"The Treasurer of the Province, upon receiving,r a copy of the in- spector’s report, certiï¬ed by the men: and clerk, shall recoup to the treasurer ot the r11umcipality one- halt ofthe sum pa1d by the munici- palitvundeI the authority of this Act, the said copy to be forwarded on 01 before the inst day of N0\ emâ€" ber 11) each y.ear “The inspector shall make to the council one report for each year, if required so to do, grving the names of all persons entitled to any bonus or premium under the by-law, the number of trees of each species planted, and the amount of bonus or premium to which each person is entitled, and Certifying that the dis- tance between any one tree and the tree nearest thereto is not less than thirty feet, that the trees have been planted for a period of three years,, and that they are alive, healthy, and of good form ; and upon the adopt- ion of such report the bonuses or premiums shall be paid.†â€The council ofany municipality may pass a by-law paying out of municipal funds a bonus or premium not exceeding twenty-ï¬ve cents for each and every ash,basswood,beech, birch, butternut, cedar, cherry, chestnut, elm, hickory, maple, oak, sassatras, spruce, walnut, or white- ‘wood tree. which shall, under the provisions of this Act, be planted within such municipality on any highway, or on any boundary lines of farms as aforesaid, or within six feet of said boundary.†“Such by-law shall further proâ€" vide for the appointment of an in- spector of trees so planted,†&c. on former occasions. Our ï¬remen have had an almost unbroken chain of success wherever they have com- peted, which success was the only thing that on different occasions saved them from being hooted at by opposing companies,lor their shabby appearance. They have won no small sum ’01 money, some of which still remains in the treasury, but as the Brigade sometimes has about 50 members, and as each ï¬reman who attends meetings regularly receives $2.00 a year, it would not be wise to allow the Treasurer’stunds to run too low. In reply to “Tree Planter’s†letter which appears elsewhere in THE LIBERAL. the Ontario Government has apportioned a large sum of money to encourage the planting and growing of trees, but the 12.}, a tree ï¬nds its way back into the pockets of the owners only on ccr~ tain conditions which must- be tol- lowed. \Ve cannot do better than quote three or four paragraphs from the Tree Planting Act, which is Chapter 201 ofthe Revised Statutes: We are glad to see that a move has been made in the directlon of purchasing suitable uniforms for a team in the hook and ladder depart- ment and a hose reel team in the- Fire Brigade. Without a doubt something must be done in this line, or the Brigade must cease sending teams to compete for prizes at tour- naments. At Gait on Fridaypf the dozen or more towns and: villages represented, every company were a neat uniform with the exception of Richmond Hill. The same could be said at Guelph a year ago, and at Toronto, Aurora, and other places r ’ ’ '"r **.- 1 The proposal is that a subscript- ion list be taken among the citizens. and four of the business men have undertaken the task. \Ve feel satis- ï¬ed that for so good a cause (Every person will give for a uniform what- ever he or she may feel able. No one can say our Brigade has been an expensive luxury. It is one of the best conducted institutions in the village, and is worthy of every reasonable support. Fortunately, of late years its members have had little practice at ï¬res, but whenever the alarm bell rings they always promptly respond. ‘ RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, June 19, ’90 Entrance Exams Chang eâ€"â€"WiHD. Atkinson. Clerk’s Notlceâ€"J 01m Stephenson @112 “£th NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A BOUT SHA DE TREES. FIREMEN’S UNIFORMS. .LJ. A. E. b‘witzer rnmwflmm 3:50 {1 I ng' £55 A certain and speedy cure for ‘3; Cold in the Head and Catan’h ‘1" in all its stages. 330T512IE‘IQ,GLEANSING. V HEALEHG. Instant Relief. Permanent Cure, Failure lmpossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell,f011l breath hawking and spitting, nausea, general feeling of debilitv etc If you are troubled with any oi these or kindred symptoms, you have Catharh, and should lose no time in procuring a bottle of NASAL BMM Be warned in time, neg ‘ccted cold in head results in Catarrh, followed bv consumption and death. NASA]. BALM is sold by 2.1" dz'iggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receiy't of price {50 cents and $1 00) by iddlessing > =1:LF6RD & 60., ERDBKVILLE, Out. In; unaware ux 11n1taiiunssimilariu name. Visitors from afar will see Toronto arrayed inull its glory, and Toronto’s country cousin will havea splendid 01*- portunity of unloading himself of his snpeiflnou‘s cash. I‘Grreat and marvelous is Toronto and great is King Dodds.†The business planes on the principal thoroughfares will send oul‘l corruscati‘ms of lights and darkness will be turned into day, presenting to the hundred thousand sight seers a fairy scene. As no national celebration is complete without the Imise and smell of gun powder, Dominion Day will not be minus of Khis requsition, but will be sustained by the roaring of can- nons, the popping uf squibs and the grandest pyrotechnic display that money can obtain. On Monday, June 30th, Toronto will enter on its proposed grand Carnival. The staid citizens of the Queen City of the west are going to give themselves over to four days of unstinted jollilication to all of which she has invited all who would like to see the fun. Toronto has recently been laboriously engaged in solvnig knotty political, ecclesiastical and social prob~ lenis. It does not do for man to be al ways working on the high pressure princi~ plea. Nature acts on the compensating Hystem. If she gives us- health and strength to utilize our mental and physical abilities she demands a proper itlllUllllE of relaxation, lest these capabilities be over- wrought. Recuperativeopportunitiesare always popular with the public, irrespecr tive of age, sex or Condition. Tormto is going to relax. MM) is it sight-s win-,5. fun~loving animal. Toronto is going to gratify these propensities to the best of her ability by giving a grand opportunity to all to get intoxicuted with excitement and to some the privilege of getting inâ€" toxicated on something stronger. For four whole days she will be robed in holiday attire. Her streets will be filled with music and grand prucession, her parks and public resorts with gutlieiu ing crowdm. her lIorLiculturzil Gan-dens will be turned into promcnades and her beautiful Bay will be covered will) flotilla The days will be spent in witnessing an unbroken progrmnme of reyiews, spurts and gymnastic exhibitions, and in the evenings all the public buildings will be brilliantly illuminated .. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL. is noted for “Want†Advertise- ment. If you want to buy or sell any- thing. If you want a situation, a mechanic, :1 business, machinery, lodg- ings, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the advertisements on the third page of that page. The charge is Two Cents a word each insertion, Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: SIR,â€"â€"0f late years the citizens of Richmond Hill have made pretty good use of Arbor Day, and the cunsequence is that on Yonge St, and some of the back streets, 3 large number of trees have been planted and are growing fast. I have heard it said that. for every tree planted on highways in municipalities the Ontario Government gives 12% cents. [s that true? and if it is how are villagers to proceed to gel: the money from the government l I feel like getting a share of that $61,000,000 surplus which Mowat’s friends brag so much about. Yours respectfully, TREE PLANTER. Richmond Hill, June 17th, 1890. Eight supporters of the Govern- ment and two Oppositionists were elecred by acclamation. The result of the general elections in the Province of Quebec on Tues- day is an overwhelming victory for Mercier’s Government. The returns indicate a Government majority of between 25 and 30. The leader of the Opposition was defeated in Jac- ques Cartier. In Montreal the Government carried four out of the six seats. The three Quebec City divisions elected Ministerialists. The Government captured Bellechasse, Drummond, Montmorency, Quebec County, St. Sauveur, Stanstcad, Terrebonne, Nicolet, \Volle. The Opp051tion gained Hochela'ga,Three Rivers, L’Assomption. About Shade Trees. Toronto’sr Carnival. m: wsélim 3m. at A certain and speedy cure for Cold m the Head and Catanb in all us smges. SSGTMNQ, Câ€"LEANSING. V HEALENG. Instant Relief. Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. RichmondHill,]11ne 10th, 1890. FLQUR ï¬n: EEIEEJD. Fruit, Crockery and Glassware. GROGEBIES & PROVISIONS, BACON & IXARIS, In where ? In the front ranks of the retail grocers ot the town. You can get anything you want, no matter what it is, in the line of Cheaper and better than you cm get anywhere else. Call and see them; it will pay you. Also Fly Nets, Summer Horse Clothing, Whips, and other supplies always on hand. Full line of Trunks and Valiues. Geo. McDonald, - Richmond Hill. MOWAT 1% IN! SO 18 BROWN! SENGLE 2&4: DQUELE HARNESS SUITS MADE TO QRMER. Good Tea from 25 cents up to 60 cents. Sugay, 12 lbs. of Granulated ior $1.00. Coffee always fresh. Canned Goods and Spices. Flour, Shorts Vand Bran.-â€"â€"â€"â€"n THE BRITESH FLAG-8TAFF Men’s Underwear, Shirts, Socks, HARNESS S 1- THIS-: -MEANS- BARGAINS ONE DEAL WILL REMOVE ALL DDUBTSE ATKIN§QN New Goods of Best Grades at prices a shade lower than made elsewhere on goods of a like grade. There’s a catch in that statement, but there is also a great catch in our Goods for those who get them. VVh-en it comes to BARGAINS WE ARE THE PEOPLE, BARGAIN SEEKERS WILL. FIND THE WHOLE COUNTYOF YORK NARROWS DOWN TO >US.< Come, give us a call ; cheapest in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Repairing Piromptly Attended To. Give me a Trial. GOODS DELIVERED. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. O. I. BROVVNJ Is the right place to get good .va-luc ior yc every da), COHSIStmg of FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY Y. : are aware that the term “bargain†is much abused, because under the Cruise of bar ains man ' ï¬rms 1-) g 3 work off old stock. WE OFFE] Ifwe understand the meaning of the word. BUGG'Y' DUSTERS Always on hand, or made to order on shortuss notice RICH MON D H ILL. RICII.1VIK)1W1) E11111). Wmmmmman " A. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED; IN GROCEREES! Prices right, and satisfaction guaranteed. the prices are cheap, and the goods are the Richmond Hill, or any other hlll. I have a ï¬ne assortment of Importers, ALL GR \I)ES OF} and Tweed, A. EEK) (FDIE SEIUZE R ur money are