It is stated that Mr. Edward Farmr, for several years connected with the edi- hmml staff of the Mail, has severed his cmmvctiuu with that journal and has ac- cep ted a similar position on the Globe. Mr. Fill‘l'fll‘ ls i‘ecouniged as one of the ables: writers in the Dominion. If you w mt to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertise 1n t.:e l'ornnto \VEEKLY MAIL. Tim's paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes every week, and your advertise- ment. should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are Inserted in the Toronto \VrcEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a. word each insertion ), or Twenty Cents a word for [he insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. The York County Council and their friends took their annual excursion to Niagara Falls on Tuesday of last week. \Vhile there some of the members wit- nessed the unpleasant sight of a suicxdc down the Rapids and over the Falls. The Local elections in British Columbia on Fridnv resulted in the return of the Rnlrsnm Government, :0 power. Quebec followed on Tuesday by returning Mr. Mercier with an increased following. Thls makes ,tlle series of Government victories in «he provinces complete. Henry Ill. Stanley has been tendered and has accepted the Governor-General- slnp of me Congo Free State. He will enter upon his new duties-at ’the begin- ning of the your. - In the Surrogate Court on DIonclay the will nf Jumps Llnyd, farmer, of the 3rd cuncessiOn of \Vlntclmrch, was ï¬led. By it $7,125 is to be dinded among his grandchildren. - The wedding of Mr. \Vm. O’Brien, the Irish Nationalist. and Mlle. Raffnlovitch, daughter of a rich Paris banker. muk place one day last week at the Brompton Oratory, London. \Vest Toronto has made arr? ligaments for a ymné celebration on Dominion Day, and has appointed [dayor St. Lever as Chairman, A. R. R ice editor of the York Tribune, Secrebaiy, and Dr. Gilmonr, '1 reusurer of the Committee. ' LP" '1‘! R 017‘ CLEVELAND DAY AND (momma? r25 Hons qr . Emu-:09 1), ILL., 37012241“ Dn. R J. K .‘x‘DALLCO. OFFICE n;- Cnmnysï¬m SNYDER, s D0: 3. have always: purcharwl vmzr Ken; (1:111‘, S :wm Clue by the half 110154111 5103th 1 Monk} 11.:(1 gn‘m in )zu :11 ml: until}. I mink ,4 ( mm. ‘1; 4n \tliniuzemé m- ea. 1th. {have used in ('11 myâ€; blL fa. 1m 0 years. ‘ qurs truly, CHAS. A. Smnzn. The Ire-count of votes in Prince Edward gives Ms. tipmggc, Liberal, a. majority of eight. and deprives Mr. Bleredith of a support-er. .Clmif Ashï¬eld, of 1119 Tvrontn Fire Brigade, with winch he had been connect- ed Hume 1839, died on Sunday in the 82ud year (If his age. Markham High School board are asking the village Council to grant, $1,000 for the purpose of providing additional High School accomodution. , ‘ mnnfal of my uginmv (If your Kondull'a. 7 Vin (Info. 1 have n. :ur Lnnmucsa. Still .hï¬um run! V3 um. um] I. have mum] in a sun; cure, I cordi- rwunnnmul n; to allhm'smn-r. Yours truly. m "A. TL. G1 T‘F The Toronto Methodist Cnnference on Tuesday passed a umriun in favor of in- creasing the pastoral term from three to ï¬ve years. MB. (HM-K Mr. G B. Smith M. P. P has asked â€16 }’ ward of Trade to take under their considexution the. question of personal taxation. over ï¬â€™:(‘ov c and don: -1'. Read proof he. 0w. ’Z‘EH‘ TIaï¬t i\!1coom‘-ï¬nl_ Ilmm‘d 91ml, us it is m 1‘ mm in its om not. bum The Newmar‘ket Track Association will have horse races in that town on the 30th of June and the 13b of July. The Galt Carnival proved a great suc- cess in every respect. The Duke and Duchess of Gonnaught .and party left; Quebec for England by the ss. Sardinian on Thursday. Hon. A. M'. Ross, late Provincial 'Freus., has been appointed clerk of Yurk County Court, and has entered upon his new duties. Toronto 13 second in the base-bail series. Toronto will hold a Summer Carnival in honor of Canada’s Blrtll-day. The ï¬rst sod for the Kincardine and Teeswater Railway was turned at. Kincar- dine on Saturday. From our Exchanges. . \' duty in ‘ what I have (10m ' spun: CIH'P. Ihave cured. ‘ ' Lad ii vim:7 ton of. ad with : ilsml and , mm of 3mm‘ 33.0 LLH!‘ " \2’2 NTOH Com 1', Cum, Dec. 19. 1888. Bx (‘01:st N. Y.,IIovcm}; 1' 3, 1883. s. SPWEEï¬ WEE _ A. U. Gnmm’r. Troy Laundry scam; Electors take notice that 111 arwm‘dance W111 the 171'02'1810113 of the 0111,: '10 Election Act. be- ing Chapters! of thevaisml Smmms. is :5: 51. 15515111111111. Mr. (.1. B. Smith, (me of the (aim/11- <1:Itns fol the 1011112<011 inflll (1f L110 1} 15b 1.2111111†of tho (Immwm' 101 J\ 111 the 10/11th sombly <11 (\11’021110 at the appom 111mg clectiuï¬, has appointed MR. G. R. VANZANT, As his Financial Agent. All persons who have any bi.}:<, charges (11‘ ('Xnims emuinst L110 ,"dvl vandiflmte fm' m' in respcun of "(wt election, slmll send in such hills, “humus (71' alwmm within one month {rum the (My 01 the (levlambinn at" mid emotion to thumwnt almosuid, otherwise, MLid ])er,emu.~;shu11hedebm-rmluf thvir right to 1‘0â€" cm'ur such claims and (wow 01' :my part thereof. J‘ \V. \V‘lln’ll’llILN, Pupil of W () Fm‘syth and H M Field,both of the Toronto Coliego of Music, Teacher of tho Pmnuforte, will be in Richmond Hill on L'rlduy at each week. Those wishingr to 1?sz themselves under lns instructions will kindly cmnnmnicute with him (Lt Aurora. 1m. L111» Easi Yeï¬gEleciiun FINANCIAL AGENT th; 1.“, .4! At her home, â€Elmwood,†Richmond Hill June 1073 Terms moderate. JUHN BROWN, Saturday, June 28th. '1890, July 3rd, 4th and 5th The next meeting of the Council nfthe Tcwnship 0f Markham will be holdat Unionvnle (m â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned until Tues- day, the 8th day of July next, to meet. at 10 a. m. Dist. NH. 1. To Leeds Richardson for 2 road Scrapeis Wm. Glass for 45 cedar pests“ de livered at 15c. each ............ Isaac Reaman for cedar supplied... Dist. N0. 2. To J. L. Card for cedar timber for Edgely bridge. 398 ft. at 9c John Snider tor timber and guard- ing ................................ A. \Vingvr for building bridge at Edgely and drawing material A. Viinger for putting in box drain W. Turner for repairing culvert; and putting: in wash-~uut.... . Dist. N0 0. ‘3 To Jacob Snider for drawing gravel J. L. Card for 64 fleet of cedar timber and 1.72 posts delivered 8th Com, Lot 17. ................ S. Hilliard for 160 loads gravel on Kleinburgr road at 37:53.... . Jas. McDonongh for guarding on Kleinburg hill. . . . . . $20 00 05 00 18 00 4 00 3 20 9 04 60 00 3 00 RICHMOND HILL E'Iig'h Sic] 10 01 Moved by Mr. High, seronded by Mr. W. \Vatson, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following road accounts:â€"â€" The minutes cf last meeting and, on motion. approved. There being no furbher business before the Court it was mow-Cd by Mr High, seconded by Mr. Arnold, that the Assess- mentr Roll as revised be finally passed by this court and certiï¬ed by the clerk as so passed, and that it: shall be valid and binding on the persons concerned, not- withstanding any error or defect. regard.- ing said roll.â€"â€"â€"Carried. The Court then adjourned sine die. The Council then met for general busi- ness. The reeve in the chair. Members allfresent. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Vaughan met at the Town Hall on Monday June 16th, as adjourned Court of Revision. Members present : Messrs. High, Ar- nold, R. Watson and W. Watson. Reeve Russell m the chair. The next Exmninn‘tion for Entrance to this School \VIII be held on Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. Chain-mm B. ofB 3;"0 129101 ale ’i‘mouto .‘I: Ly :ZH‘ lb LL INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 31cm girlmtiwuww. IS prepared to give lessons in 1V;r arkham P. O ., Commencing at 0 a. m. daily‘ C. C. FORSYTII, Vaughan Council '(hio (a: :3" 'mn V zzi'm Lx‘ (i Lu Sheriff, Gummy QT York,» At 10 o’clock a. m JOH N 9'1 EI’HICN( N l(' J. A. E. SVVI’J_‘ZER, 1511):: .iosi. Nrmu- Returning Ofï¬cer Sce-Treqs. 1;. of E L011, Ont. L13 3mm p. Clerk. were read, 0th 17th 14511 2156 37th RATES OF PASSAGE inrg to uccnmmodatiof]. Servants in Cabin, $5000. Intermediate, $25.00. Steerage, 920.00. thuru Tickets, Cabin, 13110.00, -.,130.00, $150.00. Intermediate, $55.00. Sheerago, $10.00. 17th April with “ lbt Mary 8m †Passengers wishing to nmhm‘k at Montreal xvii! leave ’J‘nmnto by Tuesday morumg’s Express and go on board any time after eight o’clock same evening. 1’3 «mm/L r< Wis! I. f1‘o12lmnn1J7h :w- : thn I‘Ja‘lxdwn. if “my Mn ‘h'v ; nr on "In: 211,0!10iwc. Passongvrs wxehing to embark at Quebec will leuw 'i'mrmxto by \Vcrinesdny morning’s Exprvs: mm 3;) on board Thursday morning. l’aswngcrs wishi: :; m proceod by Steamer from 'l'nmnlJ h :w- Fur uh) mm 2 p. m. on thn Hnudwn. ‘J “my ‘ Pmbm‘k at Mum ; nrzm ’i‘uom {Eloy embark SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ewerpaal 8E gMebEE Sex-MERE. VILLAGE OF MAPLE, 2; stories, nearly new. The house is well ï¬tted 1m and has all the modern Improvements. Heatâ€" ed by hot air furnace. Half (Lure of land, more or less ; good stable. Lm‘ge var)" enter shop. if not purchased will be renmvnd. There is u quain- tity of small fruits and plentv of hurd and son, Wutm‘. Terms easy. Apply '0 27â€"ti N. SHUNK,ZMn.ple Frnm Liverpool ml ALLAN LINE ENE REN GE 8e GENERKL P. 0. Address King, RESIDENCE SPRINGHILL. GORE BEST. MUTUAL > FIRE INSURANCE 60.; J. T. SAEGEON, 300 Children’s Suits for 751:. per suit, worth $2 200 Children’s Suits for $1.50 per suit, worth $3 300 Children‘s Suits for $2 75 per suit, worth $5 500 l’mys’ 3 pc‘ Suits, any size, for $360, worth $6 500 Youths’ Suits, sizes from 15 to 20 years, for $4.50,Worth $3 The sale will commence. This is the greatest chance ever olfercd to buy a high class of clothing cheap. Our staff of salesmen W111 be doubled, and we will do all in our power to serve everybody, but we would remmd the people to come in tne mommg and avoid the afternoon fusll. We have purchased for 590. on the I)Ollar the largest \Vholesale Manufacâ€" turer’s Stock of Ready-Made Clothing ever sold in Canada, and on Thursday, May Ist, we will inaugurate the ‘ BIGGEST BARGAIN SALE GOHGH, EEE EEEEEEEE EEEE “’23 SEEM ,, Ever held in Toronto. This colossal stock embraces the ï¬nest class of goods both in Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Suits, and the whole will be offered Without reserve. Among them are the following specials :â€"~ Cabin, $60.00. $7000 and 380.00. accord- STAND FROM Juiwl‘» hf' A nine-roomca, brickclad dwelling, in the Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool 1 April ’Sardiniau 7th May i 8th May 1 “ l1>o1y11esian 11111 ‘1 115111 -‘ Mary Pmisiun 21:11: “ 221111 “ 1 †Cxu‘tlmginlun * t l “ Circussian 4thJ11ne 5th June 1 “ Sardinizm. 11th “ 12111 “ 1 “ Polynesian 18th " l‘lbh “ 1.711110 Parlsum 25111 “ 261,11 " 1 “ Curtlmgimun * 1 “ vC11‘m1ssian 51th July 111th July 1 “ 51111111111111 1(‘mh “ 17th “ , July Polynesian 23111 “ 24th “ ‘ 1’211‘1511111 30th “ 31511 “ “ (‘11.1tlmginiun ~" 1†“ ( 1'1( MSmn 13th Aug [4111 Aug “ 481111 1111111111 211111 “ 21813 “ Aug ‘l’nlyntwmn 27111 “ IQBth “ “ 1’11115'11111 3rd Sept 4th Sept Will nnt cm-ry passengers FOR SALE. The British America, m Insurance Agent Our stqre will be closed on Wednesday in order ts mark these goods off, and on STEAMER THURSDAY MORNING, AT EB O’QLOCK 128 KING STREET EAST, TOEONTG. Also the â€"--â€"â€"~FOR.â€"-â€" lï¬ï¬h 23rd 30th \ 4th June 11th “ ' {mm the Local From Montreal ‘ID HILL THE CRASH 1 5th June 12th “ lflbh “ 26th " From Quebec Bot‘h light and heavy‘ {111 of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisrw). I am also prepared tn (10 all kinds "f black- smitlnmv (f: repairing in the most “work manhm‘ manner, on the qlmrtest notice, a id nu Hm most reasonable terms. Gutters, PLATFORM SPRING ‘W A G UN S. WT 9;. TEMS‘JNCH In returning Hunks to mv numerous friends for their liberal patrunage during the past thirty years. I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and commodious premises I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, All Other Articles in his Line Supplied. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS,CHEAPNESS AND DISPATCH. TRENCH’ S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Single Harness H AND Gr â€Ma in Men -â€"â€"-ATâ€" WM. HARRISGN‘S. Orders Sclicited 8: Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wm. B. Proctor, RICHIVION'D HILL. 6ZQZfz’E Llï¬Eï¬ï¬‚fla 5 $1.90 IN AWANBE. I have purchased alot of wood of all kinds, hard and sufn,from Mr. Fu'ul'n'ton Gibson, which I am prepared to sell at wusonublc prides. The undersigned has on hand .11] kinds of ï¬rs tâ€" class coal, which W111 be Llelix 01 ed at the con- \‘enience of ynrchusers, or parties may draw it themselves from COAL HIGHMBND HILL STATEN. 64f RICHMOND H ILL. Sleighs and WOOD AND attémion tn. 300 Men’s Snitafall wool) fur $3.75. way-Hi SS 350 Men’s Suits (all wool) for .,,‘5, worth $10 700 Men’s Suits (all wonl) fur 3510, MINI: $10 to $20 1,000 Pairs all wool workmg wants. for $1 per pair 800 Pairs Sunday Pants for $2.50, Worth $4 20:53am J. BROWN, The Methodlst sabbath selmol'l‘empgrance As sncintion issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. \anllm‘rison sum )IECIIANICS' ixFTITUTE." Library of over 1000 \‘nl11mespycn every Tuesday eveni11g,1n the Mn- Fonic Ha11,fmm 7 to 8 o'clock. R. JG. Law, Libra.~ rizm. T F McMahon, Secretary RICHMOND HILL an BRIGADE BAND meets for practice every Wedesduy (K' Saturday evening at 8 n’clock \V. Sheppard, Lender. W E Wiley, Secretary VILLAGE COUNCIL. â€"»Re".'<‘ \\'.m P|1"Slo_v Conn Cillnrs Mess RP (1544mm, “m A SuideraonAV Atkinson Dr V\ ils on. (‘ Imk Lotfy Fnzm Dmarmï¬.#liegulm~ moor; 2nd Mo’ndrw at every l]10]1tll.hBl(l‘lll 5110110111)! 11 $11.1“. Mm’ubm‘ship free. (3011i Htl‘ nod to members; entitling; themtorormn:1v \‘ilt‘ï¬os and (xxcnm Nichol (ms. Wm.Hl Pug-lay, Cu p‘min. B. At Secretary. A. O. U. W. Ivy Lodge, No. 11‘ cats 1'11 the Masonic H311 01.1 the 500111111. 5.11111 f.11 Lh Tuesday ($011011 month. at 8 o’clock] 1.11 1).)111‘1911157 C(11- 1' 11.1cateqivm11 '.1)r ><211t1'0 1n 03140 of r11 John .310\'.:1,11Iaste1 W01k11mn l I“ ’1‘11111perm1ce, 1111 2‘1 . 1 .1 ' Council 9.111 '1'01111101'111 ch (Ute/1'» 1:111 (110111115311 -, - 11. Bone» ccrLH'u'nto 1115.11 111111.101 in < mm 1'11 (-11.20. 01‘ c. t Uuuucilior; J 11 1 11 fcnmlc ‘ ' 9000,0110 ï¬er- moulding Presbyterian Church-Sawicvs at 1] 9, m and (13011111. {9111111113 031001111“, 230 p m, Prayer 11100111111; on VVedn'esdmy evening ab 7.30. Kev W W l‘crcwul. Pastor Roman Cutholm Church‘Scrvices in nrder :15 fullows: ’1‘1101n11illut 9 21111 and Rh hmmm Hill at 10.30 (1111;1311010110w1'ng Sunmw :LL luchmond Hill as 911 m 11.11d’1ho11111111m 10. 11011111. Hov J J Egan, Pastor Richmond Lodge, A b u A H, No 23, 6} R C meats 1n the lodge roumfllanonic Hull. on the Monday on or before full moon, at 13‘ o‘clock p 111. ’1‘ Newton, “/34, R 1'] Law, secretary Ancient Order of Fm‘cs‘ccrsi Court Richmond No 704:3, masts in the Masonic Hull every alter» nute Fridav eveuing an 8 o‘clock. Thos Ludfm‘d (‘ R, W E Wlluy, so “far ' Imnortcd fmm the largest and most, celebrated herd in England, THOMAS F. IIOYNTON, April 3rd Methodist ClnurvhrrScrvices at 10.30 a. m and 6.301) m, and SunmLy schoolnt 2.30 pm. Young, puoplu’s yruyer meeting; Wedncrsrmy eveumg" (hmeml pmver meeting Thursday evening m the h um room. BCVJM Simpson,superintendent, hm G N Rutledge. {Ls St Winn a} 111'snopal (“.1 ~Sorvices at 3 p m bcxcepn the Ll1i1dSumluv 1 (“ermonth,wheu the V100 and sucmmeun 21101111111 nt 11 a n1. Sumhw schooJ an 1.30 1) Lu. liuv \V \V Bates. Rector Yorkshire Boar for Servicew jxmninehefure buying: elsewhere. Tarms sum REM 3ETS TEEN-i - $8.0m One cf the largest Dental ()flicssiu the Dominion N.E.Comer Yonge & Queen Streetm Toronto._ (mom Amalg: FIANDREVVS, Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"1; a. m. to 6 p. 111.. Mon- days, and Saturdays to m p.m. " (S: RCI‘NE‘ lKikL " NEW VJILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES. ‘E-‘niamgs and Pox-(:Mzain Us»: 12% 11‘ for the \'.'(~11d1(*n<r\\netl Vitalized Air for Extractlon. 1-) lectric Light used for evening. Crowns (teeth w1thous 9, 1:930 w 11mm Qiminm. Agent fax the celebrated E; E E; L 0‘ “Hub. N . plate) a §E3€313ialfly. Dentist, (Tlcurviow Farm," \‘iotorm Square Churches. Soul «ties gal in , and E’oratelaim format wool-ding to