Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1890, p. 5

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Connects with alltmins, leaving the Palmer House Richmon ‘Hm. as follows: XMM: 8; Expressjwrth & South... Accommodation “ “ . Mailfiz Express North & South ....7.45 n, m. 12.00 .515 p. m- ‘Until further notice Mails will he closed at the «Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MOBNING :â€"Going North. snulh East. and West. including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto, Markhamflc. 7.45 EVENING :â€"Goin,q southEast and West (as above) 5.30 N. B.â€"â€"Registm'ed Letters must be handed in at least Flfteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Fewmmket ....... Amara, ‘ Kins: ..... Rmmrmn Emu 211011111111 Downsview Davenport. Pm‘krlnlem. ‘I‘ORON’I‘O. Brock Street. ‘Unimx . ‘Cxty HxLII Cftv Hall Union ........... Brock 811 Get I’m lululuu .. D wenpm Downsvie“ 1111111111111 (In 1“me HILL Kin". Kfl‘tonb. Nomuarkcc RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Julv 3. 90 PROCTOB’S STAGE LINE. {‘ORONTG Qitv Hz The Elgin Tannery is closed for a week or two, tbs engine and difiereuc parts of ma- ~cb1uery bemg under repair. N. R, R. TIME TABLE The spot we aim utâ€"spot cash. Atkinson dz Switzur. Splendid furmers’ Lard, 12%0. per quantities, at the Concrete. As our reporter was away on Saturday we are not prepared to give a full account of the base ball match between the baseball «Hub and the cricket club. Suffice it to sav the cricketers were beaten by a. score of 27 to 4. “Every man at his trade.” The cricket match between the same two teams is yet to be played. Fine Feathers make fine Bonnets. Atkin son & Switzer. Got the drop on usâ€"our price. Atkinson ‘& Swilzc'r. "‘orn100. percau. Plums 10:. per can, Peaches 20c. 391‘ can, Tomatoes 3 cans for 256. at. the Concrete. As stated hut Week THE LIBERAL appears one day earlier than usual this week. Patfersou school closes on Friday with a pic- 1110 fix the pupils. Kilgour‘s Paper Bags, nll sizes, kept in stock at Tm; LIBERAL EEOIG. Brim: your tmdiug cards and get your silver presents at Neville‘x. Socrates never had a seek to his name. didn’t wear suspenders and knew no more of n boiled shirt than n. boiled owl. He was a philosopher and used to putter round at the philosophy business wrappad in thought and a misfit toga. 'l‘nese were his togs. He was not happy. No man can be happy un- less his neck is stifiened with a. good Rub- berene Colinr at 12 cents, his back braced with a dress Shirt at $1.00, his head crown. ed with 3 Derby at $150, and his feet fixed in 501L802: at 250. Atkinson & Switzer, Vaughan Council will meet next Tuesday, June 8th. The Public Scbooh: of the village closed on Monday evening for the summer holidays. \Vebfitors Unabridged Dictionary can purchused at, Tum LIBERAL Store for $2.50. Gloves, Hosiery. Challies, Muslims. and all summer goods very cheap just now at Neville’a. “(7wa flilwwl... The Departmental Examinations commence here on Tuvsday next. T. H. Redditt, B. A. of Aurora, will preside. A reception for the new ministers hereâ€" Rev. Messrs. Speer and McCollochâ€"Will be given in the school room of the Methodist church this (Wednesday) evening. A committee appointed by the Richmond {Hill & Yonge Street Agricultural Society met on Monday and made arrangements for sheeting the interior of the Agricultural Hall. When completed this will be one of the largest and best halls in the county. the Lntmncn Examinations to High Schools wili beheld on Thursday, Fiiday and Sutnrday of this week. A hook and ladder team. and a hose reel team go to Toronto to-morrow (Thursday) to compete for prizes at, the Summer Carni- val. Rev. G. N. Rutledge and Rev. J. M. Simp- son preached their Farewell Sermons on Sunday, the former in the mnrning, the lat- ter in the evening. Very good congregations listened attentively to their parting Words of counsel and encouragement. Both ministers have labored here faithfully for the past three years. We trust their new fields of labor in Leslieville and Claremont respec- tively will be pleasant and profitable. Handy thingsâ€"our gloves at the Concrete. POST OFFICE NOTICE Base Ball Match. GOING NORTH Mm} A 8.05 8.15 GOING SOUTH Ex. . 8.00 8,11 8.27 8.37 8.46 9.05 9.11 9.16 Farewell. 9.30 ‘ 9.40 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. X ‘.15 Accnm. 12.15 12.23 12.58 7.02 12.47 7.19 12.13;! 1233 1.01 l .45 8 00 8 10 5J0 cams:- 2â€"23.; 3.1;!‘l 20' Late Train. Tmmorrow (Thunduy) night Proctor’s Bus will meet the late train which leaves 'L‘uronlo at 11 o'clock. This will be a good chance for leosn who wish to visit the To- romo Carnival and stay to see the evening programme. The Base Ball match on the Park on Dominion Day between the junior clubs of Richmond Hill and Tnornhill was very excit- ing. There was a large number of specta- tors, ull of whom seemed to be very much interested. Alter playing nine innings each Thornhill were declared the winners of the bell for which they were playing. The play on both sides was remarkably good for young teams, but if some of the mnthers would ac- company their boys the language used on the field might be more choice. It seemed a characteristic of the game that the decisions of the umpire should be disputed. Be Cautious We understand a number of store- keepers in neighboring villages have been fined $520 ench for selling! l‘mis green Without a license. It will be well for these who sell this poiato hug extinguipher to read up the mw as 300 fines considerably lessen the season' 3 piofit on this commodity Smash up. A runâ€"a way horse made things lively for a While this morning. As it was being driv. en through the village its driver jumped out of the buck-board to which it was hitched, to head ofi a cow that was also “on the flit." The horse started northward and ran as far as Arnold street. It then took the sidewalk which it kept as far as Glass‘ butcher shop. Meeting with obstructions here it freed it- self from the vehicle, and made use of the plank till it was captured opposite Mr.Grant’s residence. The animal was considerably skinned and bruised. The receipt of a copy of the Prize List for this year‘s Toronto Industrial Exhibition. which is to be held from the 8th to the 20th of September next, reminds us that the fair season is again fast approaching. The Prize List shows the addition of many new classes and a large increase in the amount ofi'ered as premiums. Toronto offers many attractions to visitors during the season, but the greatest of all is its annual Exhibition which this year promises to be greater and better than ever. Alcopy of the Prize List can be ob- tained by any of our readers, who may desire one, by dropping a post card to Mr. H. J. Hill, the Secretary, at Toronto. It. would appear from town talk that Mr. Dilworth, the Toronto Druggiaf, is the only man that can furnish a suitable and rapid cure for the La Grippe or In- fluenza. Don’t fail to call and see him when visiting the city and be convinced. Strawberry Festival. Teslon Lodge, No. 199, I. O. G. T., in- tend holding a grand strawberry festival at Teston on Wednesday, Julv 9m, 1890. Ten served from 5 to 7. The following foreign and local talent has been secured for the Euterbainmeut: Rev. A. McLaugmlin, Pas- tor of the Luthem church, Sherwood; Miss Lizzie McLaughtlin, of Sherwood; J. O’Brien the Elocutionist, of Luskay; T. Kirby, of Hope, and others. Music furnished by A. Cnrley‘s string band, of Vellore. Chair to hp taken at 8 o’clock by Dr. Sisley. of Maple. Proceeds in aid of the I. O. G. T. Tickets, adults 25c.; children tin-Jar 12 yrs. 15c.; Cou- cexb alone, 15 cents. The fifth quarterly meeting of Vaughan S. S. Association in Institute exercises was held in Murray Chapel, Vaughan. June 25th, 1890 with Rev. A. McLaughlin. Pastor of the church as Director. Several of the ministers from the township were present; also S. S. workers from several schools. The papers presented had been thoughtfully prepared. Many of us knew more about our bibles at nine o‘clock that night than before. Healthy discussions followed the papers. School diiliculties also were presented and discussed. A desire to help and he helped pervaded the meeting. Murray Chapel friends gave the Institute a good tea. The next Institute meeting was announced to be held (D. V.) in Concord Methodist Church, Vaughan, in October and this meeting of instruction best understood by those who attended. Closed, Rev.C.H.Shortt giving the Benediction.â€" Com The young ladies of the Methodist church never disappoint their patrons on Dominion Day. Their endeavors are to please, and they are always eminently successful. Their Rainbow Social and Promenade Concert on Tuesday evening was well managed and had much to recommend it besides its object which was to strengthen the funds of the church. It was a delightfully planned pro- gramme, successfully carried out. and met With deserved success. The large Agricul- tural Hall was beautifully decorated with Chinese lanterns and evergreens, and the ef. fective grouping of the ladies’ delicately. colored gowns and caps with their varied fashioning, was well calculated to delight the eye, and convince people that the en- tertainment was appropriately named, as all the colors of the rainbow were well represent- ed. The Band contributed lergelv to the pleasure of the evening by its choice select- ions of music, and the tempting ice cream and other delicacies found a ready sale. The receipts were about $100 which would have been very much larger but for the Toronto Carnival and other count/er attractions so close at hand. A Free Trip to Europe. The I publishers of The Cunadain Queen will give a free trip to Europe to the person sending them the largest number of words constructed from letters contained in the name of their well known Magazine, “The Canadian Queen." Additional Prizes con- sisting of Silver Tea Sets, Gold “latches, Chine. Dinner Sets, I’ortier Curtains, Silk Dresses, Mantel Clocks, and many other use- ful and valuable articles will also be awarded in order of merit. Webster‘s Unabridged Dictionary to be used its authority in decid- ing the contest. This is a popular plan of introducing a popular publication. Every one sending a list of not less than ten words will receive a present. Enclose thirteen 2c. stamps for illustrated catalogue of presents and three months’ trial subscription to The Queen. Addressâ€"The Canadian Queen, 'l‘o- ronto, Ont. Thomhill vs. Richmond Hill. Vaughan S. S. lnstxtute. Canada’s Great Fair. Rainbow Social. SHARPâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Saturday, June 28th, the w1fe of John Sharp, baker, of a son. TAYLORâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Saturday, June 28th, the wife of E. Taylor of a son. FRANK LAZARUS Manufacturer. 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Bond, London, England, late Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Conn. Vitallzed Air for Painless Extraction. B. H. RIGGS. Comer Yonge and King, TflflDNTO. Miss Gertie and Ethel Barker. of Streets- v111e, daughters of Rev. W. R. Barkoz, form- erly of this place, have been making a visit at. the residence of Mr. W. Trench, previous to going to Collingwood, Where the family will be stationed during the next three years. LISTEN. â€"â€"Farmers’ Wives and daugh- ters do you want to make home pleasant and comfortable, and to have snug and cosy sleigh drives. if you do, call at Dilâ€" worth’s Drug Store and you will get full and valuable information how to make a beautiful and costly looking Hearth Rug and Door Mat out of a common sheep skin, with so little trouble that you will be as mad as a “hatter” that you did not know long ago; also with the same little trouble, you can make an elegant Sleigh Robe out of ’Conn, Dog, Deer or any other kind of skins, and make them as soft as a. kid glove ! Please call yourself, and tell your friends to call at Dilwnrth’s Drug Store, 170 King St. East Toronto. Between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels. The only place such information can be had. @No connection with any other firm in the Dominion of Canada. Mr. J. E. Tyndall, Principal of the Alex- nudria Public School. County of Glengary, came home on Tuesday to spend his vacation with relatives here. Last Friday evening Rev. G. N. Rutledge delivered a lecture in the Methodist church. Pattersou,ou the subject “Pre-hlstorio Man.” There was a good audience present. Rev. W. R. Barker and wife attended the young ladies’ Strawberry Festival on Tues- day evening and spent Wednesday with old friends in the village. Dr. T. V. Law,of Detroit, is making a. visit with his relatives here this Week. Mr. John Palmer started on Monday for Port. Huron to attend the races in that town. Mr. T. A. Lackie, of Toronto, spent Mon- day in the village and called on many of his old friends. Mrs. O. D. Currier started on Frlday even- ing for Lockport, N. Y., to |“tend the funer~ al of a relatifie. Mr. H. M. Mchnig has been appointed Presiding Examiner at the Departmental Ex- aminations Newmarket next week David James Esq., of Thornhill, last week, attended as a delegate, the sixth Internation- ul Sunday School Convennon held in Puts- burg. Pa. These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 38 years, and have given in every instance unbounded satisfact- ion. They are the best in the world. They never tire, and last many years Without change. Mr. B. Barnard, of Bradford, formerly of Richmond Hill, was in the village on Thurs- day. l’upll of W O l‘orsyth and H M F? eld, both of the Tumnto College 01 \lus , Teacher of the Pumufox be \Vlll be in Richmond Hill on Finlay 01 9:11.11 week. 'Jhose \\ fishing to place themselves under his instructions will kindly communicate with him at Aumm Sgegtaelas 89: Eyesfilasses. Mus Sadie Ever starts for Kansas City to-day. At her homo. “E1111w00d,” Richmond Hill June 19»?! Terms moderate. To Contractnrs ard Bullders. For sale, about two-hundred thousands feet; of first-clues Hem- lock, Maple,Ehn {hard and soft} and basswood lumber. suimble for all bullding purposes. All bills promptly attended to. Applv to JOS. NOBLE, T. 17‘. McMahon, @ififi g! (23*. Qulum FRANK LAZARUS Preserve yeur Sight (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. 5537 TEETH or: 4 PLATE, $8.00. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 50-y1 BY WEARING THE ONLY Is prepared to give lessons ‘in Publisher of THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. PERSONALS. NOTICE, C. C. F0 IKSY'I‘II . RENOWNED BIRTHS. FOR SALE BY Nobletdn, Ont Ann ealed Wing, Building Paper, ' l Cistern Pumps, And all Kinds of Hardware and Tinware._ Eavetroughing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. C. MAS()N THE FIRE PROOF. Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, Garden Tools, Carpet Sweepers, WILL D. ATKINSON LOCAL COLUMN This is the place for Boots and Shoes of all sizes, makes and qualities. 1 give below some of the lines I have in stock :~4 Gents’ Balmorals, in Alligator, Kangaroo, Stanley Kid, Shell Cordovan, French Call, Buff. Oxford Shoes oi diflerent styles in the newest Patterns and Designs. Ladies’ Rhea Boots, in Daisy Kid, Gondola Kid, Polished Call, Oil GuClt and Oxford Shoes for Misses, \Vomen and Children. Noted for Ivirst-Class VVork, , Is the» place Where Neat and Clean Printing goan be ob: tained at the lowestwpriogg. ~ ’ ' HARDWARE STORE I THE LIBERAL JOB PRINTING OFFICE; For particulars of how matters are going this week at CALL AND SEE BIEâ€"â€"~ROBT. SIVERS; Sells Cheap for Cash. -â€"â€"):o:(â€"â€" RICIIMOND II,ILI_J LOOK Chums, Scales, IN THE Nails, Eavetroughing, Hot Air Furnaces, Tinware of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Iron Roofing, Carpet Felt, Stoves,

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