'l'l u-Duhlin 1v]. rprrsc says Q.Mr Parnell has intmmcd sm era} of the most pxomineutmc 11 The 8'1. James" (Invite says the negotia- tions between Gram Britain and Franc“ for tho smflmncnt of the Newfoundland ï¬shery quvstjon are progressing. Through an arrangement made by the Rothschildn, the lamk of France will Lend the Bank of England £2,000,000, I‘vpuyulllc next spring. The Earl of Aberdeen has oï¬'crcd to con tribute £1,000 towards putting; into opera- tion General Bouth's scheme of social regcn cration. Mr. (loscllen and M r. Balfour defeated Sir Charles Russell and Lord Aberdeen r(:spec~ Lively for 1.110 rccbnrsln’ps of Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities. Sir James (ll-ant, has been elected one of the ï¬ve \‘lCCAI‘JI'CSidenl/S for the world of the Clan Grant, Society of Glasgow, Scotland. Reports of the export trade from London: England, ShOV‘V it is not cfl'ccled by 0110 new United States muff. l’mf. Koch‘s lymph has been successfully tried (mun English patient suffering from tuberculosis, Muyhcw :1. London Solicitor, has abscoml ed, leaving, liabilities of $655,000 and assets of $900. Lee Ching, 1L Uhinznnan who had been smuggled across Suspension bridge on top of :1, freight car, has been arrested at the Bridge, along with :1 white man nzuned Mnldoon, said to belong to Toronto, who is charged with assisting the Chinamzin in evading the 12mm They are in the hands of the United Smiles district attorney. GREAT BRITAIN. Jusiice John ()‘Hngun, the head of the Irish land commission, is dead. “is reported the Queen will spend the winter in Florence. 1 , r) 3011:1101 Drunnnond is at pre§ent in ling» land concluding financial mnuigemcnts for the cunshnction of the Kinflston, Smith’s l‘alls, and Ottawa railway, wlli<,l1,\\hen built, will shmten the distance byetwcen Kingston 111111 Ottawa. by 7.") miles. Mr. Barker. who appeared for the Grand Trunk railway before the Railway Commit- tee, at, Ottawa, declined, on behalf of the company , to place a. watchman at the View] 1a an 011110 crossing at, Hamilton on the ground that it was only a “v illage (:‘m " Sui'vnyors who liaveinspectcd the country between Toronto and Lake Simone report that it would be possible for the city to ob- tain a supply of 00 million gallons of water daily by gravitation froxntliat lake at an out- lay of $5,0(K),0(|0. George Staples, a farmer of East \vaan- OS]: township, near StuHeleii'aOnL.,snicidenl by shooting on Thursday evening. He was snbjccb (0 fits of (lcspomlcncy owing to ill health. He placed the muzzle of the gun in his month and his car was blown all. ’I IIO Governor 111 council has decided 11m LI; 0 1:1“ must take its course in the u so of BIKquund, al’ ostm) sailor, who shot n, 1111111 named ( ‘Ktlkinsin StKinstch 0011111151, Quebec, and \\ .1; smitcm ed to 311011110on L0 be Inn)“- ed Dccembcr 1‘2 Mr. szukcnzw Brm’tsH (m Mnnday rowivcd a cublcgmm from Sir Charles Tuppcr, say- ing that, number consignment of Canadian cgges‘ had arrived in Liverpool, and that. they gave great satisfaction to the local (10th Before the Montreal Superior Court, on Saturday Mrs. Kirby recovered $100 tun] costs from Edward Costello, 2L saloonâ€"keep» 01', who furnished liquor to Kirby after having been warned not to do so. Count Dillon, who isn‘t present in Ottawa, expresses himself us greatly pleased wilh Canada, and states his intmnion of bringing his wifu and children lo British Columbia in the spring, where 110 will probably sculc. The minors of ihe Province of Quebec arc smut-what alarmed at that part of Premier Mcrcicr‘s programme which proposes to im- pose a royalty fee on the products of the mums. 1119 11011111211 g1 1111(1111131 on Monda) 1 re- 111111111 21 11110 11111 against 11. N 0'1)liCll, charged “1111 having Iibcllcd Prime (ieorrve 11fWa1cs.MI.01§11L11p1c11dm1110t guilty. The Toronto, Hamilton, and Buffalo Railâ€" way (‘0. have commenced work on the apprmu-ll to their tunnel near Hamilton and have also linikz ml a lot. of grading. John Shannon, a middleugod farmer of Last Zm'm, 01m, has been arrested, charged with shooting George I). Damm, a. school teacher, through jealousy. An ofï¬cial denial is given at Ottawa of the report that Canadian sealers and Ameri- can guards, on St George’s Island, Behring Sea, (axulizmgvd shots. Further losses of cattle shipped from Mon- treal 10 the old country are reported, bring- jug,r the total loss so far up to more than 1,300 how], with more to come. Mr. R. M. Meredith, of London, was sworn in 11L SarnizL the other day bandge Boyd as judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature. The Grand Trunk Railway Company in tends erecting n, rolling mill at l’oinL St. Charles at a cost of £9,000 to convert sump into bzu'iron. .I/(I, ï¬liurrm, of Montreal, conï¬rms the rumor that, Mgr. Labailc is to retire from the position of Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Quebec. The execution of Morin, Com'h cd of murder at, Montmagny, Quebec, has been postponed to December 19. During Hm past seven days there were 4‘2 failures in Canada; for the corl'csprmding week last year there were 30 failures. Mr. Nicholas Meyer, of \Vilan township, while driving to l’hillipsbm‘g fell from his Waggon and was run over and killed. Mr. Oman .1. Phelps has been appointed sheriï¬'of Himcm: in successionm Thomas McConkcy, deceased, '11'110 [my :11 hudmictnn, 1\ 1). , awzudod Judge Stcudmun h ,.mU in his 111101 S1111 against The St. John bun. DA NADIAN. Mr C. (‘ (M11) ' M. 1’. , Ministn of Rail- ways and Canals )lefb for End-and on 111111 8- day. l‘lX-l’rcmier Rum, of Quebec, is ill {Lt his i'csuluncu, and his condition is considered critical. Farmers around more, N. \V. 'l‘., l of outs Lh' THE WEEK’S NEWS. 11nd Mcdiuinc Hut and “my ‘., have secured a second crop 1w Iotmmul 110110111 “ ‘ tart ; you {110 :1 '1 urban†It, is said Prince Bismarck Will refuse to lot Emperor \ViNiMH revise proofs of his book, The Life of Emperor \Villium 1., even if he has to ch the work published in Eng- land. Empexm “'illizun has summoned P1 of Koch to an intox \ iow in order to pelsonally lomn the results which Inwe been obtained f1 om the new consumption cure. The Vatican authorities have given IlOLicO that smvants 0f the church who vote in the coming elections, will he deprived of Lhcir emoluments. A hundred Russ 2m peasants were shot and wounded by troops ncnr Moscow for refusing to obey L110 commands of new dis- trict ofliciuls. AL Thanh, Alsace, on Monday, a woman for fear of starvation cm the throats of her five children and then killed herself. There is much uneasiness at Emcroum over the concentration of Russian troops 011 the American frontier. Notice of motion 11st been given in tho Town (‘oumil of Edinburgh to strike Mr. I’m mall's 311mm: 011 the list of b1]1L,Lb\05. “considerably irritated at the conduct; of the Canadian (lovemmcntf’ Mr. Crick, a member of the New South \ancs Legislative Assembly, has been ex- pulled for unruly conduct. The municipal council of Paris has voted 5,000 francs toward a fund for u. monument to Garibaldi. The \Vashington correspondent of the l’hiladelphia I’m ‘N brings a long bill of in- dictment against Canada. This country is accused of poaching for seals in the ï¬ehring Sea and blocking the negotiations between United States and England ; also of having:r obtained certain bonding priviltges in con- nection with the storage 0t American wheat in Canadian elevators ; but, most heinous of all, the Dominion Government has actual- ly sent a Cabinet Minister to the \Vest Indies to compete with the States for the trade of these islands, Secretary Blain is said to be The New York Timm says Mr. Jay Gould has got, control of the Union Pu, he railway Mr. Gould himself is given as the authority, and it is said \Villizun and John 1). R )cke« fuller are in the deal with him. flThe Luinbormen‘s and Manufacturers’ Fire Insurance Company and the Mutual Fire Association, organized at Minneapolis five years ago, have been placed in the hands of in receiver. The assets are, $150,000, and are largely in excess of the liabilities. At \Vost Duluth, Minn. , a man named \llor and put {L (“In of dynamite in the sfm e to lew out. Morland was killed, his wife and four children were seriously injured and the house w: LS burned. Conductors 011 through passenger trains on the Michigan Central railroad have had tlmix‘puy :ulvmmed‘from $100 10351 10a mouth, and brukcmcn from $40 to $50. Ailzun Kern, :1 successful furinerof Leban- mi, .ln(l., wrote in his diary that at the end of ten years he would kill himself. The time being}r up 011 Friday, he kept his “'(il‘tl. Fifteen l’cnnsylvanians who migrated to the land of the Mnrmons lust, spring haw“ return- ed with their families to \VaLgIH-xboro’ coun- ty pcnniless, hungry and ragged. The commander at Fort Russel], \Vyoming has been ordered to have seven companies of infantry ready to move at Eunolnent’s notice. This is supposed to be on accounb of the 111- dinn troubles in Dakota. Mr. T. V. indcrly was re-eleetod Grand Master \‘Voz'knmn 0f the Knights of Labour on Monday, with a salary reduced from $100010 $3,500. The membership is less than 200,000 at present. The net revenues of the United States treasury for the last ï¬scal year were $403,- 080, 9812, an increase over the previous year of over $16,000,0(K). Much (hunuge has been done to crops in Louisiana and Mississippi by a heavy wind and rain stormitho “'orsb in seventeen years. It is pretty well decided by the heads of the Republican party that Secretary Blaine will be asked to run for the I’l'csidcncey max: election. - On Tuesday the new cruiser Maine, the largest and ï¬nest war vessel yet built in the States, was launched at the Brooklyn navy yard. Reports from \Vashington county, N. Y. show £11th from one-third to half the potato crop is ruined by rot. The New York Art Assmimjon has sold “ The Angelus †to the French Government for $150,000. Judge Bookstzwcr, of New York, has granted a motion to appoint a receiva'u fol 0 Donoxun Rossas bpï¬PCX, 11w 0/1in 1/ (sh- mm. P. T. Smith, of Canton, Ill., who is said to have killed four men. shot his wife (lead through jealousy and finished by killing himself. A (lespatch from Bridgeport, Conn, says 1’. 'l‘. Barnum is believed to he on his death- bed. His malady is la. grippe. Anthrax is reported to he raging in wuyundu township, near Middlcmwn, York state. Half a dozen cattle have on one farm. in the Irish Parliamentary party that he will not lead the party in Parliament during the Coming: session. Mr. T. D. Horlgins, a prominent Conser- vative, at the meeting of the London Board of Trade, said there were now more Immu- lautnrcrs in the country than could ï¬nd max '01s for their wzu‘ \V In IIUU AUdAl hllU Pd! by Ill .1. (11 ALdilllUlllJ ‘llll'lllg the coming scss10n. Mr. T. D. Hodgins, a prominent Conser- vative, at the meeting of the London Board ‘ of Trade, said there were now more manu- facturers in the country than could find: markets for their wares. Mr. Sexton has been appointed to move in Parliament the l’arnelitc amendment to the address in reply to the Speech from the 'l‘hronc. This implies that he will lead the l’arnelites during the absence of their chief. UNITED s't‘ATr‘s. ll. \Vagoner (“t Co., heavy buyers of wheat ' sn Chicago, have suspended. Spotted fever is said to have reappeared 5 in Texas. The death rate is 80 per cent. Cincinnati is excited over a report that a southerner was planning to ass; 'sinate Pres- ident Harrison after the Huiteau fashion. The North Dakota Legislature stands, on , a) joint ballot, (il Republicans, Democrats and 10 Independents and Farmers Alliance. Anthrax is reported to be raging in \Va- w: ‘anda township, near Middletown, New York state. Half a dozen cattle have died on one farm. P. T. Smith, of Canton, Ill., who is said to have killed four men. shot his wife dead through jealousy and finished by killing himself. A despatch from Bridgeport, Conn, says 1’. T. Barnum is believed to be on his death- bed. His malady is la grippc. Judge Bookstaver, of New York, has. granted a motion to appoint a receiver for O’Donovan Rossa’s paper, The Unfit d Irish- mm. Reports from \Vashington county, \T. Y. show that from one-third to half the potato crop is ruined by lot. The New York Art Association has sold “ The Angelus †to the French Government ’ for $150,000. The net revenues of the United States treasury for the last ï¬scal year were $403,- 080, 9812, an increase over the previous year of over $10,000,000. Much damage has been done to crops in Louisiana and Mississippi by a heavy wind llitl rain stormithe worst in seventeen years. It is pretty the Republican party that Secretary Blaine will be asked to run for the l’rcsidencey next elect ion. On Tuesday the new cruiser Maine, the largest and finest war vessel yet built in the Rates, was launched at the lirooklyn navy yard. The commander at Fort Russell, \Vyoming has been ordered to have seven companies of infantry ready to move at amoment’s notice. [his is supposed to be on account of the In- .lian troubles in Dakota. Mr. T. V. Powderly was re-electcd Grand Master \‘Vorkinan of the Knights of Labour 311 Monday, with a salary reduced from, ..i.()()010 59 500. The membership is less than 200,000 at present. Adam Kern, a successful farmerof Leban- m, .lnd.. wrote in his diary that at the end )f ten years he would kill himself. The time )cing up on Friday, he kept his word. Fifteen l’ennsylvanians who migrated to the and of the Mormons last spring have return- :d with their families to \Vagnesbero’ coun- .y penniless, hungry and ragged. Conductors on through passenger trains in the Michigan Central railroad have had .heir pay advanced‘from $100 toflï¬l 10a month, md brakcmen from $40 to $50. At \Vest Duluth, Minn., a man named llorland put a can of dynamite in the stove to thaw out. )lorland s killed, his wife ,nd four children were seriously injured and the house was burned. The \lth \Vm‘lz ’I'inme cave NH .Tnx' {Emil/l well decided by the heads of l It may be presumed that those Americans who had the privilege of reading “t/‘anada md the Canadians,†an article on our coun- try and its institutions, by Hon. J.\V. Long- ley, Attorneylieneral of No 'a Scotia, and published in Harper’s liftoff/y of Nov. 8th., will have their views somewhat clarified and enlarged as to the character of their neigh- bors, and the ent and resources of the Dominion. (‘onsideringthe comprehensive ness of the subjects he undcrtmk to discuss, and the necessary limitations of a newspaper article, Mr. Longley has done his work re- markably well. He has indicated the extent of the Dominion, naming the provinc -~ and territories which are included ; has gt en a concise but clear description cf the Constitu- tion of Canada, showing wherein it resemâ€" bles and differs from the llritish Constitution on the one hand, and the American on the other ; has described the federal and provin~ l cial governments, pointing out broadly the ‘ l functions of each ; has shown the rapid 111‘0‘ , gross of the country both in revenue and ex- . , denditure, in imports and exports since Conâ€" t federation ; has brielly discussed some oi the t i great national problems now confronting, or about to confront, the Canadian people, par- ticularly the French problem and the ques- tion of Canada‘s future destiny; and has con' , eluded with a prophecy that “ in fifty years t‘ time the world will see a community arising ‘ in the northern half of North America, fol- j lowing in the footsteps of the great nation to ‘ the south of it, in industrial prosperity and national power, and leaving European cin-_. . pires far behind." I Many of Mr. Longley’s utterances are un- questionably true expressions of Canadian, thought and feeling. For instance, he voices the popular sentiment when in speakâ€" , ing of the Canadian Senate he says: “ This ‘ body is the most efl‘cte and valucless that; could be imagined.†Again, when re- ; fcrring to the idea that Canada cannot be , coerced into annexation with the United ‘ IStates, he says: “The history of mankind i is eloquent of the fact that no English com» munity was ever coerced or bullied into do- ,‘ ing any thing. He does gross injustice to ‘ the Canadian people who supposes for a 1110- l ment that. they carry their loyalty and self- respect in a peddler's pack. Jingoes exist in 3 Canada as well as in the United States. and K these would be very glad to have events so g shape themselves that there should be con» ‘ 3 stant ill feeling between the two sections of‘ ithc Continent. hit the great mass of the people are strongly disposed to be on the " most friendly terms with the United , States. Nevertheless, no one will submit ; to coercion.†()n the other hand, the ‘ article contains expressions that grate. on . loyal ears, and tend to provoke controversy; f for example, the statement that the present ' : relation of Canada to England is humiliat- ing, though proï¬table, and that the monar- , clnalism of Europe, including of course the i British is an etl'ete institution. Such ex- ’pressions, though they may show that the 1 Nova Scotia l’remier has the courage of hisi convictions, do not speak so well for his I sense of the titness of things, or of his knowledge of the facts. Indeed it is safe to say that the Canadians who share the opinion - that our present colonial relation is “ humil- iating" are exceedingly fcw,and that a desire for a change does not obtain to any appt ia- ' ble extent. \Vhen ourpopulation shill have t : grown to four or five times its present num- ‘bcr then it might be hutnilimingto continue as a colony. Then too it will be time enough [ to talk of separating from the mother coun- ‘ try. At present what could Canada do to I maintain her rights with other nations. No, Canadians do not feel humiliated by the prcst nt. condition of things which “ brings 1 us all the advantages of British prestige for our protection, and enables us to work out large problems of domestic economy undis- turbed by any haunting sense of foreign ag- gression, or any responsibility for the hap- penings of the world at large.†The North Dakota llegislatm'c stands, on joint luLlloL, 61 Republicans, ‘22 Democrats uml lU llnlependunm aml Farmers‘ Alliance You think I'm tart, Mr. Hnnpcck,†m Mm. 11'. 11‘» 711', mildly}, TWI‘S Comparative. 1V1 « {ERA I. Mrs. Unnpouk,†You are more than It is not probable that those American ex- porters, who complain of the (li,_ n'iminution mmle by Britain against cattle from the United States, will soon have their wish gratifiedinseeingtheobjectiomdulerestriction removed. At, a public meeting held at l)llfA ï¬eld, England, the other evening, Mr. Chap» lin, president of the British Board of Agri- culture, said that he regrettul that it was: necessary to restrict the importation of cut,- tle from infected countries, but the general result would he that more (mi/tile \anllnl he 1(‘El!‘()(l u‘, home. The McKinleylzLW, he said, would aeriainly no‘ make England le‘x‘ ob’ din-ale against the Alienation of American eaLLle. : Out of a total of 203,763,508 1115. of ehecse consumed by the people of Great Britain during the three years, ‘87, ’88 and ‘89, (Tanada supplied “$39,460 lbs. and the United states 74,187,456 lhs. These ï¬gures are certainly significant and Show in a man- ner most striking the rapid growth of this Canadian industry, which has succeeded in distancing a competitor once so far in ad- 'anee. For this preference there is a reason, but only one, \ x, that the Canadian product is superior to its American rival. Still it must not be forgotten that the advantage gained is only a relative one, and may he lost unless our cheese-makers govern them- selves hy the same rule and mind the same things that gave them the advantage. In the estimation of the British consumer we havenot yet attained unto perfection. Faults are still complained of both in American and Canadian cheese. Of the former the London Grown" (lat/am says :â€"“ During the present season the United States have sen. us moist cheese, evidently containing too much whey, and the make has systematically depreciated aftcrarri 'al, causing annoyancé and loss to the importers, as well as injury to the re~ putation of American cheese amongst the consuming public.†()1) the other hand it charges the Canadian cheese with a defect of adireetly opposite character, that is, of being “ too dry and mealy.†This de- fect must he remedied if our dairymen would hold the place of precedence which they have gained. For what with the ill- ereased e mpetition with British cheese- makers, who, it is said, are rapidly improv- ing their methods and the quality of their product, and what with the fact that our neighbors are not slow to take ahint,espeeiv ally when it means money in their pockets, if Canadian dairymen are to hold their own they must seek to perfect as far as possihle‘ their processes and theirproduet No doubt the suggestion will not he disregarded by those whom it particularly concerns, and the reputation alreadv acquired be steadily maintained. Canadian (‘lloosc in England. mum and the Canadians." There is now in the possession of a Russian lzuly the pocket book lost by Napoleon more Llum Iln‘co-( unrtm‘s of a century ago, when he was cm, ing the llorcsina. Napoleon of- fered large rewards for it; during the three "cars before \Vntorloo. It W' ‘ presented to its present possosqoras a souvenir by Count Felix Lmlochovsk)‘. Prince Victor is stated to Le among; le numerous would-be purchas- ers of this interesting relic. A Vienna telegram says pâ€"The emigra- tion of peasants from (lalieia and l‘oland, to Brazil eontinueson an increased scale. No fewer than 300,000 emigrants have, it is estimated, been Shipped within the last few months by the Norddeutcher-Lloyd to Berlin. Numerous villages in Russian l’o- land are said to he almost (lepopulated, although the lovernment has forbidden emigration, and endeavours to prevent it, by all means. The poor people, however, wherever possible, steal out of the country, in the belief that they will receive, in Brazil, free grants of fertile land~a belief which is encouraged by the emigration agents by the dissemination of reports calculated to impose upon the eredulity of their Victims. Unee out of the country, the poor people are said to he outra *eously treated by the emigration agents, amlainvariably ï¬nd, on arriving in Brazil, that they are left entirely without resources. l‘h‘oxmntxn, PliimmmH’l‘ake four cups of flour, one of snot, one of dried raspberries 0r blackberries, one and a half cups of molasses, and two beaten eggs. Mix all together, flavor to taste, put in a. mold and steam two hours. Eat with hard sauce. RAILRUAD l’l‘imi.\‘n.â€"â€"â€"l§eat one egg, â€all one cup of sugar, one mhlespoonful of mo 1- ed butter, one and a half cups of flour, one teaspoonful of haking powder, half a cup of milk, and a toaspoonfnl of lemon extract. Bake in a greased pan and serve with lemon sauce. ANGELS" PITDI)I.\‘G.â€"TWO ounces of flour, two ounces of Sugar, Lwo of butter, a pint of cream and the whites of three eggs. Bake in puttyvpzms, cover with icing, and serve without sauce. CnmAxVT PUDDING. Take half a, pound of grated cocoanut, half a pound of butter and sugar each, the yolks and whites of four eggs, the juice of a lemon and IL tveuspoonful of extract of roses. iakc and serve wibh hard sauce. _ CI’I‘RON PVDI)ING.‘~BO:Lt the yolks of ten eggs with a, pound of sugar and half a pound of butter. Cut a. pound of Citron in pieces, stir in. Line a pudding dish with stale (cake. Pour in Lhe Illixuu'c and bake. Eat with sauce. I111: I’lmmxn. #(1 110p half a pound of ï¬gs ï¬ne, mix with a teacup of grated bread- crumbs, half a pound of sugar,ton.c11p of melted ,butter, ï¬ve ounces of candied orange peel and Citron, one gutted nutmov and 111 (a weH-hcmen eggs. Steam {0111 hours and serve with snuce. CHOCOLATE l’t'muNC. Boil one quart of milk, mid u Leaeup of huLtcr, one of sugar, and three ounces of grated chocolate. \Vhen con], add the yolks of four eggs. Pour in a pudding dish lined with Stale cake. Bake, cover with meringue, and brown. 0n the other hand the dr jurc system which is considered the meie practicable method ‘Ior t111111d11,hy enquiiiiw of the he 1d of the house who ate tmnpora111y 1111s<nt, and passâ€" lllt'lly pCrSUIlSUHIy1011111011L1 lly })1' 030111 , SC(,k to ascertain the actual nuinher of been, ff 1 ‘ residents in the country, and to place e :h in the eensusdistriet to which he proper- ly helongs. It is objected to this system that the cities are in danger of beingr under- rated and the rural sections overestimated, owing to the Circumstance that nlanv young persons, clerks, servants and others, who have come from the rural districts where their parents still reside, and who have no intention of returning to their father‘shmne, are in danger of being included in the coun- try count audlost to the city by the pro- vision which 1011111105 the head of the house to include all who ate temporaiily absent 110111 home. To gumd against any injustice to the cities from this souree, the authori- tit intend, it is said, to divide this class of citizens into three classes: First, those who have no “home 7’ elsewhere in Canada and who have come to this country from abroad, ' second, those whosep: 111 ental ahode is e1sewliete, lint whose ptrnianent restimr plea: is to all intents and purposes in the city seeing that they merely visited home occasionally. Both these classes will pro- perly he included in the population of the city. A third class, those who are here‘ tetnpm'arily and intend to return home, he long to that 1101111: and are counted there. \Vith this precaution and with the further 1 provision of appointing local men as (111111117 erators who will naturally have a desire to see their own communities propeily dt’alt with, it may he conclude d that neither (.11nor country will suffer hy the adoption (if the dcj are \VSLL111.7./07‘OIMO 17111/1. “ How many are we, and what system of enumeration will be adopted next April,†are questions which are beginning to stir the minds of many Canadians. According to the decennial count of l88l the population of the Dominion was 4,324,800 and the estimate for 189], calculated by the log- aritlnnetic process, is 5,279,377. Whether the actual number will exeeed or fall short of this expectation can be positively know only when the enuine ‘ation is made. Mean- while itis interesting to speculate on the results, and for the readers of Trill/1 it may prove profitable as well. By a roferenee to recent issues of Twit/I it will be seen that the Publisher otters 336 cash prizes,ofsuins vary- ingr from Si? to $1000, which will be given away to those subscribers whose estimate is nearest the otlieially declared number. {end the conditions on which the prizes will be awarded and then send in your estimates. As to the methods of enumeration the ehoiee lies between two systems know re- sp’etively as the (l jam and the 11/ flute. According to the latter7 whieh is the ‘ stem that obtains in Britain, the attempt is made to ascertain the number of people in the country on a given night, by requiring every householder to write in a sehetlule prepared for the purpose the names of all persons sleeping under his or her roof that night. To the number thus obtained those who are known to be tempo ‘arily ahsent,sueh as sail- ors and soldiers, of whom a special eensus is taken, is added. This svsteni takes no at: eount of whether the persons enumerated are permanent or transient residents of the country or whether they are rural dwellers sojourning for a time in the cities, or city people in the rural regions. Doro ving Tlu ‘unds of Bung omo 1:004! E'mlclingi. Our Popnlulion. 'l‘hc “ gnnd nmi'ning’ the 1)(“'i]]11i1}f_f of every day of life, and, my (hm- gzr'l, in may it pleasantly is in open the golden (1001' of a, tiny and to make :111 the Sunshinn of lifr 100m to rcsL 11pm} you and reflect up/m everybody also and make them feel pleasant, and that is (L grad, (1121,]. Can’t, you work i wit-r and find work (amior when your heart is full (If that iiquhl of love that we m“ " ph‘nmntâ€" mess?" Just think it over. 11‘ is worth while. \anon are Sltltl to have won lmttlt'shy the sweet: bows given to opposing gem-m One should he thankful that one is not in the midst nleny great, battle now, «nun-pt, that wondrous hutLle of life when 1L smile ullll a pleasant gum-ting does more to remove the :x‘tumhln'xg,r blocks from the way of the weary wanderer than anything else. But what to do '? You will have to am the happy medium : \thn you incline your head give a suggestion of a. smile that means “ I know you ;†but, we don’t, tell any more 11mm that in a. public pluc . 5:13 i 1;: “ Good Morning." Just how to say it is what somebody wants to knew. One of you, as impulsive as pos- sible, bows as if all her heart wasin it when he meets a man who is a mere aequaintanee. Shall she then he surprised if the next time he is a bit familiar in his mode of conversa- tien‘.’ Another, in her desire 10 be digniï¬ed, gives a rigid how that announces her accept- ance of a pleasant acquaintance under pm- test. Then when she meets him next he is ehillingaml decidedly unfriendly in his man ncr. The distribution will be in the hands of‘ disinterested parties and the prizes given strictly in the order letters arrive at the LAan’ JOURNAL ofï¬ce. Over 255,000 per- sons have received rewards in previous com- petitions. IAddross, Editor LAmxs’ Joya-J Ind. Toronto. Cumin Tï¬e prizes will he‘distributed 111 time forv Christmas Present- to friends, if you wish to 11m them 111 that way._ Ring, $7 ...... . .. ........................ 105 Next; forty-one, reach an Imitation Steel gzngraving, Ros. Bonlicnr‘s Horse Fair 82 Next twent mine, Inch 1L Complete Set of Dickens Workl. llandsomcly Bound in Cloth. 10 vol... $20 ................... 80 Next twentyone, each a Fine Quadruple Plate Individual Saltand Pepper Cruel: new design ............................. 5 Next ï¬ve, each a hlmltiful Quadruple Sil- vcr Plated Tea Service (4 pieces) $10†200 Next twenty-ï¬ve, tTenchcrs’ Fine, \Vell Bound Bible I!!!) concordance ........ 100 Each person competing must send One Dollar with their answers, for one year’s‘ ubscription to the LADIES’ JOURNAL. The LADIES’ JOURNAL has been greatly enlarged and improved and is in every way equal at this price to any of the publications issued for ladies on thin continent. You, there- fore, pay nothing It all for the privilege of! competing for thae prizea._ $50.. .2 .......................... '. .. Nexi ï¬fteen each I) Ladics‘ Fine Gold Gem For those who we too late for any of the above rewards the following special llHL is offered. as far as they will go. To the sender of the last. correct answer received at LADIES' JOURNAL ollice postmarked 15th December or earlier, will be given number one of these con~ solation prizes, to the next to the last. number two. and so on till these rewards are all given: l awav. ., First one, One Hundred Dollars in cash. .. 3100‘ Next flit/acmeach aiuperbly bound Family Bible, beautifully illustrated, usually sold at $15 ..... . ....................... Nextseven, each chem tlemzm’s Fine Gold Open Face \Vafohgood movements $60 Next, nincicen, each a. Set; of a Dozen Tea Knives, heavily lated, $10 ............ Next flve, each a ios’ Fine Gold VVat/ch l 225‘ 420 190 Maclliné. 5550â€...†................... Next live, each . Ladics’ Fine Gold “latch, $50 ................... Next, ten, each A Fine Triple Silver Plated Tea Set (6 Eiw es)$50 ........... Next twenty-0110,eac a. set of Divkens' W'orks, Beautifully bound in Cloth,10 vo]s.,$20 ................................ Nextï¬vcgm clegantChina Dinner Service of 101 pieces, by Powell, Bishop & Stonicr. llarnley. anland ............ Next. ï¬ve, each a. ï¬ne French China, 'l‘ca Sen 100, of 68 pieces, specially importr ed $40 .......................... Next seventeen. ml] 500111101ch so, of (1001,19: E lion's wmks bound in cloth, 5 vols., $15 .............................. Next eighteen, each a handsome Silver Plano-d Sugar Bow1,$5 ................. Next. 1i\c, C:mch I; Ladies' Fine Gold \\ atchy‘i, \ 10. . ...................... Next flfLyâ€",ï¬ve each a handsome long Silw 1' 111." cd Button Hook ............ '1 MIDDLE REWARDS. " 1 To the p01 son sending the middle correct‘ answer of the whole comm tition from ï¬rst 101 last will be given the ï¬fty (10111118111 < 1141 T01 the scmh r of the next ( 01"r<:( 1, axis“ 01 friilmxing the middle will he 11 on one of 1111*, 11:11 (lollarl amounts and so on all the middle rewm‘ds are distributed. 1 First, Fifty dollars In cash†..... ... ... $50 Next, iiv 0,0:1611 $10 in cash ................ 50‘ ch_t Llii‘pc, cgiph a ï¬ne Family Sewing of 101 pi Next, ï¬ve, out :1 Service of 68 pieces ..................... Next. seventeen, each a complete set of Gemge E 110Ls works, bound in cloth, 5 vols , $15 ............................. Next seven each a. Italics Fine Gold Open Face or Huntinmcase W utch, $30 ..... cr‘s Bible, $3 ........................... Next seven, each a Gentleman’s Fine Gold Open Face \Vutelngood movement $60 Nexl, eleven, each a Fine Quadruple Plate Individual SulL and Pepper (lruet .. Nextï¬ve, each :1 beautiful Qliudrupl , l 11- ver 1’] lied '1 en Service 11 pieces) $40. . Nextone, "l\\o 1y Dollars in cash ......... Next nel gent/China Dinner Service celcbrï¬md Czuiimdian Firfï¬ ............. Second one, One Hundred Dollars in cash cht‘ {1ft ~,ouyghasuperbly bound Teach- To the ï¬rst. person sending in the correct answer to these questions will be given numn her one of these rewardsâ€"the Piano. T04 the next person, the $100.00 in cash, and so on till all these rewards are given away. Firqt one, an Eleg'mt Upright Piano by ’11“... 4,1,: “.1 1. :n“ 14‘: The Old Reliable .ng ï¬n to the ï¬ne. A splendid list 01 s / Rowan-(ls. / Dnn’t Delay! Send at Once! Competition Number Twenty Six opens nowatthe solicitation ofthouszunls ofihc 01d f1 1011115 and competitors in former contest/s. The Editor of THE LAImcs’ JOURNAL has nearly forty thousand testimonials {LS to the fairness with which these Bible Competi- nons have been conducted. g; 'lhis competition is to be short ciaive " It wil‘ remain open only lath day of December inclusive. The (inestions are as follows :â€"\Vhere in tho Bible are Lhefollowing words ï¬rst found, 1 HEM. 2 ROBE, 3 GARMENT. :.LADiES’ Joumt - Rlble Competltlon ! CONSOLATION REWARDS. FIRST REWARDS. gm (1 de- till the 250 (00 420| 210 100 420 75 20 45