Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Dec 1890, p. 6

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“(any gulcs proVaikd on Monday on Hm smith and west coast of lung] and. Many V'H'A’ilSzllO r-vpmtcd, and it is failed the loss )1 an, is i)(‘.l\_\'. It is said a mountain of mim h: ‘heon dis covered up the North TllUIllSUH river in Bri- hsli Columbia. '1 ln imlicmimis are that the, mic, L is of \ my line qualitv and almost 1111» limited in (llllullll) The total lnss of c 11/th shipped from Mont- rle for England (luring the past season amounted to LNL’ llczul, insured foréiHflRU, principally in Canadian companies, upon whom the lmlk of tllCloSR will fall. Mr. (1. H. (‘roxdun Powell, a prominent English Liberal and party organizer, who is at present in Ottawa studying (‘anadian in» Stitntions, has received a L'ahlegraln calling him home, as tho gvnural elections in Eng- land are expected 10 take place in March. Representatives of the Allan Line, the Dominion Linc, amlthe Canadian Pacific railway had an iniorview with Mr. Carling on 'J‘nvsday, and olilti'cd to carry adult im~ migrants from Liverpool L0 \Vinnipeg for $17 per head, and solicited Government aid to the scheme. Mr. Carling seemed favour- ahly impressed. GREAT BRITAIN. The Catholic prinmtc of Ireland has start ed for Rome. The Marquis of Huntlv, Conservative, has bum) elected rector of Aberdeen Uni- Vomit» 1.11111‘1\<1ls<11111vd111110s1)):111 1101 11'1111g111 pros- 31111111) 110111 011 \111111113' to l1:1:\( ’1111'11011111 11111101111011«(111111121111101' (11"11111, 1'0211' 101111111. A 1111111111 511111101110 1111s punk <(d for .L'QOOUO 11111111113 11 10111101'11111111111 011111111 (“11111, 111 1110110110 111111 00111 11111 110 found 1111116. 'l 110 1110(1i( :11 {multy of loronto Lnn 0M1- ty 11st :Lcmptul flu 24011010115 011(1 of \\111 Mnlock \l.1’ to dcfinythc (\pcmcs of Pint. Runmny \\ right to Germany 10 famil- izu'iso himself with 1110 details of Dr. Koch’s cunsunxplivccure. A deputation ofhotel-licvpers and licensed Vietunllers waited upon l’i'em'el‘ Mei‘eiei' on 'l‘uesduy at Quebec, and asked that the liqum' tmde should be allowed to ply their truffle on Saturday nights during the same hen lllowed to other business S. Ii is 13d :1 huge husincs is 110111;:110110 in lmugglinrr Chinese women 11110(:11111dn, who :111: unslllflllicd 111 Bxitish (,0111111hin .111d the $111103 1 1’ immoral purposes. Nothing is siiid 21510 the wind. The Bishop of Montreal (ff‘(l(l)l 111ml Hie fifteenth aiiiiiv ("BIHIIV (if his 01 (limitmn, and was picscntml l1\ his adl‘llll‘L‘J s \1itl1 11 pulse of $4 000. ’l he c'bishop IS 75 _\(‘,£1]S0f age. A 1l(:::‘::ittl; {mm S1 vlriliiz' KILL, 5413;“ Hon. ’obcrt, Loml h 1:15 left for “'asliiiigmn to confm‘ (111 reciprocal {1‘11th relations hotwccn vafouudlund zuid the United 51sz Rev. Dr. Adam, leader of the Tree (‘lyurch 1i) Sumhmd, isdcad. Demonstrations in Irolzmd on the “ Maw Chester Martyn, ” anniversary have been forbidden. The London company of Drupers will mun-cl arrears (m itsesmtcs in Ireland 1.0 the amount ($137,000. ’vicll finds of rock phosphate are said to have been made in North I’elorborongh. I1, is proposed by the Disciplos’ Church to establish a Bible College in Onmrio. An (:loutric railway from Toronto to Mimim, along the Lake Shore road, 1s promised. Ald. Andrews and his wife, of \Vinnipeg, were drowned in the Assinaboinc Whilc Skat- ing on Saturday night. .lnmvs Alison, an (2i ghteen- your old '10- mum boy, was accidentally and fatally shot on Sntnulny with a lille 111 the hands of an elder brother. ”I. (lumin has mmsontud in he asundi- datcfm the \lontmzLI mzwomhy. Thu 011101 candidates are Muym (honiol and Mr. James McShanc. The MedicoL‘hirurgical Society of Mon- treal has decided to send two of its members to Berlin to study the Koch method for the cure of consumption. Canadian muslcmns going over to (enter- tain United States audiences will in future have to pay duty on their instrmnvntrs. Nothing is did as to the wind. The Marquis of Queenshen'y 11st sent £100 to (ion. Booth as the “mite” of a "reverent agnnstiu.” A1111” 11111111141 “ukh (1111101iv 1'11‘9” (301111011111 \11'.1’11111011111mum-(11101110 of 1110 01111-01110 of t1.c 0 \11011 (am 1110 Countess of 110m1w1'y. W110 “as :1 (11111011101 (11111011151 111111111 \ 11111111101 Vleyf'l (in Roms 111111, (.iL-d 11151 \H '[ hr: “11111111 In: mun \' Jam's/ml Lmy51111o1o is ;1 501101181111111110111(01111011111111, the lesult of the {11111110 (1f the pthLo (10p. Buildings were erected in \Vixmipeg the past season to the value of $6WL000. It is understood that the next session of the Ontario Legislature will open in the latter part of January. Ml Saimdcxs “110 has been in Endnnd inquiring inta the plosprxcts of a Bii Sh market fm Canadian eggs, is satisfied “ith the (utlook The Canadian Antiquarian Society has 011- liorscd aproject» to cause thirty marbletnblcts to be erected in dimzrom parts of Montreal to mark liismi‘ic localili s. ’I‘(:lc:phmc (‘oly, of Montxeal, “110 is Huffminv 110111 the early stages of consmnp Lion, has left f0] Bel in, 10 place himself “1)ch L110 calc of D1 Roch. THE WEEK’S NEWS CANADA. Minister Dewdney returned to Ottawa from England last week. 'I‘he St. Lawrence shipping trade is practi- cally closed for the season. A thousand turkeys were sonton Monday from Montreal, as an experinwm, to Abor- deen for the Chriscmas marl The fire in the C. P. R. coal heap at, Fort William continues to increase, and no own] will be saved (except by removal. The new slcmncr Halifax, from Glasgow for Halifax, is now eighteen days out and fears are entertained for her safety. Five sons of the late Matthew Clark, of Collins Bay, Ont, are living, and their united ages amount to 403 years. (“mmdu has this month exported nearly a million dollars worth of goods in exc of what she imported durmg October. The Knight: of Lubm'havc decided in hold a national reform industrial conference next, year for 11w lox'mzxtion of an independent platform upon the principles of the Knights of Labor. The King of the Netherlands died on Sun' day. Eli'oris are being made to consolidate the Fm‘mc‘ Alliance and the difi‘vl cm luhol 01‘- "unizulions in tne Umtcd \tutes mm :1 mol- ilicul p21”) to be Icady fox LhL Medium 111 1892. l’mcr Mucllor, an Old man reputed to be worth tlll’TBC-(IIHLI'LCI‘S of a million of dollars, was arrested in Chicago and sent to the iridewell 011 Monday for (50 days for begging in the streets. A new mail train is tobc put on from New York to Chicago which will run the distance In 1241101113. Dillon and O’Brien secured $5,000 in Buf~ falo Monday night, and the latter said they would go to jail happy. A New York tlcspatcli says the Vanden hilt. people now admit 111th Jay Gould has get control of the Union Pacific. 'l‘he 'l‘reusmy Dcpmtmcnt 111 “1 4111101011 : l111H111l111tl11LL «r1'a1'11 00111111101 l1etake11 110111‘ the \‘11111'8111tnb(n11'11l" to lw "10111111 11111! the 110111'1'0L111'11ed toLhe States f1 LL of1l111v. 1 l1] 11ml; Jf()()l{(‘, 11 sluftlcss c11l1111<111111k01 111 1 ('hiuugn, slmL his hard working wife «lead ‘ yx'su'l'duy, and then killed l11'111sclf. Their lil-ymuwhl daughter wiLucssod the shoot- ing. 1 VIn pursuance of then n‘rltzbting pnlicy, the \\ ashmgton government" has ducitlod that (huuulnm mnmcmns crossing in 1,110 Mates to play at concerts must puy duty on their in» play at 00' erumcnts‘ The Sioux disturbances on the Rosebud and Pine ’idgo wumies :lrc assumin'r smi- Ons, p1 opmtmns t21ml 1110 1 nitml \‘Iates me cmuentmting Luge bodies of soldiexs in ”1 , ‘miulitivs. The Philadelphia I’z‘mx says that 1110 Re publiczm puny was nmlouMmlly110111011 at Ll1( 1'L-c1-111clwtinnslu cause1l1cfa1111L-181liil 1101 undewumd 111111 the \lclxmlm 11111111 u as 1111111011101 111011 1101111‘11. l’mf. Hem-y '\\'. Elliott, who was sent, by the Smithsonian Institute to the Aleutian islands, reports that there are not; more than 100,000 killahle seals there, and strong- ly recommends the Government to desist from catching seals for seven years. Otherâ€" wise the 80:11 will be absolutely cxterminab ed. The gmnxl jury at New Orleans has found h‘ne hills against the seventeen men arrest- ed in connection will) the murder of Chief of l'olice llennessy :L nmnlh ago. The first mhnl'eh in Lynn, Mass., known as “ the nxo1her of New England Metho- (lism," has voted by ‘2” to 31 in favor of ml, InitrLing Wumen into the General Conference. August Belmont, u wolemvn resident of New York city, is (head. He was promi» nout in banking, political, and turf circlcs. A c0111 cunh'zu‘tml at 11.0 New York Horse Show was 111v primary muse of death. A nun-{gage for . 77,000,000 has boon 1‘0- otmlt-d in l’m'u, hulmlm, by the I’itlshnrg. Chmimmli. (‘llit'ugo and St. Louis railway in funn- nf the New York Trust, Unmpry, mx‘m'ing all ()pm'ntml and 101L0d l‘olmsyl- \‘uniu lines V\ L of l’itt,sbull';{. Major McKinley, who arrived in “’ash- imrton r111 'l‘uosdny said that 110 (Md not think any "10le success “01111141101111 any .mompt on the pan of 111C Dmnncmts to destroy the 'lh'znifl Act by dealing with one article £11.13 tinic 11130111111110 bills, as has been proposed The English Foreign Office has promised to extradite Padlewsky, suspected of having assassinated Gen. Selivcrskofi‘ in Paris, if he is arrested within British territory. It appean that after the Verdict had been given in the 0’31103 case, a. Carlton Club meeting decided that it would be a. good scheme to dissolve Parliament as soon as possible. Cardinal Manning, speaking on the lahm‘ questinn, says the wag ‘ dillieulty ought to he solved by means of a free contract he- twcon masters and men, which should be revised periodically. He also thinks re» course to legislation for the settlement of labour disputes should, as far as possible, be avoided. A curious case is before the Dnhlincoui‘ts. said to hc without parallel in ancient m modern legislation. Annie \Wllizuns, an in- fant, sues the (iI‘CIlL Northern {ailway Company (if Ireland for £1,000, for injuries received in the tcrrihle Armagh railway accident in June 1st1, she at tthL time being still in rentrc .x-a 7mm. Mr. I" T. Barnum, the great, showman, is m‘ionsly ill in his hr-mv at, Ih'idgcport, (7011]). It is 1mm expected that, hp can I'CL‘UVOI‘. The Supreme Court of the United States has decided that Jngiro, the Japanese mur- derer confined in Sing Sing prison, must be executed by cloutliuit)’. Jnlm J. Kclcr, the millionaire real estate dealer, of Chicago, 11' 3 been rublml of a tin box containing m‘cl' $100,0(Klworlh ofdevds, notes, mortgages and (il her valuable collater- als. 'l‘lxc lmx was taken from Mr. Kclm"s lnlggyl United States Secretary \Vindom will Shm'Hy repnri In Congress in favour of an issue of $500,000,000 in bonds hearing inA tm’esl utim- 2.1, per c0111., to inkc up the bonds: now outstanding which bear (I, high- er mic of jntm Sb. Six John Pope Henuessy has been selected by the Nationalists to succeed to the s< an 111 the House of Commons for North Kilkemw made vacant by the death of Edward P. NI. 3111111111. Mr. \Villiam Beckett, a Conservative member of the Imperial House of Commons, was killed on Sunday in a railway accident on the SouLhJVechrn railway at \Viuibornc- Minster. The Comt at Clonmel last week gme judgment 1111110 '1 lppelm‘y trials by “hich Messrs. \Villium 01111911 and John 1’111011 were sentenced to six months each wiLhuuL hm‘d labour. Miss McKnight, a young English girl on her Way from Australia to England in be married, was hmrd torogrct having consent,- ed to wed, and when the steamer was in the Red sea she leaped overboard and was drowned. A Chicago morning pnpm sm 5 Rev 1):. Mckilvxm 1s soon to 1m Icinslatcd .1 pics: of the < humh of Rome UNITED STATES IN (111‘; A number of outrages have already been connnitted and the situation which 1111s gradually foeussed at the Pine Ridge agency 1111s 1111 appearance of immediate menace. The excitement under which the Indians are now laboring has been developing for two or 1hrce years. It is the result of many \\ idely diti'erent influences. Among all the Northwestern tribes there is and £Ll\"1:)‘S has been 11 large body of hostile, uuly Indians, whose malig- nant purpos ' 1111\‘0 been but partial] v (on- eeuled. 'l‘hey have \v11uhed the provrress of civilization 1111mm; their peopl e “1111 p10- f1111111l 1e11lousv. lhcv 1111\0 kept 11“ .1} 110111 the eugcnvies. and have closed 1lieire1'1rs to 1111 repoits of the white 1111111’3111111101101’11 slienglh 11nd unbounded resouiees. Some are ignorant, implacable savages. Others are men of force and ability, sincerely proud of their traditions 11nd ways, and deeply morti- fied :11 their dependent condition. The motive for 'nrlike enterprises is never wanting to this class of men. Another and n1u(h Luger elasslinds in hostile movements “hat it considers the best way of exiorting money and i111ions {10111 the Gm ernment. Ammig the Simn t1ihe this element is pm- 1101111111) slumg, and it 11:15:). long list of uxpmienccs 10 L ite in support of its conten- tion. 1110110 of this week’s dispatches from Mmuhm. Noni) Dakota, occurred an interâ€" Vicw wikh :1 friendly Arickm‘ec which threw a bright light. 1111011 Lhis szigacious theory. The North German Gazette says that the 0011111111 and French (lovcrnlnents have come 10 an agreement regarding Africa. In return for :1 (3011111111 I'eéngnition 0f the French protectorate (war Madagascar, 1 rams aclxnmvledgcs {111% human rights 011 1111- (0.131 ceded by the Sultan of Zanzibar. The United States government is just, now enjoying one of its in’ei'mittent per- iods of trouble with the \Vestorn Indians, mnl an outbreak is almost daily expected. “ Our people, “ said the Indian, “ are friend- .\\ e do not believe in the Messiah But we should be glad to see the bioux go 011 the \varpzlth because then the Government would give us all more ponies, more blankets and more rations!” The irrecon- cilable Sioux chiefs, and many who are ostensibly friendly. continually point to the results of practical benefit to the tribe which have proceeded from their battles with the whites. “ See. ”’ they say to thei1 young men, 5ee what we have done for you. Look at those buildings §Cnder full of blankets. cali1:,e flour and sugai. See the cattle in the corral there waiting for your Limes, See our ponies and guns. They are the price the Great Father pays for our friendship. Look at the timid P0111111. Look at the Omaha with his head down. Look at the dirty Crow. They work for their living. They are cowards, and e ‘awl when the white, man speaks. _ So he put a plough in their hands and they folâ€" low it; a spade and they dig. They are Women. But the Sioux holds up his head and frowns when the (treat Father does not treat him Well. ” This is 11 fair type of the arguments which the elder Siou\ have been addiessing to their younr1 men since the hat tle on the Little Big Hoin, 11nd itl 1115 the 111.11 111:1itofl13i11g bldmlby sound fa;ts. “hen the conditions above described are considered, and with them the intense super- stition of the Indian mind, it is easy to account for the scenes that are being enact~ ed at Wolf Creek and on the “iounded- Knee. A11 acquaintance with Christian doctrine has served in 111:111y cases only to give the Indians wider fields forsuperstitious dreams. Their medicine-men have found in the doctrine of a personal and (miniâ€"present (led and of a Saviour mysteriously born and embodied in human form great opportuni- t ., for all kinds of fetich-worship. Super- stition enters into their lives so thoroughly thatits manifestation in religious dances has always been regarded as involving the danger of an outbreak, and although the winter season is at hand, a time when among the, atfected tribes every family is almost entirely dependent on the Government for food and shelter, it is by 110 means impossi- ble that their fanaticism may lead them into the commission of acts which will bring on a long and fearful war. The hope is that temporizing policies will tide over each erisis as it arises, that before warm weather comes the craze will have died away, and that under any circumstances it will not spread to this side of the border. The Premier of Madagascar has refused to retract lhe heml language which he used in speakingr of the French protectorate, and trouble may ensue. (Jen. Scliverskufi‘, a, Russian agent in France, died last, week in PM from bullet wounds in the head, which he is supposed tn have received at thehunds of Nihilists. AL at meeting of Nihilists in Paris on Sun- day Violent speeches were made, and it \‘st declared that in the event of failure 10 eil'ecL ociul reforms a revolution would follow. l’i‘of. Koch considers that his labours in connection with tuberculosis are finished, and will next direct hiszibtcntion L0 the disâ€" con‘y of a cure for cancer and infectious fevers. The 5‘. (Son‘rnmcnl and line Indi. Since September 1 there have been 011 an average 70-1) cases of smallpox per week in Madrid, and the disease is spreading in the pmvmccs. Grout <1 ruction by floods is reported from England, (-elman) and Austria. The Goethe statue at Callsbad has been sw epb awa 1. As a reward for his services in the inter- acts of mmlical science Emperor \l'illium will 1i ,ly confer a title of nobility upon Dr. Koch. Princess Victoria of Prussia, sister of Emperor \Villimn, was married on Saturday in Berlin to Prince Adolphe of Suhaumburg- Lippc. The French Tariff Committee has made heavy increases in the duties on meats. It is stated that a new French loan amounting to 7000,000,000f1‘ will be issued January lst. A conference of B exiin Socialists has up- prm 0d the admission of female membeis into the Nociulistic Associations. Your sheep borders in the Gallium moun- tains of New Mcxxuo have been killed by a hailstorm and 1,600 sheep are missing. Enormous damage to property and some loss of life ban: been caused by the floods in Germam Austriaand Germany have agreed upon the conditions of the t'11 1115 of 1110 rcspecrivc 0011 11t1103. Lymph for Prof. Koch‘s cure is being ra- pidly manufactured, but not nearly fast enough to supply the dcnmud. 15111 1\- ‘\l 11 \1 \11 511A~To cad] toacupful 00111-111021lzuld a leasponnful of salt and 11 l1z1lf leacupful of cold w L 1‘ ; next, £11111 live teacupfuls of boilinvr \\ .1101 stirrimr stcmhly l’lacc ovm the {lie 111 a smooth 11011 kettle; sti1 steadily until 1L begins to bubblv, 001131 1* Ligl1tly,plucc 011 back of stove to bubble steadily fm‘ an 110111“. This is :1. great im- provmuent 11111111 the tedious proccss of sift- H()\11NY.â€"\Vash one (:11pr of hominy in two waters. Pour into it four teacupfuls of boiling wwter, gmdually , stirrinfl stoudilv. Add a. half Leaspoonful of ”alt? boil from ”new qual Lers to a, whole hour. May be served at any meal with meat; of any kind, or in- may be eaten hot or cold with milk. OATMEAL )lITSII.‘TO one cup of Scotch or (,Innzulian oatmeal, add one cup of (old water and a teaspoonful of Slet. Pour slow- ly into it five cups of boiling water, stirring steadily. I’om‘ it into a very smooth iron pot, stir up from the bottom a few times, to prevent settling, until it begins tohoil, then cover closely, and set back where it will hub- lile steadily for an hour and n‘hztlf or two hours. This is the Scotch method of cook< ing, given us by a native Scotch lady. It may be cooked the day before, turned into a bowl rinsed in Cold water, and wm‘nml up for breakfast (if wished) by setting thelmwl in a pan of boiling water on the hack of the stove, or may be cooked in double boiler. Rn; Mi'SIi~~â€"This may be prepared of either rye meal or rye flour, by adding to a eupful of either, at cup of mld water, a little lit at time, (Hid stirring until it is pruj/"M't/y smooth. Then add :L level tezispoenful of salt, and three cups of boiling water, stir- iug steadily meanwhile. 'l‘nrn into a very smooth iron vessel, stir steadily and thoroughly until it lmils throughout ; Set where it will bubble steadily for fifteen minutes. Excellent, eaten either slightly warm or cold, with ei'ezun (or rich milk) and sugar. A favorite Scotch remedy for constipation, is hot mush of oats or rye, eaten will ('0er milk. The spoon is dipped half full of the hot mush, then filled from a bowl of cold milk beside llm plutu. (113115 (12‘ R1111 1.11011 mSoak L110 cups of rolled 0:11st1 11w hours (01' 01 01 night) in 0110 and 11111204111211 1111' cups 01 sour milk, Add (1110 11* «poonful (level) of soda, 01101921- Sp()011fnlnfi,211t 0110 half teacupful of l1 Vl1t- b1 own 81111211. (me toucnpfnl 0f sifted flour, and two “011- l)e211(11 (arms 111 tliooulm given, 11111 soda dis solved 11111 bllLtlc water 1121110111 11111, well-51 cased gem pans, in 21 1101 oven, for twentyfive minutes. Delicious with fresh fruit. DAINTY CORN MEAL BII'FFINSiBCM to- gether, in order mentioned, two eggs, mo talilesponnfnls of white sugar, (mound u liulf cups sweet milk, {L half teaspnonful of salt, a. cupful of lmliun-mcal (white, preferred), two cupfuls of Haul-sifted with two heaping tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. and one table- spoonful of melted butter. Bake in hot gunk piulS, for twenty minutes, in hot oven. Delicious. \Vutcr may be used instead of milk. Those left» over may lie reheated by steaming, or may lie used for the foundation of the lollnwing delicious pudding 2“ INDIAN Sl'ovm-l’rnmxc. Crumble cold cm‘nâ€"mull'ms to make two Leztcupfuls. Soak in :1 quart Olmvect 11‘ilk three 01‘ four hours. Then 111111 three well beaten eggs, H1100 level tablespoonfuls of suwur and a pinch of «:11t. Bent well, 1111110 0110 hour 111 11 l]]0(l(‘1ill(‘ m 011, 111111 serve hot with IlCll 01011111 11nd sugar, 01' with {L sauce made 11y heating into :1 cream, :1 heaping tuhlcspoonful of butter, 11 teacup- ful of granulated sugar, one egg, with 11 very little vanilla for flavoring. It is delicious served with ice-cream. Bll'll'FJNS m“ ENTIRE “'HEAT â€"1\Iix t0- chliex‘ {L cup and a half of flour, two table- spoonfuls of sugar, :1 teaspoonful of salt, and two tenspoonfnls of best, baking powder ; add a teacupful of sweet} milk, half a. cupful 01' cold water and a. well-beaten egg. Bent t“ I) min ates, dip into hot, greased gem- pans, and bake about twenty- five minutes. '1‘ his 1s a moist muffin, sweet and delicious. RYE Bunnyâ€"To each pint of very light, wheat-flour sponge, add a. level teaspoonfnl of salt, a Izr'aping tablespoonful of brown sugar, and rye flour to permit kneading. Knead well When light, mold into lozu cs; l(t1ise again till mme than double its first. \ize, brush the top with mcllcd butte1,bake ROLLED DATAâ€"Put two tea cm f11ls of rol- led oats into a double 1101101. Add one tea- spoonful of salt and four teacupfuls of boiling wate1; , boil fifteen minutes. best if eaten either slighly wzu 111 01 cold. with cream and sumu 01 with plain swceL milk. A bright, 110w Linpail,t1ghtly cm 0101], set in kettle of 1001111111 “.1101 is :1 good substitute f01 11 double 1101101. HOMINY (hunmc-(Hucxcs.â€"To 1wo teaâ€" cupfuls of warm, boiled hominy, add Lwo toucupfnls of milk 01‘ water, two cupfuls of sifted flour, a level teaspoonful of salt, and two wellimaten eggs. Bake on hot, well- greased griddle. The dread of washing utensils, in which some (if the following dishes nrccookcd, may be given to the winds if said utemils are partly filled wiLh cold water, tightly covcn 0d, and allowed to stand on back part of stove till washed. ‘11" the meal Llnnngh the fingers forming a. few 111m s \\ 1th «1mm cam Besides a ' , thcx c is no danger of addmg too much meal for the ( nantit ' 01 water, which of course 1 A ' 7 , prevents 2L full expnnsmn of the granules, resulting in a raw, unpleasant flavor. Avoid the error of serving any one dish (no matter how much relished) until the family tires of it. The daily use of graham bread is not commended. In many cases its coarse particles causes a serious irritation of the delicate lining of the stomach and in- testines, specially in children. The flour called “ entire wheat ” is made of the entire grain of the wheat ground to a powder, and differs from g ulnnn in being fine. It makes a dark, rich bread and delicious gems. Rye bread is gently laxative, soothing and nutritious. The remedy lieg largely in the hands of the housewife, for the ‘“tomc-ahdgnJuuky,” Hjll<b4bs~it~happclls ” mode of providing for thu home table is often the cause of the trouble. It is 1101' duty to so study the properllw of the (lifibrent, food supplies that she may counteract this tendency, be it here- ditary or acquired, by providing an accept- able variety of dishes known to be beneficial. BY LAURA “'ILLlS LATHROI’. So prevalent is the disorder, constipation, that scarcely a family exists that does not contain one or more victims. 0111‘ best inedi- cal authorities agree, that no other single de- rangement of the human system is followed by such a disastrous train of ills, and is so little beiieiittod by llledlCiLLlol]. LAXATIVE F001). The ("(1 Reliablea ain to the fore. A splendit list of ! Rewards. ‘ Don’t Delay! Send at UHGB! Competition N umber Twenty Six opens now '11 the solicitation ofthonszmds ofthe 01d {1‘ ‘ idsrmrid c0111119pit01:$ in foi‘m'er contests. VANILLA CizchM SAUUILLTWO beaten eggs four tablespomifuls granulated sugar, two cups sweet milk (or one each of milk 01' water), butter, size of hickorydiut; stir over the fire, in double boiler, until as thick as very rich cream. Do not boil. \Vlicn 6015 add a very little vanilla. Use sauce cold. The Editor of Tun LADIES’ JOURNAL has nearly forty thousand testimonials as to the fairness with which these Bible Competi- {mus have been conducted. ,..LAIJIES’ JOURNAIS We Competltlon !‘ PKI’NJC PUDDINGflLcL three-quarters of a pound of French prunes stand in scalding water, to cover, till soft ; drain, stone, spread on :1 plate to cool, then roll in floun Sift, one-half tcacupful of flour with one-hall Leaspoonful of baking powder, add, by table- spnoufuls, ouchalf cup of cold water. Stir till smooth as glass. Beat tluce eggs to a froth, arld one pint 8“ eat milk, stir this into the lJiLLt/Cl, heat tw0111i1111tos,a(ld prunes, 0110 at :1 time, stirring steadily, pour into buttered pudding mold, or baking dish, place in stunner owr 21 kettle full of boiling water, stimuu 0110 and 11-lmlf hours. Do not use 111010 fioui than given. Do not; allow \\ litci to slop hoilimr, 1101‘ lift the cover to pccp Eaton hot with vanilla. cream sauce or with fish cream and sugar. To the person sending the middle correct) answcrof Lhe wliolccompetition from first to. last will be given the fifty dollars in cash. To Um sender of th e next, correct answer foilnwing the, middle will be given one of the ten dollar amounts. and so on till all the middle rewards are distributed. , - First, Fifty dollars in cash ........ ‘ $50 Next five, ouch $10 in cash .......... . ...... 50‘ chj: three, crnlqh a fine Family Sewing This competition is to be short and de- (isivo. C It wil‘.1rmmin open only till the If h day of Deccmbel inclush e. The (fuestions are as follows :wVthre in the Bible 2ch the following words first found, 1 HEM. ‘2 Rom, 3 (iAmme. To the first person sending in the correct answer to those questions will be given num- ber one of these rewanlsitlm Piano. To the next) person, the $100.00 in cash, and so on till all these rewards are given M'ay. First one, :111 Elm; .1111; Uprigh‘ Piano by celebrakcd (‘ anadizm 1*11'111. 30001111 0110,0110 Hundred UUHUT~ 111 cmh 100 Next.lif§<2911.m1(-11usupcrbly bound Touch- of Int pica-A, Nextiivo. each a. fine French China Tea. Service 0H1»? pieces ..................... Next, seventeen, each a common: set of George Elliot‘s works, bound in cloth, 5 V0151, $15 ......... Next seven. each a Lad“ Face 01‘ llun Ling (Jase Watch, $30 ..... Tie prizes will Ina-distributed in time for Christmas Present. to friends, if you wish to use them in thnt way. The distribution will be in the hands Ofl disinterested parties and the prizes givenl str1ctly 111 the order letters arrive at thm‘ LADIES’ JOURNAL office Over 255, 000 per- sons have received newai (15 111 I'm ions com- petitions. OAddress I<d1tor Dms’ J OUR» 1131, Toronto. Canadb ‘43 1 01's Bible, $fi ........................... Next seven. much a Gentleman‘s Finc Gold Upon Face \Vulchgnod movement. 360 Next, eleven. each a Film Quadruple Pluto Individual Salt and Pepper (lruet. . . . Next five, each a beautiful Quadruple Sil- ver Plated 'l‘nu Sol-viva (4 pieces) $40. . Next, mm, Twenty Dollars in cash ......... Nuxtlfi v0, an elegant China. Dinner Service Murchiné, .5550 ................. . ......... ". Next five, ouch 3. Ladies' F1110 Gold “'ntch, $50 . . . . . .. az'l ........... Next, t.cq,__cach aAlun Triple Silvéi‘ vols.,$20 ................................ Nextfivenn elegant China Dinner Service of 101 pieces, by Powell. Bishop 8; SLonier, Hurnlcy, England ............ Nexmivc, each :Lfine French Chine. Tea Service, of 68 pieces, specially impore ed. $.40. ............ . ................... Next seventeen, eachacomplete set; of. George Eliot‘s works bound in cloth, 5 vols.. $15 .............................. Next, eighteen, each a handsome Silver Plated Sugar Bowl, $5 ................ .. chn five, each a Ladies‘ Fine Gold \Vntch, $50. ................... - ........ Next fiftyfive, each n. handsome long Silver Plated Button Hook ............ CON SOLATION REWARDS. For those who are too late for any of the above rewards the following special Alist is oil'ercd. as far as they will go. To the sender of the last, correct answer received at. LADIES’ JOURNAL ofliec postmarked 15th December or earlier, will be given number one of these con- solution prizes, to the next to the last, number two. and so on till these rewards are all given away. ’ First one, One Hundred Dollars in cash . . . $100 Next fifteen,cucli a. superbly bound Family Bible, beautifully illustrated, usually =3 ‘ . sold at $15 ...................... . ....... 225 Next seven, each a Gentleman's Fine Gold Open Face Watchgood movements $130 420» Next nineteen, each a Set. of a Dozen Tea. . . 190 Knives. heavily plated, $10 ....... ‘Knives 1101111)! 1aLed,$10 ............ vc,eacl1 a. Lax ics 1‘“ mo Gold \\ atch 55 Next fifteen,each a Ladics' FineGold Gem Ring $7 ................................. 105 Next forty-one. each on Imitation Steel gngraving, Rosa Bonheur's HorseFair '2 ....................................... Next twentyâ€"nine. each a Complete Set of Dickens W'orks, Handsoniely Bound in Cloth. 10 vols., $20 ................... Next twenty-one, each a Fine Quadruple Plate Individual Salt and Pepper Crueb new design ............................. 5 Next. live. each a beautiful Quadruple Sil- ver Plated ’l‘ea Service (4 pieces) $10. . 200 Next Lwentyflve, 8. Teachers’ Fine, \Vcll Bound Bible w'th concordance ........ 100' Each person competing must, send One Dollar with their answers, for one year’s ubscription to the LADIns’ JOURNAL. The LADIES’ JOURNAL has been greatly enlarged and improved and is in every way equal as this price to any of the publications issued.1 for ladies on this continent. You, theft:- fore, pay nothing at all for the privilege of competing for these prizes. nuAn MU”, mum; u: A...“ ;..y... ~u Plated Tea Set, (4 Ri8008$50 ........... Nexx. Lwcntywme, one a set, of Dickens‘ W91- 7 ABcautiIully bound in Cloth,10 DATE BREADâ€"T0 each pint of very light Wheat-flour sponge, add two heaping table- spoonfuls of brown sugar, 3» level tablespoon ful of salt, and cnlire wheat flom‘ suflicient for a, butter as stiff as can be stirred with a stout wooden spoon ; next, stir in twc rounded cupfuls of stoned dates. First, separate the dates, rinse in Inkewzu‘m water for a minute, (I will, stone, measure. one hour in a moderate oven. A delicious bread, Wxth crust as tender as 03-31%. MIDDLE REWARDS F1 HST REWARDS. 1 J 0 420 420 c1 210

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