Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Aug 1889, p. 5

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grand stand. Posters are out announcing the first lacrosse match in h‘ichmoud Hlllfhia season. The match will be between the Newmarket club and the home team. and will be played on the Park to-mormw (Friday) commencing at 3 p. In. As this is the first of the season there should be a good attendance, Admis- sion 10:315.; )ndies free. No CX$T3 charge for Barnum’s great show will no doubt draw a large crowd to Toronto next Monday, :thougih his exhibition must be considerably weakened by the railway accident which oc- curred in New York state on Thursday lust. Thirty ring homes, including one of the four: chariot teams, and two camels were killed. .The loss is sald to be about 5540.000. Everyone should see those beautiful Dress Goods at the Fire Proof in plain and stripea at BC. worth l2§ and 155. per yard. Following is a list of the dates of several Fall Fairs and Exhibitions which people in this vicinity are likely to visitâ€"Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 9 to 21; Provincial, London, Sept. 9 to 14; Woodstock, Woodntock. :Svpt. 24 and 25; East Siincoe,0rillia, Oct. 1 and 2; East, York, Mnxkham, Oct. 2 and 4; ‘West York, Woodhridge, Oct. 9 and 10. A choice line of Prim}; reduced to Sc. per yard which are really worth 10 and 12; em. per yard at the Fire Proof. At the Concrete this week;â€" 8 lbs Tilson’s Rolled Oats for 151.00. 10 lbs Gold Dust Oornmeal “ 11 lbs While Sugar for 31 CO. 85- yds Grey Flannel “ Richmondf‘flill was indeed a quiet place on Monday. Munv of the citizens accom- panied (the Foresters to Toronto where they spent the day, whilst others drove to Bond’s Lake and other places. One of those who remained behind to tell the tale say the Hill had every appearance of a ‘Deserted‘-Village." Fancy Pitchers and Jugs in sets of three or separately 11) great variety, part of our last direct. importation order from England at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson. Anniversary sermons will be preached in the Methodist. Chmcb. Carrville, on Sunday, the 8th of Sept. G‘usMouday, the ‘Sth, the usual Dinner will be-aervod, from 4 to 6 p.m. In the evenings choice entertain- ment will be given. For particulars see bills. In Millinm‘v the lending shades and color- ings for the Fall are mngmflcent; nll the newest and neatest thinus can be ohtuined at the Concrete considerably under Toronto figures. A Comfortable Furnished Rmm To'Let, ‘with or without board. Enquire at THE 'LIRERAL Office. The Good Templars of Victoria Square W1“ hold a Harvest Home on Mr. Klinzxk‘s lawn next Saturday. A good programme has been arranged for which see bills. Have a look at. the beautiful iBinner Set at $5.85, a: the Fire Proof. Mr. Salem Eckardt will offer for sale by public auction next W ednesdvsv Fair Dayâ€"- Mr. R. Jordana rough- cast cottage on Church Street. “RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Aug. 29. ’89 The stock at the Concrete 5 {8 never better assorted tbnn it is now, and no better value can be found in Ontario. Division Cnurbwill be held here on Fri- day. Sept. 6th. His Honour stands no chance of getting a pair of white gloves, as a number of cases are on the docket. You can get arlovely 'I‘ea Set at the Fire Proof for $2, juscAimngine it. .AM'fl‘n‘nu 'lrflviun " “ “Mail & Expr North «'I 80ch "Until turthm' nntive Mails will be closed at the ‘Richmnnd Hill Post. Office as follows:â€" Monxma :â€"â€"Gm'ni1 N<xrtlx,so11th East and \me, includinu Thornhill, Maple, ’l‘umntr», Mm‘khmn.&c. 7.45 EVENING :â€"Gniuu south Ens-c mu! West. (ms above] 530 N. B.»â€"Rn£:istm*ud Tleitot‘n mlmt he htmriod in at least Fm can Minnt As earlier than the above mentioned hnu " forch ' Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer H' mut- RiOlmmn 7Hill{ as follows: Mai X‘ F 1% Xortll 6; Sunth. Newmnflmt ....... Aurora Kiusz.. .. Rmxmmn HILL T'mrnhill \Vestmx, Davenport... I‘m'kdzne Tonm'm. erxk Street PRUCTUR’S STAGE LINE. TORONTO. (11M H1111 Uuiun .......... Brm‘k SET! ’3“, ‘{\11’1;(1n1<»,. :Lvanpm‘b vVe~ztm1 . 1‘110111111'11. RICHMOND H1141. hing Anrmu Newmmket (Tm'mx City Hull POST OFFICE NOTICE 140(3 AIJS- In: Eiilmmi. Lacrosse Match BaxnumÂ¥s Show. CIVIC Holiday. R. TIME TABLE. Fall Fairs. .. 0,5 GOI\ (T iSOU’J H GOING NORTH Carrville. Mnil 8.115 . 815 9.16 M. TEEFY.PUSt1x1n9ter 03 Am- mm 11. -1 I 58 «1 b 11 1.08 ‘20 ’8 13 GAS (3.57 ad 02 t"; EX. 5:40 H van want to buy or sell a Farm ad vertise in the T'omnto WEEKLx MAIL. 111,115 paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes eveiy week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this Class are inserted 111 the Toronto \VEEKLY M UL for Five Cents a. word each insertion or Twenty Cents a word for five insextiims. Addleus T113 ‘MAIIL, Toronto, Canada. ‘ ' SU DERRY~Iu \Voorlmtock, on the 8th inst. (‘hm‘les Victor, aged biX weeks and three days, an; on the 27th inst, Edith Mary. aged nine weeks, twin chlldreu of George and Josephine‘ D01 y. HuricrL in Richmond Hi1] cemetery this (Thursday) afternoon. MoCUTcmmN~AL Maple, on Sntmdny the 24th inst L110 wife of David McCuLcheou of u sun. Last Monday will be memorable not only to the Foresters of this village but to the whole Order of Ancient Foresters throughout Canada. A few minutes to 8 o'clock in the mornlng three large vans, including the Fire Brigade Band, left here on their way to attend the great Demonstration on Exhibi- tion l’ark, Toronto. After arriving in the city they were joined by Court LanreI,Spring hill, and Court Resoae, Newmarket, and at 12.30 marched to the City Hall Square, where the gient pmcesswn was formed. Bro. A. J. Rupert mounted on a prancing steed acted as Marshall for the above named courts, and kept the members in good older. The line of march was to King St, as far as Yonge, then to Queen, west to Strachan Av., thence to the Exhibition Grounds. It was estimated that fully 5000 Foresters marched in the procession which was the largest given under the auspices of any organization for some yearsin the city. The scene was very striking,and the various ban/1s, lady Fores- ters, and quaint uniforms were much ml- mired by the thousands of people who lined l the sidewalks and streets the whole length of the march. On reaching the beautiful grounds little groups congregated here and there in true pic-nic style and amused them- selves till the programme of games com- menced. The sports were well contested and were much enjoyed, but the interest did ‘ not reach its height till the fat men appear- ed in the ring to run 1‘25 yards, the first and second prizes being a gold headed cane, and 11 bottle of anti-fat respectively. Bro. Adams, an athlete of considerable note took first prize. Bro. Saigeon, of Court Laurel secured the ante-fut, and Bro. Rupert, of Court Richmond, came in a, good third, though it was claimed hetook a. short cut to the goal instead of keeping to the track. The bre- thren from this village arrived home about midnight after a pleasant drive and u very enjoyable day, which was made much more enjoyable by the excellent music furnished by the hand. The excellent gathering on Monday could not but impress the general public with the commanding influence and powerful strength of the Order. Accident. Last Friday when Master Freddie Harri- son was spending part of his holidays at Mr. Geo. Hooper’u, in the township of Markham, while plagiug in the ham, ran against axiorli perbiallv concealed in the straw. One of the hues of the folk entered the ball of the foot just. below the large we and punctured more than three inches, coming'out at the instep. The little fellow sat down and pull- ed in out with ejerk. One ofrthe lads carr- iwl him on his buck to the house where the wound was dressed with Sendersons’ Oils. Fred limped around for a few days, but is now nearly ns active as ever. Lmnp-Lightvr Brownloe has been having a troublesome time with his chimneys on the street, l‘lie tubes which he has hitherto purchased create the necessary draught and promote the desired combustion, but they are so brittle that; some of them snup about every night,- zind the glassware is costing more than the oil, The Council will do well to buy them wholesale which will comider- ably lessen the expense, and they should en- deavor to get u. superlor article. Base-Ball. Our base bull club are playing in hard luck this season. They went to Aurora on Saturday and were defeated by the club of that town by 39 L019 rum. The fielding was Very good but the mun behind the bat could not. “catch on” to the pitcher’s balls. Base brill bus been reduced almost to a science, and if members of a club do not‘ make up their minds to practice regularly their success will be sure to be very limited. The genmmmm of limhmond Hill are showing; tlwir nppreciatluns of the great reâ€" uuuxiuus in the paces of Tics M the Fire Proof by Inducing the stock considerably, but we-Imve a few choice lines left which will he sold at the same figures. 12%. 15. 25 nnd 350., formerly buld M 230, 25, 35, 45 and 50 cents~ “5:11 1). ALkineon. , V _ . _,-i.. u half ugo ui Wasp 'im‘omu Junction. For- nmi‘iy 1i was printed M the when of Hunter Ruse & (10., but fi‘ulu this time forward will be issued from n substunlml building in 10m 91 (S; Jackson‘s black. The fiist. copy in [hr new fun] is souinwlmt blurred but nu A u; bi this UILfâ€"i-S “oils wiii impiove us the mammal V grts mi 1'“ up. N ew Dress. 1110 Y'im] flibuue came to lmud last week in 11 nuw duass, w. 111211 111.111” 1111 important chungu 111 1111; ~1.~.1ny01111111 Joumal which \1 11s 1411111011 31111111; mom than 11 year and u An immense shipment of Crockery, imâ€" porxed dixeuL from Messrs. Burke!) Bros. Immnmcturms1n Lnudun, near Stoke-0n- 'l'rum‘, Smfflmisbin-, England. comprising dinner sets, hm blunt and luncheon sets, Len sets, Luilct New in ivory wure,plam ware, primedwure und granny, we largest and umst cumpluw stock (vvvr bruught into Rich- mond lliil at the Fire l’x'ouf. : The Schools. The Il‘gh and Public schools re-openvd on Tuesday wiLh u wry good attendance in each room, the number in the High School ‘ helL-g four more than at. the opening a seam my). 'Jhe buildings, especially the High School, look much hvttm' “Mar the painting and Uth‘l' imprnvemeuts which they received during the holiday. The committee of management deserve much praise for the docmuu change in \lm uppeuruuve of the plwse, and no doubt the teachers and pupils \vul vppx'eciute the change. Foresters‘ Demonstratlon. E I li'l‘ll 5. DEATH! 5 Cr ac-k! C ra ck ! R. W. NEVILLE, Where you will find Prints, Muslins, Cliallies, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Hose, Gloves, Ribbons, Buttons, Braces, Ties, Shirts, Towels, Cotton- i ades, Tweeds, Boots & Shoes, ,&c., &c., *too numerous to mention. Prints 50., Dress Goods 5c. per yard to 121%., Muslims 5c. per yard, Gloves 5c. to me. per pair. Rem- nants of all kinds at bargain prices. Come ind look over our BARGAIN TABLE. FR’UIT iJTA'RS very cheap. Sugars at'cost prices. zolbs. Bright Sugar and 4 lbs. good Tea-for $52.00. Be sure to‘ give us a call before you buy, for we can give you spec1al prices just now. For convenience sake we have placed through the cen- tre of our store a long table on which we have piled goods of all descriptlons, which we have decided to clear out To MAKE THESE GO AT ONCE we have MARKED THE PRICES I7 OVVN,sorne one quarter off, some one half the usual figure. Everything is marked in plain figures on our SUMMER @9138 I cheap Gash House RICHMOND HILL. CLEARING SALE Is now holding a TI-IE Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire? Oiled and Annealed Wire, Spades, Shovels 8c Nails, Carpenter s 'l'ools. Building Paper, HARDWARE STORE I Earse Clothing, Geo.MoDona1d, - Richmond Hill From Mr. Joseph Devlin, in the FRESH GROCERIES ALWAY: New Frmts 6kCtS.lup, ChamPrays BEAUTIF UL SPRING TWEED:, FINE CASHMERE, AND 1889-â€" EVERYTHING NEW, EVERYTHING NEAT, EVERYTHING CLEAN, EVERYTHING CHEAP, EVERYTHING GOOD. Best Churn :11 15.3. Bepairlngpromptly attended to. C. MASON. MAGNIFICENT LINE BARREL CHURNS, $500 Greategt Sensation Jesuits’ Estate Act Richmond Hill has had for a long time is the opening up of a Wall Papers, Woedenwai’e &c.., in the {RE PROOF STORE Has no doubt been verygxem but the At lowest prices. I use nothing but the best of stock. and will â€"(§‘ruarantee S atisfafic ti 011 l - thing, \Vhips, and other supplies always on hand. Patronage All I ask is a :fair trial. Lately occupied by Mr Isaac Crosby. RICHMOND HILL HAVING PURCHASED THE p, Chambrays IO cts, up. Ladies’ and" Gents' Furmshings. he Lorne Block, Richmnnd Hill, I to manufacture and sell Metallic anfihg. Iron Pumps, Baths and Sinks, Shaves Tinware, Hot Air Furnaces Eave lI'_1woug_hing, NUN’S VEILING. Patronage aolicim now prepared

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