800., in the BARREL CHURNS, $500 Has no doubt been very great but the At lowest prices. I use nothing but the best of stock. and will â€"Gua1~antee SatisfactionLâ€" FIRE PROOF STOR HARNESS BUSHNESS Lately occupied by Mr. Isaac Crosby. all and see our Spring Stock, consisting of RIGHMOND HAVING PURCHASED THE SPRING Stoves, Tinw'are, Hot Air Furnaces, E§Ye Troughing, Metallic Rooï¬ng. Irgn ?ump§.~_ ‘ Baths aï¬d'Sinks, NUN’S VEILING. 21m now prepared 1889