$1 pcr annum, in mdvanccd, “ I u 1355672156113, U m't , in Nonâ€"1353371312215, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†VOL. XI‘. .m (we is 13317. 1 NOTA RY PUBLIC . C(>I‘.‘I.‘.llHSIOI\’JCR I.‘ THE . éVWVVWT........M...W_.WT_.WWW__, “ 5‘ $13 ’a (‘13:; um» i †fuck globes/d Is l‘lfllhib'lllil) Wyn}: THU singly MORNING AT Tl‘HE LlBEll-Al PR‘l‘ll'lllG d rUBLlSHlNG ilIUllMUNl) thh, our. ‘1‘. r. in. M Aiui o N ' ’7‘? {Millennium EDITOR it Piloi'iuimu. . N .. .. ., THORNHILL, ONT., Veterinary Surgeon, I HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. r- '1‘ in a. a: M . SE ' Inger Cl. lemmas Licenses. RICHMO D lllLL POST OFFICE. 1"; 0 C: .. .. , ,__- 7. . Bl. SI}: 1‘1 S t3 (..-A.B‘.D S. 7 . 7 .-. 7 .... Gold Mmluiistof the Ontario Veterinary Ccllcge 1 'l‘orouw. \‘l'ill \'lblt]{’l€l]nln}l(lllzll\‘1\[‘lllleb‘(l&3' and Sutur- lluy afternoon of cum}: week. ..-:*v or IllLIllL-(‘lbll‘n' pm: aptly u‘.’ illlé'd m. A full 13'01 mmllcilh‘s coiisi..ntlyon liumd. W. .d W ,W..W WWW .‘zrlcm Rickard! Licensw Auctioneer for the Counties of York in uuzi l’c Goods sold on consignment. sulcs mistook, ole†promptly attended eusonunlc rates. 1’. 0. address. UNIONVILLE. RECHEU‘NIJ ll’lLTi. ONT. (Lube of Brooklyn, N. ‘17.,3 Sfoi‘irlerly Resident Si \Vunmn’s Hoapllul, i itiug.r l’hys 'iull in :. South 1) Dis Office hour: â€"v1 mil l on no 1123 NewYork State \\'\‘mk(1ity,mm Vis~ .Jolin’s llospiml lLlld "" v warms, Brooklyn. ~. in ; (3 to t4 p 111 James (I. Marines. Lionnsml AV pioneer for: flit County of York, re- , spcol‘ully : units yoiirpnti'oncg:e and friendly influence. Llos amended on the shortest notice uni a rcnsonuberuti-s. l‘. (1. mluross, King RR, ERRW 1‘} A «5:11. B, Toronto lTuivorsity and {1-1. G l’ S U, MAKPLE, Si... 11‘. em ..con, Licensed Auctioneer for tho County of York. Sums "Retained to on shortens notice and in: reu- sonalilvr’u’cs. .1’utronugc (solicited. Residence . , 5‘ J 'lll! l. Kin“ l’ (r unto of Toronvo, has purchased tliciesideuce of 1.11 . . H .. . W W .W. W‘ Dr Uri, Maple. \l'ill (continue hi‘uc'ioc - ‘ 1.}, '. WW pun-o. A “ Leeds Mic Harrison. ‘Oflzcc hoursâ€"Dolor: 1:) u m , :3 to 3 1' m, 7t09 p n: . , â€WWW“, A Issuer Blill‘l‘lél.;’,{‘. lnz-mivm for too County ._W.W We . .. . W .. . ..m.-..“..m.WWW. my.†I count ' . . . . llnsnwwcn, â€" MAPLn ONT I have unequalled l'iiciiitics for ADVANCING LOANS At; rates from 5 PER EER'F. RRWRRBS. V’JTe‘d‘fl IEEZJ†£5112? "USED BY D r. A. Rushing so“. S ORG EOE Dl-IN'I‘TS'K‘, Aurora ist,§‘.tli.1ï¬i,h.mnl :19nd of ouch mouth Address 'Riclmmml Hill. uh :Lll'l L’llh do TV ‘« u“ ‘ ‘ . (lib cue Pull 1' 11011st LABESA F LARGS D‘tiFuFrbrn Stouflviile j. .10 , W. W_WWW.. ,- W. . W ‘ Markham 'lh (lo - . _â€" Victoria. Square st do I - 1 T} 3 \f , ‘ ‘ 4 Thor 7 . iv. .41 all) l lJl k J gV‘oolllhriJr tli (lo I I 1 . , .ciu mi ' . R . ' a; .2. .1... f’Y‘kï¬RRlllLmem on hand of. um'xonituients A Family und Commercial Hotel replete with “'0 ~:slikm arm l‘i-cofi'on pain. 1 every l‘oml‘urt. Address A 1;.) $0}; j,.]»,'gu,\,,,.,,,,, Ont. _ 1 lllxuel nL smhles. . _ W’Ef'fl F“ 7 . .. WM 73%“ m Specia. unuugcmenns made lo). (liivmg pal tree 37“.,“ W’m. Skurdcn, Prop. »‘_'W“ 7"†‘ll' ’ March ‘27, ’90 Ln‘i/VHENFE g. M 1 LL 1i" W ,1 ' ,1. f '1 ' v- "DVDâ€"1 U ~ “AN- ï¬fe... on. c (renews. Barristers, Solidi-are, Conveyancers, &c.. "Toronto Ofï¬cew NO. 14 Building d: Loan This large. mid commodimis hotel is ï¬tted up Chambers, ND‘XS Toronto Street. with all too mo-lcrn oonvcvionoes. Bur shocked with the best. brands: of win liquors 11nd cigars. Richmon d {1 (good stuliling rind un attaiilive hostler. Saturdlfvl Ofï¬ce Open Every 1’. DOYLE, Prop" Thornhui Dec 51.11.1889 WW ..W.W MONEY T0 LOAN AT 'LOll’EST CURRENT RATES .13.. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. «'6. MILLIGAN. Z’EQEF- fierce ï¬ance, THOS. Iâ€"IUGHE 8, Prop. rf'uflcraon, Cook (é; Vi blinde.‘ B‘iRRIS’l‘EliS, SOLICITORS (C'c HFFICE : 18 KING .5] inzizr EAST, ‘l'ononmo Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J S Fullerton, W Cook, l3†PHIVA‘X"! .1. Us To toAN. Fine Wincs,L1qucrs and Cigars. Every uncluumodutiou or travellers. Firstâ€"class stublirg and an attentive hostlcr. in; BUMiN’lON HOUSE, _\Vtxll?.(36 W 1) (i uncour 1‘1.» c. Win-ml... Richmond Hill, ï¬gflï¬hï¬l‘g) {p}, Qgï¬igglgyg Benxj. Brillingcr. Proprietor. Berrisf crs, Solicitors, Conveyarccrs, 65c. Toronto dbiï¬csraflo. 10 King; St. llavinc‘roï¬ttcll the above House and furnish- ed il in ï¬rsbcluss styl ' I um prepared to give the ‘W U. _ public the best 0" imcommmlution . Excellent 5 «E. stallling mill :\1 :im‘ve hustlers. Sumplc Rooms â€.lfll‘khmflw ï¬lï¬ï¬‚c~7§owx n ï¬ï¬mli,‘ for commercial travellers. Terms $1 Der (lav. (l?§¥*§it:uia'§§.) .. , " ' * " ' , """*“"â€""- . .' , 1 _ , ., _ , ,. f . , Em ate Finns to lm n on Mortgage at Lowest £757; ï¬lgfl’RIQQWQ of lnlcl'csl Mr Grogo ‘V or M Liam ()l‘lfco c . C171,: unrl M 'Llulurdcy ‘ J. ll. MILLER Lolmus “‘ll be at the Marks “ 1'11sz from 21.1 in To 4 23’) p, llolcl, linioinillc, every :1 s p.115. @ilai‘lefil i‘l’wf‘llhkflay 13S RING s'rmmxr EAST. TORONTO E. :1. B. DUNCAN Every accommodation to guests. Board, 81.00 _ per day Rig/wow? .e 3.52%:ng ‘ “ “ ‘ c_.W,,g., .._,§,., . 1 “.‘LFIllIE .“WS, FULICITUBS‘ AND NOTARXES. URAND CENTR AL HOTEL Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€" Court Chambers, corner mu-OPDALD AD A Church and Adelaide Slrccls. P‘- a {TlIOfnldlllOf‘l‘lCï¬r-‘EJOSY Ofï¬ce every Vv'ed- ‘ egg} kï¬ggï¬gg " 'ï¬sg ncsday from :0 to 12 a. m. ’ 11R 3 1 I Richmond Hill. Officc~Post Office every. “~â€" , . . . .. .. _ , . . 'y' 1 ,, ,. (1 00d nccmnmmlnti-o-i lo. the may eilnigpubhc W Educ.’;cay.rorn I to “7‘ p' m“ 1 Choice 'J.‘mnporuuz:e Drinks. Best hrunds of y, . . ,. , Cigars. Uommulious rooms for commercial (Jollectionnmbify and Country promptly ruvollers attended to. illoncy to loan A. J-RI'PERTTI‘OP- ANDREW ‘L‘fllIS. 1m,“ .. ,gva’ ,7 C L ,3? . .» ’ ., WW"! 1 G: w, t 1 sum . 1 O u lemme a one: algae l: . .13....th 01.383, . ffiAliRlSTFFS’ HICKORY, l‘lOT.5.RlES,&£. . livclmstler. iii/Na. HELL. Prop Monov to iron as kwest rates. all;Alumnauranium, : , , (if) ’, . ï¬r. elcphnnci‘? szoii'rc 6 Rule ’\ W alllnï¬lju, Wm mmzm-mrirxmï¬mmmlm ‘ iv‘" ‘ ') » » â€".-,,. »--.~A - .. ~. , . 71," -â€"-â€"vâ€"~, Willy-1517, DRESS-~n’iAISLmR. ' . .4.» . r .. . , M ml tic Int 1‘15 manila: “in: l'. .w :31. “Munich. as, . Qiailrewgivea. 0° untried. Richmond Hill. A call in 501 cited. (â€a n ewe: fi‘ u: r i1 as? IT. EATON/851C “Cash and One Price.†Dry Goods, Carpets, Slices. TORONTO, June 12, 1890. u the whole stock of dress I goods not one excuse to of- fer. The pick and choice of the foremost makers of the world, with many a novelty to tempt your money from you and leave no regret. We know ofnothing outside that Will match our assort- ment‘ for anything near the prices, to say nothing of quanâ€" tity. Any color you set out for, and generous range of qualities. It took many years to win the place in which we stand to-day. lu buying mourning goods durability is of the ï¬rst imâ€" portance. Black dre’sscs are worn out, and not thrown a- side because fashion changes or fancy tires of them. VVe’rc particular to get the best made and keep well in ad- vance of the demand. No question about your getting here just what’s wanted. 0: Dress trimmings and patâ€" terns are but links in the (LUMWBERLQEU 157‘» " makes this store headquarters for every personal need. “/6 sell both and sell them well. Uncle Sam sends us some new and clever designs in striped brocadcd ombre, zephyr and delaine prints, warranted fast colors. Amer- ican ingenuity never showed to much better advantage; the lot won’t last longr at 7% and 9 cents. Others from over the sea, distinctively English in make- up, true to their reputation. Pennies count big among them. ' Ordinary newspaper prices don't count for much. Here’s one, though, that’s full of meaning and represents the 1 showing of the entire depart- ment : Ladics’ Swiss EmbrOIdcrcd White Muslin Aprons, see. You can pay twice as much for equal value and feel satis- ï¬ed. So much to your credit here. u.â€"......,~ A postal card is enough to bring all the facilities of the store to vour home, just as much as though we were located in your town. Think of a clerkâ€"~elluoated to know fnsh- » ion changes, mcrchandiae, qualities, styles and colorsâ€"being at your beck and cell Whenever you wish. Thal’s shopping by mail. Samples of any kind of mailuble merchandise can be had for the asking. . N. B.~In writing be careful to address your lettcrs plainly-190 Yonge Street, or. if hero in person, have a care that. you get into the right store. 190 is the num- ber, and '5‘. Eaton k ()0. the name. T. EATON & 0C)., chge do Queen Sts. Toronto The largest and best appointed Dry Goods House in tile Dominion. 25,-. acres of selling space over 50 tilllel'i‘lil det‘ertmculs. o. lllllillllld RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 12. 1890. Our store is unmistakably “The People’s store.†At every hour of the day and all through the week “the peopleH are in each one of Ten Big Departments. just now the Cloth- ing Department is drawing a very big «y business. The attraction is the [2.3! Special Sale of Surplus Suits (Men's râ€" i‘ and Boys'). \Vc’re asked every day 4 ‘What are Surplus Suits? †\Vcï¬fï¬cgzw; rm .Lfly explain as follows :»-This season we made up twice as ual, and on April 16th Stock of Boisseau, Chalcraft These 1,500 are the Surplus Suits. Man’s Suit for $3.50, on. many boils as us- wc bought at 65C. 011 the dollar the Liquidatcd ' & CO., amounting to $12,000, consequently we have in Stock lo-day about 4,000 suits. This IS 1.500 too many. \Vhile they last you may buy a $6.50 an $38 one for $4.50, a $12 Suit for $7.50, and so This is a big opportunity for Suit Buyers. W..â€" l. lRRRllRRR R 3811 Maple l The Trustees of Maple 111. Church have been improving their Church property by laying a good substantial sidewalk from the front'cntrance to the Church and to the Vestry door. Some years ago they planted a lame number of shade trees a- round this church ; these have. grown so well than it is now surrounded by a. ï¬ne grove, which makes it one of the most beautiful church properties in this section of the country. But. if you should pass this way, be content to feast your eyes on the beauties of the landscape. Don’t look at the Spire. Tuesday evening a large number of the members of Maple Presbyterian Church assembled at the residence of hire. John McDonald to spend a social time together. During the evcniugjliss E. Smelaor was 'pr‘esï¬fm â€with a valuunie tea set, as a slight. aclmowledgcmcnt of her services as organist of this Church. The Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Smith’s Falls preached in the Pres. Church last S..1':l).ath afternoon. Dr. R. B. Orr, of Toronto, is visiting friends in Maple. Inlaple School ~Standing of Senior Fourth Class in Arithmetic. Maximum number of marks, 100 :â€"~.T:la. H. Keller, 87; Minnie. Dilwortli, 80; Lulu Shunk, 77; Bert. Jackson, (37; Passie Crooks, (50. â€"A>â€"â€"â€" The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “Want.†Advertise- ment. If you want to buy or sell any thing. If you want a situation, a mechanic, :1 business, machinery. lodg- ings, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to (ind out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL :md read the advertisements on the third page, of that page. The charge is Two hints a. word each insertion, Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. Crickeblflatch. The ï¬rst Cricket Match of the season was played on the new crease in the Park on Saturday between the married and single members of the club. There-was quite :in attendance, and the oil-lockers . were enthusiastic when good play was made on either side. The match was free to ladies and no extra Charge was made for the Grand Stand. The wickets were pitched at 2.30 p. m. louucillor Sanderson acted as Umpire and \Valker Hall kept the score. By tossing up a copper the benedicts went ï¬rst to the willow, Newton and Brydon being the ï¬rst victims. After making ] and 3 runs respectively their stumps fell before Mackenzie. Piper ran up a score of 14 before lliddell struck his middle wicket. \Vyiie, Atkinson, Palmer and McMahon came next in order and retired with scores of from 0 to 2. Clubiue was then called. chas butting in good form when a “round:xrmâ€sl.ruck him on the ankle with teriillc force. Dr. L. G. Langstull' who was playing covenpoint was called in, bathed the wounded limb in cold water, bandaged it up and the game con- tinued. During the rest of the innings Clubiue had the assistance of a running- niate. Brownlce played strong and made , a couple Of line square leg hits u hen hisl colleague was caught out. At this junc- ‘ ture the game had to be stopped for ten uxinulcs to allow l’uaslcy lime to equip himself. He changed his shr‘cs for spiked boots, wrapped his lower extremities with log-guards, pulled on his tubular indiu- l rubber gloves and looked the image of 1 Grace, the English cricketer, when much to his disgust llrownlcc “as bowled out. i lbc next. ball, which ended the innings. Score 33. ‘ made 14 runs. . hungstull‘, ll Piper. . Byersb Newton... . The New Mammoth, 5 136 to 140 King St. 13., The bachelors then faced the bowling of Newton and. Piper, and ran up a scorf: of 40. Padget played in good style and None of the other players on this side got as high as double ï¬gures. Nicholle made some clean hits but. they fell short and (hiring the remainder of tlm ï¬rst innings he answered to the name of “duck eug.†Mackenzie was run out. after a score of 3. The bencdicts again went to bat, and their opponents on the ï¬eld. This time 57 was reached before the last stumps fell. McCuaig’s bowling made sad havoc for the ï¬rst ï¬fteen minutes, but the rest of the bowling was a. little unsteady. Atkinson made as many runs as in the former innings. and Pugsley who went to the but early in “be innings made 1 run. The single men had now 50 runs to make to capture their opponents. They went to Work with determination, but luck seemed against them. Padget had just. settled himSclf for a score of 20 when 2). long hit, which should have been good. for tlm-e runs.went. into \Vylie’s territory which was the same as falling into a Mad: smith’s Vice. liddcll also gave promise of giant-like. strokes, but when swiping at square-leg his but. came in Contact with the wickets which were levelled with the ground. By the new book this was de« clarcd â€out.†The remainder of the scores were small, and at. the close of the match the “old heads†were declared the winners. From the interest in the game on Saturday in is almost impossible to conceive the decay of this thoroughly numly sport unless the national character should degenerate and popular plays cease to be attractive. Below we append the scorczï¬ MARRIED MEN lst Innings 2nd Innings \Vylic. run out . lli'ydon, b Mcl‘lon' ' . .. 3 ‘ , .. Newton, 1) McKoume ...... 0 l) McUuaig l’iporc l’udg'cn h lti<ldoll..lnl l: “111ch McMahon, b ltiildell . . l b ill-3011: (lluhino. run out. . 0 not. out; Atkinson, b Alcl‘icn ' Palmer, run ouL lilmvulec, l) liidllllcll . ......... O . 4 l) illcCuniq .. Puuslcy, not. out ............. 0 b :llCClllUg C Pulmcr, c McCuuig b Melici is .. 3 b Ilidtlcll Wulcs .‘l Dyes 33 57 SiNGLn MEN 1st Innings Hull Innings Ridrlcll, c Piper 1) Newton . 1) Newton ............ McKomzic, run out . :3 0 mill 1) Newton .‘l c Brydon ., l 1; M r ., McLean, b1\'c\\ton . . 1 b No ton Nicliolls,c Palmer 1) Piper 0 run out. ..... 'l‘ French, 1) Piprr . ] c .U kinson Sanderson. live out (1 1; Newton ..... l’mlucl. 1) Newton .. l; l) Wilny c l’lllcl \V Trench bl’ipor 41 not. out . . . . . . \l' . " Bycs McCuaig, b l’ipcr A.†9 WVM.__ LISTEN.~-â€"Farmcrs’ \Vivcs and daugh- lcrs do you want to make. home pleasant and comfortable, and to have snug and cosy sleigh drives, if you do, call :LL Dilâ€" \\'orlli’s Drug Store and you will gel full and valuable information how to make :1. beautiful and coslly looking Hearth Rug. and Door Mat out of A Common slzcep‘ skin, \\ilh so little trouble that you will be as mud as: a. “hello; " that you did not know long ago; also will: lhe shine little trouble, you can make an elegant. Sleigh [Lobe out of "Coon, Dog, Deer or other kind of skins, and nmke (hem us' soft as a kid clove I .l’lnuw cull yourself, and it‘ll your friends to cull at. liilwortli's Drugr Store, 1‘70 King but East 'l' 'vonlc. lil'tWV‘l‘Zl the Clyde and Hiplssing llm‘cls. The only place such information had. illllf ('d‘vl bc‘