Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jun 1890, p. 5

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Among the new arrivals to town to-day might be meutxoned the scissors-grinder and a man with a perfotming monkey. The forâ€" mer is quite neccssaxy to sharpen people's ideas occasionally, uu-l the latter never mils in drawing a crowd. It is said the monkey could slow away about a dozen twenty-five cent pieccs in his pnuch at onqltimu. W3 '(Iidga'c try «115 n. Next Tuesday being Dominion Day the library in connection with the Mechanics‘ . nstitute will not be open on that evening. tiny Hall Uniun V Brook Street. ‘l‘mlillnlu ”)M'anpm t, “‘30“ Ilwmw 15 bars Laundry Soap, large size, for 250. at the Fire Proof this week. Will 1). Atkin- eon. Until further notice Mails will he closed at the .Rmhmmul Hill Post ()Il‘xcn as follows:â€" MORNING Z~7Goinfi N01‘t]l.s(’:lllh Enst and “(‘51 inc] udinu 'Ihmmhill, anlo 'I‘monto Mmklmm &c.7.«15 EVE\XNG: “Going much )iusbwnd \\ est (as nhm cl 5.30 N.B.~Tioflisterml Letters mustho handed in at least 1(‘1f1‘mxx13‘linuteswn'lior than the above anentioued hours fur clus‘ 1g. We understand that the cricket and base ball clubs are arranging to have a double match some day shortly. In all probability each club will win at, its fm‘oriée game, in which case 1119 zie will be played off by 0. foot ball match. Lots of fun ahead I ‘l‘h'n'nhill A. TICHMUND HILL ’KinLy flurm‘n... Newnmm The annual meeting of the King Plowmen’ 3 Association will be hold at Hogan 3 Hall. Springhill, on Satmday, June 28%}, 1890. at 3 p. 113.,{01‘ the election of officers and the 'nmisnctton of other business. All interest- ed in the success of the above Association are respectfully invited to be present. Pm-lulnle... TORONTO Brook Street 7mm: bonnectsmth 111] ’01 mm having, the P11111101 Hmmo Rinhmnn ‘liill {LS follrmsi Mui' 111‘po .)m1th dc South. Am‘mnmmlm (111 “ ‘Mnil & Express I‘mrth & South 1 ‘1 u m. .00 >15 p. m. Last Friday an unfortunate Mimi man came to the viliggze on the udou "uuc, seated *Jmimseii in from of the Palmer House, and played an 8. Concertina until night set in. IL is terrible to bu afflicted in that way. The old man received. liberal support during the afternoon. lhcnann )‘IILL I‘hornhill ........... Hm wiew (HM part1. RICHMON» Hum Thursday, June ‘26 A Blank and White Hound. Bitch, stands about six inches high. Was lust soon on Saturday, June Sign. [my information re- qpecting he? will be thankfully received by A. Smith, Gormloy P. 0. Those rvqulrim: good “astute for cattle should apply lifl. J.Gmhnm,0nr1ville !\r\rv 2 cans Salmon for 25 cts. at the Fire Proof this week. Will 1). Atkinson. are invariably plezwnnt people, popular rem- ladies are 2L15> us invariably pleasant to use and certain in their results. Mr. John Mc- Connell, of Olmsley, 0115., says :â€"Nasn1 Balm is a good medicine {or cold in the head. I: is a popular remedy. Newmm‘ket A urm'zL. Kin '1 ‘l‘he Liburul will be issued on Wednesday rnzaxt wrwlc. Our correspondents will please bear this in mind and send in theft-com- munications one day earlier. ’S‘ORONTO 50 were {arm for sale. For particulars see elsewhere in this paper. As will be seen by enrd on another page Miss J. F. Palmer is prepared to give lus- sons in instrumental music at her home “ Elmwocd," Richmond Hm. H01 [or the Carnival ‘ An extr & bus {01 '101011Lo v1.1 '1 kompson'a Stage LE1: 0 on Dominion Day,’1‘uesdayl July lat 1890,11511101116111113111 M: “S at 7 0 ‘clock, 1:"- 1c1111101111 11111 at, 7.15,a11d Thorn- 11111 at 8 91.111.1’wt111 :1; g the ’11us will leave Toronto at 10 o‘clock u. 111. â€"Adv Lovely Cmtonnea at 8 and 10 cm. this Week at. the Fire Proof. Will 1". Atkinson. C. Tmnp, (i o‘vcx'nor-Genarul’s Body Guard, made quite a good showing as they left the Hill on \‘i762d1r05(1uy morning for their camp- ing grounds, Toronto. N. R, R. TIME TABLE. PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. 5 ibs. Search for 25 at». this week at the Fire Proof. Will 1). Atkinson. 7 bars Electric Soup for 25 cm. at the Fire Proof this weuk. Will D. Atkinson. 3 cans Tomatoes far ‘25 cm. at the Fire Proof (his work. Will 1% Atkinson. My mu POST OFFICE NOTICE Em $1M a, i. See noti Cricket and Base Ball. Latest Arrivals 109‘ an Afiiict I‘cvularP eople Public Notice (1’ OING NORTH GOENG Mail :4 - 9.03 9.15 A27 '1 LOSE {7.46 M. TEEFY. Postmaster SOUTH 10D Accom 1‘2 05 12.15 1.01 U7 4.». 5‘ 5. 90 10 ‘20 It would appear from town talk that Mr. Dilworrth, the Toronto Druggisf, is } the only 1mm that can furnish a suitable i and rapid cure for the La (a‘rrippe or 111-. ; fluenzy. Don’t fail tr) call and see him "M‘heuwisit‘ing the city and be convincej,‘ _ I 1 The young ladies of the Methodist Church i always give something new and original on the 151. of July. This year they are getting nearer the climax than ever. For a des- cription of what the programme will be we cannot do better than reproduce the des- cription as taken from their full sheet posters :â€"-l)ominion Day {it tichmond Hill will be celebrated by the Young Ladies of the Methodist Church in a. manner stupend- ously brilliant and geigeously magnificent on the New I’M’Ji Grounds. The festivities this year will mire a. form entirely distinct from nnytlling ever presented to the patrons of this popular symposium of gsietlcs, and will consist of attractions, whiCh, for unique originality, will run off with the bun. Pro- ceeding to the enumeration of the specialties incidental to the occasion there will be a tainbow Social, held in the spacious Agri- cultural Hull contiguous to the grounds. 'l'ho building will be resplendently illumin- sted and Instiietically adorned with symboli- cnl decorations in all the colors of the min- bow. The pleasures of the evening will be further enhanced by a Promenade Concert given by that admirable coterie of musicians the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade Band, who will over and anon discourse dulcet symâ€" phonies which will wake responsive echoes in the breasts of all present. Booths, teste- fully embellished With evergreens, where tootnsomc delicacies und refreshing and in- vigorating beverages will be dispensed by charming representatives of the fair sex. Wlll be erected at convenient points of the prom. enade. Admission to the grounds. Rainbow Social, Promenade Concert and Slipper, in- cluding Strawberries and Cream : ‘25 cents adults ; 15 cents children. For lurther pur- ticulsrs apply on the grounds from 5 o’clock. until 11. The pecuniary emoluments de- rived from this superb aggregation of zygo- mstics will be applied to the elimination of ' the church debt. On Sunday, June 29th, _ fs'rewell sermons will be preached in the Methodist church by Rev. G. N. Rutledge, nthJK)a.uL,and by Rev.J.BI. Simpson, at. 6.30 p. m. Collections in aid of church fund. At the regular meeting of Court. Richmond No. 7046, A. O. F., on Friday evming, the folluwing were elected ofllce-benrers for the ensuing six months : 1’. (I. .l., liro. T. Ludford. 0. ll... Bro. H. F. Hopper, S. U. ll., 31‘0.T. F. McMahon. Treasurer, ,lm. H. A. Niclmlls, Secrvturv, 13m. “7.16. Wiley, H. \VJ Hm. ’I‘. Hicks, 5. \\"., llm. J. E. Ulubino, S. 13.. Bro. D. McKenzie, J. 13., Bro. L. McLeod. Court Surgeon, Dr. Wilson, Endowment Agent, Bro. C. E. Sheppard. Correspondent to the “Forester,” Bro. '1‘. F. McMuhun, Auditors, Bros. Clubiue, McMmon and Sheppard, Tifisteeé, Bros. Rupert, Brydon and Newton. At Richmond Lodge, no. 23, G. R. C. on St. John’s night, June Q-Mlx inst, Past Mast‘ er Bro. A. J. Rupert installed the officers for the ensuing twelve months as follows :â€" W M. B10. '1‘ Newton. (1e- elected), S. W. “ T. F. McMahon. “ J. W. “ J. E. Clubins, “ Trans. “ W. Trench “ Sec.“ I. Crosby, S. D “ 1’. (l. Savage, J. D. “ H. F. Hopper, I. G. " IL. A. Nicholls, 0. G. “ F. Puget. Swwnrds. Bros. J. \V. Elliott and F. Mc- Conaghy. The following members cf the fire Brigade have been measured during the week {or dark pants with white stripes. From this num- ber the hose reel and hook and ladder teams will be selected to compete for prizes in the Toronto Tcurnameut on the 3rd of July :â€" VV. H. l’ugsley, L. Gaby, H. A. Nicholls, R. Glass. A. Wiley, J. Glass, C. E. Shepard, J. llrownlee, J. Piper, A. Peurose, C. McLean, A. Wright, T. Trench, A. Smixb, C. Wiley, 13.Re<lditt, W. E. Wilev, 0. Brown, A. Ash- ton. W. l). Atkinson, A. Powell, J. Anderson, J. H. Sanderson. J. Sanderson, I”. Sims, 0. Tl'CVeE’EluD. The annual Strawberry Festlvnl in com neclion with the Methodist Church, Maple, will be held in Mr. R. Rumbles beautiful grove (near llicbmeud Hill Station), on July lsl, 1890. Music will be furnished by Maple Brass Band and amateurs from Toronto and elsewhere. Speeches by Roy. 1’. Addison. of Aurora; Rev. (J. Manning, of Gerrard SL, anoum, and Rev. ‘uV. (J. Sanderson, of New- ton Brook. Rocimtions by liuv. 11. Leo and others. Ice Cream, luemoundo and other re- freshments provided on the ground. Ten served at. 4 p. 111. Tickets, Adults, 25 cts.; Uhildrou, liens. Proceeds in aid of Parson- age. 17 lbs. Sugar for 81.00 at the Fire Proof this week. "Will D. Atkinson. In the Carslulie Grand Derby Sweepstnke mu m. Epsom Downs, England. on the 4th of June, 1890, Sunfoiu came in first, Le Nerd second and Orwell third. The re were 229 non-starters. in quadruple. each of which drew for their ticket. holders $17.65. 0f the $50,000 distributed only 33530 was won by uiLizens of Richmond Hill. We are not pre~ pared to say how much was paid for tickets. The following Imve been elect-ml officers (01‘ Patterson Lodge. No. 266, Thornhill, {or the next Masonic yenr : W. M. Bro. J. 0. Steele, S. W. “ 1). A. Nellea, J. ‘V. “ J. E. Howell, Sec. “ Jns. McDonald, Trans. “ J. Lindsay, S. 1). ” H. B Schmidt, J. H. “ Edward Deacon, I. G. “ W. Perry. 0. G. “ H. Horen. Stewards, Bros. Bert Scott and Moses Stewards Wmte. Dominion Day in Richmond Hlll. Election of Officers Sex-acted Firemen. Patterson Lodge Lucky Numbers. Domimon Day. Vitallzed Air for Painless Extraction. c. H. R1888, comer Yonga and KingJonom. VVILEYâ€"At Bronklyn, N. Y , on June 19th. IWOv Howard (u‘rerrxm'l. eldesn mm of 1). G. and Addie Wiley, aged 0 years. «l months. \VILEYâ€"At Jh'(mklyn,N. \'.,on June 20th.18€‘0, Bentrme secmm daughter 0f D. G. and Addie \\ iley, anetl :3 years, 7 months. “ He shall gather the lambs in His arms." MACLEODAAE Munch (luttnge, Aurom, (m the 22nd inst, Mm‘gurat linker, widow of Norman Thurquil Mnclmod, late of Drynoch, ()uk Ridges, formerly of the Isle of Skye, Scut- land. in the 57th year of her age. CLARKSONâ€"At the residence of M. Tacfy, Post- master. Richmond Hill, Unt., on Tuesday, ‘leh June. 1500. Mls. Mary ALI] Kirlms Clm‘k» son, widow. formerly of ()nliville, Out , horn nem- llull, Yorkshire, England. ‘Jtll August, 1806. Mr, G. B. Smith, our local Member, left. the city on Monday morning: for Europe. He sailed yesterday from New York by steamship Teutonic, White Stur Line, and expects to be away about two months. His husinessi will take him through Gemmnv, quce,_ England, Scotland and Ireland. Mr. Smitti was accompanied as far as Clif- ton Springs by his wife and daughter. \VE)3$TERâ€"IlACKIE-AC the residence of tha bride‘s lather, 58 Shanesh urv Ave” Toronm, on June 18th, by Rev. C. A. Simpson, H. E. Webster, M. 1).. of York Mills, to Alison A., second daughter of Thomas A. hackle, Esq, formerly of Lansing. Mr. C. C. Robinson, of Aurora, having been appointed Solicnor for York County, he had necessarily to hand in his resignation as reeve. Anomcr reeve will therefore be elected for that town, which will make-three {or the first six months. Messrs. A. Savage and C. Wright, accom- panied by their friends Messrs. Johnston and Hill, spent Saturday night, and Sunday with relatives and friends in the village, and drove back to the city on Sunday evening. Annual Pic-Nic. Saturday afternoon last was chosen as the time for the annual summer outing of the Presbyterian Sundav school, and Bond's Lake. as in former years, was selected as the most suitable place for an afternoon's enjoy- ment. The weather, though somewhat threatening during the early part of the day, was what might truly be called "pic-nic weather.” As the hour of 1 o'clockâ€"the time announced for startingâ€"approached, the smiling faces of the children, and the no less pleased look of many of the older ones, as with basket in hand they wended their way towards the Presbyterian church, be- tokened to the casual observer that some- thing more than ordinary was agitating the minds of the people of our quiet village. Four busses, three waggons and several private conveyances were scarcely sufficient to convey all to the lake. Shortly before two o'clock a start was made, and after a short and pleasant drive the lake was reach- ed, where all at once proceeded to enjoy themselves in true pic-nic fashion. Cline bouts of course were the main attraction and were kept in constant use until the hour for leaving. While some were boating others were seated in groups on the grass in social conclave, others were swinging, others were strolling by twos under the sombre shades of the evergreens, while others were to he found here and there around the hike with pole in hand eagerly watching for a massive bass or perch to be tempted by the beguiling fly. We do not know the number nor size of the spoil, but stillicc it to say that the fishing was so good that two of the anglers could not be prevailed upon to come home with the others, but stayed to get more of tire spoil.’Wc have not since heard them re- late their fish stories, but no doubt they wiil be forthcoming in true Scot:h style. After Irevs-ml hours had been spent in the various amusements, the musical call of Mr. Bell was the means of gatherinny all to a shady p‘aee 0n the grass, where, all being seated, the good things provided by the ladies were passed around, until the inner cravings of all we're satisfied, when all again hastened forth to further enjoy themselves. All re- turned to the village shortly after dark, somewhat tired, but well pleased with the afternoon’s outing. NornswA collection, amounting to over $11, was taken up to de- fray current expenses... ,No accidenls hap- pened to mar the day’s enjoyment, but some of the ladies say that the way one boat was seen rocking once was enough to give nerv- ous prostration to either a doctor or a vet- erinary . . . . Among the picmickers were ob- served residents from Toronto, Thornhill, Maple and Aurora. . . . Professional men were well represented by the following :â€"Lawyers, doctors, Parsons, editors, and last, but not least (in numbers). pcdugogues. . . .A small wharf over by the woods would fill it much felt want to pic-nic parties in the habit of visiting the lake. Mr. E. Chapman is acting as juryman at the Civil Asaize Court now going on in To- ronto. Miss Tiifin, of Newton Brook, spent mfew days with her mother at Elgiu Mills, this week. Mr. & Mrs. J. A. E. Switzel started on Monday morning for and vicinity where they will spe visitmg relatives and friends. Mr. Pears, a retired gentleman of Toronto, made a visit this week with his old friend Mr. \Vm. Harding. Miss F. Gull returned on Monday evnning after spending a couple of weeks in Gunning- tou with her mother who hurl been ill. 20V. Father Teefy of St. Michael‘s Collegc, Toronto, spam. Thursday night and Friday with his father, M. Tecfy Esq. Mr. & Mrs. J. A. E. Switzer and family W. Bro. '1'. Newton has been nppointofl delegate by Richmond Lodge, to attend the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, which meets in Kingston on the 16th of July. Mr. Pally, of Torontn, is spending a week's holidays with his I'clmives at Bivknur, the residence of Mrs. Sanger and family. BEST TEETH ON A PLATE, $8.00. PERSONALS. IVIARRI‘AGES DEATHS spend the and family Streetsville week Ann eale (1 Wire, Garden Tools, Building“ Paper, ' I Cistern~13umps,, . And all Kinds of Hard‘Ware and Tinware. Eavetroughing and'Repairing Promptlyj‘Aij’uended to; 0'1 JVIAS ()N Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, Carpet Sweepers; THII LIBERAL IIIB PRINTING OFFICE, N ote (1 f01 1* i1 L@t- Claw-is ‘V 01- k, .I Is thaplace Where Neat and Clean Printing can be oba tained at the lowest prices THE FIRE PROOF. This is the place for Boots and Shoes of all sizes, makes and qualities. 1 give below some of the lines I have 111 stock 2â€"â€" Gents’ Balmorals, in Alligator, Kangaroo, Stanley Kid, Shell Cordovan, French Call, Buff. Oxford Shoes of diflerent styles in the: newest Patternsrrand Designs. Ladies’ Rhea Boots, in Daisy Kid, Gondola Kid, Polished Call, Oi'.‘ Guilt and Oxford Shoes for Misses, \Vomcr. and Children. LOCAL COLUMN WILL D ATKINSON HARDWARE STORE I For particulars of how matters %R03Eb; (DAâ€"fig]; Al‘Vl} SE14} fi:EI*3â€"â€"â€"-*w ROBT. SIVERS. Sells Cheap for Cash. â€"â€"RICH MOND HILL. é??? are going this week at RIC 11310?er) 111 14 L L‘OOK Chums, Scales, IN THE Nails, Eavetroughin‘g, Hot Air Furnaces, [Firmware of all kinds, Becket, Knives, Table Cutlery, Iron Roofmy, Carpet Felt, Stoves,

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