Voice culturc.â€"â€"Adams’ Tutti Fmtti Gum improves the voice. Used by all the lead- ing singers and actors. Sold by all drug- gists and confectioners. 5 cents. H011. Robb. Bond of Newfoundland is in \Vashington to confer with the V. S. Governmentin regard to reciprocal trade relations between the States and Newfound- laml. Moderate Inmeutntiml is 1110 right, of the dead; excessive grief the enemy of the living. MONTREAL, Nov. 29.~â€"A number of gentle- men engaged in the mining interests of the country hold a; private meeting an Friday afLm'nunn to consider the proposed mining She was vigorous of tnngue, And the changes she had rung; \VOI‘C enough to tire folks that \\ ere partic- nhir, And her liege had stood the flow Till }I(‘ really didn’t know If he horizontal was or perpendicular. Now the weather she :th asked, “ It’s 50 nintzihle,†she chucked, Right here he interposed'with unto felicityâ€"â€" “ That‘s a. merit, little wife, There are moments in our life “'hen we quite enjoy a. show of 1111110 abil- ify.†Those are but two illustrations out of the hundreds of testimonials the proprietors cf Nasal Balm have had from all parts of the Dominion, but they ought to convince the most skeptical. If your dealer does not keep Nasal Balm it will be sent on receipt of pi i< v 50 cents small silt: and Sil laws, silClHfltlc~byuddlessillg FULronn A. ()0. Liocluillo, Ont. tax now before the (Qiieliee‘ Legislature. There was a practically unanimous opinion againstthe proposed tax. Senator Drum- niond said that the placing of a tax upon mineral products would act prejudicially upon the interests of the province. The Provincial Government no doubt was hard up for money, but to endeavor to obtain funds by taxing)r the mines would be simply to kill the goose in oi der to get the golden eggs. Mr. Lanrier, who was present at the meeting, expressed the opinion that to im- pose any new burden upon what was yet a new industry would not only be detrimental but fatal. A committee was ï¬nally appoint- ed to watch over the inteiests of the mine- rs, to wait upon Mr. Mercier and place -ws of the owners before him, and to consi er a proposal for the formation of a liine~mrners’ Association for the Province of Quebeu, Love seems to survive life and to reach beyond it. Do we not still give 1L to those who have left us? James Smart, Esq., Brockvillo, Sheriff of the limited Counties of Leedsund Grenville, Says : 7-“ JL would beimpossible to speak too cxtmvugzmt‘ly of the wonderful curative pro- perties 0f Nasal Balm. I suffered for up- wards of 11 month from a. severe cold in the head, which, despite the use ofntlim‘ remedies, was becoming worse and dc\ clopiug into catarrli. I pxocurucd .leLLlc of Nasal Balm and was 1elie\ ed f1 om the ï¬ist application and Lhmoughly (ured \1itl1iu tu euty- -fo111 1101118. I cliccdully add my testimony to the value of Nasal Balm.’ I). Derhyshire, Esq, Mayor of Brockville and for the past two years President of the Ontario Creamery Associatiornsays :m“ Your I‘msul Balm is truly a wonderful remedy. I may say that I was aï¬licted with :1 distress- ing (use of catarrh, accompanied by a num- ber of its disagreeable symptoms. I had tried other remedies, but without avail, and wellmigh dispuired of a cure, when I was induced to give Nasal Balm a trial. Its effects were wonderful, and the results aris- ing from its use surprising. Briefly stated, it stops the droppings into the throat, sweetens the breath, relieves the headaches that follow catarrh, and in fact makes one feel altogether like a new maul. No one who is suffering from catarl‘h in any of its stages should lose a. moment in giving this remedy a trial.†1)1:\1; S111;â€"'1‘herc is 1111 0111 adage that srws “ '11 prophet is not without honor save in his (11111 @0111111),’111111 the s11yi1mis generally :11: opted 115 containing 11111e11 t111111. Indeed it is (x1mn1hul into the generally accepted 11e11<1f11111t1tr11e merit, \1‘hetherit 110 that of 1111 111<1i\'11111111, or that of some Instiieinary preparation is lnueh more likely to meet with popular approval 11t 11 distance than at 1101110. \113111 11111111, 11LLnO11 101111011 as being the "realest leniedy for cold in the 1101111 111111 catnrlh, 1\1,1' (111101 Kl the people of (11111111111, 11111111111, striking instance of the fact that popular opinion, for once, at least, is wrong. From the outset its popularity in the home of its 111:11111f11ct11re has been unbounded 11nd constantly increasing. In evidence of this we otter testimonials from two Brockville gentlemen who are known throughout the Dominion. Mr. l%iel<crdike, president of the Domin- ion Live Stock Association, yesterday reâ€" ceived a eublegrmn informing him that the Canadian cattle being landed in Great Brit- ain this fall were in it Very bad condition from the etl'eets of the terrible weather ex- perienced on the way across. The Seriea, with USU heml,um1 tl1(~,(jasi51is,wit11 4921mm, both of which left Quebec on the 7th, have not yet reported. On a small island in the middle of the South Paciï¬c lives a planter, the only white man on the islalltl#wilitfil is full of brown- skinned folk who cuts and dries the meat of emtoanut, which he sells to trading vessels. \l‘lien any Stranger stops at his island he gives him of the best that the island affords, he will get up great concerts and dances of the islanders ; above all he will take them out to see his pet, which is, perhaps, the largest and oldest animal that was ever pet- ted by any man. This pet is a sperm whale nearly seventy feet long. He came through the narrow entrance into the little harbor, which is walled in by a coral reef when quite small, and remained until he had grown so large that he could not gel: out. if he wanted to. The great creature comes up to he fed when the planter blows his horn, and after his meal of a barrel of chopped meat or fish performs some wondrous and amusing tricks. apparently knowing what is expected of him. A Muriling (‘ontradh-[iom T Uu’ Iz‘rlilorl ('ANAIHAN CATTLE N ENGLAND. The Proposed Mining Tax. A Man With a Pet Whale. He Wanted a Change. From every State, from every city, from nearly every neighborhood in this broad land, comes the gmteful acknowledgement Iof what it has done and is doing for our Hluughurrs. The only medicine for the dis- : Messing and painful irregularities and weak- nesses of woman, sold with a positive guar- antee to give satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. In other words, sold on trial} ORON'I‘O CUTTING SCHOOL. ~Gmnd phagwc .19" younggnon to acquire :1 ï¬rst 1‘ chance [or young men to acquire 21 ï¬rst claw ‘ trade. fl'crms modc "Ltc. Send for maï¬- cuhu .v63 Limg Street W “st. Why ‘. What can it be, but suffering and sorrow, disease and death, ifyou neglect the symptoms of a. disordered liver ‘3 Take Dr. l’ierue‘s Golden Medical Discovery. It outsells all other remedies. Sold under the condition that it must either beneï¬t or cure the patient, or the money paid for it will be promptly returned. It cures all diseases arising from deranged liver, or from impure blood, as bilionsness, “ liver com- plaint,â€all skin and scalp diseases, salt~ rhoum, tetter, scrolulous sores and swell- ings, fever-sores, hipâ€"joint disease and kin- dred ailments. Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be con- sulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who ï¬nd them- selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the .urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure.,to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with iEiinsN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to isanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension very function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address forbook 011 all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent freesealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M.V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Tor- onto, Ont. “ 1 see the dethroned Emperor of Brazil has become a great student. †“ Yes ; now that he cannot reign he pores!†“ A way ! A way! T1) are is danger here! A terriblv phantom is bending: nczu‘: “'iH) no human 100k, wiLh no human breath, Ilu Mands beside Lhecithc lmuntcl' - Death 1†If there is one disease more than another i that comes like the 1111biddc.1 guest at a banquet, 1t is Catan‘h. Insidiously it steals upon you,‘ w ith no human b1eatl1“it g1ad- ually , like the octopus, winds its coils about you and ciushes you. But them is a mediâ€" cine, called Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, that can tear you away from the monster, and turn the scythes’ point of the reaper. The makers of this wonderful remedy offer, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head. A bust developerâ€"“dusky. Do you want to get a College 6 ducativn, or to take special college or preparatory courses at home? If so, you should acquaint yourself with the correspondence methods used by Chautauqua College. Address, John H. Daniels, Registrar, New Haven, Conn. Carry the news to Mary, And pr 1y, be not too long, F or she 1s fast declining, And surclV , t“ ould be wrongâ€" not to tell l1e1 of D1.I’ie1ce's1‘aVorite Preâ€" scription. “'0 do want Mary, to know, in some way or other, that this world-famed remedy will cure her beyond any doubt I It’s just the medicine for young womanhood, and thousands has it bridged over that perilous sea. Take away the motive and you take away the sin. \Ve cannot all he ï¬rst, but T. A. SLOCUM of 186 “'est Adelaide St. , Toronto, Ont, must fed male than ordinary plide in the success of his \ aluuhle- 1)) ep u nuonn for the cure oflung dis ‘ SLOCU ’S OXY - (llJVIZEll EMULSION of PURE (10D LIVER OIL. No preparation of the kind has ever met; with the same success in the same time and the testimonials in its favor are all from the most; authentic sources. Every (li‘uggist sells it. One Dose of Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine will instantly stop uscverc ï¬t of cough- mg. V llqcommondc‘d lo hufl'm'm-s. (ubbons’ Toothache Gum. Price 1.3 cents. A -x , "hmnm g Iermudé Botifled.§ ~“You must go to Bermuda. if you do not I will not he responsi- ble for the consequences." “But, doctor, I can afford neither tho time nor the money." ““‘ell, it that is impossible, try Bronchitis, 00115 011 What Shall the Harvest Re 1’ SGGTT’S E The "and Surgeon A. P. 530 Typhoid Fever. Its Eauses and Preventing; J. HERBERT IVIASON. Managing Director. During Typhoid. Buctcrin is found in the blood and mucous tissues conicu by inhalation. Iinpuru water {; unntains unimzllcule. 1 Those disease germs. do fl: volnpin the syslmn.f00(1 ' 0n the fluids und Vitals cause (llFC’dbC. fevers, Mu \Flood the arteries with St. Leon \Vuter says Sir Henry Thompson. " N0 unimalcule 0r germinal nmLtormnlive ithis rare mineral water is used.†“Popular Hygivnc adds ‘ ‘in vases of Typhoid lot us have recourse to St. Leon. this water is doubly smu‘ mry lo koop down and r0- DIOTC putridncss." The Si. Lomi Mineral W'nter Comm-any. Limited. Head ofï¬ce. 1019 King Ctroc west. Branch Ofï¬ce, Tidy‘s llowcr depot, 1m legc Street, Toronto. Money received for a ï¬xed term of wars for which Dvhuulm't s an: ixxuod, with lixllfryozu‘ly interest (‘mnmns attached. Exwutors and Trustees are authorized by law 10 im'csL in the DCbCflLHI‘CS of this Company. The capital and asseï¬ of the Compam’ being pledged for money thus received, “(aboutlire-holders are at all] timo. urod of DOI‘fL‘vLSquU'. Subscribed Capital Paid up Capital, . . . Reserve Fund ....... Total Assets .. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Slum: of $4 and upwards received at (‘url‘cnt Rates of interest, paid or cumpoundcd half- yearly. “unnivmvvn rm Sailing W'ecklybetween )l0XTllEAL and LIVEIII’00L. Saloon Tickets,$40, $50,;md $60. Return Tickets, 88‘). $90 and $110, accord ing to steamer and awonnnodation. Interme diam $25, Stoemge, w2 . Apply to II. E. Mllll- RAY. General Mun gcr Canadian Shipping 00., 4CUS'I‘OM HOUSE SQUARE. MONTREAL. or to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. Celebrated Crusader and Hero Brands CANCER J.RATTRAY& GU \Ianufacturexs of all kinds Domestic Civars, including Loan and Savings Company, ‘ YAN'J‘ICDiLadicsIomanugc a profitable and philanthropic ‘\ (HR at their own homes. For particuiars nddrox‘s with stamp. $110ch .ichmond St \\.’1‘or0nLo Canada. GE 3 should drop everything and sell , TALMAGE‘S LIFE 01* Cums'x‘. entitled. "Fl-0m Mnngvr to Throne." Over 600 quarto page; ; 400111115Lrations from great paintings ; and a Panoramic picture in colors. ten feet in length, of Jerusalem on the day of Cruciï¬xion. Sold only by subscription. Exclusive territory to agents. AddI‘CbS. for terms, WM. BRIGGS, Publisher. Toronto Ont. 1“. s111p1‘1so. Nuthinglikc 11 \VI‘itye i01‘1crms, 1‘11\ N10111: & ( 1)., 60 \ onge Sn, Toronto. ‘/ after cure. Address T111†GERMICIDE (‘()."1ulontn,0nt. WATSUN’SWUUUGH DRUPS. Are the best. in the world forthc Lhmnt and chest and for the voice. Uncquallcd. THE REI Best value in the Dominion. F. E. DIXON 8: CO.. Makers, 70 King street East, Toronto. Importation: of ï¬nest English Sheep Casings arriving weekly. Also sn ‘111 American Hogs‘ Cunings in lotst ' A wire line with which No Pegs are required. Illustrated circulars FREE. Adm-es : ’I‘AR- BOX BROS" 73 Adelaide St. West, ToronLo. UUUU IILHL I " Fully vxplmnod initiur) "KAI/I‘ll llELPh . Svnrt _ ,mm) [‘m‘ samplovnpylo the cditor,Dr. JNO. H. DYE, Buffalo. New York. GUHDHEALTH 0110 trial is guarantee for continual use PINLESS CLOTHES LINE, EFSend for Price Lisbx‘ and Discountsï¬fj omce, Toronto St, Toronto. A'Juxiumi‘i‘fman FETc'ii’rox testimonial 'A'GflIT’STWKNTED EAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. GEHTSï¬OI'R NEW BOOK. A GEN LEATHER BELTING 82: T- W- stamped on each drop. WHOLESALE TOBAGGONISTS. MONTREAL, INCORPORATED A. D. 1355. CANADA PERMANENT SAUSAGE GASINGS. The Red River Valley in North Dakota, offers line inducements to new settlers. Close to markets, schools, churches. CLC. “Tito to F, I. \N‘III'J‘NEY, G‘ P, S; 'I‘. A., G. NJL, St. Paul, Minn.. 0r J.M. HUCKINS, Toronto Ont.. I‘m-Mul)<.Bouks. etc. DEBENTURES. For the Patent. JAS. P‘ARK 5; SUN, Toronto. and TUMOKb unmi. N0 Knif Bock frec‘ G. H MCMICHA M116; Magma sz..nufralo. N Y HOW To GET IT! HOW TO KEEP IT! Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Paid-up Policy and (‘ash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy. THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POI-IO" Y AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST Policies are nonAforfcimblc after the payment of two full annual Premiums. Proï¬ts, which are unexcellcd by any (‘omymny doing hnsinom in Canada, are allocated every ï¬ve years from the issue of the policy, 01‘ at longer periods {Ln may be selected by the insured. l’rolils so allot-aim! m-o :Ihmlun- and not liable to be n-ducvd or recalled all any lulure time under any circumstunvu. Parlivipalina Policy Holders are entitled to not less than 90 per cent. of the proï¬t»; onrnerl n the class, and for the past seven years have actually recs ' 16d .05 _72_e j: {hreln-oï¬ls so earned in m \It111\1\\YA'rY CAPITAL, $1,000,000. QRGANIZED l87l. WORMS . . , , , a ' a ,, WM MW m . ,u. â€A“, perummm,m1d'nrn“pm-1:11];promoted bv iL_ lnkmg 111ml nn'wtcd m tmtxlass real csLuLc morigugus ’J 1115 Conunmy lsvmpnworcdby us Chartnr 10 autu. \dmimstmmrs, Jim-(rive mm,‘, 1. ‘. ‘ ‘ . ssignccs, Lillniaulm's zlnd Aiémi Illidér applnnlmtntb)‘ ‘1‘l‘1‘0 nonrls 01" individually: Hm" ig spuciul l'ucilitim fur 11m windinu 11p of estates, the Ar 'gnm branch of its business in snlimu‘tl. Being a rr‘spmmiblv ï¬nancial Company, creditors can depend (in prompt sclvtlcmcnta and quick winding up of any «states they may entrust 1,0 the Company. Tllll ALLIANFE “(DVD AN]! INVESTMENT (0.. (IF 0NTAIHO. LTD. ‘igneca Administrators, and Financial Agcnls. 27 and 29 Wellington Street: I‘ 13*, Toronto. Recommended by physicians. Being in the form of a chocolate cremnthcv are plcmzmt L0 the taste. Children never rcfn 3 a chocolate cream Requires no after nuedicum. Ask for Daw- son's and take no other. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a Box. General Ofï¬ces, 27 and 29 Wellington Street East, Toronto. PRESIDENT, W. STONE. VICE PRESIDENTS, JAS. SWIFT, KINGSTON; T. K. HOLMES, M.D., OHATHAM. MANAGER, A H GILBERT CASHIER, HARRY VIOEON SOLICITORS, MCPHERSON, CLARK & JARVIS, TORONTO ..-...-. . w, my. "mung", vhnlll‘ u unnuu, lununlv- The Company no Rom ‘guumntood In the face value. These Bonds are for amounts from $100 and can be bought for any numbcrof yo from ï¬ve upwards. These, Bonds are payabla hy instalments and the im‘mtm' obtains gm, ntcod compound interest at, the run: of 1 per (13111,. per ummm,;md 111-5: C\1|C('izlll‘)' promoted py iL_ 'inlging 111ml inthcd in fir. ~Ia. ‘ real 0 Late nu ,~ The Alliance Band and InvesImeIiI Ufl. [if DIIIIIIIU LiIiiiIed. lncol 1101 Med Febru my 2 4 In 1890. The ngL Canadian Tlmncdy, for the (-nm of Asthma, I’monchitis,(.‘atm'rh. fm‘Umighs, Colds, lloursonms. For sale by all ln'nggin ;. Price $1 for la h -, and 5|)c for small box. If your own (lruggistlms hm, got it in Stork, remit $51 by mail and you will reevivc one box, prepaid by return. Addrvsa “1 ii. Q‘IIESTEJIE. 4G! Lagauchelierc SU‘UCL Monti-Cal. Watemus Engine Works 00., Lath Mills and Bolters Uombined. Send for new Circular Stating nmohinnry rc' qmred, as ouch glupurnnenb has mqmrutc L'n'culurs. flonfeberatian iLife 36? and 364 James Slrcvl. Montreal. BUHR STONE CH(T)I’1’]€[LS~ PANTS Shingle Machines. F M TO THE EDITOR :â€" Please inform your readers that U Ave 3 positive remedy for t!†above named diseas By its timely use the sands ofhopeless canes have been permanently cured. A A . . . I ,.L,.‘.v L, â€1-4 A» _ H WA L..AAIA- .: .«.. “0.4.. I-nrn- ., , W, ,r -_ . -. V -vvu ............ mum“, I shall bq glad to send tlvo Bottle} Bf my renxeclyfll-IlilEiEr-vtg) Einy of- your reaagrs who have com sumption 11' they will send me their Express and Post Ofï¬ce Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, Mam I86 West Adelaide 8t" TORONTO. ONTARIO- . $9 53: CHESTER’S CURE. WAT: R6115 EN 51m: MEWS BWTKHRD @ “NADA ALL THE BEST OF THEIR KIND. W. 0'. MACDONALD, ACTUARY. EPILEPSY 0E? FALLING SICKNESS -:- EARLY -:- DEATH -:- Provides an INCOME in‘ old age, and is a good INVESTMENT. DOMINION PANTS CO. , POLIClES ARE INCONTESTABLE BRANTFORD- Dawson xlloiuc (70. .. Montreal Send at Once (or a FREE BOTTLE and a vahmblc Treaï¬isc. lhis remedy is a sure am! radiml pure and is perfcdly 'harmlcss us no injuliuns drugs are used in its pre'mralion. 1 “ill \mxmnt i: m cure Send three â€" cont Slump for szmmlw and self - measure- ment blanks. Will include linen tape measure if you men- tion this paper. DAW80N’S Chocolate Creams, REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS $3 HOW To MAKE IT ‘G U“ D â€T EH I A practical and 010153 | Pamphlet. Approved by leading dmrymcn. Hut “101‘ ma 0 this plan now bringing 200. 1101' lb. Sluzulil)‘ in country lmu‘keh Price 106. Send to Smaliï¬cld 85 Son, Alercury, chfrcw, Ont N Ew 100 or more along the Great North- crn R1111“ (Ly 111 Minnesota North TOWNI Dakoiu 111111 MOiila11.L.“11LcI1 I. \\'111*1u\14:\'. (1. P.&'l‘. 1\.G. N. R1. ., 51.121111. Minn. (11' J. M. HUCKINS, Toronto, Out†for Books, Maps. &6. The Best Goods. Sold by the Principal Boot and Shoé Do. 1101's. EV cry Pail 811111111111]. BUSINESS CHANCES. KEEP} £9 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTC ‘ Canada Branch : 481 St. Paul Street. Montreal. Bendpostalfar Sample Card and Book qf I nstructioï¬ Same Price as Inferior Dye, 10 cts‘ THE GRATEhOP YE 1 \\\\\\w//’ There is nothing like them for Strength, Coloring 0r Fustnoss. ONE Package EQUALS TWO ofany other Dyein the market. If you doubt it. try it! Your money will be re- funded if you are not. convinced after a trial‘ Fifty- lourcolors are made in Turkish Dyes. embracing all new shades. and others :ch added as soon as they become fashionable. Thvy are warranted to (1“ more goods and (10 it better than any other Dyes. THE WONDER 0F HEAL/â€GI cums CATARRH RHEUMATISM, MEM- RALGIA, SORE THROAT, mas wo'UNDs BURNS FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Ami MEMOBRHAGES OF ALL Km’ns POND'SEXTRAGT CO.NewY- L' {cLondon WILL NOT WASH OUT! WILL NOT FADE OUT! Used Internal/y (éExicmzfly. Primc50c. 31,31. 35 Unequaued fer Richness and Beauty of Camg' They are the ONLY DYES that. J. K. MACDONALD, HI'IESCIRIISICI) (‘A I‘ITJL. Sh "THE DOLLAR I/AII‘T'TIAIfZ [{N/ TT/NG Ail/lf‘lJ/A; SUREW aée SHRED MANAGING DIRECTOR MA CH/NE SOLID