Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 May 1890, p. 7

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Aletter from Shanghai says the young Emperor of China i. in constant dread of assassination. He fears poison, and every article of food is tasted by (L courtricr before he touches it. The aetress thinks it useless to set rules for the behavior of girls to whom men make love. \Vhat settles one man upsets another. The stony air of disappro'al that freezes one, tires the next. Passive endurance that disheartens one encourages another to new efforts. The bombshell delivery that sug- gests that you mean your “ no ” inspires the next with an idea that you mean “yes.”3 The gentleness that in one casewins con< sideration and respect tires another man to go further and say more. Exactions and \eapriees that weary one develop in another untiring meekness and patient, devotion. Invective that shoots one off into a rage reduces another to a palpitating pulp of passivity against which no Woman of any heart can exert herself, All you can he sure of, is that the man who loves you to-day is probably a bore, the one who loved you yesterday is a brother, and the one who is likely to love you tomorrow will be both. The moral drawn by Miss Sheridan is that a girl must set to work and find some more satisfactory interest and amusement than men. “ 100d wife, what are you singing for? you know we have lost the hay, And what we‘ll do with horse and kye is more than I can say ; \Vhile like as not, with rain and storm, we’ll lose both corn and wheat 1” She looked up with her pleasant face, and answered 10 ' and sweet : “ There is a heart, there is a hand, we feel but cannot see, W'e‘ve always been provided for, and we shall always be !" He turned around with sudden gloom ; she said, “ Love, be at rest : You cut the grass, worked soon and late, you did your very best. That was your work ; you‘ve naught at all to do with wind or rain, And do not doubt but you will reap rieh fields of golden grain, For there’s a heart, and there’s a hand, we feel but cannot see ; \Ve‘ve always been provided for, and we shall al\ 'ays be.” “ That’s like a woman’s reasoning~we must because we must.” She softly said 2 “1 reason not, I only work and trust ; The harvest may redeem the daywlwep heart whate‘er betide, \Vhen one door shuts I've seen a 1oiheropen wide. There is a heart, there is a hand, we feel but cannot see ; \Ve’ve always been provided for, and we shall always be.” He kissed the calm and trustful face; gone 'as his restless pain. She heard him with a cheerful step go whist- ling down the lane. And went about her household tasks full of a glad content, Singing to time her busy hands as to and fro she went : “ There is a heart, there is a hand, we feel but cannot see ; \Ve‘ve always been provided for, and we shall always be. ” Days come and go~’twas Christmas tide, and the grate lire burned clear. (ireat Britian has as senior admiral of her fleet a man, Sir 1’. \V. P. \Vallis, K. C. B, whose name onThlu sday last had been 011 the pay roll of the naiy ninety- dive yea1s. It need ha1dly he said that Ad111i1al \\ allis’ peisonal senite has not been of so long a continuance, for at the time his name was put upon the rolls he was only a little over 4 years old, having been born in Halifax, N. S. April l2, 1791. But at that time it was customary for those who had influence, and who desired to secure promotion in the navy for their sons, to enter their names on the pay roll for a subordinate position, where the pay was merely nominal, but still sut’rL cient,when the question of promotion was tak- en up to make it appear that they had seen quite a period of professional service. Ad- miral \Vallis was sent to sea when he was 13 years oldAthat is, in the year lSO4â€"and for a long period served his country in an efficient manner. It seems hardly credibleithe time is so far back in the pastâ€"~that the present head of the Eng- lish navy was the first lieutenant of the frigate Shannon when she had her fight with the Aineiitan fxigatc Chesapeake, in which the latte1 \essel was captiued. But Snell is the case, and as Iankinu officer, after the captain of the Shannon was seriously wounded in the engagement, it was Lieut. \Vallis’ duty to bring the two vessels to the port of Halifax, and it was his gallantry in this action that started him on the line of promotion which placed him in the posiâ€" tion that he now holds as father of the English navy. T0 Sl10\V the changes that have taken place in recent years, it is pointed out that Admiral \Vallis has not served on board of an ironclad or on any of the ships provided with the great modern weapons of offence or defence. He did his chief service at the time when Nelson, Howe, Hardy and others were winningr F011! “'11 for England upon the high seas, and his practical experience was with the ships and guns that they used to such good ad- vantage. As human beings of contrasted sex men and women intoxiunte each other and drive each other 111ml. Love always brings less 011111 it takes._l71icndsl1ip gives; love hau- 41111113, 111111 if it IS 11, 111-11115 lm‘u it wants the best of the bargain. It IS 1111111151 impossible to classify lovers. It is fatal to take «1111 as a type of 11 class. The 1111111 who is devoted, patient and interesting as '11 friend, is (‘ch‘w ing, cranky and tiresmne as ‘11 lover. A friend can exchange iilcns with you in every direction. A lm‘cr has only two ideas himself and you 711ml that, is no exchange. If you don‘t care about him, discussion of himself is 111 bore. For y‘ou1self,l111\in;1 li\(1l\\itl1 yomsclf all \0111 life, you look for 1111 news 11f y¢1urself f1 0111 him. Mcn as Lovers are not Amusing- The The She For \Vc good amt happy yem' ; fruit was gain, the surplus corn has bought the hay, you know.” lifted then a. smiling izwe and said : “ I told you so 3 there's a heart, and there’s (L hand, we feel but czumot sec : '0 always been provided for, and we 5112111 always be I" farmer said: “ Dear wife, it’s been a good and ham) ‘ year ; England’s Oldest Admiral. Woman’s Trust HFm' it No. I Hom‘m'tm' UI' Busims“ Murhiuu ~00 11m "(‘IHIE'I' su‘mwx" We guzu‘ulzuc 21‘1 our Mnrhin Catalogue free. ’1' FANE x (‘0. Munnf: ’l‘m‘unro. \Immf:1111'-(1,";'l(1_1.nr0. THWDYE l \\\\\\\1\ \l////, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, diinncss of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that load to isanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension very function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address forbook on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBOT , 50 F1 ont St. E., Toronto, Out. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, (lull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pa. . 7 Sendffor book.~ Address M. V. LUBON’; 50 Front Street East. Tor- onto, Ont. Bl Bookkeeping. Banking, Pcnumnuhip, Slibrtrhund, 'J'ypewriting, ctm. zit (‘mm- dizm Bimini,» University 8; Shol‘lihzmd Institute Public Library Bldg, Toronto. Circulars free. Thos. Bcngough, Manager. lUGi \VAN'I‘FD “'11! pay 1M0 ((enzmd a half c0111<))p01 (10/011. f.o.b. your nearest <taltiun: shipped by freight in our ‘ 'dm'iLg May, in lots of {Hummus and upward ; write 1! you wzmt (taxes, JOHN HA \VIJFA, N0. 88 Emmi St. 10., Toronto. Every day swells the volume of proof that as EL specific for all Blood diseases, nothing equals Dr. l’icrce‘s Holden Medical Discmu cry. >leineinher, this is an old established i‘cinedywith in, record 1 It has lbccn weighed in the balance and found fuiiilling every claim 311: has been tested many years in thousands of cases with lluttmn 13 success I For Throat and Lung troubles. (LLtarrh, Kidney disease, LiverComplaint, Dyspepsia, Niel; Huulncheand all disorders iesulting from iinproverished lilood‘ there is nothing:r likelh‘. l’iercc’s Golden Medical Discoveryii world>1‘0nowned and ever growing in favor l The clergynmn who preaches without notes is apt to starve to death. The old lady Who replied, when asked how her liver was, “ God bless me, I never heard that there was such a. thing in the house,” was noted for her amiahility. Prometheus, when chained to a. rock, might as well have pretended to be happy, as the man who is chained to a. diseased liver. For poor Pro- metheus, there was no escape, but by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pel- lets, the disagreeahle feelings, irritable tem- per, constipation, indigestion, dizziness and sick headache, which are caused by a dis eased liver, promptly disappear. Man wants little here below ; the earth is one of the smallest planets. “ A Roaring Farce,” is the term we often hear applied to the modem t1i1tlbyj111V The trial of D1. Pieice s Favmite Presm 1pt10n, by 11 ij of thousands of women afflicted with “ f11111ile cmnplaints,” 11st been 110 fzuee, for it has established the fact that this 101nedy is 11 specific f01 1111 chlonie weaknesses peculim to the sex The only medicine for women, sold by diugvists, mid/1 apofiifiu’ yumanirje f101n the inanufaetmeis, that it will trixe satisfaction 111 e\ 61y c11se,01 money “111 be refunded. This gumuntee has been pi inted on the bottle- V1 rappm, and faithfully e1111ied out for many yeais. Many people enjoy a musical refrain better than its execution. AuntievaYes, I dare say you would prefer to wait until they are hawked about the streets. \Vell, child, if you do not like sour berries now better than sweet ones when they are to be had by the commonestpeople, you are lacking in the first elements of ex- clusivenessAâ€"Life. Nellic~But I don’t like strawberries this time of year, auntie ;I’d rather wait a month untfl they a/rAe sw_et:er and better. Same Price as Inferior Dye. 10 01:3. ONE Package EQUALS TWOofany other Dyein the market. If you doubt it, try it! Your money will be re< funded if you are not. convinced after a trial. Fifty- fourcolors are made in Turkish Dyes, embracing all new shades, and others are added IE soon us they become fashionable. They are warranted to dye more goods and do it. better than any other Dyes. Canada Branch: 481 St. P-aul Street, Montreal. Smdpoualfor Sample Card and Book of Instruction There is nothing like them for Strength, (30151”ng or Fastness. WILL NOT WASH OUT! WILL NOT FADE OUT! Unequalled {or Bichnes: and Beauty 0! Coming. They are the 051.1 mass that Plebeian Taste Rebuked. How’s Your Liver. N0thing Like It! All Men. The dunmml for Foot Power .‘Iuclnincry is, increasing on year. No (flu-punter can afford to bu without Foot Power R11) and (,'1‘()a‘,~‘ (fut H'uws. Fornmr, 'J‘mmu1\'luc]1incn‘, 0m, 0w. Send [01' 1111102110. A. R. Williams, McCausland & Son, 72 to 76 King Street West. Toronto. BEST PLACE in America to buy ’ Band and Musical Instruments, Music‘ &0 AddrCRH‘VHALI‘IY. INDYCE tt (‘0.. 158 Yonge Siren. ’l'oronto.. Send for Catalogue. friend gob cured with fit. Leon; urged mu [0 ll ink. I did. The ell-3kâ€" mg, Llllllph gOLbOItUl and softer. I was curcdnnd remain in the best of health. St. Leon \Vat‘rr will cure when all other mixtures fail. _GEURGE G. \VILSON, Victoria Sauarc. Montreal. u Sailing Weekly between MONTREAL and LIVERPCDOL. Saloon Tickets, $40, $50, and $60. Return Tickets, $80. $902md $110. accord- ing to stcmner and accounnodation. Intu 111L- (liatc $9 5, Steeragc, $20.A11ply to II. E. Mllk- BM. Gencml Manager (‘nnudmn Shipping (0., 4 CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE,M0\T12EAL or to Local Ago/nus" 1n all T015115 and Cities. If you want both, go to Great Falls, Montana, and help build the lrmt Half-Million Dollar Dam across the Missouri, the Two Aillion llollm snwlter, 01 one of the, Three New Lines Of It l‘suu“ \iume Line, Lcthbiidge Line, and l’ 10 (‘0 1st Line, all being builL by tlmGrez1t Noxihom Ry. (St. l’.. M & M) 18.0001“) of free farming lands along the line. For parliculurs send postal Paul to J. M.._HUQ_KINS, WORK &_MONEY mum.” WWW‘.‘. 3 AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; getting fat too, FOR Scott’s mulsion of Pure) Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphltes of leeand Soda NOT ONLY CURED MY Incip- ; lent Consumption: BUT BUILT 3 ME UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING 3 ME UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING ) FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I r ” TAKE XTJUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILIx. Scott’s Emulsion is put up nuly in Salmon color wrappers. Sold by all Drugglsls an 500. and $1.00. SCOTT 69° 80 WIVE, Bella/i115. vvumM: Ukedlntemal’y&ExtemalZ2/. Price» 700. $1 31. 75 POND' SEXTR ACT GO. NewYorkfâ€" :London E’HE WONDER 0F n'E/i AIL/NP. ' CURES CATARRH, RHEUMATISM NEU- RALmsonE THROAT FILES WOUNDS BURNS, FEMALE COMPLAIETS ANJS HEMORRHAGES OF ALL KINDS. Delivered anywhere in Canada. Largest Stock. Lowest. l’riccx‘. 80110 M ‘1' lllNl-J “'OlKKS. 'I'OIHDVTO. IA\ \DTAN AGIC\ NTS FOP EMULSION EAVER LINE STEAMSIIIPS RESULT: I take M Meals. I ta 0 My Best, GLASS I took gold. “'5 . . - . fi‘ _ |3W.3v.'=$o'§fi"s'= %o&31o?-‘NDS SGOTT’S “Eamon: gammy WE xrnAn'rDa «I Ilmsp Flu-nun»; lumen: Cam. Page. A}; t., 4 Palmer H01 Block TORONTO I 1:001: Sick, I TOOK Up to three 3 ,m‘s n, e Dyspepsia, thathorrib e gonsation, wretched pain and clquing.__"1‘he very NEVER FAILING ST. LEON. inn-gin,» billli mu The Allienee Bend and Investment (in. ef Unteiie, Limited. Incorporated February 27th, 1890. CAPITAL - - $l,000,000. General Ofiices, 27 & 29 Wellington Street East, 34 & 36 Front street East, Toronto. This Company undertakes agencies of every desvription, and trusts such as carrying out issues of (innitLilforcompunics andothers,eonversionof ruilwayundothe . mtritieswill give care- ful attention to management of estates, the collection of loans, rents, intense, dividends, debts, mortgages, debenturostntls, bills, notes, coupons and otheriseeurities; willzu‘t {Ls agentsforissning 0r countersignlng certificates of stooli. bonds or other obligations. . :‘w Receives and invests sinking funds and invests moneys generally for others and offers the best terms therefmu Every dollar inv Intel ‘ ~' ‘ ' «led with or through this Company earns the highest returns and is abso inent e gnaranteed. ORGANIZED 1871. CAUTIONâ€"We have ascertained that in some sections of the country. dealers have been selling as Rogers‘ Peerless, an oil not; manufactured by us,and very inueliinferior to thegenuine Peerless in quality. We will mail $5 to any person sending" us letter exposing such “uses, and to protect our customers will mail to any one desiring it :‘I list of dealers in their neighborhood selling the genuine Peerless I: W of t 1L ( empany are issued in amounts of $100 and upward and for accumulative investments of 51111111 amounts, monthly or at; nus of years from five upwards and the investor is not only absolute] protected against, loss K _ of a single dollar but can rely upon the largest returns consistent wit $001111 Ly. Correspondence solicited and promptly replied to. “Why ‘ONE, President. 1:. F. POTTEII, Managing Director firstâ€"Class General and Local Agents can obtain rcmunorative contracts by applying to WILLIAM SI’ARLING, Superintendent. Provides an income in old age, and is a good investment. Policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of two full annual Premiums. Profits, which are unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated everytlve years from theissue 0f the policy, or at longer periods as may be selected by the 1nsure( . Prolitxs‘ so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be reduced 01' recalled at any future time under any circumstances. Pawrtz'm'pathzg Policy JIolders are entitled to not, less than 90 per cent. of the profits earned in thedelass, and for the past seven years have actually received 51.? per cent. of the profits so curna . \V. C. MACDONALD, J. K. MACDONALD, 0i] THE CONBoY CARRIAGE TOPS ARE THE BEST KNOWN. Their imreasing popularity is a proof of thei ’ ' Be sure and get a Conboy top on yo}: r buggy. Gonfeberation iLife and TUMOR Specialist. Private Hospital. No knife. Buo‘k frets. MG. H. MCMICHABL, M D.. __m n «I, u' v ENGE or Town ft). Sen Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Paid-up Policy aml Cash Surrender Value (.uarnnteed in eueh Policy. TO THE TCDI’l‘OR:â€"Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tbg above named disease. By its timely use thousands ofhopeless cases have been permanently cured1 I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOGUM. Mac" I855 West Adelaide Sh, TORONTO, ONTARIO- lor' menâ€"and women. Atmâ€"r'ess- 5:51. Dcmb‘l’ii: I Adams Street West. Toronto. ' musummo“ 5; 619 com-m ENGEâ€"The fCheapcst, Strongest and Best Fence for Farm, Garden, Orchard or Town Lots. Prices from 450 per rod, (16% ft). Send for price list. Toronlo Picket Wire Fence (30.. 221 River St" Toronto. c)? X'MAN :5 M. . ‘7’: Policies ar'e" ilfifié'SEIâ€"fé'étable. ' ’4 y. ‘a: '5‘ ' When I say Cure l do not mean w % a m a I w a merely to stop them for a. time, and than have them rvturn again. I N ‘EAN A RA DICAL CU RE. I have made the disease of Fits. Epiflem‘u 'u' Falling Sic! mess a life-tong study. 3 warrant my remedy to Cure the worst case: Because other], have failed is no .‘eason for not now receivin a cure. Sends: once for. a. treatise and r; Free Bottle of my lnfallimse Remedy. ~ive Ex res: and Post Office. it costs you nothing for a trial, and it inI sue on. A dress 2-41: ROOT. “-0.; Branch Office. I86 WEST AWE-AIDE STREET- 080W"). ‘ THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY. ‘ ls pleasant to use. It heals the skin. and de. stroys insects and germ: on the hair of man 9 Mat. TOILET SOAP COY’S TRANSPARENT CARBOLIC ACID TOILET 80A) THE ALBERT AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST (f. H. MchanBL; M. Di. No.63 Niagara St., Bufl‘alo, N. Y. ACTUARY. 1. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO REMEMBER, AFTER THREE YEARS EARLY Is the only meat preparation that fnllils all the conv- (litions of a Perfect Food, containingr the Albumen and Fibrine. the flesh-forming qualities of meat. Containing slightly stimulating properties. but1 ~ void of all nutrition. Meat Extracts are Simply the Flavor of Meat, Johnston’s Fluid Beef WATBHES FREE. TBHES FREE. $30... mmmmm~ 0 carted)». Watch 00.. Tacoma. cun- DEATH. LINK-BELTING THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, Nortlncote Ave.. Toronto ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. SURE“ aés cuREfi Easily adjusted to any L Engine. MANAGING DIRECTOR. WATEnous ENGINE WORKS co.. ( Special facilities for mak-V ing has reduced prices. .1 I BY LESING THE Plckerlng Spring Governor. SENSITIVE. RELIABLE: YOUR POWER BRANTFORD WINNIPEGQ‘ V Send for ‘30 Page Catalogue. on Llnk-Bemng. I M P ROV E AND couvmm, AND OHEAPEST. All Sizes and Capacities. BEST SAWDUS‘I EQUIcK. éHEAP.

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