. _, "w...“ an vuuu, mm 9! RéiVâ€"Mrgji ;*Cu}loch, asr'istm‘ub. 4% â€V" Every branch of the circuit, was'represent- ‘ ed at the Quarterly ofï¬cial meeting held in 1.113 Methodist church on Monday. The greatest unanimity prevailed among the members and interesting discussions Ionk place on different matters. It; was decided to keep the salary of Rev. Mr. Speer, super- ) intendent of the circuit, in. 15800, and that 4 \be pay 20 to 30 per cent. Droï¬t for goods when Neville is selling Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots and Groceries for less than cost to save moving them. should now be selected and planted during September and October to produce those handsome beds of Tulips, Hyacinths, Cro- eusee, &c.. that delight the eye so much in spring. Send for u copy of ’lhe Steele Bros. 00., Toronto, Autumn Catalogue. W. A. Doyle, manager and secretary 0! the Miniom Farmers‘ Mutual Insurance (70., Beulah, Mam, Humâ€"My w1fe and myself have commenced the use of Nasal Balm and the beneï¬t and cumfurL derived from it war- rants a continuance of its use. “Colder than?lm'ityâ€-â€"-Ruperh’s Summer drinks, fresh from the fountain. A few days ago Mr. John Palmer sold a ï¬ne 2 year old amnion, ltlchboy. by Rich- 1nond,tn Mr. Jus. Thompson, of Spv'inggville, Erie county, New York. His dum mm by Dandy Jim. If you want. your? nit an acceptable suit, Yuuu Swuzer has em. Good men go astray when they stray our store. Atkinson & Swil‘zer. The household furniture of the late â€Yrs Alex. Young wiil be sold by Public Auction at her late residmce Yomm Street, to~mor- row (Friday) August 8th “90. Sale at 113. 112. Terms cash. J. '1‘. Suigeon, auctioneer. out. as one of the princimls wns late 111 ar- xivinv, the match was postponed for a week The gate we hohi open for bu) eraâ€"investi- gate. Atkinson (SL1 Swilzex. A swimming match was arranged tn take place in Wimuu’s pond, on Saturday evening, between Mr J. Duncan and Mr. McCullum, but as one of the principals wns late in ar- riving, the match was postponed for 21 WNW The best value the Concrete. Vaughan Council will meet at the Town in“, Venom, next Tue-flay, August. 12th, at 10 a. m. Markham tuwuship council will meet on Samnlny,the 16th inst.,ab Webber’a hotel, Uuionvillc. RICHMOND HILL, Thursd ay Hot weather adviceâ€"Keep 0001 and with Atkmson d2 Switzer. Mr. C. Mason is making ï¬reparat ‘lmild a verandnh on the front part. Tesidenceb Yesterdav was Fair Day, but as is g6 ally the case at. this season of the year very much changed hands. hNewmnrket ........ .'Auroru. 'Kiugm RICHMown HILL J'Tl‘hornhill Downsview.. ADRVGIIDOrï¬ 'Pm-kdule... ' TORONTO. Brock Street. Union ..... Clty Hull†;Mnil (épilxpmAs‘éuNorth & South Until further notice Mails will be closed at the ‘Bichmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" Fruit Jars at lowest ï¬gures at Ithe Con crate. The best Machine Oil for SEEM Con ‘crete, price right. Regular menting and px‘actiéé of the Fire Brigade next Monday night. Farmers†choice smoked Bacon for sale at the Concrete. TORONTO. City Hall Union .......... Brock Street Parkdulo ..... ’Davenpor J Downsview. i.[‘hr>ruhill,m “RICHMOND King ..... :‘Aurr)ra..., rNewmm-ket ILL Connects with alltmins, leaving the Palmer 'Hmlse Iii/:hmnn ‘Hill. as follows: “Mar & Express,l\arth & Southâ€. ...7.45 a m. Accgmmndation “ 12110 MORNING 2â€"Groing North, south East and \Vest, including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto, Markham , 650. 7.45 EVENING:~Going south East and West (as above) 5.30 N, B.â€"â€"Regintm~ml Letters: must be handed in at iaast Flfteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for c105 m. MORNING :â€"(iQing North PRUCTUR’S STAGE LINE Wm Eigilmai. The Opinion of an Insuranc Fruit Jars less than cost. at Ne\ille’s. To-day is Markham’s civic holiday. POST OFFICFNOTICE '0 quorum at School Meeting on Monday Ofï¬c1al Meeting. Auctlon Sale Fall Bulbs GOING†SOUTH GOING NORTH†1r mit accepted, dress in , Young Man, Atkinson (32 , TIME TABLE. ostponed. in all grades of Sugar at Sold. Mail 8.05 .. 8.15 making preparationa to 9.25 9.30 9.40 57 3 5 1L245 999l<9 .811 8.27 8.37 8.46 9,05 9.11 ‘ 9.16 8.36 M. TEEFY, Postmaster. dd by Public Auction Yomm Street, to~mor- 2h “90. Sale at 113. , Aug. 7. 90 Aacom. I205 133.15 Accom. Mail. 12.14 6.35 12.23 6.45 12, 38 7.02 12.47 7.19 12. 7.20 6 Man. bâ€"Uâ€"l ILL 50 0:10 L; (n 1.41 1.04 .7.45 a m 12.00 .5 15 p. m gener- of Ins trade past 8 ()0 8 10 7.40 7.1"? 5. 40 5 47 6.05 6.27 .55 9’ tn 1â€" Q :1 Ex. 5.10 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atkinson, of the Conâ€" crete Fume. started yesterday on their rm- nual Qrip to G1" ms‘oy, w‘cr‘m they vrii] reanv {01' †w “7†RI MI. and Mrs. ‘Malk “ilson, of Toronto, made a sham visit with relatives in the vil- lage, on their return from B1adfo1d, en Saturday. Misses Edith and Ethel Switzer started on Friday for Milton, where “my will make a visit with Mrs. Brothers, formerly Miss Inman. Mr. Jacob Heise returned on Saturday from Port Perry, South Ontario, where he had spent the previous two months. Miss May Bennett and Miss Pattie Line, of’lorouto, me spending u week W1: 11 the Mishes Baillingex. 33 Mrs. Linfoor and daughter, of are visiting wiLh Mr. and Mrs. J. sou. 00 The Misses Sullivan of Toronto spent Sunday \vlth ll1efu111ily of \Ir. G. Wiley. Mrs Linfoor (111d dmwhter, of ‘lllalwdsville are visiting wiLh Mi. and \I1s J. 11. Samuel- M1 Geo. french, of East Toronno, spent Wednesday night in the villagn. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sanderson and family we visiting zelz.tives at. Woodxille. Miss Hattie Boynton, of Tm‘,onto IS mak- a. visit with her mother in this village. Rev. Mr. Spoer had a visit from his brother over Sunday. Miss \Vallnce, of Willowdale, is the guest of Miss Percival. as Grifï¬th, of Testnn, who was also asking for an extension of his license, was held over for further 'considuration. The clerk of the municipality has been asked to certify to the Sigmimres on the petitions in this cane, and when his report has been received the commissioners wiil meet again. License Cammissxoners Meet. A meeting of the Licvnse Commissioners for West York was held in the County Court buildings on Wednesday af last week. There were preqemâ€"Dr. J. M. Cotton (chairman), Mr. M. meghton, Mr. H. H. Dewart, and Inspwctorï¬obart Wiicm'k. The licenses of Mr. William Skarden and Mr. Peter Doyle, of Thornbill, were extended for the balance of L110 current year. The case of Mr. Thom» Last Friday morning a Scarboro’ farmer had rather an unpluusanl experience with his home while in the Village. He had come to the repair shop of Messrs. Savage L31 Nicholls, but his horse turned out to he a genuine kicker. Oppasite the “Bee Hive†he was Campnlled to uuhitch from the light. waggon, so light-footed was the animal. It was then put through a svatem of training in Palmer’s long shaft vehicle. The local horse trainers rendered good service, but on going down grade all their skill was defied. It. is to be hoped he reached home safely. wuxer supply tor the town was discussed. The estimated cost ranged from $250,000 ta $300,000. Among the schmnes discussed the idea of getting the wuter from Bond's Lake wus a popular one. Owing to the magnitude of this scheme it was thought it should re- quire serious consideratimi, but it was agreed Lhat the venture would. be a good and last- ing investment. At a meeting of the rate-pavers 0 Toronto, held recently the quest water supply for the town was (1 The estimated cost ranged from $25 $300,000. Among the schemes dim: Quite a number of our citizens attended the raising of Mr. Gideon Hisiop’s barn, 2nd Gen. Vaughan, on Friday. It; will be reâ€" membered that some months ago Mr, Hislop unfortunately lost his former barn and sheds by ï¬re, hence the necessity of new buildings at the present time Messrs. Gosgrove and Line are putting up the new building which will be large and commodious. At the rais- ing on Friday every brace and piece of tim- ber want together without the least difï¬culty which speaks well fit the framers. quantity of honey. Naturally he feels the injustice keenly, and offers a rewared of $20 for information which will lead to the ap- prehension and conviction of the party who committed the mean act. Kilqour’s paper bags always kept at ’l‘um LIBERAL store. As will be seen by posters and advertise- ment. elsewhere in this paper Mr. Josiah Reamgn, Canville, has been robbed of n 0. Mason has three Fanning Mills t‘ very cheap. Good chance for farmers You’ll "put your foot in it." if you see our 25 cent Hose ; they're unusually cheap. Come in and we'll sock it to you. These goods are to he found at. The Fire Proof store. Two large furniture moving vans, belong- ing to J. Lester, Toronto. passed through the village on Saturday, bound for Eversley, 3rd Con. ng. They were very heavily loaded with furniture, stow goods, &c. The teameters had dinner at. the Dominion Hotel and gave the†horses 21 rest, whicn they very much needed. um â€00! as a cucumber â€â€"Rupert’s Ice Cream. We notlce that The Steele Bros. 00., Seedsmen, fox-onto, are oflering the follow- ing new varieties: Canadian Velvet Chuff, Golden Cross,EarIy Red Clawson, Jones’ Winter Fyfe, and American Bronze. Send .‘orucopy of their circular. It will pay you. Lot 7. according to the plan of the village nf Ricb’d Hill, will be offered for sale by Public Auclian at the Palmer House, on Saturday the 23rd of August. For discrip- tion of this property see advertisement else- where in this paper. The Industrial Exhibition will be held in Toronto from September 8th to 20th. North York Fair will he held in Newmarket on the 2nd and 3rd of October. East York Fair in Markham on the 8th, 9th and 10th of Ou- tober, and West York Fair at Woodhridge on the let and 22nd of October. Water from Bond’s Lake PER SONAL b' New Fall Wheats Light-Footed. A Bank Barn Heavy Loads, 320 Reward. Fall Fairs. For Sale. the question ofa pavers of North in stock to sell SAW, Wmou COUNTY, 01110, Dec. 19. 1888. DR. B. J. K \‘DALL Co. Gents: I fun-l it my duty to any what I have done with your livzulnll's Spavin Cure, Ilmve cured ï¬wvmy-ï¬va horsrxs that had Hpnvins, ((-11 of King: Bmw. nine amiotpd with Bi" Head and sen-u 01' Big J n.w. Since I have Inna one 01' your Morita and roiloued the directions, I have 110 \r mm a. case of any kind. Yours truly. Awnrw ’l‘mrn. Home Uuumr. Dear 51 'u to glvo T’JJ. testimonial of my 20ml opinion of ,\ our Kundall'v. win Cure. 1 have used it 1hr Lumengss. ï¬t; If Joints and Spnvium, and I have- ound it a. sure cure, I cordl- nlly uuunmeml it m an 1102561111311. Yours trulx.†k , _ ‘A. H. Gxumn'r. KEï¬Eï¬â€™aMJ‘S ' Spflmï¬Ã© WEED u4-vr\lr\l.4 D5. B. 31.x :{DALL Cu ) 'Imyrrxzm BREE) Honsrs.5 4 moon, ILL, Nov. 20,1558. DR. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sil's: I have zllwnys purchased your Ken- dall’s szwln Cum by Ihe 1|:fo dozen bottles, I would like prices in inner qunutit]. I think in is one of the beast- Hulmemn on aural. I have used it. cu my ulablvs fort r00 years. quu ' ' truly, (Ens. A. SNYDER. CLEVELAND BAY KEï¬ï¬ï¬‚iUS WWW MERE: :u-wm um mnno, or six' 00- 521.31: 101- 9.5. 1†Drug- is 5111,31“; oauget i. 101' V311 (11-11111 L1} sent. as»: «1...; mn 1ecv‘pf0 *' ' «1 11411.3 13 KENDALL 1‘c. , EEEEEEE’E SEEEEE {EEREH The Mics: Slices-ssh] Rvmody ever (Frvov cred, us it is Ct-I'Luiu in it: elk-yrs and don: not blister. Read yrs-of below†I want every lady in the County of York to use the Sunset Dyes. I believe every lady having used them says posi- tively and distinctly that the Sunset Dyes at ï¬ve cents a, package are superior to all others sold at ten cents, and I say just as certain that if the above statement is’nt true I will give them for nothing, I want you to call and get a package to txv it. and pay for it after using. Dilwnrth’s Drug Store next to the Nipissmg Hotel, Toronto. The following are some of the many resorters who have visited or are visiting our burgh during the summer months to rest and be refreshed amidst our beauti- ful lakes and picturesque scenery: -Tl10 Misses Goldring, Miss M Legge and her mother, Miss Gale, Misses I. and A. Gregory and Mr. Rutherford flour and feed merchant, all of Toronto, at Mr. Gregory’s country scat. Miss Lottie Forster, Mr. Wm. Street and his dzuigli~ ter Miss MinnisStreeLot' Toronto,at Mr. Richard Thomas’; the ZlIisseS Shepherd of Toronto and Miss Daisy Brookes of Elia at Mr. Wm. Norman’s. Mr. Thomp- son, Principal of Aurora. Public School with his family and some friends are camping at Drynonh. Mr. Stephenson and family of Aurora with Miss Maud Syvzill of Toronto and Miss E. Elliott are camping at Bond’s Luke. Misstmc Rutledgeflis spending her vacation at Mr, Walker’s, Kinghorn. -5... Fall wheat is uotgenerally so good as was expected owing to rust and blight ;barley is an average crop, will be considerably colored ; oats and spring wheat. have im- proved very much lately but some have already been out being too early to be beneï¬ted by the late rains. The continued excessive heat is ripen- ing the harvest very fast; and the proba- bilities are that when dry weather sets in the harvest will soon be all brought in. If you want to buy or sell n Farm, ad- vertise In the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet; the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are Inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. RIBEBRovGHâ€"At the residence of Mr. George Routlifl, Newton Brook, on Monday. August 4th,1890,Aunie Grey. wife of J. H. Rise- brough, Aurora, formerly of Temperanceâ€" v1110.1‘n the 3'.‘th year of her age. WALLSâ€"At Edgelyxou the 30th of July. the wife of J. W. Walls, school Gaucher, of a daughï¬or. MAJORâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Sunday, August 3rd, the wife of W. Major, of a. son. *Mrs. Campbell. and her déughler, of Brookliu, spent a few days at “The Cedars,†the residence of Wm. Wright, Esq. Mrs. Lindenberg, of Toronto, also spent several weeks at her father’s, and Mrs. A. J. Wright, of Parkdale, accompanied by the Misses Davis, of Brantford, paid a. flying visit to this place: Visitors ï¬nd “The Cedars" and surroundings very enjoyable. Mr. Andrew Newton went to Buï¬alo on Saturday. and returned on Tuesday evening accompanied by Mrs. Newton and Masts) Earl Newton, who had been making a couple of Weeks’ visit over the lines. " Mrs. J. Ashmau and infant daughter, of Weston, and Mrs. W. Mapes, of Toronto, are making a couple of weeks’ visit with Mr. Sims Mapes, o! Headford, Miss Maggie McConaghy accompanied her cousin, Misa Annie McLaughlin, home to Woodstock on Saturday, where she will spend the next'three or four weeks. Mrs. R. W. Neville and two children are making a few weeks' visit with Mrs. Neville’s father, near the town of Peterbnrough. Mr. Neville, who accompanied them on their trip. returned last evening. 0 mos ov- szmmg A. SNYDER, BRIE»: ‘. UF CLEVELAND BAY Am) Tm) a BREE) H< Bnnoxzvzx, N. Y., November 3, 1888. nu. r‘u. UaK midges. A. H. G}! BERT. Manager T: oy Luuudx y Stables. BIRTIIS. DEATHS (Ems. A. 5mm. THE LIBERAL JOB PRINTING OFFICE Building“ Paper Noted for E‘irst-Clmgs ‘V‘Vork, Is the place Where N eat and Clean 7‘ “1" 1.3.3" .' N ‘ Carpet Sweepers, Annealed Wire, Garden Tools, Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, HARDWTARE STORE I This is the place for Boots and Shoes of all sizes, makes and qualities. I give below some of the lines I have in stock z»~ Gents’ Balmorals, in Alligator, Kangaroo, Stanley Kid, Shell Cordovan, French Call, Buff. Oxford Shoes of dillerent styles in the newest: Patterns and Designs. Ladies’ Rhea Boots, in Dalsy Kid, Gondola Kid, Polished Call, Oil Goat and Oxford Shoes for Misses, Women and Children. ,,_Lr_v_~ ‘uiloling‘ Paper, ' l Cistern Pumps, 7 And all Kinds of Hardware and Tinware. Eavetrouqhing and Repairing Promptly Attended to C. MASON W'e invite i THE FIRE PROOF. BARGAIN 6‘ RUNNING Has been unprecedented, and yesterday was no except- ion, and the public generally have" learnt that not only on Bargain Days, but on every other day of the month the cheapest place to buy your supplies is Of public favor generally ends in disastrous fai THE FIRE PROOF STORE Sells Cheap for Gas}; CALI; AND SEE MIRâ€"â€" ROBT. SIVERS. This week you can buy at the BICIï¬Il‘IOND IE 1_KEJK,J Salmon at ................12 cents per can Corn at 8 “ “ Peas at 8 “ “ Tomatoes at . ... .8 “ “ Lame Laundry Soap ......... 1 1 bars for 25 cents Electric Soap.. 7 “ “ Bright Sugar............. .........18 lbs for $1.00 Brighter “ .......... . ........ 17 “ “ Brightest " 16 " “ Granulated Sugar l3 “ “ Brooms at . . . ....10 cents each Churns, Scales, The success of our Nails, THE GAUNTLET †Eavetroughing, Tinware of all kinds, N Pocket Knives Table Cutlery, Hot Air Furnaces, in triumphant success or failure. ‘ira Proof : Iron Rooï¬ng, Carpet Felt you that Stoves