Elixirs of life are all well enough in their way, but there seem to be drawbacks con- nected with them which go a long way to- wards preventing their universal popularity. It Will be just as well at snyrate to “ hide a wee" until Brown Sequard. Hammond, and a few more of the scientiï¬c big wigs, have more deï¬nitely made up their minds on the subject. Don’t go making experiments on yourself, and don’t be easily persuaded by your doctor to let him try experiments on you. That sort cf thing has been tried with very undesirable results in more cases than one. Reports tell of frightful sufferings undergone by men who were bold enough to allow themselves to be experimented with in the name of science, and in other cases, biains, boils, and the other horrors of blood- poisoning have followed the use of the peril. ous stufl‘, instead of the limber joints, the lithe frame, the rounded cheeks and the flashing eye, which it was fondly hoped might possibly follow the administration of a. mysterious nostrum evolved from certain parts of a dead lamb. We are inclined to think that the Brown-Sequerd elixir has made more noise in the world at its incep- tion than it ever will again. The “'ell-Rnown llumorist Deals With Ills Own (lountrynen. M. Max 0361], after making much “ copy †and plenteous lectures out of John Bull and Uncle Jonathan, has now turned his attention to his own cousin “ Jacques Bonhomme" by name. In a new book, pub- lished by Mr. Arrowsmith, M. 0 Ball tells some diverting anecdotes of his soldiering experiences in the French army. The ofï¬ :er who has risen from the ranks (he says) is very popular with the soldiers, whose wants he knows much better than do the young lieutenants fresh from the military school. He can speak very fair French, but prefers bad language. and can swear for a quarter of an hour without using the same oath twice. I remember, during the France Prussianwar, I happened to be quartered for a day in an aristocratic household in Lorraine with a lieutenant ui this type. Trembling at the thought of my worthy friend‘s unruly mem. her, I seated myself at our host's dinner table. All went well until the con- versation unluckily fell upon military marches, when the lady of the house wanted to know whether the feet did not suï¬â€˜er very much with such a quantity of walking to do every day in the hot weather. “I'll tell you what, ma'am,†said he, “you must never wash the feet. I never do. Grease them well with tallow, and they’ll be all right." The French corporal, to be seen in all his glory, must be studied when he has a written report to make to the colonel. He is a good fellow, who rules four men and de- ï¬es all rules of mammar. His spelling is phonetic ; yet he loves long Words, and his reports bristle with such words as neverthe- less, notwithstanding. He is regarded by hisi lur men as an authority on elegant diction. A private may be able to spell. but a corporal neverâ€"such is the deeprroot- ed belief of all French oï¬icers. I was pre- sent one day when a corporal came to the doctor with one of his men who was unï¬t for the saddle. The doctor examin- ed him and found him suffering Irom rheumatism. The doctor proceeded to ï¬ll up the requisite form for the man’s admis- sion to the nearest military hospital. “Can you spell rheumatism, corporal 1’†said the doctor. " I think I can, doctor, thank you,†replied he, saluting. That corporal was Louis Ocetloyon, one of the leading journal- ists of Paris, who had volunteered soon after the outbreak of the war. We had a good laugh over the incident when I told the doc. tor of his blunder . " What business has he to be a corporal if he can spell ‘2" ex- claimed t‘ne surgeon, As soon as two young French people are in love they want to die, unless their par- ents immediately consent to their marriage, which is very seldom the case. Of course they never do die. They live all the while, and are almost inclined to think that, in love matters, plain sailing is not so sweet or so romantic as obstacles to overcome. What lovely letters crossed lave suggests to them! Letters invariably written at mid- nightâ€"French lovers never write by dayâ€" midnight, " when all is in repose around them.†Letters full of “ all is known, we are lost! What will become of us? Ah! forget me as soon as you can ; we shall never be each other's. As for me, I shall die of it I know I shall. Then you will marry another woman. I will pray in heaven for your happiness. Perhaps now and then you will come to the cemetery and lay a bunch of violets on my tomb. You know, beloved one, that violets are my favorite flowers. You. won't forget that, will you? Fare- well 1†When the Frenchman in love has an opportunity of making a viva voce de- claration to the mistress of his heart, he generally sets about in theatrical fashion. i3. n_ _ L-........‘..-.J- a The French are essentially a happy people. Their cheerfulness, which strikes the for- eigner the moment he sets foot on French soil, is due to sound stomach. Dyspepsia is not known in France. Light bread, gen- erous wine. dainty dishes productive at good humor, never bolted, alway eaten in cool apartments or in the open air, with leisure and jocnlarity, there lies the foundation of the Frenchman’s happiness. From the rich banker’s mansion in the Champs-Elysees to the simple mechanic‘s garret at Belleville, business cares are never allowed to interfere with the pleasures of the table. See the eyes sparkling with joy as the bottle ï¬lls the glasses, and the good-humoured rebuke of the hostwhen‘a ladyâ€"as mostFrenchladies willâ€"knocks the bottle in liftingher glass to prevent its being ï¬lled full. " Sapristin madame ; say that you won’t have any more, but, for goodness’ sake, don’t shake the bot- tle l†Or look how he frowns if he catches a guest in the act of adding water to his pet wine, “Mix this wine with water i My dear fellow, it’s a sacrilegel God will never for- give you i" There Is nothing irreverent in this exclamation. He is thoroughly convin- ced that good wine was given to man by God to rejoice his heart ; and to spoil it by add- ing water to it is in his eyes nothing short of a sin. A Frenchman is very poor indeed who has not in the corner of a cellar a few bottles that he has carefully tended for years, and that he brings upstairs to welcome an old friend at his table or cheer a poor neigh- bor on a sickbed. Every year the French “ bourgeois " promotes some hundred bottles of wine that has improved by keeping. You should see him as he gently opens the door of his cellar, and almost walks on tiptoe, for fear of shaking the ground. With very lit tle inducement he would take off his hat. The Elixir of Life. MAX 0’RELL. An electric railway has been devised by Mr. David G. Weems, of Baltimore, which, the inventor believes, will revolutionize the transportation of mail and express matter, and, perhaps, in time, of human beings also. A working model has been constructed on which a car, twenty feet long and two and a half feet wide, ironclad and pointed at the ends, has been made to run at the rate of two miles a minute. Mr. Weems proposes lib construct (if funds and right of way can be obtained) a double-track road from New York to Chicago, on which such cars shall run at the rate of two hundred miles an hour. The power would be furnished by nine electric generators about one hundred miles apart. The road would be inolcsed by wire lattice‘work or fences ; there would be no conductors or brakemen ; the speed, stopping, and starting would be controlled by a despatcher with an electric button under his ï¬nger. The movement of each train would be automatically and accurately registered on a chart in the power stations. The slightest accident to a train or the presence of an obstacle on the track would shut off the connection. The inven- tor predicts that efter his system had proved a success in carrying mail and treie‘ht, it could and would be applied to the passenger trafï¬c, the only limit on the speed being the resisting powers of the train, while abso‘ lute safety would be secured by automatic appliances. If this prediction should ever come trueâ€"and, in view of what science and invention have done, it is impossible to declare what they may not doâ€"the traveler could leave Chicago early in the morning, lunch in New York, spend the afterno an on Broadway or in Wall Street, dine at Del- monico’s, and reach Chicago again in time t) retire at midnight.-â€" [The Christian Union. THE TORONTO COLLEGE or MUSIC-F. H. Torringten. Director, opens its second year on September 5:h next. Remark able and unequivocal success has attended its opera- tions thus far, and the basis of musical work adopted as the college course, provides for pupils decided superior advantages and is eminently practical. Thoroughly qualiï¬ed teachers only are employed. At the college every opportunity is turned to advantage for the beneï¬t of the pupils. The building contains what but few similar institutions in the world possess, a large and complete three manual pipe‘organ, which is used con- tinually each day for lessons and practice, while frequent recitals are given on it by students, professors, and prominent organ- ists, such as the great Frederick Archer, of Boston. Among the other advantages are free violin classes, weekly concerts by the pupils, frequent piano and vocal recitals and lectures on musical history, musicians, their works,accoustics and cognate subjects. Send for a prospectus to F. H. TORBINGTON, 12 8a 14 Pembroke St., Toronto. “The duty of the United Staten Govern- ment in the premises in cleer. It will insist on a. prompt apology for this gran insult to which our flag has been lubjeoted, and the schooner must return to Shim, whither she was ordered to proceed by the'oapbein oi the Rush. It makes no difference whether or not the British Government dare give her up. British Columbia. cannot remain a. part of the Dominion if American honor is the price of the contentment of the Province.†Electricity has not only invaded the churches by supplying them with light at: the evening services, but in is now being utilized for operating the organs. The old weary days of the boy and the bellows were succeeded by water power and gas engine, and now eight of the largest church organs in New York are pumped by electricity. It remains to be seen whether the preaching of the sermon will b: done by the mane great force. Sullivan has been sentenced to a year’s imprilonmenb. This will probably discour- age priz ) tighten from going South for their “ mills." The California law, however, appears to be lenient enough, the Io-called glove ï¬g hta which take place at a club In San Francisco being aimp ly ï¬g ht: thinly veiled. Pagiliam, like bull- baiting and cock ï¬ghting, has had its day, and its professors are now almost univerlally treated as the sheer blaokguardu that they are. The British Columbia fruit growers have just held a very successlul exhibition. Tue cultivation of fruit out: there has largely in- creased, and one of the papers ssys : "What four years ago was a. bowling wilderness, today blossoms as the rose. It was a genuine snprise to many unscqusinbed with the possibilities of the country to learn that: we had here such magniï¬cent pesches, pears, apples, plums, prunes, cherries, and small fruit: generally, and such a wealth of rare flowers and tender bu is.†Some of the American journals have been talking prebty wildly shout: the Behring Sen business. But it: hes been left to The Min- neapolis Tribune to diloovor thnt when uhe Black Diamond steered his but to Victoria instead of to Sitka he offered I gross insult to “1‘? Arnericsp flsg i- > The Duke of Fife has done the right, pro- per and manly thing. He is master of his own house. The Princess Louise is now simply his wife, and as such Duchess of Fife. She has consequently to “ask her husband at home,†and he declines to allow her to take any part of the grant voted to her by Parliament. He feels that he has quibe enough wherewith to keep his wife in com- foru, and he will not allow any to have even the shadow of an, excuse for saying that she is a pauper or state dependent. This is the right: way to talk and act, and it: will make the young couple still more popular than ever. Louise will feel increasingly how much better it is to marry a Scotch Duke than a. German Princelet. Western Onba rio grain crops are reported to be rather below the average. But in the township of Hay one farmer thrashed 524 bushels of wheat; from twenty-two acres. This is at the rate of twenty-four bushels to the acre. I: would be difï¬cult to improve upon vhis. A London special says Messrs, Balfour, Goschen and Chamberlain have put in legis- lative shape an Irish land scheme. It deals with Ireland as consisting of two parts. The poor Western District, covering an area of 700,000.000 acres and having a population of 1,300,000 is to be acquired by the State by compulsory measures. Land banks are to be established to help peasants buy hold- ings, the whole business being controlled by the Government. In the prosperous eastern districts, the area. of which is 13,000,000 acres and the population 3700.000, tenants will also be assisted in making purchases through land banks, but the sales will not be compulsory. According to the present plans of the Ministry, the whole of the next session is to he devoted to this measure. PASSING NOTES. u Sailing Weekly between momnnu and LIVERPOOL, Saloon Tickets, $40, $50. and 860, Return Tickets, 830, $90 and 8110, according to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate 830. Round Trip Tickets, $60, Steel-age, $20. Apply to II. E. MURRAY, General Manager Canada Ship. ping Co , 1 Ousrom Hows: Sauna, Mounun. or toLooal Azania in all Town-y and Cities, Steamship: ought to be very indepen- dent, because they are given so much latitude. The Turtle Mountain Region. Thousands of acres of choice free govern- ment: land, now open for settlers, in the Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here was raised the wheat: that: took ï¬rst premium at New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil, time be: in mountains, good schools, churches, congenial society. For further information, maps, rates, etc., apply to F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A.. 32:. P., M. & M. Ry., Sb. Paul, Minn, or J. M. Huckins, Can. Pass. Agt., Toronto. IJELPII BUSINESS COLLEGE. ‘Guelpll, 0nb.â€"~The sixth scholastic year begins Sept. 2nd. An Art Department has been added in which Drawing and Woodcarving will be taught bv the most nnted specialist in the Dominion. Our Short- hand Dennrtment has accomplished phenomenal re- sults. W6 lead the van in Practical Education. M. MAGCORMICK. Principal. That cured him right: quick. An easier physio You never will 11nd Than Plerce’s small “Pellets," The Pargative kind. Small bu‘) precious. 25 cents per vial. Telling the devil to get: behind a man will never save him ; the hardest) thumps a man gets are in the back. A Flat Contradiction. Some one has told you' that your ostarrh is incurable. It: is not so. Dr. Sage’s (Ja- tarrh Remedy will cure it. It is pleasant to use and it always does its work thoroughly. We have yer-5 to hear of a case in which it) did not accomplish a cure when faithfully used. Catarrh is a disease which it) is dan- gerous to neglect. A certain remedy is at your command. Avail yourself of it before the complaint assume: a more serious form. All druggisis. The Book or Lnbon. A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise especially written on Diseases of Man, containing Facts For Men of All Ages 1 Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale ai Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plain, forcible and instructive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex- hausted, showing new means by which they may be cured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science Subjects. Also gives a description of Speci- fic No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of Healing and Koh-i-noor of Medi- cines. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach you how to make life worth living. If every adult in the civilized world would read, understand and follow our views, there would be a World of Physicial, intellectual and moral giants. This Book will be found a truthful resentation of facts, calculated to do cod. The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health l Brings bloom to the cheek, strength 0 the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon’s Speci- ï¬c No. , the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt ac power and testiï¬ed to the Virtue at Lubon’s Speciï¬c No. 8. All Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Treatise, which will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps, to pay postage. Address all orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15 50 Front Street E., Toron- to. Canada. There may have been times when Job was “out of humor,†but therein no emphatic record of it: SCOTT’S EMULSION OF GOD LIVER OIL wma HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is Palatable as Milk. It is three times as eï¬cacious as Now tha editor is looking for another scare. The medicine has cured scores afflicted as was the fumer's daughter, restoring the female functions to healthy action, and re- moving the obstructions and suppressions which caused her trouble. Ibis guaranteed 17:; give satisfaction, or price ($1 00) refund 6 . Grit: makel the man and want of it: the chump ; the men who win lay hold, hang 0n and hum&_ plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrcfula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Golds. Sold by all Druggisla, 500. and $1 00. “You see,†he went: on “our daughter was sick and like todie ; she drooped and grew weak and pale, had headaches, no appetite, back ached, feet and hands like ice, couldn’t sleep, backed with cough. and we thought: she had consumption. No medicine helped her till we tried that Dr. Pieroe’s Favorite Prescription mentioned in your paper, when she beg an to mend" in no time and is now well and handsome as a roseâ€"put me down as a life subscriber.“ A rugged farmer stalked into the sanctum with a big Whip under his arm. “Be you the editor 2" he asked. “I am," was the apprehensive reply. “Here's nwo dollarsâ€"send me your paper, for life," he said. ATENTB procured, Patent Athorneys, and experts Eah'd 1867. Donald C. Bldoutd Co..'l‘oronto. WHY YOU SHOULD USE EAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Ha ate green cucumbers ; They made him quite sick ; But he took a few “Pellets †A Scared Editor. A. P 465 Established for the prevention of steam boiler explo- 51023.?! primal luapagtigng. _SIR“AL1;);. QAMEEBLLL LIVE 8’") CK 0WNEBS can provide against loss bv death through disease or accident 0' their stock, at easy rates. Those interested send for prospectuses etc. Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented dis- ï¬llets. KC‘MK}; LE. Gov. ' of Ontario, President. [lead Ollice. 2 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. CON SULT- ING ENGINEERS and SOLICITORS OF PATENTS ROOM D,AROAOE, - TORONTO, OANADA (INCORPORATED) A Mutual Beneï¬t Association. SOLID INVESTMENTâ€"Ev paying to the above Asaocsatxon ONE CENT PER DAY. 3 person aged twenty-two, and and two cents per day a. person aged forty-tour can secure Five Dollars per week while disabled through sickness or accideno, also for two and three cents per day, persons aged as above can secure for their dependant. Flve Hundred Dollars in in event oi death. 0NDERFUL WATER cures DIABETES. W. J. Raymond, journalist. Boston, Mass . says: “Was xroubled withincipienï¬ Diabetes, Indiges- tion, 8:0. Tried freely all the famed waters of Europe and Americs; but absolute relief and cure was wrought in me by St. Leon Mineral VVaher.†True, if used ireely and persevered in, So. Leon never fails toeï¬ecclifeJonglantinz cures. Patent mixtures are as trash. 3 momemary delusive, com- pared with nature’s pure esse co, the sixteen ele- ments of life to the bodv, the Work 0! ages, and evolved by hydrogen gas from deep Mineral Caverns to earth's bosom. W'hat an amazing study 1 Fresh life springing from the cleft rocks to restore suï¬ering humanity. From this grand spring-flowing life we trace compassion on a sick, fallen r as. The El. 1mm inner-a1 Water 00.. LIL" Toronto, Montreal, Quebec. BO! us. Cash (“wished on Satisfactory Guaranty Address, THE BOILER INSPEGTIDN AND INSURANGE GD OF CANADA (in-0.0. R033, Chief Engineer. I A. FRASER. Sea'y. 4.6 King Street East. Toronto, Formerly, {or over ï¬ve years Principal of the Short- hand Institute in connection with the CRanlMJ Buai nesa University Typewritimz Department under the management of Mr. GEO. BEN GOUGH, agent or the Remington Typewriter. Apply for circular. Men- tion this paper in writing. McCausland & Son, 72 T0 76 KING STREET WEST TORONTO- Marvelous Invention. M Lin Electricity in a Bottle! PLATE Provident Life and Live Stock Asso’n Merchants, BuLch and Traders Generak 1y. BARKER'S SHURIHAND SCHOOL, Sailing during winter lrom Port ma every Thur»- dny and Halifax every Saourday to Liverpool! and 1- summer from Quebec ever Saturday to Liverpool calllng at Londonden co and malls and assengem for Scotland and Ire and; also from Bali: more, via Halllax and St. John's, N. R. toleerponl tonnlghtly durlnf summer months. The ateamera of the Glavar ow lnes sall dun-in winter to and from Halli“. ortlnnd, Bosiqn an Philadelphia; and durlng sum mar betheen GlMgow and Mon‘brca'l weekly; GTAQOQ and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphh toguigfhn'ly: . For freight, passage, or other information apply to A.Schumauher 8:00., Baltimore; 8. Cunard & 00. Halifax; Shea 8:00.. St. John's, N. F,; Wm. Thomp son & 00., St. John. N. 8.; Allan & 00., Chicago Love 8: Alden, New York, H- Bourlier, Tornnhc Allana. Rae & 00., Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Philadel- hpia: H. A. Allen Portland Boston Noam-en! TEACHERS can make money during vacation by canvaening for one or more of our last selling Bach and Bibles, especially History of Canada, by W. H. Wlbhroy. D D , latest and best edition ever punllshed prices low, terms liberal. Wriue. for illustrated circulars and terms. WM. BRIGGS, Publisher. Toront v. Allan Lina Royal Mail Steamspmz‘ Ind TUMOR Specialist. Private Hospital. No knife. Book (me. C. H. MCMICHAEL, M. 13.. No.63 Niagara St., Bufl'llo, N. Y. I. C. HACBONALD,} WK. ELLIOT, E. HOOPER, J. K. HACMNALD‘, Amway. Ynez-humans. mmama Damn . Gont‘eberation iLit‘e OVER Delivered anywhere In Canada. Largest Stock Lowest Prices. GILASS want a. GOOD HAN 1n ynuv locality ho pick up WILLIAM JONES. Managing Director. CALF SKINS $3,000,000 o- 8. PAGE, Non-theme Ave. Ton-on to. 0m AND INSURANCE 00 OF CANADA F0]! CIRCULAIS ADDRESS, J. DOAN & 00., CHIEF OFFICE, THE WEST ELECTRIC CURE 00,, 67 Yonge St†Toronto, Canada. WAGENTS WANTED.â€"Loca Agents 3811 1mm 12 to '24 bottles uaily. Descriptive pamplet Free. West's Electric Cure for Catarrh, Hay Fever. Neurnlgia, Headache, Asthma and Rheumatism, has no equal. Every home sold on 30 days trml Price $1. Acute guaranteed or money refunded. THE ROM???“ COMPANY. Artiï¬cial Limbs HYDn PA“, Vermont. UJS. AND CAPITAL $13.. W. P. ROWLAND, President. BuLchers MONTREAL, QUE Trial machine am free. Sand for â€Instraced Catalogue. Big money gmnnteed to live men. “ EAGLE " STEAM WASHER Best in the World. Tm Egglo Steam Wash†is the only \Vnsllln'! MM ' ' wmuun or zrllé years old, wnlmu‘. tbu um at u w M )» bounl, can with wash 50 Ln 100 pieces in ouvlmurl Alums wnntmlnll mm lulu. Snmplo sun w: trlnl :mdterrltory given. Ladies mslm gov (l "gem 1m wear nu clothes, and every lady will buy after trying ll, \vnrmmnl to wash callcos in ï¬ve minutes. cum-n got-(ls in ‘30, llr‘tlrlnllu k 10. at no rule Addrrgs. “cums s Courlltcjllï¬gdhnd Mann. human, " 87 CHURCH ST" - TOROVTO. CHOICE FARMS HER SALE IN All. PARTS flf BEATTY, GHADWIGK, BLACKSTOCK & can, Barristers and Solicitors. Trflinzion Sm. cor. Cb web, (over Bank of lemme) Parties wishing to purchase immcved Mauitobt Farms, from 80 ncrea tpwaxd? uh in‘medlale poaaeesion, on“ or wntc to (l. I. dlAlllboN, M0- Arthur’e 131w};= Main 5h, Winnipeg. Information furnished free 0! charge, and settlers assisted in making neleatlon. MflNEY TO LOAN MANETOBA MM THE BEST INVESTM ENT For the Family. School, or Professional Library. WEBSTER Has Dean for many years Standard Authority in the Gov’t Printing Ofï¬ce and U. 8. Supreme Court. It is Highly Recommended by 38 State Sup’ts of Schools and the leading Corlilege Presjdgntg. _ Nearly all the School Books out)- ltshotl in this country are based upon Webster, as attested by the leading School Book Publishers. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated Pamphlet with specimen pages, etc., som, free. G. A: C. MERRIAM 8‘ C0,, l’ub’rs,Sp1‘ingï¬eld, Mass. LINK-BEkTING u“ I... l ioï¬'iaie‘or mmmsuoï¬ï¬f. .- olass security. Apply to GET THE BEST. Arr Cmmnm RATRS or 1211an TOILET SOAP COY’SZ TRANSPARENT CARBOLIO ACID TOILET 50A,;1 f ._ lg nlnngani- n nan - ls pleasant to use. "3' It heals the skin, and de- stroys insects and germs on the hair of man or beast. THE ALBERT A m1- eamm 2"“) ‘ ta D8 :31: WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS Con BRANTFORD YOUR POWER Special facilities for mak- ing has reduced prices. Pickering Spring Governor. SENSITIVE. RELIABLE.- Easily adjusted to any Engine. BY USING THE WINNIPEG. , Send for 130 Page Cataiogue on Llnk-Beltlng. I M PROV E AND CONVEYOR, AND CHEAPEST. All Sizes and Capacities. BEST SAWDUS?’ EQUIOK. EGHEAP. ASSETS