Different Conservative newspa- pers in the province are scattering the report that the Hon. Edward Blake is endeavoring to supplant Hon. \Viltrid Laurier as leader of the Dominion Opposition. Every member of the Liberal Parliamen- tary party knows such reports to be untrue. Every member of the Lib- eral Parliamentary party knows that so long as MnBlalce's health allowed him to stand at the helm he had their tull conï¬dence and best sup- port, and every one of that party knows that Mr. Laurier reluctantly accepted the position after a pres- sure on all sides to do so. The present leader of the Opposition IS a gifted orator, he is the soul or honor, is well read on all political questions, and no man in Canada can show a cleaner record as a pub- lic man. It is true Mr. Laurier Would willingly and cheerfully give place to his predecessor if the lat- ter would consent. He knows Mr. Blake’s great ability to which he has referred in the following words :â€" “America has not Mr. Blake’s equal, nor Europe his superior.†But admitting the failure of the undertaking from almost every standpoint, people are disgusted with the daily sketches in the Even- ing Telegram. That journal ridi- cules the concern in every issue, and although the paragraphs may have been read With some degree of interest for a iew days, the intended jokes have become stale alter a week’s duration. It is difï¬cult to say whether the Telegram is actuat- ed more by a desire to injure the reputation of the city, or to throw mud at E. King Dodds. There is little doubt the latter gentleman had a desire to make a personal boom for himself but his iailure is not the ï¬rst on record, and the Tele- gram should give its readers a rest. No person need be surprised that Hamilton newspapers are poking tun at Toronto on their lack of suc- cess with their recent carnival. Even the leading journals of the Queen City could not refrain from pointing out that the whole aflair was a huge farce. After 1t was all over, they naturally ask Why was it ever allowed to take place. With the exception of two or three alder- men no person seemed at all anxious for the carnival, and as it ended in a complete ï¬zzle the citizens were naturally inclined to feel indignant. They had been used to success on iormer occasions. and were not pre- pared tor rash or useless enterprises. What did 1 tell you two years ago ? I told you the electric light. might some of these ï¬ne mornings be shining in your windows all along the line of Yonge St“, well the Electric Railway is O. K. so is He Rock Sprinv Coal Oil in the city. \ ’t waste shoe leather trying to ï¬nd ‘ _ ~e cheapest and the best; go to Dil- Drug Store next Nipiqsing Hmel, Toronto. . RICHLIIOND HILL. Thursday, July 10, ’90 It seems scarcely necessary to contradict such statements regard- ing a change 0t leaders, but to set- tle the matter Mr. Blake has writ- ten the followingletter to the Ed1tor of The Globe which answers for it- ~self: MAISONROUGE, Points an Pic. P. Q, June 30,: 1890. SIR,~ rMy attention having been 'palled to the fact that your recent article has given circulation among Liberals to Con- aervative allegations that I desire to re- sume the leadership of the Liberal party, I beg; space to say that there is not a. grain of truth in these allegations, and that I am no more desirous to resume than I was to assume or to retain that post. . ... u.†{-1 I My only wish is that the conï¬dence and affection of Liberals of all shades may induce Mr. Laurier to hold the place which he so admirably ï¬lls I have, etc. EDWARD BLAKE. “\Var ,-" ‘ v â€Ito rentâ€"H. compâ€; A. Moodie. hug? ' .4! EM“: “gin uvral A CURT‘ ‘ Asvé‘msmms UNFO UNDED RUMOURS. “GIVE US A REST.†t6 rentâ€"H. A. Knowles. f W713i ALL’bnuéGlg‘rsg The ï¬rst event in front of the grand stand was a contest between the hose companies, in which the competing, teams of ï¬fteen men each were to run 200 yards with a hose reel, attach to a hydrant and lay 3130 feet of hose. Before the races Commenced the teams which had made the march of about ï¬ve miles protested against Seaforth and Caledonia compet- iiig,as these teams stepped on the gionnds fresh from their vehicles. They ran un- der protest, but the committee decided that the rules had to be followed. and Caledonia and Seaforth were thrown out. The hose race was won by Little York in 51 seconds, prize $125; the 2nd and 3rd prizes, $75 and 3525. were divided be- tween Richmond Hill and Trenton, time 51% seconds. in the hook and ladder race the men were required to run 300 yards with Waggon, raise a 30 foot ladder and send a. ï¬reman to the top. First, prize, $100, won by Niagara Falls, time 48 3 5 secs. Second poize, $00, won by Richmond Hill, time 50 1-5 secs. In the Hub and Hub race there were seven emries. The teams were to run 300 yards with reels. This was perhaps the moat exciting contest of the day. Rlchmond Hill got ï¬rst money $50; Tren- ton took second 325. Richmond HI“ was also awarded ï¬rst prize, a $25 clock. for having the best. display of ï¬re apparatus. Aftér the mega? the ï¬remen were invit- ed to partake of refreshments m the din- ing hall. On the following eve-hing (Friday) there was a torclilight prucesssiun in the village, headed by the Brigade Baud, after which the victorious ï¬remen were given a banquet by the citizens, in the Masonic Hal]. Toasts were drunk, songs were sung, and the firemen received many warm congratulatiuns for their suc- cess. It. was admitted by all that the prizes, amounting to $160 in cash and a $25 clock, was a good day’s work for Lhem. ()m‘ Brigade work hard to keen up their good reputation, and they are worthy of all the praise bestowed upon them. During the evening Mr. J. H. Sander- son mad the amounts in money that, the Brigade had won in ï¬remen’s tourna- ments as follows. Ill-1883, in Toronto ........$150 "1884 “ 225 “ 1866 “ Aurora ......... 150 “ 1889 †}nelph 150 “ 1890 “ Gulf, 40 “ 1890 “ Toronto 160 The afternoon’s proceedings being over the ï¬remen had to wait, till after 9 n’clock when they again took part in the Carniâ€" val procession from Exhibition park along Niagara Street. King Street and Ynnge Street to the Queen’s Park. Although the citizens and visitors were weary in waiting, when the processmn did arrive it was agnrgeous spectacle. The Rich- mond Hill ï¬remen started for home about. midnight which they .‘eacherl about 3 mm. very tired after a hard day’s Work. BREEDLR 0F CLEVELAND BAY AND Tno'mma DRIED HORSES. Emeoon, ILL, Nov. 20, 1388. DR. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Six-s: I have always purchased your Ken- dall’s Spavm Cure by the half dozen boules, I would lxke prices in larger quantity. I think it is one of the hast. Uniments on earth. I have used it on my stables for three years. Yours uuly, CHAS. A. SNYDER. Oman 0:? CHARLFS A. SNYDER, ; At 1 o’clock the different. brigades formed in procession on Lombard sweet and marched to the Exhibition grounds. They were well dressed and provided a spectacle well worth seeing The best of music was furnished by well equipped bands. 1f the three previous days of the To- ronto Carnival had been as successful 38 Thursday, the closing day, people would not have much chance to poke fun at Ald. Kine Dodds and the other members of the Committee. It was Fireman’s day, and proved a very interesting one. As usual Richmond Hill Fire Brigade gave a good account of themselves. Two loads left the village about 7 a. m. and took part in all the contests. The Moat, S‘Iccvzzaï¬xi Remvl‘y ever diseov cred, as it is cvrzaln in its c- z (-15 and does not buster. Read proof below. Dom- Si {desire to give you tcsï¬monial of my good opinion of your Kendall's vam Cure. I have used in for Lmnenem. Slit? Joint†and Spnvina, and I have found is a. sure cure, I comi- nlly recommend it, to alllxorsomen. Yours truly‘.’ hi V V _ :uldreas on receipt of rice by the to ide- mnn. J. Kmunu. 00., nosburghF t. EEEEEMEU$ WHEEE @ng" â€an,“ EiERiIMES Wflï¬Ã©â€˜Ã© @iflï¬. Dnï¬n .J. KENDALI Co. Gents: I foul it. my duty to any what I have done with your Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-ï¬ve horses that had Spnvinn, ten of Ring Bone. nine afflicted with Bi Bend and sew-n of Big Jaw. Since I have ha one of your hooks and followed the directions, I have nex u: lost a case of any kind. Yours truly, Axnnnjy Tmyrn. SAN'I‘, WXN’I‘ON COUNTY, Omo, Dec. 19. 1888. Dr}. B. J. KENDALL Co, KEMEML’g WWW WEE. ï¬EEï¬MLl’S SPAVEM WRE. My: rim- bottle. or six bottles for $6. All Drug- Mam-vs tor can gee it. for you. or it will be sent {I flaccid Jess on recelpg of ppcq by the “growle- Fireman’s TOurnament. Making a total of... BROOKLYN, N. Y., November 3, 1838. A. H. Gunman Manager T: 0y Lauudxy Smbles. Aurora } nelph Gulf. Toronto U .... .... '8. 0......- h ‘0 ...... Axnnnw Tmnrn. Home Docmr. ...$87 ,. ...$150 .. 225 150 . 150 40 . 160 NEVILLE With us until we CLOSE UP. BARGAIN ' DAY Every Day therefore our Whole stock is now offered at greatly reduced prices to effect a speedy clear- ance and save the cost of re- moved. We most heartily thank. all our friends and cusâ€" tomers for past favors and ask you all to come to this our , , Examine our stock and get our 10110635, for As our lease exâ€" pires in a short time we in- tend to REMOVE FROM THE VILLAGE FINAL SALE. REM] GAREFU CHEAP CASH HOUSE NOTECE Richmond.“ Hill. Will be a THE L LY RichmondHilI, lune 24th, [890. Is getting low, and in order to clean out the whole concern, I will sell at remarkably low prices. Goods delivered. GROCERIES <86 PROVISIONS. Having made arrangements with several growers of Strawberries to supâ€" ply me durmg the season, customers will confer a favor by leavmg their orders with me. Cheaper and better than you can get anywhere else. Call and see them; it will pay you. Also Fly Nets, Summer HorserOlothing, Whips, and other supplies always on hand. Full line of Trunks and Valiees. Repairing Promptly Attended To. Give me a Trial. Geo. McDonald, SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS ALEX. MOGDIEM THIS -:- MEANS -:- BARGAINS ATKINEQN ONE DEAL WILL REMOVE ALL DOUBTSM New Goods of Best Grades at prices a shade lower than are made elsewhere on goods of a like grade. HARNESS SHOP. There’s a catch in that statement, but there is also a great catch in our Goods for those who get them. \Vhen it comes to BARGAINS , WE ARE THE PEOPLE. BARGAIN SEEKERS \NILL FIND THE WHOLE COUNTY OF YORK NARROVVS DOWN TO FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY 1 STRAWBERRIES I : are aware that the term “bargain†is much abused because under the guise of bargains many ï¬rms work off old stock. IvRUlrl‘ OF‘ALâ€"IJ KINDS And the freshest ‘WE OFFER YOU Ifwe understand the meaning of the word. OUR STOCK OF DISHES RICHMOND HILL. BUGS-Y†DUST Always on hand} or made to order on shortess notice. RICK-IMOND EIIIJL Prices right, and satisfaction guaranteed. FLOUR & FEED 0N HAND. I have a ï¬ne assortment of Importers, ALL GRADES OF DRY (atrOfï¬DS. Suitings, Dress Goods. Muslim's,†Overalls, Shirts, Socks. Sendin your orders for fresh: Canned Goods. Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Salmon, Lob- sters, Sardines, Tongue. Everything you need in ‘the Hardware and Crockery line. Flour and Feed. Farm-Produce: taken in exchange. GRQCEEI%IE S ERS O. I. BROWN