Governnmnt. The electi on Tuesday of next week The Rioh’d Hill Fire Brigade held its Reg- ulnr Monthly Meeting on Monday evening, June 9th 1890, Lieut. Savage in the chair. The Secretary read a communication relative to the Cult Tournament to be held on the 123i) and 13th inst. Fireman U. \Vz‘ight rendered his resignation, being away from this district. Report of Secretary of Bend laid over till next Regular Meeting. Jae. Wright was proposed by Foreman Sheppard as an Apprentice Fireman. On motion of C. Sheppard, seconded by J. Sanderson, Mr. Mrs. McBride, of Brampton. Mrs. McCleL lnnd‘, of Port Credit, and Miss Kyle, of Fergus, are guests at the Parsonage. Mr. Geo. McDonald spent two or three days in Meaford and vicinity and returned with his family on Tuesday evening. Among the successful students at the Uni- vel'slty Examinations we are pleased to see the names of several from this village. In the ï¬rm. year Mr. Elmer Law made a very creditable puss and in the second vea‘r Ernest Comnhs and Jas. Skeele made a. good showâ€" i'lg, the latter taking honors in classes. The nominations for the New Quebec Legislature came off on Tuesday. Seven Hi the Ministerialists including Premier Mprcier, were returned by mtclanmtyion, and two uf the Opposition fared similarly. In Quebec City 1m Opposilimiiat is my unnamed, and in Quebec West 11nd St. 5:111 s'ier there are qu Mixiinierialists in the ï¬ek the result beimv equivalent to ilu- cmi‘ying of all four divisions by the (10‘ exunmnt. film cleciions take place Mr. Ins. McConaghy who played with the Ottawa Lacrosse team on Saturday against the 'l‘owutos, spent a few days this Week with his father here. Mr. Pkyne, representing'the Ontario Mut- nnl Association was in the viliage yesterday \nth the view of uppaiming an agent for the company, in this dlstrict. Dr. It. L. Langstaï¬ 19'“ here for England on Smurduy where he purposes further im- proving himself 11) Esculapian lore. Ralph went bv_New York where he purpnsed calling: on his cousin, Dr. Elliott Lnngstaï¬f. He will not return before the beginning of’the year. A. Penrose was reinstated a member of the Brigade. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the candidates \Vm. Powell, \Valter Benson and Jeremiah Lyons. The Ballot was afterwards passed for the above mid they were declared elected members of Ihe Brigade. Foremen Redditt and Shep- pard reported on the results of the practices of the past few evenings. In each ease the report. was encouraging. Moved by Fireman Atkinson, seconded by Fireman C. Treveth- un, that :1 number of the Brigade attend the Gait Tournament, and that the Executive select the men and report at a speciul meet- ing to beheld on Tuesday evening, June Nthâ€"Carried. Moved by Fireman Mcil'leb- on, seconded by Fireman Alkinson, that the Exer'ntive limit the men. svltcted to attend the (inlt Lonrnament, to 27 including the otiicerswCaniw. The Roll was then called and the meeting adjourned. {oeve Pugsley is attending the County Council this week. Miss \Voolgnr, of Toronto, is visiting for a few days with her friend, Mrs. E. \V. Keech. Mr. C. B. Stevens, Travelling Represent- ntivo for The Empire was in the village on Tuesday solicitmg subscriptlons. I \‘ant every lady in the County of York to use the Sunset, Dyes. I believe uver'yvlady having used them says posi- valy and distinctly that the Sunset Dyes at ï¬ve cents a package are superior to all .uihers sold at tun cents, and I say just, as certain than if the above statement is’nt~ true I will give 1hem for nothing, I rant you to can and get :1 package to ttv in and pay for it after using. Dilworch’s Dng Store next to the Nipiésmg Hotel, Toronto. REES; bu. Tl JA Km‘nn .Co. ' :1 have :dwnvrx purchnï¬ï¬‚ â€mar Kon- < Swwin (In by 11) - half (‘mLcn Mutt)“, I :Ul like wires :1 izxrmrqunmity. I min}: n13 vno UHLw hm: in: uema m; (myth. I have used it cu my Eablv‘i for tizrm‘ years. qurs LnJy, :xms. A. Ersatz; 5J1 Docu' IO ‘ lost SHCCI‘EE nl Roulodx ever fl'Fr‘ov ereu, £I\' if, i~: CI mum in ï¬le. i . utsnm‘. dwu um; blis :ch . Luvd woof below Oxrrxcu h » (*1?le w A. SNYDER, I "'14:: n P ‘ LEVELAND DA! A 1) ' Eonzrs‘ War; may 4 “K- 2421B. 3 WEBER? QBEBï¬E 1H; sâ€â€" F"? m†51E~rigm( éuPS’ég E511 QQREB \\""wroz GUIUY 0::10,Dec. 19 1838. xx ALL (‘ l 11:11 itn‘ 1 say what I )wvc- done ‘ ‘ Imn‘e cured EWins-j. tt-n (xi . Hand and 0n9< ‘ r~ 1‘ . :1(I('<ir<: m yzho ' m inwt‘fmonm! of my 1;,102101’ 5< ‘u‘ Hem k.†5Sn.1vin(‘u:~:. I haw; 1R .‘ i. . mam Sniff Joium and us. â€Yr/ll :1 ve mum] n :v. ï¬llrrcurc, [caul- mumbmi 2': :0 2111.0:‘chncn. ‘x ours “1:23;.†_A. B. GXL“ â€RT. c ,J DRUGGISTS. PERSONALS. '8. H (n n, IllXOO/Xfih'ï¬, I\'. ‘1.. liovembet 3, Fire Brigade. | 3m- you -Ct1‘:' I." : rlr A.H.Gnmm1‘. Manager Troy Lnum‘ “ Smmcs. Imm'ucn, 1:. Nu‘ ml} Axonrw ’I‘vavm 1! EM? Duct ' :33 GE WE :a For 3:â€. .‘AU Drun- ,:)l‘ if, will be we 1: 0 by thr‘ propliw nun-Hum Falls, Y c. strayed from the premises of the ImJersigned, lot 20, 4th Con. \Vest York Tn, 011 Monday, June 9th, 1890, Two Colts. one a. chestnut, roadster. rising 3 years, \Vlth uhnlter 01,1, the other a dark brown, Canadian drqught. . ‘ , :uuA__1 Anv pprson ngmzz Information which will lead to the recovery of the animals will be suitabiy rewarded, A. HOOVER, Elia P O Wheat new full 1101' bu sh . “"110th red 11c1 bush ,.... \\ 110116 swing 110 Jush \\ 110th guos 71101‘ 111 Btu‘ley 11911111511 tints per bush .1 . Dressed 1101:5119, hundred Chmkons per 111111 . Burma N) 1011?. ..... In ggs 110,-. 11111 pol doz Potatoes \u1 1m" 1‘\]!D}(‘S . ., .. . '1‘111'1111.» _\ allow 3101‘ hm, Cabbage 1101‘ luz Beets per doz ...... . ‘m‘suivs 1101‘ doz (311110351 Loz 011101141) 311111,; Radishes per (102 Hay innothv L'zL \ clovcl Snug“ Tm: ‘ will leave as follows : Stouffvilla n. m. Murkhztmï¬ï¬‚i. Union- Villm 8.11. Mill} (211.8 15. Aginoourt), 8.27. S( 1mm‘,8,36. .Yo1'lLRA3. lion, 8 Toronto, 9 $0. Carlton. (JAR. \Vostou, 9 0. Arrlving at Bmmp- ton at 11 a. 111, Will leave Brampton on return at 5 o’clock p. m. â€"T1C1{15'J‘Sâ€" F1011) (and 19m! 11 to] Stouffville, Markham Uuionxillfl, \Iilliken - - Agincouln “nrhmu’, Ymk, D011 Townto - (1111' leto 11 V John \Vllson. Chairman of Com. Capt. 1). I“. Jessupp. Trezbsurer of Com. Robb. Playter, Sec’y of (10111., Toronto Pupil of W 0 Fursyth and H M F€02«l,b0th of the Toronto College 01 Music, Teacher Of 1110 Pmnoforte, will he in Richmond Hill on Friday of each week. Those wishing to place themselves under hm instructions will kindly communicate with him 11!: Aurora PiflNEERS’ ' ANNUAL TO BRAMPTON On Wednesday. June 18, ’90, Electors mkenotice that in accordance with the 11111111510115 of the Onnzu‘io Election Acb, be- ing Chapter ‘J of the Revised Stutuces, See's 51, 189 and 191, Mr. Gr. B. Smith, one of the candi- dates fm the 1e)u1o~:0nmt'1<>u of the East Ridmg of the County of lmk in the Legislatixe As- sembly of 011M110 at: the upwom‘fling election, has appointed MR. G. 1’. VANZANT, As his Financial Agent. All persons who have any bills. charges or claims against the said candidate 101‘ or in respect; of said election, shall send in such bills, charges or claims within one month from the (my 01 the declaration of mid election tothe agent :quresuid, otherwise mid PCI‘SOHSSIHIH budeharrexl of their right to re- cover such claims M vii ' '91‘ any pnrt thereof. \V I: 1\ {mt 1011:11110 emerge ac 1110.11 to sell 0111' N111'xc1 V stock' previous 91111611111119 not neces- smw‘ ; 1111v n 1111 “11h 17m t 111111 01101;†(11.11 succeml; ter 111s 1ibum1 eit]: 01' 5111111; 01 coulmusion , out- ï¬t 11% 0111' agents have many advnntngss. such as selling: 1101x1c»gm\\'11, hardy Uttmulmn stock. Clmicu vow slwviultios. “hich are of value. and which cunonw bu becurcd 1mm m. such as a. complete list of New Russian Apples. the Ritsnn PL‘XLI‘, Suumlem Plum, Hiibnrn Rasplmrry,Muuro’s Ruby and Black Champion Curmnts, Moore's Dimuond Grmpe, dim, (\‘q. Tn (‘untmctnrs m-xl Bullrlel‘s.. For 82110, about twnvliuunlrudthousandstees of ï¬rshclmzs Hem- hmk. Blupkullm'x lhzu‘tl and soft; und basswood lumber, suitable fox n11 bluld‘ng purposes. All bills promptly attended tu. Amflv to JOS, NOBLE, Nobteton, Ont. Easi Yaï¬ Emma FINANCIAL AGENT \No 11.1w: gnén 111L1t'11‘11111r mnh‘ntion to the plopngntiun of H11â€) Vauienies suitable w tue 110111110111 sections of Canada For terms 11m) FONV‘IHILL NURSERIES. LARGEST IN CANADA. April ‘12-an Ibout the ï¬ftieth part of its bulk. Hi :1 grand‘ dnnblo size talc “3136,33 inrco as is easy tocm‘ry. We will “1R0 show you hOW) u an make from $3 to $10 a day at least, from we stmlnvhhâ€" on: “perk-not Bent-r write at nncev We pay all express charms. Anne-a, Xi. HALLE'IT 5! C0,. 15c; 55150, PORTLASL‘W MAlNL, escort-s i n g the \vol-lll. (‘ur facilities are unvmmhd, and tn inh'oducc'onr superior cnmis we will IondFKEE [OUNE muzmx in each locnlity, us above, (‘miy tlmsv who write A g In us at oncomn make sure of ,(ho ("1“le All you have to duin ; rommis to show our goods to how who mnâ€" 'nur neighbors ud â€man m-mmd anL The be. ‘prhminc of this ndx-vrtiscmnnt show: thr small and of the ‘ele- nope. The following: out gives 01.» npm-urmmu of it reduced to -a Court House, Toronto May 25th, 16580. .‘HE LIBERAL Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. EXCURSEON AGENTS WANTED A Brass Band will be in attendance 3km a’nlmtimwm. 50-)‘1 STRAYED. $1.00 Der Year. TORONTO, June 12, 1890. Markham P. 0., NOTICE, Per Gmnd Trunk Railway C. C. PORSY’I‘H, LITWT wnmmeD, Sheriï¬, County (If Â¥ork Eh: Wurkrtï¬ 51*be & WELLINGTON One of tho B E.’ 'l‘ ’l‘rol‘ no of tho E. 'l‘ ’l‘_ll;o R Built- Returning Officer Tommi), Ont $1 0(‘ . 1 {10 . U 9:3 1) 00 I) 00 0 no ml 00 40-4 1. i J8 l‘U to $0 00 0 (l0 0 (:0 U 78 0 ‘18 0 39 U 00 O 00 (I :5) U 20 0 1:5 1 I: 0 (H) 5 00 1 00 8 o DO 75 17c 17th April 24th “ lst May 8th †RATES OF PASSAGE We have purchased for 590. 011 the I)Olla1 the largest \Vholesale Manufac- turer’ 3 Stock of Ready- -Made Clothing ever< sold in Canada, and on i hursday May Ist, we will inaugurate the BIGGEST BARGAIN SALE 2% stories, nearly new. The house is well ï¬tted 1m and has (L11 the modern unprovcments. Heat- ed \ry hot air furnace. Half acre of lnnfl, mura or less ; small stable. nge cmTenter shop, if not purchased will be removed. There is u quan- tity of small fruits and plentv of hard and soft water. Terms easy. Apply *0 27-“ N. SHUNK.'.Maple J. T. SAEGEON, GORE BEST. MUTUAL FIRE lNSURRNGE 60.; TEMEERM [311 ï¬g GEHEREL P. 0. Address King, RESIDENCE SPRINGHILL. VILLAGE OF MAPLE, 300 Children’s Suits for 750. per suit, worth $2 200 Children’s Suits for $1.50 per suit, worth $3 300 Children’s Suits for $2 75 per suit, worth $5 500 Buys’ 3 pc. Suits, any size. for $3.50, worth $56 500 Yuuths’ Suits, sizes from 15 to 20 years, for $4 50,worth $3 Cabin. $60.00, $70.00 and $80.00, accord- ing; to uccamn‘nodutiuu. Servants in Cabin, $50 00. Intermediabp, $25.00. Steerage, $20.00. Return Tickels, Uulnin, $110.00. $130.00, $150.00. Intermediate, 355.00. Sneeruge, $40.00. HE CRASH E T Ever held in Toronto. This colossal stock embraces the ï¬nest class of goods both in Men’s Boys’ and Children’s Suits, and the whole will be offered without ICSCIVC Among them are the following specials :â€" ALLAN LINE From leorpool Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday mommg’s Express and go on board any time after eight o’clnck same waning. I'hssengm‘s wishing to proceed by Steamer from Toronto, leave I‘m-out!) nt 2 p. m. on the Mondm', if tin-y wish to embark at Montreal ; or on Tuesday, it they embark at Quelwc. The sale will commence. This is the greatest chance ever offered to an a high class of clothing Cheap. Our staffof salesmen will be doubled, and we will do all in eur power to serve everybody, but we would remind the people to come in tne morning and avoid the: afternoon rush. GHWGH, EH HHHHEHHHE HH Pnssenrvms washing to embark at Quebec will lemv Toronto by \\ ednesday mowing s Epo-Hs mud go on board 'l‘lnnsdny morning. LIBERAL OL‘EICE, Tickets may be purchased 1mm the Local Agent, 4th 1 S S) 0 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. REWEEQQI‘; & Quabeg Service. :11 ‘Id A nine-roamed, bri .cma dwelling, in the [1 April JSnl‘diniuxl 7th l1 “ [Polynesian 14th c Mn-y Parisian leb l1 “ Cm‘lhrminiun 4‘ l1 “ Clrca ssian 1 4th d “ lSurdinian llch u †Polynesian 18th l1 Juue [’misnul 25th a “ (‘m‘tlmqimml * 31 “ Cu‘onssizm 9th :1 “ rlm‘dinian lath ‘1 July Polynesian 23rd h ‘ l’m'islxm :lllch u “ Carblmginiun * l1 “ Ciro: siuu 13th b “ ,qu'dmism QOLh l1 Aug ]1’nlynesiun 27th l1 “ {Paris an Elm] Will not carry passengers Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool : FOR SALE. The British America, Insurance Agent Our store will be closed on Wednesday in order ts mark these goods off, and THURJSDAY MORNING, AT 9 O’GLQQE STEAMER 128 KING STREET Also the »â€"-â€"FOR~â€" ECMAHON 7th N, a~Y 1419b " leb “ 4th June 11th “ 18th “ 253,11 †13th Aug From Montreal RICHMOND HIE. ngy Sept 10th July 17th “ 24th " 315$ †11411.1Aug 215i; “ 128th '- 4th Sept 8th May 15th “ 22nd “ 5th June 12th “ 10th “ 26th ., From Quebec L Orders Sclicited Sc Saiisfzgction Guaranteed. W'm. B. Proctor, All Other Articles in his Line The undersigned has on hand all kinds of ï¬rstâ€" class coal‘ which will be delivered at the cou- Veuieucu or *urchnsors, or parties may (11'1va n themselves from I have purchased Mot of wood of allkinds, hard and soft, from Mr. Fulbrton Gibson, which I am prepared tn sell at xcusonuble prices. WM. HARRISDN’S. In returning tlnnks to mv numerous friends fur their liberal patronage during! the past thirty years. I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and commodious premises 1 am enabled to supply ON HAND 0r mg in Mien Supplied. REPAIRING DONE ‘VX'I‘H NEATNESS,CHEAPNESS AND DISPA'H‘CH. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, “MM? ï¬lï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬‚, 9‘ $1.00 m AWANSE. TRENCH’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to givc satisfaction as the work is under my own supel'visr ".1. I am also prepared tn do all kinds “f black< smitlmng (l3 repairing in the‘mnst wmrk- munlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most 1' asnnable terms. COAL PLATFORM SPRING W A G UN S . RISHMQNB HELL STATKON. Single Harness 6-H WEE. 'E‘EkE‘ NC El l a (‘ll ' :r RICHMOND HILL. Paid specim‘ attention to. RICHMOND H ILL. Sleighs and. WOOD AND 300 Men’s Suits (all wnol) far 8375, wurfh $58 350 Men’s Suits (all wunl) for 85, wm-Ill $10 700 Men’s Suits (all wool) fwr $10, “'th $3310 to $20 1,000 Pairs all Wool working Mutts fur $11 per pair 80†Pairs Sunday Pants fur 7:52.50, Worth $4 WES? SETS TEEN - $8900., Imported from the largest- zmd most celebrated herd in England: MJcanNICs’ lNSTITU’l rhi‘m‘m‘y of over 1000 voluu'wmupen every T110 133' evening. in the Ma,- sonic HallJmm 7 to 8 o‘clock. 1LE. Law, Libra.â€" riim. '1‘ F McMahon. Secret y Yorkshire Boar for Service†April 3rd, 1800 15m Tlie Methomst sabbutlfschool’l‘empemnce AB nociat inn issue 1119(er cm- \15 m 01y buuuzm) “mm (lmixcd. Wm. Hm won :5 1:11er RICHMOND HILL FIIIEBh‘1GADE BAND meets for pracbice eve. y \Vedesdny & Hatuuluy evening M 8 o’clock W. Sheypurd, Lauder. \V [G \Viley. Secretary St; Man’s Iii-11130 0])n1011luchâ€"vaiees at .7 p 111 except the thiul Suud L) (fevvrv 111011th,whem the scrvwe and 52101111119111; mu held at. 11 a 111.. Suutlnv school M. 1.301) m. ’iuv W W Batcs, Rector One (1 tha )- rgost Dental ()Hmces in the Dominion Examine before buying elsewhere. Terms to taunt Methodist Church#Sex1'vicos at 10.30 a. m and (5.30 p m, and Sunday 8011001211; 2 :31) 1) 1111 Young people 3 p11Lyc1 meeting Wednosdzzv evening. Geneml pnwer moaning ‘1"11111s<1uy evening 111 the lecture 1.0011) In v J M Simpson,nupmmtenueut, licv Cr N Rutledho, assistant Presbyterian Churchâ€"Servicvs at 1] a. m and 6 30 1) m. Sunday school at 2 30 1) 1m Pyuyer meaning on \Vuinesduv evening m, 7.30. ï¬ev W W Perelvul. ’usth Roman Catholm Churchâ€"Sarvicos in order as folluws : ’l‘lmrnhill at U 21.111 and Richmond Hill at 1030 [L m ; thn following Sunday at lilchmond Hill at ‘J a, m nnd ‘l'hurnlnll {Lt} 10.3L‘a 111. Rev J J Egan, Pastor Vnmmh: Cm cillm' Mesa cm.â€"-Ro" ~, Wyn Pugslcy, Coun . 1‘ G. 821 .)e, \‘w’m A Sundersonï¬v Wilson. O‘clk, M. 10us Fm“Bm(;.mn~1to;§ulm-nmminsz 9nd Monday of (Ivory munth, lmhi in the Cmmz 1("humher. an 81). m. Membershiptrue. (Tortih n. ' ssued to members entitling lem (m (zerlnuu 1m cgesund exemptions, \\’m H. Pugbivy, Captain. 11. AA. Nichulls, Secrmu N. E.Comcr Yonge 8: Queen Streets. Toronto. OSCAR Richmond Lodge,A L M A u,1\'0 ‘23, G R C meets 11111163 lodgcmom \i mmiz H.111 on the Monday on 01 bum] 0 full 111001], at; h’ o clock 1) m. L‘\e\.n01),\VM 1.1211uw,‘+ {v Gold Amalgam, and Porcelain: R. ’1'. of 'l‘empermu'o, R No.13 Meets in ’l‘enumr: unto Tuean.y evmnmr zL‘ ficiau‘y germmusbvs 1' membew f0] :~'1 (WU :11 lm‘t mu :Lbic in 01%(‘( sou Select (loan 'illur , Sc ratm‘v} Ancient Order of FnrcsterswComt Richmond No 704V meets in the Musnm . 1-1 all «New alter- nate Fndzw evening at 8 o’clock, Thos Ludfordi C R. W I!) \Vllcy, secretary FlANDREVVfl Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"g at m. to 6 p. 111.. Mon- days, and Saturdays 10 IO p.m. ' ~ (Gr-ED N 1% 1£ALEJ ’ ‘ NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES. Flinn-g: and Porcelain A1540 agent for the world renowned. Vitalized Air for Extrachon. ectric Light used for svening CI‘QBM'HMS (teeth without 9. «“ï¬fiuage Qimmm. Dentist, BELL OERGAN. plate) :1 smite-V man"? . y. 15 fm the celebrated ’L‘IIOM-XS F. BOYN’I‘OX (Ilnm'viuw Farm,†Victoria, Square Churches. Sud'lotics J. B ROW/TN .. IC