The Davenport Road. The Township of York is at present negotiating with the Ymkville d} Vaughan Road Company, who own Davenpmt and Vaughan road l0 purchase Davenpult road. They Want about two miles of the road to mu 3. tramway 011 1mm Where the mud crosses the G. P. It. track to the Northem Railway. The township has offerud to buy the 101111 Lut the matter is still unsettled. wâ€"Globc. R. T. of T. The York District Royal Templars of Tem- perance held their Quarterly Meeting in the Temperance Hull on Tuesday. There were delegntes present from Newmaxket, Aurura, Lloydtown, Sm-inghill and other places, bo- sides those from the village. After discuss- ing temperance work in the county and at- tending to other business the meeting ad- journed. The next quarterly meeting will be held at Vaudmf, 4th Concesslou of Whit- church. Kilgour Bags, all sizes, kept in Stock 8t THE LIBERAL Store. Mr. Geo. McDonald, our energetic and enterpiismg harnessmialier, in the Lorne lock, is out this \vvek with a change of ad- vertisement. He tells the public that he has on hand It ï¬rst-class stock of horse- biaukets, robeb‘, rugs. whips, trunks, valiscs, &c., and will guarantee satisfaction in nil his work. Those who have dealt with Mr. McDonald will not doubt anything they read in his advertisement. Rlcmmxn HILL, 'l‘hnrsdw, Oct. 16. 9O Our jeweler. On our edxturiul page nil] be found a new ndvprtise‘mom 3f a bargain F1116 0f clocks, Watches,1_\lutml ware, jewelry &c. by Mr. A. L. Skeelv. The public may look out for bargains as Mr. Skeele 11:15 a ï¬ne stock to dispose of cheap. The Annual Plowing Match of (be above Assocmtimi will be held on the farm of Jus. McNeil E' St} . Sherwood, one mile south of Maple, on Thm‘slny, Oct. the 30th, when liberal prizes will be offered for competition. Full particulars will be made known by post- ers which will be out in a few days. Sudden changes of weather am fruitful sources of Cold in the Head and Catan'h. For these diseases Nasal Balm is the only speedy and certain cure. All dealers. The celebrated Witchâ€"Proof Felt Root, light and dumbie. Naughtun Bros. Elgin Mills. ‘1 c Cuthbex’r Rasps. There me yet about 100 Cutbbert rasp- berry plants to spare. Parties wanting to obtain them at, one-half the nursery price should app'v immediately. They are hardy and productive and will grow anywhere' See adv. Canned Salmon of ï¬nest quality, 2 cans for 25 cents at thu Cnmcre-to. Connects with rm twins. lonNinp, Hnuse Richmnn mm. as fnllmvs: MM 4%, Exp) :I\a1th& Smith“ Anzmmmwhb 11 “ “ Mail & Express North the Palmer ,.7.zl5 u m. , 121.00 V. Smith. V The Markham Economist of list week savs thm'e are seven families in that village afflicted with diphtheria. Peopie are for- tunate, who are not vi=ited by that malig- nant disease. Until further notion Mnils will he dosed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce :19 follows?â€" MORNINGl-GU'1;!N()l‘t]1.§0ulh East and West, inoludin: ’l‘hm‘nhill, 1\[n]flv.'l'm'mxtn,3T:n'k}mm.&(‘. 7.45 EVENINGL~G<HM south Eustmnl West (as above} 5.30 N. B.»~anistorm1JmLLm-s must he handed in M: 19.1% Flfmmml’inntn (unlivr Hum the above mentioned hours for clm' w. Newn’lm'kct Aurora. . \‘(in4 Rmmw'k 1) Hum 1‘ hornhfll . Dawnsxiew l) :Lvemmrp ’ rkdalo... 181bs.good Sugar for $1.00 at the Con- m‘ete. TbaIadies 0f the [’z'wshytm‘iau Church will hold till-ir “SH-r11ontertaivmpntin the church 3:) Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 6th. Full particuiars in bills later on. 251b. and 50“). Four Sacks for sale a‘ THE LIBERAL Store. TORONTO. (jinx Hall] Union . . .1. Flock Sh‘cct 5511111119.. ... ,. 1 weuport. 1) nvnsvicw l‘nrn‘nhill. H mcnxmxu HILL King .............. Aturoh‘t {wedmm‘k TOPLOM‘O BI'U/k Sheet U nimx . The Village tayos this year will be equal to a rate of .0118 cont; on Hue dollar. This is probably lower than any other-village in the county. The Town of North Toronto are talking of purchasing (Hen Grove to be used as a Public Park. PROCTOB’S STAGE LINE. Cxty Hull POST OFFICE NOTICE Vaughan Plowmen’S Association. 3w Eï¬Zéhemi. R. TIME TABLE. Harness Shop G OING NORTH Mail A, 8.05 GOING SOUTH AOW 95m EL 10 ‘31 5 5 1+ r). M. 'J‘I‘IEP‘Y. Postnmsten Rate Aocum i2 us 12.15 Acmm. Mail. 12.11 (3.3!) 12 1‘ 6.45 12 1.30 1.4L 1.01 L‘m J7 800 8 10 7.40 7.47 L20 (12. 77.7. It would appear from town talk that Mr. Dilworth, the Toronto Druggist, is the only man that can furnish a suitable and rapid cure for the La Grippe or In- fluenza. Don’t fail to call and see him when visiting the city and, be convincei. Two Free 'I‘nps to New York City. For this month only. The Fireside \Veek- 1y will give two return tickets to New York for the two largest lists received in October. The winners of these extra. prizes will of course have equal chances for the Free Trip to California and Florida andreturn. $200 sealskin sacque, made to Order; handsome Shetland Ponv, Silver Tea Set, worth $60 ; Ladies‘ Gold Watches. China Tea. Set, Man- tle Clock, Silver Watches, Dickens’ Works and many more. These are prizes for the largest list of words made from the letters in “Fireside Weekly.†The; contest is open to everyone sendidg in with their list $1 for the Fireside Weekly for six months, which also entitles them to a handsome premium. Send ï¬ve one-cent stamps to 9 Adelaide west, Toronto, for a copy and premium supple- ment. M. Testy Esq., Village Treasurer, has been authorized by the Council to receive the taxes at his ofï¬ce, up to and includmg the 17th day of November. People paying their taxes to him before that date will be allowed a discount of 5 per cent. The book will then be handed to the village Collector who will collect the balance. Those who wish to be economical should make an effort to pay by the 17th of November, as 5 per cent. is a good yearly intereet. Proï¬ts cut down to the smallest fraction at the Concrete. A late bulletin on the milk supply issued bv the leburutmy branch of the Inland Revenue Department shows that few places of any importance receive the white fluid in its pure unadulterated stale. Of 12 samples in Toronto. ‘2 were genuine. Aurora. 2 out of 4, Newmarket 2 out of 4, Bradford 1 out of 6, Barrie 2 out of 7 &c. Orilliais pretty for- tunate iu the milk line, as 7 samples were found pure out of 8. As no bad marks were shown against. Richmond Hill it may be presumed our dealers give our cit.zeus “the pure stuï¬." Two Cases. Mr. B. Redditt, J. P., had an uaneasunt duty to perform on Saturday. Two cases were heard by him. The ï¬rst was laid by Miller against Brnwnlee, charging the latter mm assault. The other was preferred by Bl'ownlee, charging Miller with using abusive and profane language. In each case the Iliaglstrate made a ï¬ne of $2 and costs. The evidence of those who witnessed the occur- rences went to show that. ‘Mlller made an un- provoked attack on Brownlee, in ounderson’s drug store, and that Browulee assaulted Miller by shovmg him with his hand. Our store is an economical trade centre. Atkinson & Switzer. \Ve make it our business and pleasure to contribute to your wants. ALkinsou dz Switzer. A Public Meeting will be held in the Tem' pemnce Hull this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o’clock, in the imeresls of the Woman’s Christian Tempemnce Union 01 this village. Reports of the diffnrent lines of work taken up by the Union during the past two years Will be given, and it is expected that the Provincial Presxdent, Mrs. Fawcett, of To- ronto, will be present, and explain the aims and work of the \V. C. T. U. Collection in aid of the wcrk. All are crrdially invited. Notice is given on another page that cred- itors having claims against the estate of Dand Burgess, late of the township of Vaughan, who died about the 30th of Aug- ugt lust, are required to send or deliver to Charlotte Burgess, Administratrix, :1 state- ment of such’on or before the let of Decem- ber 1890. After that date the ndministretrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of vshich notice shall then have been given. Judicial Sale. As will be seen by nolice on another page there will be sold by Public Auction at the Woodbrirlge Hotel. Woodbridge, on “'ed- nestluy, the 5th of November, the west half of Lot. No. 7, in the 5th Con. of Vaughan, containing 100 acres, more or less. The land is good clay loam, 90 acres cleared, the balance covered with good beach and maple. Good frame dwelling, stables &c. all in good repair. For particulars apply to Mr. T. W. Uhapple, of the Town of Uxbridge, or others as seen by advertisement. Our store is suited to the wants of the best retail trade. Atkinson & Switzer. An every dnv. all-Ihe-year-ruund bargain counter. Atkinson dz Swi'zer. The ‘mr-mbers and friends of the Evan. Lutheran Church. Buttouville, purpose hold- llnir anuunl Hm‘vest Home dinner on Fri- day, October 17th, 1890. Addresnes will be given by Rev. A. McLaughlin, Sherwood; Rev. M. Bell, Unionville, and others. The Richmond Hill MMhost Church choir will furnish the music. A hot. dinner will be served {rpm 4 lo 7 p. In. Entertainment will commence at 8. Admission :â€"Adults, 25 cents; Children. 15 cents. During the past Week the intennr of the Masonic Hall has been repaired and renovat- ed in a way it will not forget for some time. The fraternity have bud the walls and oviuing knlaomined, the wimIOWS refrosted, and the stovepipes and woodwork thoroughly cleaned. The wulls are now a cream color, and the calling m white. The contract was given to Mr. R. E. Law, and the work was done no sooner than it was needed. The hull now “ill have a neat appearance. Men's, “(men's and children’s Boots and Shoes, lame stock, cheap. Naughton Bros. Elgin Mills. Foul breath, duPI, oppressive headaches. and feeling of tiredness, are the results of Umnrrh. Why sufler when Nusal Balm is a eertuiu cure ? Try it. Sold by all dealers. Masonic Hall F epaired Administrators’ iNotiEé Pay Your Taxes. Harvest Home. Milk Bulletin. We suppose that if any half-dozen well- posted lady shoppers were questioned as to which store in Toronto is the best place to buv such and such an article the answer of each individual would probably be the same, for each retail dry goods store is noted for some special line of goods, Messrs A. (35 Co. for hosiery, Messrs. B.& Co. for s11ks,Messrs. C. (k Go. for gloves. So if those same people Were asked the question, “Where is the best place in Toronto to buy mantles ?†the an- swer would probably be that there are three or four places where it is possible to see a large stock. but one of the most comprehen- sive and satisfactory of all is the large new mantle room of Thomas Thompson 65 Sun, of the New Mammoth, King street east. The ï¬rm have surpassed all previous eff n'ts this fall and Oi‘fci' their many thousands of customers ll. stock of mantles and cloaks perhaps unequalled and certainly unsurpassed in Toronto. They do not confine their ef- forts to either lowâ€"priced or high-priced goods. Those in moderate circumstances as well as those who are wealthy can easily be suited out of their immense stock. From the simple little tailor made jacket at B3 or $4 to the magniï¬cent plush g‘trment at 3150 is a long step and they show all kinds of rich cloaks at the intermediate prices. Their ï¬rst flat is a perfect forest of mantles, in all over 8,000 garments. The room on a ,busy day is a sight worth anyone’s while to go a long way to see and the cloaks imported , from Palis and Berlin are the choicest and the handsomest that skill can produce or ‘ money can buy. The mantle show-room it- self, occupying nearly the whole of the second flat, which is reached by the elevator. is in many respects equal to the best rooms of the klnd either in New York or Uhicago, and anyone passing down through the long avenues of mantles will see goods which for ,clegauoe of style and ï¬nish are seldom seen 'in this city. Commencing at the south end of the room are displayed rat-k alter rack of ‘ladies’ and children’s plain and braided paletots, ulsters and dolemans, also threeâ€" quarter jackets in plush and sealette, short and long coats in beaver. Saxony and mat- alasse, and tweeds in an almost endless number of stvles and in various qualities. Many American visitors who have been through the department have been surprised that any Toronto ï¬rm should have ventured to import such a high quality of goods in such large quantities. No effort has been spared to give ladies of the Queen City an opportunity to see as tine and Well made garments as can be made in Berlin. Paris or New York. A vistt to this magniï¬cent show-room will repay every lady in the City of Toronto, and Messrs. Thomas Thompson dz Son put special stress upon the fact that whether lockers or buyers all are very wel~ comeâ€"Toronto Globe. of Saturday, Oct. 4. Any 11015011 giving such infnrnmtion as will lead to than 1"Pcu\ 61y 11111 revolve the above r6â€" ward Any person holding them V1111 be urose~ outed. ‘ I). BURNS, THOS‘ GRUGAN, Oct. 13?, 1800-3 On the 2nd of August f1om thepremises of David Bums lot 27 in the; 2nd Con. of Vaugl1m,n‘ Red and Whlta flow with 21 laps around her neck. Also a th1 ee- year-01d Heifer balonglng to Thus. Grngnn dmk red wlth a. whna snipe up 1191 back and may :Lbouq the head: > . hr.†CALHOUNAAt Newton Brook. on Friday. the 10th inst, the wife ofJ. Calhoun, of twin bovsi STARRaAt the Parsonage, 35 Elm smeetflamnto. on the 9th inst., the wife of Rev. J. E. Starr, a, daughter. VAN NOSTRANDâ€"On Tuesday morning. the 5th inst., utH Glen Road, Toronto. the wife of A. J. Van Nostrand, I" L. 8., of a daughter. $5.00 REWARD STRXYE'D As announced last week Mr. Greathead, late of England. who is working in conjunct- ion with the managers of the Canada Citizen, gave two lectures in the Temperance Hall on Thursday and Friday evening. On the ï¬rst evening there was a fair attendance, principally made up of the female portion of the village. Before entering upon his ad- dress proper Mr. Grenthend gave a recitation entitled “The Beautiful Snow,†and another later in the evening. They were well de- livered but were scarcely appropriate consid- ering he was lecturing under the auspices of a. temperance organization. Mr. Greathead appears to he possessed of good ability and marked talents, but to be a success in this country he will have to become considerably more Canadianized. Few there are who will not admit that strong drink is a curse to a community, at the same time many be- lieve that more good can be accomplished by using temperate means than by strong and harsh language agalust those engaged in the trafï¬c. The chair was ably ï¬lled by Rev. J. C. Speer. He gave expression to some very practical thoughts on the temper- ance question and urged people to work for a. prohibitory measure. Mr. Speer said that very little good could be done in temperance meetings if people were not prepared to make sacriï¬ces for the good of humanity. when they met with strong opposition. He spoke highly of the Local Option law passed by the Ontario Legislature. Little Annie Rooney everybody Slugs, but Little bxt of money buys a sight of things. is sung only by those who make their pur- chases at the Concrete. The Purnellite business has cost the Times £180,000. That is the exact ï¬gure, every- thing included, and it has been paid by the shareholders of the paper foregoing their dividends {or last year, and for the ï¬rst six months of this year. The Walters, however are not losers to the extent commonly sup- posed, for John Walters stands towardstue paper in a two-fold capacity. He is owner of sixteen shares out of sixty,and the dividend on each share for 1889 was £3,000. There- fore John \anters' loss was."on his Sixteen shares, £48,000. But he is also printer of the Times; and this printing busxness is kept separate from the publishing. He supplies paper, ink, printing, &c., and the proï¬ts thereon belong exclusively to him. On these he lest nothing, for it was decided that the printer of the paper could not be called up- on to bear any share in the general losses accruing to the publishing department. The. whole of the £180,000 has now been paid oh, and, as the circulation of the paper and its receipts for advertisements have increased. it is reckoned that a dividend of £2.000 will be paid per share at the close of this year.»â€" Coleraine (Ireland) Constitutional, October, 4, 1890. What the Commissxon Cost The Times. Where to Buy Rich Mantles. Temperance Lectures. Bl RTIIS. Maple 15 O The Liberal JoHrintinz Ofï¬ce, Noted for First-Class Works IS the place where Neat and Clean Printing can be obtained at thelowest price. HARDWARE STORE ! )zo:( mun“ ' 1 WWW ‘ V .. ,- 5M x. 'v ,_ ‘ Of all kinds At lowest prices. Hot-Air Furnaces, Eavetroughing, Cutlery and all kinds of Tinware. Repairing promptly attended to. C. NIASON ‘Vall 1’apers at Ceiling I)ecorations AT COST. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Glass, all sizes. Stained and Cathedral Glass 4 spec1alty. New designs. FALL AND WINTER STOCK OUR 47c. \VHITE SHIRTS “' Beat the Band,†and our new stock of GENTLEMEN’S HATS are par excellence. THE FIRE PROOF, WILL D. ATKINSON, PLAIN FOULES at 10 and 12 cents per yard, worth I5 and 20 cents. LADIES’ & CHILDREN’S CASHMERE HOSIERY at IO, 13, 15, I7, 18 and 20 cents per pair. PLAID DRESS GOODS at 15,, I7, 20 and 25 cents per yard. THE FIRE PROOF, for cash. ALSO HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS Cheap FURNITURE, BEDROOM SETS. BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS. EXTENSION TABLES We are exercising extreme care in the selection of our STILL THEY COME! TH E PEOPLE’S STORE. As to quality and price, so that our customers can And we are enabled to show you some remarkable in a large number of lines. rely on our doing what is right by them every time. Orders by mail promptly attended to. IiICIINIOND 1111411 ‘ min-D; ‘- New Goods are still coming in at IN GRJOCERIES: And everything to make a home complete. \Ve can’c be beat. Down low in price. The latest arrivals comprise : Now is the tune for cheap P. Gr- SAVAGE