Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1890, p. 1

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Undertake-E's 1‘2: Embalmel's, Fume 1.1.! Furnmhéngs Aiways on “and BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, 81C. Telephone 31] Toronto Officeâ€"Court Chambers, comer Church and Adelaide Streets. ' Thomhi‘ll Officeâ€"4’05: Olfice every VVed- nesday from ID to :2 a. m. Richmond I-lel Officeâ€"Post Office every Wednesday from I to 4 p. m. Collections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to 102m. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c.5 Tol‘ozzne» omccâ€"i’o. i9 Hike: St. 37983. flm‘kmam emceJE‘own HRH. (nap-«seazafirsJ Private Funds to Loan on Movtgngc at Lowest Rates of Interest Mr Gregory oer Holmes “'11 be at the Markâ€" ham Ctiice every Saturday from 9a m to «130 1!, “1.: and at Wohber’s Hotel, L'nionville, every Saturday from 51). 111.. to 8 p.11). M’mmm g9 fié’fiflfiwg Barrizters, Solicitors, Con Toronto Offic eâ€"No. I41 Chambels, N3 15 To Richmond ma? {9 wwmu, DRESSâ€"MAIXELV. Amaralsh,Sfih.16Lh.nud 22nd i1 Licln‘uoml. H111 ...... mm mm 94th (M. tne Pmmor House) Stnufiville .......... .M m‘kham ...... Victoria. Square ‘i‘lmrnhill,\Va‘;ker Hons \Vooflbl'blqe .. . Erileinburg Nobletou ehmtions nude from prntes of all the latest Full mm Winmr Fnsluom. jug: reunived. Work guaranteed. Opposite Masonic Hail, Richmond Hill. A call is solicited. Formerly Hashim}: Surgeon to the New York State Woman’s H< mu, brew York City, mm Vis- itiuu Phys 111 to St John’s Hospital and Southv‘sn Uisyeusmrl Brooklyn. Uflice hoursâ€"Until 11) a. 1 no 8 p m do thoriu. Square do ‘i‘lmrnhill,\Va‘;ker House do \Voodbrmqe . .. do Erileinburg do Nobletou.., do Vitufizm‘l Air always 01:11am} at appm'ntments 'Works like u. chum Free from main. Addr; A ROBINFON L.D‘S.,Anrum Ont. fiitt’ml ___ 8:. 2mm G Laagsta‘f THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Funeraona, (700k 63' \Waimdtu. BARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS 8:0 DFFICE: 18 KING STREET EAST. Tomm'ru Richmond Hi” P; 0. Every Saturday. J S Fullarton, W Cook, ~â€"\Valla.ce Ii? PMVATE FUNDS ’1‘0 r.nAN. T. F. MCMAHON, 3701.. XII. BENTON & DOES, ANDREW DODS‘ Luvs/RENEE & MILLIGAN ”yams as wwwzwg W D GREGORY BAR." IST7'RS, SOLICITORS AND \OTARIES J. R. MILLER ‘6 $1,.per annum, in advance. BUSINE SS CARDS VV’RI 10nd Hill Office open cvery Saturday. EWKTfiflIZfi‘ZZ $473”? Money to loan at lowest rates 13m ngmi IS PUBLISHED EVERY RICHMOND HILL. ONT‘ 10;- Adelaide street. East (Late of Brooklyn, N EDITOR & Pnormmon. USED BY Dr. A. Rawhinson. â€"No. 14 Building & Loan fNo 15 Toronto Sheet. GIâ€"Tm SURGEON DENTIST 5353211. FRANK 1; BENTON, B C L 18th 20th .let 23ml 2.8311 F. J. 13. DUNCAN nvoyancers, 65m. G W }IOLMRS of each month do TORONTO 7? Be: tfiummcrfiosmh in the Conntv. va’y uttcniirm paid tn Pion c mu ins. (it 0:1 {idling (“111203, ILing. hoonm‘im a to“ lmwn‘m) Good 3000111111 odntion for the travelling public. Choice Tvnn_)81'n)wc “rinks. Mesh brands. of Cicmw. Cnmmcdious rooms for commercial mvellcrs ml 53 mg Every accommodation to guestfi. Board, SLOO per day GRAND CENTRAL HOTE Havinarofitted the above House and furnish- ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the puhh’zw the best 0‘ accommodutmn. Excellent staining and attentive lmstlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms $1 ner duv. Fine Wines, quuors and Cigars. Every accommodation m‘ truyellers. First-class stubling and an attcntn'e hostler. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Renj. Brillinger. Proprietor This large and comnnniions hotel is fitted up with all 11er modern cmzveuiem-es. Bur stuckml with the best. brands of wines. liquors luldcigurs. (mud shaming and an at» mmw Darwin. 1‘. DOYLE, Prom. Thurnhill Dec 5th.1889 either at her own residence or the lesidences of pupils. Rchmond Hill, July 15th, 1889, ' 3mos L106!) sed Auctioneer for the County of szrk Sales attended on the shortost noticegnm at man aha rates, Address Stuuflulle P. O Formerly cf Alliston, is prepared to give lessons on the LicensedAuctionoer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the slunesn notice ani a reasonabu rates. 1’. O.'udurcs:s, King JflflELE FEM? W¢QEES€ All kinds of Wood. Iron, Galvanized Pipe,Iron, firms and Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds of \Vater Buns Woudieging Curbs. Curb Rings and cistern Tanks made t v order. Repairing done an shortest, notice. minim: LESSONS IN VOICE CULTURE. Tflafifl’lféé 12" a Tflég THOS. HUGEâ€"IE S, Prop. Licenswi Auctioneerfor the Counties of York ()n'mn‘lound Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. (330,, promptly attended to atreasouuuleruces. P.0.uddr ' Gold Medalist of the Ontario Veterinary Cellege ’l‘orouw. Will visit; Richmond Hill \N’ednesday and Satur» day ut’te ‘ mun of each week. Day or night; calls umptly amended to. A full supply of uxcuxcmns constantly un Luna. 11-4-3nms. COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses; RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, WM. JACKSON, l’ropi‘iotcr. @lflJV/‘Q cm gamma Issuer of Mal-Huge Licenses for the County of Yor £379 lizmgw @EQEYQE ”$113.; Xuéuy Egmgg Gagmms. First- cuss testimonials. Methndxst Pmsozmge R1 hmond Hill Wishes to inform the public that she is prepared to give THORNHII 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO RESIDENCE, Richmond Hill, Welen'inary Surgeon, Leeds Richardson. James C. Stakes. Salem Eduard! H.113“: RIG-OPENED AS A RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1890 “I’M . ‘5': E L 2,. F3135) mfimzmagh, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials A . J ‘ RUPERT, Prop v :fiam. L, ON IV‘I MAPLE ON’I‘ UNIO'NVILLE. MAPLE Yonge & Queen St .Toronto N. 15.â€"-In writing be. onrelul to addless ymr lettn’s plainlyâ€"190 Yonge Street, 0 '. if hem in penal), have n rate that you git into the right. s'mre. £530 is the num- ber, and ’i‘. Eafiau 3!; €10. the name. Tmnk ex 3 clerkâ€"educated to know faah~ ion changes, merchandise, qualifies, styks and cuiorsâ€"being at your beck and call whenever you wish. That’s shopping by mnii. Samples of {my kind of muilable merchandise can be had for the asking. A postal card is enough to bring all the facilities of the store to vour home, just as much as though we Were located in your town. New stuffs are opening up every day. For months_wefve been gathering them. Time you were thmkmg abuut them, too. Queen Street entrance, grcund floor Closing prices have been put on n higuish lot of heavyweight dress goods, tmd the inference is may won’t be here long. Quality and color are right. The only trouble isâ€"they belonv to winâ€" ter. And what we have we mean to hold. Boots and shoes sold to us with a guarantee needs little advertising. Making good shoes popular is part of our business. And you needn’t linger over the price. That’s patent to the increasing throng of purchasers ever since we hung out the motto: Shoes at dry goods prices. A word about hand-made Shoes. What does it Ewan ? Just thisâ€"that upper and sole are sewed together by shoe- maker’s awl and waxed end. There’s no harm in that. Ma- chine work that looks like hand-work is said to be hand- work, sometimes. That’s 9. matter of opinion, but we never heard of hand-work said to be as good as machine work. Ha‘ve you? and the cream of Harry VVebb’s experience in the making. He is one man who knows how to make eatable candy, and so we sell most of his. Ground floor, near Tea. You can get a pound of sweets for IO cents or'5o cents â€"â€"according to your taste. Halfa dozen prices in between â€"all hitched to the smallest profit we can afford totake. The assortment includes Candies and Tea! Howbe- it, we're not going into the Grocery business. CANDIESI Yes, we said Candies. The-best we can get; none but the good, the pure. Quite an idea to sell them where the women are the most plentiful. Hry Seeds, carpets, Sines. T. EATON 85 CO. The largest 12ml hast appointed Dx'v Goods Move in the Dominiml. 2% acre< Hf seHing spncu own-- 5') nii'f\1(,-':tdvp..zr‘.n‘ u. Handâ€"work is imitated (Emmi Cnmmeis, 1 umu’ s M _ tures Chocolates, Dash and One Price.” EATON <95 (30., TORONTO, Feb. 13, 1890. Bon Fons, Gum Drops, Buster Tufl‘ue, , Libwly ; in ail things, Clzarity.” The fulmuing la a cam of the address: Mu. GEO. (30311111171,â€" Dvur Friend 2~7W9, i ‘m men bers an! friends 0f the ."\§(a,rh" Subha'h Schnw‘, chit): m Chzncx an w. F‘qu re, h1v On Monday evening. Feb. Syd. about 200 members and friends of the Metho- dist, Church and Sabbath thmul, Victoria Square, assembled at the Temperance lull, u) do lmnur to u raspvcted cinzen and fellow laborer In the Sabbath School, Mr. Gen. Querrie, who 15 about to relnov :2 tn l’zukdale. Mr. Qnerriv waa umch taken 12y sur- prise but )1: waged to cullect his thunghm together and made a wry feeling 2111.4 sui'abh: reply. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted fur “Want,” Advertise- ment. If you want to buy or sell any» thing. If von want a situation a mechanic, a business, machinery, lodg- inns, it yuu have last. or tound anythil'gr 01‘ if you want to find out where anvune is, advertise 111 the anonto DAILY MAIL mid 10nd the advertisements on the thild page of that page. The charge is Two Gems :1 word each insertion, Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. After a programme of music and short and pithy addresses bv Messrs. S. “70mi- Md, J. Ellurby and \V. Scott, M.'. Qum-rie WM presented with a purse (‘0 [- tniniug $47) and an address, M a smw‘] (when of the regard with which he is hell m that neighborhood. At, 7 o’clock the chair was taken by Mr. Thomas Br,own who cxllud the meetinv to order and gaveashorn and auiLabI: adumua. And entertaining as were the responses to the toasts, they were only a pm‘Lion of the evening’s programme. Many of those present were zuccolpplishcd musicâ€" inns, and song after song was called for, and given by gentlemen present; to the enjoyment of the audience. The com- pany dispersed at an early hour, every one baing loud in his praise of the enjuyâ€" able evening spent together. with the Nutiunul Anthem. “The Grand Lodge (if Canada" was next pi‘oposed,znid promptlyrespnnded to. “Our Visihing Brethren ” brought forth magnificent speeches from W. Bros. Iuwnod, Patton, Smith, Lovell, and others from all psms of the rovm. “7 Rm Knox responded milielmlf of Patterson Lodge, after it had been cordially received. He thanked those present for assisting so cheerfully and ably in the entertainment of the evening, and hoped it would not, be the lasbtime (hey would meet under such pleasant circumstances. Eur J E Knox was in the chair, which he filled in the happiest manner. After welcoming the brethren on behalf of Patterson L dge, he proposed “ The Queen and the Craft,” which met; with we entlmsluzsm that Masons are always prepared to give it. The hall then runs: â€"Bm J B Gnlild. Richmond Lodgeâ€"â€" Bro A J Rupert, ’P M, T F McMahon, S \V, J E Clubine, J \V, P G Savage, S D, H A Nicholls. Cnimnbia Lodge, Victoria, B Câ€"Bro Rev W W Percival. Leaving the lodge room the members of Patterson Lodge and the invited guests repaired to the spacious dining room of the Queens, where the tables were laid out. in Mr. Skardeu’s best style. After the eatah!es had been dispersed of a well- arx'nngnd {mast list was commenced. Hugue, Myers, Bishopric, Derrick, Bu. man, Griffith. Vaughan Lv-dge, N0. 54 â€"â€"Bms D Johnston. P M. F Smelsor, W M. M Hadwen. S W. Markham Union The following were preéent:â€"-Patterson Lodgeâ€"W Bro J E Knox, J T B Lind- say, I P M, J 0 Steele, Secretary, J Cherry, J McDonald, . Perry, H B Schmidt, A A Knox, Geo Howell. St John’s Lodge. Torontoâ€"R, W Bro \Vm Simpson, \V Bro Thos Hills, \V Bro Rev W E Smith, Bro King, Bro Jolm Ewan, J W. Doric Lodge, Torontoâ€"W Bro Rob's \Villiums, l P M. Wilson Lodge, Torontoâ€"Br.) Mayer. J W, L'ro G G Robinson. lehebuam Lodge, Torontoâ€"â€" W Bro Lovell. ‘vv-azelley Lodge, Guelph â€" Bro Geo Anderson, Jr. Mimico Lodge, Lambtonâ€"â€"Bm Davies. BlackWOOd Lodge, V'l'ooibridge-â€"-Bx‘o Dr Orr, J \V. Palestine Lodge, Detroit, Michâ€"Bro Flock. Orient Lodge, Torontoâ€"JV Bro Inwood. Stephenson Lodge, Torontoâ€" \V Bros John Patton, I H Horswell, S W, H Kerrisun, Stacy. J G Holmes, Hugue, Mvers. Bishonric. Derrick. Rn. The friendly feeling, which generally characterizes the Masonic fraternity was made practically manifest in Tlinrnhill last Thursday evening. The occasion was the Regular Meeting of Patterson Lodge fulluwed by a banquet at the Queen’s Hotel. The brethren first met in the ledge mom where, besides the transaction of the general business, a bmther was raised to the sublime degree of a master mason. The work was satis- factorily exemplified and reflected much credit on those who filled the official chairs. Presentation. Liasonic. Iwnnteverylruly in the Umnhy of {01an use “195 Hm.» LDyua. I helium newly lady having used them a.1y:5pusiu ‘ tun-1y and dimincfiy that the Sumac: Dyes {1; five cems a package. arc guysxiur to aEI lotiwr's amid at {qu1 cents, and Isuy jmst as certain than if the above statement is’u: true I \vili give them fur nuthiuv, I mu :5 yun tn call :md :39: a much n: to UV in amd pnv fur it mixer using. Dilworth’ I)|'llu titure nerd. tn the Ni; 155m," Hotel; \V. Russ J. Lumdale B. Huliingshc H. Engels S. Metaulf ....... J. \V. Crusslcy Gr. Carley ....... 5. Ronnie ....... J. Elliott. .. J. F. Davidson R. Canning: J. \Vultull.. A. Ynnrre“ '1‘. Horrd ....... A. 11. (‘amnng R. R'hifim'un .‘ J. \V. Kennedy R. 01111.. G. R. Goulding A. Muckle ..... J. Gilyem‘t ..... J. C. Steele... . Joe Smith........ R. McCaguu ..... B. H. Clarke .. W. A. Clarke .. John Smith ..... Geo. Bell ........ A THREE CORNERED MATCH AT NEWTON BROOK. The third match in the series of eight ,to be shot by the clubs nf the O. U. R. A. was shut, by Scurbnm’, King City and Newton Brook, over the range of the latter. on Tuesday, Feb. 4th. The (by was very nnfavombha to gent} shooting, being rainy in the fore part. and tuwmds the last. becoming an fuggy as to com- pletely obsunrc the target at 200 yards. We append the scores: NEWTON BROOK 100 yds. 200 yds. Tl G. R, Goulding ...... 43 4‘2 85 A. Muckle ............ 43 3G _ 84 J. Gilyem‘t .. ”.46 36 8:1 \Vlmt did 1 tell you two years ago 2 I told you the echtric light might; same of these fine In )rniugs be shining in your wmdows all along the line of Yonge St., well the EledTric Railway is O. K. so is the Rock Spring Cuul Oil in the my; Don’t waste shoe leather trying to find out the cheapest and the best; go to DE]- worth’s Drug Store next; Nipissing Hotel, King St. Toronto. ._.V ”V“... And when you are settled in your new home 1111137 you occasionally look back 0:1 your sojourn in this heiglviborhood with fJelings of kindly remembrance, and n0-.. forget those who, with all their short- comings and incunszst-Lenm as, will still be your friends. _ Signed in behalf of Sabbath School by In parting with you we desire that every blessing both spiritual and temporal may be enjoyed by you and your familv, and amid all the various changes in your life we trust you may be prosperous and happy, and should any sorrow embitter your future life may you and Mrs. Querrie be supported by the presence and consolation of Him who has been your Helper and Guide during the past. We ask you therefore, in behalf of the Church and Sabbath School to accept of this purse, as a slight token of our regard for you, and also our regret; at your de- pafture. \Ve could notfitrllerefore allow one who' has labored no faithfully and long to leave withnubsome mark of our gratitude and esteem. Your urbanity and kindness of heart. have won the affection of all, and we had hoped that the ties of friendship that bound us together would not so soon have been severed, and that; we would have for some time at. least been spared the painful duty of saying “Farewell.” As a neighbor you have been kind, courteous and obliging; as a. friend. your friendship has been of that. genuine kind that. lives and lasts. learned with regret, that you are about toxemove from our midst, and as you have for so many years taken a deep in- terest in the work of the Sabbath School, and been such a. faithful and consistent, worker we know your absence will be greatly missed. 11. (‘ WHICH)” KING cm (9 [Single copies, 3 01:5. The Rifle 415 A RBURO’ 0 kn, 39.7) 400 3!) 4'3 >11 GEORGE GEE, JOSEPH PE 11:139. the HAG 160 "U 2U n4 19 Cmrch and No 4O 8:) (i? 5L 7..“ 4 51

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