Barristers, So'iicitc-rs, Con Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"4510.14} Chambers, No.15 To Richmond Hill Ofï¬m Saturday. . 'I‘OI onto (MET: 1:;:‘ No W‘NJ. Marin: u in flmceâ€"' (llp-slnirs.) Prlvute Funds to Lawn on 1?;Ltt's (11.111 Formerly Rosualenb Surgeon L0 the Navy or}: State \\'mmm’,~< Hm 1m] NM" York City, and Vi» iting l’hyrw .1 to St i xhn’s Hnspitulaud Southern Jusyw 7'1 lirmrl~r1v1L ()flicehoursâ€"ljmil 102: m 45 m b p m 93mm sggié‘é’; Late of menm, 1m, pzm 0-1 the msidonce of I)rUrr,l\Izn,1-1e. Will mutinue practice 1mm mum 111mm,. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"Bot'ure 1n n m , 2 Lu :5 p m', ’7 1:09p m MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES ï¬>o ‘ A. G. P. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. Fullerton, ( 00k d? “’zilhu. (- BARRISI‘EI 115., SOLICITORS «it OFFICE F: 18 KIVG 371111111' I‘AsT. 'Jonox'ru 1111111101111 1111] P.().}<T\'c1y Saturday. J S Fulhutou, W Cook, 13" PM“ ' .41, 111mm ‘1': FUNDS TO T10AN1 Mr Gregory (Jr Mr Ilulmvs wil ham (mice m'crv Samnwlay frnn 111.; imd at \Van s Hutu], 1 Saturday from 5 p. 111.. 1.081).â€: RM! Eucytimx BE. Lem“ Gf Langstafi" Aurora, 136, 8th, lath, am} i Richmond Hill ...... 3m: and (at the Palmer Houm,‘ Stoufl‘villa .. Markham Victoria Square .. . ‘Thornhzll,Walker Home \Voadbridqe ., Kleinburg :iauletvun.‘ MILLER 43 ï¬awwzw, Toronto Ofï¬c: Toronto Ofï¬ce~ Court Chambers, corner Church and Adelaide Streets. Thomhill Ofï¬cc~ Post Ofï¬ce evury Wed- nesday from 10 to 12 3. ml Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce‘Post Ofï¬ce every Wednesday from I to 4 p. m. Gollections in City and Gountrv promptly attended to. Money to loan AT THE LIBERAL PRENTIHG & PUBLISHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES, 81C. T. F. BICBIAHON. Vituliza‘l Air always rm 1: and at, mmmxxtmentï¬ \Vorks like :L «erm Free from mLiu. Address A ROBINSON 1,.1).S,,An1‘muOnt. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Eagww a} $31555} 1330: Underlakers Ar Embalmers, Funeral E‘ III' melaings Alwny s on “and VOL. XIII! 10% Adele 1110 street East. elephone 311 1 Barristers, Sulivitnrs LAWRENCE K’M‘I’E’LTGKNT t‘ W 1) Gulcuony ANDREW DOTL $I per annum, in. advanCe. DENTUN & DODS, BARIKISTV’RS J. R. MILLER BA Li M D "Rmmt F'H J’ :1“: ma. Vim/{L fZfli'l a?! WRIGHT BROS, @116 Money to 101m at, lowest rates. \ICHMOND 711 1L. ONT“ lVIAPLE, (Late. of Bruuklyn, N. Yâ€; Emmy (9; lemu USED NY Dr. A. “albumen. SURGEON DENTIST“ , SOLICITORS AND NOTAIIIES #No. 14 Buiiding & Loan 5m: 2m: umi 59m £1 0n Movbgago at Lowest fhlim'cst ulmvswil be, at the Mm‘lh '412L3‘f1'nmflu m to .131) 1), Univ] Uuiunvillo, ovary Ofï¬ce open cvery , l‘niversily and S I. Toronto Sheet Conmyuvrs, &c‘ FRANK l! DIIY’I‘ON, B C L 22ml of â€"'E‘own Hall. E. J. B. DU A N ihrrnl nveyan cc. 9, 8:; .10 Kim; SI. (‘r W Home, M 2’? each month do TORONTO do All: do do do do 'iu. I “nan-s (3. Sn; keg. Auctioneer for the Count} of York re- spontfull solicits your puu'mmpe and friendly influeu , sales attended on the slurtest notice an" a reasonubc rates. 1‘. 0. address King Lir‘cnsod Licensen Auctionoer for the Countles of York Unmnu and P691. Goods sold on cnnsigmuent. Gezmml sales of stock. etc, promptly attended m: m; rousonnuleratas. P. 0.x:x1dress, Licunsml Auctioneer for the County of York. Sam's attended to rm shortest native I“ ranâ€" sm-aMomtes. Patronage Sallicited. Residence Maple. Gold Medalist. of the Ontario Vet/urinary Cellege Toronto. Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday and Smur- day ufnernoun of each week. Day 01' niglflicullsvpfomptly attended to. A full HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 84c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ' sup pl); of modiéin es ‘cbilist‘untl y on gill-ml Jl-«Lâ€"Bums. Havingrefltted the above House and furnish» ed it in ï¬rst-emss sty10,I um prepared to give the publiuthe best 0‘ ucumnmudumnn _ Excellent shaming and attentive hustlm. . Sample Rooms for commercial travellers{ Terms: #1 Der (luv. Every accommodation to guests. Board perday Good accommodation for Hm travellingnublic Chm‘cc ',l‘mnpemnce “rinks. Best, brands of Ciunrs. Commcdious rooms for commercial ravellers G001 accommndntmn for travellers and bnm‘flv 91's. Every attention to 1)i"-11i(')!fl1‘ti(’.$. Good ï¬shing. Bouts to hire at reasonable rates. wm . “E L L. Prop NOTARY PUBLIC, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL ï¬uudâ€™ï¬ ï¬gsflze “gum. mm (ID H’armnu “’m. Skardou, Prop. March 27, ‘90 Fine Wines, quuors and Cigars. Every mecmnmmiutitm or travellers. First-class stubling and an attentivehustler. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bunj. Bl'lilingor. Propriclor. Temperam House. A Family and Commercial Hotel replete with every anml'm‘c. Excellant stables. Special arrangements mdde fur dnviug parties This large and commodimts hotel is ï¬tted with u'l tue mu'lern conveniences Bur stuc win)! the bust brunds of wines. liquors and cig (100d shaming and an at’entn‘o hustler. Dec 5th. 1889 Q, UEEN’S HOTEL, rm miles TflflflflfliLL from Top um ngmwmg EXQzELQ ‘I‘HOS. HUGHES, Prop. elections made from plates of all the latest Full and \Vinter Fashions, just received. Work guaranteed. Opposite Masonic Hal], Richmond Hill. A call is solicited. ADVANCIN G L OAN S suer Mm-rmge Licenses for the Coumy of Y0? ' He LEM‘QM, @flï¬fll’g EMEWEfln flazwg QMMMSâ€. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE 'I'HORNHILL. ON‘L. RESIDEA'CE, A d dre sa 138 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO PER GENT. UPWARDS. I have unequalled facilities for Veterinary Surgeon, DRESS~MAKER. Leeds Richardson. Sn lam Eckun‘it COMMISSIOI‘ IN THE X. T. Salii'con 9 IKE-OPENED AS A ERNEST F LANGS I‘AFF‘ At rates from RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1890. «)f wines. liquors and agar; 1 at‘entn‘ohustlcr. P. DOYLE, Prom. Thornhill 6&11mxnuglx, In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- in all things, Charity." A. JJUTPERT,P1‘011 MAPLE ONT UNIONVILLE A urbm stocked , $1.00 HE full glory of Fall fash- ions in dry goods bursts forth at our counters to an ex- tent never before approached. The store is alive with new fancies and textures; pyramids of dress stuffs rlse upon every side; broad-sides of new mat- erial ï¬ll the eye at every turn, and salespeople are ever ready to unfold the novelties innu- merable. T. EATON & CO. We expectantly aWaited revelations from the fashion centres of Europe, and they have come. For well-tem- pered taste, the weaves and colorings in dress materials deserve to rank higher than any which have previously ap- peared, and the range of prices is perhaps the largest and fullest in every grade. The same wise forethought runs through black and Color- ed silks, in which we maintain the prestige oi elegance and novelty. Day Gaada, Carpets, $11033. Yonge 86 Queen Sts. Toronto A metal card is enough to bring all the facilities 01 the store to vour home, just as much as though we were located in your town. 1‘ urs. Hats and caps. Paper Clothing. Heretolore we’ve proved our- selves capable furriersin the sense of giving rare value, and alarger experience will enable us to even better the work of the past. Hats and caps for men and boys are here, becauseyou’ve shown yourselves to want them at our prices. That’s shopping by mail. Samples of any kind of tlmilable merchandise can be had for the asking. N. B.~In uriting be careful to address your IeHvrs plainlyâ€"190 Yonge Street, or. if how in person, have a care that. you get into tlw right stme. 190 is the num- ber, and T. Eaton G: 110.1116 name. Thlhk of a clerkâ€"educpted to know fash. ion changes,m0rchandiap, qualities, stylrs nnd cnioraâ€" being at your buck and cull whonow r you wish. This will be a bright sea- son for wraps, iackets, man- tles, and the» whole army of over - garments for both women and children. Thou- sands of them are on display in our show-rooms, and the wealth of style and originality can’t be compassed by words. So much is an index to the business of last fall, when trade revolutionized our ideas and encouraged us to still greater effort in that departâ€" ment. Cost needn’t be a bug- bear. Prices are surprisingly low with everything. Among thé entvirely new stocks calling for an intro- duction must be mentionedâ€"- The lamest and best appointed Dry Goods House in the Dominion. 3 acres of selling space over 50,: (-‘iï¬ormt departments. “Cash and One Price.†T. EATON & CO., TORONTO, Oct. 16, 1890. Neverin the whole history of “The Old†or “The New Mammoth†has such an opâ€" portunity to buy Rich Cloaks at such low prices been offered ‘ to the 50,000 ladies of Toronto 5:": and vicinity. Oursecond floor ,, ,. is a perfect forest of Mantles,‘91Ԡ* -.u=hâ€"u-:â€"â€"=:r’ and any one walking tarongh the 105;: forest of Mantles will see garments which, 101 r1chness of ï¬nish and elegance of deâ€" sign, ale perhaps unequalled, and certainly unsurpassed in foronto. \Ve show 6,000 garments to select from. THQMAS THOMPSON ‘22:; SON, THE, NEW MAMMOTH? The Village Council held a meeting in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, October 1001. Members present: Reeve Pugsley, and Councillurs Atknzson. Sanderson and Sewage The minutes of last meeLing were read and adopted. The following accounts were read:â€" From 0. Mason, dated March 4th, 1890 . . ...$37 47 The dieeve reported that he had re- ceived a communication from Mr. M. H. Keener, late nf tlns villago, stating that his dug Sandy, cmnmonly known as “The Faithful,†had met with an ignnmininus death on his way to Weston, and asking that he be struck from the assessment roll. aned by Mr. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the dog be struck off.â€" Carried. The greatest Imrsemuce of the season took place on Cushel mac cnnrae, Octnber 8th, 1800, of which the anuwing' is a synopsis: _ "KW-ms the eighth day of choher, The day being bright and fair, Tu: (1915:1101 race Cnurse hundreds thrnnged. '1‘?» sue the “gn'tors thm‘vz†Smmt‘ frmlish >8pu1‘fsm‘3n being flush, V‘Ucre hwking for a speck, The Clerk was authorized and instruct- ed to advertise that those paying their taxes to him on or before the 17th of November would be allowed a. discount of 5 per cent. and the meeting adjourned tomeetat the call of the Reeve or Council. ‘ The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted fnl‘ “VVanb†Advertise- ment. If yzm want to buy or sell any- thing. If you want a situaiion, a mechanic, a business, machinery, lodg- ings, if you have lost, or found anything, or if you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the advertisements on the third page of that page. The charge is Two Cents a word each insertion, Addreas THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. On motion of Mr. Sanderson, seconded by Mr. Savage, the Reeve and C(mnnillor Atkinson were appointed a crunmittee 7‘0. gravel fur sidewalks and other purpoaes. M r. Sanderson introduced a byâ€"law to authorize the Treasurer to pay theRceve, Clerk and Assessm, for their sprviccs in selectivg jurors, the sum oi [:33 each. A by-Iuw was also passed authorizing the levying and cullecting of assessments of all rates and taxes authorized by the Statutes of Ontarir-i, in the village of Richmond Hill for the your 1890. A cmnmuuicution from Mr. J. Arxmld, dated Sept. 22nd, â€ï¬‚aring to leasea piece of land in the village. 8 rods hy 5 rods, in which there is gravel, for $1000, was read. Moved by Mr. Sanderson, seconded by Mr. Atkinson, than this Cuunml canna-t entortain Mr. Arnold’s other for gmveLâ€"- Carried. (l (I {4 H u Jun. Piper, Work on side- uaks Hi... ........‘. 2460 A. Noodle, nulls â€for side- ua‘ka .. . . 701 C. meisun, 9Ixuuxs’ work†90 L (why, teaming, (C's ......... 18 37 'J‘. F.McM:.lmx1,primine: 200 Vuters’ Lists, advertising, &c......... 20 00 Moved by Mr. Savage, suomrded‘ by Mr. Atkmsnn,t1mt the above accounts berpaidmâ€"Qa rricdY ByJ-(iv-was read a ï¬rst. second and third time and passed. REGH ï¬Lï¬AKS. Village Council. Victoria Square. 136 to 140 King St. E. Lni ~22, ,1111 (Tan. Vaughan, mm Lulf milo 'nm-th 01' .‘xl;1p!u.(-nxrm[ui ‘ NH :Lm‘ns. Fm further part“ ulvrs apply to H. A. I\lCH(‘oI.LS, Bet two to one on “Nimble Tar,7y \Vlm lust by half a neck. Thirs was the cry wlnle passing by, “The gravel how it flies,†And all spectators by the course Were forced to Amt their eyes. Amt nmx’ swift Bessie comes behind, He [was no chance to win, And like all cunning Sec’yv \Viloy of thé baud handed tn the Sec‘y $10 30, as part payment of dues to Oct. lst. Minutes of regular monthly meeting of Richmond Hill Fire Brigade held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening, Oct. 13th, after dry praciicc. Captain anslry in [he chair. Members present: Capt, LieuL, Sun, Foreman of Hose‘ Foreman of H. Ab L , Engineer, Steward, Auditor McMahon, Auditor Atkinson, Firemen A. Wiley. J. Lyons, J. Glass, T. 'l‘yrrell, M. Ransom, J. Wright, T. Trench, J. Sanderson, C. Morrison, R Glass, “7m. ‘Wylie, W, l". \Viluy, J. Sharp, C. Powell, 0. McCon- agliv, \V. Savage, E. Mason, F. Sim“, L. Gaby, G. McDonald, J. Piper, F. Jenkins. Excuses tendered by Firemen Slmrp and Piper were accepted by the Bxiuade, and they were re instamd. The Captain called a special meetingy for next, Munday evening, when Ilwmhers will meet at hull and march to Agricuh tural Hull fur drill. nmc swift l, essie comes behind, He [was no chance to win, And like all cnnnimr jnckms do, Pretemla tn hold her in. Grey Eigle is :1 racker, His strides would make you laugh, And now he has :1 rec- nrd 0f four nine and a half. Grey Eagle was the one .0 win, He’s seldom said to fail; Then sportsmen all around him thronged, And hairless left his mil. Now I feel assured that he who reads. ’Twill be a great surmise, The tail that l have just revealed Will open many eyes. I want every lady in the County of York to use the Sunset Dyes. I believe every lady having used them says posi- tively and disliuctiy 'that the Sunset Dyes at. ï¬ve cents a package are superior to all others sold at ten cents, and I say just as certain that if the above statement is'nb true I will give them for nothing, I want you to call and get :1 package to try iv, and pay for it after using. Dihvnrrh’x Drug Store next to the Nipissmg How}, Toronto. Minutes of last. meeting read and proved. Accounts from \Vlli 1). Atkinson, fur band table, amounting to 50 cents, and W. Sheppard, lender of band, fur one month’s tuition of band to Oct. lst, were read and 01) motion nf Engineer Brown- lee, seconded '1)y Flrmnun McDonald, were ordered t': be paid. Moved by Stewald McLean, seconded by Fireman Sanderson, that this Brig-Hie hold their annual entenainment on New Year’s Night, 1891 .â€"â€"Carrxed. Engineer Bruwulce mnyed, seCrmdod by Foreman Sheppard, that, the Capt, Sec’y, Lienlm, Foreman of Hose, Furo- man of 11. 6'1, L‘, Steward, Auditors avd W. E. \Viley farm a committee to con- sider the nature nf entermimnent tn be held on New Y :ar’s Night, and report at next regular meeliungC-ytrrxcd. Meeting then adjourned. Fire Brigade Meeting {Single copies, 3 cts. H. A. Nluuoms. Sec'y. Mahmoud Hm No. 16.~