tilt-calling the (“insâ€)? (‘rlmc of a Whiskey Sol. Thatnotorions convict, Susan Kennedy. recently died of consumption in Kingston penitentiary, and the event recalls the cir- cumstances of one of the most ï¬endish and brutal crimes that disgrace the criminal re- cords of this country. She lived in the Irish quarter of Montreal, known as Grifï¬ntown, and f0) years afterwards the murder for which she was condemned to the gallows, re- mained the great sensation of the city. Her victim was Mary Uslluglicr,.who was hutchâ€" ered with the most mroc’cus and revolting savagely. 'llxi'eilty years ago Susan Kennedy came to Montreal from Dublin, Ireland, leaving :1 comfortable home and parents who all but worshipped her. She emne to friends and relatives in l‘vlontreal, with whom she re- mained for some time, but for reasons un< known she (11m 'elled with her people and secured a. situation with a. prominent citim 11 as a uove1ness. \ oung more than usually handsome, full of life and vigour, the spiiit- ed ) oung lrish gi1lwn11s com ted and fluttered. Soon afterwards, to the surprise of evervone who knew her, she was 111nr1-iedto 11 eonnnon labourer by the name ofJaeoh Myers. Ugly stories got afloat and she was soon deserted In May of 1879 she made the acquaint- ance of an equally notorious character, Mary Gallagher, and the pair celebrated their ru‘ luusc from prison by an unusually (loop czu‘ousal. \Vhiskcy and gin were laid in. and Michael Flannagau joined them in the spree. In the morning a Mrs. Johnston, who lived underneath, arose at seven o’clock, and was about lighting her ï¬re to prepare break- fast when she noticed a. dark wet stain on the flea ' and another 011 the ceiling of her kitchen. lixzunining more closely she was horror-stricken to pere live that it was blood, evidently trickling down from the 100111 above. Nearlv fainting sl ie dragged herself to the door 111: 11 gave the 111111111. The police \\ ere notiï¬ed, and quickly arriving burst in the door of Susan Kennedy’s room, and there saw :1 scene they have never forgotten. "In one corner of the room, in adrunken stupor, were the woman Kennedy and the man Flan- 11ag11n.Tl1e woman w as core cred with broken bottles. In the othe1 comer of the 100111 a sickening sight was p1esented. There lay a by her friends. To drown 1101‘ despair she took to drink. Rapidly L110 wonmn WENT Mum BAD '1‘0 wmzsm; she sank to the 10“ est zindu ‘ most, unsweak- able depths of dcgmdation and spent most of her time eithciio in jail 01' in drunken cai- 0115a]. Until an early hour the following mo ‘1» ing the carousing went 011, and it was two o’clock before the noise quieted down and the nearly distracted neighbors had a chance to retire. . MEDIAN BODY IIAFKEI) TO P1129], Rm‘xelv a“ akening the woman Kennedy the police demanded w hat it meant - “ 011,†S110. 1op1ie(1,t11111i11g calmly around, “ T hut s \Ial v Gallaghm She t1iod to take F111111111<Ya11 110111 me and I 0111; 11e1 up. †By the 51 (1c of the body 01 what v1 as left of it, lay 11101111101101: \1111'011311811111111d so 1011;: can - 11011, and “111011 111111 111 11151 110110 its Moody 110111, 111111 111 11 \mshtuh 111 the 011m side of the 100111 \\ ere the head-111111 1161117111111 which had hcen chopped 011. '111ere “ore blood and small pieces of flesh 1111 over the floor. Susan and Flannagan were arrested and tried for the murder. She was convicted, but in her confession exonerated Flannagan from even any knowledge of the crime, stating that he was asleep when the murder was committed and knew nothing of the oecurrenee until awakened by the police. He was acquitted, and she was sentenced to be hanged on the ï¬rst Friday of the followâ€" ing August, but was afterwamls reprieved. Flalmagan, who had obtained employment as a bargcman on the Laehine Canal at Lachine, while stepping from one barge to another, at ten o'clock on the morning of the ï¬rst Friday in August, slipped, fell be- tween the two barges, and w: ' drowned, thus meeting his death on the very day and hour originally set for the woman‘s execu- tion. The Double Eyeglass. Though. is may Six Hundred Years 01.1]. Spectacles were invented just (5‘30 years ago this fall. The use of glass to aid the sight of defective eyes is, however, much older N010 looked tln 0“qu a conem e “lass in w 1tehlng the "ladiatm 1al games, an d many other histor cal men of his day were dependent on similiar devices for lengthen- ing their sight. Till the latter part (if the thirteenth century only the sin O‘le â€lass VHLS in use. In 1290 ï¬e donhle “lass 1111s i111. cnted some say, by§a1vi110 degli Aiinati; otheis, by the monk, Alex 1nder of Spil1:1.]n the fourteenth century spectacles 11 ere used quite frequently by the very 11 ealthy and high horn, although they 11'e1 0 still so Seance that they 11 ere bequeathed in w ills \1itl1 all elalio ate the care that 111:11ked the disposi- tion of a- feudal estate. The holy Antonius of Padua, who preached to the fishes when 111011 refused to hear him, gave to the peer, ac~ cording to the legend, not only his clothes, but also liis_spectacles. The ï¬rst spectacles, \1hieh 1» ere very ex- pensi1 e, were made in Italy 5 nnewhat l’LtCI‘ the manufacture of cheap/.111 jfl21881 s P11112111" up in Holland, 1111111 1t Spieud line in the fourteei:th centuiy to her man 1111111» berg and Rathenow acquired fame A r 11 eir glasses between 1490 and 1500. For mtny years glasses were usedonly as means of aidiiwlmd eyes. Fiist in Hpain appeared the fashion of “teeming glass :1 merely f0; the smke of \vearinw them. It spread rapidly to the rest of the C)Centinent and hr ought about the transformation of the old thirteenth century spectacles into eyeglasses and even- tually, into the nienocle, “the cosmopolitan trademark of the dandy.†CHICAGO, Oct. lS.â€"«Last evening the body of Annie V. Dallas was found in the lake at the foot of Peck Court. This morning two ï¬shermen found the body of Lawrence ’Mc- Bell) flouting near the same place. Both 30 1e; had been aweek in the water. The woman was of questionable character. The man’s real name is said to he Heath, and his Home was in Sarnia, Canada. He haul been an actor. A week ago the couple had a quar- rel, and left the house where they lived to‘ getliei‘about midnight. Noihinv more was neard or seen of them until theiiï¬mdies were found in the lake. No art can repair modesty when once it damaged. CHOPPED THE ROI)" INT!) BITS. KER!) “ (D!!!) A 1910\(N L.I. A Double Sui idv. A hi black and white hull undertook the task 0 butting a. train oil the track of the Port Townsend Southern mad, about four miles north of Tenino, this morning. It seems that a former attempt had been 1131- suceessf‘ul, and undoubtedly maddened at the failui e of the ï¬rst attempt, he detennin~ ed to clean the whole train out this time or die. He died. The train was under fair headway, when his lni ghtness was seen by tne entrineer in an attitude of deï¬ance directl3 in the i. lid- dle of the track. '.lhe ennineer blew the whistle and put on the ail hlea «lies hilt {\‘il‘ Boss not only lefused to give way to the approaching train, but even with lowered crest charged upon it. The shock 'was a great one -for the hull. rl‘he pilot struck him full in the head, killing him instantly and throwing the body slightly to one side. The combination ear scraped by the body and remained on the track, but the rear trucks of the following car left the truck and travelled from one side of the right-of‘ way to the other, humping over the ties, and ’Leaiina up both sides of the embankment. ',,"I\\o \Vlccking frogs were soon produced, and in ten minutes CDthe train \\ as on its way again. The famous range manufacturers, Burns & Co, of 575 Craig street, Montreal, as usual carried off all the highest honors it the great fair this year, attaining the same success as in former years. \Vhen the judges reached their splendid exhibit in the main hall, they did not take a moment to decide the merits of the superior ianges shown, and unanimously awarded the diplo- ma and the ï¬rst prize to this ï¬rm. Apart from these fresh laurels gained at the ('api- tzil, it might be said that Burns 8; (20‘ have already been awarded seven diplomas, three medals, four ï¬rst prizes, and two second prizes, making an imposing ar 'ay of trophies fairly emnpeted to ‘ and as fairly won almve all rivals. The medals won are on exhihr tion. The simplicity of working their ranges is within the emnpi’ehensmn of a child. Their patent grate and ï¬replace construction are such as to eil'ect a saving of one quarter of the fuel. The {lumping apparatus, too, is perfect and easily worked, saving all the trouble incurred in nldmime methods. Be- side this the amount. of ï¬re required may he increased or lessened by a. single movement. lt is worthy of note that the largest range in Ottawa, which is some twenty feet long, is in use at the Russell and was supplied by this ï¬rm, as were also ranges in the house- holds of the hon. the Minister of Militia, the Deputy Minister, Sir Donald Smith. Sir George Stephen, the Mayor of Montreal, Mr. 1“. R. Latehford, Mr. ('3. Douglass. and a host of other leading residents. All this speaks more than words for the unrivalled excellence of these famous ranges.â€" Harm, Free Press. M 3.113 W once suffel mg consumptive .ms had reason to bless that \ahmhlc p1 epaxatlm- T A. SLOCUM’S OXYG ENIZI‘D E. MUL~ SION of} ’L‘ PIC COD LIV ER 01L. lively <1: Imgist sells it. \\ 111] L the ofï¬ce of the compunv at T01 onto, Unlmio can heal Wit- ness to the daily incxc 1g demand f0; it. If money comd‘ â€11V salvation, gold would be at 3, mighty big pxemium. If the devrl everhits you it will be because your back is turned toward him. lh‘comnmndml £0 Sutton-01's. Gibbons’ Toothache Gum. Price 15 cents The ï¬rst thing Sat-(Ln did in Eden was to propose a festival, and he stil keeps at it. All “on. If people haul to live to please each other nobody would ever get to heaven. NOTICE. Dr. Harvey’s Southern Red Pine will in» stamly relieve, as well as stop, a severe 11% of coughing. young, old, or Huddle-aged, who ï¬nd them- selves nervous, weak and €‘(lllLliSl'Jd, who are. broken down from execs or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms: Mental ‘ pression, prenuture old age, loss of \it *v, loss of iii€..loi‘y, bad dreams, dillllltw sight, pal} ion of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, min in the kidneys, heaulm‘lre, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the. scrotum, wasting, of the org†dizziness, spot-.233 before the ey . wit it; of the lilth‘clfW, eye litlm kink] ( i “It'li‘cl'o. lmslifulness, olefin.“ s in the urine, of will power, tendemess of the S( ilp mu: spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure Ln be rested by sleep, eovst " wellness of hearing, loss of voice, (lesn'e In? solitude, ex- eiuubiliby of tempei, sunken eyes surround- ed with mezx cnan, oily looking sir. n, eta, are all symptoms of nervous (lebility that lead to insanity and death lllll‘dS‘ enroll. The swing or vital force having 1 tension every function wanes in eonseq nee ' liose who through abuse commit l in ignorance may be permanently cured. Senil your address for book on all (li .Lsex peeulair to man. Atltlrestq M. V. LUBON, 50 1Front, St. [4), Toronto, On. Books sent tree sealed. Heartiliseuse, Lliesyinptonisofvv liich are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitatien, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood it!) the heml, (lull pain in {he heart wiblibeuvs strong, mpid and ii‘regu r, the second heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about the breast hone, ete., can] positively be cured. No cure. no pizy Send for book. Address M. V. x: it" LUBON, 50 From Street East, Toronto Ont ' s / GENTS VVANTE UiB'g money. ChoiccsL I hooks. Control of territory. Apply at once. E. N. BTOYER & 00.. 6!) Yoncht..'I‘oront,o $0.3“ Fusion ling: m :19 ‘Victorin sLmet‘, Toronto EAGIC SCA LEâ€"l‘hr are-‘5' cumug‘ taught B by Mi» 1' 11111111 611110111 Azom for 011- “1112,4263 \ 011130 «111201 1‘0101110. 0111. T:\LU \Ble‘ PniunL 011 \ elonipcde fm 51110 ' cheap Reason ill l1oultl1.Ad11rc.-s Invontom‘ 1 111011 '1‘ 01-1111L1). $3.50 “i155? I'ECIA I; Xfl'l‘ltli T0 A l-‘I’IJUI‘SID LA BIBS k in order that, you may know tlmL OAK BALM is a positive (-1er fox'fcnmle cmnpluints I will send to any address one month’s treats mum 01-331 or free sample L0 all who address witlmtamp. J. TROTTER, 5Richmond \Vcst, Toronto, Cam. ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. ~Gmnd chance for young men to acquire a. ï¬rst- class trade. Terms moderate. Semi for parti- culars.â€"AG3 King Street West. pATENTS \V. J. GRAHAM. 71 ANCER and Tumors cured without the 1 Send for book of treatment and testimonials G.H.McMichaeL M. 1).,63 Niagara St, Buflulo, E-‘unmus Rangeï¬- Maul Bull and Iron Elm-so. PER DA Y Gond procure nd men Lisle. and Fmelgu Yungc E51. ml in mum] a, Conulrle-L ; ’l'orunlo women CLOSE knife 4, free - Sure enough, she had found a pair of scissors, and her mother patted her on the head and told her what a good liLLle girl she was to hi 3 the scissors home. The littld girl was praised so much for her deed that she was beguilcd into buying : “I thaw ï¬ve 01' Unix other pnirth of thizzel‘th on the lhidcwalk, but, I thought I \vnuldlft pic"’um up. ’ A Then Llfc little girl had to be whipped for lying. One day a lisping little girl mm into the house and said to her mother: “Look, mot/her, what I found on the Lhidewztlk, a pair of thizzerth.†T0110 1:110 007.1101: (11: M 1. , â€"T 1c 1111 111051 .1 :1111 of this 11153111111011 shows 11111! 111'11311911‘1331111a11c1 ‘1 and musical, W111 1. 111111 111a1'1 1:11 progr SS in public favor. 1111'- 1111'! 11101115: 39,1111 \ 91y 11111101111111 3 ops have been 12111011 tmvards the 111g11e1 (10' 010111119111 of music-'11 0111101111011. 1111: college 11:13 11-3611 incorpomied by government “'1111 (J orge 11091112111311), F:q ., 11s president, (311;)11111 $131),- 000, 111111“ 111111-11 91111111119031.1101) 1111:111011c0 .111111130111111633 of tho 001113110. M11111: 1111s at tending 11113 111 $111 1111011 1110 011011-1lspe01111 111115114111 advantages. (01111011151111 Lures 111111 free 011 . 111,11 111's provided for 1111111111113, 11nd 21. 11111111111111111111 reference library is open 10 the 111111115 111 1119 111111111113r (1f 2M 11 (111v. Those intendinn to .smdv 111115111 311011111 se11111r11 11 {11115111111115 10 the W-ell known 1111cct01', F. H. 1111' nmnn. i ' ’ - I V V " ' 18, and how 10 all!!!†“EAL W kccpit. unï¬nixr «d in U10 Elli-l lli‘ii "Eili‘R-‘JB. Send stamp for smnplc‘ccm (0 L110 editor. ])r.J.(‘. Dye, Human F. IE. DIXON & 1. Toronto. Best value m the Dominion. CO.. Makers, 70 King street 152 E3075 HEALTH 3“?» 1111011111 drop everything and sell 1211311111191;1111111: (11¢ (11111-19 , 0111111011, rum Rizuam-rlu “er1101" (W 01‘ (30!) 1111 31-10 page , 4UUil1'nst1'1 f 011< f10111 1:10:11 11111111111†:1111'1 Panm'mniv 1) L111‘c111c0101‘11.1c11 1 1, in 1011,2111 of .Iur11.~11‘0111 011 the day or 01111111 1011. Soid 0111be 51131.41 ription. Exclush e 10111101) to agents. Addwss for teuus, “'31 1511101515 Publisher Toronto, 0111 lecommmidcd by physicians. Being in ihc form of a Chocolate they are pleasant to thc taste. Children never refuse a choco ate cream Requires no :Il'lor Medicine. Ask for haw son’s and iukc no other. Sold evoz'yn'iicru ‘35 ï¬tt‘nlh 11 Box. WORMS Saxiiing w 13' heiwcen HOSTREAL and EJVERE'IHZ-L. {won '1 «RCLR 51% EU .and $11). Return ’l‘ickciï¬. $8.). $30 and $11!). ling m stuamm and accommoduiiun. lntm‘mwmic 231 Slncmgesm. Apply 10“. ii. Rummy. Gen I Mun - (Tammi: N‘ilimu‘ng 1‘9... {100% WW.â€" i Farmuda BaiiiedJ ,\J\I3\;.\f “You must go t4: Bvrmuda. If pm; (in nut I win not. he responsi- ,, for the Conn-13;: east.†"But, Now, I can 2mm.- neither m» a. lime imr the money." "Well, if that is inmossline, try wvvvu-rv The clothe: am: hung“ to dry without zu- '211111 (wmnut {w 74p Lo [Lo ï¬ne 01' 'uiow www.15- Nearly .hz‘ce Million four, now in use. Agents wanted. Iliusm‘ated Uil'Culfll‘b free. TARBOX BROS, or Severe Cold 1 have (71733?“ with N; am! the ad' amaze is mat. Hue moat. SPIlP-i- t7 stmmu‘h can I" "(a it. Amnm‘r t1 "g; wh'wh cumâ€: m..- it is the s :uumliu‘: :‘opm’ties uf the Ely-a yaophzisgz-Eaiï¬os, which i$ cerst‘nins. Yon win ï¬nd it rs: 220 at your Iarugsist‘s. In .6va vrnsaper. m: 5 sure you get the g“ 2359." SCOTT A: B0? , Ihfllvvnle. wu‘flvuw‘ 357' N6 FIB-ES. Cg} -: THE PATENT. P11118115 01mm Y 1119. ï¬i‘Scnd in l nu I iElE {1' JM 1-{0USE SQUAR,IV10N’1‘REAL, 0.: Lb Loca Aguan in all Towns_ and Cities. THE ST. LEON Ml ll “'A’l‘l‘ill ()0. (Ltd) Head Ofï¬ce 101% King Street VV., Branch Tilly's Flower Depot. 161 Yonge St,, Toronto. H :mmetimes (‘3!‘1; lied, and many case .. 0 l “SEAWER LENE S'K‘EA]!SHH?S. Gflé‘éSEï¬WéPTlQN, Bronchitis, (709g!) I-WI’ OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. LEATHER BELTlï¬G. MANUFACTHIMEM. ADELAIDE ST. W. TSRGNTG. 7’7 Karin-sofa Ave" Toronto. A Little Girl's For Circular Address J. DOAN 8:. 53am, EELTIFE‘CHL MEWS 1m tm‘ drink says : son. Town [0 citizens 111-4 proseutcxposcd to ab dangers. to offset evil and prevent spread of disease Ll-zox WHEN, U HEALEIIIEST DRINK AMERICA, has been duccd by the glass at ofï¬ces. “To 1 disease most “To ï¬ght. and conquer disease at. Leon i the most powerful agent known." my physicians. DAWSON'S CHOCOLATE GHEAMS. Story. bir Lisu 1 1 Lam nowgro G wa tm‘ sa 11111101 at Henry '11 11101111) are at- above an {ho the 1111. Racoi‘» ed up to Nm’i‘mbm‘ MI :1, - $109 'ml up to hm- ,znbm‘ 1.1m. - .13) '(wl up to Dovcmhcx‘ L’Slh. - 25 , , will 0 be three pr] (:61 of ten dollm Ca'lv and sum} prizes of ï¬ve dollars mu. , g'ven in each schinn of lune as imlimlml ubnvc. m the mom L011 largest lists in 1,110 order rccmuml. Iumth :1 t or appllonm imusl be :u'vnnmzmicrl will] ()ncDDIl r for which u dollar bottle of Hepburn‘s Blood Puriï¬er will be forwarded. This preparauion is guaranteed to be superior '0 anything V06 introduced for the relief and ('urcuf li\' and ki‘lncv troublcsi Circulars will) Itwtimnula‘s and fullinfurnmliou $0111, on roe-(aim ufz13 mm stamp. Conrusa s I)C|‘Cllll1(‘,l‘ 28Ll1,t‘.ie list of pr" winners \\ ll be published in the NEWS 01' Iro- quois the following week. _f’l'lic Reeve of lrnquois. [I’OSUnflï¬tcl ’ ‘ Iroquois. AddressiC. E. HEPBUI’QI, References The above amount; will actually be given free, Each person answer- ing this advertisement; will receive a present. ' The above ofl‘cr is made to introduce Hep- mnn‘s Blond Purifier, which hm: 11.11111 large Sale in this 201‘th for the past four yours. '1 hccondiliu ‘ ~ 5 follow For the Ln nf Em, xh words cm» 511 111 Led f1 cm the 11 um" “I"! in lhcwnrds P \ (“1 IL \ 0:} Jo nor win one of ihc ("(LRh prizes you will 1‘(‘(‘ci\!‘: u ‘)|("~(1I121n\ w Iyo 0! mum \ L‘; uvwhullwr :1, â€>1 of wow1 5 is sent in 01' no! GWEN AW’A‘i’u 1 ask box 230. V Cutthis out as it may not; appear again General Ofï¬ces, 21 8: 29 Wellington Street East, 34 & 36 Front Stréct East, Toront: This Company undertakes agencies of every dc 'riptinn, and trust such as carrying out! {Cities of capital t'urcompanics andotlters.conversion oi railwayand othc. accurititz‘ will rive care ful attention to mamwvnwnt of estate the collection of loans. rents, interest, divitlcnz s, debts, mart agt ‘ ' cutan- Olldb‘.blHS,110105.00111’10119and01llCl‘HCCUI‘lLlCS;VVlnaCl t mtgcntm’oriqming rn counter nine; certiï¬cates of stock. bonds or other obligations. Receive. and invo Ls Sinking funds antl Any 5xlr'llll‘r110y5 gmurally for others and offers the best terms therefor. Every dollar invested with or limit , 1 this Commit) narns the liigln ‘L returns and is absolute! ' safe. All ill\'<)r~‘itllml-§~'ttl’t‘ i tan . 100d. 'l‘flll INB'IJH M no â€5 of the Company are issnml inamottn‘z‘! of $100 and tum ‘ and oil'crmmaralloilcd induttvmontts fo' accumulative investments of small amounts monthly or at larger puriods for terms of )cm's from li'm upwnrtls and Lhc investor is not, only atly~tiltiicly protected against, l0. s of a single dollar but can rely 11 mn the lurgea‘t returns can isunt with sucur '. Correspnndmtcc Milk-ital and promptly ruplictl L0. “1%“. (Ioncrnl and Local Agents can obtain run 1111 :rntivc contreutts by applying: to Fitkf-t. THE All] \NCE BOND “WENT (‘15.. 0F 0'! QB“) 1311)., TQHLHVTO. “NT ORGANEZED l87l. Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Pam-up Policy and Cash Sun-cud“- "uluc Guaranteed in each Policy. TREE“ NEW ANBJ'UITY BNDOWMENT POI-IO" ,’ AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST -:- EARLY -:- DEATH -:- Provides an INCOME in old age, and is a good INVESTMENT. Policies m nn-mrfnimble after the payment, of two full annual Premiums. Prom , WM 21 ul‘(' uncxcollcd 1) any (,‘ompauy (10mg business in Canada, are allocated every ï¬ve ymu's from I‘m: i~zsuo uf Hm pol ,, , 01'sz longer periods w may be selected by the insured. Proms so lim'mwl an- al «ulnle and um. linlvlc to be I'Cdulft‘d or rotallcd in. any Tm: sainn- mlor any circumstances. 1% rtit-z‘puh'ny Pom-y Ilolzh. ‘s are entitled to not, less than 90 per cent. of the proï¬ts cm‘ned n the ( ï¬n, mpg? :‘m: 11.9}m‘ Govcn years have actually ‘ccqvciï¬‚ï¬ wen-I'm. of the profits so earned Qéï¬f‘ebemï¬en iife TO THE EDITOR:â€"Please inform ycu. ï¬nders that I have a positive remedy {0' til i above gamed disease. By its timely use thousands ofhopeneb... Vases have been permanently cx red. I shall 13 g)ad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any q your readers who havr cam sumption if thev will send me their Express and Post Ofï¬ce Adm‘ess. Respectfully. T. A. SLOUWJI, ï¬tc.‘ I85 was! Admlame {Stu TORONTO. ONTARIO. $3 53: the above dost, money. Send fol New Shaftixyg and ' Pullt y Ch culpl, Stating your wants. TLB Watequs EIgiIIe WUIkS 00., MIL, Blantfmd, Ganada n=- $5flflfll] ~=- "BLOOD P’CRIFIER" The Aliiance Band and Imminent Company of Qumrio Limited, Incorporated February 27th, 1890. CAPETAL - - 7 $1,990,090. ‘ix‘iMC'. ":‘x‘ilx'b'xiéjl. Am ), ACTUARY. PGLECEES ARE ENCGNTESTABLE Efï¬gâ€"grmtgrirbquois,’ 0111., Cam. REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS For Children and All “Ms. Invaluable for Indigestion and Constipation. FRANKS & (10., London, England, Proprietor NIONTREAL ()wvxorz, 17 St. John Street. Dr. ’1', R. Allinson. L.R.(‘.P., London, says :â€" “1 1ikcl>r.Nichols’ ‘Food of Health ’ very much and ï¬nd lb of great dietetic value in many (11 ensos. As a breakfast dish I prefer it. Lo on. meal. For the regulation of the bowels it can not be surpassed.†Send forszmmle FREE. Watson’s flough Brops ! DR. NICHOLS’ -: Food of Health :- Are the best in the world for the throat and chostand for the voice. Unequalled. Address WHAL 11’, ROYCE &(‘0.. Yong! Street. Toronto. Sena [or Catalogue J. RATTRAY & CO. Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Celebrated Crusader and Hero Brands My reason iur sending a free [with IS : 717 want’ the ‘r v medicine to be its own recum- _ mendation. It costs you nozh. i: 2 ing for .1 trial, and n radicalcum " j' is certain. Give Express and a, Post Uiiice. Kddrcss: 2 ‘ H. G. ROOT M. 0., l86 West Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont. In severe cases where other remedies have failed My reason tor sending a free boulu is I want [In Send at once fur a FREE BOTTLE. and a valuable Trcnï¬se. This remedy is a sun: and rzuhral cure and is perfectly hannfcss (1-; 1m injurinus drugs are used in its preparation. I will warmnt it to cum EPiLEPSY 3R FALLING SIGKNESS n-TEBâ€" ‘ Choapest and ~ ' BEST PLACE in America to buy Band and Musloa Instrumenbs. Music, &0. ing belt. Saves Beltâ€""No wear; belt stand-1 idle when not working. Saves Emmy-on shaft. 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