Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1890, p. 8

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PERSONAJJS. Mrs. D. C. O'Bri‘én purposes going to T01 room on Saturday, where she will spend the winter with her eldest son, John. Mrs. E. J. Denton and son. of Bruutfoi'd 111.11 Mls. A. J. Wright, of Parkdale, are Visiting with Mrs. A. Law. Tile Rev. C. A. Campbell, B. A., of Maple, Will preach a Preparatory Sermon in the Pl'tsoy teliail church, Richmond Hill, on Saturday afternoon next at 2.30. Mrs Bnynton went to Toronto on Satur- day in Spend a few days with her children, and started for Yale, Michigan, yesterday, where she will remain until spring with one of her daughters. Reeve Pugsley, of this village, and Beeva Russell, of Vaughan. are two members of a (omnliltee appfiuted by the County Council 111 confer wiln a committee of the Metropoli- 11111 Street llai. .way re arranging details f r the running of the electric curs here. Dr. and Mrs Blaltelv are spending a few days at the resilience of Mrs. A. Law, Mrs. Bliikr'IV' a mother. They leave for their 111111111111 Winnipeg ill 11 few days where the Dr’ 5 fl lends will be glad to see him restored to health after a Very severe illness. Mr. 11.Tennant who had been in the em- ploy oi Messrs. \V. & J. Russell, breeders and llllthPIS of Durham cattle. left let his home 1.1 Lsnarkshire. Scotland, on Monday. This trip across the ocean has been caused by an illness of Mr, Tellnulll’s father. He hopes to return to Messrs. Russell in the spring IVIARRIAGES Monrnvâ€" RILEYâ€"Ahthelt 0. Church by the Rev. J J. Egan, on Wednesday November 216th. Michael Murphy, to lillleny Rilev, both of 11101111101111 H111 BROWN#SPEIGHT‘â€"Un the 26th 111517., at the realâ€" dence of the bride’s mother. by the Rev. N Hill. Benjamin R Brown nlerchant,Lansing, second son of John Brown, 1'1qu Richmond Hill. to Gus'ue, second daughter of the late Michael Speight. Markham. DEATHS. GLovvnâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Thursday. Nov- ember 2111-11, 1890, Mary, widow of the late Thomas Glovel . aged 81 years, 2 months. Tile third page of the Toronto DAILY IAIL lo noted for “Want” Advertise- nlcllt. If you want to buy or sell any- II1I11L’. If you want 11 situation, a illechanic, a business, machinery. lodg- lugs, if you have lost. or round anything, or if you want It) lilld out where anyone is, advertise ill the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the advertisements 011 the third page 11f that page. The charge is Two Cents .1 word each insertion, Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada â€"- «9.»â€" School Board. Meeting Sherwood l A very pleasant and profitable evening was spent in Zion Ev. Lutheran church on Monday evening. A union meeting was held on that evening similar to that on the Monday previous, at Carrville, when Sabbath school work was discussed. The roads being muddy many of those who would like8 to have been at the meet- ing were not ill their places, but notwith- standing all drawbacks there were be. tween 150 and 200 in attendance. Rev. A. McLaughlin led the ceremonies and made interesting and appropriate remarks be‘ tween the different subjects. Mrs. W. Cook repeated her talk on “Primary Work 111 connection with the use of the Sand Table.” The lecture lasted about half ‘an llour,alld thoilllcrest m1llifested at Carr1 ille was fully 11111111- tained on Monday evening Every per- son was allllost breathless? and felt at the 111 me 11111. they l a l lece ved information 111 such a way that it could not be forgotten. Rev A P. Brace gave an address (111 “Normal Class and Institute Wolk, ” emphasizing particularly the points brought out at the recent convention ill Brantford. The address w.1s well given and was lliullly appreciated. During the evcllinu the choir contribut- ed cheerfully by reudermg seve1al select- ions of music. 9.112111 Gtilvrttianumta SERVANT WANTED Good general servant wanted at once, in small family. Aprly to MRS. D. HOLMES. Willnwdalo. WANTED From 8 to 10 acres with house and burn, out- side of the Corporation of Richmond Hill pre- lered. Apply with full particulars to 'l 1111 L1Bl1 11.11:. ofiice Richmond Hill. 22~tf TO RENT. A form 01100 acres too refit 011 Yonge St... 5 miles lrom Toronto. Apply THOMAS BREEN, York Mills. Ontario Two Goals Wanted. A gentleman is desirous of purchasing two goats. Must be giving milk or due to kid at an early date. Send price and particulars to T HE LIBERAL Oifice. The. Richmond Hill School Band held R1chn.ond 11111, Nov. 24th 1830‘ 27111. Brown, Glass, 11 Npr'Cl'dl llleclillg 1111‘ Monday Nov. Members present, Messrs. Marsh, Switzer, Wilson, Trench, Unllcm, IlIuCUIlliully and Crosby. 1\llllutes of last meeting read and adopt- ed. A cmnmunic-ltion was rold from Mr. Mciluaig tendering his resignation of lhe Ilendlllastel'sllip of the High School to accept a similar position ill the town of \V t'IlitlllI. M1 Vcd by Mr. ’I‘reuc'l, seconded by Dr. \Vile-lll that Mr. McCuaig’s resigna- tlon be accepted â€"Carried. ’ 111.11 ed by Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. hIcCollaghy that the secretary be authorized and instructed to advertise ill The Globe, Mail and Empire for a Prin- cipal 11f llle High School fur 189] at a salary (1f $101M), applications to be re cen'ed up to VVedllesday the 3rd of Dec- ember llexl .â€"â€"C.lrl'ieii. MHVed by Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Duncan that the chairman and sec- retary of the Board be instructed to draft a s'lltable testimonial for Mr. McCuaig. â€"»C.1l'lled. 'I‘he'nleeting then adj 1urned to again meet on Wednesday. December 3rd to consider the applications for the position o1 Principal for the High School. ’1 '1“ Tent E‘lwrcssfill Remedy ever (1' scov ei'cu, us it is. c mum in its 9111115 and dULS not bllstcr. Read proof below. KEOOALL’S SPAOIEI GORE. OFFICE or Comma A. 81:11:31., % 13111121111111 or CLEVELAND DAY AND 'l"'11o1'1_:10 “.22 toners. 1.1111100» 12.11, Nov...) 132.3. D11. ” Y.Kn2'nA1.r.Co. ' ' 111. $115: 1 11.119 always purchased ourKen- dal.‘ s Snuvln Cure by the half dozen r1ttles.I 11'1111' lliilo p.1(e-s lnlargu quantity. ‘1 111111111115 our-11111.1. llcstlillimellts on earth. Ihave used It 1.1111151191111111. sfor thloc years. Yours truly, C ;:.1s. A. 8111113211. IIEIEOOLLVS OPAIIEZI OORE. Bnoonnvn N. Y., N 3, 1,111.17. ..7 1’11: NDALI (‘11 ' ovember 1883' D.- a. Sil' s 'Illt‘SllO toglxe you tostlmonialof my gmnl 113111111111 (11’ \ our Kendall sSn: will Cure. 1 have ll<11i 11 111' l. rum-lies ‘rifl‘ Joinm nn'l Spin-ins. llllill have loam sure cur“ ., 100111.1- nlly r 1111111110111] it to allllolscinen \ ouls truly. A. H. GllBFTR'T‘. Manager Troy Laundry Stables. SSRAE Iii “ORE. Wiwos COUNTY, 01110, Dec. 19,1883. 1111‘ yin any 11' but! have done 1 ' 11.1 Cure. 1‘ 1 ave cured . ' . 1.1111 \pnvills, tin of , 111111011 lultll BE llcml 3.1111 11'. Sineolluue. 111' our-211‘ 111: r 11llO\\clI (ho cheer: c113,! have he 11' 11y 111:1 1. '. :}'..'ll__ Arrnnrw T1 111.“ 1'. liorsc Duo. or. “1311'. 1.111 1'; v1; ('2 by the proprlc- lmrg'u Falls, Vt. EARM FOR SALE. ‘ Being part of I10! 6. in "It! 6111 Con. 0! Markham, CONTAINING 5‘} ACRES, MORE OR LESS. This farm is situated about 1} miles south of Unionville station on the Midland 11.1%. It is in 11 good state of cultlvation. There is a good frame house, and a good frame barn. 11111.5 also slables and other outbuildings. There s an orchard of about 30 hearing trees. This fmnl is well watered and is very convenient to church, school and post office. For further particulars apply to JOHN ROBINAON. Hazel-man P. (1., 01' to THOMAS PEACH, 22-4 Ltichmond Hill. LOST. A Horse Blanket 111111 Dllrk Shawl was lost on Monday. November 24th, on the side line leading west from itichlnond Hill. . The finder Wlll be amply rewarded by Ieav1ng the articles at 22-: TH 14'. LIBERAL OFFICE A. J.I"IUME Desires to call attention to the fact that he is carrying (111 the IAILORING BUSINESS In the premises formerly occupied by Mr. R. E. Law as a drug store, two doors north of the Fire Proof. And he is prepared to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION In all branches of the trade. MY AIM IS TO PLEASE PUNCTUALI'I‘Y, GOOD WORKMAN- SHIP AND A FIRS'I‘CLASS FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES MODERATE. Gentlemen‘s Cloth made do Trimmed in Good Style. lA1I11111111e, 311111110111. Hill Archbishop Lynchs Gonâ€" 11111313111 Weill REVIEWED. Bv Rev. '1‘.Fenwick,of Elder’s Milis,1)nt. 111 Paper (lovers. 75c. Wi'll Appendices. In Cloth, $1; Post paid. Rev. T. Fenwick. Elilcr’s Mills, 011t.; A. G. “’at- soil, \‘l'illun'd li'uct Dep’y, Yollue street; W. briggs. Wesley liuil 1illgs. 111121111101111 St; .1. Youllg,102 Yougc St... Toronto. QO-tf THE LIBERAD “1.03 1161' 68.? C. C. [‘0 RSY'I‘II . Pupil 01 W U Forys th and H M Field, both of the Tomnto College 01 Music, Teacher of the PIRDOIUX‘IGBE, Will be in Richmond Hill on Thursday 01 each Week. '1 boss wishing to '1‘: ace themselves under his instructions will kindly communicate with him at Aurora. Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. 50-yl tnmlurlahle "Rooms AND BOARD FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. App 1y to MRS. HARRISON, 0pp0sile the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. 3- ti c111: at 11111115 Tonon'ro, Nov. 27, 1890. Wheat new fall per bush .150 96 to 51197 - Wheat red per 1111511 . 0 976 0 97 Wheat spring perhusli ..... 11 91. 0 11:”; Wheat goose, pcrhdsh‘ . f‘ 76 0 '77 Bai'yle per bush ..... .1. 0 :33 0 (121 01115 per hush ............... . (1 110 . (1 43 Dressed ho: is per hundred . 5 7!) G 25 Chickens per pair . . 0 15 0 1'11) Butter 11) 101111 . . 0 20 O 20 Eggs new laid pol doz . 0 23 0 2.1 Potatoes per bag , 0 110 11 ’75 Apples . 2 01‘. 2 50 Turnips yellow per ha" . (1 40 U 45 Cabbage per 102 ...... .. 0 45 0 '75 Beets per doz.,... . 0 150 0 ‘26 Parsnips per doz 1 (1 2.5 0 (10 Carrots per .207. (1 113 O 20 Onions per bag 1 (10 1 25 Radishes per (102 0 2!) 0 25 Hay Linn-thy . 9 (‘0 11 110 Hay clover . 7 00 S (10 Stlaw. . ll 00 .10 00 FDR SALE. That valuable pro ertv situated on t‘ a corner of , Yonge and Du erin streets, known as the I RICHMOND HILL BAKERY Good store and dwelling, bake shop, nlld out- bu11dings first-class, with half more of land. Cash business. Average run for 8 years 25 bbls. a week. NO OPPOSITION. J. BROWN 15.11 Box 424. Richmond 11111 MONEY TO LOAN A large amount of private funds to loan on farm property, at low rates of interest. Privilege given oi paying off mint-11111.1 in sums 01' #100011 or over without givmg notice or paying a bonus. No commission 1 bar god. App y to A G F LAWRENCE, 15'1‘01'ontn street. l‘mon to. 01' at his Richmond Hill onice on Saturday Sept 181111, 1890-6111 1‘.IA.I‘)I_J E PUMP VVORKS Everything kept in the line of Pumps. Orders promptly attended to Uistcrn tanks made to order. WIVI. B. GRAM, â€" MAPLE ANTED f‘é‘.1Ԥ.§§é“..:‘i§‘ €5.51: 1‘13" 131‘: joining counties. EXBERIENGE NOT NECESSARY. Commission paid 1v,eekly or swim y and expenses if preferred. Ou flt free \Vlite THE ROCHESTER NURSERY CO1, N1Y. Rochester, Sept. mums-11m FOR SALE A GOOD FEATHER BED for S'IIP. Apply nt this ofllce. 18 11 w. ‘HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazwr, Graincr and Paper- "anger. RESIDENCE, 7- RICHMOND HILL 5411155 O £1u'1'i51m, DRESSâ€"MAKER. Selections mode lrom plates of all the latest Fall and Win’er Fashions, just received Work guaranteed. Opposite Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill. A call is solicited. WHATIS GOING 011 One of the FDfiMANY ED BES'I.‘ VrepFR MILES Willi . escapes I n the world. Our facilities are unequnlrd, and to introduce our . IIIDL‘IIUI‘ goods vv e 11'lllscnd1'1'11511 tooxz l' EDISON in each locality, as abo1e. Onlv 11111511 who 11' rite to us at 01ch can make sure or the chance. All you have 101111 In reillm In to show our goods to those who cilllâ€"vour neighbors and those around voll. The he- gillninc' of this "durum-men: allow 5 the small end of the tele- scope. ‘Lne i‘ollowlng' cut gives the 11p lice ofit reduced to â€"-. About the 11111th part of its bulk. ‘t is 11 grand, doublcsizc tele- lcouc, as large as is easy to carry. We will also show 1' cu how you ~~1 make from $3 to $10 a day at least, from the stall WIlIIâ€" an: rlence Better w rite at once. We ctpsy all expless 1 lmrzee. Amy-mil. HALLE'I‘T d. (30.. Box 88 PORTLAND, Mania. COAL \NOOD SLABS Delivered on shortest notice. , ,1 COAL AT MAPLE. $6.00; AT RlCHMOND HILL, $6.75. Wood and Slabs ill reasonable prices. ORDERS SOLECI’TED. Wm. B. Proctor, RICHMOND HILL. Single Harness ON HAN D Or Male to 1511.1. 1.. A'l‘--â€"â€" WM. HARRISON’S. 'FJANDREWS I _..__,. Dentist, N. E.Comel‘ Yo-nge & Queen Street!» Toronto. ‘ One of the largest Dental Crimes in the Dominion Office Hours” 9 a 111.10 5 p m.. Mod: days, and Saturdays to 10 p in. Electric Light used for evening. Gold Amalgam, 1.11.1 l’irl'celaih l-‘illlugs 11nd Porcelain (“n-owns (teclh w1lllullt a M 111111..) a spur-fully. ‘ BEOT SETS TEETH ' $3.00. Vitalized Air for Extraction OSO \111. J IiiiOVV’N A' o'cntlo. the 00101111th NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES. Alec agent for the world renowned HELL ORGAN. A I)(‘.8.lillilll If 111'11. llt Bell 0111111 now 1. n (\xliibitinil E xclnilie l1c1ol'c bu1 1111. 0111011111.”: ’Ielll'e to 11m 1!. T. 8A1 G EON, Insurance'Agent ~11011-« All Other Articles in his Line GORE '2 ET. MUTUAL Supplied. REPAIRING DORE \VI'I‘EI N ISA'I‘N ESS, CIIEAI’N E55 AN I) I) lSl’A'I‘ClI. TRENCHTI -11111111 11111: RICHMOND HILL. In returning ill-mks to mv nllmerrns friends f1 r their liberal pallonage durin1 the past thirty years. i beg 111 remind them and the. generul public that having. erected erlirely new and cmllillodicue premises I am enabled to supply Phaetons. Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, SI sighs" and PLATFORM SPRING 11" A G O O 8 Both light and heavy. all of w’lllC-h are guaranteed to give Satisfaction as the work is under my own eupel'visr l. I am also prepared to do all kinds ”f black smithlllg (1: repairing ill the most work 1 1llalllike manner, on the shortest notice, add 011 the 1110$I1 reasonable terms. Horse- Shoeing Paid spec: l.‘ attention to. WEI. 'l‘RIEN C II STORE TO LET â€"é-AND «â€" IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN That well known stand lately occupied by R. W. Neville as a general store, ill which 11 large and profitable business 110.3 always been done. Apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. 1. l1. FALCONBRIDGE Richmond Hill, Oct 6th,1890 THE OUTI'IBERI. ' NOW IS YOUR TIME Parties desirous oi obtaining this large and productive RED RASPBERRY Can get them fpr $1.1)llPER DOZEN Just half the nursery price bva’oplyillg to ll-tf WWI. HARRISON, Jtichlllolul Hill ALESME WANTED. Iraving done business in Canada for the past 30 years, our reputation and responaioil- ity is well known. We pay sabll'v and ex. penses from the start, if everything is satis- lactury. No previous expellicnce 111111111411. \Vl'ilo "S for terms. which are very liberal, before engaging with nilv other firm. REFERENCES â€"â€"Bl'ndslreet's ol' Dun \Vimllil 1Q: ‘11’l-' Cllllllué'l'C-llll Agencies. “'Pll 11111 “'11 H1 lolusiness lheu ; or Standard Bank, Colborlle, lit. CHASE BROTFERS’ 00., It‘urscrymen. COLBOIINE . - - ONTALIO. l l 11111 itsumrts 111.; I he British America, Also the TEMPERANOE 8.. GENE BEL RES} DENCE MAPLE. “ 11111111: 91111113111. Churches . St Mary sEpisco1'u1Churchâ€"Services at 3 p 111. except the third Sunday dew-11 month, 11 hen the eel-Vice and sacrament are held at 11 a 111. Sunday school at 1.301) 111. Rev W W Bates, Rector Methodist 01 111'1 h Services at 10- '30 a 111 and 7.011 1) nl 111111 dummy 3111001 nt 2 311p 111.1'011119 poop: e’ is player meeting Wednesday curling. General pray or vllcetinu ’1‘ hul'sdily evening lil iho lectu1o l'.ooln llevJ (1‘ Spccr, supclliltenueht Rev J 'I‘ Mari e, assistant Ple'sbyteiiau Churclrflor ic sut‘ 111 hi and C 3011 lll.11ulluny school at '2 :10 p 111 P1111” meeting on V\ ellnesdav evening at 7..1u.1.e1 W W Pelcqul. Pastor Roman 1.1111111110 Chu' châ€" Services 111 order 1111 11111111111: ‘l‘ 111111111111 111. ‘J 11 111 111111 JLI( 111111. 11d Hill 1111103011111 ; tl...10111111111115111111111.1t ltlchnliilil Hill at 9 a 111 and lhornhill at It. 15011111. 11w ,J J Eg:-.11,Pasto1' ‘â€""' (â€"’ Societies Richmond Lodge A F .1.» A II, No ‘23, G R C meets in the 10111111100111 Masonic Hall. on the Monday on (11 hotel u full moon. at 8 o ‘clock 11 m. I‘Ncwtoll, Will I Closlly,scc1etu1v ‘ A 1.11150er of Fc-restcrsâ€"(‘oult Ric-1311101: d No 7046 meets ill the Masonic H1111 every ultel- 11.1tc Friuuv evening at S o ’clocli. 11 I" Hopper U 11, w E Wllcy,scc1"et111v , The Methodist sabbath school'l‘emper once As srlciution lesuc pledge (.11.. 11s evcly Sunday when desiied. W111 .llilll'ison 1111111 Ml' CHANKS’ IVS'I'I' I‘UTE. â€"â€" hibrarv oi over 10(0 volumes opencvciy I‘uosduv evening, in the Ma sonic Hall from I 1050' c10(k. R. E. Lav', Libla rich. ’1‘}? McMahon, Secretary Ricmrovo Him. F1111: BRIGADE BAND n1 cetl: for practice evely \Vellosd: 1y & Satuiduy evening at Sociock W. Slleppai',d Lender. Vl’ 1'1 Wiley, Secretary VILLAGE (‘ouxc'ln â€" [10.1, Wm. Pugsley, :1 Coin ' ci'111rs Messis. P G. Silviwo, Will A Sandersonw Atkinson, Dr Wilson. Ole-111,11. lady F1111. BRIGADE. â€"Regular meeting 21111 Monday of every m: 11th, hold 111 the (‘oullcil (‘hulnbep at 811. 1'11. Mcmbe’rsllipllce. Cel. illcatesissuod £0 members entitling 11111111 to col tilin plivilogesunll exemptions. 11.11. H. Pugs‘lcy, Cap.ain. h. A Nicholle, Seeietlu'y. A. 0. U. W. Ivv Lodge No. 114, Meetsin the Masonic Hall on Ivllc S()( 1 1111 and {11111111 J\1( SduV of each month at. 8 n’ <. lock 11.111.Bellclicnl'y cel tificatcgiven for sauuuillcusc of dent) . “in G ass, Master Workman It E Luw.1‘oc R. T. of Tomper,anee Richmond Hill Council No. 43, Meets 111 1"e11111e11ncc Hu11,cn(-h altel- nute Tuesdily c1e111111'1118oclml1p 111. Reno- ficiary certificates issued to 1111111: oi fun 1118 members fol 141000 or in case of death 2 010,1 he 110.11 13111 i'blc in casc(lfdl'~.a11lllty J. H Suiii‘er- sou Selrot Councillor; J A F. Sw.‘ tzer ,llecorcing Secretarv CLERK’S NOIIOE. ' The next meeting or the Council of thc'l‘cwilship of Morkhuill will he held at UlllollVlllB on Saturday, Nov. 29111. 1890, At 10 o’clock 11.111. JOHN QIEI’HENSON. '1‘11.l)lerk. B. A. S'I‘IV FIB. Issuer of Marriage licenses, MAIN ST., - UNIONVILLE. ONT 20, '11â€" 6m SERVANT WANIEO General Servant wanted at once. to 19-1 Applv MRS. W. It. l'llOC'lOlt BEST TEETH ON 4 PLATE, 38. 00. Vitalized Air for Painless Extraction. G. H. RIGGS. 0011161101138 anal K11111T02311T0.

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