mama , 7 3:. 1432:313 G. Langgtaï¬â€˜ (m tue Palmer Ho Stmlffville .. Markham ..... . Victoria Square ......... 'I‘horuhill.\\r'ulker â€Dub \Vumlbridgc Kleinhurg Nebluton.. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, an. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"«No. 14 Building 62 Loan Chambers, N3. :5 Toronto Sheet. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. MONEY‘TO LOAN ATEWET CURRENT RATES __0._ a6. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. THE UBERAL PRINTaNG Sc PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING- Formerly RBSIdBHC Surgeon m the New York State Wmnun‘s Hosgnml, New York (Jiny, mm Vii,» iting Phy ‘un ‘00 St John‘s Hospital and Southt-n' Dispensm‘ics, Brnnklvn. omce huuz‘sâ€"Uubil 10 u m ; 13m 8 p m an. Emma mm; ()flioe hoursâ€"Bémre $10.; Late of Toronto, has purchased the residence of DA" Orr, Maple. Will continue practice from, ' we place. Ana“- 1. A", Aurora. Ist, 8th lï¬th ziichmrma Hill .SH VOL. XII. '1‘.. F. MUMAHON. .YXXGXH burg n...†.. .....‘_".)frh Nebluton.. .mch Vitulizod Air :zlwu h on hand at \Vorks like 22 («harm Free 1 Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers; &c. Toronto 0m00~No. 10 King St “Wm. Markham oflicew'l‘o‘vn Hall (up-stairs.) Private Funds to ann on Mortgage at Rates of Interest Mr Gregory or Mr Holmes wh be at. the imm (mice every Saturday from 9 u, m to m.: and at Webber's Hotel, Unionville Saturday from 519. m.. to 8 p; m. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"Court Chambers, corner Church and Adelaide Streets. Thornhill Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from xo to 12 a. m. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Oï¬ice every Wednesday from x to 4 p. m. deflections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to loan Egg/MES] & gggwgr, Mmggg 4} ï¬wmwv, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, 81C. Guam-takers & Embalmm's, Funeral Fluxuehings Always on Hand Fullerton, Cook (Kc 1V lllnl: (- BARRISi‘ERS, SOLICITORS dzc TIFFICE: 18 KING STREET EAST, Tmox’ro Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J S F ullau'ton, W Cook, â€"â€"\Vallace LE? PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. 104} Adelaide street East. elephone 311 '1 Address A RUBINNBC L “ $1 per annum, in advanCeJ, W l) GREGORY ANDRE \" D 01') S DENTDN & DDDS, BARRISTVRS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIEH J. R. MILLER 351‘:an A‘WIIENCE & MILLIGAN BUSINESS CARDS. B A & M B, Toronto University and up (,1 S u, mum wwwwzgï¬ mi? WRIGHT BROS, @112 giihml Money to loan at lowest l‘lLtOB‘ RICHMOND HILL. ONT‘ (Late of Brooklyn, N. Y.,) MAPLE, EDITOR & Pnopmm‘ou â€USED BY Dr. A. Rabinsun. SURGEON DENTIST 9611 mm 2411i and 22nd E LIBERAL. 11132 to 3 p m, 7t09pm FRANK I) DENTON, B C L E. J. B. DUNCAN I).S.. Anrm u, ()nt ut zuuivmntumnts fz'nm 1min. Gr W HOLMES 9_u min 430 p m eh an oath do ut. the Markâ€" TORONTO at Lowest d 0 do tiu do do (7() (1t) , every Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- 9 \0"‘f 11y solicits your putrqx‘mge‘ and friendly mu.†113111191106. salés attended on the s 01 test notice uni .1 reasonabelatcs. P. 0.0.du1css King Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. titties attended to (m shortest notice {hurl :Lt rem» sonable ruteu‘ Patronage solicited. Residence Spr1nghi11,King P (I Veterinary Surgeon, Gom Medalist of the Ontario Veterinary Cellege Tm 01m: Will sisit Richmond Hill Wednesday and Subm- day aftel 110011 of each \\ eek. Duy OT nig hb calls pxumptly nttendt L1 to. A full suppl‘ of medicines coustantlyon hand. fluxes Licensed Auctioneer for the Countles of York Unharm and Peal. Goods sold on cnnsignment. Genum] sales of nimck, eta, promptly attended to u'L-reusouunlemses. P. 0.:1ddre s HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer ofMar riage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTARY PUBLIC, A Family and Commercial Hotel \‘eplete with every r'umfort. Excellent stables. Special arrangements made fl >1' dnving parties March 27, '90 Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0‘ accommodutmu . Excellent stamina and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. Terms $1 per (luv. QUEEN’S HOTEL, Ten miles THOR" HILL from Ton-um Thislm‘ge and aommuï¬ious hotel is ï¬tted Lm with all tuu modern conveniences. Bar smoked with the best, brands of wines. liquors uud cigars. (mud shaming and 1m attentive homle . 5 PER (RENT. UPWARDS. Every accommodation to ï¬nesâ€. Board, 81.00 per day Dec 5611.1889 Every accommodation or travellers. First-class embling and an attentive hustler. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Benj. Bl'lllinger, Proprietor. Good accommodation for the travelling public Choice Tempemuce Drinks. Bess bumds of CiLurn. Commcdiaus moms for commercial mveners GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Temperaflcj House. @“Wï¬ {£an ï¬nial. G001 accommodation for travellers and board- ers Firstâ€"class liquors and cigars. Warm stubling and m: attentive hostler. TEQ‘EWEJAZE; gamma; THOS. HUGHES, Prop. Emma (IE. clan-ions made from plates of all the latest Full and ‘Vixmer Fashions, just, received. \Vork gnm‘antped. Oppnsito Masonic Hull, Rivhmond Hill. A call is solicited} Issuer Mmrmge Licenses for the County of Yor ' ADVANCIN G L OAN S flora, aways. fl; LEMQM @%Â¥$E Eï¬@@$%y THORNHILL Fine Wines, quuors and ngars. RESIDENCE, Address 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO I have unequalled \Vm. Skardon, Prop. Leeds Richardson. Richmond Hill, DRESSâ€"MAKER. f‘ ‘ gig. (flailauuugh, {I amcs C. Stokes. Salem Ecknnlt COMMISSIONER IN THE J. '1‘. saigeou. TEE-OPENED AS A ERNEST F LANGS l‘AFF’ At rates from RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 26. 1890. “In. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†P DOYLE, 1’101).Thornhill wm. BELL. Prop A. J.RUPERT,Prop facilities for iiimriï¬uu, MAPLE ONT UNIONVI LLI". , ONT A m‘oru, My ï¬ends, Carpets, Shaw. lmake upa world and all sorts of merchandise to make up this store. Such absurd relations as dry goods and tea, books and carpets, shoes and house-keeping suppliesâ€"draw- ing the trade of the entire country by reason of sheer merit. It’s nothing more or less than a combination of stores, all under one roof and man- agement, with facilities such as no one could afford ofit- self. It means a responsible backing, a proportionate re- duction of expenses, more di- rect buying, comparatively small proï¬ts and the gOwaill of one department helping to advertise others. Nineteenth century enterprise tends more and more to such business concentration. T. EATON 86 CO. Is it right ? It ought to be, when the people endorse this store and its methods to the extent they do. There’s a great deal to know about caIpetsâ€"so much that nobody knows it. All we can possibly hope to do is to know where and how‘ to get the latest, newest and best ; how to buy and when. We know how to sell. We don’t think there’s a single weak spot in the organ- ization. The getting together has been all right. Here or abroad, wherever the best was to be found,whether the make was big or little, We found it out. Here it isgand whatever your thought may have been â€"we have anticipated it. To realize the full story you must see. The styles are be- yond our patience to count. Upholsteries intot the bar gain. Just take a peep at the second floor, and you’ll know what we mean. A postal card is enough to bring all the facilities of the store to \'our home, just as much as though we were located in your town. Tbmk or a dinkâ€"educated to know fash- ion changes, merchandise, qualities, stylcs and coiors- being at your beck and call whenever you wish. Yonge 8c Queen Sts. Toronto That‘s shopping by mail. Samples of any kind of mailable merchandise can be had for thgrnsking. N. B.â€"In writing be careful to address yuur letters plainlyâ€"190 Yongc Street, or, if here in person, huve a (saw that you get into the right store. 190 is the num- ber, and 'l‘. Eaton & Co. the name. T takes all sorts of people to Will you do it ? “Cash and One Price.†The largest and best :1 pointed Dry Goods Home in the Dominion. 23} acres of sdling space over 5‘) diflmx ut d¢p:e%lmeuls. T. EATON 8c 00., TORONTO, June 26, 1890. This week we’ll see some excite- ment in the Parasol. A delightful time for those who dear] 7 love to ï¬nd abargain. VVe’ve made some big reductions among the 1’arasols.VVe’ve too many of'some kinds, and the , , prices are reduced accordingly; 50 a}; ‘ dozen, all colours, were $1.50, arâ€" beautilul quality, fancy handles, now ; ,. . reduced to $1 each ; another lot at"? -7 >3 4;:‘.,=L& fancy colours, price 75c. At 75c.,. 1, $1.50, $32 and $2.25 you’ll ï¬nd here some very choice qualities in black With novelty handles. Some- thing n-ew to-day is a waggon load o‘f-seersuckers, pink, blue, brown, and other colours, made to sell at 10C. a yard. We came to the rescue of the manufacturer with cash and can sell them to you at 5c. a yard. The Bargain Tables are crowded with both bargains and customers. T. THUMPSBN & SIN, Last Saturday the relatives of Mr. Henry Stewart, formerly of this place, received a telegram that 0the latter had suffered a severe accident, and later word came that he was dead. I have not learn- ed the nature of the accident, but lock~ jaw was the immediate cause of death. He died on Saturday and was buried in Orillia on Monday, the 23rd inst. He leaves a wife and four small children. Many will be pained to hear of poor Harry’s eutimely end. Notwithstanding the heavy floods which washed this part of the coumry, the crops are luuking remarkably well in this section. The penple in this vicinity crvntinue to be loyal subjects, and are this week en- gaged in working for the Queen. Among the improvements in the im- mediate vicinity I might say tlmt Mr. Wm. \Vclls has had a. new X‘OUf on his barn, and our enterprising storekeeper has had his store and dwelling overhaul- ed.Besides other conveniences he has built a bay window ll) front and Just above the store, which greatly adds to the former good appearance of the place. Mr. J». Burk appears- to be doing a rushing trade this summer. Besides his regular work in blacksmithing, he is agent M r.- Thomas Legge has sent his driver to Toronto to endergo a complete system of Vtxaining. for the Patterson agricultural†ï¬rm, “and has already sold several binders and a large quantity 0f binding twine. Mr. Nelsonâ€"1 Robinson, late of Aurora, now occupies the corner house recently vacated by Afr. Charles Patterson and family. The latter have remuved to Springhill in their new home which they have purchased. Messrs Wm. Lonadale and Archie Mitchell still hold the belt. as champion quoit pitchers of Temperanceville. I 11n- derstand they are open to challenges from more pretentious places. Our foot ball club, although often do feated, are not yet discouraged. They are possessed of lots of pluck, and have no notion of giving “their last kick.†A meeting in the Methodist church is announced for this evening, the object being to get up some kind (\f entertain- ment in connection with the Sabbath acimol. ' Mr. John Flenry has been in Toronto fox two weeks visiting friends. Miss Maggie Young, of White Rose, 'Whitchurch. returned home yesterdnv, after Spending a week or two with Mr. Chas. Norman. The only losw I have to ropnrt is that of Mr. Peter McMnrchieâ€"his chin whisker If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertise m the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. Tlm'r, paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of somenne who wants to purchase. Advertisements cf this class are Inserted in the Toronto \VEEKLY l\lAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of the Presbyterian congregations of Maple and (lie. seventh concession it was decided to give a. call to the Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Smith’s Fallfl. Rev. Mr. Campbell is a graduate of Queen’s University,Kingston. †Rev. Mr. Lee, the junior Methodist. minister on Ji'IapIe Circuit during the past year, will preach his farewell sermons next; Sabbath, the confel‘ence havng de JUNE 25m. l89l]. Temperancevifleu Maple TORONTO. cided to allow him to attend college dur- ing the next conference year. Mr. Lee is deservedly popular, and will take with him the good wishes of the manv friends he has won while laboring on this circuit. Building operations are active in AInple this season. Mr. James McNeil is build- ing a ï¬ne brick mansion on his farm south of Maple. The brick-work on Mr. L. Richardson’s new house has reached the second story. .Mr. D. Johnston, who has the contract, for the masonry of these and other buildings, is very busy and has a large number of men in Ins employ. We are glad to learn that Afr. Watson Johnston, who was for snme days serio'liiaâ€" ly ill, has} recovered and is again able to handle the plumb-line and trowel. GWden Parties are now all the rage. We have two in this neighborhood in the near future. The ï¬rst to-nmrrow (Friday) evening on Afr. C. White’s grounds, in aid of St. Stephen’s Church, and the nex't on Dmninicn Day, in Mr. R. anbie’s grove, in aid of Maple Methodist, Church Mr. R. M. Curbs, of Trinity Medic-41 College, spent Sunday and Monday in Maple, visiting at Mr. Jacub Smith’s. Mrland Mrs. J. E. Clubine, of Rich- mond Hill, spent Sunday in Maple, the guests of J. U. McQuarrie‘ Esq. YVliat did 1 tell you two years ago? I told you the electric light might some of these ï¬ne momimrs be sliininu in your windows all ziloiiuD the line of Ynnge SL, well the Eiecliic Railway is O. K. so is the Rock Spring Coal Oil in the City. Don’t waste shoe leather trying to ï¬nd out the cheapest and the best; no to Dil- wdrtli’ a Dr'w Store next Nipissing Hotel. King St. Toxonto The Anniversary pic-nic in connection with Headlord Sabbath School passed off very nicely. There was a very good at‘ tendance which may be judged frnm the fact that $72 50 was taken during the afternoon. The Green River Band was in attendance and played plenty of choice and appropriate pic-inc music. The Ice Cream and uther seasonuble delicacies found a read) sale, and two cases of strawberries was found to be not enough, The ï¬eld games were interesting and brought, together a. large number of the local sports. Headiord and Richmond Hill cmnpuled for a loot-bull which was offered tn the winning team. In the ï¬rst halftime the home team gained one goal. \Vhen the teams changed ends Richmond Hill captured three goals and wereuward- ed the ball. A crickeL match alsn took place be- tween Buttonville and Vicmria Square, and it is needless tn say the latter were victorious and curried home with them the prize cricketball. Any country team in need of practiceâ€: ï¬elding cannot, do better than play with the Vril‘ï¬. On Sunday, June 22nd Rev. G. N. Rutledge as previuusly announced preached at 10.30, a. 111., and in the ab‘ sence of KeV. J. Locke. who was called away to attend the funeral 0? his brother's wife, Rev. J. 111. Simpson preached. Fun“ collectmns were taken up at each service. I want every lady in the County of York tn use the Sunset. Dyes. I believe emery lady having used them says posi~ twely and distin‘htly that. the Sunset Dyes an ï¬ve cents a package are superior to all others sold at tun cents, and 1 say just. as certain that if the above statement is‘nt true I will give them for nuthing, I want you u» call and get a package Lu u" in, and pay for it after "shun Dilwarth’s Drug Store next m the Niuiwns: Hotel; Toronto. , ’ The New Mammoth, 136 to I40 Klng St. E., [Single copies, 3 cts. Head ford. No. 52;-