Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1890, p. 5

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)itv Hull Uninn ......... Brock Stunt Parlnlmln. Davenport Dowuswie“ Phornhill H mcrmrcxu HILL King! Aurora. . Newmarkeb ”N. R. R. TIME TABLE. TORONTO Newmm‘kctn. \Anrorn King. RICHMOVT) HILL Thm'nhill Connem with mummy, having the Palmer Emma kichmnn ‘J‘iil as follow : Mail & Emu , q lynch & Smith. Ar‘comnmdutmu “ ‘MaihS: Exp”: 5 J h & South. ’ Dowusview ......... D avenport. , Pmrkdnle...... TORONTO. Brook Street Union ........ Clty Hull PRUCTUR’S STAGE LINE. ) ’_Untll further Home Mulls will he closed 11’: the Emchmoml Iilll Pmt. Office RS mum“:â€" MORNINC :â€"(}r>in;1NortlLsmllk East and Vx'ost, imtlmlilv.v 'I‘llornhilL Maple. Tm‘onto, Man'khmn,&a. 7.45 EVENING :iGm‘n: south East and West (as almve) 5.30 N. Brrlmaist‘mwl Letters must be hmnlml in at least Fl“ en Mimmr‘s earlier than the above mentioned mrs for closing. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, June 19‘ 90 A week from next Tuesday is Dominion Bay. We have been informed that there is work in the village for the Sanitary Inspector. Let them be every precaution taken against disease. Fine stripepantings only 50 cents per yard at Neville’s. Our fireman purpose attending the Tour- ‘nnment in Tomllm 0n the 3rd of July, and wilienzor for prizes 1n the hose reel and hook and Iadfin‘ races. l 1 We malice by S Lul‘day’s dailies than Dr. \V. J. Wilson, of thh Villagn, has been ap- pointed m member of Um Board of llltxlical Examiners for the Council of the College of Physicians and Sin‘gmm. Farmer‘s Lard and Bacon, choice, at the Concrete. Newest puttems in Crotmmos at S, 11} and 12:} cts. per yd., at the Fire 1'1"00f,iu 10-day. \Vlll D. Atkinson. Choice lots of June Butter for packing can be procured 2x: the Concrcw. Mr. J. ‘Iwwnlw Vin-(ago, uvnrsm’w. is at gyrusvnt, sifting the mind un'i making; prepar- ations 10 [my n11 asp‘nulh sidewalk in lmrne ' venue to connect Songe Sh. with the Park. A regu’mr qun’mrly meeting of Court Rich- mond, ML 7046, A. 0‘ 3., will he held to- morrow Ufl‘iduy) «waning. At this meeting the electmn of officers \vml mm: ylaco for the next six months. 200 pairs fino Boots anti Shoes just re- ceived 9L Fevillu‘s, h‘awllcrs samples, 2.3 per cent. 013 regular pric ls. As will lre suen by advertisement (m an- otlmr page the next Enmlzzca Examination m Richmond Hill lllgh- School \’]ll be held on the 3M Mb uml Inn of July. Each day the examination comm «mes at t) a. m" Canned Goods cheap at the Concrete:â€" 3 Guns Tomatoes for ‘25 Chi“ Corn 10 cents per can; Plums 10 couts per mm; Peaches 20 «cents per mm. The I‘rcsL-ytmim1 Sabbath School purpose having their annual drive and pinâ€"mic at Bond’s Luke 111-2: Saturday. The bouts have been secured mu! an enjoyable time may be. expected. Basses will leave the church at 1 o’clock p. m. Thorni‘ill Base-Ball tnam were defentec‘x by the Uuionvlll a Umb, on the grounds of ihe latter, on Saturday last, June 14th by a score of 31) to 3 after six innings. By this Uuiunville Inn-1t have a willing: good club, ‘as Thoruhiil is m‘vernlly successful in its nmtches. It is said that (-m‘ve pitcher {do.'mlc_y dui the cxwutiou for Uniunvillc. Try the (loneretc's 251:. and 300. Tea, either Gwen or Black or mL 2d. The Volunt 6813. A numlwr of recruits enlisted with Cup. taiu Holmes 011 Saturday evening. They had a slum, drill on the park as an imroducâ€" tury to tlzc‘ir work this Week at Niagara to which mmpi[lgâ€"grounds they started 011 Tuesday morning. Captain Holmes took WiLh him about 30 men. New arrivms at the 1*‘11‘el’l'oof tn-day, New meroidm‘y Flozmciugs, very cheap. Wih D. Atkinson. On Monday evening: Mr. L A. Nicho'flfl, secretary of the Fire Bripnda, mcvivod it Yet- tvr from the secretary of the (hit Summer Carnival conveying the hanks of their townspeople for the part our men 11ml taken in making the Carnival a success. In the letter was enclosed a cheque for $10 for 223d prize taken in the hose-reel race. 8 piece 'j‘nilpt Sets for 81.9”; 514 piece Tea Sets f()1'$2.00 {at the Concrvte POST OFFICE NOTICE IJ()(L‘ A1153}. G01 NG N ORTH GOING SOUTH Thanlrs Tendered. Annual Drive. Ba se Ball MfiTix-mmnrc :tmuster. Acmm, 1205 12.15 Accom. 12‘] 1 12 23 ($2215 12 ‘8 7.02 12. {3 7.39 1‘3 101 12.55 N»: HO L1H Ex. 5.10 7.19 7.20 800 8 10 You can see the best lot of Muslims in town at the Fire Proof. just in, Swiss Book, Swiss Check, Plum Jaconets, Check Juconets, Mulls, Lawns, Swiss Spots, and Fancy Snipes for 50. per yd. Will D. Atkinson. The Annual Meeting of Vaughan Plow- men’s Association will he held in Richard- son’s Hall. Maple, on Monday evening, June 23rd, at. 7 o’clock. Together with other business the oflicers will be elected for the ensuing year. All interested in the work of the Association are respectfully requested to be present.â€"â€"~See bills. C. Troop, Governor-Generul‘s Body Guard will assemble for one week’s drill, on the Exhibition Grounds, Toronto, on Wednes- day. June 25th. Members of the troop are requested to govern themselrei in accord- ance with the above notice, and be in Rich- mond Hill on the morning of June 25le at. 8 o‘clock. For further information apply to Peter Jones, Recruiting Sergeant, Richmond Hill. On Friday,June 20th,1890, on the grounds of Mr. Henry E. Carr, just north of Thom- hiil village, a Lawn Party will be given by the Willing Workers Society of the Thorn- hili Methodist Church. In addition to re- freshments, Base Ball matches will be play- ed and other amusements furnished. The Richmond Hill Brass Band will render music. Tea served from 5 to 8 o’clock. Tickets 250. and 150. Ice Cream, Lemonade and Butter- milk. Free rides from viliage for those wko haw not conveyances. All this week at. the Fire Proof : 17 lbs. Bright. Sugar, $1.00, 13;- lbs. White Sugar, $1.00, 45 lbs. Gold Dust C. Meal $1.00, 2 cans Snlmen. 25 cents, 5 lbs. Starch, 25 cents, 10 cans Corn, $1.00, 10 cans Penn, $1.00, 10 cans Tomatoes, $1.00, and all other Goods in proportion. Will D. Atkinson. Headiord Sabbath School pumose holding their Anniversary Plo-Nic on the beautiful grounds of Mr. Jas. Barker, on Saturday, June let, 1890, when prizes will be given for cricket and fool-ball. All clubs are cordiallv invited, rE‘he Green River brass band will enliven the proceedings. Ice cream. Lemonade, Candies and other delica- cies will be furnished at the booths. Tee will be served in the basement of the church from 5 o’clock. Admission. Adults 25 cents. On Sunday. 22nd inst., services will be con- ducted at 10.30 a. m. by Rev. G. N. int- ledge, and at 6.30 p. In. by Rev. J. Locke. At 2.30 p. in. a public review of the last. quarter‘s lessons will be given. Singing at the seivice by the school. Night Policeman G. C. Flintofl and H. Graham, of West Toronto Junction, found an old man named William Alton, who lives at Weston, lying at the side of the railway track near that town on Monday night. Al- ton was over 70 years old. and when ques- tiuuod he said that he had been to Aurora consulting Dr. Coulter concerning a lame- ness with which he had been affected since receiving a sinistrolse about five years ago. He had starLPd from Aurora last Monday. but his limbs had become partially paralyzed on the way. He thought that he was in l’arkiiule when found. The old man has a comfortable home in Westmrfih‘mpirc. Now is your time to enjoy the best feast of the season. A tan & entertainment will be held at the Murray Chapel, 6th (Jun. Vaugh- im, on Tuesday, June 24th, 1890. Tea will be served from 4 to 7 p. 111., after which a well-selected programme will take place, the folluwing talent, halving, been secured toâ€" llecimtions by the favorite Miss Kate Bentty, of Toronto ; Miss L. McLaughlin, of Sher- wood, and Mr. J. O'Brien, of Laskay. Singâ€" ing by Mrs. Wm. Arnold, of Toronto (late of England) ; Miss B. llefieryof Sherwood ; Mr. S. C. Snider, of Edgely, and last, but not lamb, is Miss Ella 'l‘ewaley, the child singer, of Toronto. The chair will be occupied by Dr. Sisley, of Maple. Admission, 25 cents, in aid of Library Fund. A Flying Call. Occasionally when a “ 'l‘ravdling Show " visits the village, in which the performers are a. couple of men accompanied by 9. mon- lmy or a. dancing bear, the citizens are in- clined to be amused by their absurd antics. But the specimens of humanity which pass- ed through on Saturday were not such as to provoke much laughter. Their party con- elated of two men, two women, several small children. three hours, it horse, a dog and a donkey.0ne man wultzed with old Bruin/the other performed with mother Bruin, and the boy t0ok charge of the little bear Tiny. The horse was loaded with a. child on one side, and a bundle of old rage on the other to serve as a balance, and the women begged from door to door. They remained but a short time and moved on to the northern suburb, Elgin Mills, in which neighborhood they grazed over Sunday. Those who wit- ness them cannot but look upon the children With pity, the women with it mixture of pity and disduin, and the men with sheer conA tempt. They were said to be natives of Aus- tralia. Rev. J Locke, pastor of the Methodist. Church is attending confmeii‘oe in Toronto. The W illinq Woxher 6 Society of the Methodist (hunch is putting forth great efforts to make their Garden Party to be held on Friday 20th a success ........ During the storm on the 11th inst. the house of Mr. (n‘r. Robinson was struck by lig fining. It dam- ag ed the roof and chimney hut fonunutely none of the inmates W610 injured ..... . .A drunken deaf mute created considerable exâ€" citement on Monday evening)r among 11 crowd of boys by his hideous yells and by flourish- ing along knife. Oui village constable sat on the fence cl 053 by but did not tLink it proper to inteifeie. . . .The visdors this week are : Miss Cordley, of New York on Mr. J. Shuter’s. Mr. W. Mahun, Mr. R. 21nd the Misses Laycock. of Brampton, at Mrs. J \Vilson's. Mr. H. Authors, of Toronto, at Mr. W. Webster’s. Mrs. Edwards and the Misses Leithorn, of Kleinburg, at Mr. J. W. Hoppei‘ s. . . ...The ”B B juniors defeated the Newton Brook juniors by 50 ‘00 0 on Saturday lust â€"Com. Vaughan Plowman. Found on the Track. A Welcome to All. Official Notice. Festive Season. Lawn Party. Tfiornhill. Mr. A. Coulter, of’l‘oronto, spent Sn'nday in the village. Miss B. Spraggepf Owen Sound,is making a Visit With her sister, Mrs. J. N. Boyle. Miss Perrymau. of Toronto, has been making a visxt. at. Bickuor, with the Misses Seager. Rev. Atwood Percival will preach in the Presbyterian church. morning and evening, next. Sabbath. Messrs. \V. R. Proctor, W. V. Palmer and John Kelly attended the mces at Dufferin Park, Toronto, on Wednesday. Miss McQuarrie, of Maple. spent a few days with her sister. Mrs. J. E. Clubine, and returned home on Tuesday evening. Bro. A. J. Rupert, District Chief, York District, paid an official visit to Court Rescue No. 7137, A. O. F., Newmarkeh, on Monday evening. Dr. Wilson has returned from New York after spending a. course of two Weeks in the large Hospitals on dlseases of the Eye and Ear, Throat and Nose. Rev. G. N. Rutledge will preach a sermon to the Richmond Hill Firemenju the Meth- odist church. next; Sunday evening. Every member of the brigade is requested to be present. Miss Brown, Drawing teacher in one of the colleges in the state of Alabama, was the guest of Mr. James Newton and family, El- gln Mills, for a few days, and left on Tues- dav morning to Visit her mother during the vacation. Miss Brown, some years 9.30, taught a private drawing class in this village. MORGANâ€"At Wlllowdale on Tuesday June 10th the wifp of John Morgan, of a daughter. BOYLEâ€"At Langstnfif on Thursday June 12th 1690 the wife of David Boyle of a daughtm. COSGROVEâ€"On the 2nd 0011. Markham, on Thurs- (1mg June 12th Mrs‘ B. Cosgrove, aged (54 About 30 firemen accompanied by the band and a few of the citizens outside the Brigede left the village about 4 o’clock on Friday morning to attend the Gala Tournament. After a comfortable break fast at the Clyde hotel. Toronto, the par» ty proceeded to the Union station from which place they were at 7.30 steamed out by the C.P. R. train. After a pleas- ant trip they arrived at their destination at about 10.30 a. Ill. At the depot with other bands and brigades which had ar- rived by the same and other trains they formed in line and marched in procession through the town, and thence to the Im- perial hotel where they were billeted. We might here say that every one from this village, including our reporter, was delighted with the day’s enjoyment. The officers who had charge of the carnival understood their business perfectly, and thoroughly succeeded in making their thousands of visitors happy. The town is pleasantlys‘ituated on the slopes of a. valley through which winds the waters of the Grand River, and pre- sents a picturesque appearance, the natural scenery on both sides of the river being very striking. The Inumifactories are genelally along the water’s edge, and higher up the slopes are magnificent res- idences, beautitul lawns and extensive parks. Cralt has a population of about 7000 people, and us a manufacturing centre has few rivals of its size, for which it has justly received the title, the “Munv cheater of Canada.” The streets are lighted by electric‘ light, and although drinking water is not good in the valley there is a move to improve this by a sys- tem of paving and draininw. The town was tastefully decorated for the ciirnival, almost every residence and place of business having its evergreen, bunting or other display. Arches were erected across the principal streets, and many of them were handsomely and ap- propriately decurated and greatly admir- ed. After dinner the procession was again forniedwn the market square from which place the visiting bands, firemen and base-ball teams marched to the park where the afternoon’s programme was to be given. Along the line of march thouâ€" sands thronged the streets, and it is said that 15,000 people were in llie park. Twelve bands had entered fur competition and some of the music was excellent. Of course what; interested Richmond Hill people most was the lirel‘nen’s races. The first was a hose~reel race of 200 yds. tu a hydrant, attach and My 350 feet of hose, take out a. third length and attach the nozzle. The competition was among Seaforth, Richmond Hill, Walkertnn, Berlin, and Drummondville. Richmond Hill had to make the first triiil,and there- fore was placed at a slight disadvantage with the other teznns. The prizes were awarded to the first three companies in order given above, the time being 1.24, 1.29 and 1.33 respectively. The same companies competed for the hook and ladder race with Caledonia added. In this Richmond Hill had its first accident at a tournament. The official time keeper said that the run of 300‘ yards in 4X seconds was the fastest of any of Lhe teams, but in taking the ladder from the truck it was mmed over and fell to the ground. which threw them out of the race. The first prize was given to Drlnnmmidville, time 50% seconds; sec- ond, Caledonia. 5]; third. Seafurth, 51);. It would appeal nuin town t'aik that Mr. Dilworth, the Toronto Drnggist, is tha only man that can furnish a suitable and rapid cure for the La Grippe or In.- fluanzn. Don’t fail to call and see him when visiting the city and be convince ,1. yrs'fs mos‘ PERSONALS. Trip to Galt. BIR'I‘ IIS.~ DEATHS crowd LOCAL COLUMN THE FIRE PROOF. WILL D. ATKINSON This is the place for Boots and Shoes of all sizes, makes and qualities. Li give below some of the lines I have in stock :~« Gents’ Balmorals, in Alligator, Kangaroo, Stanley Kid, Shell Cordovan, French Calf, Buff. Oxford Shoes of different styles in the newest Patterns and Designs. Ladies” Rhea Boots, in Daisy Kid, Gondola Kid, Polished Call, Oil Guilt and Oxford Shoes for Misses, \Vomen and Children. Ann eale (1 Wire, “WW“ " ' Barbed Wire, Galvanized VVire, Garfield Tools, Carpet Sweepers, Building" Paper, W 7 A | Cistern Pumps, And all Kinds of Hardware and Tinware. Eav‘etrough‘ing and Repairing Promptly Attended “3 . BIA @(')N HARD‘WARE STORE ! THE LIBERAL IIIB PRINTING OFFICE; thed for II‘irst-Classs VVOl-lc, Is the place Where N eat-and Clean Printing can be‘ 613â€"- fiained at the lowest prices, For particulars of how matters CAIJIJ ANI) “#5131“ BEE Sells Cheap for Cash. are going this week at {{ICIINIOZ‘JIB 1111.41,; RJUHMONI) HILL. LOOK IN THE Chums, Scales, Nails, ROBT. SIVEBS E avetroughing, Hot Air Furnaces, Tinware of all kinds,‘ Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Iron Roofing"; Carpet Felt, Stoves,

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