Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jun 1890, p. 4

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The Yprk Herald last week con~. tained the fellowing :f“SII)a]l Pota- toes.â€"\Ne'have been creditably in- formed that it pfinted circular was issued from the, Head Quarterswof Dr.' Gilmour,just plevidus tq the last local electioh, to which was at- tached the name of N, C. Wallace, the purpose of which circular was to induce the friends of that gentle- man to votel tor ‘ truth and right- cousness in the pgson of: the doctozr.” ‘ ‘ The somewhat stormy meeting of the East York Conservatives, held at Unionville on Wednesday of last week, shows that the breach in their ranks is not growing narrower. They have made many attempts to place a candidate in the field tor the next election for the House of Com- mons", but so far have been unsuc- cessful. At a meeting held a few months ago Ald.E. A. Macdonald was nominated to contest the Rid- ing. Since that time he has ad- dressed the electors in different parts of the constituency on his own behalf, but when on \Vednesday the chairman asked if the minutes of last meeting were correct they re‘ fused to confirm that part which gave Mr. Macdonald the nominaâ€" tion. It will be remembered that the meeting proper broke up in confusion, and that after the chair- man had left his place, the meeting». was re-organized, a new chairman appointed, and the self-assumed nomination took place.‘ \‘Vhat the end W111 be it is diffi- cuit to predict, but one thing is cer- tain Mr. Macdonald is not a man to he daunted merely by a few raps on the knuckles. He worked and spoke forI Mr. Gibsondn the recent local contest, and feels chances for conservative bearer are as good as an the riding. ‘ i‘; \Ve are not in a position to con- tradict the statement but venture to aaydt is a‘pure fabrication, bych ~ The Empire a few days ago reita crates the same statements, but in the same article makes out that Mr. Mowat is now nothing better than a coward. And why is he said to be “cowardly and contemptible P” Because so far as can be learned “ no telegram or congratulation to Mr. Mercier from the Premier of Ontario has yet been published." Four years ago Mr. Mowat was branded as a scoundrel as it was said he congratulated Mr. Mercier on his victory. Now he is sneered at as a coward because he has for- warded no congratulations. In 1886 when Mr. Mercier gained a victory at the polls the Conserva- tive newspapers pointet out that Mr. Mowat and the Reform party were in league with the Quebec premier, as the latter had received congratulations from them on his success over his opponents. They said that the policy of the one was the complement ot the other, and that Mowat was the sworn friend of: Mercier. In fact any proposition brought forward by one premier would, they contended, be support- ed by the other. - The Empire seems to be 1n abofit the same mood as the man was who resolved on thrashing his wife when he went home. Said he “if she has kept a fire on I’ll thrash her. If she has let the fire go out, I’ll thrash her. Blowed, ifI don‘t thrash her anyhow." RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, June 26. ’90 Voters‘ List-.7215. M. Lawrence. Pastureâ€"H. J. Graham. Farm for Sale~Jacob Homer. {We Cfiiheral. EAST YORK CONSERHA TI VES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS “ SMA LL POTA TOES. ” HA RD T0 PLEASE. "_ mm» 333;»: ALL DRUGGISTS. soft. as a kid glove ! Please call yourself, and tell your friends to call at Dilwurth’s Drug Store, 1'70 King St. East Toronto. Between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels. The only place such information can be had. LISTEN.â€"â€"Farmers’ \Vives and (laugh- ters do you want to make home pleasant and comfortable, and to have snug and cosy sleigh drives. if you do, call at, Dilâ€" worlli'a Drug Store and you will get full and valuable information: how to make a beautiful and costly looking Hearth Rug and Door Mat out of a. common sheep skin, “ith so little trouble that you will be as mad as a “hatter” that you did not know long ago; also with the same little ‘tronlile, you can make an elegant Sleigh Robe out of ’Coon, Dog, Deer or any other kind of skins, and make them as The recent census shows that Chicago has a population of a million, double what it was ten years ago. At present there are half a. million worth of buildings in the city of ‘Vin- nipeg in the process of construction. In Toronto, on Saturday, the vote glv- ing the city authority to handle the street railway, was carried by over 5 ,OOO‘maj- ority. The Atlantic Express going east on the Southern division of the Grand Trunk met with a serious disaster near Cope- townknot far from Hamilton,0n Monday. One,.passunger was killed and a number wounded? Prince Albert Victor,Duke of Clarence, was formally admitted to the House of Lords on Monday. Gen. v Middleton has said he has not. been ordered to resign or pay the money fur the furs, and consequently has refused to do either. George Harvey, of Atwood, Ont, who was attendmg the High School at Coder- ich, was drowned in the river while bath- ing a few days ago. Before the adjournment of the York County Council last week a by-law was passed granting permission to the Metro- politan Street Railway Cu. to extund its line up Yonge Street as far as Hogg’s Hollow. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “Want" Advertise- ment. If you want to buy or sell any- thing. If you want a situation, a mechanic, a business, machinery. ludg- ings, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to find out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the advertisements on the third page of that page. The charge is Two Cents a word each insertion, Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. In a. division in the English House of Commons on Thursday, Lord Sulisbury’s Government was sustained only by 4 of a majority. The vote was on the Licensing Bill, and stood 228 to 224. Bmmmn (m CLEVELAND DAY AND 'l‘no'm‘mc L’mzz) Homms. Ewaoon, ILL, Nov. 20. 152:8. DR. B. .T. KENDALL Co. Dmu- Sirs: I have always purchased our Ken- dall’s Spuvln Cure by lhe half dozen ttlL-s, I would like prices in larger quantity. I think it is one of the blush llulmemn on earth. Iahuve used ll: 61) my stables for three years. Yours truly, CHAS. A. SNYDER. Omucn on Cmmmrs A. SNYDER, 2 DR. B. .T. KENfiXzfiCE Hm u var "mac, or six botflea for 95. All Drug» m um": .Gdi' cunget It {or you. or it will be sent E!- uu padres: on receipt of rice by meagre rie‘ ma». ”.21. .E. KENDALL 00., umburgh F la, t. The Dion: Succogsful Remodyf ever dhnov crud, us it is c - win In its efl'wls and don-u not blis lend proof below. 7 DEM S . .11 L e {0 give you testimonial of my gonrl opinion or your Kendall'ssmvm Cure. I have mud in for Luz-Hams. Still~ Joints and S :1 ins, um! I have found it u sure cum} cordl- al y IL‘L'mllmlslld it tomlhol'semcn. " \‘ours truly; A _A. H: (3113mm. fiEPéBflLL’S SPfl-Ffifi @EEEE, KEMBML’S SPAEW WEE. Gents . I fm-l it n My to say what I have done with your Kt'lldll” B Shari" Cure. Ihave cured twenty-live hora-95 that had Epnvins, ten O! Ring Bone. nine amlctnd with Bi Head and sew-n of Bi: J 11w. Slncc- I have ha one of your nnvks and followed the directions, I have ha 11' lost. a. cum n: any kind. Yours truly, Asbnrjy ’I'mzyne. C. \Vallace. We would not be sur- prised if the Herald is called upon to name its “ creditable ” authority, in which case it could scarcely re- fuse, if Dr. Gilmour denies the charge. Mr. Clendenan was defeat- ed fairly, and no number of excuses can help him. If his so-called friends are discreet they will let by- gones be by-gones. KEWELL’S 3PM“ 3mm SANT, WIKTON Content, 01110, Dec. 19 1838. D11. B. J. KENDALL Co. , KEfiMLL’S SPAHIH WEE. a transaction would be not only dishonorable but foolish on the part of Dr. Gilmour. He has proved himSelt to be an honorable opponent and we have yet to learn 01 him be- ing mixed up in silly games of chance in connection with Mr. N. From our Exchanges. 7131100314“, N. Y.. November 3, 1888. y. "A. H. erBEn'r. manager T1 oy Laundry Stables. Asmmw TURNTR. Home Doctor. r‘Illeaper and better than you can get anywhere else. Call and see them; it will pay you. Also Fly Nets, Summer Horse Clothing, Whips, and other supplies always on hand. Full line of Trunks and Valises. Ppncdrina Pmmnflv Attended To. Give me a Trial. RicéanaondHill,‘Junq 24th, 1899. Geo. McDonald, Having made arrangements with several growers of Strawberries to sup- ply me dunng the season, customers will confer a favor by leavzng their orders with me. GROCEBIES A86 PROVISIONS; IS getting low, and in order to Clean out the whole concern, I will sell at remarkably low. prices“ Goods delivered. SlNGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS THE BRITISH FLAG-STAFF SUITS MADE TO ORDER A EEEEEGT FIT GUARANTEED IN GROCEBIES ! Men’s Unglerwear, Shirts, Socks, and Tweed, all Wool- Good Tea from 25 cents up to 60 cents. Sugar, :2 lbs. oi.‘ Granulated tor $I.oo. Coffee always fresh. - Canned Goods and Spices. Flour, Shorts and Bran. THIS -:- MEANS -:- BARGAINS ONE DEAL WILL REMOVE ALL DOUBTS». There’s a catch in that statement, but there is also a great catch in our Goods for those who get them. When it comes to BARGAINS WEARE THE PEOPLE. ATKINQQN HARNESS SHOP. New Goods of Best Grades at prices a shade lower than are made elsewhere on goods of a like grade. BARGAIN SEEKERS WILL FIND THE WHOLE COUNTY OF YORK NARROVVS DOWN FANCY AND SI‘APLE D] Y GOODS, Is the right place to get good value ior your money every da}, consisting of FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY 2 STRAWBERRIES ! : are aware that the term “bargain” is much abused,, because under the guise of bargalns many firms work off old stock. FRUIT OF ‘ALL KINDS WE OFFER YOU Ifwe understand the meaning of the RICHMOND HILL. Always on hand, BUGGâ€"Y DUST OUR STOCK hOF DISHES RICIIMONI) HILL Prices right, and satisfaction guaranteed. FLOUR & FEED 0N HAND. _, ):c:( I have a fine assortment of Importers. ALL GRADES OF And the freshest or made to order on shortness notice. A. MOODIE ERS 0. 1. BROWN‘ word .

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