iiiwiiiivtiirisriicirs Servant Wantedâ€"Mrs. D. Holmes. Wanted- To Rentâ€"Thomas Breen. Farm for Sule#~’l‘lioina.s Peach. 'l‘wn Goats Wantedeâ€" Lostâ€" New Ad.â€"A.J. Hume. UllUiDgGAVVlll D. Atkinson. at broil. BIcHMOND HILL. Thursday, Nov. 27 '90 i“? PA RNELL'S DISGRACE. It has been a painful surprise to many of Mr. Parnell’s friends to learn by the decision of the London Divorce Court that the Irish leader has been lound guilty of the serious charge laid against him. Many of those who stood by him when the London Times endeavoured to prove the Pigott charges, were still willing to accept his assurance that lie was innocent of the scandal with the wife of Captain O'Sliea. The accused, however, made no defence at the trial, so that he stands before the world a guilty man. The question now is what course will be pursued by the fallen leader of the Home Rule party? Daily dispatches would seem to indicate that not a few of influential friends are prepared to look upon the scandal as a private matter, and to still hold to Mr. Parnell as their Parliamentary leader and adviser. Although the result of the recent trial should not injure the Home Rule cause, it is most unfortunate that such a stain should mar the character of one with such. remark- able talents. People cannot but admire his great abilities, but great as they are, his party should have no hesitation in accepting his resig- nation as soon as Parliamcut aSSc'Ill- bles.. A clean cause needs to handled with clean hands, and much as his associates may deplore his downfall, and much as they may leel grateful for the long and faithful SBI‘VICB to lreland and the Irish people, they can scarcely expect him his be to workhand in hand with men like the lion. \V. E. Gladstone whose public and private character are beyond reproach. ___..â€"â€"â€" THE ETIET‘EIC 122711.? WA Y. There is reason to believe that Richmond Hill and Toronto Wlll ere long be connected by an electric railway. Early in the recent session rrftbe York County Council the l’ropet‘ty Committee ieported in lin'r of allowing the Metropolitan c inipany to extend its line to this \ illage, and later, in the body of the Council, leave was granted, and a liy»law passed to that effect. The agreement calls for_tbe road to be completed to ltichmoud Hill not lzitci‘ lilrill lune 18th,1893, tailingr which He company loses its right of Way. A joint committee of the company and the county are now in session tor the purpose of dialling: the terms and details, such as iue amount of daily service. the rates to be chargâ€"t (like. \\'e iindcrstaiul it is the intention of the company to carry all ’tii.t‘;:;off1'ciglit (is Well as pass- (ri,_;:‘s. W45m.m by the action (ililltlfitllltxll'3081'tl licld would seem that the at It meeting on Monday it ll‘iCllllXil'S are almost unanimous in favor of avmrr . . [3 Liberal salaries to our liigli school teachers. As will be seen by thet school minutes in another column they passed a resolution instructing the secretary to advertise tor a Prin- cipal in the place of Mr. McCuaig, resigned, at the same salary as .has hitherto been paid, namely $1000. \\'ith the exception of one member all were satisï¬ed that the efficiency of the school could be better main- tained by giving good salaries. The action of the Board will be com- mended by the great majority of our citizens. _______â€"â€"â€"â€"- ~4 $4,- , 7‘ â€41,... The Medical anlty of Toronto Uni- \_Vni Mulock, M. P. to delmy the exâ€" pensvs of Prof. Ramsay Gt‘r‘llil-ny to twuiliurize himself Wl'll the details iii 1)) Koch’s consumptive Cure. Wright to . High Opinions of the Toron‘ to Press regarding the York County Bank. The York County Bank is the latest additiOn to Toronto’s ï¬nancial institu- tions. It prints its prospectus in tic-day’s issue. The chief place of business is to be Toronto; the authorized capital is 31,- 000,000; the first issue is $500,000, di- vided into 5000 shares of $100 each and 50 per cent. of it. to be called up at. pres ent, payable in 10 per cent. instalments, with option to the subscriber of paying the $0 per ceLt. or the whole subscription in lull. ' The aim of the promoters of the new bank is to establish a banking institution doing a compact business, safely conduct- ed, and thus to promote trade generally and open to investors a proï¬table field for their money. The business of the bank is to be c im- pact, the agencies to extend no farther than Toronto and York County, and the great development of this city in inanu~ factures and commerce, together with the rich County of York, the richest county in the Dominion, certainly extend to an lllSlltUhiUll of its own ample room for business. One clause in the by laws will commend itself to all. Loans to any person or ï¬rm are to be curtailed by by-law within a strictly deï¬ned limit, except those made upon the best security,such as debentures. This Very wholesome restriction will en- sure a. safe distribution of loans and angurs well for a sale business. While the chief ofï¬ce is to be in To- ronto, we understand that a prominent feature of the bank will be its county business. A request. has Come from the county that in addition in the proposed honorary directors at least. one regular director be appointed from the county. l‘nis has been readily acceded to, and an additional amount of stock is to be re- served for county subscribers. The expenses are to be light. It is not proposed to make expenditures on build- ing account, and the running expenses are to be reduced to a minimum. The subscription has been liberal, $200,000 of the $3009)?! first issued be mg already taken up, and this amount. is increasing every day. The names includ- ed among the shareholders show that the methods put forward by the promoters commend themselves to some of our keenest business men in Montreal, To- ronto and the county, and the list can be seen by applying personally or by letter to Mr. Yarker. Judging from the success of banks in England and the Unitvd States doing bisinesa on the same lines as the YUI'K County Bank proposes to do theirs, to- gether with the strong board and manage- ment and the excellent regulations by which the new bank Wlll be guided and the ample held open for it, we hl‘e good reasuis why it should d) a prosperous and proï¬table business, and Ilene: its stock now obtainable at par 5 be 1;; taken up by the investing, classes in Dolphin and elsewhereâ€" ll'orld, Nov. loch ‘ho directorsol this new institution issue a Ctililpl‘cllellslvu prospectus in oux advertising: pages today. The tixed principles that are to govern the iiianige ment are stated with ï¬rmness, and they are so clearly indicated that it. would seem iini.ccessary here to do more than draw attention to the advertisement. "he directors have evidently studied to make the brink as strong as faultless re; ulutions can make it. Probably one of the greatest evils that banks have suffered from has been allowing even one acenuiit inc matter how safe or prolitablc-â€"to absorb too large an amount of funds in the first place, ivith the to.) frequent. sue ‘ queue-e, of throwing more money away in the hunt after it again. The York Colin- ty li/tilh steps in here at the inceeption, by a shareholder-3’ by law, and lixed a general limit to what can be advanced to any one liirl‘mill. The proposed concen- tration of business agencies is also in the strength, and will keep business within the compass of the directors and manage These two pointsï¬ilimit to loans and limit to branches are a safe leaf from the United States National Bank Act, which prohibits any branches and under certain Conditions limits the amount, lillllltll‘ilil to any one person. The new bank also proposes to keep strong :it all times by a classilicrition of its loans, as shown by clause ii, sivctiioiis l} and t) of the pi‘ospncius, wnicli, being under the regulation of it by itiii , iii-it or directors nor nninager could saloly ignore the rule, The directors are to be congrutnluti d upâ€" on taking! the bold step of uncovering inont. l.l|t~iii'1)t)llCV and pledging themselves to ‘ it. while askini,r the public to subscribe for the stock, and the Sltltldltltl already taken up is an indication that. the course is up- pi-oved and the principles sound. have seen the list. of names making up. this $2tlll,tll30, and lllltl it made up of men of very high ï¬nancial and commer- cial standing in Montreal, Hamilton, 'l‘o» room and the county of York. Thepcr- sonml of the l);tlll{#fl very vital iinitter-~ is very strong. the directors being well knoiin men \\ll() have ll\'ttl most of their lives in Toronto, and have a business record of the highest character in every i-espi'ct, The prospectus states that in. money iiill be put into bank buildings, expenses Wlll be oornparailvely light, and that. with a moderate amount of deposits and Circulation the business of the bank must be proï¬table, and, being free from large risks, the stock will become valu- able. Shares secured now at, par, from the prospects indicated above, should prove a lucrative investment, and we hope noon to see the institution in oper veysif.‘ h~i~ acct pied the generous otfer of 1 “Milli-“'sEtltPii'b‘. NOD. l‘Zth. _,_L.__ Mr. Sam Hughes has been nominated for the Commons by the North Victoria Conservatives. \Ve ‘ TIâ€"fE i316. DISGUUNT SAL Is still going on at SKEELE’S liWELRY SlthE l These goods MUST BE SOLD Before the holiâ€" TO BE worthy of being called the largest store in town requires To select the large stock suitable for your needs requires ‘ TO BU Y the goods right which CAPlTAL. TA means for cash requires TO SELL them to the universal satisfact- ion of our trade requires â€"â€"-â€"-- ~(:o:)-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" (lat-VS, as I “ï¬n WE HAVE THESE REQUISITES. going into new line of trade. Now is your time to get GUUD HONEST GUUDS For very little money. WATCHES Were never as cheap as they are this ‘ fall. A large stock of SPECTACLES . To be sold Withâ€" out regard to cost llll ï¬lflfltlltg Are ï¬ne, fresh 8c and contraction oft direction nf‘ clean. We buy only the best goods, and i sell. as close as our neighbors. Goods delivered when desired. A. L. sKEELE, glare Blankets, “Robes, Wed ‘ Give me a call, and be convinced that. you sun do a Greo. McDonald, â€" THEY ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. Importers. RICHMOND H ILL. I)Eï¬'§{ (4r (}{Dlï¬Â§Â§. Suitings, Dress Goods. Muslins, Overalls, Shirts, Socks. ( Fri-R t1) (3 IVE 1% I l t] §i . . ] :geud in your orders for fresh h,‘ TESTER. ,it Hi†Canned Goods. Peas, Corn, {‘1T'ttti'iiiiiiiliiiL llhilll ‘ l Tom atoes, balm 0 ii, Lob- ,, 1517’ MW 'le sters, Sardines, Tongue. "‘inttiu,., ‘ . .v . ,- -« , - ,Ipi‘ipmt‘,i.up,,,I" WE . Evetything you need in the an H" Hardware and Crockery line. Flour and Feed. Farm Produce taken in ex :‘iangc. w...â€" rum: airtime» irritant. BARNES til Matti) All. GlitlllES OF RilitlLE é}. BOURLE liftiiliEliS Mill OllLLllRS Always on hand, or iii-itle to oinler on ï¬lit)l'i,HSfl notice. Fine ï¬larnees a. Specialty! I use nothing but the very best. stock that cm h» not, and can guarantee satisfaction in Work and price, It‘ll-W SEE MY S'l‘OCls’. tilt‘ r. In “fl 0.- L5. oi, Riilibar liars Bugs Before buying elsewhere; it will pay you. Full stock of Whips . all other supplies always on band; also full line of Trunks and ‘» .xlisos. Repairing Promptly attended to. s well or better with me than you and can elsewhere. ~.â€"â€"n - Richmond iiill. _ "A ,rlxwwywmpfl'mmz’v“mm run HARVEST is PAST i THE S'illlllVIER TS ENbED l And 0. J. Brown has not where to put any more goods. The store of full of the best assorted GROCERTES & FRUIT, FIJOUR and li‘EIC , BACON, LARD, CHEESE, (300., And in order to reduce the stock the public will get the big- gest bargains ever offered in Richmond Hill. Richmond H111. _ P. S â€"â€"Our 25c. Tea leads the gang. l Nov. 20th, 1890.. l O. J. BIKQWV N, IAOEQK 113 11()KTS.E "XPERIENCE.