Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1890, p. 8

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The Municipal Coundi‘l of the township of Mnrkham,met in Victoria Hall,Union- yiqu, or} Saturday, June 2_8_th, i890. l'_"7 "' "Vflw Members present: Messrs. Foster (reeve), Slater. Schmidt and Scott. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. The following communications were read: From L. H. Reesor, calling the atten- tion of the Council to the unsatisfactory state of the culvert in front of Mr. John Mapes’ residence, and advising one or more members of the coungil to visit the place. ' From D. R. Benton, re. grams of gravel made by Pickefing Council --_ A»: A An ' From Wm Ha1'1', enclosing $12. 82 un- der protest; Mr. Scott. seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved, that. the treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay 1’ Coony the sum of $27. 92 for cedar furnished this muni- cipality; â€"Carried. . .. .. nu Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Slater, moved, that the treasurer pay Grand & Tuy two dollars and forty cents for cash bookâ€"Carried. Mr Francis Helmkay addressed the council In reference to opening out ditch uppgait}? lofi 17 001}. _2. -. N. »-.. shell’s hill,-27 rods at 20c._per rod Cleaning ditch on hill ... . . Putting stone on hlll. 3 toise at Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved. that the treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay the following ac- counts on the order of the mover when the work is completed;â€" To Wm. Joyce, road overseer Div. No. 28, for ditching on lot 12, 5th Con. . .$ 3 00 To John Simpkins. ditching Hor- â€"â€"Carried. Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Scott, moved, that the treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay Wm. B. Johnston eight, dollars and thirty'three cents ($8.33) being two-thirds the value of two sheep killed by dog or dogs. owners unknown as testified by oath.â€"â€"â€"Carried. Mr. Schmidt, seconded by M'r. Slater, moved, that the treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay Mr. Leach the sum of $150.00, being payment for gravel pit, on lot 19, Can. 2, purchased by this council.â€"-Cnrried. ’ Moved by M’r. thmidt, seconded by Mr. Slater. that; the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay John \Vilson the sum of seven dollars, being for cnfliu, digging grave and burial of the late John Loufchouse, a pallper.fâ€"Carried. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved, that the treasurer be and is here- by instructed to pay R. Campbell the sum of $46.57 for work and material as follows:â€" ’ 4,} days with team ................... .313 50 2610ada of stone. . . 12 00 "‘ 0‘; days’ labor ............. Nails . ... Guard railing, material cl: work. .11 19 Building culvert. . 5 00 The above wo'rk on mside line 20 and 21, Con 7 east. and culvert on 6th 0011., lot 21.â€"â€"Carried. IiIr. Scott. seconded. by Mr. Smith, moved, that, 1111'. Slater be and is hereby appointed a. commissioner to have town ship council gravel pit, lot. 19, 0011.2, put. in proper shape for taking out gmvel amount required payable on order of missioner when work is completed.â€" Carried. Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Scott, moved, that the sum of $125.00 be grant.- ud on the town line beLWeen Pickering and Markham, a like amount; having been granted by Pickering council. and that Mr. A Foster be and is hereby appointed commissioner to expend the Same, amount payable on urder of the unmmissioner when work is completed.â€" Carried. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Schmidc, moved, that the treasurer be and is here- by authonzed to pay W. Cusgrove, on uxder of the menu, the sum of $8.14, be- ing half amount for clearim out ditch, lots 30 and 31, Con. 2, parties interested having done a like amount. â€"Carried L Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Slater, moved, that, the treasurer be amd is here- by authorized to pay the following gravel accounts, viz. :â€"- Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Afr. Scott, muved, that Mr. Gould be granted leave of absence from this meeting on account of sickness in his f:nuily.â€"Carried. Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Scott, moved. that the tender of Mr. Harring- ton to furnish shis muniéipality with good common plank at $13.50 per thousand, at his yard, be accepted. a. detailed state- ment to be furnished this council of plank furnished.~â€"Cnrried. -A ~- . Mnnv so called diseases are simply svmptoms of tarrh such as headache. partial deafness, losing muse of smell lmil b1ea:l1,hawkix1g 21nd spitting, ml fuclmg of debility etc. If you are ' . bled vs .h any oftllcse or kmdred symptoms you have L'Catari i1,_ and should lose no time 111 procuring \SAL VBALM. Be wamcd‘in timé; f llowed mt: e o x : . eglected cold 1n head resuhs 1n Cnmrrh : “5”.ku w. 1;" consumplx 81'. drwgisxs, or will be sent, post paid. on receipt of PKiu» mJ cunts and Sync) hy addressing £15088 & 65., BRUCKVILLE, GMT. m. yaw-an u: unuzztluua similar in name. can-5nd death. NILE”: BALM 'is sold by $1.50 Markham Gouncfl. 100 450 John Henley, 57 yards gravelx Wm. Munro, A.Henrick,12 Almer Hos’hel, 17 John Hensley, 32 Alex. Russell, 10 N. Playter, 68 (‘ H H U H ...85 70 .3 4o .... .. 1 2o 1 70 3 20 1 00 . ..... 6. 80 A â€"" 7 "1 "7: ‘-â€"Carried. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr Slater, moved that the treasurer be and is bew- by authorized to pay the following ac- counts: Samuel Wideman, repairing road MA'A 5 plane and scrapers . ..... ........... $ 2 50 Albert Collins, putting in culvert. lot 16, Con. 10 .................... 7 35 J. H. Ross, for road plane ......... 30 00 A. Mitchell, for building bridge at Dixon’ 5 niill‘ on 8th Con.,as per bill rendered .......... .. ........... 78 96 R. Campbell, for pile driver and 27} days’ work , 5 75 n -Carried. Mr. Scott, seconded'by Mr. Schmidt, moved, that. Mr. Slater be and is hereby appointed a commissioner to examine, and, if necessary, clean out. ditch oppo- site lot. 17, Con. 2; amount required pay~ able on order of commissioner when Work ls 90mpleted. -Carried. Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Slater, moved, that. in answer to the communi- cation of L. H. Reesor, re. culvert. at. Boxgrove, the reeve and overseer be and are hereby appointed commissioners to have the same put; in proper shape, amount required payable on their order when work is completed.â€"-Carried. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved, that, the reeve be and is hereby appointed commissioner to have a bridge reâ€"built on side line west, lots 30 and 31, Con. 7, amount required payable on or- der of commissioner when work Is com- pleted.â€"Ca.rried. ... .- nl. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Slater, moved. that the mover be and is hereby appointed a commissioner to examine and repair, if necessary, bridge on side line between lots 25 and 26, Con. 4; also bridge on side line between lots 30 and 31, Gen. 2, amount required payable on order of commissioners when work is completedâ€"Carried. Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. thmidt, moved, that the amount required for grading side line between lots 10 and 1], Con. 4, be payable on the order of the mover when the work is completed.â€" Cartied. Mt. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Slater, moved, that the clerk be instructed to strike 011' Mrs. N. Tomlinson’s taxes on lot 5, Con. 8, for 1887 62. 1888.-â€"Carried. Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved, that Mr. John Raymond and the mover be commissioners to repair bridge oppomte lot 14, Gun. 4, amount required payable on order of the commiamoners when work is completed.â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Slater, that when this council adjournu it stands adjourned until Satnrdav, the 16th of August. at 10 o’clock‘a. m. ' TUWNSEEF of VAUGHEN, The undersigned has firsbclass pasture and plenty of good water for cattle, on Lot 20, rear of the film] (‘on. of Vaughan, (2% miles west 01 Rich- mond. Hill.) Apply to Is hereby given, that I have transmitted or deâ€" livered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 & 6 of “The Voters' List Act," the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appeering by the last revised Assessment ltoll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Richmond Hill, on the 26th day of June, 1890, and remains there for inipection. _., 1.--"--. EIeutm‘n are called upon tn exmmme the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found ta ke immediate proceedmgs to have the said errors corrected according to law. JAS. M. LAWRENCE, Cleljk_of the mud Municipality. Dated this 26th day of June. 1890. 52-3 50 acres, more or laws, being part of lot 32. rear of 2nd Con. Markham. 0n the place are two first-class dchmg houses. good burn sheds and stables. A good spring creek passes through the place, and there is u fine orchard. For further particulars apply to the proprietor JACOB BURNER, 5245 Victoria Square 1’ O Wheat new fall per bush.“ \thuc red per bush .. Wham spring per hush Wheat goose, pet bush Barley per bush Oats per bush... Dressed hogs per huud Chickens per pair Butter 11) rolls ......... Eggs new laid per doz Potatoes per bug Apples .............. Turnips yellow pm bag, Cabbage per «102 ' Beets per dozu.‘ Parsnips per dnz Carrot 8 per Joz Onions per [mg . leishes per doz Hay timothy Hwy clover fittaw H FARM FOR SALE ! Vamms’ LL52; 18.90 312w fiavmiamwta. PASTUBE. Em Wurkstfi TORONTO, my 3, 1890. NO'I‘ICE MUNICIPALITY OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. H. J. GRAHAM, Carrville P. 0. 01C0t0$l00 .100 000 .095 000 .076 078 .042} 045 ,038 039 .700 725 .075 090 0018 022 .012 013 .070 075 0300 400 .040 000 .075 000 .000 02’) .000 020 .000 01:5 0 2:; 1‘3 ()0 S 00 7 00 11 U 90 0 22 U 13 0 75 4 06 U ()0 0 00 0 2’) 0 20 0 15 (t We have purchased for 590. on the turer’ 5 Stock of Ready- Made Clothing ever 5 will inaugurate the tr Ever held in TOronto. This colossal stock embraces the finest class 0% goods both in Men’s,. Boys’ and Children’s Suits, and the whole-will be offered Without reserve. Among them are the following specials :-â€"â€" 300 Children’s Suits for 750. per suit, worth $2 I 300 Men’s Suits (all wool) for $3.75, worth $8 200 Children’s Suits for $1.50 per suit, worth $3 350 Men’s Suits (all wool) for $5, worth $20 300 Children’s Suits for $2.76 per suit, worth $5 700 Men’s Suits (all won!) for $10, worth $10 to $20 500 Boys’ 3 pc. Suits, any size. for $350, worth $6 1,000 Pairs all wool working pants for $1 per pair 500 Youths’ Suits, sizes from 15 to 20 years, for $4 50,Worth $3 800 Pairs Sunday Pants for $2.50, worth 5,34 Our store will be closed on Wednesday in order ts mark these goods off, and on J. T. SA‘IGEON, The sale will commence. This is the greatest chance ever offered to buy a high class of Clothing Cheap. Our staff of salesmen will be doubled, and we will do all in our power to serve everybody, but we would remind the people to come in tne mormng and avoid the GGBE DIST. MUTUM. FIRE INSURANCE 00.; afternoon Vrush; TEMPERESNGE 89 GENERAL P. 0._ Address King, RESIDENCE SPRINGHILL. VILLAGE OF MAPLE, 2?; stories, nearly new. The house is well fitted 1m and has all the modernamprovements. Heatâ€" ed by hot air furnace. Half acre of land, mute or less; 00d stable. Large eurrenter shop. it not pure used will be removed. There is u. quan- tity of small fruits and pxentv of hard and soft water. Terms easy. Apply '0 27-tf N. SHUNK,'MapIe 221 291 15‘ GOUGH, THE WUNDERFUL CHEAP MAN; 17th April ‘ZAbh “ 131; May 8th “ ‘oth ' Parisian Isuzu 17m " Carthnginizm 1* 14th “ Circassitm 13th Aug 21st “ Sardinian 20m “ 37th Aug Polynesian 27th ” 4th “ |P1Lrisian 3rd Sept; * Will not carry passengers 1 S 9 0 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Livezpael & @uebw Same. RATES OF PASSAGE Cabin. $60.00. $70.00 and $80.00, accord- ing to accommodation. Servants iu Cabin, $50 00. Intermediate, $25.00. Steernge, $20.00. Return Tickets, Cabin, $110.00. $130.00, $150.00. Intermediate, $55.00. Steerage, $40.00. LIBERAL OFFICEz Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday mornmg's Express and go on board any time utter eight o’clock same evening. ’ Passengers w1shin‘11: to embark at Quebec will leave Toronto by Wednesday morning’s Egpress and gopnA board Thursggy morning. Tickets may be purchased from the Local Agent, T. F. LICMAHON, ALLAN LINE Passengexsvwishing to pxoceed b‘y Steamer from Toronto, leave Tmouto 8b.. 9 p. m. on the Monday, if they wish to embark a_t Montreal ; at Quebec. From Liverpool A nine-roomed, brick-clad dwelling, in the Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool June .1 my FOR SALE. The British America, Insurance Agent 1 ardinitm Polynesian Parisian Cnrnhaginian Circnssian Sardinimx Polynesian Parismu Carthaginmn Circussinn Surdinimn ’Polynesian Parisian ‘ LCarthuginizm Circassitm Sardinian Polynesian IPerisian STEAMER. THURSDAY MORNING, AT 9 0701.: 'or‘on Tu'esday, if they embark BIGGEST BARGAIN SALE 12.8 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Also the xâ€"FORâ€" 7th May 14th “ ‘ 21m “ 9th July 16th " 123ml " ‘30s}: “ 4th June 11th " 18th “ 25th ” From Montreal RICHMOND HILL 14th Aug let “ 28th “ 4th Sept 10th July 17th " 24th " ‘3lst ” Shh May 15th “ 22nd “ 5th J une 12th “ 19th “ 26th “ From Quebec The undersigned has on hand all kinds of first- class coal. which will be delivered at the con- venience of purchasers, or parties may draw it themselves from I have purchased alot of wood of all kinds, hard and soih,fr0m Mr. Full-when Gibson, which I am prepazod to sell at leusonablayricea. Orders Sclicited 86 Satisfaction Gfiaranteed. COAL All Other Articles in his Line WM. HABBISON’S. Supplied. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATN ESS, CHEAPN ESSA AN 9 DISPATCH. ONHA 0r Made to Order. In returning thanks to mv numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past thirty years. I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and eommodious premises I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisnn. I am also prepared to do all kinds nf black- smithmg db repairing in #116 most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. TRENCH’ S -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . “ZZZE élflflfiflé $1.00 IN AUVINBE. VVl‘vI. TRENCII HIGHMOND HILL STATION. Single Harness G-tf Horse-Shoeing on the Dollar the largest VVhoIesale Manufac- xing ever sold in Canada, and on Ihursday, May Ist, we RICHMOND HILL. Paid apecia.‘ attention to. RICHMOND HILL. . B. Proctor, Sleighs and WOOD AND 300 Men’s Suits (all wool) for $3.75, worth $8 350 Men’s Suits (all wool) for $5, worth $20 700 Men’s Suits (all won!) for $10, worth $10 to $2¢ 1,000 Pairs all wool working pants for $1 per pair 800 Pairs Sunday Pants for $2.50, worth 5,34 N. E.Corner Yonge & Queen Streets; Toronto. One cf, the largest Dental Offices in the Dominion FJANDREWS” Gold Amalgam, and Forcelain St Mary’s Episcopal Church-Services at 3 p‘ m. except the third Sunday of everv month,when the servxco and sacrament are hold at 11 a m, Sunday school at 1.3017 Lu. Rev W W Bates, Rector Methodist Churchâ€"Surviaes at 10% a. m and 6.301; m. and Sunday school at. :4 30 1) m. Young peoples prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Geneml prayer meeting Thursday evening In the lecture room. Rev J M Simpson, supermtendent, Rev G. N Rutledge, assistant BEST SETS TEETH *- $8.00.. OSCAR Examine before buying elsewhere. Terms to sum Presbyterian Churcthervices at 1] a m and 6 301: m. Sunday school at 2 30 p m. Prayer meshing on.\‘le<111esduy evening at 7.30. dev W W I’erclvalfi Pastor Roman Cmtholu: Churchâ€"Services in order as» follows : Thornhill at; 9 a 111 and Richmond Hill at 10. 30 a m , thu Iollowing Sunday at Bachmuud Hill at; 9 n. m and Thornhill at 10. 30 a 111. Rev J. J Egan, l’astox , RICHMOND Hum FIRE BRIGADE BAND meets for practice every \Vedosduy 65 Saturday evening at 8 o’clock W. Sheppard, Leader. W E Wiley, Secretary FIRE BRIGADE.â€"Reglllar meeting 2nd Monday of every month, held in the fiouncil Chamber. at; 813.11). Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain pxivileges and exemptions. Wm‘H. Pugsloy, Captain. 11. AA Nicholls, Secretary. " Richmond Lodge,A F &. A LI, No 23, G R C meets 1n the lodge room,1\»imouic Hall. on the Monday on or before full moon, at, 8 o’clock p m. T Newton, WM, I Crosby, secretary The Methodist sabbath school'l‘emperance As sociution issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. \V1n.Iimrison aupf A. 0. U. w. Ivy Image, No. 114, Meets in m'é Masonic Had] on the second and fourth Tuesdgy of each month at; 8 o‘clock p.111. Beneflcary cel- tiflcategiveu for $2.000 in case of death. John Brown,Muster Workman B. E Law. rec Av‘cient Order of Forestersâ€" Court Richmond No 7046, means in the Masonic Hall every ulterâ€" nate Friduv evum'ng at 8 o'clock. H F Hopper 0 R, W E W119?” secretary MECHANICS’ INSTITUTEâ€" Library of over 1000 volumes open evely Tuesday evening, in the Ma ,_ sonic- Hall, from 7 to 8 o ‘clock. R. E Law, Libra - rian. ’1‘ F McMahon. Secretary VILLAGE Couxcn..â€"Rervo, Wm. Pugsley, Conn cillors. Messrs. P G.Ss.vurgo, Wm A Sandersou,\V Atkinson, Dr Wilson. Mark. M. Tecfy R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,each alterâ€" nate Tuesday evening atSO’clock p m. Beneâ€" ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for $1,600 or in case of death $2,000, one halt Duyablc in case of disability. J. H. Sanderâ€" son Select Councillor; J A E Switzerfiecoxding Secretnw Office Hoursâ€"g a. m. to 6 p. m.. Mon- days, and Saturdays to 10 p.m.‘ NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES. Also agent for the world renowned Fllllngs and Porcelain Vitalized Air for Extractxon. Electric Light used for evening. Crowns (teeth without a. plate) a specialty. wfil‘lngc @immry. Dentist, Agenfi fo; the celebratarl BELL ORGAN. Min" murdering cured. Books laamed in ( '10 n” ‘vng Tnn' mnials from all pans u] .‘lw ectua yns'n» F11“ : . flat: to Prnf M. m 4. Jew Yurli. Churches. Socneties J. BROVV‘N,

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