Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jun 1890, p. 5

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W. .L/siafv‘fl N. R. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail Acconi. Ex. (Elly Hit-ll 8.033 113 05 5.10 Union ............ 8.15 123.15 5.20 Brorl' Strcct . . .5325 Pru‘kdnl 3,2513 Diiveupoi 5.40 Downsv’ .. . 5.47 Thoriiliill .. 12.55 6.05 lRICHMOND HILL 1.01 (3.15 King .................. (3.27 Aurora ..... . 1.30 (7.45 Nowmurkcf- 9:75 Lll (3.57 GOING SOUTH. Ex. Accovn. Mail. Newmnrkct... .. 8 on 12.l»l 6355 Aurora, .811 12,223 6.43 Kill, .. 8.177 12.38 7.02 Rm . .. . ...... 83'] law 7.1? K‘liornliill 8.40 12.5.”) '7.20 Downsviow . 9.05 ............ Dmveliport. 9.11 l.lH 7.410 Pctkdale .. 9.16 1.25 7.47 TORONTO, Brook Street...... 9.25 ...... .. Union .. 9.30 1.13:"; 800 City Hull... . 943 l ~15 8 10 esccrcirs sricr, LINE. Connect-s with rill trains. leaving the Palmer Hmrsn lticlinion ‘Hill. as follows: Mui‘ d' Expresshorth 8: Smith. .Alicoinniodmtion “ “ Mail db Express North 1’s Soutl ..,..7.45 R, m. .1100 .. 1:”: 1i, m. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed til; the chhmond llill Post Office as i'ollmfszâ€" MORNING 1â€"Goinlz NOYtl].Stilllll Rust said \Vc'st, including 'l‘linrnhill, Maple. Toronto, Markham .dfic. 7.45 EVENING râ€"Going south Bust and West (0.8 shovel 5.30 N.B.~Rel:istorod Letters must he handed in at. least FifteoiiMiniilazsearlierthan the lLbOVO mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. I’ostiiiustor. ill/lit Stilton. firesiroxn HILL, Tliiirsd ay, June 12. 90 In (C) (3‘ AL I; J,‘ . Two Colts strayed from West York Town- ship. Sec another page. Farmer‘s Lard and Bacon at the Concrete. great. value. ‘ The North York ’lciichers’ Association \Vlll hold their next meeting in Aurora, Quantities of choice Juno Butter elin be procured at the Concrete House. The Directors of the Richmond Hill & Yongc St. Agricultural Society held a busi- ness meeting in the Lorne Hell on Wednes- day, of last. week. ‘ Dried Apples and Prunes the best value In the from: at the Concrete. Mr. Lori (.luby drove ll. loud of citizens of both si xes tn the city on 'l'hursdmy afternoon to listen to one of the brilliant concerts viv- en by Gilmour‘s famous Band. D ‘ l’owtifred Sugar, Lump Sugar, Granulated Sugar, icing Sugar, Yellow Sugar iind law Sugar zit the Concrete, selling yet at old figures. On Saturday last. the Toronto Lacrosse Club d: ted tho ()ltilwvis on Rosetlhle Ground: live cords to one. This Wits the first. championship lacrosw mutch of the season. AGfiTdPD Party in mid of St. John's church, Olik Ridges, will ho hold on the hiwn of Mr. James lxcrswill, lilgin Mills. on \Vcdnesdav evening next. Tho lliclilnond Hill Build \.‘ll be in attendance. Next Sunday being Conference Sundav there Will be. no service lit-1d in the Method- ist cburch hole in the morning. Rev. Mr. . , . , . . Joye, foimcrly of Maple, wnl preach in the evening. The young; peopio of the Methodist church congregation purpose giving their Annual Strawberry Festival and Garden Party on the Park on Dominion Day, particulars of which Will be given hiler oii. Lust Friday, the day lifter tho ch-cliori, the morning ninil did not. much the village till about 1 p. in. Tho delay gave good oppor- tunity to discuss the previous day’s work, while waiting for the newspapers. The lllectrolypc: bearing the words “ His Hour has Como," which were used in so many Conservative newspapers previous to the 5th of June, will have to be hiid aside for the next four yours at least. Music Lessons. '1 As‘wnl be seen by card on another page , V I x . v ' ‘ ' Mi. 0. t... 1 oisylll, of Aurora, Visits Rich- mond Hill on Friday of every week to give lessons lll music. Thorough instruction guaranteed. Presbyterian Church. Rev. W. W. Percival being in Ottawa st- tendnig the General Assembly, his place will be occupied next Sunday morningr by Rev D W . . _ 1 . ' ' ' pzimclcn, of anle. ho SCL‘VlCO will be held in the evening. Notice to Volunteers. Capt. Holmes will be at the Drill Shed Richmond Hill, on Satuvdliy evening, June 1‘1““), and will receive the names of recruits \vno desire to enlist rind accuinpiuiv the men to Niagara for the Annual Drill: comâ€" ziieucing Tuesday. June 17th. Thursday’s rill” ciiused the greatest flood in Aurora within twolvc years. Baldwiuls mill-dam was broken, the skaliiigqiiik was \ racked, and on the lowland fences and crops were swept. away. In Schomberg two i'- ll~dams burst. several business and private t'\7elllllL{S were swept. away, and the less ex- ceds ill-5,000. ' Answer. In reply to a correspondent Mr. John W. Gamble was (denied over the lion. James Haivey Price as Member of Parliament in the year 1851. The constituency was then known. as the West Riding of York. For wine time previous it. was called Scuth York. . Moved by Engineer Browalee, Seconded by . Administrator‘s 8316. Mr. \V. A. Clark, Sherwood, is offering for Sale by Tender 11 house and lot at Tlioriihill tuition. Also a. farm in the township of Monmouth, county of Hinlibnrton. Tenders Wlll be receivad up to the 15th of July. For purliculurs sec bills. N-Dt Inserted. We have had to refuse three letters this week from three of our subscribers, the wxiters not Wishing to appear over their own signatures. Why will correspondents not be responsible for their own opinions the sume as publishers. :7 Token of Esteem. On the evening previous to her marriage, Miss Simpson was presented by the Method- ist congregation with a beautiful Music Cub- inet. with glass mirror. At the same time Miss Ida. Simpson was Iriide the recipient of an elegant pair of opera glasses. Both these young ladies are well worthy of this slight token of esteem. To Galt. About 30 members of the Fire Brigade purpose going to Gait to-mOirnw (Friday) and will compete for prizes in Hose Reef and Hook and Ladder teams. It is to hex hoped they Will be successful as they have 1 l been in the past, as not to win would mean They will Success go quite n drum on the funds. take the train from Toronto. Willi them. OfGreat Value. Capt. D. H. Lyon, manager niidproprietor of the U. P. R. and R. W. and O. 1’». our ferry, Prescott, Oiit., ’ says .--I used Nasal Balm in a prolonged case of Cold in the Head. Two applications effected ii complete and thorough cure in less than 2-1 hours. I would not Luke 3100 for iry bottle of Nasal Balm if I could not. replace in Chair Pic‘mc. The choir in connection with the Method- ist church have an annual outing together usually at. Bonds Lake in July or August. This year to uvml themselves of the presence of the Misses Simpson, who are about to remove from this section of country, they held their pic-nic on Wednesday night. of last. week. They met at the residence of Mr. 0. Mason and spent a very pleasant. and happy time together. Such gatherings do much in promoting harmony in a church choir. You can buy at O. J. Brown’s the follow- ing :~â€" 8 lbs. Rolled Oats for 25 cents, 17 lbs. Sugar for $1.00, 2 lbs. Cheese for 25 cents, 3 lbs. Sodas for 25 cents, 1 lb. Splendid Tea for 25 cents, 1 can Turkey for 25 cents. 1 can Pigs’ Feel. for 25 cents, I 2 lb tin Corned Beef for 25 cards, 10 lbs. Cornmcul for 25 cents, 3 cans Apples for 1’5 cents. _ Struck by Lightning. During the storm on Wednesday ofhist week the Globe ollice was struck by light- ping and some of tne windows were smashed. In Friday’s issue the Globe fucctiouely rs- niuiks that the other city oflices such us the Empire, Mull, News, World und Telegram were struck by lightning the day lifter, which was election day. The atmospheric discharge wuicli struck the Crlobe was but ii. temporary sliuck, Whereas the electricity from Mowut’s wand \vill lcuve its implwsioii for years. The Globe feels jubilant and comforts itself “th the. confidence that chitin-lightning never strikes twice in the some place. Lawn Party. On Fridaydunc 20ih,1b".)0, on the grounds of Mr. Henry lfl. Curr, ju-L north of Thorn- lllll village, ll Lawn Party will be given by the Willing Workers Socieiy of the Thorn- hill Methodist Church. In addition to ie- frushmeuls, Base Ball matches will be play- ed and Ulilt‘l‘ amusements furnished. The Richmond Hill b’rilss iii-rind \vlil render music. Tea served from 5 lo 8 o‘clock. Tickets 250. and 15c. ice Cream, Lemonade and Butler- milli. Frec- rides from village for those who have not. conveyances. Ministers Stations. The first draft of stations of the Toronto conference of the Methodist Church was published yesterday. The following are known to many of our renders, who Mill be interested to know where the ministers will be located next; montli:â€"1i’ichinond llill, J. C. Spcerd}. McCullough; \Yooilgreen (l‘oroii- to), \V. l". Wilson; Queen St. East (Toronto), Cr. N. Rutledge; \Villowdalc, JJE. Sanderson, M. A; Newton .Brook, J.C. Willniott; ’l‘liorn- hill, John Locke; Bllthlll'rb St. (Toronto), J. iniiliiii; Maple, l‘qbel' Campbell; Brampton West, C. A. Simpson; (llui‘el‘nont, J. M. Simpson; King, G. S. Hung ColliiigwoodAV. It. Barker. Head Quarters. In future No. 5 Company, 12th Battalion York Rangers, will liuve llcud quarters in Rich’d Hill. Dr. 011' having resigned, Mr. C. A. Holmes, has been appointed captain of the company. Tile skating rink will be used I for drilling purposes, iiiid it. is Expected the Dominion Government will erect a suitable iii-inory litter in the season. The company which will be furnished with it new outfit, consisting of coals, pilots and forage clips, will go to Niagara on the 17th inst. for their annual drill. Mr. Holmes who has recently returned from Military School will make an elliciont captain iiud the company are to be congratulated on securing his services. Special Meeting. Minutes of special meeting of the Rich. mend Hill Fire Brigade held on Tues- dliv evening. June 10th. Moved by Auditor Atkinson seconded by Jas. Anderson that motion made at a former meeting to take 2-} men to Gulf. be rescindedâ€"Carried. Moved by Auditor Atkinson seconded by Fireman Anders in, that the number of men chosen to attend the Gulf. Tournament be :57 exclu- sive of 0fficcrs.»â€"Csrried. The following men were chosen by the Executive to attend the Galt Tournament :â€"« W. E. Wiley, 0. McLean, W.D. Atkinson. J.Brownlee, A. l’cnrose, A. Smith, J. Piper, H. A. Nicholls, L. Gaby, C. Brown, J. Anderson, J. Sunder- sou, A. Wright. A. Wiley, A. Powell, '1‘. Trench, R Class, C. Wiley, A. Ashton, 14‘. Sims, T. Powell, W. Savage, T. Lyons, F. Soules, C. McConaghv, E. Mason, J. Glass. SteWard McLean, that the hiring of teams be left in the hands of Treasurer.â€"- Canned“ . Meeting adjourned. Satisfactory. Everything passed off satisfactorily at the Polling Booth here on Thursday. M. Tecfy Esq. Wits Deputy Returning Officer, n. A. Nicholle acted as Poll Clerk, and Mr. J. Brownlee guarded the stairs. The scrutiueers did not find it necessary to read the Oath to any Voter, no ballots were spelled, but on the other band, were marked so as to admit of no doubt when they were counted. Such care speaks well for the intelligence of the . voters in the village. Headford. On Monday evening last the young men' of Heudford sSsembled and after venting superfluous strength by a. friendly luck at football, organised the team as follows:â€" President, G. B. Smith, Esq. M. P P., To- ronto; Captain, J. Ferguson; Sec-Trans, \V. Miinagementzwlt. . Hunter. Committee of Agar, J. Barker, S. Ritter, \V. lleluiksy and D. Henrick. We hope that the team will soon be in a position to give and accept challenges from neighboring clubs, and thut by entensive practice will prove itself as invincible as its President.â€"Con. Hard on the Firemen. The Fire Brigade which met in the Lorne Hall on Monday evening were not allowed to expectorate on the floor as Division Court was to be held the next day, and they did not wish to incur the displeasure of the judge. It does seem hard that. in a. free cauntrv like Canada men are deprived of their pleasures and pastimes by the stern band of the law. The officers in charge should see that this does not occur iigliiii, as it is unreasonable to allow thirty or forty men and ooys to smoke during business hours and not expect them to spit on the ‘ floor. Narrow Escape. Mr. Roderick Machod to whom reference was made in The Liberal two weeks ago, bud rather an unpleasant experience in his my age to Scotland. The City of Rome in which he sailed struck on a rock and narrow- ly escaped destruction about three miles scu- wuid of Crookbaven. For a. time there was intense alarm on board, the density of the their ‘ ~r fog adding to the ominous character of the ‘ situation. The stern of the ship was broken 'at the mask and she shipped a. large volume of water. The full extent. of the damage will not be ascertained until the steamer is docked at. Liverpool. A Welcoifie to All. Heedford Sabbath School purpose holding their Anniversary I‘ic‘Nic on the beautiful grounds of Mr.Jas. Barker, on Saturday, June Zlet, 1890, when prizes will be given for cricket and foot-ball. All clubs are cordiallvinvlted. The Green River brass band will enliven the proceedings. Ice cream. Lemonade, Candies and Other delica- cies will be furnished lit the booths. Tell. will be served in the basement of the church from 5 o‘clock. On Sunday, 22nd insi., services will be con- ducted at 10.30 s. m. by ltcv. G. N. Rut- ledge, and at (3.30 p. m. by Rev. J. Locke. At 2.30 p. m. a public review of the lust quarter’s lessons will be giVun. Singing at the service by the school. T315; Lake. The Richmond Hill High School held their annual picnic at Bond’s Luke on Fri- day, June 6th. the Aurora and Nowninrkot High Schools had been invited, but only AuromSchool arrived, as the road from Ncwuiurket Wilsiinplissiiblc on account. of \uishoufs. The principal feature of the lifters noon, aside from boating, was the foot-bull contest between the trains of the respective schools. During the first Lullf time the Hill team was at. ll great. disadvantage, playing downhill and Willi the wind, but willi the change of gouls the nature of the game changed, the Hill quickly scoring two gonls, being stopped only by the rain, which fell heavily for a short time. After the install the picnickers plii'look of the substantial lunch provided liv " the girls ” and fit the close of an evening spent in healing and in mumuscm'ents in the concert room of the ho- tel they separated with mutual good-wishes, the visitors tendering u vote of thanks to their entertainers. Wedding Bells. Last evening the Alctl]fl.ll3t Parsonage was the scene of u lillppy eventdt. being the. mur- Admission. Adults 25 cents. ‘ riage 0f Jessie A. M. lil., second daughter of , llev. J. M. Simpson, to John 1%. Robinson, editor of the Evening 'l‘clegruln, Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. A. Simpson, uncle of the bride, assisted by her father. The bride was attended by Miss Kyle as bridesmaid, while Dr. Perfect, of West Toronto Junction, officiated as grooms- mrm. As might be expected the bride. was made the recipient of niiinv bountiful and costly resents, among which was ii hund- somo 1‘.“le(:llbllll‘bpl't‘SPlletl by tho con gregulion. After the ceremony the guests consisting of about twenty near relatives of the contracting parties silt down to dillll’l‘, the tables being supplied with the. choicest dnlic-rcies of the season, iifttr partaking of which and spending 5i short time in social intercourse, the happy couple drove to Tor- onto, where they will fit. once settle in their new home. Before leaving the Parsonage the married couple were serenaded by the village band who were invited inside and hospitalin treated. 13y licr illniliblc disposi- tion and obliging niciincrs Miss Simpson has made many fiieiids here during the past. three years, who join in wishing her every happiness in her new home. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertise in tlte Toronto \VEEKLY MAIL. Thar. paper reaches 100,000 Fariiicrs’ homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisoiiicnts of this class are inserted in the Toronto \VEEKLY M A11. for Five Cents a. word ezich insertion, or Twenty Cents 2i. word for five insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. MARREkGES ROBINSON-'"SIMX‘SoNiOll the 11th inst. at the Methodist Parsonage. Richmond Hill, by the Rev. C. A. Simpson, uncle. of the bride assist- cd by llic bride‘s flitlici', Mr. John R. Robin- son. Editor of tho Evening Telegram, Toron- to, to Miss Jessio A. M. Ill , second daughter of Rev. J. M. Simpson. DEANAHAImIsAâ€"On tlio ll Llli iiist., ut. the resiâ€" dence of the bride’s father. by Rev. J. M. SimpsonJ’h’ F Ulrich-1H, Dean. of Toronto, to Miss Katharine J._ Harris, ,of Richmond Hill. BE THE RESULT OF THE ELECTIONS WHAT THEY MAY WE , STILL KEEP SHOP AT THE FlBE PROOF. WILL l]. ATKlNSON This is the place for Boots and Shoes of all sizes, nukes and qualities. I give below some of the lines I have in stock 2â€"â€" Gents’ Balmorals, in Alligator, Kangaroo, Stanley Kid, Shell Cordovan, French Call, Bull“. Oxford Shoes of different styles in the newest Patterns and Designs. Ladics‘ Rhea Boots, in Daisy Kid, Gondola Kid, Polished Call, Oil (but and Oxford Shoes for Misses, \Vonicr. and Children. kâ€"â€"â€"â€"CAEJIJ AND sessile ;“L¢a.{lEJâ€"â€"fl ROBT. SEVERE). if 1%]:(3 lil‘yl (BN1 ). Ellie I.- HAlgDWéAREf Veggies l â€"â€"):o:(â€" Annealed VViI‘e, Hot Air Furnaces. Barbed Wire, Iron Roofing, Galvanized VVire, Eavetroughing, Nails, Stoves, Garden Tools, Tilivvare of all kinds, Chums, Pocket Knives, Carpet Sweepers, Table Cutlery. Scales, Carpet Felt, Building“ Paper, Cistern Pumps, And 3.11 Kinds of Hardware and Tinvvare. Eavetrouc‘hing and Repairing ‘Promptly Attended to. C. REA 552M)N liiiriillull” laid PlllllllNG if OFFICE. Is the place Where N eat and Clean Printing can be" ebâ€"w tamed oaths-lowest prices...

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