Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1890, p. 2

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THE WEEK’S NEWS. DA NADIAN’. Kingston’s population is 18,172. The population of Hamilton is 4)," $25. The Earl and Countess of Aberdeen are in Manitolm. _ Coal has gone up 50 cents a ton all over Easnern Canada. Ste. Cunegonde has taken stcpfi towards annexation to Montreal. The Manitoba Government will open an emigration office in England. The nine-hour day has been adopted for corporation worK in Ottawa. ’ Hon. Lawrence Clarke, chief factor for the Hudson Day Co. at Prince Albert, is dead. Minister Foster has been asking Montreal steamship agents about their facilities for shipping eggs to England. Two in'en'h'ave been arrested at B'Ioncton, N. 13., on the charge of wrecking an Inter- colonial train last Monday. The price of hay in the Kingston district has taken a. big tumble in consequence of the McKinley Bill’s operations. The report that pleuro-pnenmonia. had appeared among a. shipment of Canadian cattle at Dundee was untrue. H. T. Richter of Montreal and his twelVe- year-old boy are missing, and it is feared the father killed his child and himself. Near Maxville, in the County of Glen- garry, James McNaughton and a little girl were burned to death in their dwelling. Dr. Blakeley, Minister of Education for Manitoba, is ill with typhoid fever at his mother’s residence, Cherry Valley, Ont. The new syndicate negotiating with the Ottawa. Government for the new Atlantic mail service want an annual subsidy of $880,‘ The Chinese revenue {Lt Vancouver, B. C., for last month was $4,448, a decrease of $1,664 as compared with the same period lash your. Right Rev. Dr. Lewis, Bishop of Ontario, has awived at Kingston from his Visit. to Europe. The British farm delegates report, them- selves delighted with what hey have seen in Manitoba]. Diphtheria prevails to an alarming extent, on the Montreal road, some six or seven miles from Ottawa. a Ex-Mu‘yor Ryan, of \Vixmipeg, who is at plesent in \Ionmeal, says that the dmuznge done to the Manitoba. crops by the 109wa frosts has greatly exmrgemted. The lumber firm of \Villmott & McIntosh, Toronto, have suspended payment. They attribute their difficulty to the scarcity of rail .Vay cars to move lumber It is stated that Mr. Richard \Vhite, of the identical Gazelle, will be the nominee of the E115 vlish- speaking p01 tion of the citizens at the next election f01 the “0111310111 mayor- alty. The sheriff at \Voodstock has received in- structions from Inspector Christie regarding the care of Birchall, in consequence of which more strictness will be observed in future. From the beginning of the season up to September 30 there were shipped from the port; of Montreal 88,6123 cattle and 37,375 Ebeep, on which $1,124,396 was paid in freight. The Ottawa branch of the Imperial qu- emtion League has invited the Earl of Aber- deen to address apulflic meeting when he returns from British Columbia. A very important meeting was held last week in Montreal, when it; was decided that, immediate steps Should be taken to facili- tate the shipment of cattle to England. Three hundred cases of eggs were shipped on Tuesday from Montreal to England as an xperiment, suggeslad by the closmg of the American market by the McKinley turifi'. ‘- A party of T1 ench visitms returned to \Iontreal last week from the North \\ est. They we1e greatly struck \1 ith the 1&1 t1hty of the countrv, 11' 113011 they consider a farm- (:1 s paladise. A man named Duggan, living on Dnfl'erin street, Toronto, returned home on Saturday evening tn find his wife lying in a. drunken sleep, and his infant child dead in her arms. IL is supposed that the child was suffocat- A-'1eLum issued the other day shows the total assessed 1111119 0f the city of Toxonto is $148,133,848, and the populatmn 167,- 439. This shmxs an incxease on the p1e\ i- ons year of $12 ,515, 370 and 1,‘ 293 1051330- tively. A {monument was erected in Mount Royal cemeter,y \lontreal 011 Saturday to the memory of Dr. J H. Samuel, a. member of the \ ictm‘ia Rifles, who was accidentally shot while 011 duty at the Exhibition grounds during the smallpox epidemic in 1885. The Quebec Legislature willbe in sesssion n a. few weeks, and it is said the most important measure to be submitted by the Government is one for the conversion of the debt. By the consolldation proposed it is estinmted the province will same about $200,000 a year. The British Parliament will reassemble Novembcl Furnaces are being dumped in all the iron centres of Seotlaml. Fifteen hundred carmen at Liverpool have struck for more wages and less work. The wife of General Booth, commander- in-chief of the Salvatxon Army, died on Sap Lurday. "Mr. Gladstone has promised to debate the labour questxon when he visfis \ch‘u Calder, m Scot-land. Jack the Ripper has informeJ the London nohceby letter thathe IS about to kill an- 0 ,her woman. (,‘rencml Lord \Volselcy. accompanied by his staff, has arrived in Dublin and a «tuned cnmn'umd of the troops in Ireland. Referrip g to the potato b‘xig" 1b 111 119‘. 1,11111 the Local Govelnment Board in ”1.11111151135 it v» iii be able to cope with the disuess 1111~ aided. England has made a. peremplory demand on Portugal for indemnity for the Seizure of the British African Lake 00.1 sLezuner James Stevenson. The. London 1):;in 37910.9, referring to Sir John Macdonald‘s Halifax speech, tells the Canadian Premier that he is absurd, and that he has overdone his lovalty GEE \T BRITAIN The appeal of Mr. John Dillon, Mr. \Vil- liam O’Brien, and others, fora writ to stay proceedings in the Tipperary trial, has been refused in the Chancel y Court, Dublin. The archbishop of York. who stands next to Lhe archbishop of Canterbury in the church of England, is so seriously ill than his con-‘ (lithium is causing grave fears among his‘ friends. Cardinal Newman’s barber was wise in his generatio -. For the last twenty years he saved every hair cut from the prelate’s head, and he is now selling it at so much a. lock to relic hunter's. Owing to the serious aspect of the strike of the employes of the London Gas Company, 800 soldiers at Chatham have been served with ball cartridge and ordered to be in readiness to protect the gas works in case of necessity. A special cable says that in the famine districts of Ireland distress is looked for, but there is:10fa1niue,and in the light of the uncertainty as to the failurepf the potato crop the American agitation is unecilled for. An officer taking the census in New York iscovurcd Mrs. Lucy Rid‘my, who is 117 years old. The conference of Irish Nationalists called lin1'.1’11111ell was hcl ll in Dublin on ‘11011- day. A deputation consisting of Messrs. John Dillon, \Villiani O B11611, 'l homas P. 0 Con- nor, .l11110l3hy Sullivan, and Abraham (will, was appointed to go to the United. States. The London Chronicle asserts that: the abâ€" euce of Mr. Parnell from the conferenceiin Dublin indicates not only a. disagreenient with his colleagues, but his inability to pro- pound any tangible scheme for the pernm~ nenL relief of the congested districts of Ireâ€" land. The British iron and steel institmve branch of the mining engineei‘s’ congress 101d a. conâ€" Ventinn in Uhickering hall, New York, last, week. Sir James Kittson, president of the British iron and steel institute, presiqled, and Mr. A. Blue, deputy Minister ()1 Agriculture for Ontario, mzule a speech, in which the members of the insLitute were urgently in- vited to come over and inspect; this coun- try. Gemgc bancrnft the historian, celehmt- ed his 90 birthday on Monday 11L :‘Iewpm t, The population of the sham of Georgia is 1,834,366. Several more warships are to be built by the United Stat-es. The Count of Paris, the Duke of Orleans and Prince of Joinvilie have arrived at New York. The first ground was broken on Saturday for the construction of the 11'0th Niarara é tunnel. At the and of the last fiscal \ear them wew 55:7 914 names on the Unflced States pension list. It; is said that a (treat tin late factor is V b . to be esmhlxshud 1L1: Balmn we L0 compete with English manufacturers. Prairie fires are devastating the neighbor- hood of Dickson and Gladsume. North Da- kota. A number of farmers have lost all their crops. "110 population of Indiana. is 2,199,030, of Michigunfl .085).79 2, of New Mexico LE4,- 852, of California 1,204,002. The number of clearances from Buffalo on the Erie canal this geason was 4 5‘59 the snmllest run in 15 years, in 1‘0 88 and 1885. Malignant. and infections dysentry is raging in Sussex County, New Jersey, and has resulted fatally in a. large number of cases. VicePresident \Vebb, of the New York Contra-l railroad, has issued a circular to the heads of departments instructing them to employ no more Knights of Labor. At Genesee Forks, I’m, Fayette Lewis, owner of a saw mill, was thrown on a circular saw, and (meleg, both arms and his head were severed from the body. The edict has been issued, andby it the young ladies of the Oswego State Normal schools are forbidden to wear garters. Their hose must be supported by an elastic attachâ€" ment to the waist. Two Roman Catholic priests from Europe, hired by Bishop Ireland as teachers in the Catholic college at St. Paul, Minn, have been detained at Philadelphia under the contract labor law. Mr. Tyner, assistant attorney for the Postoflice Department at Washington, says the new anti-lottery law will exclude from the U. S. mails all foreign newspapers con- taining lottery advertisements. Q The will of Newton Case, of Hartford, 001111., bequeaths to Hartford Theological Seminary $100,000 outright and the residuum of the estate after certain other bequests, are made. The residuum is over $500,000. At the General Conference of the Mormon Church at Salt, Lake City the other day, Lhe official declaration of President \Vomh'ufi', forbidding marriages that; are illegai, was read and acquiesed in by the leaders of the church. Justin Glenn, of Syracuse, N. 3]., whose widowed mother died in August. lezivim him $109 a mouth in addition to living 0.x- penses, jumped from a. window and smashed himself all up. because the money was not sufficient for the pace at which he \ 'shed tb 11m. At Scranton, Pm, a seduction case which has been a local sensationfrn‘ four years, was concluded. Rev. Peter Roberts, pastor of Plymouth Congregational church, was the defendant, the plaintiff being Miss Anna Husuboui. The evidence was conclusive, and a Verdict; of $3,003 Wis given {31' the plaintiff. A desp at" 011 fmm Osweg‘o N Y. , says that while thalincl‘cased 1111tvo11 113110) to bele- vied under the McKinlc"m1‘itT \\ 1‘1 injme the Canadian trade it W1 ‘11 not benefit the Americz 111 farmer, ~ but the hope in expressed that the. measure may lead to close commer- cial connections bc‘ ween U1“ two countries, and resu ‘t- 111 reciproc by treaty. A carespcndent in Topcka. writes that Kansas is (1},111rr that it is 101‘ 11 t1 1th the "‘ (Fri 'eut Al11u1icui1deselt.” Hecstimatcs that 200,000 people hm 0 left him state in $191115: three incurs. Topcii 21 1111s at 11108011: m‘m‘ 9,(1‘(.‘()\ 11‘. 1.01191 - 1E'n'c is 110 1110110\', 11:11} 110 work 101‘ );111{11-1~ 1 he. causes 11. > gi\ 011 as various, 1310 111 [1:11 0110 be; prohibi» Lion. , Anew cabinet has been formed in Por- tugal STATEQ. N (:1 ‘EIIAL. Gen. Boulanger will spend the winter in Malta; The murderer of Col. Stewart, in Egypt, as been executed. kFrench newspapers All denounce the Mc- inley tariff bill. There are rumours of commercial treaty between Germany and Austria. The Emperor of Germany has arri\ ed at Vienna, wher’e he was warmly received. A negress has just died in Cuba who was 125 years old. The French (wovemmcnt has concluded a txezmty of peace with the Km}; of Da. home). 2W The Czar’s silver Wedding is to be cele- brated on Nov. 9, 1891, the birthday of the Prince of \Vales. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Stanley arrived atOs’oend, Belgium, on Monday. They were received by King Leopold. It is understood that the \‘atican has de- cided that all Catholics shall abstain from voting at the coming election in Italy. A Vienna despatch says that Germany and Austria. have come to a substantial agree- ment to discriminate against exports from the United States, and that Italy, the third member of the Triple Alliance, will probably join the movement. La Liberia, of Paris, calls the Mc'Kifley Tarifi bill a prodigious act of ingratitude towards Europe. An avrent of the Shearerwmon at; \Iel- bourne has been fined £155 on different changes of inciting men to break their agreements. bixty leper convicts have escaped from the French settlement at New Caledoma, and the authorities have been unable to dis- cover their whereabouts. Paris newspapers report that the pope has consented to act as arbitrator in the New- foundland fisheries dispute of England and France request him to do so. It is stated that, the British Ministry, through its friends in Rome, is bringing strong pressure to bear upon the Pope to pre- vent his conferring the cardinal’s hut; upon Archbishop \Valsh of h‘elanl. The Berlin Vol/awblmt publishes the pro- gramme of the Socialists, whicl includes pro‘ posuls for the abolition ofiemale labour, the regulation of the working day, the institu- tion of free and compulsory State education, and the exaction of a single and progressive income tax to replace all other taxes. The virtues of the apple as a fruit have been celebrated from time immemorial, and few fruits have so many legends associated with them. The garden of the Hesperides was the garden of the golden apple, Just as our Avalon is the Isle of Apples. “ Of all fruits,” it has 1: en written, “ the apple seems to have had the widest and most mystical history. The myths concerning it meet us in every age and country. Aphrodite hears it in her hand, as well as Eve. The serpent guards it; the dragon watches it. It is celebrated by 5301031011; is the healing fruit of Arabian tales. Ulysses longs for it. in the gardens of Alcinous; Tantalus grasps vainlyfor it in .des. In he prose Edda it is written: “ Iduna keeps in a box apples, which t c gods. vhen they feel old age ap- proaching, have only to taste to become young again. It is in this manner that they will he kept in renoVated youth until Ragnarokfithe general destruction. Azrael, the Angel of Death, accomplished his mis- sion by holding it to his nostrils; and in folk-lore Snowdrop is tempted to her death by an apple, half of which a crane has poisoned, but recovers life when the fruit falls from her lips. The Golden Bird seeks the Golden Apples of the King’s garden in many a Norse story; and when the tree hears no more, Frau Bertha reveals to her favorite that it is because a mouse gnaws at the tree’s root. Indeed, the kind mother goddess is sometimes personified as an ap- ple tree, but oftener the apple is the tempter in northern mythology and sometimes makes the nose grow, S) that the pear alone can 'ring it to a mode *ate size.” A111011g the Seminole Indians there is a singrulr :1 t1“? 1ditiu11 regarding the white 1111111 s oligin 511111 superimi y They ..ay that when the Great Spirit made the eax L11 he also 111:1 1616 three 111011, all of whom were fair compiexim 16d; and thufi after making them he led them to the 1112‘- .1‘gin Ufa small lake, 111111 he b 'Lde Li:e111 leap 1n 11.1111 wash. One obeyed, and came 01111 of the mter purer (111d fairer than before. The second hesi- Labed a1110111e11t,du1i112: which time the water. agitated hy the fiist, became muddy, a111111he11 he 111111191111: came up copper- coioied. The third did not leap in till the 1 '21tve11 became black with mud, and he came out; its own color. Then the Great Spirit laid before them three packages, and out, of piw for his mis- fortune in color, gave the black man first choice. He took hold of each of the pack- ages and, having felt their weight, chose the heaviest, the ceppeecolored chose the next ieaxiest, leaving; the white man thelightest. W hen the packages were opened, the firs \viis found to contain spades, hoes, and all the implements of labor; the second en- mepcd hunting, fishing, ind warlike up- pamms; the third gave the \vhitemzm pens, ink, and paperâ€"the engines of the mind, the means of mutual improvements, the social link of humanify, the foundation of the white man’s superiority. ~ The queen of Italy, according t3 the Lois- m'e Hour, was anxious that her husband should follow the example of hi father and the fashion common among elderly Piedmon- tese officers and dye his hair, which had be come quite white. Her pleadings were in vain. Umberm’s is an honest nature that does not love these subterfuges. Seeing petition was in min, the queen had recourse to ustmtugem. She caused a quantity of fine hair dye to he sent irom Paris and put in the King‘s dressing room, together with instructions for its use, making. however, no allusion to the subje;t. The king, too, said nothing though he could not fail to see the pigmc t. Now, the queen has :1. large white poodle of which she is Very fond. \Vhau was her horror a few days later, to see her pet come running intomher room with his snowy leeks of the deepest black hue I King Yinlmrto had expended the dyes upon him changing the color of the poodie’s hair. From thut day forth the subject of hair dyeing was dropped between the ruyal coupler l‘uriositios ol‘ the Apple. An “mu-st King. A l’x‘etly Legend. GLENBORO, Mair, Oct. 13.â€"â€"A number of the Icelanders now at Grund settled first at Gimli, in the Lake Winnipeg district, but afterward movcd here. rl‘hey are a thrifty and industrious people, and Grund is a very prosperous colony. The majority of these settlers came in the spring of 1882. and have at present under cultivation an average of 103 acres to each family. They are all engaged in mixed farming, having an average of twenty head of cattle and a. team of horses. Several of them, however, have from 40 to 50 head of cattle and three or four horses. Nearly all are naturalized and they take a. keen interest in Canadian politics. Last spring their temperance society heldapicnic and debate and the sub- ject chosen for discussion was Equal Rights. The Icelanders are an intellectual race and very fond of education. In the library of one farmer was found a copy of Byron, \Vhittier, Scott’s Rob Roy, Huxley’s Plys- iology, Dr. Cope’s Natural History and a \Vebster”s Unabridged Dictionary. He was asked if when reading English he used the dictionary often. * . . - .-n A (ton-respondent Describes Their Manner of Living. J . ” No, expcept when I read scxentlfic works,” ng§ the rather startling answer. They hold the Lutheran creed and attend the sorvxces of their church most regularly. Their minister is an Icelmnler and preaches in his native tongue. The church itself is a frame building with a. seating capacity for Quite a number of them keep sheep, and the women spin the wool and knittheir own stockings, socks for their children and much of their own underwear ; and many wear homespun dresses. One old Wonnn was so amused at theinterest shownin her work that placing the wheel in front of me she taught me how to use it, smiling good humoredly when the thread was accidentally broken. After Spinning the yarn they color it with dyes. Their spinning wheels are very much smaller than those formerly in ordinary use in this country. Though there is little attempt at decora- tion the houses are neat and clean and the women are good cooks, being justly cele- brated for their delicious coffee, which even excels in strength and aroma. the much vaunted Southern coffee. The Icelanders are noted for strict veracity and honesty in all their dealings, and will pay their debts so soon as they can possibly do so. They are a short, small-boned people, and in com- plexion neither very fair nor very dark ; their eyes are generally blue, their hair light br0\ 'n and their skins dark. The dress of the Icelandic bride, called the skautbuniw gunâ€"which means the head-dress costume ~, is very handsome and s handed down from generation to generation. It consists of a very pretty, becoming, pointed White silk cap which sets high on the head, the point being turned forward so as to curve over the front and the whole stuffed with cider down to hold it in shape. It re- sembles somcwimt a, briinlcss Normandy bonnet, the crow 1 being peeked instead of square. From the l)ItCl{ of this cap hangs a bow of white ribbon with long, fie ving ends and then over all is thrown a long, white, emâ€" broidered veil, fas‘ e red on by a, broad band of white ribbon covered with gold stars. A girl must be plain indeed who does not. look captivating in this picturesque head- dress. The dress itself is black homespun, but the texture is exceedingly fine ”and even; the waist fastens in front with silver buttonszmd is short and tight-fitting. The collar, cuffs and both sides of the front are edged with bands of velvet embroidered in silver with a lovely artistic vine pattern, The girdle is also of velvet, embroidered in the some metal and with the solid silver buckles so wide as to run half way round the Waist. The skirt reaches only to the ankles and is worked round the bottom in green and orange colored erewcls; this stri p of embroidery is about half a foot in width. The same style of costume has been worn for over 1,000 years; its use is not strictly confined to brides, as on very especial occasions it is sometimes worn by older ,married ladies, particularly those of high 1 rank. AV young Icelmmic won‘m, who speaks English renmrkaNy yell, was :1 kcd {there was any particular celebration at the time of betrothal.Sl1e gianced at a youmr 1111111 standing beside her and spoke a few wmds in her ow 11 language, and they both smiled as she replied. .. . .x , l . - ‘ No,I guess courtmg ls the samem every country. ” m. . 1 1 7., . llie Icelanders have many legends con- cerning America, which they claim to have discovered a thousand years ago. They are subject, it will be remembered, to the King of Denmark, who holds the veto pow er. They have their own parliament, with an upper and lower ho use, called the “ A Thing” ; and the members, 26 in number are styled Thiugmemi. Of the twelve in the Upper House six are l appointed by the King and six elected by the members of the Lower House from among themselves. The Speaker of the house is called the Forseti. The general elections, i take place every six years, and both Houses i meet- onee in two years. There are 'two parties, entitled respectively the Right and the Left. The peculiarity of this sy m of government is that there is no Cabin t, Hut l its place is occupied by the governor called 3 the Landshofthing and the six 'lhiugmenn ‘ appointed by the King of Denmark. They considered Denmark used the right of veto too freely, and fo - a number of years agitat- ed for Home Rule. Finally they obtained a modification of the constitution, but in the meantime many had emigrated to different parts of America. They are much pleased with the easy conditions of life in Canada and intend to make this country their per- nnnent home. There is a great deal of sturdy independence in the Icelandic disposi- tion. ()smundursson, a man who has lost both legs and one arm, affords a remarkable instance of fortitude and industry. He made his ovn stumps m - til he had saved suflieient money to buy artificial limbs. This man has ttken up u, homestead and has fifteen acres unler culti- vation. six of breaking. 3‘3 sheep and 10 head of cattle. He ploughs and works almost at. Well as an able‘bodied man. Several I_.celau- (lie settlers are worth about 31 1,000. These men came in 1881 and brought $160 with them ; live or six are now worth from $6,000 to $7,000 and ten are worth $55,000. So it will be seen they are very prosperous. They are very fond 0f smoked mutton and also of skiersmndt or curds. At Christmas they make a cake called “ Christmas bread,” which is made as follows zâ€"Two cups of cream, one cup of sugar, two-thirds of a OUR ICELANDIC POPULATIOR The (Eli! Reliable again to the fox 6. A splendid list of Row ards Dan’t Belay ! Send at 01183! we.” um, vauu 11/ um... - .. mm“. “P“, w. vcr Plated Ten Sen cc (1 pieces) $40. . Next one, Twenty Dollars in cash ........ Next‘fiyg, an elegant; China Dinner Service To the first person sending in the correct answer to these questions will be given num- ber one of these rewardsM-blie Piano. To the next person, the $100.00 in cash, and so on till all these rewards are given away. First fine, an_ Elegant pright Piano by The Editor ofLTHE LADIEs’ JOURNAL has nearly forty thousand testimonials as to the fairness with which these Bible Competi- tions have been conducted, This competition is to be short and de- cisive. It will remain open only till the 159} day of December igclpsive. The questions are as follows zâ€"VVhere in the Bible are the following words first found, 1 HEM. 2 Roms, 3 GARMEST. celebrated Canadian Firm ............. Second one Ono Hundred Dollars in cash Nexbfif’ggqn uhusupcrblybound Teach- er‘s Bible, 353 Next; seven, each a Gentleman’s Fine Gold Open Face Watchgood movement $60 Next eleven, each a Fine Quadruple Plate Individual Salt and Pepper Cruet. . . . Nextfivp, eathhz} beautiful Quiydrupl ‘1. of 101 pieces ............................. ‘250 Nextfivc, each a fine French China; Tea Service of 68 pieces ..................... 200 Next seventeen, each (1. complete set of George Elliot‘s works, bound in cloth, 5 vols, $15 .............................. 75 Next seven. each 9. Ladies’ Fine Gold Open Face or Hunting Case Watch, $30 ..... 210 MIDDLE REWARDS. To the person sending the middle correct answer of the whole competition from first to last \ ill be given the fifty dollars in cash. To the sender of the next correct answer foilowing the middle will be given one of the ten dollar amounts, and so on till all the middle rewards are distributed. ’ - First, Fifty dollars in cash. . . ............ $50 Next five, each $10 in cash ...... Nexfi three, each a fine Family Sewing (whine, $50 ......................... 150 Next, five, _each a Ladies' Fine Gold LADIES’ JOURNAL Bible Campemwn I Competition Number Twenty Six opens nowatthe solicitation of thousands ofthe old frigpds and competitors in former contests. 1\L')\l: u\\;, mm” (‘4 “mu“, ;‘.w u...“ “'atch, $50 ..................... . . Next ten. each a Fine Triple Silver Plated Tea Set, {4 pieces) $50 ........... Nexttwcnty-onc, each a set: of Dickcns’ “'01- q. Beautifully bound in Cloth,10 vols. . $20 ............................. Nextfivogm elegant China Dinner Service of 101 pieces. by Powell, Bishop 8:, Sinnier, Harnley, England ............ Norm five. each afino French China Tea. Service, of 68 pieces, specially import- ed. $31107 .......................... Next seventeen. each acomplctc sec of George Mick‘s works bound in cloth, 5 V015,, €115 ............................. Next eighteen, each a handsome Silver Plated Sugar Bowl, $5 ................. . Next; five, each a Ladics‘ Fine Gold Vatch, SK). ................... 7 ........ Next fifty-five, each a handsome long Silver Plated Button Hook ......... ... CONSOLATXON REWARDS. For those who are too late for any of the above rewards the following special list is offered, as far as they will go. To the sender of the last correct answer received at; LADIES’ JOURNAL eflice postmarked 15511 December or earlier, will be given number one of these con- solation prizes, to the next, to the last, number two. and so on till these rewards are all given away. First one, One Hundred Dollars in Cash. .. 35100 Next Iiitcen.ench a. superbly bound Family Bible, beautifully illustrated, usually sold at $15 .............................. 225 Next seven, each a. Gentleman‘s Fine G ld Open Face \Vatell,;:m)d movements $60 420 Next nineteen, each a Set of a Dozen Tea Knives, heavily plated, $10 ............ 190 Next five, each a Ladies’ Kine Gold “'atch $50 ................... 250 Nexfu fifteen, each a Iiadieé'ii‘ine dbia'déni ‘m- cup of butt 1', stir in enough flour to make a dough abouL as stlfi‘ as bread and bake in a steady oven. King, 957. ............................... Next fortyâ€"one, each an Imitation Steel siQngmving, Rosa- Bonlieur‘s Horse Fair Next twentv-nine, each a Complete Set of Dickens’ \Vorks, Handsomely Bound in Cloth, 10 vols.. $2 .................. Next, quntynne, each a Fine Quadruple ’ia to Individual Saltand PcpperCruet; new design ............................. Next live, each a beautiful Quadruple Sil- ver Plated ’l‘ea Service (4 pieces) 5340.. Next twenty-five, a ’l‘caclicrs’ Fine, W011 Bound Bible, \V.Lh concordance ........ 105 82 80 5 200 100 Each person competing must send One Dollar with their answers, for one year’s subscription to the LADIES’ JOURNAL. The i _ - . . .. 1 1 1 , , LADIES’ JOURNAL has been greatly enlarged and improved and is in every way equal at; this price to any of the publications issued fox ladies on this continent. You, the);- forc, pay-n‘fing at all for the privilege of competing for these prizes. “File prfzcs will he‘distributed in time for Christmas Presents to friends, if you wxsh to use them in that way: ' The distribution will be in the hands of disinterested parties and the prizes given strictly in the order letters arrive at the meis’ JOURNAL oflice. Over 255,000 per- sons have “waived rewm ds in previous com- petitions. Address, Editur LADIES’ JOUR- nal, Toronto. Canada. Another favorite dish is a, sort of “ bun- nock” made with two cups of flour and sufficient milk or water to make a soft dough. This is rolled thin and then fried, Tlie 14th of May is called chmhuaski- lea, 01' “ hiring-bub dav,” and on that date set‘ 'ants engaged for the following year and any new arrangements between masters and their employees is settled than. ‘ HELEN E. GREGORY. The Archzcological Museum of Ontario, ab 'l‘or'cnm, has just been made the possessor of what is claimed to be one of the finest native copper specimens ofuncicntlndian \roi‘kmzmp ship that can be found in any collection on this continent. It consists of a. knife fourteen inches long, about three inches of which is a. tine for insertion in a handle. The blade tap- ers froniubrcadbh of one and one-quarter inches at the heel to about three-eighths of an inch at the point. This remarkable object was discovered on St. Joseph’s Island. Mrs. Tenderlove (placing her arms about his neck) : “You are my priscner for life.”â€" Tenderlove : “It’s not imprisonment for life, darling, it’s canital punishment.” Indian ('uppcr “'orks. FIRST B EVVARDS. 20 420 ‘2 50 200 400 420 250 105

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