AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 62 PUBLISHENG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ON'I‘. Formerlyï¬esuléut Surgeon to the NewYork State Wunmn’s Hosplinl, New York City, mm Vis- iting Physician to SbJahu’s Hospital and Southern Dispensaries, Brooklvn. Oflioe hoursâ€"[3113110 1L Lu ; 6 to 8 p m ï¬r. Lem; Cr: Langstafls’, Late of Toronto, has purchased the residence of Dr Orr, Maple. Will continue practice from name place. Oflice hoursâ€"Before 10 a m , 2 no 3 p m. 7 1:09 pm T. F. MCMAHON. Victoria. Square . 'X‘Imrniull.'\\’nlker Ho \Vomlb’iitlgc . . . Kleiuburg Noblemon . IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ma. mmm mm, Aurora lst, 8th, 16th, am! 22nd Richmond Eli! "ch 51161 24th VOL. XII. (at the Palméi“ EOE}; Stouï¬ville Markham .. .. â€u-nn...‘ Aleinburg Noblemon .. Vitalized Air always on hand at appointments Works like a. charm Free from 1min. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 860.. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building 6’: Loan Chambers, No. 15 Toronto Stg‘eet. Richmond Hi“ Ofï¬ce open every ' Saturday. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURFENT RATES _.__0_ A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. G. MILLIGAN. Toronto (“fleeâ€"N0. 10 King St “rl'€f. Markham omceâ€"Town "all (up-wanirs.) Private Funds to Loan on Mortgage at Lowest Rates of Interest Mr Grimm}: 01‘ M 1‘ Holmes Wit be at the Mark- ham (‘vflico evmjv Saturday from S) n. m to 4 30 p. m.; and as Wehber‘s Hotel, Unionville, every Saturday from bp. 111.. to 8 p.111 Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€" Court Chambers, comer Church and Adelaide Streefs, Thornhm Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from 10 to {2 a. m. Richmond HIII Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every W'ednesday from I to 4 p. m. Goflections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to 1mm Mmmm é? flwwmwg BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES_ 81C. Fullerton, (Took «a “’nllace. BARRIS‘I‘ERS, SOLICITORS &c OFFICE: 18 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. V‘s/R UHT BFOS URiK-"E‘x’flaifll'ï¬ Ã©? Enabaï¬mrn‘s, E‘mw EIQHPMS Address A ROBINSON L.]).S.. Aln‘olaOnt olephone 311 $6 $1 per annum, in advance} J S Fullarcon W D GREGORY Barristers, Sol Y DUDS @LJMES ea aggwalw, BENTON & DUDS, BARDISI‘“RS SOLICI'IOH S AND .‘IOTARIES BUSINE SS CARDS. “WHENCE '&"M1LLIGKI\T. .5. R. MILLER B A 4‘ M E, Toronto University and M C P S U, VITJQILIZEQ $91? Elan gibwzz‘l RICHMOND HILL, ONT‘ (Late bf Brooklyn, N. Y.,) Moxmv to 10:11) at lowest rates Emma 82 Pnormmon Iarï¬on, \V Cook, â€"â€"Wa.lluce PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Adela ide street Ea: USED BY Dr. A. llwlï¬nson. SURGEON DE NTIS’!‘ . wait: icitors,Cm1veyancers,&c.§ Emu. + E LIBERAL. 18911 .2019] .2151; FRANK B DEFTOX, B C L “ :16 A! ‘tvsu'fl em: E. J. B. DUNCAN of each month do G W HOLMES TORONTO Licensou Auctioneer for the Counmes of York Untmxo and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock etc. promptly attended to at reasonable races P. 0.041: Licensed Auctionaer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice an“ a reasonabe rates. P. 0. miuress, King Gold Medalist of the Ontario Vehriuury Cellege Toronto. Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday and Satur» day afternoon of each week. Day or n‘iqht callsyyomptly attended to. A full L1cen‘46d Auchoneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notit- e and at res.- snnable 1818*. Patronage solicited. Residence Splinghill King P (1 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, die. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. 'sxlpplf of meuifzines 36555171513761: hind: 114-321108. A defly and Commercial Hotel replete with BVBIY nomfort. Excellent stables. Special arxmgemems made for dnviug parties QUEEN’S . HOTEL, Ten mil‘gs THOHNHILL- from'l‘oronto March 27, '90 5 PER GENT. UPWABDS. ‘Addtoss This large and commudinua hotel is ï¬tted up with all me modern conveniences. Bar stocked with the best. brands of wines. liquors and cigars. (road enabling and an attenmve hosuler. P. DOYLE, Prom. Thornhill Dec 5th. 1889 Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- edit in ï¬rstâ€"class: style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0‘ accommodutmn , Excellent stablinp and attentive hostlcrs. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. Terms $1 ner dmv. Every accommodation or travellers. Firstâ€"class stabling and an attentive hustler. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Every accommodation to guestï¬. Board, $1.00 per day Richmond. Hill, Benj. Brillingcr. Proprietor. Good accommodation lor the travelling public Choice Temperance “rinks. Best brands of Ciaars. Commcdiuus rooms for commercial â€uvellers TEQEJVEJEL GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL G001 accommnflntiou for h‘avnflers and inward- CTS FiTï¬i-NAFR liqum‘st and 0 gm, . \\'au‘m stublmg and m: attentive hustler. aï¬auï¬â€™ï¬' E‘ï¬iake Emit}. Hemwmme Huse. Issuer of Murnnge Licenses for the County of Yo): I ADVANCING LOANS ehwtinns m'Mv fwrm p'ah‘ Full and \‘(mtou I'urlmq THOS. HUGHES, Prop. THORNHILL, ONT., Harm, flaémms. E; mem MAYQE Emmm, RESIDENCE. Fine Wines, quuors and C1gars. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO I have unequalled facilities for Veterinary Surgeon, Wm. Skardon, Prop. Leeds Richardson. “g1. muaunugh. James (J. Stokes. Salem Eekm-«ll COMMISSIONER IN THE J. T. Suigeon. RE~OPENED AS A ERNEST F LANGS 'I‘AF‘F, Aurora At rates from RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 29. 1890. â€In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essa ntials, Liberty , in all things, Charity. †WIN. 3mm. Prop 2L germ, A. J ‘RUPERT , Prop MAPLE ONT A T??- UNIONVILLE. it} hmr. all the In to t ET your mmd run the gauntlet of woman’s needs, dresses, wraps, hats, under- wear, parasols, shoes, gloves, jewellery, and then see how closely we toe the fashion line with them all. my 606619, Ganpeta, Shawl. Dress materials represent- ing a wealth of color and de« Sign, in plain and fancy weaves, flannel or silk, With trimmings to match. Our own importation, to be sure, together with Paris made COStumes, full of style: and ready for immediate use“; So much you already know, pro- viding you took the trouble to learn at the counters. A handsome collection hf jackets and wraps winning approval and dollars. Every desirable fancy in overgar- ments, whether wanted now or for sultry summer use. Some very light and ‘airy ef- fects in lace, mostly exclusive to this trade. They are but a fraction of a multitude. T. EATON 86 CO. Custom mlllmerlngflougflh ing Our workers busy (3' orders crowding 1n. Hats, toques,bonnets ready trimmed or trimmed to order. Nothing llke such business outside this store. VVe’re learning better with the years. Underwear generalities qual ity bettered, price lowered. A reaching out to higher busi- ness limits with every ounce of worth put where it properly belongs. No need to tell of under wear goodness You can dec1de at a glance. A para sol exhibit immensely more perfect than any we’ve ever before asked you to see. All the novelties in fringed, plaids and lace trimmed kinds for micses and children as much as any one else. Jewellery nick- nacks and notions art: stic and cheap Hair ornaments and useful bits of brightness by the bushel almost. A steady, even gait among the carpets. Plenty to do, and helpers enough to keep the crowd satisï¬ed. Our facilities expand with the need of them. A postal card is enough to bring all the facilities of the store to vour home, just as much as though we were located in your town. Tblnk 0! a clerkâ€"educated to know fashâ€" ion Chung-gs, merclmndisy, qualities, styhs and colorsâ€" llcil'p uh your beak and call whenever you wish. Yonge 83 Queen Sts. Toronto That’s shopping by mail. Samples of any kind at limiluule merchandise can be had for the asking. N. B.~In writing be careful to address your letters plainlyâ€"190 Yonge Street; or. if here in pawn, have a cum that you get into the right More. £90 is the, num- her, and T. Batman: «‘k (10. the name. “Cash and One Price.†TM! lm‘gwst and bust nmmintnd Dry Guam 5 H†‘ 'n the Dominion. am‘v ‘ ‘ V ' “1‘ mm (MW 5‘.) ‘ "‘PHL“. “4 T. EATON <96 CO TORONTO, May 29, 1890. Hundreds of Clothing buyers have vistted us since the inauguration of the Big Liquidated Clothing Sale. We don't know of one visitor who was disappointed or dissatisï¬ed. . A large part or the stock has been sold. We’re now going through and culling E " out the odd lots. We‘ll sell them at 1'â€" a priceâ€"halfin some cases. If you g 3 can be suited with a Suit for yoursellp 7- _, "L or boy out of them it’ll pay you. it not our immense stock 01 regular goods is here for you to select from. We sell Bovs‘ Suits at $2 to $10, clean, new goods, made strongly and stylishly, the sort of Suit a boy can live with long and comfortably; nice-looking and nice-wearing. Besides regular Clothing the summer stuff is ready. Fine Worsted and Silk Coats and Vests from $3.50 to $10, What do you think 01 a clean cut, shapely, stylish American Coat for 50c. each for both big and little men ? We have them. They're a marvel ’ 0n the whole the Richmond H1". and Yonge St. Agricultural Society never had a more successful Fair than that of Satur- day last. The sun came out bright in the morning, and at an early hour it was apparent that the exhibits in live stock at least would be on a large scale. But the plovelbiel Queen’ 3 weather did not continue for shortly after noon the clouds becume sullen and ominous and threaten- ed heavy rain before the close of- the day y. However. towards evening old Sol proved himself stronger than the watery god and a gorgeous night followed for the concert which was held in the Agricultural Hell in connection with the society. The gate receipts were less than last year but taken with the proceeds of the concert the at mount received was in advance of any former year. T. THOMPSflN &. SflN, The Fair A Great Success. QUEEN’S BIRTH-DAY The County seemed well represented from all quarters, and among those pre- sent we might mention the following:â€" Mr. G. B. Smith, ex-M. P. R; Dr. Gil- mour, ex-M. P. P., Mr. John Gibson, Messrs. J. Armstrong, Wm. COok. Geo. Keith, Frank Danton, J. Craig, Editor of- the Live Stock Journal, of Toronto ; Simpson Rennie, Scarboro; J. U. Lundy, Jonathan Slater, Markham {Thorn Lloyd, G. Smith, Whitchilrch ; Alex Cameron, J. Malloy, \V. T. Robinson, Leeds Rich- ardson, J. McNeil, Vaughan. The per- formances of DoreiiWend, Dickie d‘: Com~ pany, on the slack wire, trapeze (£0. Wei‘eygood, and many of their exercises were rendered more enjoyable by the music furnished by the Maple band. Those musicians played well and received many flattering compliments during the afternoon. Of the exhibits the horses took ï¬rst place. Seldom can so much good stock be seen at large county shows. Russell Bros snoWed 2 two-year-old im- ported stallions. 1 one year old imported stallion, 2 yearling Clydesdale ï¬illies, 1 two year old Clydesdale ï¬lly, a team of general purpose horses and a brood mare and cart horse which weighed that day .1970th. rl‘liey also showed 16 or 17 head of Durham cattle besides one or two grades. In Herefords Mr. 0. Holmes had a tine herd. In Leicester and Cots- wold sheep P. Boynton and Thus. F. Boynton A': Son Were the chief exhibitors, and in Southdowns Mr. Br. Marsh took all the prizes. 111 Swnie the honors fell to Tlios. F. Boynton, Frisby Bros. and Padget (0 Sons. \V. d: A. Wright were the largest exlxibitois in poultry. The ladies’ department was not up to the standard, and the bulk of the prizes fell to three or four exhibitors. In accord- ance With an agreement among manufac- turers the display of implements was small. b‘lcury’s Sms, Aurora, showed :i very ï¬ne selï¬binder, and A. Flenry and Sons, Stoutfville, liod a dog power churn which attracted considerable attention. Other Specials were 21 Hay and Grain ele voior by Savage and Nicholle, C, Mason’s display of smves, R. Sivei‘s’ large and elegant display of Boots and Shoes, 0. J. Brown’s New \Villiams’ sewing nmcliinzw: A’c. There were also 12opm and covered buggies from Ti'eiicli’s carriage \\'orlis,;im; a good exhibit. of fumiture by l‘. G Savage. Mr. Joe. Dniioumb. Photograph Cl‘. Nowmnilml, tool: homo with him two rm! HUl eis and ti. blue one ior soim lL'1liiii: it"“l Ultil n,>u:(~2lm;'.u:i31s J? ; AT RICHMOND HILL. OVER 1000 AT THE CONCERT. MAY 291i]. I890. TORONTO. other pictures which were on exhibition. The following is the Prize Liamâ€"- HORSES. JUDGESâ€"LAflhill‘ Johnston, Philip Jeff-I rey, Simpson Rennie. CLASS 1â€"- IMPORTED DRAUGHT â€" Stalli‘ I" aged, lst James Russell & Bros; Stallion 3 years old, lat Donald Watson; Stallion 2 years old, lat and 2nd James Rm"â€" s‘ell & Bros; Stallion 1 year old, 1815 Jas Russell & Bros. Specialâ€"Spring colt by The Pacha.].st John Tyndall. CLASS 2~CANADIAN DRAUGHTâ€"Stal- lion aged’, 2nd Thou F .Royntuu & Sons;' Stallion 3 years old, let Alfred Kefl'er; Stallion 2 years old, lst John Cox, '2nd 7W Foute; Stallion 1 year old, 131: W J Howard, 2nd Richard Casely; Brood mare aged, lat Jan Russell (2 Bros; 2nd Jf‘lm Bane; Filly 2‘ eard’ (Wrist Thoa dimï¬ï¬iï¬g, ï¬atï¬ï¬a‘zï¬m &, Bros; Filly 1 year old. lat Jan Russell & Bros, 2nd-‘Sï¬3wagt, Wilcox; Span of horses in harngés, 15% J35 Wells, 2nd P Boynton. 'Spe'cials~â€"Cart horse in harn- ess, lst Jas Russell & Bros; Yéarling colt; by Richmond, lat Stewart Wilcox, 2nd’ W Millikan. ï¬ylvy) 3]]! CLASS 3â€"GENERAL .PURPoSEâ€"Stallinn aged, 2nd Jonathan Brilliuger; Stallion 1' year old, 13!; Henry Rumble,- 2ud' Thos‘ F Boyn Lon d’: Sons; Brood mare aged, lat; 'l‘hos F Boynton, 2nd Geo Forester; Filly '2 years old. 15!. Robert \Vhittaker, 2nd P Macklem; Filly 1 year old, lst George Forester, 2nd Tllos F Boynton; Span of horses in harness, lat F Marsh. JUDGES *James Brydon, G’eo Goblet-1 CLASS 4â€"CARRTPAGE Holtsosâ€"Stallion' aged. 1% W Marsh; Stallion 3 years old, lst S C Snider; Stallion 1 year old, lsh Ins Brown, 2nd \V & A Wright; Filly 2' years old, lab Jacob Lines; Fllly 1 year old, Isl, Jas Brown. CLASS 5~R0Answm HORSES â€"-Sta.llion aged, ls: W R Proctor; Stallion 2 years old. lst. John Palmer, 2nd A \Vright; Stallion 1 year old, hat John Palmer, ‘an" John \Vindmss: Brood mam aged, 15!; and 2nd, John Palmer: Filly 2 years old, Isl Jas Weller, 2nd Robt Thompson; Filly 1 year old, lst. Dr Willmott, 2nd H F anper. Specialsâ€"Spring horse Cult by Budget), 15!. John Palmer; Spring ï¬lly by Hodgen. lat. John Palmer. CLASS 7:â€" HORSES # Single carriage» horse in harness, [M W G Soules, 2nd E Draper; Span of madsters. 211d John Kelly; Single rtmdsmr,‘ Is: John Palmer, 2nd Jas Robb; Saddle horse. m R Kers- lake. 2nd R. Ellintt; Single driving horse, lst Juo Palmerflud E Draper; Farmer’s specialâ€"~Driving horse, lst E Draper, 2nd \V G Sonles; Single driving pony‘ lst Miss Jennie Palmer. 2nd R Pugsley. JUDGESâ€"Wm Linmn, Henry Jennings and Thomas \Vebster. CLASS 84Durhnmâ€"BHH,:120d.1st and 2nd Q Rugseli .{z Bras; Bull, L’ yours URL, ht C Km‘sweâ€; inâ€. l yvm’ old, lat Jns Rama-H and Bros: 70\\‘, uged‘ ht and 2nd Jus Russell and Rims; Heifer, 2512mm Kama-H and Bros: 70““, uged‘ ht and 2nd Jus Russell and ï¬rms; Heifer, 251mm uh“. ht and 2nd {has Rnswll :nu‘t Bras; H 1 year 01d, 15:? and 13m? Just Lus- sull. Urn,1}u#Cuw, aged, .st 3; Russell um] r’n'n. 105M“ ] yenrnid. 1:1' ‘V and A \Vrisx H . 2nd Thus Lndfnrd, Juz‘st‘yâ€" ’mh L aeursnM, 1-,:tD’icKinwm Bras; (1 :zzwd, 151,0 KurswvH. HvMeinï¬ I )(‘éU‘ nl<L 1 € F Gilmm; Heifer, :3 .. : i‘Hllxn yam-0:415. 1M Hmwm Bros. Hrwfmrd- BMW. 1’ f‘mm HM 3,,Cl"c§IY(u1‘):(‘F; COW, t (hwy 5} Raw: Voifm‘. 2 vvm's I] -m;<*=:1‘111h‘r ? ye’n' 01(1, Fm THUR? FM 0): The New Mammoth, 136 to I40 ng St. E.- [Single copies, 3 cfS'. CATTLE \\' 'hfh ‘7'» (g; UH No. 48.- \Vx ï¬ght; 3-le Rus-