The public have scarcely time to tree their minds from the thoughts of some terrible catastrophe until they are confronted with another more or less appalling. For months after the great Johnstown disaster, which occurred in May last, people could scarcely talk of anything else. They were horr1ï¬ed to think of thousands of human be- ings, men, women and children, havmg been swept down the rush- ing torrents when the water burst through the embankments without a moment’s warning. Little wonder is it that people held the1r breaths when they learned that a lair and prosperous town had been suddenly swept out of existence by one tell stroke. No painter could depict the scene, nor give a description 01 the state 01 aflairs which lollowed the flood. In each of the above disasters the case see: .5 sadder from the factthat every life lost might have been pre- vented had precautions been taken at the proper time. At Johnstown the water was backed up to serve as .1 ï¬shing and boating resoxt tor a company of rich men, who had been warned time and again that the dam was liable to burst and cause terri- ble destruction ot life and property. And at Quebec it is needless to say 1he1e was impend 11g dan g'ei, as the present disaster IS the thiid on 1ec~ 0rd, beSIdes other slides of minor importance. Men often learn to be met: at too terrible a cost. The recent rock and land slide which occurred at the foot of Quebec on Thursday was very distressing. In the ruins scores were buried alive, Where for years they had lived in comparative safety. Yet it is scarcely correct to say the people at the foot 01 Cape Diamond enjoy- ed freedom from danger; as large pieces, thousands 01 tons, had fallen from the rocks on two or three form- er occasions. It is said that the constant action of running water has gradually formed a r‘umber of crevices which time makes danger- ous, and all at once immense quan- tities give way, and dash against the houses below. Since Thursday‘s accident more than ï¬fty dead bodies have been dug from the ruins and still there are more to follow. It is also lelt that danger is still impend- ing, and that as long as the people make their homes at the foot ofthis lock they will be literally living un- der the shadow of death. If you want to buy or sell a Farm; ad- \‘m‘tiseiu the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100,000 Farmurs’ humes mery week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of some one who wants 1,0 purchase; Advertisements Hf this Class are insertud in the Toronto “rm-{LY MAIL ful‘ Fave Cents a, word we}! inserLinn, 01‘ Twenty Cults a word fur ï¬ve insertions. Address THE M AIL, Toronto, Canada. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Sept. 26, ‘89 The Suhllai 11 School pic nic which was tn have ebeen held at In mi 5 Lake on Siturdny did not get theie on account of the cnld Weather. When the school met at the church it was decided to remain them. anballand other games Were indulged in until tea time; teat was served .11 the school-room adjoining the church. A very pleasant time was spent by all. Rev. R. P. Bevnou occupied the pul- pit 0f the chuxch here on Sunday eve mug and preached a very impressive semiiui. Mr. Reynon has promiseci to preach again next sabbath, and purposes Leavmg fur Victuria University the full- owing week. A meeting of the friendsof the Tem- perance cause was announced to take place at the hall on Friday evening next. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gray, of UK- budge, whu have been visiting at, Mr. J. itiacbrouglx’s'left for home on Monday morning Mr. Jas.’1‘hnmpsonhas been waiting ag Mr Mcliiunona. Chunéev-C. Mason Boots & Shoesâ€"R. Sivers. meyedï¬-Jos. Atkinson. Foundâ€"A. Cameron; For Saleâ€"J. M. Lawrence. (1hrmge-O Brown. (11m: ge~Will D Atkinson. Wm ï¬iheml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE Q UEBE C DISASTER. Temperanceville, A third colporteur, as he was going! from house to house, unexpectedly met an old curé in retreat. The latter bought of him a New Testament, though he saw that it was a Protestant one. “I know,†said he, “that your editions are nearer the originals Lhan ours are. During the last ï¬ve years of my ministry God has been ple. zed to show me that the Church of Home has wandered from the religion of Christ. and, as I have but a short time to live, I must give serious attention to the salvation of my soul. ‘1 have (iniy’ forgiven sinners, but I see that all that is nothing but falsehood, and I now re gret that I have led people into error. So I desire that this book, which is the word o1 God (showing the New Testa inont which he had bought of the colpur- tenr), may lead me into all the truth.†T. FENWICK. I have been suffering with a bad stum- acli for a number if years and neglect- ing myself very much. 1 have no lity for you because you no right. well that a rinse of Birkett Pellets will cure you. Bii'ketts Liven Pellets, are a. positive cure for sicx head ache, 50 dnses for 25 cents, sent bv mail to any address. Dilwm‘tli’s Drug Store, 170 Kim: St. East, Turnnhi. A tew days after the same colportrvur had a conversation with a cure’ of P , in the presence of two of his brethren They did their best to bring him again within the pale of the Church. Our friend, who was well grounded in the Gospel, stood ï¬rm, saying, “All that you tell me is not in the Bible. and if you knew the word of Jesus Christ you would not speak as you do. I sell the true Gus pe]; buy it. read it, and you will see that you are on the wrong road.†At the clone of the conversation one of the Cllléi bought one. A second colpnrteur met a priest of O , who, after some conversation with him, said to him, “\Ve have only one God; come often to help us; we need to ï¬ght against inï¬delity.†Pattersou’n (Aurora) Cough Balsam for Cung'm and Colds. Satisfaction guaran- teed: As another time the same colporteur had a conversation with the cure (parish priest) of C , Who. when he was buy- mg a, Bible of him, asked him, “What do you represent 7 †“Monsieur lzl. Curé,†said the colporteur, “ I am a soldier of Jesus Christ, and I offer you His word.†The Cure replied, “We meet from time to time wiLh those who call themselves so, but if it is your calling, it, is, Well. Your religion is very good.†He bought also The Christian’s Voyage. As‘ he was going away he said to the colporhenr, “Ah ! well ! sow boldly 1 You are one of the rig! t stamp.†Don’t forget to call at Dilwurth’s Drug Store, 170 King St. East, Torontc, and tell your friends to call. The LIBERAL. MUNN & 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN con- tinue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveat 3 Trade Marks. Copyrights, for the United States. Canada, England, France. Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent, free: “Thirty-.5 <y9u£§j experigpce= The same colporteur, as he was once going along a. promenade, offered the Bible to several gentlemen. among whom was a young priest. One of them took the Bible which he handed to them, turned over a few of the leaves, then said to the priest, “Is it a good translation 2 †The latter took it, examined several passages‘ and then said, “A perfectly good one.†The gentleman at once bought it. A few minutes after their departure the young priest came back by himself and bought at copy. Patents sent free. Thirt -seven years’ experience. Put-ems obtained thrmuz MUN N & 00. are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest best. and most widely circulated scientiï¬c pa er. .200. year. Weekiy. Splendid engravings an interesting in. formation. Specimen copy or the Scientiï¬c Amer- ican Rent free. Address MUNN a 30.. sanmrmo AMERICAN Ofï¬ce. 261 Broadway. New York. . . $95: 'SewingJfl’nc‘hinp ' _ “lo at once «stub Isl) ‘ ‘ .19 trade in all plans. l7) £4“ placing our lnmhim‘b and goods “lion- the people can see thcm. we will send free in one prison in each localityï¬hc vexy best sewing-machine made in the vunld will: all the attachments. ‘ We will also send free :1 complv m - line of our cosllv and valuable art samples in icluxn we ask Iluu _\ on show “ hat “(2 send to those “ho mnv ml] at )nur home and MW,“ monllls all slrlll bemnne yuul (mu pl'nrlerh' ’1 his rand mnz‘hine is '.l “hich In re run out: brfore patents run out it sold tru- $93. Wilh lllc ’ $50. Bosnstmngcst, most use- Eflzl‘ m. bins in‘ the world. All i: 0 capital required. Plain, brief instructions given. '.l‘hnse whu write to us at once can rm. curc free the best sewing-machine in the “orlrl. and the ' 5 oflLigh unever shown togmhvrill Ami-I" 1M. , Bbx' 740;'Ahéï¬s£;i.’niaine; ii‘nu'fE& L A colporteur called at a nunnery and shewed. the inmates his books. The Mother Superior took several New Tes- taments, for which she paid in excess‘ She would not take the change which he offered her. â€No,†said she, “keep it as a gift to your society, which is doing a gem}. work.†The following is translated from the Report. on Colportage presented to the General Assembly of the Evangelical Su- ciety of Geneva, at its meeting here last June:â€" g\ \und mm of equal value. One Pox" n in each lo- czuriy can 5m re one free, together with our large unavai- unble line of Hlnusohuld .Jnmylcfl. hose samples. as weil as the wutuh. “'0 send Freer, and after you have kept v.“ them in your [norm for if! mumha and shown than to those who may hava called, they become your own propertv‘ Those who write at once can be sure of receiving the \Vamh and ï¬nlnplea. WP. my all express. freigntmtc. Address Stiuson & (10.. Box 81% l’oriland. Maine. ‘ _ 985501171“ ‘ Sold for PL“; Dem 855 watc l'unecl lime) @ubscrihe for 985 Solid Gaul Wutvh. ‘ Sold furT$AG(D. until lamb-fr: TI Ben 85!) watch in me world. "ifl l-umc: limekoew-r. War. â€med. Houvy ï¬uhd (mm Hunting (321593. 15ml! ludn-s' and gents' ones, will: works . s 01' equal value Elders Mills. BANKRUPT STOBK DEALER, ' RICHMONDVHILL. , no man who buys goods in the ordinary way(in the city or out) who can Show you such REAL VALUE in DRESS GOODS, HATS, TVVEEDS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES as we now can. We have DRESS GOODS for less than they cost to im- port. \Ve have an immense pile of ï¬ne Tweeds and Coat- ings, which we will sell you for less than the wholesale price of the same goods to- day. We have cut from 25 to 40 cents per yard off Can- adian Tweeds,and 40 to 60 cents per yard off Scotch Tweeds and VVorsteds a guarantee that the cut and make is ï¬rst-Class, all of which will be sold at 66 cents on the $5. ' Our Boots & Shoes are from the BEST MAKERS bought very cheap for spot cash, and sold as cheap as any in the city. We have a great variety of black and coloured Hats for men and boys in all the new and lead- ing shapes. Our Groceries are the best qualities with Close Cut prices. Dont feiget that these goods are ï¬rst- bclass in every way , that they wil ll be sold far below their real value, in fact our old store (though neither large nor showy), is packed full of REAL DOWN RIGHT MONEY SAVING BARGAINS. Come and ex- amine for yourselves. Goods shown with pleasure. For six months we have been searching the markets for goods ol all descriptmns suited to our trade,and which we could recommend for their serviceable qualities. While We have sought for the best poss1ble value with regard to wear and durability we have not forgotten that color, style and neatness in pattern are essential. We have bought large lots of fall goods three, four and six months ahead, when by so doing we could save 40 or 50 per cent of which our customers shall have the beneï¬t. We say (and challenge contradictir n by comparison) that there is “/6 have just bought a lot of Clothing (belonging to an estate in liquidation) manu- factured by Shorey & Co. Montreal, and Lailey. VVatv son & Co, Toronto, which 15 CHEAP CASH R, W. NEVILLE. FALL '11 11E AND HOUSE. Custom Work a Specialty. Is ï¬lling up his store with a new stock of every variety. Excellent lines of Kangaroo and Alligator. Men’s Telescope Felts, Ladies’ Rhea Boots ;. Ladies’ Valiant, a great specialty. All kinds of Children‘s Ware, &c., &c. And also come and. buy your . Dishes to eat them from. COME I. GBOCERIES, HIGH GLASS GQODS. Cashmeres. French Dress Goods, Washing Dress Fabrics, Laces, Em- broideries, Parasols, Hosiery, Under- wear, moms, Dress 3,1101 ‘l‘aIantle Trimmings, OrnamentsJI'abIe Linens, Sheetings, Curtains, &c. SUGARS AND FRUIT JARS Crockery, Sinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toi- let Sets, Plates, Cups anal Saucers, direct importation, all eï¬ered at the lowest ï¬gure to be feared. CONCRETE HGUSE are now showing in every Department a magniï¬cient stock of Summer For something to Eat ; also anything in the line of BE SURE NOT FORGET. DIRECT IMPORTER. A11 ï¬rst-class goods at popular prices. RICHMOND HILL For the approaching Fruit season ROB'I'. SIVERS. CONFEGTEQNS9 Richmond Hm. The cheapest in the trade COME I TFO Repairing neatly and promptly done» ANE FRUITS. COME!