Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1890, p. 7

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1-11.11". Jame-‘1 V.- . ’oiwrlson at :1 Dairy (Ton- 1111151011111 51115-1111 Six, 0:13. A gre 1t 111.1111" people have the idea that a man \1 ho fir 1113 does not iequire any skill in the <'.1'.'1 "11 ' on of his occupation~that skill 11 ,n'ofi‘='~ional men, and is neces- sary only. No1 ' a man who farms, from the nature of his calling, must esscn~ tially be a man of skill,:1.nd then a 112111 1f strength, 11,11dnr1t first a man of strength and then a man of skill. A man can over- come dill: ' ilties much more successfully .11.1fu1 opei .11i1111s than through the appl: on of more physical strength. The day 1"-'11' purely physical strengih has IONS-.1 gone by and men who would farm with pro tit 11111.5? f1.1nw'tl1skil.. The'n‘evalent id/ a. is li l:,111 that. the dairw 111111 among,1 farinâ€" ers in a 11121.11 whose sole occupation consists in p121dut‘inq or 111anipulating or selling milk. He may perhaps rise to hea liianufacturer of the products of milk, but, beyond that mea- grc outline of work, men think he requires to know notl ing and do nothing. I will try and mike my meaning clear, and speak, fiv rst, as to 11l1y a man needs skill in C1111 'yin'r 0n the work of a dairy farm. It is his business to find food for the others of the race, because most of the food we consume from our tables comes as :1. pronuct of some dairy far’smcr ) skill, if the single comm o lily, called fish, be except- ed. IfD you go through the \1 hole list you willii . d that most of them belong to the pi 1‘tod‘11 ts of tiaiiy farming. The 111 an wk 0 fir. d1 food tor alll1 ie 11 oild must be a skil- ful 111.111, be 'ausehis occupation demands skill.lt1 gives him a sphere for the exercise of ski l of the highest; order. As a man produces food he will have to seek that food from two sources 0t supply, from plants and from animals, and through these from all the Lesoaurces of nature that are put there to be brouo'ht out by the application of his skill. hit he is more than a producer, he boo es 3. 111a11ufacturer of foods such as are made by anin .als on the farmiimilk, Cheese, butter, beef and things of that sort. In that way you seea man requires first the deepest and highest and farthest reach- 111‘1 s111l that 10. may control the forces of nature and make them operate for his servi'c. He requires skill for that, he requ .5 Skill to understand the operation of machinery whereby he elaborates raw products into finished goods. You see there are :1.""nn es for the exercise of skill. His judgment must first determine the kind of plant that will render him the most ser- vice directly, 01 indirectly, through animals. A man would never think of growing straw- berries for the production of milk. In that case his caw 11 oull consume more value in strawbe 1ries than she would produce' 111 milk. I havel 1.11111 11 a cow to eat two basketful of Stl‘ll‘VlJCl‘I'lco , but they did not increase her milk supply 1 in the least I have merely given that absuid illustration to show that, while n.e:1donot grow straiv"beiiies as a rule for the feedinxar of dairy cows, they sometnncs grow a product 011 their farm that is in 111311111313 but not in degree, as ex- t1‘:1.v"1'r'111t for the production of milk. A man sl; l shall solve for himself the question of the cheapest food, so far as its potentiality and ellieacy is concerned. There is room for skill he ere, surely. Then a man's skill shall not 111)1' .113 sel .et the kind of plants that he shall 1.211111, b if. his skill shall select the varieties of the plants. In the growth of eats a man may select any one of 200 ‘11'ieties, and if he selects them in a 11:11 )- hazard fash ion they \1 ill scrv c him in a hop haz:1 1d \1'1y Myfiiend, Professo1 Saunders, told me that by careful selection of sinrvle g1aips of 1 variety of the oat plant he obtainâ€" ed three thousand nine hundred odd grains from the '1lanting of one seed. If we can be skilful in selec ing seeds of equal vitality and vigor, we would not merely get a. thirty- fold, but. a. three- hundred fold, service from the amps that we grow. A man 1.31011 mg crops may even get a five- hundred return from the seed if he will sow the right sort. Then a man’s skill shall nuke orenni'ation for the furnishinrr of food, for the seed is h1eh he plants, and manya man by failing to supply food for t he plants which grow on his ticlds is unable to find food for himself. Benefiecnt nature is always just and generous, and she will rich- ly repay a man for the applic. 1tion of thought and skill that he may bestow on her. The ti lier of the soil will find the piopei kind of plant 1111 place it 111 the ground. A man s skill 111; km preparation for its food by culti» vation. \‘1 l1 en a man cultivates his soil he is not merely plObiIiU about with instr1.- nicu- s .111dtools;iil1o does this he is o\er- cisii ': no skill. A mans skill shall look light 111t-"1tlie soil, and shal "0 on, so actinfr upon :'nd ac‘limr tlllOll'Yll it that his skill shall much up through the soil and govcrn the sun. that shines over his farm. It is the duty of the f111'111er to exercise his sl ll in such :1. way on the soil that he may harness the old sun 101 y morning andn ake 1tdo l1 s will. He cannot do that if he has 101 skill. The sun, \1' 'i1.h his saticngth, energy and po- tenti lity, thrills down for ourscrvice when he tr1cs to store those into plants. \Ve cat to get strength that we 111:1y control the strenuth and do something. \Vhenco comes the strenuth‘.‘ From the old sun. 1' want from to )d stiength and sunshine, 111 1d v. hen l get1eally st‘11111:1butte1 I (get the £t1en<1th and 11') $lullllslllllt (l aufil iter. ) lhe old. 111 is streaming like this (111:1llthetu'ld' ', if he comes to :1 1111111.; farm whose fields have no plant food, then the old sun looks into that man's soil, and findingr no 111:1te1iul int which to sto1e his strtngih, he 111c1el\' leafs around that tieln. \\ he )11 a hoisc pu'sll me in a waggon the horse is merely expending what he not from the sun' , wnen the en'rinc ispudh along it is only e\'pendin<1 “hat the old sun sto1e1l'1n the fuel centmies 11110. “1 he 1 l 1311.. my own food I am merely get- ting,r for my use the energy that the old sun accumulated in it under the direction of the skill of some man 11h )s‘e 1";gl1t it was to rule his acts and make him subservient to him. A man who “"11 11ld be a snect-Sbf'. 11 fr. rmer needs to be a 111111 of hill and then 11 111.111 of strength. If“: .1tl11s 11. 01k 111th his list he is nets 1 s1 5.11111 as it he goes at it with his head, bee ' 11: with the latter he could clear away for fl ' '1‘1ion of the strength which 111'). . let :1 1112111 exercise his skill 11: _ that all the powers 11 nature w serve him, and that he will have dominion ovci the sun and o\ er the watu in the soil. A 1111111 not only needs skill but' no needs to applx. his skill. '.l he man w ho .1ppl1es his skill to the growth of :1 plant can do .11 best alone, two lines. l'i1st along the line of s li'ully adapting suitable plants to conditions an leircumstances of his 111.1111 a11d'ocality,:1nd then aiond the line of handling plants, that the strength of t‘ 110 old sun shall not 1 e wasted or lost. First, let [RIFLE IN B-‘ARRHSG. {ion of the strength §i{)1'01(3t :L 1mm exercise 'ay that :111 the powers him, and than he will the 111 and over the Spa 1 “ms Slop :1 Clock The Sauna tmvn clock .1011 ,ml at 4:31") o clock 'J'l 11113114137 11101111119; 411111 Mr. “'11- _ 1115, on going to mccx'minthe ‘{L11\C,f('11111(1 (1141’: the hands 11414.1 been so elv 1161 11m ‘11 ‘11) 5114111115 (1f1111110 41111141141. l.1e111iscl11cf I1111bem1doneby 4111111 of}: 11'11', spunows, “ho had selected the 41115414;- 101111011 113 ‘11 14) hands 418 a site for 41. nest. Hihe 111010- 11101118 of the 114111413 interfered with thci: plans, and the bimls put their wits ‘10 work 10 devise 41. remedy that would secme th 1 stwhillity of-the nest. m. 101114â€"19); but I dine at; his restaurant, and metending not to see 111111, I retollall l1 sto1ics, sayincr loudly, “I can’t tell it as well as he ca11,b11t heres a rattlinw 00ml yarn M1 1). told us this 11101111113” l’ve been promoted three times this ymr. A fluent List of Entries 11111! fanny A11 '11?- 1112115 for the ('mning Show 1:: Tammie, Frm; Sept. 8111101310211111. The success that has attended the Great 1n- (1114111111 l‘air \\':11i<h is held annually at ’l‘e- 1111110. 11118 been remar‘ able and it evident that the exhibition {01 the 111' ent " “11', wl 'ch is to be held from the 13th to the 2‘ 11 of next month, widagain surpass its 111 edeeensors. The entries which have already been received from all parts 01" the Dominion, the United Stateh and heat B1'1t.ain,a1'e ‘ntlieientto till all the build- ings on the grounds, and they are 1'111101'1011 in be of a much finer quality than any heretofore exhibited. A large entry listis generally a 1.1111111 indication that, it will be followed by a large attendance of 1' sitnrs. and as very 0110111) fares and 01:01 111510115 11111' e been 111111011111 ed by all the Rail“ ay 11nd Steamboat lines from all parts of 111 .11dazindth e adjoining St at 1', t1; ii 1in 1101 - tion w ill doubtless be fully \' eri ,11 on the 1111: sent oecmion. The Go\' ernm' Gener- l and Prince Gemge 0f \Vales \\'1ll111'0babl \‘ ‘ the Fxhibitien. Sex eral moie new hni din gs ‘1'0 been erected this year 11nd still there '1 1111' pave ‘10 1111'1‘ Sm 110x111bit>1hmebeen 1 : tez'ed from S 11, 11111111 Columbia Ills 11101111, and other sections of C1111a<1a;and 111'. (I111: disâ€" 111111 >1 w ill be made by the 1)onnn1on and Ontario E: 1eri1nc11lnl 11a1111.<.1\ lonnr list of 5 110011111 10 Lune: 11111 0 been 111m idecl inel ndinp: a large “'ild “'0 st; Show grand displays of tire 710111.: concluding w ith the liiagnifieent s nectaflc. the "Last. Days of 1’ 011111011 ’Edison's wende ful talking dolls. a great dog chew, and an: 111111 01 other featui'esthat cannot fail to entert“ 11 the 1111111" tl1onz‘1a11dsthat will (10111111053 \isit the great, Fair. F1111 partienlars 01' 1111111111 1.1 to be seen \\ ill be contained 111 the (1111 ‘211 Pro- grannnes which will hei nued inn 1‘ .y 01' t“ (1. Over two hundred and {fly that 1111 11 .110 vi>ited the 'l orent 1) 11‘1111'111styea". and, 11" the attendant-011115110011 g vlna1iy lncrcasino‘ e' 1ch )1‘111‘ it 13 probable that this number n 11’ be e\- ceeded this year A large number of com 011- .tiom and meeting 1 10 to be held 211; '101'011to during the 1 1111', among which a1e those of the Stock Braeeder lllanutact 111' Ontario Ciemn- eries A; oeiation, Central 1' 11ers1n>1t Elte. Invento1 the Canadian Medical 1‘5900141t1011. Deg Fanciers t&c. . and visitor‘ tethe Fair \\ ill have can oppor tunit of at ending tlze>e Invetv ings. All entries close 011 the 16th inst. .. and 111- 1.e11ding exhibitors should govern C1 150‘: x A.” accordingly. There must be great merit in SLOCUM’H preparations. His OXYGENIZED EMUL SION of PURE COD LIVER OIL has taken the first place as a cure for consump- tion and kindred diseases. Every «lrnggist sclls it and no householder slumld be With- out it. The remedy is reliable and invulw able. \Vho on earth could I jusily‘.‘ him try to get within his grasp some of nature’s powers for his service, and then let him so use that power back out into the World that he will not lose anything, but thereby increase its intensity. ’J‘heirvflrst scheme was to wind the shaft on which the hands are pivoted 111111111 and round with grass and cards. That failing, they tied the hands to each other and to the f1‘n111e1101k in such 3. 11111111101‘ that it took considemhle time and :L gre: 1t deal of labor 011 Mr. \\ illiams s pmt to remme the 0.1. structions. The engince) in" skill displayed by the bird, in aeoompiishn their object showed that they possessed reasoning power of 110 11102111 order, besides 1111 a11101111t of industiy and pe1severa11co in gathming t'1e 111-11 1ialwit11i11 the few 110111 3 at their dis- posal that is almost more (111110. Bobâ€"HOW do you stand in with you emplw’er so well, Tom, you never laugh at his jo :es? Rice boiled very dry is acceptably with fish instead of potatoes. 3915-“? Dr. Harvey’s Southern 393 Pi} Coughs and (folds, is the 11‘. :Lb‘.:;: cine in u. resteil by s1eep, constipation, (11“:11165s of hearing, loss of Voice, desire forso1itude, ex eitability of temper, sunken eves surround ed with LEADEN 11111111111, 0in 100111111: skin, etc., are 3.11 symptoms of 11(1‘1 011s debility 1111th 101111 to insanity (1.11 1 nun 11 unless cured. 1110 spring or \ ital fo1ce having 10st its tension every function 11 anes in consequence Those \1 110 1111 011g11 abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on a11 «lieases peculair to 1112111. Address M. V. LUBON, 51) Front St. E, Toronto, On. Books sen-‘1 free seal '1. Heurtdisease, ‘hesy 111111 0111.1011111' ‘ c‘.1 a1‘efa.1n1 spefls, purple lips 1111111111103 3, pu1pitation, skip beats, hot flashes, r1151 1 of Mood to the 110.11 (11111}1zti11 inthe 11 taxi wihhbeats 11.101155, rapid and i11‘c 1111111‘, ‘1112 se eeinl heart beat quicker than the first, pain about t1 1e breast bone, ctc., c1111 nosun cly be cured. No cure. no pay. Send for 11001.. Address M. V. LUBON, 55) I 10nt‘ Street East, Toronto. Ont. young, old, or middle 390:1, who find them- selvesnerveus, Weak Enid exhaus w: a broken down from (.XCOS m 0.01 “'0 csulti in many of the follohing $511111» toms : muntal (151110351011, prurim ture old age, 10,53 of vitalii, " of menmry, bad dreams, din 5 of: ; p211ni Ltion of the heart, 111111 ~, he}: of (1191 My, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples o: 1 111efa.ce 4:1" body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness spwks be £0111 the eyes, twitching of the nuiscles, eye lids and elsem} are bashfulness, deposits in the u .110, 10 Ms of 11111 11011111“, tenderness of the scalp 1111 11 spine, w 11; and flabby musclts, desire to sleep, failure to be The Guatemala fours flcfcated lu‘ionistsv mftcx a fix» IL is now generally known that many cases of consumption nf lnn unding as well as advanced (:2 30:»: 0f (Vi-“hill and asthma .nue be m pm'muncntly cured by hLUCUM S OXYUI INIZED EM ULSION of 1‘1) RE COD LIV Hi ()1L."‘l\is famous mo ‘ ’ nmnufactuwd at 186 \Vcsb Adelaide SL, Toronto, 011L, and m mydrngg‘ in CM Ada 113 s it £01 sale. is It is a risky business trying to get to heaven on your “'lfe’s Church membership. CANADA'S GEE-A A “1&0 Empleyé‘o All 3102:. i"! Hj AIR. were all judged ”1‘3 for V011 rc cases where ol‘nrvr rvmcdies have fail 1. V on {or sour {we mule is . lwant the n:cdicire to Ix: )' recom- .mendatmn. It cm ' mth. 1 mm: " :uud ing {or a trial. : at u r is certain. G H. G. IRS-GT FR. (3., H35 Nest Adeiaicfie St. 'E‘c-rcnic: Ont. l’ost (mine. [\dAlX'Cf‘). AGENT: W ANTE I) 13' g money. Choicest book (Jontlol of ten itm‘y Apply at; oxxc<.1-‘I.NM()\'1<:R 8: CO..120 Yoncht..Tommo SPEGlAL fig?”91‘?R;S?§§§5%§;"fi‘éi“§§2 ship, Shothnnd, ’l‘) pun; mg. Unique Hun. Instruction Inoming‘n‘, special c.\:cur~:i0ns after nouns. Circularx‘ Czunuli. n College: of (‘ummm , Pun 1c Libraly Building, Toyonto‘ PH, “HRS can make 1110110) du‘dng ”(new 1011111 15211111541110 for one 01‘ 1110111 of 0111‘ selling Book§ 11111111311111. especially History OfC 11mm hvh’. H \1'.111h1‘0w J_). 1).. In. cs: :1. d has t edition ever publimod mites low terms liberal. \Vritc for 11.11. ' ‘1-1,Lo‘. Circulal-a and terms. W'M. 1311101015. 1 ' 51151191, ’1010nto. “Sailing weekly between DH’NTREAL and LIVER! H331. Saloon ’I‘ickcts 34’), 51" 'md $67 Remrn Tickets, ,80, Sun) and $110, according to steamer and nccoxmnodatiou. Intermediate $20 Steemge $24) Amwiy {,0 ll. E. MURRAY. Gen Ol‘fll Mnnag, (“unmliam Slumping (30., 4 CUS TOM HOUSE ‘ LAKE, MONTREAL, or to Local Agents in all '1 owns and Cities. Lends all other ()nllcgm in Canada in 10 num- her of matmcul» La prepared an My. 3 Special induccnmnls are olfercd to those requirmg :1 Ihh‘j‘n'm i- . 'mhm. Scml for calendar. Addy PJUNCIPALDYEK. ILA. ‘ T’A\TEJ) in e\ cry town in the Dominion reliable men to represent the Domir on Bldg andLoan A ' 65-67 Yuige it. ’loionto. 111 OPLE 0111 of to“ 11 coming» 10111ol‘x111hi- 13 011 Show!!! have their (firm-.505: l"1' dun 1’ latited. S {i1'1x 40C :1 \";a1d (11111110115 ~11 11s 01‘ capesl Zita yard. M .n :ncklwusc, 1273011111 811' cc ’1' 0101110. 149(1108 C0110 re, 1111: )CL11 1‘ . $01111 years ste11o't1‘a‘111e1‘and type 1‘1'1‘1t131‘, 10 M..\1011- 10111, S11pc1il1te11de11t of tl1e31’ic111gan C911. tr:11 R R ~21 rospom 911110 and \‘1111111‘11011051- 11011. ‘1013 one of the 110511 shorthand “1101‘s of Canada. {11111 like 1111 {41111111Les of Ahnn L011 111191‘ ch11 (1011000 \1 (11 1111 011 for 1101‘ work. Any 301111;}; “0111311 c1111 0.1mm '1 00 pp. C211c1111111‘ 11y 5111111033113Y 1’1L1X1: '.1‘\11 ‘1.\', 1}. 1) 5% PER DAYÂ¥Good men and women. . E‘flm“ soiling article. J. E. CLOSE, dorm. street, Toronto. $3,. 45 v" x‘om}!.fi10‘;, Ugh ranch and I‘zmmughly an BUSINEgS CHANGES. a 9' '\\'i11 buy?- inlormt in IL thoraugl $0004) lyV established»__1‘.I‘f>'g M 11055: a 9' \‘1'1111111'1 interod 111'! .1 .‘110101‘gh' $0004) 1y 031111)111\'1101’11‘.1'ng 1111'111 . fully protected 11} paicntn. To 1110 (11111111'1015 211110 L0 1121111116 1.110 rill-("1111113511111 for 1110 f‘ 0111» puny 21 gunnnwc of [1111:1311 hundmrl will be given. ( 10111081711“ N111: :111n11 »1111(1LC(1.C211101‘ address. ELDRIEZSJE :4. E -2 .. Rom“ If)», (‘01-. (am-0n ans! 1114101“ 1: shim-1min. 9311: i( by hot, \.'(l 11,01‘. hive s; 0112:". l’t‘in’u pal f_x_‘: WLIDRHNNI .1131)” d‘or. (Emu-171311115 _\i(~1- ‘1‘; (Mia Strs‘t‘is. T1 11 110. “iii m" 1110 11111111111 cxhi‘uitimw. (‘0‘ 1110111111; 7 1) (101211131110 20111 a 11110 (11111101 (7:11. 1 US P1110111 >1 Uf11\.l1':<1 '11111‘ . 1\:11' 21: 1121 115:1’1113 (10011113 1101111 01 11‘.- 1111111111 a 11;;- 1011111131110 1411111101 1111: 11111011 in this 1 make '1 11 famo‘v :11‘11111g 1110111>11y 11111] 111c:1‘1)1)\'(‘1fi1‘m. MAN '1'110 \ .1105 :1 good pmition .; 1111 A six 01' 51m (11111101 ‘1111’111111121'1'5 111 111 111 1011111110 c111111‘11111y1'11111111 > 1 1110 (111711 111111 11 ' "11111113.r 81111.: FILES “HEN; ‘1 d1 (0., fol-131:1? III! ‘ irlm 311 1"“. , 21mm 3.}. 1'1 1 N\ 11:111‘11i11w111111i111: 11111‘111:11]111:1110 4 \1'1“ 11111 111111 13 111 11111: 1111011 ‘ 1 ‘11) (")1‘1‘1’ RUBBER-1;}: «3' 1‘0 1 E‘m‘, Gém‘a‘n and ”11111101“; 1111.. Tommi». 1111-11111f111'1111'1‘1‘s" gents 111111 (‘1)11111‘1ishion 1111-1'1‘11111115. 1111131115 1:1)11u111 111111 10111 11151110" 1*1111111- 11:? 1211111011. NTS {Ailfiflh T,“ A,» i}. ‘i Egg? mvdafiaa" Eed. “19:? must ;::0_ t4) 1!}: mafia. If ALBERT COLLEGE, BELLEVELLE, 8H7" UULLGEE EELLEGE, GEEAWA, F33: Y: ~UNG 11.53353. Sand for camlogue. M5853 fiELEH REIRKE “Yam must 30 t4) Bermuda. If 31m :29 no: I wni r1222: Ere t'azzpmnsi- hie for the consequences.” “But, aluctm’, E can Milan! nei her the time nor the money.” “Well. if that is inmosssiblc, try stzmelimes can it Eicxtszufia Bot- ucd, mm many ens - (at I have CHIEFS“ wii’h it; advantage is that. the mos live stomach can take it. Ans thing; which commends it i,» the stimulating" properties of the fly- punlmxphim s “hick it contains. Yen w l and it. fur sale at ymlr “rug, '3. in fizzlmim “manger. Be sure 3m: get the gunnins.” PRIVATE H0 @5103?“ Bronchitis, (loyal! BAYER LINE STEAMSEE SE’S. OF PURE PiO‘Ffi‘NECEAN 00D EEVEE @234. EPELEPS‘E" GR FALLENG SICKNEEE; EN, Mantras}. PRIVATE HBSPITA WE THE. WM 0} safismgpfifim, OTT A! HOZVKE,B«HeviHe o "I “a: “Whole Root vs. Piece 03%;.th Root Trees" PAY. STARK NUI ‘ RIBS, Louisiana. M0 Sen/I at once for a FR. E BOTTLE ‘and a m‘ gable Trc-mse. 11‘; urdy i! a 5n : r. (l n‘mlxml c re and ); pvrfcr‘tly harl ' drug“. chd hi its yn] ua arm": 1: to cum KTUMERSâ€"Wltnloutvflâ€"‘e Enlvfb Book free. G.I1.MeEHUHAEL,M.Ds 63 Niagara 81., BUFFALO, N. Y. 01' Sévere Cold and Foreign Countries. 1': urge .51., ’i'mnto .3 procured in Canada, US, graduate of A‘mm A. P. 517. 426§Y011ge St, just Scum 0f Unllege Address Wlllu-Z)’, ROYCE J; (1).. 15 Yongt Street, Toronto. Sand (01' Catalozue A Il-I-g- I â€"-I 3.33sz- Best Trees. Best Terms. Best Plan. Best Outfit Free, Special Aids for Be- ginners. BBESSMAKEES’ MAGIC SCALE. For Fall. r‘nntaining over 1000 illustrations of Ladics'. Misses' and Boys‘ (hu‘mmts‘ Price sea in stamps: Domestic c ,talogue, fall, 32:. Domestic Monthly for Sept, I5c New York Domestic Faghion 00., WAETEI ’fi‘im Eiersifi Mamie Sofia?! by fine Principal Boot am? Mam! Ebm‘ei :w. Every ’znir amped. Best YD 111cm the Dominion. F E DIXON 8: CO. Makm a, 70 King stI eat East, Toronto. mSend for Price Lis and Discount 211 Mo. Nursery 09., Louisiana, E10 DOMEfi'EEC REVEEW TO THE EDITOR. above " I shall sumption .r I.“ ' “.0“: ISO- V116- ,-u, under: that I have a positive remedy fu‘ th Hands 0: 5:11:33” “es have been permanently c3 red rcmedy FEES-LE " w) your readers who hav' mu :. . despectfully. T. A. Staci/1&3 €233, ’h QRONTO. ONTARIO. nd Post Office Ad mgmmm “W V =59? CERES) 0 Palace Hotel at Swings in 1’13. is now open for reception of visitors. For particulars addl 5.6 The 5 [mm limo '3! “later (0., “1]., ENTIRELY CURED. After many year: cf snii’crinp; from heart, disease, indigvaiion, \‘icakncss, lxczuluchc,clc, ST. LEGN WATER LEATHER BELTING. 32 Temperance Myer}, 'a‘oronm. or at any of Pattern Agencfics. \r c» J. IOAN 8r. SQN, 77 Nsrthcote Ave.. Toronto. $3 ARTIFECIAL “W38 ’J'ORON'1‘0.0NT., Or to St. Leon Springs, Que. x d0hmstan$ FMS? Baa; For Circular Addreas STOMACH The Tailor System of cutting improv- ed and simplified~ Complcie in one pim-o. specialty. “'21 t, Linings and Dresses Cut. liorscls Made to 01-6012 Salisfnc Linn guaranteed. \Vire Dress Forms for Drawing, etc. Perfect-Fitting leave a Inow ro'oico in good Dhoulth.~l\irs.J. Uloutier. (7 Montreal. 'L‘housnndsvouci tothe truth of above. “'11)‘ men drmz along: in mis- § cry and pain? Drink Sf. Leon : you \vi]_l}‘( 'qice. ETo those \V' 1:0 cannot eat meat in hot weather. It contains all the NUTRJTIOUS‘ ELEMENTS of prime Beef in a form that CAN BE DIGESTED by the \‘V'PL‘XKEST GENT LI. \L ;\G'I\T. Cured we Emu-013'. Newest 8.: Choices Salesman A PERFECT SETBSTITUTE FOR MEAT The Newe st and 32e~' able. Grand Inter fiOnta Cheap Excursions and law mics on {111 Railsmya, ct Entries positiveiy 5.10 For Prize Lists, Entry 1' information, dro‘L a 1n and 06.58 «timml, inst] [Kati and enjoyable \Vith Upright or Horizontal Boilers. 12, x6, 20) 25 } Suitablelfor all work. Threshing, Sawing } and 30 H'P' Brickmalging, etq Th6: best and largest E2: aibificn of Live .itock,Agricu1tum11 mdums Jiil’lO Arts, Manufactures of all kinds, and Ladies W01k, etc” etc. ., in fihe Domini on 53'? ©;:;.‘.:;€ia and attended annual!) bf 0 or. 2.59, (390 V Eufi'fl'fii’fmwfi including awry Stock Brco :1 01" any 1m- portzmce in this country. THE GREATEST ENTERS? AEKI‘EEHT 01‘ THE YEAR. $5§5$ ma WEZES E g 3” H UEJ'mufiJ ”a E J. J’. wxmgzovg, EF‘Ehe ”5983 Agenua‘a‘ Eisiiflay cai‘enws GEEK? FEREnFRQW fifiéfiflfiéfi Send for catalogue: Tractmn Emgines AND If you doubt it, try it! Your money will be re- funded if you are not com‘incv-ll after a. trial. Fifty- fom‘colors are made in ’1‘ fish Dyes, embracing all new shades, and others. are add: us soon as they become fashionable, 'J'hvy are \uxrmntcd to dyd more goods and do it bc‘ut ‘ than any other Dyes. Same Price as Inferior Dye, 10 ctfziu Canada Branch: 481 St‘ Paul Street, MontrenL Sendposlalfor Sample Card and Book of Instruction! There is no ‘hinr' Yiko {1.9me Strmwth Coloring 0r FLISUIC‘S' w. DNSPackageEQ 'JALS '1‘"?ch :7:.'€ :‘y mi them; r‘; 2%. THE WONDER 0F HEALING I DURES CATARRH REE UMATIS‘M NEIT- EAL" :IA, SURE THROAT, FILES WOUNDS, BuRNS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, AND HEIiIORRHAGES OF ALL KINDS. / & Externally. Prices 50c.$1,$1.1 :RAGT CD. New York 35 London 1733:! 1/2 tern a E’OND’S EX WILL NOT WASH OUT! WILL NOT FADE OUT! STRAWâ€"BURNENG ENGEHES SEEEE, 82E: E5 EEEEE .mmn Unequalled {zr Riches: mi Bank; of Carat-Egg ’ They are the 0‘ ‘1 DYES that Waterous Engine- ‘Perks S0 x2, 16 and 20 I'onscipower. AGRICULTURAL EXPOSETION ERI‘NTFORD punk WJSWMT"' . l" csident “I399” GREAT" EURQPEAN ;DYE ‘ ,H. mm For the Northâ€"\Vcst. Sand for Circular. "orcntu r' p fr“ Mun aura NEE n. 5 RH“

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