Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1890, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, 'l‘hursdvty, Nov. 27. 90 Unnnenbs with u] frnins‘ leaving the Palmer H "1% Riv-,h- -nm1 ‘Hill. as fullnws L111 Q I“ moss. hawt‘n & Suut‘u.. A'san'nmwl-Ltiun ” Muilflc Expless North & South. I 145 n. m. 2.00 15 p. m. DORONTO. Citv H111 Union ‘ H Brook Street Plrk 1 mlv D weupm‘t Dquav Until further noting \{nils will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as followsz- MORNING 2â€"Golur: N(»rtl1.snnlh East and West, including 'I‘hornhill. l\Imyle,Tm‘onto,Markhnm.&c. 7.45 EVENING : WGm'nq south East and West (as above) 5.80 N. B.’“ROQi§tfil‘0d Letters must he handed in it least Fifteen Minutes muller than the above mentioned hours for closimx. Newm‘u‘keb... . Anrmz'... Kin: chmuun HILL r‘lmnhil). Downwiew Davenport Park-M16 ..... TORONTO mek Street Union Clty Hall, A pince of land WM) human and 8 or 10 avres of hmrl wanted to rent. See adv. else» wherein this p p r. Mr, Thus. Broen, York Mills, has a hun- dred acre farm to ran on Yunge strget, 5 miles from Turonto. Du umixill mornmxl) HILL King ................... Auram Newnmrkct C. Mnsmx has a 1.21, (.f S'nvos on hand 111%. he paid (HI-1h fvr, and he will (sell the ammo cheap fur mush. Gentlemm, the Uuncrete will give you better va‘.1w,£:ty|e, fil, and workmanship in ordered mum; and Ovexcoats now than ever before. ‘ The Band of Hupe will meet m the Tem- perance Hall on Tueslny afternoon next, at 4 o’clock. A mealng of the \V. C. T. U, wilf be heh} at. the residencn of Mrs. Stockdaic on Mon- day, DGC.1€!, a: 3 p. m. Profits cm to the smallest fraction by At» kinsou & Switzer. Our prices are based on large sales. At- kinson J; Switzer. Farm for sale in the lowmhip of Mark- hzm. See ad. [HE annAL from this date to January Int. 1892,1‘ur $1. Now is the lime to subâ€" scribe. ‘Vhile we still]; quqlify in the first puma popular prices is our maxim. Atkinson & Swilzer. A gontlenmn wiaiws to mirchnse two gowts. Parties having my to dispose 0f will send yarticulars to This LinERAL off . See adv. Porsmm‘ cam is assured at our store kiuson & Swilzk‘r. (}GntS,SOBHH‘ flock of Smich Tweods, Flue Canadian Twevds I‘nm \Vnrstcds and I’antinm nud l‘irst class 1‘ imminmx at the Concrete. PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. Read Mr. A. J. Hanna‘s new mivarti emenL on another page. Go to Alkinmu & Swiiznr for the boat value in nrdm’wl suits and overcoats. L'vr- fact goods, perfrctly cut,1wrfwcily made and perfectly fitted in poz‘fvcn myle. At a meeting: held on Hominy evening it was (lecillw‘i to hold nu (antertainnwnt and magic lnntr-m l:,ulm-e in the Presbyterian church some owning lullwwn (flu-lemmas and New Year 8. Fuxtlxcr )zu‘licullu's will be given lulu: The 31111011 eruM celebrated its first birth-tiny on Ruby of hast W991i. The pnpnr WÂ¥i~ mime! on 111110 [mpm and was crednahlu both to tlm 111:.nnqu-x of the jmrn‘al and to th2 110:1}101‘11 Village of the county. Chequns fm lhn innrth divilnn-I (‘Hntral B11111 may be had by 011111)“ Concrete House Wm (fliificmi. Mr. \Vm. Goulding, Newton Brook, will have an auntiun sale of mundiz‘g timber, uhnuv. 6 :u-res, on Wednesday, Dwember 3m, 1890. Pmchaw-rs wi I be alluwul two wiuta swan-um to remove the timbrr. Sale ai. une q‘qlogk p. m. Hall m Ecliurdt, Auctioneer. Mr. John Jurdison. rmu‘ of Lo? 8, 4th Con. Vunghan, will have an Auction Sale of Farm Stuck, on il‘hurgliuy. Doesmhvr 4111 D490. Fiw head (if hnrsos and eight out-He will be disposed of. Sale at, 12} u’clnck, noon. Salem Ecknrdt, auctimmvr. L( oking Backward. Next Sunday Mr. W. Harrison Intends reudlng no my scholars of his: Sunday School the uamrs (if Ot'flcr‘rs‘ Teachers and Scholars who were in the School when he was up» pointed Superintendent, in 186;). Shaw] and Blanket lost Servant wanted. See smother page. POST OFFICE NOTICE GOING NOR I‘H GOING sown Credit Sale Wood Sale. 8.31 X 7.. M. TEEFY‘ Postmaster. Accom If! 05 12.15 Amm‘n V02 2. .1 l... r) 5 \u xx. 1,04 1.16 of Hm at The Mali] 8 no 8 10 At rain/U in 12 677,7. Improving Agricultural Hall. _ The Agricultural Hall has been improved during the past few Weeks by being sheeted on the ceiling with light basswood lumber. The place luoks well, but we think lmd the ceiling, which is about twenty feet from the ground, been two or three {vet higher. it would have been all the better. However, as it is, it will make a splendid building for entertainments or any large gathering. A Little Slow. It is being freely said by our citizens that the trustees have bet t1 negligent in allowmg a whole week to pass, niter hearing that a new Principal is wanted fur the High School, before inserting an advertisement. in the daily papers. And again they are acting “penny wise and puuud foolish” in onlv having the advertisement in two Issues of the papers. II it were a month earlier in the season the case would be quite different. We have to thank Rev. T. Fenwick for 11 cnmp‘lmentnry copy of a conu'uverziul Work the title page of wnich reads as fullows :â€" “Archbtahop Lynch’s ‘Auswers to Queat ions and Olrjt‘cliullfl concerning Cumolic Doctrines and Practices: Reviewed by Rev. '1‘. Fcnwick, Eluer's Mills, Ont., with Ap- pendices.” The neatly pginned volume cun- tuius about 250 pngws, and ist.“ sulv. as will be seen by advu'Liscmpm elsewhere in this paper. \Ve have not. ym. had time to peruse the contents of the book. Wedding Bells. On the evening of the 26th inn-L, Mr. B R. Brown, merchant, iniiwing, Was “mined in marriage to Mi>s (‘vussiu Speight, of Mink- hnm. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride’s mother, the Rev. N, Hill being the officiating minister. The bride was given awuv by her brother, Mr. C. Ur. Speight, Acton, and was amended by her sister Miss Nellie Spoighc and her niece, Chmr Concert. The Methodist Church (‘hoir are making art‘uugenunts to hold a concert in the church on Uhrinuuns “Ln-ht. A lucmre wiil be uiwn by Rev. J. C Spk't‘l', [mlmwd by a. choice musical programme. Epwmth League. Before commenmuu his sermon 41] Sunday mnrning RH. Mr. Spear announced that After Ihe prayer meeting on Thunsduy even- ing (Nov. 27th) a nweling wou‘d be held for the purpose of organizing a branch of the Epwnrth League In connection with the church. Directors‘ M eating. A meeting 0! the Directors of the Richâ€" mond Hill & Yonge St. Agricultural Society w1|1 le held in the Lorne Hall on Wednesday non, December 3rd, at 2 p. m. A full at teudance of the directors is requested. We tluuk it would be more satisluctorv if the treasurer were instructed to publish the amount of‘money received during the year, the amount of expenditure, and the balance on hand! -.nd where the lands are deposited. “Bertie" Speight, of-Actnn. The groom was supported by Mr. H. Buuuhier, Lansing Only the immediate friends of the families were present. The gifts were beautiful and appl‘t‘pl'late. A meeling of ennhu~iaslic curlers was held in the Lorna Hall lust. evening. About 25 were present, nearly all of whom were en» rolled as members. Dr. Wilsau and Mr. J. E. Clubine audited the books of the secretary and treasurer and found a small balance an hand. SJ far everything promises a. suc- cessful curling season. ’l‘ne fullowing were Pleated olliccrs fur the awning yea: :- Patron, G. B. Smith. M, l’. P; President, \V. Trench ; Vice-Presidents, D. Boyle, J Mnrgnn ; S m‘elarv, 'l‘. F. McMahon ; Treas- urer, H. A. Nluholls ; Managing Committee, \V. 11. Pugsloy, A. ll. Innes, Alex. Moodie and “'11). Atkinson. The offensive breath, mmlting from Camrrb, out) be removed by a few npplica- Nuns of Nasal Balm. EVel'y sufi‘eler would give in a min]. SHM by all dealers. The Suprrintemient announced on Sum any momin‘g that hereafter the ordr-r of the Sunday murniug mrvices in the Methodist church will be slightly cl anaedfln accordance wiih a recent resululiun passed by the Gen- eral Conference. L: future the service will open with the Doxulugy and will close with a Vulunlury by the organist. Since the meetlng 0f the General Confer- ence in Muutreul last September, the Methodist Bunk and Publishing House makes nuuther stride fui‘waul in its popular pel'ind~ icula. A new paper fur yuuug people, with the progressive name “Onward," an eight- page, well-illustrutml weekly, in ismed at the low plice of 60 cents a year, singlyiâ€"over 5 cupies, 50 arms a year. it is edited bv the Rev. Dr. \Vil‘lu'ow, whose n’mnugement of the Methodist Mnguxine and Sunday Sc'innl pexiudicnls uf the Methodist Church ha: been so successful. The pi pulm- Methudiat Magazine ($2- 00 per unnum) and Ella Sunday School Banner (lid cents pcr mmum} will ul<n he uousidewhly enlarged and impz'ovud. Royal Templars All the members of the R. H. R. '1‘. of T. are requestrd to ment in Council next. Tues- day at 8 o‘clvck in we Temperance Hall for the transaction ofimportnnt business. IL is almost ixnpnssihlu to escane Cold in the Head during Lhis Wet disagreeable season. But Nasal Balm givvs iustum relief and never fails to cum. A hial will couviuceyou. Toe Rev. Wiihmn Briggs,’ Toronto, -is the publisher of these periodicals. Foresters’ Sermon. A sermon in connec‘ion with Court L'iurel, No. 7588, A. O. F. was preached in All Suiute’ church, Spl'mghill, ou buminy even- ing, by Rev. Bro. lidutthOdLe. The breth- rou nesembled in their Court Room, donned their regulia, aud marched to the church in a. body. The church was full to the door, and the discourse was interesting, im- pressive and instruetivo, alike to the memâ€" bers n! the Order und the congregation Ren- erully. A loud oi Foresters from Court Richmond, of this Village, attended and speak in the highest terms of the sermon and the courteous treatment they received from their brethren hf (‘uurt Laurel. It is needless to say the whiting. brethren were lljnutui w u. :ulrpn' before their return home. Change in the Service The Curling Club “Onward.” Thanks We, the undersigned oflicers of L. O. L., No. 91, Thornhill, desire to record the fol- lowing resolution passed at the last regular meeting held on Saturday evening, Novem- ber 22nd :â€"â€"‘*Moved by Bro. (5r Stnndon, seconded by Bro. J. Stephenson, that the thanks of this Lodge be cvnveyed to the or- ganist, Miss Johnston, and the choir for their able sssistnnce at the sen ices in con- nection with the Orange sermon, preached in the Methodist church nn Sunday. October 5th lust. Also to the Trustees for their kindness in allowing the members the use of the church on that occasion." \V. Perry, M. W. J. Stephenson, D, M. C. E. Sheppard, R. S. Diflerent Kinds of People In every community there are always discriminating: people wh3 invariably get the very best value lnr their money. Whether it ism household furniture, clothing, or any other line, these people will get the best goods at the same price as their neighbor gets inferior articles. Of course, the results always prove the shrewdnese and wisdom of the discriminating peonle referred to. It is B. money-making diecriminntion. In the same way people of good judgment are readers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. The knowing ones are aware of the great value of the Family Herald and Weekly Star in the family. They know it is reliable, because in each department it is edited by the best men that money can secure and the result is they have a satiefactorv paper, a well-informed paper: a. real authority upon all the questions that interest the majority of mankind. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, has a universal circulation. Mrs. Mary Glover, widow of the late Thomas Glover. passed peacefully away on Thursday lust. She had lived considerably over the allotted time of man, being 81 years, 2 months when the deuth messenger came. The funeral took place on Sztturdav and was attended hv a large number of relatives nnd friv nds. Previous to the burial u W'ly i‘n- prersive serlnun was preached in the Kieth- mlist church by Rev. J. (I. Sheer. At the close of his renmrks he stated thlt he hul witnessed manly deathâ€"hell scenes, but that heVer had he seen a person die with fuller triumphs of hope for the heavenly world. The minister also rein-rred to her clear mind at such an advanced age, and spoke of her readiness tu direct him to inunv passages of Scripture in her \vellq'ead bibleâ€"rt bible which she lmd purchased when a girl by paying the amuunt, some 1001'” shillings, in weekly penny installments. A somewhat uncommon feature of the funeral, llut one which might he encuul aged when pructiuahle, was the hurrying of the remains by her six sunsâ€"Edward, Juhn, Elluin, \Viiliuin, Robert tnd (lrmrge. Deceased was interred in the Village cvnwlm'y beside hur husband whose tombstone bears evidence that the husband had preceded his (-olnplion just ten years to a «law. Butll wL-re natives of Devunshirv, 1". anti. A $750 Cottage or its equivalent in cash will be given to the person detecting the greatest number of errors, (wm'ds wrnnulv spelied or misplaced) in the Dcm-mbpr issue of "Our Hmues.” In addition will be given two mull prim-1a of $200 each, {our of 3101), eight of 3550, ten of $25; twentyiive of 810, fifty of 355, one hnn- dred of $2, and one hundred and fifw of $1, distributed in the ordvi' mentiuned in rules and regulatinns, which will he sent with a copy of December issue on receipt of 15 cents in stumps. Spe-cm] cashprizes giVeu away almost every day during Competitloll which closes Feburan'y Lt, 1891. Address Om: HOMES Publishing 00., Brockville, Cau- ada.â€"J-l5. The eutertuinmont given in the Masonic Hall on Tnesdny evening by the Jones Family and Cuttipall", of Toronto, sonrczly gave as good Sittlsiflcilnn as was predicted in THE LIBERAL lust wot k. Mont of the per- formeru, howr ver, being mere juveniles it was not to be ixpectsd they would success- fully trike tho. parts of those with greater exv pPrience. Some of the selections were really good if the age of the youngster»: “we to in) taken into considumtion. Several of the members of the family posscsc a good deal oi natural musical talent which will not fnil to be apprecinted after 21 Comm ofcarelful train- ing and arduous application. The proâ€" gramme Opened with a piano duet by Master George and Mise Mamie. Then folkm'vd n Scotch song by Miss Kittie Coutts which was envored, Winn she )‘vspmuiod hV singing “Comin’ thro’ the rye.” This young singer possesses a remarkably clear and strong con- ti'alto vi ice iii-d should make her mark among the llJllxlClllllS if properly trained. Miss Lilli”, Long’s Irish Recitatiuns were amusing, and Muster 'l‘om‘s comet solo was (moored. The exhibition of club swinging was very good and appeared to he enjoyed by all. In the musicnl tableau “The Angels’ Serenade" was well performed. It is to be regretted that the order in certain parts of the hull dill not do credit to a Richmond Hill audience. N) part of the entertainment was such as to cause miqbehavior, and mom who dil not c Ire to lieten to the httle boys and girls nlmuld at least have respected the feelings (.f others. During the evening Mr. Jones, the manager, made the unhappy remark that some present had eluded the vigilance of the door-keeper by presenting hogus tit-ketn. After the concert, however, Mr. Jones stated that his remarks were only intended for a fun? hove, and wished the com- mittee to understand that no slur was meant to he cast on the integrity of the audience. Nuptials. A pretty little wedding took place at the R. 0. Church yesterduy morning at 9 o'clock. The contracting parties Ware Mr M. Murphy and Miss Ellen Riley. both of this village. Miss Dilwm'th, of Maple, nssisiod the bride and Mr. M. Coleman, of Elgin Mills, suppurt- ed the groom. Rev, J. J. Egml performed the mnrriaue ceremony, aftpr which mass was read. l‘lie bridal party were then driven to the rpsideuce of Ihe bride’s mother where the marriage breakfast was partuken of. 'l‘hp bride and groom tonk the noon truin for Niagara, where they purpose remaining for a short time,and will visit several other places before their returd home. ‘27?” 126” flffiflfiflfl, ’ $1.09 EN AEVANGE. the Late Mrs. Glover. T1 e jones Family‘ Card of Thanks. OVERCOATS, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8rd, 1890, ALL DRY GOODS AND CROCKERY VVall I’a apers A: Coiling ])ecor 113101113 \' AT 0031‘. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Glass, all sizes. St1 ' 11 :1111cd and Cathedral Glass ,1 specialty. New desirr s. HARDWARE STORE gâ€"u‘ Of all kinds Noted for B‘irst-Class Work, 15 the place where Neat and Clean Printing can be obtained at the lowest price. At lowest prices. Hot-Air Furnaces, Eavetroughing, Cutlery and all kinds of Tinware. Repairing promptly attended to. WILL D. ATKINSON. AT THE FIRE PROOF. for cash ALSO liAIiLHVARE OF ALL KINDS 11TH BARGAIN DAY, cheap FURNITURE, BEDROOM‘ SETS, BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS. EXTENSION TABLES THE PEOPLE’S STORE. 2 “ “ (not so good)” Scrubbing Brushes each VVash_ Boards each And all Dry Goods, is \Vednesday, Bargain Day at The Fire Proof. Corn, Peas andATornatoes per Starch per lb .............................. 20 lbs Bright Sugar and 3 lbs 25c. Tea 5 lbs. VVhlte “ “ 3 u u u 2 lbs. Baking Powder .............................. 2 Cans Salmon (best) ...... _ ........................ The Uheral Jul} Priming Office, .--Keep your eye peeled for an- nouncement next week. And other lines of Groceries to match. 1% [C [I 1%,! ()N E) 111 34 H4 Orders by mail pronptly attended to (\D CENTS ON THE 95 OFF IN GRJOOERIES FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY. And evathing to maka a home complete. The correct time to buy“ your We can’n be bent. Down low in price‘ Nuw is the tune for cheap SUITS, DRESS GOODS can 1’. (i- SAVAGE C. REASON 75 75 25 20 I5

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