Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1890, p. 1

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VOL. XIII. .. 6-7 ' . , n ‘ slit: {plum IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL l’RlNTlNG & PUBLISH-MG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. MchlAHON. EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. “ autism. Dr. Lewis Ci. Lsugstsil’, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. lLate of Brooklyn, N. 12,) Formerly Rosa (tent. Surgeon to the New '1 ork Stzite \Vornun’s llo mzil, New York City, mm Vis- iting l’liysici.tii to St John‘s Hospiml rind Southern JJisJicnSsii-ius, Brooklyn. Oflice hoursâ€"Until 10 ii in : u‘ to ’o' p in Elli. unis” use, 13 A (“1M B, Toronto University and M C l' S U, MAPLE, Late of Toronw, hits purchased the xesidcnce of Dr Orr, Maple. \Vill continue practice ' from same place. Oflice hours~Bclcre 10 ll. iii, ‘2 to 3 p in, 7 toflpm mmmxxmru . " ’ i! o: ti: 1 . surcharges acres USED BY Dr. A. Robinson, 5 UTE-H on DENTIS’F, Auli'i'rn. lst Btli,16th,itud 22nd of each month Richmond Hill ...... 9th and thh do (at the Palmer House) Siouilvillc ....18th do Markham . Victoria. Square 'l‘liornliili.Walker Ho- ‘Voozlbrid so "Kle’lifliu'rg N0bleton...,..... . . 20th Vitulized Air always on 11 ‘ and at an imntments \Vol'lh‘l like :i cliiii'iii 1 Free from pain. Address A ROBINSON I..1).S..Aiiruis Ont. :bi‘i‘llll. LAWRENCE '8." Minimum. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c.. Toronto OfficefiNo. 14 Building 8: Loan Chambers, No.15 Toronto Sheet. Richmond Hill Office Saturday. __0_ MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES '1‘. C. MILLIGAN. A. G. F. LA‘EJRENCE. Fullerton, Cook & “’ullucc, Biitiiisvians, SOLICITORS A'c OFFICE: s'i’iiini'i' EAST, ToRoNTo tichniznid Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J S Fullitrton, W Cook, >~Wullace lien“ Pnivwrr nexus T0 LOAN. ”7 w n cumin” G w HAZE-a: Homes as desserts“. Barristers, Solicitors, Cniivcynncei's, &c. open every 1: KlNil Toronto (Mticc~No. 10 Kim; SI. ( “’05:. Markham fusionâ€"Town ”all. (alllr-NFEEH'PS.) Privute Funds im lmnii on Mortgage at Lowest Paths of Interest. Mr Gregory or ll ;' Holmes wii he at the Murkv lirtin Ullim: ever .turrlliy from El :L in to 130 , in; itiiil ill \Velshcr‘s Hotel, Uiiioiiville, e ' v Saturday lroin i; p. in.. to 8 p. in. . E. J. B. DUNCAN liner“ .9 genome. BARIZIESYUILS, SOLICITORS AND NOTAIIIES. J. R. I\lll.Ll‘.R Toronto Office» Court Chambers, corner Church and Adelaide Streets. Thomliill Office APost Ofiicc every Wed- nesday from 10 to 12 a. m, Richmond Hill Officeâ€" Post Office every VVedncsdsy from I to 4 p. m. Collections in City and Country prompily attended to. Money to loan ANlUlllW llxlllfi. FRANK ]’» DRYTDN, B (i L Diilllllll‘l & DODS, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORSJ NUTARIES’ &C. Money to loan at lowest rates. 1w], Adelaide street East. elophonn .‘ill TORONTO Myanmar. 1mm V'ViliGIâ€"IT BROS, Uillfii‘i‘fllllit‘l's «is Embalmm-s, Func 'aii Furnishings Always on fiiiiaind do . (lo ._ . r .. eiz-SAâ€"ado' '“" i 7‘ ’ RICHMOND M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. l RICEMOND HIIiL I’QS'QOFFICE. . 3;. gig. (tallmwugli, THORNHILL, ON'IK. I’clei'inary Surgeon, Gold Medalist of the Ontario Veterinary Cellege Toronto. Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday and Sutur- duy afternoon of each week. Day or night culls promptly attended to. A full supply ofiueuici-nes constantly on Land. ll-l-3mos. Salem Eckiu-dt Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Ymk Ontario and Perl. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock, etc., promptly attended to tit reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. J amcs C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spect-fully solicits your pntronuge and lrienilly influence. sales attended on the sl.0rtest notice an” a reitsonube rates. P. 0. address King J. 'l‘. Saigon“. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sines attended to on shortest until-e and at l’efL- sonnble rutes. Patronage solicited. Residince Springhill, Kim,y P (1 Leeds Richardson. ' Issuer Marriage Licenses for the County of Yor I RESIDENCE, â€" MAPLE ONT I have unequalled facilities for ADVANCIN G At rates from 5 PER GENT. UPWIlEES. Address LOANS ERNEST F' LANGS I‘AFF, Aurora. H â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"._~â€". ii nus -HQTEL, Ten miles T H 0 “N H I LL from Toronto A Family and Commercial Hotel replete with every comfort. Excellent stables. Special arrangements made for driving paities “’m. Skardofi, Prop. March} 27, ’90 Home "Quorum/s: This large and ccmmur‘iiniis hotel is fitted up with 11.11 the modern conveniences. Bar stocked with the best brands of wines. liquors and cigars. (100d stubling and an attentive hostler. I’. DOYLE, Prop” 'l‘hcrnhill Dec 5th, 1889 TEQJEWMJLL flown. THOS. HUGHE S, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Every accommodation or travellers. First-class stuuling and on attentive liostler. iHE‘ DO’MINIONIHUUSE, Richmond Hill, Brillingcr, Bcnj. Proprietor. Hovin;y refitted the. above House. and furnishâ€" ed it in first-class style. l mu prepared to give the public the hes . 0‘ ncconiinodiitiou . Excellent stubliiigmid attentive llflEthl‘S. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. Terms as] per day. £2”. flE.llQ.W, ensue Menus... 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Every accommodation to guestfi. Board, $1.00 per day GRAND ‘C'ENTRliL HUTEk limitless iiiise. Good accommodation for the travelling: public Choice ’J‘l’llllltll‘illli‘c Drinks. limit brands of (liuiirs. Commcdious rooms for commercial rzivcllers A . J.ltUI’ERT,Prop. pants {this amid. Gool accommodation for travellers and board- ers. Every littcnlion lo ]lli‘»lll0]lfl.l‘tles. Good fishing. Bouts to him zit reasonable mics. ,’ W’m. BELL. Prop Q?" N. . (J. «G V}; ._....,....-.._. “This Jr (3 i v . 0t r gum guinea, . A4 DR'F‘ SS~IdAKER. elm-lions inside ii om notes of all the latest Frill and Winter Fashions, just received. \Vnk cmiriiutccd. Opposite Masonic Hull, Richmond Hill. A ca L1 is solicited. “Cash and One Price.” Show. Dry seeds, Carpets, TORONTO, Aug. 28, 1890. LITTLE money brings A days. VVe’ve made the low counters are Cleared. “Suinâ€" mer’s going ”â€"â€" that’s the watchword. If you take the elevator to third floor you‘ll fludthe carpet room to be in keeping with the rest of the store. Roomy, bright and filled with new goods. \Ne've passed into stock l already over a hundred bales of new carpets, mostly Tapestry, prices from 35 to 75¢. a yard. Some decidedly new designs and colors amongst them. The Brussels have been re» much in dress goods these plenished by a dozen bales of new thin It’ll pay you to walk down from the carpet room instead of taking prices that’ll continue until the elevator and tr- pass through the mantle department on route. odd summer mantles or wraps that are left are offered at about cause we're thinking of fall and winter goods now. {â€"4, r gs. the Any few half, be- Sixty cases of ladies’ and children‘s coats take a lot offinai'kiug oil and getting ready for you. And everytlhng \Ve're more liau halfthrough the work, and we’re ready to show you ~ . some of the haudsomest coats and cloaks that were ever 0 cued in Canada. belonging to summei must . P TlifiiiiAS Tscnison & son, march quick with it. All wool plaids double width. Plain beige “ “ Fancy lustres. “ " And plain wool fuules, with fancy border have been selling for three weeks past at the unilorm price of 250., and they are but an instance to set you thinking. There’s a sucâ€" cession of bargain interests in every corner ofthe stocks. \Vall papers ! VVe’re not neglecting them even through these “dog days.” Fine paper hanging and good paper hangers are at your service at any and all times. It’s the same old storyâ€"our facilities for buying wall paper 7- ismtwarsmre ultowcdktmethwflf .. .fiHher/Mayor’si'gobtf ‘ : Fabbdtll. But they are bound to have Wl es at Mr. OTdOD’S; Ml‘s- J~ 10““; iiilarge quantities enable us to sell at about oneâ€"half the usual prices. After a while you’ll fully realise the advantages 0i big storckeepina. American gold papeis. EinliOssed gold papers. Ingruin paper. plain. solid colors. American Mikados (mica lini-li), with ceiling decorations to suit papers. Samples mailed free to out-ofâ€"town customers, who write intelligently as to what’s wanted, describing rooms to be papered and effect desired. VVe’re not stinting the skill that goes intoour baby car- degree. The best part of our trade rests on that. We handle no carriages that are only made to sell and wear out. Designs, uphol- stering and workmanship are the best we can lay hands on. Mothers can rest assured of getting the most stylish baby coach for least money right here. How much? $2 go to $22 50 with individual parts adjusted to your liking. A postal card is enough to bring all the facilities of the store to your home, just as much as ihough we were located in your town. Think or ii clerkâ€"educated to know lash. ion chungesnnerchaudfi, qualities, styles Ind colors ,_ being at your book and call whenever you wish. Thal’s shopping by mail. Samples of any kind of muilublc nicrchnndise can be had for the. asking. N. li.â€"In writing be Clil‘i‘llll to address your lcttrrs plainlyâ€"190 Yonge Street, or, if here in person, have a ('llld that you get into the right. Store. 190 is the num- ber, and 'H‘. iflton sfi ()0. the name. ‘T. EATON & 00., 0+0 Yonge «Sc Queen 0...). Toronto The largest and best iippmnteil Dry Goods House in [he Dominion. ii hClFS of Bl’lllllg SPHCP over .30 Ullltl'nlâ€"lb depuiiinculs. 4 THE NEW MAMMOTH, 136 to 140 King St. E. “I“... Canadian from HIS PEOPLE DON‘T \VANT ANNEXATION, BUT SIMPLY CiIMMERCIAL FREEDOM. ’l'he growing Canadian city of Toronto has determined upon having improved streetcar facilities, and with that end in view has instructed the deputation to visit the United Slates and inspect the various systems, electric and otherwise, and report [hi-icon. The three gentle men of the party, Messrs. Frank Dunton, Charles Sprout and Miles Vokcs, are now at the Tl't‘lhtllll House. Mr.Dcnton, who is one of the cui‘pumtioi’i council and a representative ciiizeu, in speaking to a Post reporter of the v151t, stated, by way of illustrating the virtues of his city, that the best. thing going on week days. In regard to annexation, Mr. Danton said that not one pirion in fifty in the Province of Ontario (which ranks highest intellectually of any in the Dominion) favors the idea. The British connection doubtless had been strengthened by the firm stand of the hone government in the Behring Sea inattcr, not, however, that tlle bonds of union needed any stiff- ening. for the Cilllad ill] people are always intensely loyal. Mr. lfiluiiis’s policy was regarded as dictated by politiciil expedi- ency. and as in the nature of a “bluff.” “Would Canada,” asked the reporter, “if cast louse by the empire, ally herself to the United States 2 ” “No, hot at all. TJG people are sensi- tivemul independent, and would work out a destiny alone.” "If Canada had nut had the moral and, if needed, the physical support of Great Biitiiiu, and had been threatened with invasion and conquest by the United States, \vould she have submitted hitli out :i struggle Z” “No, we would have fought,” quickly replied he from the land ol the beaver, “But would it not have been a. hope- less struggle l” “‘.Vcll, l don’t know about that. are over 4,000,000 people.” “it is quite commonly believed in the United Stiiics that Canadians are aching to come into the Union.” “That is a wholesale inisreprcsentntimi. What the people want is simply coin- . inerciiil fi'cedoni.”â€"]lostou Post. ¢g -.â€"-- ~â€" wc , If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertise in tlze Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100,000 Farmcrs’ homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto Win-:iCLi' .‘i AIL for Five Cents a word ciich insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for live insertions. Address THE MAiL, Toronto, Canada. A runaway is just the rage in town JnO. Stephenson and Doc. Goi'drn, of this place, were up to Malcolm Mc- Culluiu’s, of “Long: Lane View,” on iiu evening’s visit last. Saturday, and on their return they just nicely reached the C(‘llCtâ€"‘SHlUll when the bolt dropped out of ‘ the sliiii'r-cye and the sliiiiis dropping on the poiiy’s l]t‘t‘.lS,ll. lock fright, and gave a few wicked jumps, drawn”; the Moment with one side of the shafts and whining ‘ it fioui one side of the road to the other. The gentlemen occnnic a little ll‘lglllclmd and \\'Ulldi;[cd which side oi the 11:1, they Would leap for escape, but the. though. had no Sooner come into iiien- mind. when they both landed out in the duel: uh their heads, hurling tliemselvcs but ’Way Back, I very little. The Doc. I believe came off the worst of the two, he getting his hand badly bruised and losing his hat in the bargain, which lie (lid not find till the next morning. The pony was eiiptiirerl at the Laskay post olllcc, and went. through its excitement without even at scratch. H. E. Teasdale. accrimprinied by J. M. O’Brien, went to the city last week to purchase a top for his bngg '. The villagers are asking was it pink, white or blue. John Sinclair, who has had an attack of his old complaint (plcurisy), is getting quite smart again. Mr. John M uckle is spending his vu- cation at Mr. C-iii‘us’. Among the visitors this week are:â€" at Mr. O'Brieu’s. Miss Bella Sinclair is in Toronto. Mr. Farrier and family are rusticatiiig in Belwood. Jolin Ireland is spending‘liis week it “Edgewood Home.” More rain, more rest, is the cry at present. t'l‘oo lute for last wet-k.) \isitiug friends The Stephenson Bros. are busy convey- ing cedar to repair llieii‘ mill-Clam. which took rcfuqein the flood on ilie Fill) isf June, and hope that they will unite. us Complete 3' ll.) of it. Malcolm MGC illtim, the magistrate of Strange; [m been (‘lil- ployed to oversee the structure. lieu) your eyes open. Mite. Mr. James Gordon, who has been lyinifi ill for some time from a Sri‘loils attack of cholera nioibus, is getting quite sumit ligain. Mi. Fred Bryant, foreman of Suinuil Carson’s carriage works of this plum, has changed his ucuuputlml and CUlliUH “Ct d dealing in penis iind iipplcs. \Ve visit him succesn ' tcv. W. I“. 17. rue!“ and family art: away visiting friends in lislwood, and timing his absence last Sunday Rev. J. “7. Harvey Occupied the pulpit and gave an exec lent scrinvn. it being it line and favorable ui;lit a large gutlieiiiig assembl- ed to hear llllll. Among {how \fzitiug in town ai'e:â€"< hlr. Padget at Mr. llunulmu’s; M'l’ullol’i at Mrs. llull'iigslicnil’a; Mrs. Cairns at Mr. Wulson’s; Mrs. ()lduni at Mr. \Voods’. Wluit the people want to kviowzv Is “7. A Hurray a prof. of slim tlmnil ? \Vlizit Mr. Elder and Spurqvon were. domg iii. LUC“1 Erin on Sundiiy .3 Did Fred lliyiiill, U‘cr got left 'l \thi'o was Hei’bci‘t llio Grout on Sill.- urday nidu ! l)l(l the Mayor of gtmuqe delivcr his proposed lecture in Dull'erm llall I “this wet \\'t’illll0l‘ is guilty; to Ciill‘ tinue ‘? “7‘4 «up». h‘ It would appear from town talk that Mr. Dilwoi‘th. Ilic Toronto Druggist, is the only lllk‘ill that ('illl furnish a suitable and rapid cure tor the ll‘| (lri'ppc or In- llllelzZ.l..‘ Don’t lélll to call and see him when \‘lt‘lllmg the city and beconvincei. wnwumrsmmm"mawd.m. ‘Wfihmw NEW “lid F Watch a ‘\ “'oi‘lh $1004..» ins. « ‘ - mini. in u..- \vorld. re. limrkrt-per. “'ui'rnnleil . 50].“) Hill." lllnllinp‘ anscs imn lzilliis‘niulgent'ssizes, “in. “mks umi (' y CH“ 5\'( v one unm- win. our large (rflilnuschuhl ..e samples, as well try 9. All (hr work you ‘W‘W as to show whit \v on to those who callâ€"your, Menus and neighbors and the about 3 ouâ€"uml ill“ nys rcsulll ififiufiietradefnrusnvliii-li holds '{bryi-nrs urn oncesturtcd, “Nehru we are repaid. We piiy all (-xpch. H‘l"'lll, etc. Aflor meadow-23.11 you would lllu‘. In [£0 to work r us. you (‘un‘ Mom 75:39 to $450 pm' Wei-i. mid upwards. Address, We :55 00., Box 51 2, Portland, Blaine. 4

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