Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1890, p. 7

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One evening, about six years ago, during th ‘ month of J ulyy a small band of Indians w .e encainped upon the island whereon had lived and died the sacred sheep. The ever- encroaching white man had usurped the her age of the Indians, who now had dwindled into a few families in place of the powerful tribe who had once held undisputed sway in the land. The curse of Mahingan had been almost forgotten, and that very evening as they sat around the Campfire, an old erone with shaking head related to the younger folk, in substance that which I have above written. Amongst them stood a boy intently listening with more than an ordi- nary interest. He was a direct descendant of Manahehinty. Seareelv had she finished when a fiendish how] was heard in the bush close by. The Indians started to their feet in fright. and still another cry awoke the echoes of the summer night; at the same time an enormous dog, with eyes like balls of ”ire, bounded into the midst of them, and seizing the boy. the descendant of Manah- chinty, by the throat, bore him to the ground. Luckily one man at least preserved his presenee of mind. He snatched his ritle from his tent and with good aim sent a bullet crashing through the skull of the rd beast. It 'as all over in a moment and the boy rose up nnhurt, except for the VVtZIIHI in his throat where the dog had "‘ed him. r{hat night the Indians did not 3! 00p, but 511'; dis1 11§I~ing the event until daylight when one of than took the 0111' 2158 of the den and thr'mt it to the pigs of 11 white 1111111 “I: IlivtId close by. The pigs made Short wui'k 0f the dog and soon had it all (1010111â€" 1Id e\cept the hemt which th1I3'hIft 1111- win-had; and them it 1:13 in the lint munnuIr S1111 fm tno consouuth 1- ldu3 5. until, impellcd by curiosity, 0111: of the Indians uxznninod it :10 find out why the 1111;: wnuld not out it. It seemed to 111: 113 l11L‘1lln stonn. 11nd,i1n- pclled still f111thc1Ih3 cluiusity, h1I tool: his 11): 111ch it in two. \Vhat W115 his aston- 1311;111:11th tinding it nothing but 211 solid lump of i1:1I.Th1I discovery sprvud like wil lfile and 01111501111 'Iie1 1t senswtion 1111101111 Indian 1IiI' clcs. 'l h1I sh 1113' -ho111l1Id 0111119 111 111I1 {11011011110011 it tn h1- \111hinxé11n, 111111 1135111011 the Indians that tl11I \1I111l1Itt11111ts 121111011 by the death 11ftl10 dog, 01', rather, the second death 11f Mnhingau. \Vhethcr she. was right ()1 wrong, the 1103' still lives, 11111“ has he. experienced any great and espec- Luvluck. So let us hope that Mulling‘an‘s cun“ is u, thing ofthe past, a mysn V snuffed, (m: by a “\Vinchostm'" with the hubs! modâ€" L'V‘l illlln‘ovelnvlltfi. 11105.0 things 11w: hiuwl to believe. Imy- “ (louhtcd if they were true, and ex- pl ed those doubts to my informant, 2L Ll: 't respectable and pioua Indian, as In: (lihxs go. I even dared to Iaugl1,lmt ne ‘wl may of their truth, and rebuked inc for laughing saying, “It is not right Ll) Vmgh at such solemn, sum‘ml things.” balm Tumiscxnningue, Qua 5v :"-1r. .1. 1‘1 101111101“, M. 1’.1’. for (111a- tumuguzw. W111 111* sworn 1:1 as Provincizfl Semen“) of (9111111 111 11121943 of Hon. Mr. ‘1111'711011,112111191<111)1i§1‘0fQi:1-‘19* amonce returned to their Vallegiunce, proh- .‘thy fearing lest, they themselves should he [(uj'izlhmvked. Strange to say, after this Mannhehinty becenne listless and depressed; some thought it was on account of the loss of his sacred laml) : hut finally it leaked out. tl' Muhingun, before dying, had found t1 e, to curse his murderer, to threaten him with his Vengeance even though he WW»: dead, and to promise him that he wand pursue him and his heirs relentlessly for many generations. Strange to relate Manuhchinty soon joined his victim, having her-n upset from his canoe and drowned, during a. Ioon hunt. For several generations his descendants in the male line died Violent deaths, and it was gene 'ally conceded amongst Indians, that a curse was upon Tl; >10 true (lid this saying appear that some, of the, Indians sided with Muhingun, for all 1’“ ognized that it wuslm whohzul eaten ll; lamb, and them were not Wanting, th 8 who began to mm'mni‘zlt Munahchint) for inducing ithcm to worship false gods, an (1 Ma‘nahchinty saw that strong measure ware nuccsssn'y in order to maintain his reputation of “Big lnjun," so he toma- hawked his rival on the sly, and the people U u ‘ ., c “NO one can eat a real Mamihm. 'l‘lm Mmitou would mum likely val him. If yt animal was a truth, then it, would ”we saved itself, if a fraud, than tha- sooner '4‘ 1‘ was eaten, flw hotter." Unfortunately the owner was the object of 1111011 jealousy on the part of one who had always laid counter-claim to the position of a leader of the people. The name of this 1112111 was Mahiugun. He was a good hunter and a lmlzl 11121.11. hut he had the reputation of he- .ng Whatis called a “Bad Indian,” a very vague term of disapprohation, hut very et '1111ou amongst Indians. He saw that the }1( “session of this lamh gave much power to his rival, and he determined to deprive him of it : and heing somewhat <1qu utilitarian he considered that the hest way to do this was to eat it, \\ hieh he did surreptitiously, and at night. 011 the following day consternation ' 'giied amongst the Indian tamps ; the red laml) was gone. The owner was ions, but tried to turn the mishap to an} mount by stating that. no Manitou of such in'iportanoe would stay where “Bad Indians” were allowed to li\ (. with impunity, which explanation was accepted as satisfactory until the bonus of thelamh were found, clean picked, and hearing unnustahahle evidence of having heen hoiled. 'l‘his upset the super- natural translation theory altogether, and evidently pointed to the murder of a Maniv (on, but the question arose, “ \Vho was the ‘ ‘ilegious wreteh who had dared to fill lTlSOlf with a god T" Manahehinty. the wner, openly accused Mahingan to his face 1:113 Mahingan laughed at, him, saying- ‘1' having received from him a lamb as a pros- (EH1, mistook it for the, Lainl) of God, concern- mg whom the missionary had talked much, ‘ap 7‘ taking it with him when he returned to 3 people, impressed upon iheni the sacred- :wss of this \s’ondcrful, and to them strange beast, enjoining upml them the necessity nf worshiping it. with honor and reverence. A mall island was chosen as a suitable dwell- ‘mlacc for this nnw Manitou, and the In- )S wvru happy in p055 ssing an animal at, mn'e so mmwl and so easily kept. (I An Indian Legend of the lfpper ottawa. \Vhen the first white missionaries en- deavored to explain to Indians the Christian icligion, the effect was at times rather SllLI‘t‘ ling. 'l'he lndians mistook the suhstance for the symbol, the objective for the subjective. IL is not surprising therefore that an ()jibe- way chief, who once travelled in the early (lawn of Canadian civilization as far as Monâ€" treal, and met there a Jesuit missionary 1 ,- young, old, 01‘ middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of Vitality, loss of memory bad dreams, (limness of sitrht, palpitation of the he 11t emissions, lackb of energy, pain in the liidney,s headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching 0f the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss ofxoice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with LEADEN CIRCLE, 0in looking skin, etc, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to isanity and death unless cured. The sprinv or vital force having lost Its tension Vel)’ fundion \ anes in consequence [hose “ho tlnough abuse connnitted in innoranee may be peruuinently cured. Send o111 addxess foi book on all diseases peculiar toman. Address M. V LUBON, 50 Fiont St. 1]., Fomnto, Ont. Books sent fieesealed. Hea1t disease, the symptoms of \\ hleh are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita» tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, r: pid and irregular, the second heart beat quieker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No our“, no p;1y.Send for book. Address M. V. LUl’ ON, 50F1011t Street East. 'lor- onto, Out A big proboscis is indicative of intelli- gence. In othm‘ words, tho bigger it is the more a main nose. First Little Girl?“ Is your (loll a French doll ‘1" Second Little Girl-“I don't know; slw can't talk Set out tn 3 enough. It, is better to have one too many than 0110. too few. An early, healthy growth of a plant \vzmls off many evils. Always Evergreen 7A holly-day Balilic. Sass Willa “I never laugh at an in- ferior. She 7“ It would be impossible for you to do such a thing." “Nothing But Skin and Bone‘.” is the inelgzint though appropriate expres- sion used in describing the appearance of nuinyfemule whom Nantre intended for perâ€" feet specimens ofher handiwork. but who have been reduced to this distressing condi- tion hysome of the or; {mic troubles, peculiar to the sex. styled “female complaints," the symptoms of which are “an all gone feeling,” weakness in the hack, especially mornings, nervousness, and sometimes hysteria. 'l‘he cure for these beautydestrnying trouliles , and an undoubted one in every easev~â€"is l)r. l’ierce's Favorite Prescription, and it ren< ders it, unnecessary to consult a doctorrwa disagreeable duty for a modest woman. Of drnggists. homo, people can tell the time by a sundia] but VI 0 never heuul of any one 1min" able to by :L 01000 (lilo Are U I so fair to see, lint fairer than these flowers are Is the rose that blooms for me On the cheeks once pale and hollow, And (lod he thanked, I say, That the rose of health and happiness Blooms out again to day. That is \\ hat many a man feels like saying when he sees some member of his family re- stored to health after a long and “astingill- ness. In many households there are. persons who seem to he fading out of life slowly. There Is a general dehility that indicates a, lack of \ital foree. The blood Seems to be blood only in color. 'l‘heIe is often a dry, hard cough. Night hrings no refreshing sleep. The cheek grows thin and pale. \Vhat shall he done to ward ofi'disease which is making slow hut sure efihrts to secure an: other Vietim‘.’ Let, me tell you : Get; Dr. l’ieree‘s Holden Medical Disem'ey, and tight the enemy with it. There is nothingr like it to build up a weakened system, und restore lost Vitality. it is a most wonderful tonic, nutritive and a iA]‘£Li'/l\'0, or lilood-purifier. Sass feriur. you to do such a thing. wile “I never laugh at an in- She 7“ It would be impossible for u IL isn good plum In have :1, re ~1 and live handy fur: inl in making all IUH'S of frniis and vegetables straight. Thu 105030wa June time Strange, hmvekxier, as it may seem, many of these executions, notably those of impor- tant, personages, were attended by great numbers of apparently respectahle people, and the filonitvur contained many adver- tisements to the effect that “-\‘o-a1ul»so hires out ehairs to witness the guillotining of, say, Louis XVI, or Mme. Roland, or in- deed of any conspicuous person, at so mueh an hour." A contemporary engraving rep- resenting the execution of Louis XVt- shows us a crowd of \x'ellah'mwd people, eomfortahly seated in their chairsy placed on a high and \rell‘huilt, wooden stand, and not a few of them are using)r their opera glasses. Duval is shocked when he records that during,r the massacres of Septemher “on dansait en hanlieue,” In fact, the gay and volatile nature of the l’arisians could not he wholly suppressed, and some by no means hadly-intentioned people made a sort of fete of the tragic events which were per- petuallyoeeurring‘s The Saturday I.‘<'z,)1'wl:. A perfect specifhâ€"DI'. Huge-x (‘amrrh Remedy. A neveiwending procession of victims pass- ed down the {rue St. Honore to the place (18 1a Revolutioiriri derant Place Louis XV.â€" where the principal guillotine had been erected. There were gu lotines, however, in several other parts of the city, and it was no uncommon matter for a person going out shopping in the morning to meet with three or four processions of unhappy beings pro- ceeding to execution. A well-organized band of furies usually accompanied them, shouting and howling insults and cries of “Death !” Early in 1794 protests were made by residents aloné,r the lines of route to the guillotines that sensitive persons were beginning toavoid those streets, and that this did gr 5th harm to their commerce. They therefore petitioned that the routes should he at least occasionally changed. Later on another request was made to the National Assembly concerning the unhealthy condition of the Place de la Revolution, literally steeped in blood, which emitted a horrible and dangerous stench. En Route for the Guillotine. All Men. The 1‘ T0 The Furnitm-e’fl‘ ‘ade “'0 the undersigned beg to inform the {Mail Trade (‘11th we have a full line of Furniture and U )holsterell Goods also a V Y well assorted stuck of \\ alnnt, Parlor, Lunngo, Sofa, Easy and other Chair Frames. The «mods :ch well finished and made of the, U , . . bust Seasoned woods. Orders sohcitt I. Queen City Manlllfucim'iug 00'); Lid. For (‘liild IT" and Adults. Invaluable for Indigestion and Consstipation. FRANKS & (‘0. London. England, Proprietors Montreal ()PFIUE. 17 St. John Strum. Dr. T. It. Allinson. L.I{.(‘.l’., London. says: ”I like Dr. Nichols” ‘ Fund of Health ’ vary much. and find it, of great dietetic value in many diseases: As :1 breakfast dish I prefer it L0 ont- mcn]. For the regulation of the bowels ityczmnot be surpassed. Sum] for sample FREE. friend’got, cured with ‘11. Leon; urged nu: w 111111;.1 did. '1 he chuk- 1'11g lumpr. got so L01 .111dsofte1'.l \x .15 L‘uru1a1‘d remain in U10 best of health. St. Leon ‘Vutcx‘ “i 1 elm- “1111111111othcrmixtul-cs fail. GEORGE G “‘1 Dealers in Furnituréflphnlstersd Bands DR. NICHOLS’ -: Food of Health :- ENE ""10“ 11 fl) St I] Addl‘CSS‘VuA-‘LEY. ROYCE J (30..158 l’onge Slrfigl, Toronto.. Send for Catalogue. WW, ..... J. n m n. w I, quit! duu .muu, uncuru- in? to Htemnor and (1m ommodution. Intermo- 75 stowage. $20. Apply 10 II. I). Ml}!!- Rt]. Gem‘ ‘II R ‘ nalll‘n'n hipping ‘1‘." "yr"... 1‘0" 4 (‘USTOM Ijbfs SQUARE. BIONTREAL. or to Local Agean 111 all Towns and (5:11 ' Sailing \\ (ackly be?“ con M0\TRF L“ ERI’opli. Saloon Tickets, 310 H. 9.380 $902111d $110. it I. and 10,3111] 10rd- Man with 0110 Thousand-Dollars (Both Cutters and Builders) n Toronto at New Biological Buildings ‘ so at, New Parliament Buildings,Queen‘sl’m . \Vagesllific.pcrllour. Apply, JOSEl H YORKE. J urvis St. Wharf, TOROXTO. Cheapest and B E S T 1" EA (1 E Instruments, \ Music, &04 Bl Bookkeeping, Banking, Penmanship, Shorthund, ’J‘ypcwriting, etc,” at, Cunn- dialn Business Universitv 8L Shortlmnd Institute Public Library Bldg, Toronto. Circulars free. Then. Bengough, Manager. Best thing out. Agents make $5 per day Sample by mail, 25c. CLEMENT S; 00., 36 King St. BL. Toronto. GAMER HUGHES FREE. ”‘3‘mmwmmb‘mwéfi 0 Canaan Watch co. Thrones, Can. S'I‘IDNEMASONS “YANTED ! 10 take charge of wuremoms. Security or interest 1n bumness glven. Apply BOX 310, MAIL OFFICE. It is almost as palatable as milk. Far better than other swcallod Emulsions. A wonderful [lush produccr. ENGE ‘hc ‘Chcapefit Strongest and Best Fence fox men (1 udcn Omhmd 01 'luun Lnts.l’11005fr0m l5( p01 10d, (16' fL). Sum! {'01 pxivvlist T'monlo l’it'kt-I Win- l’x-m'v l 0. . 2‘31 RIM-1' sax, Toronto. _ â€" «tunvldulo uunn tor men andâ€" women. Address T N WURE. 4 AG zlajde Sh eet West. Toronto. . $1 0. 00 JJJJ‘JJ::JJJ 117 King West, Toronto. For it you do not it may become con- sumptivu. For Consumption, Srrofula, Gmwral Dehilily and "'asliug Dismca, there is nothing like CHRflNIO comm Now: Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES T" E SMITH A IDLE PAI'KAGI‘}. S1301) that Of Lime and Soda.- SCOTT’S EDIULSION SEOTT’S WANTED ls pleasant to use. It heals the skin. and de- stroys insects and germ: on the hair of man Q beast. TRANSPARENT CARBOLIG ACID TOILET 50A} TOILET SOAP COY’S SCOTT .Q HOWNI‘I, THE ALBERT Vietni‘iii Square, Montrml‘ ‘gx NEVER FAILING ST. LEON. and TUMOR Spaciaxlsy ‘mlvato Hospital. No knife. Book (res. G. H. MCMICHARL, M. D.. No. 63 Niagara "it, Buffalo, N. Y. Up to three years age Dyspepsia, that horrible qcnsal‘ion, wretched pain 'md clgokingm'l‘he very ‘V v..""' " lluué‘ulrn mun xuc L h wrapper. Be Sold by all Bvllovilla A. P. 501 Policies are non‘forf *itable after {he I);1yll10llb0f‘w0 full annxml Premiums. Profits, which are unexcellcd by any Company doing husincsa‘ in Canada, art five years from the issue of the policy, or at longer periods as may be selected 1)) l'rofitn so Allocated are ,Hbsolmo. and not liable 10 be reduced or 1- future liml‘ under any circuu :uwm. Participating Polz'uy Iloldcr. .110 entitled to not lms‘ than 90 1101‘ cent. of the the class. and for the past seven 5'1 1-3 have actually won 'rcd 1);? m" ('cnl. ofthe 1; Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation Paid-up Policy and (7M): Hun-mulm' Value Guaranteed in each Polh‘y THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMBNT POI-IO? AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGA INST ORGANIZED l87l. , _ .1 . "mum .u um \ mupnny are issuou III mnounm 01 film! and upward and ofl‘erunpn Lllclled induccinen :s for accumulative investments of small amounts, monthly or a!,_ larger periods for terms of years {rum nvo upwards and the investor is not only absolutely prtr tested against loss of u. lglc (lollur but can rely upon Lhc largest returns consir‘tent with sucuxu ily Corrupomlence soliviwd and promptlyrcplicd to. 5’1‘0312, President. 0. F. POTTER. Managing Director. Fil'hl-Uléhx‘ General and Lo :nl Agents can obtain ron’uinemtive contr by mmlvinLr to ucneral umces, 27 «s: 29 Wellington street East, 34 & 36 Front Street East, Toronto. This Coumany undertakes ngcnnim of every «hw riptinn. and trusts, such as carrying out. issues of capital forcmnpanicsmuiotht conversionofrailwayund'other securities, willgive :ure‘ fuI attention In mnmigmncnt of mm: ,, , the uolluciinn of loans, routs, interest. dividends. debts, mortgages.debentures, bOHdH, bilh, notes,coupons,and oihorsocurilics; will act nsugmiLs‘fOr isSu~ ing or cuuutersigniug eerLifianeH of stock, bonds or other obligations. Receives and invests sinking funds and invests moneys generally for others and offers: the best terms therefor. Every dollurinvcsted with or through this Company earns the highest returns and is absolute- 1y safe. All invostmcntszu‘c giial‘untrod. TIIE INVEST’DII‘W B0 [)5 of Um (‘nmpany are nfl‘nv- unn- ‘ "tied in amounts of $100 and upward and g‘lqnfeberation 33â€"56â€" TO THE EDITOR:â€"Please inform your readers that I have a poslti above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been pl Ishall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your read: sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully; 59.0., I86 West Adelaide St" TORONTO, ONTARIO. General Offices, 27 8: 29 Wellington Street East The Alliance Band and Invsstmant 00.01” Ontario, Limited.w Incorporated February 27th, 1890. CAPITAL - - $I,OO0,000. nau-_nlnm_- nâ€" -_ ___ ___ cwsfimno“ if; 'lho demand for Foot Power Ma: HIillOI‘) 18 increasing: < \ cry )0: ll'. N0 (‘ m'pcntcH can afford to b without, Foot I’owul Rip and ( loss ( nt Sn“ 5, Former 'l‘vnon Machines. 0 1c” on Send fox catalogue. Q ALL THE WORLD OVER 4‘) fiEJOHNSTflN’S FLUID BEEF . W *‘ merely to stop them I! have them return again. i EU 1EA” A RADIGAL CURE. I have made t Epilepsy arfalling Sic! mess a lifelong study. [warrant my rel worst case; Because othcm have failed is no reason for not now receivin once V x a treatise and a Free Bottle of my flnf‘al‘libkg Remedy. ( Post xfice. Kt costs you naming for a trial, and it wil? cure you. Addres “.6“ Branch Office; I88 WEST ADELAIDE STREET: TORONTO- Home mention this paper. 72 to 76 King St. West, Toronto PLATE Delivered anywhere in Canada. Stock. Lowest Price LL‘ U1 W. C. MACDONALD, ACTUARY. 1164 QUEEN STREET EAST. L; R; Williams, SOHO MA1‘HINE “'OIKKS, TORONTO. CANADIAN AGENTS FOR, Provides an INCOME in old age, and is a good 1N VESTMENTJ GLASS McCausland & Son, POLICIES J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, Northcotc Ave.. - Toronto ARTIFICIAL LIAIBS :WOrk & M0119 .L nnluu p. enu y" -=- EARL' isused as aSTRENGTH-GIVINGFOOD for Invalids and Convalescents. Holdcrs are entitled to not 1mg than 90 1101‘ cent. of the profits: earned in seven years have actually rarcircd 1);? per cent. ofthe profih: so earned. REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS ; fl W é When I say Cure I du‘ not mean “ " merely to stop them for a tim , and then EA N A RADIGAL CU RE. I have made the disea e of Fits. ness a. lifelong study. [warrant my remedy to Cure the have failed is no reason ”or not now receivinga cu_re. Send at. a. nnt¢h~ A: .m. n__o-. .A.- _ (d 3, t It, IHSIII‘Cd Lor at longer periods as _mu_\' be 501 _ ..- w. u“ nu» nvw :cgclvulg a cult:- aenu ll: m1 Enfarlib Remedy. Give_ _Ex_press and .1.,, .__- readers that I have a positive remedy for tbl \fhnnnlnu- """"" L-..,.L -4, A, Their increasing popularity is a prcof of thei :prm‘im‘ily. Be sure and gang Conboy top on you :- buggy. THE (70NBOY CARRIAGE TOPS ARE THE BEST KNOWN. 11} If you want both, go to Great Falls, Mon tuna, and help build the Great Half Million Dollar 1mm across the B'Iissouri, the Two Million Dollar Smelter. or one of the Three New Lines of Railway->-Niclmrt Linc. Lothbridge Linc. and Pacific Coast Line. all buing built, by the Great Northern Ity. (St. l’.. M. & M.) 18,000,000 of free farming lands along the line. For particulars send p 1_l_gurd Lo Pam's EXTRACT co. mew-2m ioiiaan 27.15 WONDER 0F n/"EA£ IVG’! cums CATARRH, RHEUMATISM NEIT- RALGIA, SORE THROAT, mas, WOUNDS BURNS FEMALE COMPLAINTS, ANIS HMMORMHAQES OF ALL KINDS. t . F. POTTER. Managing Director. ron’mnemt,i\'e contracts by applying to - WILLIAM SI’A III‘ISG. superintendent. HEAD OFFICE, visedInternalIy (f: Eveâ€"temally. I’Ivlcee :00. $1 $1.75 THGUSANDS 0F BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. 1-H. a. 305i; . Addres 25:1: Tuna-urn J. K. MAC DQNALD, Hahn-(“d 01' r “(a at an J. M. fifi‘ckiks. Can. Pass. Ag't.,': 4 Palmer House Block. TORONm SURE“ aér WREE MANAGL G'DIRECTOR. Stationary and Portabl All sizes. Send for Circulars Wateraus Engine War-4's gyro allocated ever Saw Gummers and Saw Swages. Best quality 0‘ ’mazerial and work Planers, Matchers and M oulders )ermanentl'y curéd. erg w_h07have coup ,T. A. suicum. antford, Canada 00.,

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