Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Aug 1890, p. 1

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{In J ermkurs d”. Ems“: lmcrs, Funeral Furmehings Ah ways on LManual Toronto Ot‘fi ceâ€"No I1 Bui M11117 Chambms No.15 Toronto v. L Richmond Hill Office open Saturday. ‘ )fi_ :fiONEY T0 LOAF AT LUWESTUURRH n- 0 fl... F LAWRENCE. ’I‘. 6.1"? BARRISTERS’ SOLICITORS, NOTARIES_ &C. Barristers, Solicitm's, (Youvny.'mlcors, (cc. Toronto (“Kiev‘Nm 10 Mi“. -' 3!. West. I. ‘ Markham Officeâ€"Jrown ”all, (up-stairs.) Private Fumh to Mum on Mm'fgnrm n’r vand Mr Gregory or Mr Ilnlmnm 5mm (‘rflice (every Sufm'rlzly from 91L m M) i :m 1 111.; mm :11: \Volvbor's Hutu], linionvxllc, over 82L unlayfrmufip.11).. to 5 [7. n1. be (If the War]; Toronfo Officeâ€"Court Chambers, corner Church and Adelaide Streets. Thornhill Officeâ€"Post Office every VJed' nesday from 7.0 to 12 a m4 Richmond H111 Officervpost Office every Wednesday from r to 4 p. m. QMKAEZQER a}: flawaazyfsg Eaqu (:5 {fir-Egg 1’ y AulomIst,8fl].10th,uwl Richmond Hill”. 'Hix mm (at the Palm ‘ Shoufiville . . ‘1‘ R 111.21! .. . Vic-3m n Square . Thm’uhill,\\’nlKer Ht \Vuodbridge .. Kieiuburg . Noblebol Vitulizo” "ir Mimi) \Vo ks 21" u, :1 v Office hour :1Ehw1‘m Address A “()JilXFUR I Office hours Late of To ' D1 Ulr ' We, Di; elephant: 311 ’rollections in City and Countrv prompfly attended :0. Money to loan HARRIS I'J‘IRS, SOLICITORS Ll'c 1191710174 : t; Jinn mnmvr EAST, '1“ Richmond Iii]1]‘.().‘.<lvcry Summit) J S Fullzu-mn, VC (300k, ~szlh l3) PMV ‘ “i T0 1 rOAN. VOL. XIII. "{HE LIBERALF‘TRH iNGE’m “ JBLIS .I’GUUJ lucumzw 1mm, ONT. IS PCBLISMED EVERY THUR 31m? 'rI/EORNING (H mm ["1 \ mm IU LAU NA! LUWLSTU’PRHTnATE" F. LAVA RENEE. .G. MILLIGAI.. Funun'uma, («mic «(it AA’ufifizzmu ANDRE“? DODS LAWRENCE & MILL/)1 W l) GREG (m v BENTON 613033, iti:z;:1’h AIKRTSTY‘RS, SOLKCITUIIS AND NUTAIUES J. R . MILLER ‘K . F . M (2 hf! A 13;": O N 9 WRIGHT BROS V22e21; IVS @329 £32 £2.24? Monov to 1mm at» lowest rates We per annum, in advance} JIT("I‘\1()‘. 105; Adelaide street East 1V}: A-PI_J'E QM b m 1] Cum} m Mum on lumps of In um \Vm 1mm ~2u1n 1mm mum pluck». News 11 {L 111, 2 105:1: m, 7t,09pm WSW. ‘ATm‘TB‘SIlfi'tik‘x'IIAQWWm ITOR SURG ”3N DE NTIS'I‘ veyanccrs, 3m “‘3‘ ,“h 1:. NJ :1 flimstgai. 0 I1 Bui Min. 61') 15 Torontoffiizeet miml. TORONTO mm (JR L.J).S ‘1 11:1 11:1:771" I’m'r 'I‘nlwx'ru 0. lively Saturn}: n ”*ihvrai AT Robinson. 1m ml t1w.c<idenne 01" mmizmu pmc‘ico ‘XIUJ‘IIIJC'L‘OR Mortgage at Lowest «3mm, i} to s p m at 01111011111 ‘fi‘mn 1min G \V Homnrs N D11)" 'UN, 11 if I. e ‘(oanle 9 (X3): :mw V15- }lll?;¥‘\i{11bnd nmxnm U.“ “V 55- .~.u. a”: 4% E nf >7 an :very ~W Imeo each month do d o d 0 (1 n 21 (mt Every necmnnodution So guestF. Board, $180 payday éifia'ust’fi fimke gmtnzl. Hmw‘nnm ‘1th Ft1iLjhf'1r pub" MI ixtalxli11'4: IUrcuum GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL ” T mar: @‘i. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Every m-mm slzlhl‘ Benj . Enliingger. Proprietor. 1,)C(:5th,18fs9 M Liconiml Auctioneer mum thnlel Lo 4m MILILUJU “11x“. ’m‘u "nunghiii, Lin: 1’ f: Lg UEEN’S HOTEL, Ten miles rfi‘figRNHILL from’l‘or nu: otious made from plates of all the latest Full and \Vimcr Fashions, just received. \VJrk guaranteed. Opposite Masonic Hull, Richmond Hill: A call is solicited. wmz‘rmmni I‘m]. I (hnuml leL-s M m. u) 2“: ratsolgn'” 1M A Family and (’ if; 05w 3mg; fiOfl'ELa T: S.HUGHES,Drop. 11m I my 01' 1171 Liumxsed 1 11.111001 fa; the (T 11111 t} (11"‘1'01‘11'J {1111:11'11‘ l, solicits 10111‘1111t101u1'w :1111; 1111111 1111110111-(1. 511:1na‘2111111111cdn11theshut .1111L1' . 11 113:1501111110 1:111 1‘.().miu1‘up‘ 11111;; 1W. 'TE‘inEGHfi‘EC N(,)'1‘A RY PUBLIC, (moi normxmm infirm Im havoh‘exs 1nd bomrL 11111211111011 «icy-n t1 1 Good hing. bun »L()1ii)‘ 2131111111710, mt IL Spccimlan'm qua Hold Mead ' This largo nit ssuer of Mauiage Lice Tm HMONI) BIL] I OSF OFLILIE ADVANCIN Gr 1.. DAN S Issuer Murrmge I. IHGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c £470 ”E232 aggglfiyfl v9 STR T EAST. TORONTO IIUENCT‘ Addrcs: PM ine VJincs, L1qu0rs and Clgars. DRESSâ€"MAKER. I have mmqlniled facilities for mm nation for the travelling public lyw'r m-O “rinks. Best; brands hf (.‘umm: «lions rooms for commercml Km. Skurdou, Prop. Richmond Hill "m: , m" nim'y Gk \ Irg‘omn Leeds Richardson. 5” fiEMQW’, Llisfof11w(mtm‘ioK'ute‘iua)‘; College Tommi-u. Itir'uIIJMM Hili Wednem ' ‘md Sump (lay, MLummm of each \m-k, Ihb culls promptly éLttoumtl 10. A full 'of xxxwwillcs cunstxumlyon Luml. 1. .n amms «7. SM: lum. fittml the above House and furnish- :th‘ style, I am prepared to give the * a ‘Lccummodutmn . Excellent :nntivehostlers. Sample Rooms 1:»; L 'uvellers. Terms S] nor duv. (fizz‘fiaummgk, 528 int: Rahal-«El Ind cnmmw‘n‘nug hotel is fitted nmci'utizm or travellers. Firsbclass ll" 1‘ ml an attentive hustler. ’ E-OPENED AS A COMMISSIONER IN TH}: (H. '1‘ ' . Samoan, W...» M. {ionm-rfm‘ Hm (‘mmhmnf V011: ‘cvl. (Sunnis sulxlun x-u;mi;,mmmt. M {mm-k, eta, prrmvpfly amended 21911: n‘. P.0‘uu‘drcw, 5E??? UPWERES, ERNEST F LANG S .I‘AIVT‘ A’s rates from nnorcml Hotel replete with w‘ury womfnrt. rtcjlunt stables. Aunts 13mm; fur (In ‘ing parties HOHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1890. go Lirens‘cs tor the County onor ' 1’. DOYLE, Proi ‘h ornhill EWM . :5: BC I. 3” Prop 0 mb ILL, ONT I71 Esscntzlzls, Umty; A . J .RUPERT , Prop Sigmrisnu, :Iicit L ul MAPLE ()XT 10 nty of York 0mm at ren- 11mm. MULI'CC Yonge 8c Queen Sts. Toronto N. J).â€"In writing be GILI‘PIHI to address ymxr Mtws mainlyâ€"ago Yonge Street, or. 11'1er in prâ€"rmn, have >1 mm that. yuu gen imo Hm light More. E90 is the num- ber, and 'E‘. Eaton at. (10. the name. A postal card is enough to bring all the faciliaies of we store to your home, just as much as Lhuugh we were located in your t v mam. Tmnk or a clerk~ednuated to know fashâ€" ion changes,morclmndisp, qualifies, styhs and calm-s ~ being: at yuur Lock and can whenever yum wish. That’s shopping by mail. Samples of any kind of mniluule lxlu'chandise can be had for Lhn asking. In fact u hat1sn ’t new ? e to the sime Itself ? New aaâ€" ditions on Queen and Yonge street sides, a new elevator, and new improvements throughout. It’ s a new begin- ning, mth blighter plospects than we’ve ever known. uon/t Iorget that new goods are appearing 1n the stocks daily. “’6 must make ourselves forget the riches behind the riches we show, and so must you. There are more on our counters already than ever be- fore, and we never have got too many yet. You will look and buy, and buy and look. lfyou look, you’ll buy. It you buy, you’ll keep on look- ing. It grows wfih what it feeds upon. There’s m’uch to interest the ladies as wellin dress trimmings. No tuss, no hurâ€" rah, hardly amention from week to weekâ€"just a steady bettering of the stock and get- ting a closer grip on the busiâ€" ness. It’s part of the dress goods trade, the success of the one insuring the success of the other. You’ll think us generous when you see the goods and prices. All this time we’re getting new dress stuffs out of the l;oxes;s so many to look at, so many to pile on the shelves, already full, so many to block up the tops abOVe, so many to think of, so many to tell of and wait fOI room forâ€"what shall we do? pie to whom a dollar is a dol- lar or sometimes more. GREAT dress goods pan 1. ade, ranging from the high- est novelties in silk and wool for the super-fashionable, to the 'implest effect in the quietest materials foryou peo my Goods, E‘agpets, $11935; T. EATON &' CO. Don’t forget that new The largest and best appointed Drv Goods House in the Dominion. 2g :acrt-s 01' selling space over 50 < ificl. mt flepmtmeuls. th C N ew New New e \V‘ Sash and One Price.” in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” EATON 86 CO. Ribbons. Footwear M xntles. Millinery Jackets. TOROI“ ‘,T0 Aug.7,1890. liofme our club again invites a strange team to cmne and play a friendly match there are several things they should learn besides the game. First they should take a lesson in punctualw. Then they allnnld make up their minds tri pay (lie txgicnces in commotion with the after- 3310 gate lUCUiptS unnotn1bed to $2.70 but several who had come in from the country left without seeing the game, sa [are was the slum. However as Lhey had paid the admission fee their absence was excused. U. 'i‘revethau after arranging for sup- per at the Palmer House made many ef- t’ri'ts to rally the home tezin, but nine proved a large number of players to get together. 1“. McConauliy jr. acted as gatekeeper which position he tilled ad- mirably, though his duties were not heavy. A few short, dialogues took place at, the «ate, the citizens not being able to c'nnpruhend why they were. forced to pay ten cents admission when it was a. public junk, and the baseball club had not rent- ed the tield. However, it was explained that they had rented the park, that iunds were low, and that it Would he outrageous to ask the home team to dip down in their own pockets, so the (lime was paid and the spectators waited anxiously for proceedings to commence. At 5 o’clock the .l-{ichmond Hill men took the field, rough and ready, as some of them had not taken time to change their every day wuiking attire, or even wash their faces. The opposing teams were composed of the following: Mink- liamâ€"Mvssrs. Ham. "Wilkinson, “'ilaon, \Vales, Wagg, C'lcudening, Law, J. (Limo bell and A. Campbell. The two latter acted as catcher and pitcher and did good wmk. The home team were as fol- lmm : I’enroso, McLean, Bonitace, Anderson, Sims, Piper, Atkinson/french, and Ellston, the Tiiornliill auctioneer. Markham went first to bat and ran up a creditable score in the first innings, They are a good all round team, their striking. iieiding, throwing and catching being \‘ui‘y Commendahle. The Hill Club made some good individual ilay, but; it could be seen they lacked piauiice and were not a match for the eastern men. At. the close of the match the score stood hiarkham 30, liich’d Hill il. Between 2 {mil 3 ()lclnck on Saturday afternnnn Michael’s van brought into the village Mukliain’s baseball team to play :1 friendly [witch with the Club (:f this place, As the maich was advertised to take place at 3 o’clock) they quickly cmmuell their clothing at the Palmer House and were on the ground just at the appointed time. This club displays considerable tuste, not only in their Well fitting suits, but in the general manage- ment of their Spurting elf-airs. hit their paraphernalia would have been far from complete had they not been accompanied by Master linnier, who acted in the eu- paci'v (if :I, “unweot.” They had him guixdily attired in mean boat and Knick- ei-huukers, white plug has with yellow band, “range shrines and brass buttons, and magenta stackings. He was such :1 character as yuii [end about in the Arabian Nights. and made himself generally use- ful tn the club hy looking after the bats, glnves and masks, smoking their spare ch.1mut(1'ns_\mnu Nights . and made ful tn rhn club by gluvus and masks, cigars, Aha The visitors tool; a 'little practice amuug themselves and :mxiuusly waited fur their opponents to take the field. llut, the Inner came [mt until fully7 twu lmui‘s after the scheduled time fur play ta begin. Naturally they were disnp [minted at the delay, but killed time as busctlley could. and kept in tolerably uuntl humor. mams THOMPSON & 3%, THE NEW MAMMOTH, Stock-taking’s over. \Ve've made EV some big reductions in prices among ' the Sateens; 18c. goods we‘re selling now {or 12:31:. The big line at me. W7 ; begins to look like a small line now. There are Stlll a .cw piuc loft, however, of this the cheapest Sateen offared in Toronto this season. You no doubt wond it where we get such prints to sell at 5c. a yard. Most of them Werf‘ made to sell at more than double that amount. Secrsuckers and Ginghams at lower prices than ever. J_J.L'1J.t" PRINT Baseball Mlatch 186 to 140 King St. E, TORONTO. THE LIBERAL “Pi Wanlplés. Those szfim’Hu RRANYED as the watch, are free. All the work yun‘ mull“ l'now what we send you to those \vlm vanâ€"your. as and neighbnrs and those about youâ€"um: nlwu ys msulfs amaze trade forus, which hulds .‘oryenrs when mm: stafled, “mare repaid. We pay an pxprvss. eight, etc. Am; ‘Mlfli if you Wonk! hke to go to work for us. you an an I to $60 per week and upwtuds Adams, 1!: , Bux 81 2, Portland. Maine,» \thb The .Wuyor (If S! in our village lust week .7 \tht did I fen you twn yvars as told you Hm (-lvmric mm, mith 5:“ (11086 film m'm‘ui Us I)» shinimz in windows ::11 ulrmg the line of Yunu‘ well the 1 *1:icR,ui1wuy is (L K. the Ruck spring Cuul Oil in Um Don’t waste, shne leather trying h nut tho ('Iumpmn and the hmt; gr) h wm‘thk Drug Store nuxb Nipisswg; King St. memfn. mminlfl‘fl? mm“ Arriving; those, v Hm: in town are ~- filr Pndsreh M! Mr; Ferricr’s; Mr. FMM' at, High Purl": Mr Mathiusnn :it Sinclair him. Bailey “(Ki family at Mr. Smelsm y IWalthew Pahnn at Mrs, \Villinms’ KTiw Clubiu : at, \Vatsnn’s; Hnmn Numilwn nt. “ lemnnt View Fnr'mf’ JUL: T. I}. Smoker Numb inst week making acquaintâ€" ances in King Cm. \tht the penplu want to knmv :wâ€" Did Hurry blow out the Innttsrn 2 Jim; Mr. 'i‘uflsfhile {gob “in s‘l‘imm” n~ 9:811] bring home 1|. Hennlifnl ll'OVU (m Frid \}7 last. ; so I think that there will he: 121) more cmntpluints laid “sin The Clil'l.”ll.’i of om‘ inwn in {wt getting emu] 'll 1 i 4‘ it. A lcclmu was; (leliuarcd hi re a fi‘ \\ ianfi ago bv lit-\.1‘\li Howie in the JUN“;- byteiinui Chnrm. on “ Palestine, and lll‘! schmil days.” There was quite a number {issumhlwl in hear him and came away well pleased with it. The third page of the 'J‘nmntn DAILY MAIL is norm] for “\VHJN.” Advortirw- meant, If ynn want to buy (11' so“ : thing. If you want; a situation, a 1110c:11;1111(:,;1business, machinery. 1min:- IIlUS if you naxe Inst. or huind anything 01' if you “ant to find nut. where 31111.1 , is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY \L L and lend the ndve 1rtisr1111ents on thei 11nd pagenf tha'.’ 11:11:11. The charge 151 'i‘um Cent-:11 \myri feuch 11136111111 Addm In!) MAIL "',l<11011t0 Canm Harvos 11.‘ 11:111‘.est 1 is 1111111. 11111" evnn- 111181'9, and the self 1111111111;1 1111111'11111131'119 (10111111111111113 11p 11) perieotium A11 \1113111- 11111117 are 111111111 110011 work 1111101113 11111: '1“ 111;: tn the 1:1r111015 11111011111111}; 1111111111110 quietarm111111mre :11 [1111811111. Mr. Geo. P11111111,\1'1111 151 611111111011 11110 11f the smartest 111111 1111191. 12111911111 12111” 111011111 11is[)r11f11:’#111 111 13111 v117111ity,1111".11<_1 11911101 11s1le11 1'1. 11111. 11111111 cattle around the 11ei~_,r111111111111111 11: 111.11 111.11 131111111111. 111 T631011, 1111111 '11 j11111'111y 111) t1>C11111<st11111111r 111111'e11111111tst.11 1er 111111 see 11" they could secure some from that 8151111111112111, which they (1111, 111111 11111111115011 11111111.: 311 21s 1,11 1211:11119 11111111 {1) nnmi’s sport lliemmlves in stead of :iskirm the \ill.i5'r-iv. and others to Settle tlm Mil which IS little] ms of a farm» than if um- lncal Cricket. Club should cl nmvo, :ui ml- mission for (me of their matches Dues Fri-d 7’ $1.09 net Year; [Single copies, 3 cts. {want like, tafl'j? uyor (If Strange L askay “Ewan-11in tlw \vmld. I‘M’u‘r'l tnncket‘pm' \Vul’muiu! In“ ,. $01.11) no”) hnnlm: mm climb Imln IIXH‘L out \ai‘ltfl , “m; um‘ks and m Us .y'r equal vuluv. UNI-2 I'LLanin Oach 10(31in can swun- one fi- 90 mgothcr “in. our hum and valuable lim-ofllnum-huld 0 U R N I: \V . W @5245 {Solid gfi Gold Wau- h , I ,“onh $101?.<po.1us.; {a was (1.1 g,r1puu hi to No. Jl n Uzi- “owl. 7!) :c I“ ()HI'

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