Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1890, p. 8

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Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Gould, lumwl that {lie 'l'i'easnrer pay John \Vil- mn $3 heinu expenses in connection with Lu; Llal'li‘l of the limo John Longlitlionse. Mr. Sowtf, seconded by Mr. Slutz-r, mumd that we ’l‘ieasurer pay the follow ing avlmums . \V. Padvet, 15 lbs spikes 1‘5; ; um mi 10‘ plank and repairing bipidtre mi [1 m dixisiuu 36 53150; M O’Neil, 400 ‘2- incli tile as centilied by H. Hopper, R, U , “37-1 4'). Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved than Lhe Treasurer pay the follow- ing awununt (>5 Jolm Bastard, 100 yds. guud 3110,36 ft. cedar and repairing bridue“: .,‘ L16,“ u days shoveling gravel $2 12m Us.) musrcstud havino done gratuitous \mG. MrIScluuidt, seconded by Mr. Gould, moved that thu Treasurer be and is here- LI,‘ authnrizcd to procure a copy of the .Ennxcpal Mumal fux‘Lhe use of this cmucil. AL. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Slater, )n0\cu that the Treasurer pay the folluw- jug gnu’el accounts a VAKRgssel], 60 yds, Mr. G m‘xd, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, Inm‘ed Lmt the "1"reasurer pav \Vutsm Culliusnn $1.40 or tile furnished road dlvisiun No. ‘31, .xs per order of mover. W. Pnnlget K. 0., $6; C. P. Read, 130 pig, 1’. Dixon, R. 0., $13 ; C. P. Read, (3.3 3113., 1L Knslake, R. 0.. 33620; J. 1}. McLean. 51 yds., M. Milestone, R. 0., $5.10 ; Watson Collinson, 120 yds., 1.. U. liurklwlder, R. 0. $12 ; A. Russell 1.. U. liurklwlder, R. 0. $12 ; A. Russell “4 yds., R. Ash, R. 0. $6.40 ; John Hor- Mey, 20 yds., \V. Juice, R. 0., $2; \V. Juice, «inching LuL 12, Con. 5. M r. Slater, sncrmdcd by “It“. Scott, moved that {he 'l‘x'casurer pay Henry Hoshell $4 for 2 misc stone delivered at Hushull iilli. The Markham Township council met at Victoria Hall, Unionville, on Satur- day, 16th inst. Members all present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Gould, moved that the Treasurer pay S. Ritter $4.16 for work and material furnished in:- culvort Road Division No. 12. Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Scott, moved in reference to petition of Geo. Angus and others 7‘6 ditch L0! 6, 7611001)- ceasnm, that the Reeve be a. commissi0n~ er Lu examine and decide what propur- iion of the (Xyeuse the municipality shmml pay towards th: construction of mid ii diLun luund practicable. mr. Smit, s :0 ”1‘1ch by Mr. SJhmidb, and that WlUl mfelence tn the commun- i umn from \V. Spring, who was sent to 1)) - i-Inspitul by Hm Reeve, Mr. Gould, be Petition presented by Mr. Gould from Gen. Angus and 6 others asking a grant of $30 for cutting a. drain along sideline in 1mm of Lot 6, 7th Concession. Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Gould, mowd that, the Treasurer pay R. Har- x-ingum $124.42 for plank supplied this lnumupnluy. Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved that the 'l‘reasurer pay Mr. Slater $52.85 for disbursements of witness feen re Imugsxatf suit. .mn m hereby appointed to call at the lidapnutl and make such arrangements is he may under the circmnstances, deem mivnmbln. M 1‘. Water. seconded by Mr. Gould. move} that clcxk notify M r. Hall that the bridm at Pomumu Mills is m a dangerous 2m“ Gould, s'ecouded by Mr. Slater moved that. the Treasurer pay J. Bar- 1110mm“; & Sun $5; 0. 73 for lumber fur- his}! d R. 1). No. 72, payable on order of the Rm \9. Mr, Schmidt. seconded by Mr. Gould, nmved that the Treasurer pay 0. Spoflbrd $5.24 for cedar furnished for culvert on mu Uoncesswn, A. Hood, R. 0. ; also a iurlher sum of $20.99 for cedar for bridge nt, Uxxon’s Hxll and Graham’s, Gun. 7, Lot 30 and 31. M 12 Gunld. secn‘u.ded by Mr. Schmidf, moved tint; the clerk is instructed to fill in the Schedule of BgiL'iw 467, will tlte smmmf quuiwd fur Union S. S. No 7, ].'), .md‘) ._.. 31s.: the amount required by 1 ublxu S. b. No. 10 and 13,\_vlsen amount requimd is a ccz'raimd from trustees of Mm mm mm. 5- m‘flvmflnflw WWW 0n muuml thu report of the committee was; received, :xd=»pted mid L’yâ€"Law read 11. llnrd Hum and pmsud. Markham Council. 32‘ ‘EANSEHG, ENG. "rn’i Cur .110. r~t1np¢m~1g_L cu m {or 11pm, At her home yum: 1973 We have gwen varLiculnr attention to the propagation of hardy \uricties suitable to the northern sections of Canada. For terms apply to I’upi‘t‘of \V U Forsyth and H M F" W, both of the 'l‘m-nnm ()mlegu u! 1\lu.»ic, Teacher of the Pmnuforlm \Vih be in Richmond Ilia] m1 Frlduy 0t (LL01) work. 1 huse wi hing tn 1’, :L('(' themselves undm' hls iusbmctiuus will Limlly cmmmmia' to wi‘h him ut Aurora “'9 want reliabla energetic men to sell 0111' N111 91y stock; 1110110115 expmimne not neces- saw; any 1111111 \V 11,11 tact 11.1111 enemy mm succeed; terms 1111(3) :11 either Emmy or com1n1ssion,out- fin 1190. Our agents have many advantages. such as selling hmne-gruwn, hardy Canadian stock. Choice new sneciultws, which are 01‘ value, and which can only be secured from us. such as a complete list of New Rn. an Apples, the Ritson Pear. Saunders Plum, Imhnm Raspberry,l\loore’s Ruby and Black Champion Currants, Moore’s Di 111011L1G1‘&1)8, 843., K'c: N honoxnble and pmisewortlly busmess without (my possible chance of loss Steady employment. and conhol of tenilm). Have done business m Canada 30 3 (E'll' 5. Liberal pay to the right men, to sell our un- excelled Nuisery Stock. Send for terms. is hercbvgiven that I have transmitted or de- livered to 1110 persons 11101111011911 in sections five 111111 six 01‘ T he mes‘ List Act ” tho copiPs le- (111110111117 sail sec .ions to be so tmnsmicted or 1h-11w10110f1he L151 11111 1e pursuant to 3 id Act; of 1111 110130113 1111110 "1111111 bv UH} last revised AS» sesmnunt 111111 of the $111111 1\[unicipulity, to be en- Litiud L1) vows in the $11111Muniaipzrlity at 113101 ions- fur Members of the nggi Lzmre Assembly and :Lt Munirilml 171100110115. 11nd that the said List was first posted up 111 my ()IYicc m Rluhmond II1l1,o11Lhc 1.3111dziy 111' August 125%, and remains Micro, for inspection, Liar-tum 1111: nth-:11 111101- Lo examine thu .‘1111'1Liut- and if any Omissions nr any other errors 211' 0 found thm L11] to tako illnllifli‘ifl“)111‘U(',E‘UIIIH¢;Si!) have the said cr‘srm correctud according tn law. Czulsi'lo, August 1th ] 'H 134 state requiring immediate renewal, and that if the work is not proceeded with on or before the 15th of September next, the council will proceed to renew bridge or fill up excavation and charge the ac‘ count. to him. Mr. Scott asked leave to introduce a By-Law to appoint collectors for the cur rent year. Leave given and By-an read first time. On motion the By Law was read a second time and the council went into committee of the whole thereon, Mr. Gould in the chair. The committee rose and reported the By-Law amended, with the blanks filled. Collector, west half, \V. Padget ; East half, James Eckhardt. Securilies to be bonds with two eureties at $20,000 each. Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Scott. moved that the Treasurer pay Messrs Holmes ((7 Gregory $4 being amount of costs we Hall bridge. 9-tf FONTHILL NURSERIES, LARGEST IN CANADA Aug.‘21-ml (‘10 Date 1 this 12th day of \Vlmmns some party or parties did on the av- oninq of Sntm‘duy In x, August 2nd. between the hours of 11 mm 1'1 u‘ulwk ]) 11),, enter my prem- ises and stole {rum one of my colonies of Lens 8. The above rev-1w} will b0 puirl to anv )wersnn m‘ )mrsnns who \vi‘xluivo smh iui'ornmbiou as will lend to the a} >1'uhm1xirmulhlc-mvici'inn 01’ L116 party or parties \xho cummiite-l said thoit. JUSTUI 1:11 AMAN. 0011.2.Lot 1.3, \ aughnn 7 Oh filbtion thne répert was adopted and Bx-‘Law‘xiead a third time and passed. Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, moved that Mr; Robert Marsh and the mover be commissioners to ditch if neces- sary sideline between Lots 15 and 16, lst 0011., amount requn ed pay able on order of the commissioners \1 hen the woxk 15 completed. General Selvant, wanted in a. family of three. Apply at NO RISK, (IEIASE BRQVTIIERS COVIPANY “Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Scott mm ed that when this council adjnmns it stands adjourned to meet on Sept. 20th next. $23.96 REMRB I RIGHMON D HILL, Vazmwa £21.32; 1830 On motion the Enllncil adjourned. Thorough Instruction Guaranteed AGENTS WANTED QITAN’TE'E‘Y (11’ H (ENE Y, INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC WANTED ! 50-321 3.1m: fixtmtifirmmté. IGr MONEY Is preparer] to (give 10 cans in Municipality of the Village of FOR AGENTS. N()’J‘ICE C. C. PD IESY’H‘H, STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont COUNTY OF YORK.- u 3 .fimvoml lawn: n ode NURSERYHFZN, NO CAPITAL REQUIRED, DR. WILDON‘S, k of the mid Municiimlity August, mo, 74! Collmrnmflnt lichmoixd Hill. .‘D M. TEEFY‘ 1.;chmom1 I: almr Vitalized Air for Painless Extraction. U. H. RIGGS, Comer Yonge and King, TORONTO. Passengers wishing to proceed by Steamer [mm Toronto, leave Toronto at 2 p. m. on the Muuduv, if Hwy \vixh to embark at Montreal ; or on Tuabduy, if they embark at Quebec. 7th Au g 14th ” 25th “ 4th Sep‘ 11th ” 18th “ 21111 00?: (3th “ 19th ” {rd “ l‘assengms “ishing to embmk at Mgmtreal will leave T010111.) by Tuesd: y 11101'1111113’3 Express and go 1111 board any time qu01' eight o‘clock same evening. Passengers finishing to embark at Quebec will leave Toronto by Wednesday morning’s Express and g0 on board Thursday morning. LIBERAL OFFICE Cabin, $45 to $580, accor'iing to accommo- dation. Internmdiutc, $30. Sworage, $20. Cabin return tickets, $95 to $150. J. T. SAIGEON, GORE BEST. MUTUAL FIRE INSURENBE 80.; EEMEERANQE 89 GENERAL 32st; 21; stories, nearly new. The house is well fitted u» and has all the modern luxprovemcnts. Heat- ed \Jy hot air furnace. Half acre of lxmd, mum or leszs; good stable. Large currentcr shop, if not purchased will boremoVed. Then is n, quan- tity of small fruits and picntv of hard and soft water. ’l‘erms easy. Apply *0 27-tf N. SHUNK. Maple 24th July We have purchased for 590. on the I)ollar the largest \Vholesale Manufacev turer’s Stock of Ready«Made Clothing ever sold in Canada,.and on Thursday, May Ist, we willinaugurafe the BIGGEST BARGAIN SALE 300 Children’s Suits for 750. per suit, worth $2 200 Children’s Suits for $1.50 per suit, worth $3 300 Children’s Suits for $2 75 per suits, worth $5 500 Boys’ 3 pc. Suits, any size. for $3 50, Worth $6 500 Youths’ Suits, sizes from 15 to 20 years, for $3-,worth $4 50 RATES OF PASSAGE The sale will commence. This is the greatest chance ever offered to buy a high class of clothing Cheap. Our staff of salesmen will be doubled, and we will do all in our power to serve everybody, but we would remind the people to come in tne mornmg and avoid the P. 9. Address King, RESIDENCE SPRINGHILL. Ever held in Toronto. This colossal stock embraces the finest class of goods both in Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Suits, and the Whole will be offered without reserve. Among them are the following specials :â€" afternoon Vrush.‘ VILLAGE OF MAPLE, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. L Mergael 8%., Queba «a Same. GGUGH, THE WENEEEE .' ALLAN LENE! .me leerpoo] Q U A nine-roomca, buck-clad dwelling, in the Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool Sept BEST 755m 01v 4 PLATE, $8. 00. FQR SALE. The British America, Insurance Agent Our store will be closed on ‘Wednesday in order ts mark these goods off, and on , . . ‘Cn‘cassmn \Surdmizm I . Polynesmn anrismn ernnsuiun hmdininn lPolynesian 1’ Lrisum ‘Cil‘Cflm’iifln i Ym‘dimaln fulynesiun ’m‘isian ST EAMER THURSDAY MORNING, AT 9 O’OLOCK 128 KING STREET EAST, TORONTOE Also the vuâ€"FOIR 13th Aug 20th “ 27th " 3rd Sept 17th “ 24th “ lst ()ct ‘ bth ” 22nd “ 2m; “ ‘ 5th Nov 1217]] “ From M on break] Daylight RICHMOND HILL THE " CRASH .! {4111 Aug 215$ “ QBth " -1t11 Sept lSEh “ 0th 151th From Quebec 9 A M Nov The undersigned having purchased (100 tons of Egg, Stave and Nut Coal, and erected a large coal shed at} Orders Solicited a; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wm. B. Prootor,‘ RICHMOND HILL. Isprepured to supply his customers. Pnce for July and August v ’5.5()1Lt Maple; $0.25 at Richmond Hill Village. ‘Vood and Slabs delivered on shul‘tcst notice. Cutters, In returning Hunks to mv numernns friends for their liberal patronage during the past thirty years, I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and cmnmodioue premises I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, COAL WOOD SLABS Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisr .1. I am also preparud to do all kinds ”f black- smitlnug (b repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. WM. HARBISON’S. All Other Articles in his Linc Supplied. REPAIRING DONE W'ITE‘HI NEATNESS,CUEAPNESS AND IHSPA'I‘CH. PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . TRENCH’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- ‘7 Téfifi” Efflfifiififl WVEE. I T914313? N'C Ii REGHMUNE‘; HELL STATEBN. Single Harness Gâ€"tf HOESQ-Shoeing $1.80 I?! AWANGE. Paid ape .' attention to. RICHMOND HILL. ON HAND ___.A’]‘__ Sleighs and 300' Men’s Suits (all Wool) fl] L Q3" (5 “an11 [S 350 Men’s Suits (.nll wool) fan u Wurih $10 700 “en’s Snits(n1! wm»1)fm $10 wmth $10 to $517.0 ] 000 Pairs all wun] Wutking Iva-Its fut 55‘] we! [)2in 800 Pails Sunday Pants for g 'L’ 50 “(nth $1 St Mary's Mammal Churchâ€"Survives at 3 1‘ opt 11m Lhml Hundny 1:11 ,1 \‘n\(mth,\vlu;y,the saw '19 {Mid Lucrnmcnn zu'c fluid at 11 u 111. Sunday school at 1,301) m. Rev \V W Bates, Rector Methodist 01111111)» 51 wicosnt 10,30 in m and [3.301) m, and Sumluy :( howl nt 2301mm. Young people‘s 1:1" It nurmmg \\‘cdncr~'d:w evening. General plu‘ycr moaning ’J‘lnu'mlxw uvcuingm the iecbum mum. llcv {I (‘ Spear, hupm‘mwuacnt, Ruv G 13 M ’lu‘Jnrl 15mm; FIRE 1i1c1(.‘;\1>11.~]’u Iguhlr 1111 ct111~1 22ml Monday of uwl‘y muntll, 1101(11111 1,1111 (101mm 1(‘111111111111', 210 11111111. Mmubrmhiw11110,. (3c1't1'1'mntusissucd m 11193111015 011111111111:thenm-ocmtni11 p11vilegcsuunl «xv/111111110111 \\ 111 11.1’11g5105, Ca}; 11m. 11. A Niulmlls, 1mm may The Mcthw 31:: 1:},rntlxsch sociattinn issue Maxi n (tag-«1m: desu‘od. “’thle won Supt MECHANH s’ lxsTI'I‘U'W ~1A11ar‘u'x of ovel 10.’0 volumesppunover ‘Z (a lay ev ; the Na sonic Hznll.frmn 'i to HIV lock. 11.1].LLLW Liblu riun. ’1‘ l" McMnhun, Secretary A. 0. U. \V. Ivy Lodge, No. 114, Meets in the Masonic 112m nu (1m Mu-und zmd fourth 'lucsduy n! each month at d r;’<-,l_ (1K 1; m. Bulleticm'y cer- xi1‘xc2LLogiwnf0r ~_U\}Uillku u of (1021141,. John 1,1, "h’u'\\'xx,MuL:1c1'\\ urhman l» n Lu 5 100 N. E.Corner Yonge 6’: Queen Streets, Toronto. Ono Lf the largest- Dental Ofllcos in the Dominion Gum Alum! A bciutii‘m 1 pii ’IJLUCHC) 1am now rznoxhibition Examine beture [mung oismxhuic. ’lelms to l’mshyim‘izm Chum: "Sulwicf's at ‘11 {L m and G 30 p m. mummy sulmul at 2 no 1: m, Prayer meeting on \V'vdncfiduy evening at 7‘50. dev W W Per ix'ul. ‘L’ustu‘r VILLAGE Colvxctl..â€"»Rc w, \VnL I’ugslcy, (‘0‘ 1: 021]<..~~,,\[(,-$\1's,}’ (in Salvage, \\'111 :mucrumAV Atkinson, Dr lemu. UJc. k, M. J BEST 8&3 TEETH - $8.00. 10mm) (futholm Chutchifiurvioes in order as folluws : 'l'lmlnhiH at i) AL 111 and Richmond Hi1} at 10. (j a 1n ; Um iolluwiugr Hunduy at lilchmunu Hill ul- 5‘: :L m and 'l‘hurnlzili at, 10.2w :1 m. lov J J Egan, l’usLor RichmondLml;;e,A F & A H, No ‘23, G R C mwtk. 1n the lnrlrw (\nx1l,1\ifl‘.(mic Hall on the Mmld: Ly on m beful u full mmm at b‘ o clock 1) Ln. TNO\\GOD \\ M, l U ' A' (:‘ont ()lxlm' uf I“:~rcstc)'s»~ Comb Richmond Nu 70m. meet»: 11 the Mnsuniu ”all (\Vury ulterâ€" nuLel-‘linm'owningat 8 o‘clock. 11 F Hopper (J 1!, W 1‘1 \Y11u33tx0 Lry Rtmmmnmllvf' 171M; Blmmmc pram-L m 01} \Vedcsd V 8; Sam j evening at 8<)’c}0( \V. 511 1H1. d chulu. W E \Viqu Secrotur OSCAR J. BROW’N. FJANDREVVS, 1" ’1'. of '1‘u171120runuo, liiuhl‘lund Hill Council No 4:}, Meet: 1:1 'i'omyorvnuc llallfiuch mum‘- nun Tuom‘my \‘Lumguw «Helm-1;}; 111. None» nmlo or fenmtlv i11(:usn<\1'dem,)1 NEMU, mm xl'llimnbiii «llLSfllnhr . lel‘,lZLCL1‘dih;. flcinry cul'hill‘uuw: isrtuud in f) 0‘ mmulm Rfo)‘ 'LL hall mwubln 1' <~ San Svlact Councillur; becrctm‘v Office Hoursâ€"g a‘ m. to 6 p. m.. Mon- days, and Saturdays to 10 p.m. NEW \NILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES. 1mm". and Porcelain Also ubnnt for the woxld renowned Vitalized Air {or Extractlon. Kim“ Wfimimln mmv‘ ' nun. «w. . um ”1/ Electric Light. used for evening. Prawns (teeth without a. plate] :1 snwciaiu'. nun. ‘hm'mmmiulk from . ' Vi e rlnlm. Prnspuums Pns’r ‘ F, film an n'u-Jicz- iuu‘tn Pr"\i. uuiwize, 2a] 1mm A a. New York, ,n‘rrim‘v; . h‘ Dentist, Agent fox the celebrated BELL GREEN. Churches. 331325, Samoan at}: $011001Temperance As ‘ cmxlam'ery Sunduywhcn and Porcelain

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